Canadacrossing border with vehicle

Nissan faxed it to me within minutes. I belive there is a # on on eof those links to contact Dodge and they can tell you what the options are, they might even be able to email it. I believe when u cal lyou will need your VIN # Which can be found on ur vehicles insurance papers, registration papers, or a few places on the vehicle. cheers

flames, when my fiance crosses with his truck does he stop at the canadian border or the US border to fill out the form?


smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-02 22:19:00
Canadacrossing border with vehicle

Hi smallcan,

I'm actually doing the same thing next week, except I'm only driving it to Seattle to ship it off to Hawaii. My car is a GM and my letter cost around $70, but it was a speedy process. You will also need an EPA form and DOT form (HS-7 i think). Plus when you get to the border I think there is another form to fill out but apparently it is quick and they will have those available to you. Good luck.

Hi, where do we get the forms we need? So the letter was from the manufacturer and it stated that it passes the emissions test? So you are moving to Hawaii? that's great! Thanks for the help and have a safe trip....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-02 20:40:00
Canadacrossing border with vehicle

One has to ensure its emissions are satisfactory, cal the maker of your truck and get them to fax or mail it to you. Some charge a fee, some do not. Seems Ford does, I know Nissan does not.

If ur vehicle was made in N. America, no tax, if outside, then yoy will. others that have actually drove across wil pip up. I was planning on bringing my Nissan, but ended up selling it. Cheers

flames, his is a Dodge so I hope that means no long does it take to get the emissions from the manufacturer? And thanks for your response. This is def helpful....
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-02 19:40:00
Canadacrossing border with vehicle
hi everyone. I need some help. My fiance will be crossing the border once we get our visa and he wil be crossing with his truck which he just paid off so we would not have problems at the border. Now our question is what will he need at the border so that once he is in the states he can register and insure his truck? It is already insured in canada now and it is worth 11,000. Also, wil he have to pay a duty tax when he crosses it at the border? Please provide us any help you can. His interview is the 15th of Dec and he will be crossing soon after...Thanks for your help.......

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-02 19:17:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Wish I had something more positive to report, but I called Montreal and was told we are on a waiting list for an interview for January or February. I also received a reply to my email, which said an interview date has not yet been scheduled, but we'll receive a letter in 4 to 12 weeks. If it's February, this whole process will have taken 11 months, about twice as long as we originally imagined. :wacko:

My fiance emailed them this morning and they emailed him back saying that he is on the waiting list for an interview and it will probably be in dec or january.....I don't see how two people send the same question and get two different answers.....
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-11-06 20:15:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

smallcan: knock yourself out:

jg, you're absolutely correct. Sometimes it's best not to know. Isn't that what childhood innocence is all about?

Thanks Jerseygirl......Not expecting a sttraight answer but I have to at least try.......
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-11-04 12:22:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Well, I did not get time today at work to call Montreal. But I'm making up for it now, by opening my second Molson XXX! I figure, if I drink the entire six-pack, I'll have an interview date by the time I regain consciousness. :P

Jersey girl.....What is the email address for Montreal? I want to email them. I really hope you get your interview soon. I see you have been waiting so long you must be going crazy......Hang in there.....:-)
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-11-03 19:33:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Hey gang! My fiancee just called Montreal and she has an interview on Nov 15th! :dance: They said they mailed the letter on Oct 26th. Thanks to everyone for your prayers/encouragment. It's hard to wait for God's timing but in the end it's His best that counts, not ours. I'll let you all know how it went.

