CanadaWhere to translate birth certificate
Just an FYI, you don't need to translate your birth certificate if you're interviewing in Montreal. My husband's birth certificate is in French and when I called NVC, they informed me that as long as the birth certificate is in either English, or the language of the consulate you're interviewing at, it does not need to be translated.

We submitted everything without having his birth certificate translated. I got a nasty question and attitude about it when we went in for the interview, but that was it. There was no real issue with not having it translated. Save yourself the $50.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-05-13 14:03:00
CanadaMoving with Pets

My fiance and I used to have a guinea pig together, however, he stayed with him in the US. He used to bring him over the border no problem when he came to visit so I could see him. Never a problem. I'm not sure about reptiles and birds though. I'm a little concerned about my cat but I am going to read over that link that was mentioned :)

Cats are super easy. All you need is a current rabies certificate. When Jeff and I were dating I would drive up to Montreal every weekend to see him. My cat is a diabetic who needs two shots of insulin every day. I had two choices, I could hire a vet tech cat sitter for $30 a day, or take him with me. So every weekend we took the trip together. I've crossed the border about 50 times with a cat, and a rabies cert is all you need. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-05-30 08:12:00
CanadaCanadian Credit

im trying to figure out what im going to do with my car as well, cant you transfer the title to the state your in?

It's actually kind of tricky. You might want to check your loan documents as well. Jeff's loan specifically states that he can't even take the car out of the province of Quebec for more than 30 days without written consent. As far as the title... From what he found after making some calls, Quebec doesn't have titles like the states does. With the scenario of trading in the car, the dealership has to send the money, and then the bank sends Jeff a letter that shows the lien was released. From there he takes that letter along with his import documents and I believe he files paperwork with the state he's in to get it re-titled. It's a bit of a paperwork shuffle and a huge PITA, but it can be done.

As far as re-titling it while you still have a loan, you'll have to call your bank to figure that out. I think the best way is to try and maintain your payments.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-05-23 20:45:00
CanadaCanadian Credit
His car payment is about $400/month, which is manageable really. It's a huge pain to have to wire money as the fees and currency exchange end up being about $80. If I mail a check, they freeze it for 20 days, which creates it's own problem.

What we were looking to do was trade in both of our cars and get away from the Canadian loan entirely. Unfortunately having a car titled in a different country combined with the Canadian laws as far as getting payoffs faxed, wiring payments from the dealership to the bank, is apparently a huge problem and so far, no dealerships want to even touch it.

We had briefly discussed just taking the car back to Canada and telling the bank where it was. But we realize that also comes with its own problems. If the bank takes the car back, what happens with the loan? Do they try to sell it and then chase him for the balance? Do they call his family? Would we end up with a court date? We didn't want to risk anything that serious and then be worried every time we enter Canada.

Did you have any issues going back to Canada afterwards?

Thanks for the feedback!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-05-23 13:56:00
CanadaCanadian Credit
Jeff and I are looking to buy new cars. His car from Canada still has a loan against it and his bank is being a huge PITA about a payoff and trying to get it taken care of.

My main question is, I know I've seen on here that Canadian credit doesn't follow when you come to the US. How true is that? And, if he were to default on his car loan, how much of a problem would that create?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-05-23 13:23:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

I may or may not have the extended version of the theme song somewhere. I also had a sad when I found out the woman who played The Chief died (Lynne Thigpen a few years back, was very young IIRC).

Oh wow, I had no idea that actress had died. :(
Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-25 06:07:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
I wouldn't even know where to start with all of the French-Canadian stereo types that people have down here. Rude, cheap and snobby just to mention a few. Even my father had a couple of them until Jeff was actually able to make it down here to meet him. My dad loves him now.

The way people act around here, you would think that Canada is nothing but a snowscape year round.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-21 13:08:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
This place can be great group therapy. I'm just glad you came here before doing something rash. ;p

Having other people that can completely understand your situation is important. We can cheer you up, commiserate with you and just give you some good overall support. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-20 06:09:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...
Jeff and I seriously considered my moving to Canada. It just ended up being more practical for him to move here. I'm smack in the middle of a masters degree that is paid for by my work which I don't want to leave. My French is extremely basic, and I make a lot more money than he does and it's just easier for me to be able to support us.

