K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 / Sponsor Requirements to Verify Income

My brother will co-sponsor for me since i will not be able to verify my income due to the start up of my new business. He files his tax returns "jointly" with his wife and has an accountant prepare these professionally. I am confident they are correct, but the packet they send to the IRS is pretty large. Since this is a joint return his wifes name is also on the return, but my brother is the only one helping me with the sponsorship. Each page of the ruturn has both names including the page that shows their rental income from their apartment building. The rental income is "only" my brothers income and I need to make sure at the interview they see that as "his" income and not joint income or her income. Below is what we are putting together....please tell me if i need to do anything else to prove his income and job status. Your help is very very appreciated!

1:) I-134 Form
2:) W2 Form
3:) Complete 2009 Joint Tax Return
4:) Letter of employment verification from Employer
5:) Last 3 pay stubs from employer
6:) Deed to his home to prove he owns the Apartment building "Solely" and that the income on the Tax Return should be credited to just him.

If there is anything i am missing or anything i need to add I would like to know so we can pull this off. Interview is so close now :).

fpc95MaleChina2010-07-24 09:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling my Congressman

Well, they say it is still under review when I call and on the website nothing has changed from when we first received an update. I am in France now but having someone pick up my mail.. I am everything but positive that everything is OK on the mail issue.. but wouldn't the operator have told me?

Thanks for the response evilmonkey

I just went through the Vermont Service Center also and they seem to be a little slow at the moment. It took 163 days to get my NOA2, but all is well now. I would hang tight on this and just ride it out. I know it is long and frustrating, but I'm confident that you will get your NOA2 soon. Good Luck!


fpc95MaleChina2010-08-05 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTime from Interview to Visa in Mail
Hello, we had our interview on Aug 2, also in Guangzhou, China and they said it would be ready in 2 days. On the 2nd day they said one more day....on the 8th day after the interview we finally got it, but we are pretty happy to get it now! From what i have seen they seem to arrive anywhere between 2-7 days on average and in some cases due to holidays or weekends and strange things happening they can go a little longer. GZ was particularly busy so I think that is what delayed ours. if your flight is for the 18th, I think you will be ok, but it does seem to be taking a little long if you have not received it by now. Good luck!!!

fpc95MaleChina2010-08-11 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDHL, FedEX, USPS.....
I would like to know what peoples experiences are with shipping documents or packages to China? I have sent many things to China all by USPS and they can take forever to get their. I am specifically sending items to Guangzhou and they can take anywhere from 3-5 weeks for a post card to get there. If you send bunch of letters at the same time some will get their in 3 weeks and some in 5 weeks? I see that DHL is mentioned a lot when people ship things internationally? Is there any advantage to using DHL? I'm just trying to find the fastest way to get documents back and forth for signature purposes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

fpc95MaleChina2009-12-03 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStrange, I know, but if I start the K-1 process, when can I slow it down if I need to?
I have visited Tanzania five times since December 2006 and briefly met Martin during my third trip in 2008. We became good friends when I returned to Dar es Salaam in January 2009 to work with an NGO and we starting dating in March 2009. I returned home for the latter six months of 2009 and then went back to Tanzania again for the first six months of 2010. I am now home in the USA.

Martin applied for a non-immigrant/tourist visa and was denied in April because he couldn't produce enough evidence that he would return to Tanzania. Obviously not the outcome we wanted, but on paper I can understand their decision. He doesn't own any property or even have a bank account in Tanzania. He has a bank account now, but I fear there will never be enough money in the account to show proof of return.

I feel as though that leaves us with the fiance visa as our only option and we are ready to take that step, but I know how important it is that I have my finances in order before he comes to the USA since I'll have to support both of us for a while. Since I just returned from Tanzania myself and have spent the better half of the last 3 years there, my finances are not quite what they could be. I am very lucky to have gotten my old job back at a local architecture firm, but they've only promised me 3 months of work. While I'm fairly confident things are going well enough at the firm that they'll be able to continue to keep me on staff, I can't bank on it (no pun intended).

