Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
QUOTE (KHPerfectMatch @ Aug 30 2009, 04:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chemaatah @ Aug 30 2009, 12:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KHPerfectMatch @ Aug 30 2009, 02:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chemaatah @ Aug 29 2009, 09:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
a better question might be: why are some members unable to share their stories and experiences without a heaping side of condescension for those whose experiences have just gotten underway? some people simply don't find that palatable, and choose to comment as such. it has nothing to do with the status or security of their relationship. just that they believe they just might actually know a little bit more about their husband than strangers do.

And an even BETTER question would be:

Why do some women always believe EVERY post written about any MENA Man (clearly I was NOT married to your husband) is "really" about THEIR MAN????

I for one have never written anything about YOUR husband... I'm 100% certain you know more about him... so why do you always think "some members" are claiming to know him better than you do?

I think I've mentioned to you before that you can just put your fingers in your ears and say as loud as you can "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" and ignore EVERYTHING I post..


QUOTE (KHPerfectMatch @ Aug 13 2009, 11:20 PM) *
For those of you married to Muslim men and planning to raise their children (who will of COURSE be MUSLIM) here in the USA, start buying parenting books for your husbands... because they have very LITTLE experience with any method of controlling the behavior of children other than endless threats (VERY LOUD ONES) and eventually when shouting fails, as it always does, they move on to CORPORAL PUNISHMENT.

Eventually the subject of moving back to MENA (to raise the kids) will undoubtably come up on a REGULAR basis...and of course the Male MENA breadwinner can't leave his job here in the USA, so be prepared for the suggestion that you take the kids and go live in MENA "for the sake of the children"...

I've been watching this scenario play out for 30 years.. and it hasn't improved much with this younger generation of MENA fathers. Perhaps the exception is those born and raised here, who marry someone with a similar cultural background born and raised here... (And those couples aren't on VJ..) They seem to manage raising kids here more effectively... or at least it looks that way from the outside.

that reads pretty inclusive to me. you cast a really huge net there.

Denial Ain't Just a River in Egypt... Go ahead, put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and say "lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala I can't HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" That will solve EVERYTHING

according to you here, those of us who disagree are simply in denial.
myself, and anyone else who wants to can put our collective fingers in our ears and ignore what you post, as you say. but i object to the idea that doing so = i'm in denial. that's the condescension i'm talking about.

If the shib shib fits wear it, if it doesn't pass it by... I'll be over joyed to hear in 20 years that I was 100% wrong... and your sons are all Hafiz Quran and preparing to study at El Azhar...

I'm not going to go back to that thread and cut and paste the ENTIRE thread... but I stand by my statement that women who believe that what they observed on a few brief visits to their husband's country, where they saw (their husband's) Arab Muslim parents calmly, and patiently, raising Arab Muslim Children, in Arab Muslim Countries is a good predictor of how their husbands will be raising half Arab children in Non-Muslim homes, in a Non-Muslim country. Which is actually a country very biased AGAINST ISLAM, are simply in some sort of dream world.

There's no comparison what so ever! In MENA the "village" collectively raises the children, who are raised to believe that conforming (at least outwardly for the sake of appearances) and the honor of the family is Always more important that "self-fulfillment" ... here this very liberal and disconnected society (no village at ALL) encourages "individual freedom and self-expression" not conformity, no matter what their father wants or demands...

Thinking that only OTHER people have husbands that don't have (Western style) parenting skills to raise their American born kids while trying to raise them to be Muslim in this country, which is difficult even when BOTH parents are Muslim, is extremely naive and yes - shows that they are likely in DENIAL...

I can't count the number of despondent MENA fathers I've met at the weekend school who talk about giving up on trying to raise their Americanized children in this country, because they are afraid their children will call the police if they hit them... and that's the only thing they can think of to do when shouting and threatening has failed. They LONG to take their children (sullen defiant 15 year old boys or rebellious and mouthy 13 year old girls in particular) back HOME to raise...