One other thing. The person said they haven't booked December yet. Take that with a grain of salt as we know how we hear different things. Oh yes, they told her that so they could cancel the date and honor her December request. She opted not to. I was looking forward to going to Montreal with her, but now we don't have to spend two of our days together traveling.

congrats to you BOTH!!! I hope the rest of us hear about our interviews soon as well!! I am happy for you!!
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-10-31 16:58:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Ok, please bear with me as I am mostly a newbie at all this. I searched through what appeared to be nearly an exobyte of data on this site, and my eyes are beginning to curse me. The DS-230 sent by Montreal only included part I. I know the online version is two parts, but it would appear they only want Part I returned with the signed checklist at this time. Does this mean Part II has to be presented at the interview? Any help in answering this question is greatly appreciated. I have read that Montreal is picky about beneficiaries using their forms, so this is what I advised my fiancee to do...just fill it out with a pen and mail it back. Thoughts?

HI, I read that they changed the requirements and that only electronically filled out forms would be accepted at the consulate, no more hand written forms will be accepted so that requires using the forms on line. I did that rather than using the fomrs that we got from Montreal. Which, by the way were the outdated versions. I hope this won't cause a problem...As for the DS230 yes there are 2 parts and the second part has to be filled out and signed during the interview. Only the chacklist and part 1 of ds230 get sent at this time....
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-10-29 20:08:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Hey folks, just got off the phone with Montreal. The woman told me something completely different than my fiancee or I heard before, which is also different than what all of you have heard. The lady said they are booking for December, and that people from MAy are still waiting, like the girl who the woman spoke with just before me. She suggested not going along with any plans until we have the interview/visa, blah, blah blah. I even asked about my fiancee and I hearing different things(and bilssgirl...congrats again) but she repeated what she said about booking people from May. I guess I'll have a snack while I wait.

In other news, I have peace about things, so that's good.

hey how do I find out if our case has been touched? we are also waiting for the interview in Montreal and we sent our checklist in Sept 13th.....

so if we sent back our checklist Sept 13 and Montreal received it Sept 15th, when do you think we will get the interview?

David and karen, thank you for the help. I will fill out my timeline and check out the link you sent me to....
thanks so much

Don't know if this is significant, but our I-129f was touched 3 days ago. That's a month after sending the checklist to Montreal.

Jersey girl, how did you find out that you're I129F was touched? I want to check ours.....
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-10-29 17:18:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
so if we sent back our checklist Sept 13 and Montreal received it Sept 15th, when do you think we will get the interview?
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-10-29 16:35:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
hi everyone. We sent our checkllist back on Sept 13 express mail to Montreal. When my finace calls them they say 2 to 4 months...At one point when he called, he has called twice, they told him he has an interview sometime in Nov but still has not received the letter yet. Patiently waiting... :yes:
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-10-29 16:17:00
Canadaneed advice

Hey, I posted this already on the K-1 visa general discussion board, but then realized that it might be more helpful to ask on the Canada board.

My fiance has a driving while impaired charge from 20 years ago. When we began the visa process, I spoke to a representative at the customer service/ national call center to ask about that and what we needed to do. Was told to follow the packet 3 instructions and obtain court records. NOTHING was said about getting fingerprints. Well, today, he had his medical exam, was feeling very excited/anxious about getting the interview scheduled, so he called the consulate to ask about availability of appts. He also asked about the court records to confirm that was all that was needed (at the doctors, people had mentioned fingerprints .... they were there for K-3 visas I believe) .... that had got my fiance thinking and worrying about the advice we had been given. Well, the consulate said that he did need fingerprints and it could take 6 months to get.

I have gotten some feedback already that it may only take 1-2 months for the fingerprints. Just wanted to see what anyone else had to say about this.

my fiance got his fingerprints done and the rcmp records took almost 3 months to get but I read somewhere in VJ that they changed the process and it takes only weeks but I dont remember where I read it and if it was correct or not.....
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-07 19:01:00
Canadathe med exam
Hi everyone,

My fiance had his med exam done last week. he was very nevous about it and after reading some stories in VJ he was not looking forward to it. Well Just want to let everyone know that he said it was a peice of cake!!! The nurses and Dr.'s were very very nice, he didn't have his records of immunization but that was not a problem...He had 2 shots, took some blood and exrays and it was over/ He got there an hour early and they took him in right away and he was out of there in 1.5 hours. So for those of you waiting and worrying...Don't.....It is not a scary process at all......


smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-07 19:13:00
Canadadoes a denial of visa stop you from visiting

Yes one can always be denied,thats a given. one doesnt have to have a k1 or any type of marriage visa to be denied!! cdns probably have it easier than most others though. All I was stating was that just because one has been denied a K1 visa, doesnt mean ur barred for life!!