Overall, I think that he's happy to have moved here. I think sometimes I miss Quebec more than he does. Ever since we started dating I drove up to Montreal every single weekend and really fell in love with it. Maybe someday we can move back who knows.

I think getting out of the house with definitely help things out. Even if its on a voluntary basis. Adjusting to a new place always takes time. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-18 13:48:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

The biggest mistake we all made (and innocently)is that we think it will be easy or the same as back home and it's just not.

This is my husband's problem. So many times he completely discounts what I say because it wasn't like that in Canada. It gets frustrating because he doesn't listen to me when I keep telling him that things are different here.

When he first got down here, his work hadn't found a suitable replacement so he was able to work from home for about a month and a half. That made a huge difference as far as money, two incomes with no rent payments really helped out. We still stay with my parents for now, but having the room over the garage gives us a little more privacy than normal but it still sucks. My parents are pretty awesome, especially my dad, but my mom likes to hover and I can't stand it.

On the job front, he kept telling me he could get a job within a week in Canada and he doesn't think that it'll be different down here (haha). He's been looking for about two months now and still hasn't found a job. He works inside sales which is a little more open than most fields. He really only started ramping up his job applications this week (we thought he might be able to get a job where I work, but it's not panning out so far). He's had a couple of interviews with recruiters and some phone interviews, but nothing solid yet. I know he's going nuts just being in the house all day playing video games. Fortunately my income can support our combined bills, but it'll be nice when he finally gets a job and we can actually pay off some bills and get the heck out of the parents house.

I'd definitely recommend the volunteering. Even something simple like an animal shelter or something. It'll get you out of the house and it will also help with being social and meeting people and just being able to interact and not sit at home.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-14 13:48:00
CanadaI wish I would have known...

Hi everyone,

I've been debating whether or not I should post this, but really, nobody in my life really could understand me like all of you. You've all been through this immigration stuff, or are about to, and I guess some people might relate.
The first thing I'd like to say is that I am happy with my husband, and in the grand scheme of things, I'm glad I moved here so we could be together.
Man, some days I hate it here!!! One of the main thing is that I've been looking for work since January, only had 5 possible interviews and 2 that were worth going for. I was very naive thinking that since I'm canadian, people wouldn't be prejudice, but I've come to the conclusion that people here are prejudice. I can understand that it would be a leap of faith for them to hire me since all my work experience has been in Quebec, a place that for some people here seems as far as Botswana (no harm intended). But I was hoping for a little more open-mindedness... I'm 27 years old, my savings are gone, and I don't have a job. I feel like the biggest loser. I would have such a great job back home! All my friends have either houses, families, nice cars, a LIFE basically... And here I am, at home, doing not much, trying the best I can to find work. Seems like the only thing lined up right now is making biscuits at Hardee's... I could have a job tomorrow, doing retail, but I've kept two jobs while going to school so I wouldn't have to EVER do retail again. Here I am though, back to square one!!! So frustrating!!! And it's not like I can talk to my family about it, because I'm sure that in the back of their mind, they're waiting for this to happen so they can tell me "told you so!" And I really don't blame them!

Second thing, Chris and I are living with his parents until we can buy a house. I don't see the point of renting something for 1000$ a month, when we could be saving money to buy our own place. Plus, we have a dog, and a lot of places don't accept dogs. His parents are great, and I can't say that enough. But at the same time, I want my OWN place. I don't want to have my life limited to a room, and feel like I can't really do what I want because it's not my house. It gets hard on us, and it affects several things of our married life (read between the lines...) But that's not gonna happen until I find a job!!! (catch 22, anyone?)

Also, I'm having a hard time dealing with some people here. I don't know if it's specific to the south, but people here are kind of ignorant (again, no harm intended, I'm venting here). The way women are treated here makes me furious! And some women make it worse for themselves!!! I feel like I moved back in time to 1984! And most people are pretty racist! And this f*cking mentality that because "I'm American" I'm entitled to cheap gasoline, and who cares about the environment anyways, let me throw my trash out of my car window... Oh and let me go to the TT bar for lunch because women are meant to be looked at and used and do my laundry and clean my house. I feel like I can't have a meaningful conversation with anyone without it going back to Jersey Shore after 5 minutes...

