Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview question

THis is not true.. while it is true that Canadian Citizens can enter the US without visa.. if they have been found to be inadmissible to enter the US.. it doesn't matter if they are from Canada or anywhere else.. They are inadmissible until they get a waiver of that inadmissibility. For Canadian Citizens for visiting purposes, this waiver is done by applying for a Canadian Border Crossing Card at any POE.

Ziggy, how long does the canadian border crossing card take? Is it something that we apply for while waiting for the waiver?

Thanks for your help....

smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-13 19:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)interview question
ok, we have a question again....when you are at the interview, do they talk to you and ask you questions about your criminal record before they deny it or do they deny you regardless? This is for an assault.....


smallcan999FemaleCanada2006-12-09 17:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFavorite Pictures in Russia
I visited Khabarovsk last August and had a great time. It is a beautiful city with great people!! It's a little off the beaten path, you won't find too many America's. smile.gif

Here is a link to more photos:
Here is a You Tube link:
dispozoMaleUkraine2008-06-07 15:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)What city in Ukraine would you like to visit, and why?
I was in Lvov in February and enjoy it very much. The old city is very beautiful with beautiful churches. There was a little North America Native American museum, which I found interesting and unexpected.

I was in Crimea in July and stayed in Myrnyi, a little city north of Yevpotoriya. Beautiful beaches and beautiful sea and prefect weather!!!

I want to visit the Carpathian mountains some time, my fiancee say it is very beautiful!
dispozoMaleUkraine2008-08-15 17:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Visa Approved in Kiev!

dispozoMaleUkraine2009-01-12 18:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Newbie - questions about Kiev Embassy Intervew/Info Packet
Good luck with the interview overlap!!!
dispozoMaleUkraine2009-01-29 17:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice Certificate - Original and Certified Copies

Where are you getting this idea that you need a "certified" copy? She just needs to bring the police certificate to the interview with her, that's all. Here's the relevant instruction:

Ok, maybe the K-1 track is a little different, but I'm doing a CR-1. My wife must submit a DS-230. The problem is that the instructions for DS-230 say that she must submit a Police Certificate with that application. Then she also must bring one to the interview in Moscow. So, the only thing I can think is that either she needs 2 originals, or she must use some kind of copy ("certified"?).

Also, on the DS-230 Cover Letter on this website, it shows Original/Certified Police Clearance Certificate.


However, I just called the NVC, and the operator told me that all the documents to send with the DS-230 can be copies, and they do not need to be certified. This is except for the DS-230 itself which must have the original signature on the form which is sent to the NVC. All the documents to bring to the Embassy in Moscow must be originals.
Brian_TomaMaleRussia2010-03-09 14:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice Certificate - Original and Certified Copies
My wife is in the process of obtaining her Police Certificate. I have a number of inter-related questions on this. I apologize for asking so many questions in one post..

* Can the MVD office give her more than one Original Certificate?
* Can she get a Certified Copy at the time she picks up the Original?
* What is the correct Russian term for a "Certified Copy", so that I can explain this to her correctly?
* If she has one Original and a Certified Copy, does she send the Original to the NVC with the DS-230 application? Or should she send the Certified Copy to the NVC, and then take the Original to the interview in Moscow?

Brian_TomaMaleRussia2010-03-09 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Police Certificate

Thanks for the advice, everyone. The old-fashioned 500 ruble solution is exactly what I was hoping for. I'll let you know how it goes..

Well, didn't go so great. The woman there wouldn't take the offer. My wife thinks she wanted to, but was afraid because there were too many police officers there. So, maybe in 2 weeks is what they said. Oh well..
Brian_TomaMaleRussia2010-03-03 17:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Police Certificate

My wife went the free route and had hers in about 3 weeks. As said above, sooner is very possible for the right price.

Thanks for the advice, everyone. The old-fashioned 500 ruble solution is exactly what I was hoping for. I'll let you know how it goes..
Brian_TomaMaleRussia2010-03-02 11:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Police Certificate
My wife must get her Police Certificate in Rostov-on-Don. Does anyone have experience with this? How long does it usually take? I've read mixed stories about it. I would appreciate any tips or tales of caution.
Brian_TomaMaleRussia2010-03-01 00:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPanic In Detroit
Hi again everyone,

It's interesting to read others' posts about the anxiety of waiting; thank you for sharing - it helps. I'm leaving tomorrow for Nicaragua to visit Erico, and I'm feeling confused, because part of me is so excited to see him, and another part of me feels more anxious than I've ever felt. To me, now that we're in this visa process and have decided to get married, the distance has been harder than ever, I think because there's so much more at stake. I live alone in an apartment, and I used to love my solitude and space; now, coming home after work is suddenly really lonely because I'm ready to open my space and life up to Erico. Erico lives with his family, and he says it helps him because he can stay distracted and comforted by talking with his sisters, mother, and nephews. He laughs thinking about me living in a tiny house with six other people! He says, "you wouldn't last even a single day!"