Flames, I have heard in VJ that some people got denied because of their criminal record....My fiance has not so is this because it depends on the crime?

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-08 10:49:00
Canadadoes a denial of visa stop you from visiting

I would agree that there wouldn't be an absolute ban on visiting, but you might have a hard time convincing the officer at the POE that you were actually going to go back.

And I'm not sure what the crime of "fighting" is, but maybe it won't require a waiver -- have you guys researched the waiver issue? I thought that waivers were generally required for people who wouldn't even be able to come visit the U.S., let alone move to the U.S., because of their issue in the first place. But I really don't know much about waivers.

I hope his interview goes smoothly and all the worrying will be for nothing :)

Thank you soo much for all your support. I too hope that we won't get denied and all the worrying is for nothing. My finace is telling me the same thing. "relax and lets take this one step at a time and see what happens"....So I guess I better. I will say that my finace has never been denied entry to the US and he has been here 10 times since April of 2006 and he was here in 1998 or 1999 so I am hoping that is a good sign......

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-08 10:48:00
Canadadoes a denial of visa stop you from visiting

If a denial after K1 visa he can't visit you for sure

Canada does nnot need visa's to come and visit, so does that still apply?

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-08 09:12:00
Canadadoes a denial of visa stop you from visiting
OK, am getting fiance has his interview in a week and he has a criminal record of fighting NS i m not sure if he will need a waiver, but if he does, we will do that...BUT my question is...if he is denied until we get the waiver, can he still cross the border to come visit me? I can't handle it if not....Does anyone know?

please tell us...

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-07 22:17:00
Canadaanother interview question

ok, \

after the interview, what happens to the original documents like birth certificates and divorce papers etc??/ Do they give them back? Those are very important papers so I would imagine that they do, but wanted to ask the question....

thanks again....


Are you referring to original documents that you may have submitted with the original petition submission or original documents that you may present at the interview....

The documents that one brings to the interview.....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 20:28:00
Canadaanother interview question
ok, \

after the interview, what happens to the original documents like birth certificates and divorce papers etc??/ Do they give them back? Those are very important papers so I would imagine that they do, but wanted to ask the question....

thanks again....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 20:04:00
Canadaquestion on interview

Before you talk to the consular officer there's a lady at the window who helps you put all of your documents in the correct order.

thank you, that's good to know....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 20:29:00
Canadaquestion on interview

Actually they don't ask the exact file order. Anyhow I put the interview info letter on the top and it was checked at the door. I suggest that the files should be put in the order you are familiar so that you can take anyone out if the officer asks then. Actually visa office didn't see any documents I took. But I still suggest to take all the files you think it is necessary for case. I think it is better not to use paperclips.

Interview officer is very nice there. Don't worry. Relax and good luck!

OK, for those of you who have gone through the interview process...Is there a certain order that the Montreal wants the paperwork in? What should be on top? Is it ok to have paperclips within all the paperwork to hold things together? will that set the metal detector off? My fiance has his interview this Friday so we are nervous and want to have everything ready......

Thanks so much


thanks so when you brought everything, you don't just hand it to them? You keep it with you until they ask for the information? That's good...Do they ask you many questions? It is good to hear they are sooo nice because my fiance is a sweetheart and he is nervous because he does not know what to expect. He has a great way with people and he is very easy to talk to so I am sure it will go well, it's just the unfamiliar surroundings and all....

thanks again....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 20:00:00
Canadaquestion on interview
OK, for those of you who have gone through the interview process...Is there a certain order that the Montreal wants the paperwork in? What should be on top? Is it ok to have paperclips within all the paperwork to hold things together? will that set the metal detector off? My fiance has his interview this Friday so we are nervous and want to have everything ready......