I understand that once the K-1 fiance visa is authorized, that the person has 6 months in which to enter the USA. I also understand that the typical K-1 process can around 5 months. So I want to start the K-1 process in case it takes a long time, but at the same time I want to know if there are any steps along the way in the process in which I can kill time if I need more time to preparation for Martin's arrival? If I file the I-129F and it gets approved, how can I extend the 4 months of time Martin is given to gather all the information to present to the Tanzanian Embassy?

Any advice would be most appreciated!

MoriahFemaleTanzania2010-09-14 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSemi-Engaged?
Thanks everyone! Everyone's responses truly helped a lot!
MoriahFemaleTanzania2011-06-01 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSemi-Engaged?
My boyfriend and I are in the early stages of starting the fiance visa process. I want to get the I-129F out ASAP, but we won't be technically announcing our engagement to the world until after my parents meet him when we travel to Tanzania this August. Will they reject my application if I say that we aren't yet engaged, but will be? Many thanks!
MoriahFemaleTanzania2011-05-29 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 NOT Working? Is it just me???
I'm trying to assist my fiance in filling out the DS-156, prepared in duplicate for the K-1 visa. Is it just me or is it not working? I've tried it on a Mac using Firefox and Safari and tried it on a PC using Firefox and Internet Explorer and I get an error every time!?! It says to contact the webmaster? Help please! Trying to finish up the last of the forms!!!
MoriahFemaleTanzania2012-01-27 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost Decision Activity
WOW!! This is a total mystery to me, but I am very happy for you (and of course a little envious)! :whistle:
Rachel and EricoFemaleNicaragua2011-02-23 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 VISA approved
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!! :dance: :dance:
Rachel and EricoFemaleNicaragua2011-02-24 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisisting US after application denied
Oh no krm... I'm so sorry you're going through this. I would be devastated too... my heart is going out to you. Explore options; you will be together. Love will prevail. In the meantime, be strategic. We will support you. *hug* (L)
Rachel and EricoFemaleNicaragua2011-02-23 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee from Costa Rica

Sorry i dont have time at the moment to read your whole post, BUT, the first line "Unfortunately neither of us has done this before" Shoule be fortunately haha, if you did it before your chance of getting the visa are slightly reduced! Just thought id point that out! :) Good luck on your journey!

Thanks! I hope luck isn't needed, but it couldn't hurt. :)
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2011-09-07 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiancee from Costa Rica
Hello everyone.
My fiancee and I are working on getting together the documentation for her K-1 Visa. Unfortunately, neither of us have ever done this before, and both of us are new to Visa Journey. I think I have the basics on what needs to be done, but I want to go into some detail and see if someone, or maybe even everyone, will catch a few things I've missed. I don't want to screw this up, I don't want to create any delays. The distance is hard on us, and we want to permanently close it as soon as possible.

So, a quick rundown of the packet I'm preparing for initial submittal. Note: I will double check revisions of all forms before mailing everything, to make sure all of the forms are current.

Personal check signed to USCIS for 340.00

Cover letter stating the contents of the package. (I live in New Hampshire, I assume the service center is still the Dallas, TX one though, correct?)


I-129F signed and dated.

I-129F supplement, part B, question 18, stating how we met each other and how our relationship developed.

G-325A from myself with 1 passport style photo of myself

G-325A from my fiancee with 1 passport style photo of her

Photo copy of my birth certificate, and a photo copy of my passport pages

Letter of intent signed and dated by both my fiancee and myself

A letter containing a couple of photographs of her and I together, with a paragraph stating who we are, where the picture was taken, and what month of what year. I'd also like to include a section about how long we've been together, and have one signed by my parents and I, and one signed by her mother and her.

I will also include copies of some of my boarding passes. Some skype history (2 weeks). Records from verizon showing text message activity for the last 3 months. (If possible, I will see if I can get a text message log, in detail.) Copies of greeting cards we've sent each other. (about 4) Hand written letters. (about 3) Emails. Flower receipts (2). And shipping receipts (roughly 3). A copy of my final decree of divorce. And of course, there will be my passport pages from earlier which have stamps from my visits to Costa Rica.
(Most of our communication is over video chat, so I don't have evidence of the vast majority of our communication.)

I-864 signed and dated

I-134 signed and dated

Even if everything seems in order, I guess we have many concerns.