I miss home like crazy, miss my people... I don't really have any friends here that I met on my own... And some of Chris' friend's girlfriend worry to much about their nails and hair for me to give a cr*p... I wish someone would have told me how hard this was gonna be. I thought it'd be easy to adapt and find work... Turns out I should have saved enough money to pay my bills for like a year and a half! What an idiot I was!!!

Sorry again if I offended anyone, but I really don't know what to do or think at this point, was this a big mistake?

First off, I'm going to give you a great big hug. I can completely understand how you feel. Even with living in Virginia. I did my time in Virginia for about 10 years. I completely realize how bad it can get down there and I don't blame you for feeling the way that you do.

I'm going through a somewhat similar situation. I'm the USC and my husband is from Quebec. We live with my parents as well. It's not a bad situation, but I know the feeling of wanting to be out on your own. We have the room over the garage which is almost like a big studio apartment but it's also right next to the living room. My mom is an insomniac and a lot of times the freaking tv is blaring or if we want some "alone time" it gets difficult because they're basically right next door. I just want to get a house too. If I want to get up in the middle of the night and walk to the bathroom naked I don't have to worry about anyone else in the house.

It sucks at first, and I realize how frustrating it must be. But keep your head up. It'll work itself out. A lot of it is dislocation anxiety. It's somewhere new and might as well feel like Mars compared to Quebec. The people are different, the food is way different and it just isn't *home*.

All of these rants are the same ones I talk to about my husband all the time. I want a house, I want to get away from family and finally have our own life together. I want to start a family. And all of this stuff is on hold because Jeff still needs to find a job, I still need to finish my masters degree and a million other things. It's really overwhelming and sometimes if I just cuddle up with Jeff and get a little emo about it, it helps.

It's too bad you don't live closer because I'd grab you and take you out for a drink or some ice cream or even some shopping therapy. Just anything to have some good quality time with people who understand.

I realize someone on here said to get rid of the dog because it costs money. No offense, but pets really are part of the family. I have a diabetic cat that's pretty much cost me an arm and a leg but I wouldn't get rid of him for any reason whatsoever. That cat is one of the things that can make me feel better when I feel crappy and it's nice to have a furry snuggle bunny around too.

Keep your head up, it'll get better. <3

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-04-13 13:33:00
CanadaKnocking on wood and crossing fingers and toes!
Woot! I hope you nail it!!!
Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-06-10 11:56:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Green Card arrived today!!! WOO HOO!!!!! I've been checking the mail everyday just waiting for it.

One thing I can say, I've never seen so much detail with the security features in any other type of identification card before. It's crazy how much detail goes into making sure those things cannot be duplicated.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-03-19 15:28:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview


Woo Hoo!!! Congrats!!!
Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-03-07 14:06:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Everything looks good to me. I was just as neurotic. Someone here said that people are the most nervous about the interview, but it actually ends up being the easiest part of the entire process. I can't agree with that more. I was so nervous about the interview, I was ####### about putting my binder together, getting to the consulate early and so on. The entire process took less than two hours and our interviewer was great and it was indeed, the easiest part of the entire process.

You'll do just fine. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-03-03 14:31:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Aren't the fingerprints done at the interview? They do it again at POE time?
The I-94 is attached to the passport before you receive the green card, correct? I should be asking for this at my POE?

I actually just talked briefly with my immigration lawyer. Fortunately at my work we have a lot of H1-B and O-1 Visa holders that work here and I manage their VISA processes. I get somewhat free immigration advice. :)

I feel silly, but the I-94 card is not for an immigrant visa holder (CR-1 or IR-1). It's mainly for non-immigrant visa holders such as a K-1, H1-B, O-1 and so forth. The biometric appointment they had my husband go to was to confirm the pointer finger print (which they didn't do at POE) and then grab a photo for his permanent resident card.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-02-25 16:05:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

According to this guy, because I will be driving my car and my husband is driving the UHaul behind me, I have to fill this out and my husband has to cross with it along with a picture of my passport.