And I know MORE THAN A FEW women who have taken their kids back to MENA to raise at the request of the father. Back home they are not individually responsible for raising their own children.. they have HUGE extended families and neighbors who are like family (and willing to smack someone else's kid if need be) that collectively instill the value of conformity on the youth. And father's play a very MINOR role in child rearing if ANY... (more like the "good old days" when your Mom would say "if you don't stop that I'm going to tell your Father when he gets home!!!) MENA Men don't grow up expecting to actually PARENT their children. They are given the role of PROVIDING for them... Women do the raising...

I know your husband is different... And I'm full of ranting33va.gif So I promise not to say anything else that isn't exactly what everyone wants to hear...

And I have yet to see a even ONE immigrant MENA father put his child in a "timeout" or talk calmly to them when they are misbehaving... however I have seen them smacked and whacked, shouted at and slapped. Or totally ignored and allowed to destroy everything in sight...

I appreciate your advice. I guess I am one of the lucky ladies, because my MENA fiance gets upset with me when I spank or yell at my son, he will say, baby, he's just a kid....then I get upset LOL because I explain to him that I can't just let my son do what he wants....after reading all this stuff, I am feeling very lucky to have such a special and understanding man!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-30 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Aug 29 2009, 02:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sofiyya @ Aug 28 2009, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
KH, I'm curious. Why did you keep marrying Muslims?

LOL I was wondering the same thing....

I am learning so much by reading this thread, and after reading your story again (kh) I understood what you were saying
Thanks for sharing something so personal with all of my fiance has said, none of us know the future, but we know that the love we have is a blessing from God....We have discussed what we will do when we have kids. I am already a mother, so I know what it's like, but he hasn't experienced fatherhood yet. I am sure even though he says its ok to raise them Christian, he may change his mind when he does see his baby. And I am ok with that, I just want my children to be raised with a strong faith in God, if he decides to want to raise them muslim, then I am ok with that. Christianity AND Islam are beautiful religions... innocent.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-29 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
QUOTE (Sofiyya @ Aug 28 2009, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
KH, I'm curious. Why did you keep marrying Muslims?

LOL I was wondering the same thing....

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-29 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
QUOTE (JeanneVictoria @ Aug 27 2009, 08:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am Catholic and Wael is Muslim. We have had no problems or issues with each others religions..

I am with him during Ramadan and he is with me during Christmas and other Christian hoidays.

I do believe knowledge is the greatest gift we have when it comes to religion. He respects my
views as I do his. We have a happy medium in this respect.

It can work. I am Christian, Ouadia is Muslim. We talked about this alot, and we both respect eachothers views. He also agreed since he will be moving into the U.S. that I can raise the children Christian. As they get older, and learn about other religions, they are free to choose what they want to believe. Ouadia and I have agreed, that our children are free to believe what they want, but as they are growing, that it will be church for them. We both respect and celebrate our different cultures and religions. We feel if more people were this way, the world would be a better place. Good luck with everything!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-27 08:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust Filer with Beneficiary in Morocco..
QUOTE (luvlikcraz @ Aug 31 2009, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Aug 31 2009, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (luvlikcraz @ Aug 31 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Aug 30 2009, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! I am looking to connect with anyone who has a similar journey as mine. I filed in August 2009 at the VSC. My fiance is in Morocco, which I understand is a very tough consulate....he had a few friends go through it and make it, one of them barely made it.....I am excited and nervous, but for the moment, trying not to think about it since we still have months and months of waiting ahead of us...some days fly by, but other days, I don't know how I am going to wait so long to be with my baby. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be appreciated! good.gif

Hey I filed on August 25th, 2009 @ CSC. I have not recieved a NAO1 nor has my check cashed... so nervous with others already receiving NOA1's. I am thinking the worst always.. but I came across a verse today in a small devotional.

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14. biggrin.gif

Good luck to you!

You should be getting your NOA 1 either tomorrow or wednesday...hopefully LOL I got ours exactly a week later, but I also sent our package priority, ships in 2-3 days...keep in touch, lets see how ours journeys turn out....

I honestly don't know how to sent mine, isn't that horrible?! The guy at USPS was more interested in talking and joking with everyone else in the lobby than helping me. I was so frustrated. sad.gif I was also trying to send a package to Bijad and filling out all the customs information. BLAH! biggrin.gif

I know I specifically asked for a receipt upon delivery, which he didn’t do. And I asked for my package to Bijad to be trackable, which he didn't do either! grrr!! Lol

Did you send a check or money order? My check hasn’t even cashed, is that normal?