Thanks so much

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 18:23:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

congrats, early xmas pressy!!

thank you Flames........Barry is coming home Tuesday.. It will be a perfect Christmas for us now!!!

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-17 16:48:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! I am so happy to hear that it was a successful interview :) Keep us posted on the rest of your journey :)

Thank you Autumn....I will keep you all posted..... I know we have to do the adjustment of status next but right now, all I want to do is enjoy being with him....After we get married we will work on the next step.....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-15 21:35:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We thank you ALL for your well wishes... We wish all of you the same good news soon.... This is a long process, but in the end, it is all worth it and I would do this all over again to be with Barry...... He is very special.... He is arriving home to the U.S. on Wed 12/20/06 YESSSSSSSS, A gift for sure !!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-15 20:39:00
CanadaWE GOT THE VISA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone.....Barry had his interview this morning and by 10:15, he was on the phone with me and I was soooo nervous to hear what his answer was..... YES HE GOT THE VISA...... He said that the interview was good. The people there are nice and the guy that interviewed him was good to talk to. Barry said that he saked about his record, looked up what the charges were because it was sooo long ago...Came back and said these are all ok....He asked some questiosn about how he and I met, what I do for work, how many times had Barry been to see me, had I ever been there to see him.... Barry showed him some documents he brought with him and voila!!!! One thing to tell everyone.... It really is very important to bring the court records with you if you have a record at all and here is why.... In the RCMP report, it is vague and like for us, all it said was assault.....It does not state the severity of it nor does it state what happened. Barry brought those records and had them translated from French to English and the guy that interviewed him told him that was a very good thing because without the detail that you get from the court records, there would not have been enough evidence to give him the visa !!!!!! Barry scrambled around to get that done and thank god he did!!! Well we are both emotionally drained right now so I will stop for now.....He is coming here by Dec 20th... This is by far the best Christmas present we could ever have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

talk to you later.........

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-15 17:32:00
Canadagot visa now what

Your fiance should make a "list" of all the items he is bringing with him into the U.S. He doesn't need to document every single piece of clothing or household item.... just write "clothing", "household items", etc. on the list. He could document the tools individually and any electronics. You are supposed to have the serial numbers, but mine were never checked when I crossed the border. The border inspector simply took my list and looked inside our moving van and that was it.

They were looking for live plants, which are not allowed into the U.S. from Canada.

Your fiance will get an I-94 in his passport when he goes into Immigration for processing. It is a very quick, painless experience and he should be in and out in less than 1/2 hour.

Good luck.

Thank you so much for your help.....This is good to know..... He is making a list now.... happy holidays...

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-17 17:03:00
Canadagot visa now what
Have another question....Barry is crossing Tuesday morning. He will have clothes, kitchen items and things like tools... He has things like chain saws and tools that he will need when he eventually gets his green card... Will there be any question at the border or will the tools be a problem? I would not think so but am asking. Also he is bringing a small freezer... Like an apartment size one will that be a problem to cross? Also will he be given a I-94 when he crosses? I read that in the gov't site but am ot sure if that applies to a K-1 visa...

ok thanks again for all of the kindness you have all shown....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-17 16:52:00
Canadagot my interview date in MTL!!!

talking about cutting it close! Congrats :)

:dance: !!!!!!!!!congrats.!!!!!!!!!what a way to strat the new-years wooo :dance:
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-28 13:04:00
CanadaOn his way!

have fun eh

in joy your time togheter wooo :dance:
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-29 14:41:00
Canadagot visa now what