I've actually found dealing with the border guards to be frustrating. I find their knowledge to be hit and miss. When my husband did POE back in January, the guard was talking about knowing what he was doing and on and on. Then my husband didn't get fingerprinted (which resulted in a biometrics appointment early this month), and now I realize that he doesn't have an I-94 card. I asked him if the guard gave him anything and he said no. When I mentioned an I-94 card he had no idea what I was talking about.

We're most likely going back up to Montreal Saturday for a day trip to stock up on a few Canadian only items, pay some bills, and then import his car (he "misplaced" the letter from Mitsubishi). I'm assuming I can deal with the I-94 issue then.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-02-25 14:45:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

If the NVC has all of my original documents already, they should be forwarded on to the Consulate, do I just bring copies?

Technically they should be. In any case, it's good to bring whatever you have. I brought all my originals as well as a copy of each. Everything from the I-130 application as well as all the paperwork for the NVC process.

They didn't need anything, and didn't even ask for proof of relationship. It's always good to be prepared though.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-02-16 15:05:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

DHL question:
Do you click on permanently immigrate to US (scheduled by NVC) or permanently immigrate to US (register for courier service only)?

I chose permanently immigrate to the US (scheduled by NVC). I don't remember the other selection being there. You can try one, and if it doesn't get you to the DHL registration, you can go back and change it. It isn't set it stone.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-02-02 13:28:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Is this the site I use to sign up for DHL courier?

Yes it is. If you don't get the option to pick a DHL location right away, don't panic. Wait a day or two and log in again. Make sure you don't schedule an interview if you already have one.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-25 12:53:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Thought I would share my border crossing experience last night. I have been crossing the border a couple times a week to see my husband, and he does the same into Canada. I have never had an issue. I carry all significant ties to Canada with me as well as paperwork from our CR-1 journey. Last night I was told that while my petition is pending I am not allowed to be crossing the border. He went on and on about how they would think I was immigrating to the US illegally. I explained with full confidence that I have been crossing into the US since we have started the immigration process and I have NEVER had any tell me that. As well he kept repeating "while your petition is pending" and I kept correcting him that the petition has already been approved and I have all the paperwork to prove so. He then says "well, someone may deny you enty based on your pending approval, but have a good night." He hands me my passport and I leave.
The thing that really pisses me off about this is that he is practically lying to me. I know, as most of us do, that you are allowed to visit your spouse while the immigration process is in proceedings. If this was such a problem: 1) pull me in for secondary questioning, 2) not ONE border guards has said this to me before, 3) why just let me cross then, if this was such an issue. I have actually had other border guards say "its great you are doing it the right way" or "it must be hard living apart" then you have this guy.
I realize that he was either trying to trip me up or just intimidate me...but it makes me more anxious to finally have this process over with and not having to deal with issues like this anymore.


Wow, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I've never experienced that on my end. It's unfortunate that border guards have to treat people like that. We're doing this the correct way and there are times when we're given a hard time. The guard at the border when we came across to actually immigrate with the CR-1 visa actually gave us a hard time. I was shocked. We pulled up, and my husband said, "I'm immigrating on a CR-1 visa". The guard looks at his with this completely annoyed look, puffs his cheeks out and says, "Tonight..? Right now...? Really...!?". My husband and I were just surprised... he gave us this annoyed run down about what a problem it was and then told us to pull over as he stomped out of his little guard post inside. All he did was throw our passports on the table and another CBP (really nice man) actually did the CR-1 process.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-20 14:43:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

The interview was very basic. We lined up outside and were let in around 7:30. We went through a security check, basically like one at an airport. We were directed downstairs to a waiting room. After a couple of minutes (if you're one of the first ones through) you're called to go in an elevator right beside the waiting room and then you sit in another waiting room.

They call you to a window, like ones at the bank (kind of), a couple of times to give documents (the ones asked for in the letter) and to have your fingerprints taken. Then you wait some more in the waiting room. Then you're called into a little room and are asked questions. For me they asked how I met my husband, where he was living and where I intended to live, and that was pretty much it. She handed me a welcome letter and said I can expect my passport back within a couple of weeks.