My fiancee applied for a Visa, at the request of the company she worked for at the time, to visit the united states for training. The request was denied, at the time. She tells me it was lack of local ties. We are worried that this will come back to hurt us during the K-1 application process.

We're concerned that the custom's officer will be expecting a 2000 dollar engagement ring, which is not something I could afford at the time.

We're concerned that the custom's officer will be extra critical of everything because it is a latin country, and lets be honest, there is some prejudice against latin immigrants to the U.S.

We're concerned that she will be turned away at immigration in Miami airport, for some unknown reason, or maybe just because she is a latina.

A bit about us:
We are both engineers. She graduated from the Universidad de Costa Rica with a BS in mechanical engineering. This is the most prestigious school for engineering there. I am hoping that will help us. Does anyone know for certain?

She is planning on bringing her dog. He's not a large dog, and he will be fully vaccinated. I don't think this will matter, but I'm not sure, so I mention it.

We've officially been together since March of this year. Many couples have been together far longer, and I think this will make the customs officers suspicious. Any suggestions for easing those concerns?

I am divorced. And I was single and divorced for only a short while before I started dating her. I think this may also cause a problem, but I'm not certain.

We don't have a set wedding date at this time, because we don't know when she'll be able to fly up here to begin with. I imagine they expect that, but I could be mistaken.

She has almost no ties to Costa Rica. No children, not a long term job, not her own residence either. (Big reason the original visa request was denied.) Could that still be a problem?

I do plan to attend the interview with her. I know they may not allow me to attend, but at the very least I will be available to answer questions.

What are your thoughts? Trouble brewing? More information needed? Let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2011-09-07 21:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough Face to Face time?

There is no set number of days. You just need to prove that you have a bona fide relationship. Five separate visits is a good indication of that, especially if it is a costly, long trip (less so if its a cheap, 3 hour flight). Organize representative samples of your communications which cover the length of your relationship. Have pictures from each visit readily available. If you have all this and no other red flags, I don't see how you would have a problem.

I don't have pictures from Every visit. However, I do have pictures from some of them. I also plan to be in Costa Rica at the time of the interview.
Regarding my timeline, I took a look and my timeline data seems to indicate the K1 when I go in to edit it. Not sure why it doesn't show that on my posts right now. I guess I'll have to look into that.
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2012-04-23 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough Face to Face time?

I think as long as you have proof of an ongoing relationship it will be ok. There are a lot of cases approved with less time. Of course, I am not an expert, but I think it is more than enough.

This is good to know. I understand you aren't 100% confident in your answer, but if it sounds like more than enough to you, at the minimum I would think it won't be a red flag to the CO.
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2012-04-21 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEnough Face to Face time?
My fiance and I are preparing for our anticipated interview date. We are guessing June, since we still haven't gotten our NOA2. I have visited her in Costa Rica many times before, but never for a very long period. I believe my longest visit was about 12 days. My fiance and I have seen each other during 5 separate visits, during which we spent all of our available time together. Should my fiance and I be concerned that this isn't enough time, and will this be a problem as we try to get the visa?
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2012-04-21 03:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAm I covered for the interview?
My fiance's K-1 visa interview is scheduled, the date is set, and I am going to be accompanying her to the interview in San Jose. I am getting a little nervous, since there is a lot of hopes and dreams riding on this. So, I wanted to ask some questions, and see if there's anything I can do, anything I need to worry about, or anything I'm missing.

So far, I have a copy of the packet I submitted with the initial I-129F application, and a completed I-134 (and copy). I also have a letter from my employer, three years of W2s and 1040s (And the full tax return as a backup, just in case they ask for it). A month's worth of recent pay stubs and a certificate provided by my employer for a job well done on a recent project. I'm above the poverty line by a fair amount. I have pictures with my fiance. Receipts for the wedding ring and engagement ring. A contract with the wedding venue for the date of our wedding. A new original statement of intent. Certified and stamped copies of my final decree of divorce obtained from the courthouse (from my last marriage). The NOA1 and NOA2. A letter from the bank stating my account balance. And obviously, I will be bringing myself.