You might also want to file for I-131 if you think he'll want to do any traveling outside the US before AOS is approved. I sent off AOS/EAD/AP at the same time. I figured I'd apply for the EAD and AP just in case AOS takes a long time to be approved. I applied for my SSN about 1.5 weeks after I got here, after we were married, and after I sent the applications away, and I got the card in the mail last week :)

I had all the forms filled out before I left Canada, and just added the missing info after I crossed. It seems daunting, but there isn't as much as it seems (EAD is only one page!). I also had Joe prepare the affidavit before I got there, but he accidentally did the I-134 again, so we ended up doing that when I got here. It only took a couple of hours to put everything together. If you start now, by the time you get married you'll be ready to drop the package in the mail that day!

Best of luck!


did you have any problems getting your SSN? My husband didn't but when I went on the AOS forum, I am hearing some people saying that they never got their card and then their !-94 expired and now they have to wait unitl their EAD... We heard we will get the card so I am hoping that won't be a problem..... also, what status did you put in on 765? and what should I use for the question 16 part? A6 or A9? thanks for your help.....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-06 18:42:00
Canadagot visa now what

You might also want to file for I-131 if you think he'll want to do any traveling outside the US before AOS is approved. I sent off AOS/EAD/AP at the same time. I figured I'd apply for the EAD and AP just in case AOS takes a long time to be approved. I applied for my SSN about 1.5 weeks after I got here, after we were married, and after I sent the applications away, and I got the card in the mail last week :)

I had all the forms filled out before I left Canada, and just added the missing info after I crossed. It seems daunting, but there isn't as much as it seems (EAD is only one page!). I also had Joe prepare the affidavit before I got there, but he accidentally did the I-134 again, so we ended up doing that when I got here. It only took a couple of hours to put everything together. If you start now, by the time you get married you'll be ready to drop the package in the mail that day!

Best of luck!


Thanks so much...... We got married on Dec 29th, and we applied for his SSN the day after New Years and he was able to get it the next day as a print out so we could do other things as well..... So we are on our way.... I think we will apply for the AOS and the EAD at the same time as well.... Did you send the forms in the same envelope or send it separately? If I run into questions on the forms I will def ask you.... anyway hope you had a nice holiday and I will be talking to you soon....

thanks again...

smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-06 14:09:00
Canadagot visa now what
Hi all,

Well Barry is here and we are very thankful that the visa part of the journey is over.... We are getting married very soon. I have a question for those that have come across... After we marry, we need to file the form I-485..... But do we also file the form I-765? What have those of you that have come across done? And can we apply for his SS# before we file these two forms? Just trying to get the next step organized..... I see that there is alot to these forms and I want to make sure we get it right.... Thanks for your help, hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year..... Good luck to all of you who are interviewing soon.....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-27 07:08:00
CanadaPOE with car - what do i need ??

thanks everyone .. that does shed some light on the situation.

Yes ... Utah does do emissons tests (as you mentioned) which I will eventually have to deal with. My main concern was just getting through customs with the proper papers .... will give good ol'GM a call tomorrow.

thanks again :)

it won't be a problem. they didn't ask me anything about my car and as i didn't have all the information straight, i didn't get the paperwork at the border and had to go to the local customs office. i was informed there that it is our responsibility to tell the border guys that you require the HSA form (the number escapes me) which you require the import letter from the manufacturer for. apparently it happens all the time as well as these fellows did 2-3 vehicles per week! it was a PITA, but if you didn't get it done at your POE you don't need a land crossing, just a customs office (the closest major airport in most cases)





smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-16 20:00:00
Canadatracking the forms
Hi guys...

ok we sent our I-485 and our I 765 and now how do I begin tracking it? How do I know they received it? I checked the website for the post office and it was delivered but is there a place to track what they are doing with it?


smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-20 09:23:00
CanadaMy last year filing taxes in Canada.