I sent a money order. I didn't track it, but on my NOA1, it said the payment was I am not sure if its normal that they haven't cashed it yet, LOL we are both new to this stuff!!

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-31 19:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust Filer with Beneficiary in Morocco..
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Aug 30 2009, 09:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Aug 30 2009, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! I am looking to connect with anyone who has a similar journey as mine. I filed in August 2009 at the VSC. My fiance is in Morocco, which I understand is a very tough consulate....he had a few friends go through it and make it, one of them barely made it.....I am excited and nervous, but for the moment, trying not to think about it since we still have months and months of waiting ahead of us...some days fly by, but other days, I don't know how I am going to wait so long to be with my baby. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be appreciated! good.gif

Well, me personally, all I can say is sit back and hold on tight! The only thing you can do it wait. About 4 years ago, I lost triplets half way through the pregnancy.... I never thought that I could hurt worse than I did then when that happened. Some might say there is no comparison... but my babies are gone, and I 'know' I cant hold them no matter how I wish it... and my fiance is here now, halfway around the world, and I cant hold him either, but he's here! And everyday we live and breath for each other, and our goal is "just getting through one more day". Being apart from him is the worse thing I have ever felt. Some days are harder than others. You should both try to keep a positive attitude, learn to laugh and roll with it. If you concentrate on the negative being not able to be together now each day will get harder than the past. So all you can do is laugh. I filed in May, and I think I have maybe 1.5 to 2 months before I find out if I received an approval or not. I'm praying sooner. The wait is certainly hard! Letting someone else decide your happiness and your fate is hard! I wish you all the luck and many blessing for you and your fiance in the future!! ((((Hugs!!!))))

Thanks for the encouragement! I just want to make some friends here, and reach out to people who understand what we are going through, because nobody around me really knows how it feels, or what the process entails...Good luck with your journey also!

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-31 14:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust Filer with Beneficiary in Morocco..
QUOTE (luvlikcraz @ Aug 31 2009, 03:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Aug 30 2009, 06:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi all! I am looking to connect with anyone who has a similar journey as mine. I filed in August 2009 at the VSC. My fiance is in Morocco, which I understand is a very tough consulate....he had a few friends go through it and make it, one of them barely made it.....I am excited and nervous, but for the moment, trying not to think about it since we still have months and months of waiting ahead of us...some days fly by, but other days, I don't know how I am going to wait so long to be with my baby. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be appreciated! good.gif

Hey I filed on August 25th, 2009 @ CSC. I have not recieved a NAO1 nor has my check cashed... so nervous with others already receiving NOA1's. I am thinking the worst always.. but I came across a verse today in a small devotional.

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14. biggrin.gif

Good luck to you!

You should be getting your NOA 1 either tomorrow or wednesday...hopefully LOL I got ours exactly a week later, but I also sent our package priority, ships in 2-3 days...keep in touch, lets see how ours journeys turn out....

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-31 14:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaAugust Filer with Beneficiary in Morocco..
Hi all! I am looking to connect with anyone who has a similar journey as mine. I filed in August 2009 at the VSC. My fiance is in Morocco, which I understand is a very tough consulate....he had a few friends go through it and make it, one of them barely made it.....I am excited and nervous, but for the moment, trying not to think about it since we still have months and months of waiting ahead of us...some days fly by, but other days, I don't know how I am going to wait so long to be with my baby. Any words of wisdom or comfort would be appreciated! good.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-08-30 18:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaYeah
QUOTE (Wyld Blu @ Sep 5 2009, 05:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the op is not a native English speaker and is using Babel Fish to try to translate some important message to us all. is getting lost in the translation. Either that or all the rubbing has gone to his/her (?) head...

Btw...I am here in Holland till tomorrow visiting my fiance...lots of rubbing going on here! innocent.gif


rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
I love it! That is one thing we try not to talk about, since it is still so long until we see eachother, but we always joke about how "bad" devil.gif it's gonna be when he's finally here!