My questions are:
Additionally, I have 700+ pages of skype history. Should I bring that, or is that overkill?
Is there anything I'm missing?
My fiance has taken care of everything they've asked her for in the packet she received for the interview prep. So is there anything else we can do to boost our chances of success?

I'd really appreciate any input, insight, or warnings. My fiance and I have come too far to risk making a mistake now.
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2012-06-11 20:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F: include proof of an ongoing relationship or not?
QUOTE (Golden_State @ Dec 26 2009, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
thank you so much for the replies! I'm amazed by how helpful the VJ members are! Can't wait until the process is done and I can pay it forward.

I am surprised that it wasn't prevously mentioned. The K1 application is for a Visa for marriage within 90 days of
entry. So if there isn't any evidence of a relationship, then why would you be requesting the government for
a visa so you 2 can get married?
Yan&GaryMaleChina2009-12-27 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForgot to submit G235A now what???

He said he got the whole thing sent back with stickers on it( I am guessing the stickers where for the missing parts),he then sent it off again but with his G235A ONLY.
This was like 3 weeks ago when he sent it off again,so I am guessing they will see that my G325A is missing and will contact us again telling us it is missing.
Guessing I understood RFE wrong then.I wonder how long it is gonna take until they contact us again that the G235A is missing??

I already sent off my G235A to my fiance so that he can then resubmit it when the forms come back,I am guessing that is a good idea right?

Definitely a good idea.... he needs to wait until they send the package back...then re submit.
Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-02-16 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForgot to submit G235A now what???
They will do a quick check to see that the packages are complete.....they will return it all again to you to re-submit. (initially they returned ours 3 times cos my husband forgot a page of a form)

Then you will get the NOA1...with a case number.

This doesn't mean that you won't get an RFE in the may... who knows.

Good luck
Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-02-16 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling the visa..
No I don't know of any confirmation....I just know we filed while I was in US (couldn't trust my husband to do the paperwork needed on his own!! ;) )
Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-03-03 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling the visa..
Yes you can file while you are in the US.
Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-03-03 16:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust you change your name?
Many professional women do not change their is your choice and I doubt it would be a problem when it comes time to adjust status.

Edited by Ashleigh-Au, 04 March 2007 - 11:31 AM.

Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-03-04 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbbreviations on the G-325A
we need more info....abbreviate what?
Ashleigh-AuFemale02007-03-19 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService center human errors - rant

ugh thats horrible. now you're scaring me because i sent in the old forms!

Heck, it scares me too: I sent in the NEW forms to VSC. I better not get the packet back in the mail, too!

Probably just some silly, nameless bureaucrat who skimped on his/her coffee that morning and couldn't read properly. But you'll pay for it and s/he won't.

I hope it all works out in the end :(
GeistFemaleFinland2007-02-20 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved noa2
:dance: :dance: Congratulations :dance: :dance:
mike&jieNot TellingPhilippines2006-02-02 19:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

:dance: Ton received her green card today :dance:

Now get to relax for the next 2 years (well 1 yr and 7 months).

I found the AOS to be the easiest part of the whole process. Took less than 2 months from the time I mailed the application until receiving the green card. But considering how long it took from approval of the I-129F until NVC received it, we deserved a fast processing time.

Good Luck to everyone else going through the process.

Congrats Dan and Ton
We are very happy for you
Mike and Jass

The Whole Story:

Pao went for her interview on the 24th as scheduled and delivered the documents to the window. Some time later they called her back and she got a 221-g for the divorce certificate and custody of her daughter.

I called the Embassy main number and kept getting the run around and finally I asked to speak to the operator supervisor, and I spoke to an Amercian lady and explained that the divorce decree was unobtainable because the court had lost the file. (it was a South African court, and a marrige back in 1999 during the government switch from apartheid and the records were a mess!). At any rate, the Department of Home Affairs did have a record that the divorce had been granted, but simply could not locate the decree. We were refered to a marriage officer that wrote a certified letter to this effect, and that her ex-husband had in fact already remarried to another woman in 2000 (the marriage to my fiance was very short lived).