That's about exactly the same questions I got. The women that both Pixel and I got was a really really nice blond lady. She asked how we met, if he intended to live at the address on the forms. She asked where we got married and if the CBP gave him a hard time coming into the country. Overall, she was super nice and made us feel really comfortable.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-19 13:45:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

I see. I just bought a brand new car in December so I'm sure it conforms to regulations. I have heard mixed things about duty though. A Canadian friend of ours did the K-1 Visa and apparently had to pay duty when he registered his car with PA. I'm going to look into it more...the last thing I need is to pay duty on a brand new vehicle.

What he is paying in PA is not duty. Duty is paid at the border. What he's paying is the personal property tax on his vehicle to the state of PA. It's basically the fees you need to pay to register your car.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-19 06:48:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Was the EPA to ensure he didnt pay duty on his car? I have been wondering this for myself when my POE comes up.

It's to make sure that his car conforms to all the US EPA regulations. I'm not sure how duty works, but the letter the consulate provided us with said that most Canadian cars don't have to pay a duty (assuming it has something to do with NAFTA).

We'll have to go back up to Highgate Springs, VT this weekend and take care of it. They'll give us a form so that he can register the car down here in NH.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-18 14:32:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Yup, I activated mine on a visit and can go back and forth now with just the stamp in my passport :)

I hope Jill & Jeff's silence on Sunday means that everything went well this time!

yes we made it! We didn't get in until around 11 or so, I was completely exhausted. I had to drive back up with my dad and return the rental car that we used to get home after the failed POE. Then we had to meet up with someone else with a truck and pickup the trailer that thankfully didn't get banged up in the crash.

Everything went almost ok. POE at Highgate Springs, VT. The guy at the border acted like a complete jerk. We went inside and the guy there was great. The only problem we had, was that my husband ENSURED ME that he had the EPA letter for his car. I asked, I made sure and I got, yup, yup yup, I got it, we're good. So out of all the things I had, I didn't make a copy of that. Guess what he lost? The freaking letter to import his car. .facepalm. In any case, the CBP let us cross without it as long as we came back up with the paper to try again.

Turns out he packed it like an idiot and it was buried at the bottom of one of his boxes... >.<

In anycase, we're here finally and all set. I'm so happy!!!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-17 13:17:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Oh no! Sorry to hear :(

I hope tomorrow goes better for you. And I hope they're as nice and laid-back as they were with me! Now that we're through all the immigration stuff, life feels a little surreal. Almost like - "did we really spend a whole year on that?", haha.

I definitely think it'll feel like that. It almost does already. That after all this time.. we're finally together and I don't have to travel anymore. lol I hope our POE goes well. I'd say the majority of the border guards are familiar with me because I've been going across the border almost every weekend for over 2.5 years. I'm sure it'll go better tomorrow. I have to drop off this rental car that I used to get back home and then meet up with another truck that with grab the trailer and try again. The truck I wrecked is in update Vermont until we can contact the insurance agent who of course is not in the office on the weekends. lol

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-15 21:47:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Nevermind, I just went ahead and crossed today. POE was nice and smooth in Calais, ME. And it only took about ten mins :)

Awesome congrats!! We were going to POE today but I had an accident on the way up with the truck/trailer that I borrowed to help move all of his things. It's a long dramatic and tiring story, but I'm ok. Going to try again with a different truck tomorrow (pretty much wrecked the front end of the one I borrowed >.< ). Hopefully we'll get better results this time. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-15 19:41:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

DHL in Moncton called this morning, they have my passport! :D

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-11 10:09:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I just tracked his passport by his reference number and his visa arrived in Anjou this morning at 630! WOOT!!!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-11 07:08:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

How long does it take for the waybill number to show up on the canada.usvisa-info site? Mine still isn't updated, and I'm getting impatient. Sigh.

I'm getting impatient too. I realize it's only a couple of days, but it's been so long already. I also used the reference number at DHL and they have no record of it yet. I'm crossing my fingers that we're lucky and get his visa within a few days.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-10 20:50:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Thanks...I missed meeting Jill&Jeff and Pixel because I woke up late (too tired being a tourist the day before). By the time I got upstairs at 9:15, they were probably all done!