Thanks for the laugh!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-10 20:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMissing him...
QUOTE (Sandrila @ Sep 8 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can relate to becoming prisoner to the PC but please know you will be in for a little lengthy ride and with that being said, the only thing I look back on from my journey and can advise you to do is keep busy. Go out do things, update your place, organize or weed out what you don't need in preparation for your honey to come.
Don't get too overwhelmed (as hard as it is not to) thinking about how long or if it will happen.
If only someone had told me, don't worry, it will happen, you just have to wait, I would have felt a whole lot better but just waiting indefinitely and being afraid that it won't be approved is very scary. "what if" we don't have a chance to be together is what drags us down.
Make sure all your I's are dotted and T's crossed and you will be ok.
It is like picking a number at a deli counter, only with thousands of others waiting in line with you.
Your number will come and you will be served.

I wish you the best and God give you the strength and patience to endure.

I don't know what is was that you said exactly, but of all the wonderful and helpful comments I have heard, yours touched me...I am so afraid, because someone else is going to decide whether I can be with my baby, and it's not fair cray5ol.gif but I do understand why it has to be this way dry.gif But I just wanted to say thank and luvlikcraz are just starting our journey, and we don't fully understand everything that lies ahead. But I will say one thing, all I can think about is his interview, because I have heard Casablanca is so difficult. Anyways, we have done what we needed to do and then some, so I shouldn't be worried, but you never know, the interviewer could be having an off day, and there goes everything...I even had a nightmare about it last night, and the whole time, my mom kept saying, " he isn't going to pass, he isn't going to pass..." It sucked! Bottom line is, I have to cling to my faith in God, and trust in God, that's all we can really do as the time goes by. ClockWatch2.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-08 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (Rach and Houcine @ Sep 10 2009, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tany1157, Houcine is from Sidi Slamane. About 30 min from Rabat or so, I believe.

That's quite a ways away, it took us about 3 hours to get from the airport in casablanca to his hometown. I've never seen so much farmland and animals, and I live in New Hampshire!! laughing.gif Ouadia wanted to take me to Rabat, but I happened to visit during the transportation strike....but thankfully, they began working the last weekend I was there, and we were able to go to Marrakech for the weekend. kicking.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-10 15:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (angie & abed @ Sep 9 2009, 06:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Abed & I met online as well in a yahoo chat room. At first I thought he was just a young, stupid, drunk kid having fun (I am a whole 5 years and 4 days older than him). We met June 2006, right before the Lebanon/Israel war. I always rushed home from work to see if I had any messages from him to tell me he was OK, internet was sparse, needless to say. It finally dawned on me in August that I was already in love, he knew what I was thinking before I did and I worried about him horribly! It was a strong connection and still is. I talked to his sisters on the phone and promised I would come meet them in February 2007 and I did, stayed a month, got married and pregnant all in the same trip, but not in that particular order unfortunately. He finally arrived on US soil 10 days before our oldest daughter's first birthday. Life is challenging at times, he is a Leo, I am a Leo...he is Pali, I am of German descent...but he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, aside from my two babies of course heart.gif . And I wouldn't trade him for the world. People I used to work with said he was only using me, and talked viciously behind my back, but I am the happiest I have ever been, and they can kiss my lilly white rear end! whistling.gif tongue.gif Some people will never understand how you can fall in love over the internet, but believe me, it is possible, though your feelings aren't completely validated until you are in each others arms.

Hopefully this made sense, I keep running back and forth between the living room and the computer room!

This is why only people I know and trust (family only) know what is really going on with my relationship. All others know he is in Morocco taking care of family...They don't need to know more than that! Beautiful kids btw!! good.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-09 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (Nawal @ Sep 9 2009, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Met through my good friend from Spain (who was also my husbands manager). I traveled w/ my friend to Egy to see "this amazing group of guys perform" as he stated. So I headed out to see them and spent a month in Egy. I was actually against going to Egy since I spent my summers (as a teenager) and vacations (as a young adult) in Jordan. I had heard how dirty it was and well, I was a bit sceptical about not getting to go see my friends and family in Jordan. devil.gif whistling.gif However, my pushy friend convinced me it was going to be the BEST trip of my life. Well it was smile.gif About 1.5 yrs later (and many stays in Egypt) we were engaged and a little less than a year later married and well, the rest is history...