At any rate, the Amercain operator transferred me to the actual consular official that conducted the interview, and I argued that USCIS had accepted the letter from South Africa Department of Home Affairs in lieu of a decree, and that sinc USCIS had accepted the certified letter in lieu of the decree, the case should not be being readjuticated.

Regarding the custody issue, as it turns out, she did not need a custody statment from Amphur since the child was born out-of-wedlock, (before she married the guy). 5 days of frantic phone calls, 2 trips to Amphur and 3 trips to the US Embassy, they finally decided to accept the documentation that was provided in the first place.

At one point, the Consular Official wanted a letter from Amphur stating that she was 'single' at the time the child was born, but I argued that that should be quite evident sicne they already had the birth certificate showing the child was born June of 1999 and the marriage did not take place until September of 1999.

To make matters worse, the Consular Official that I spoke to that interviewed Pao on the 24th, and left the office and was going to be in Camboida for 3 weeks, so on Monday (Thailand time), I had to explain everything all over again to the person who was handling the original Consulars cases. It was a real nightmare for 5 days.

Alls well that ends well I guess, they called her Monday at about 2pm and told her to bring her and her daughters passports back and she could get the visa's the next day, (today).


Congrats Pao and Bill
It wasn't easy but you got it done!
Jass and Mike
malydonNot TellingThailand2007-02-02 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Looks like someone should be correcting your "mis-perceptions" Yodrak?!?!?

I wouldn't call it a correction. I am not totally convinced that it can't be done through a local police station if you know the right people to ask. This, after all, is Thailand.

I am quite thankful that Yodrak doesn't often have "mis-perceptions". He is easily one of, if not the most no-nonsense, informative posters in this entire forum who doesn't let his opinions cloud the issues. I am thankful he is on the Thailand visa team.

Ill second that... Yodrak Doesnt make mistakes... not even spelling mistakes!

Yea Yodrak is great when you can catch him sober! :lol:
Only kidding...Yodrak is without doubt the single best source of information we have here on the Sawasdee thread. If you had to pay for this kind of advice we probably couldn't afford it.
Thanks Yodrak for all the help that you have given me and many many others.
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-11-16 04:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hello All,

Just curious...I passed through the NVC last week and my case in on the way to BKK. I will be in Thailand in a couple weeks as well.

Anyways, while I'm in Thailand, if the Packet 3 hasn't arrived at AAm's house, would it be acceptable to just go ahead and get the med exam done without the forms. From what I have been reading, it sounds like if you have the NVC case#, you can just schedule/complete the med exam....the doctor will already have all the correct forms and will fill them out entirely.

Am I mistaken in my thinking?

Peace to all,

Mark - N - AAm

The doctor Pao went to already had the forms. I came to the conclusion that the medical exam was good for one year, and can also be used to adjust status once whe gets to the USA so we went ahead and had it done. I'm leaving for Thailand on the 15th and return on the 23rd.

Hey Bill, which hospital did your fiancee go to?

Pao went to the one that starts with a "B" - hehe - I forget the name off the top of my head, but it was the least expensive of the two and she said it was a very nice hospital.


Glad to hear that everything went well!
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-11-04 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Quick question on Packet 3:

Yodrak and others have told me that in Bangkok we can download the medical forms and get the medical out of the way before the packet actually arrives in Bangkok. This is my question:

Where they ask for the "alien case number" that is the number that the new number that the NVC gave me, correct? there is also an A number on the NOA2 - just want to be sure that it is the new case number assigned by the NVC that goes on these forms.


Your A number identifies doesn't change. The A number on your NOA2 is the A number that you put on your forms.
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-11-03 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hello All, I have been using this board as reference for the past several months. Thank you all as it has been very beneficial!

On 10/27 (last Friday) the NVC gave me confirmation/case # that they have received my approved NOA2. If things go normal, it should be on its way to the Bangkok Embassy during the first week of November.

Here is my question, and I would appreciate your kind advice: I am traveling to Thailand to see Aam from November 17th-30th. If the Packet 3 has not been yet mailed to her house, can I go directly to the Embassy and pick up the Packet 3 Forms there, fill them out, and submit them directly to the Embassy as well? That would be quite a time saver/stress saver if it were possible. Also, I know that it is possible to download all forms as well from the Embassy website. If I were to do that, could I then fill them out in advance and take them directly to the Embassy while I'm in BKK?