Thank you to everyone, visa journey was a lot of help - especially the encouragement when it seemed the wait will not be over ;-)

Jeff and I got out around 930ish. Since you got in late, did you spend most of the day there? Or was it just an hour or two?

Assuming you got approved, congrats!!

And yes, I have to agree... this website was so helpful through this entire process.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-07 18:31:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Got back to Repentigy at around 10 or so this morning. We got approved!! WOOT! I'm so happy. The process as a whole went well. When we called up to submit all the original forms, I have to say that guy was a complete jerk. I submitted Jeff's birth certificate without a translation. I called the NVC back when I had to submit it digitally and they said as long as it is in the language of the country you're interviewing in, or english, you're all set. No need for a translation. The guy was all rude and wanted to know who told me that. In any case, we got the really nice blond lady for the interview and got Jeff's welcome to the US letter.

Met Pixel there too. It was great to have someone else there to chat with!

YAY!! Now it's just waiting on the visa.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-07 10:44:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I'm here in Repentigy (where Jeff lives). We'll head into the city tonight. I booked us a room at the Hyatt so we don't have to deal with morning traffic into Montreal. I have my binder organized. Everything from the NVC as well as everything from my I-130 process with a copy of each. I organized everything in the order that comes up on the interview letter. I'm definitely nervous, but I'm sure everything will go well. We're planning on getting there around 7ish. I'll see PIxelUlu and jdm2006 there tomorrow!!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2011-01-06 14:28:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
Jeff had his medical yesterday. He got poked and prodded and everything went well. He should be picking up the results next week. Now it's my turn to get super organized with all of the paperwork, because God know Jeff doesn't know how to organize anything. :)

24 more days til interview! Woot!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-12-14 07:16:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Happy day!!! Just got mine for January 7! See you there Jill & Jeff and PixelUlu ;-)
Are any of you guys from Vancouver?

We're actually coming from Repentigny, Quebec which is about 20 minutes north of Montreal. We got lucky in living close. I took off the 6th and 7th so I can drive up from New Hampshire. Jeff already scheduled his medical for Monday December 13th with Medisys. We wanted to get it done early in case there were any issues. Since he lives so close, we don't have to worry about getting it done in a single trip. I'm still thinking about getting a hotel for the night of the 6th close to the Consulate, mostly because I don't want to deal with the insane morning commute trying to get into Montreal on the 40.

It's awesome that there are already three of us scheduled for the 7th! See you both there!!

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-12-07 18:38:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
I got my letter toooo!!! OMG I'm SOOOOOOOO excited!!! January 7th!! I'm running around my office telling everyone!!


Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-12-07 12:33:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

i just checked nvc has already giving interview dates for jan...anyone heard abt any updates on interview

I haven't heard anything yet. Although I'm not sure how far through July they scheduled interviews. There are no late July approvals, only early August. Right now the way I see it is, optimistically we'll get our interview letter in the next couple of weeks for a January interview. Realistically.... I don't expect a letter until January for a February interview. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the optimistic outcome, but I won't get my hopes up for it.

Here's to hoping. :)

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-12-05 11:14:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

As of this morning, shows that our visas have been shipped! Hooray!! Thank you Mr. Scott the IV Unit Supervisor!!!

It wouldn't be a bad idea to write a nice formal letter of thanks seeing how awesome he was for you. It's great to see someone get great service.


Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-12-05 11:11:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview

Yey!!! We're next!!! Hopefully, we'll have an early January!

I wonder how far into July they got. There isn't anyone on the spreadsheet with a later July date to really gauge it. Here's to hoping!! .crossed fingers.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-11-29 16:40:00
CanadaIR1 / CR1 - Montreal Timeline to Interview
WOO HOOO Congrats to everyone who got interviews!!! I thought they had given up on scheduling for the rest of December. That's awesome news!! Hopefully this means all the June people are all set and scheduled!!!

YAY!!! :D


PS - I just looked at the spreadsheet, and it looks like some July people got dates in December too!!! That's even better. Maybe this is a sign, albeit small, that they are starting to dig out of their backlog just a little bit!

Edited by Jill & Jeff, 21 November 2010 - 10:46 PM.

Jill & JeffFemaleCanada2010-11-21 22:44:00