This is such a great question. I was just trying to fill out the NR-73 Determination of Residency Status (leaving Canada) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by teh whole thing. I just left Canada in December and still have bank acounts and driver's licence, but of course eventually that will change. My head is spinning right now. Some of these questions are just crazy! Ah, the paper trail never ends...

The NR-73 is not a requirement, it's you just getting their opinion about your residency status in advance... All that is required is filing a leaving Canada return. You do this by submitting the same T-1 for the province that you lived in when you left and placing the date you left Canada in the box on the first page... If you have no income in 2006, that's all you pretty much all you have to do...

However, if you get EI during 2006 in the US, you can get a refund of a portion of the Non-resident taxes that you paid. You file a Section 217 Return... if you do this, you treat the income earned by the EI the same as if you earned it in Canada in terms of your personal worldwide income (income earned in the US + your EI income. If the amount of taxes that would be charged is less than the 25% non-resident tax that they withheld, then you get the difference back. If your only personal income for 2006 was the EI, the refund could be significant. My wife got a $2,500 refund back last year by filing a Section 217 return...

If you lived part of the year in Canada and part of the year in the US, you can file a partial Section 217 return...

What about if you cross with a K-1 visa, and still have a house in canada? You are allowed to own a house in Canada and live here, so what happens then?



Herein lies part of your answer. For more specific information, see the Tax Treaty itself (available on the Canadian Revenue Agency website) or contact the International Tax office (phone number in post in link).

thank you very much.....this is helpful.......This is a new chapter in all our lives and I am so happy that we have this site to ask quesions and get answers and support each other......Thanks again.....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-21 13:19:00
CanadaMy last year filing taxes in Canada.

This is such a great question. I was just trying to fill out the NR-73 Determination of Residency Status (leaving Canada) and feeling a bit overwhelmed by teh whole thing. I just left Canada in December and still have bank acounts and driver's licence, but of course eventually that will change. My head is spinning right now. Some of these questions are just crazy! Ah, the paper trail never ends...

The NR-73 is not a requirement, it's you just getting their opinion about your residency status in advance... All that is required is filing a leaving Canada return. You do this by submitting the same T-1 for the province that you lived in when you left and placing the date you left Canada in the box on the first page... If you have no income in 2006, that's all you pretty much all you have to do...

However, if you get EI during 2006 in the US, you can get a refund of a portion of the Non-resident taxes that you paid. You file a Section 217 Return... if you do this, you treat the income earned by the EI the same as if you earned it in Canada in terms of your personal worldwide income (income earned in the US + your EI income. If the amount of taxes that would be charged is less than the 25% non-resident tax that they withheld, then you get the difference back. If your only personal income for 2006 was the EI, the refund could be significant. My wife got a $2,500 refund back last year by filing a Section 217 return...

If you lived part of the year in Canada and part of the year in the US, you can file a partial Section 217 return...

What about if you cross with a K-1 visa, and still have a house in canada? You are allowed to own a house in Canada and live here, so what happens then?


smallcan999FemaleCanada2007-01-20 09:14:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

How about a thread with a list of people waiting so it's easier to see at a glance how long it's taking... kinda like the one I'm upkeeping in the K3 forum.... I too read the Montreal Waiting Room thread, and it took me forever to read :)

I would be happy to start it... any other takers ?

Member Name----------Visa Type-----NOA2-------MTL Rec'd-------Packet 3-------Packet 4------Interview Date


Hi, please update our timeline to show we got the visa today!!!!!!!!!!! This is so incredible!!!!!!!!! I am still walking on air!!!!!!!!!!!!

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-15 17:35:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview

Thanks Leafgal ! :D

I'm very excited :) Of course I'll probably be sendind back the DS230 for the I130 next week.... I might just wait for the CR1 is almost complete ...

Hi all.....Good NEWS, we received packet 4 on Nov 14th and our interview date is dec 15th........We are almost there!!!!
smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-11-20 13:11:00