Another question, now that I have the NVC case #, can I have Aam schedule her medical appt? I have the approved medical doctor offices from the Embassy website. I thought I could download those forms and get this out of the way as well while I'm there.

Peace to All,
Mark - N - Aam

I waited a couple of weeks for our case to get to the Embassy and then we mailed the packet 3 forms that we had downloaded off the web site. I am pretty sure you can not bring anything to them. They use the mail. I agree that you should also get the physical done. Also ask them for a copy.

Hello All, I have been using this board as reference for the past several months. Thank you all as it has been very beneficial!

On 10/27 (last Friday) the NVC gave me confirmation/case # that they have received my approved NOA2. If things go normal, it should be on its way to the Bangkok Embassy during the first week of November.

Here is my question, and I would appreciate your kind advice: I am traveling to Thailand to see Aam from November 17th-30th. If the Packet 3 has not been yet mailed to her house, can I go directly to the Embassy and pick up the Packet 3 Forms there, fill them out, and submit them directly to the Embassy as well? That would be quite a time saver/stress saver if it were possible. Also, I know that it is possible to download all forms as well from the Embassy website. If I were to do that, could I then fill them out in advance and take them directly to the Embassy while I'm in BKK?

Another question, now that I have the NVC case #, can I have Aam schedule her medical appt? I have the approved medical doctor offices from the Embassy website. I thought I could download those forms and get this out of the way as well while I'm there.

Peace to All,
Mark - N - Aam

I waited a couple of weeks for our case to get to the Embassy and then we mailed the packet 3 forms that we had downloaded off the web site. I am pretty sure you can not bring anything to them. They use the mail. I agree that you should also get the physical done. Also ask them for a copy. Take a look at my signature for more info.

malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-29 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2


Looks like you could benefit from reading the Guide to Naturalization found on the USCIS web site.


I thought you couldn't apply for US citizen until 5 years? I am confused.

Hey Mike:

You can find the info on page 17 of the link above......I also was confused until after I saw the guide...



Just what I needed thanks Yodrak and George.
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-23 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Congratulations to all the "newbies" going through "BNK" ;) :thumbs:

It seems like an eternity ago that we were there. :)

Anyhow, it looks like our journey is over for 2 years, and we are ready to move on with our new life and home here in Florida.

Good luck to everyone else in their journey! :D :yes:

Robert & Chutima :luv:

Robert & Chutima

Congratulation on her getting the PR that was fast man...don't forget 90 days before the 3rd anniversary of PR status, Chutima can apply to be a US Citizen :dance:

Good luck with your new job in FL , take care


George & Pocky

I thought you couldn't apply for US citizen until 5 years? I am confused.

Congratulations to all the "newbies" going through "BNK" ;) :thumbs:

It seems like an eternity ago that we were there. :)

Anyhow, it looks like our journey is over for 2 years, and we are ready to move on with our new life and home here in Florida.

Good luck to everyone else in their journey! :D :yes:

Robert & Chutima :luv:

Congrats Robert & Chutima
Mike and Jass
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-20 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

What's this about a departure card? I don't understand. Departure card for what country??? For who?

Hey Mike, Its the departure card for your fiance from Thailand. Get it at the ticket counter in BKK. You will recieve your arrival/departure card when you leave the USA.
Your fiance will still have the arrival portion of the card after she leaves thailand but yours was used when you got to BKK. Make sure you save the rest of her card for the next time she goes back to Thailand. Sometimes they complain when you go back and don't have it for them. My wife lost her's but they still let us in. Let me know if this clears things up. :thumbs:

Got it. Thanks
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-15 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Hey there Erin. Getting the ticket is easy. All you need is her passport and visa. Don't forget the departure card when you check in in Bangkok. You will already have one from when you came to thailand but she wont. Good luck, Kirk n Jenny

Thanks to Bill for the BKK embassy website links, I had been on there but somehow missed those very important pages. Thanks to Yodrak also for good information.