I've tried to ease my anxiety by getting excited about Erico's arrival; I love to think about all the places I'll take him, and the adventures I want to share, spending time with my/our friends, traveling around the eastern and western US. At first after filing the K-1 petition, I tried to comfort myself by involving him in these conversations; I'd ask, "what do you envision life is like here?" "What would you like to do for work?" "Do you think you'll like it here?" I sent him a list of all the things I want to do with him when he arrives. He's been slower to dream like this, I think in part because he has no clear idea of what the US will be like or how it will feel, and because he's very much processing the fact that he'll be leaving behind everything he's ever known. These days, I'm not pushing the "dreaming" about our life here; I've shifted my focus to supporting and reassuring him that I will love and protect and support him when he's here. I'm moving more slowly now, trying hard to respect his emotional process of letting go. I suspect we'll go through various stages of adjustment and dreaming, excitement and fear between now and the interview.

In the meantime, managing my anxiety has to be a priority. I'm half present in my life here, and that's not a sustainable place to be emotionally. I'm working on it and trying to stay positive; some days are better, some days are worse.

Rachel and EricoFemaleNicaragua2011-03-12 10:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPanic In Detroit
Hi Igor,

It's so reassuring to read others' posts that express anxiety and impatience... sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind! I'm also experiencing a lot of anxiety; for me, once I invested in this process and gave my life over to Erico in my decision to get married and bring him here, its been harder than ever to be apart. I'm impatient to start our lives together NOW! Also, there's so much unknown about what the DHS will hand us along the way. It sounds like you're managing your anxiety well by staying busy; I'm originally from the Detroit area (Canton/Garden City) and now live in New Hampshire, so, like you, I'm in the dead of winter. I'm a field biologist, so it's my slow season, thus unfortunately I'm not busy enough at work right now for that to help much. I've had to stay busy with exercise and with friends, and sometimes just piddling around my apartment making up things to do. My down time is torture, and keeping my worry in check has been really challenging. Some days are better than others, to be sure. On the good days, I can focus on my happiness in my relationship and in thinking about our future together; on the bad days, I worry about every single thing that could go wrong. I check VJ every day and often, because it's comforting to read others' posts, and to read success stories when the K-1 is granted! We WILL be with our fiances SOON!

Rachel (and Erico)
Rachel and EricoFemaleNicaragua2011-02-19 12:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAre we covered for the interview?
I originally posted this in the K-1 section. I was advised to post here instead. So, here it is!

My fiance's K-1 visa interview is scheduled, the date is set, and I am going to be accompanying her to the interview in San Jose. I am getting a little nervous, since there is a lot of hopes and dreams riding on this. So, I wanted to ask some questions, and see if there's anything I can do, anything I need to worry about, or anything I'm missing.

So far, I have a copy of the packet I submitted with the initial I-129F application, and a completed I-134 (and copy). I also have a letter from my employer, three years of W2s and 1040s (And the full tax return as a backup, just in case they ask for it). A month's worth of recent pay stubs and a certificate provided by my employer for a job well done on a recent project. I'm above the poverty line by a fair amount. I have pictures with my fiance. Receipts for the wedding ring and engagement ring. A contract with the wedding venue for the date of our wedding. A new original statement of intent. Certified and stamped copies of my final decree of divorce obtained from the courthouse (from my last marriage). The NOA1 and NOA2. A letter from the bank stating my account balance. And obviously, I will be bringing myself.

My questions are:
Additionally, I have 700+ pages of skype history. Should I bring that, or is that overkill?
Is there anything I'm missing?
My fiance has taken care of everything they've asked her for in the packet she received for the interview prep. So is there anything else we can do to boost our chances of success?

I'd really appreciate any input, insight, or warnings. My fiance and I have come too far to risk making a mistake now.
MatochaMaleCosta Rica2012-06-11 20:43:00