I have another question and am glad we have this community where I can ask Thailand-specific questions. Where it asks on various forms (G325A etc) for address (number and street), we can use the house number and neighborhood (Moo) number right? That's what we use for mail and we don't know the names of some streets, especially for the former residences and former employers. For example:
Number and street: 55/129 Moo 12, Tambon Sansai Noi
City: A. Sansai
State/province: Chiang Mai
Country: Thailand

I just want to be sure there's no problems on the forms, I'm sure you all understand that!

Hi Erin

you can also write the address as below

55/129 M.12
Sansai Noi, Sansai
Chiang Mai

sometiems even in Thai I leave out the word Tambon or Ampour too. my mail normally arrive fine .. But you can also go to the post office and ask them for the best way to write in English too. :D

My fiancee just had her interview and was approved today. They told her to pick it up the next morning. What information do I need to buy her plane tickets? I assume I need her name and birthdate. Do I need a visa number or anything else from her? I was planning to go pick her up at the end of the month if possible.

What's this about a departure card? I don't understand. Departure card for what country??? For who?
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-14 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Thanks to Bill for the BKK embassy website links, I had been on there but somehow missed those very important pages. Thanks to Yodrak also for good information.

I have another question and am glad we have this community where I can ask Thailand-specific questions. Where it asks on various forms (G325A etc) for address (number and street), we can use the house number and neighborhood (Moo) number right? That's what we use for mail and we don't know the names of some streets, especially for the former residences and former employers. For example:
Number and street: 55/129 Moo 12, Tambon Sansai Noi
City: A. Sansai
State/province: Chiang Mai
Country: Thailand

I just want to be sure there's no problems on the forms, I'm sure you all understand that!

Hi Erin

you can also write the address as below

55/129 M.12
Sansai Noi, Sansai
Chiang Mai

sometiems even in Thai I leave out the word Tambon or Ampour too. my mail normally arrive fine .. But you can also go to the post office and ask them for the best way to write in English too. :D

My fiancee just had her interview and was approved today. They told her to pick it up the next morning. What information do I need to buy her plane tickets? I assume I need her name and birthdate. Do I need a visa number or anything else from her? I was planning to go pick her up at the end of the month if possible.

Congrats :dance:
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-13 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

For the K1 you will need the I-134 not the 864. After New Hampshire receives your file, they will then forward it to BKK. At that time you will be able to get your packet 3. I know things have changed a little now, but you used to be able to go to the embassy and pick it up, but I think now you have to have them semd it to you snail mail.

Since you can download the forms off of the BKK Embassy website, why do you have to wait for the packet? Can't we go ahead and start completing the necessary forms in advance?


Yes you can. If you can download it off the Embassy Web site then you can fill it out in advance. We never actually received the Packet 3, it has happened to others also. We just waited a period of time and sent it in to the Embassy when we were reasonably sure they had our case.
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-09 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

A question for the couples who have applied for the AOS. After they recieve your package how long before they deposit your check? We sent them the package two weeks ago and they recieved it the next day but stil no activity on my bank account. Is this normal?

Also does anybody have the number you can call to get more information since I hear that emails don't work to well.

Su and Ray

Su and Ray
I hope things are going well for you. I looked at my records and found that I made the check out and mailed it on 7/26/2006 and it was cashed on 8/9/2006. I hope this helps you.

Mike and Jass "Work in Progress" :yes:
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-10-06 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2
We received and email on Friday Sept. 22nd that said:
Application Type: I485 , Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status

Current Status:

On September 22, 2006, a welcome notice was mailed for this case.

I am pretty sure that this means that Jass doesn't have to go to an interview and that she is getting her green card! I am correct????? Aren't I???

Mike and Jass
malydonNot TellingThailand2006-09-26 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSAWASDEE 2

Pond had her interview this morning got there about 6am. Got the call 10 minutes ago about 9:45am bangkok time. Very simple interview the woman was very cordial and caring.
The questions she was asked: (in case anyone is preparing for theirs and curious)

WHere and when we met:
how many times I had been to visit
when the last time I was there
where she will live

pretty simple. I was worried since I wasn't able to go with her.

I cannot thank everyone here enough I would have been lost without this website.

malydonNot TellingThailand2006-09-18 06:12:00