Wait, did I mention twins too! blush.gif innocent.gif Plz, whatever you do, don't eat pigeon in Egypt...specifically don't eat two pigeons on your honeymoon. Many people there think of the pigeon as an aphrodisiac wacko.gif blink.gif (although I wanted to vomit) I put on my big girl pants and ate what was offered to me over a two day span. Ughhh...anyway, two babies, two do the math! tongue.gif rofl.gif

wow.gif wow.gif wow.gif
rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-09 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (Rach and Houcine @ Sep 8 2009, 03:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh my, Houcine says the same thing when he looked at my pics. It was instant for him, me it took a couple of weeks, but when LOVE hit, OMG!! I was 19 at the time we actually started talking then turned 20 and he is a bit older than I by about 16 years. But that hasnt made any difference at all.
Where is your SO from in Morocco?

Ouadia is from souk sebt , about 30 min outside of beni mellal. Where is yours from? I am glad to find people who understand about being able to fall in love with someone you meet online....I knew it could happen, but it is few and far between.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-08 17:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (Rach and Houcine @ Sep 8 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
we met online, Houcine messged me, and I, reluctanty, replied. Well, for 2 weeks we chatted, then he called me while we were chatting on MSN. SCARED me to death. Here's this foreign man talking to me on the phone. (I first gave him a phony phone number, then my real one LOL). the story at first chat! That was July of 08 and in of September I flew off to Morocco where I met my love face to face and I havent been the same since. Love is so COOL!! We got engaged, had fest there, I returned home and filed papers. I am off to Morocco again in December so we can get married there. My mom is going with me this time (I am the baby and for her not to be there at my wedding, well..... you know mom's) to meet the family and experience Morocco at its best.

I love it! Your story is very similar to mine. I was in love from the beginning, but would not admit it. He on the other hand, said he fell in love when he saw my picture. He did not tell me this, only hinted by sending me cute songs, and the like, until I finally admitted I was in love, and that was it. Went to see him after two months of chatting everyday, could not believe I got on a plane by myself after being terrified, absolutly terrified of flying, and it changed our lives!! I knew for sure, we would wait as long as it took to be together, because there was no one else that was worth waiting for.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-08 12:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 vs Packet 4
QUOTE (Kath @ Mar 5 2009, 07:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi paul
Embassey information

take a look at the above link this is the Nigeria Embassey information that VJer's have put together.. there is information in there about the packets .

good luck
take care

Thanks so much for the link. When I got to that webpage, I modified it to be:

Now I have what she needs in Senegal. GReat!!. Thanks again.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-03-05 08:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 vs Packet 4
I know there will be differences from one embassy to another, but there must be some general information about what is in each packet. My finacée is in Senegal, so we are trying to prepare. I think I have everything covered, and I have been reading just about every related forum post on Visa Journey, so there shouldn't be anything in either packet that I haven't thought of. I just haven't seen any post out here that clearly addresses what would or should be be in each packet.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-03-05 06:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134
QUOTE (4MYMEVE @ Mar 7 2009, 08:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Think I'll do that then. I'll just send her the recent stubs, and a more recently dated letter from my boss. Just to confirm, NOTHING gets sent to the USEM, it all goes to HER, and she presents it during her interview...correct?

This is a great question, because I was asking the same thing back in Oct when I filed my I-129F. I noticed you filed your I-129F on 1/29/09. I presume you already have your NOA1 (please update your timeline). Depending on how fast/slow the CSC can handle your petition, and presuming it goes smoothly (no red flag issues or RFE's), you have another 3-5 months of waiting. My understanding is that the US Consulate wants the most current information. After you get your NOA2, you will have to send your fiancée a copy of the petition package and updated evidence to show your ongoing relationship between your NOA1 and your NOA2, so I would suggest that you wait until then and send it all together. That's what I did. I filed through the VSC, and followed the other K-1 timelines just to see when I would get my NOA2. I got a letter from my bank one week prior to my NOA2. I asked my employer to sit on my employment letter until Feb. I also tacked on my most recent pay stubs. There is no need to rush this right now or stress over it now. Follow all the other K-1 timelines on VisaJourney for those who filed when you did at the CSC, and then kick it up a notch when you get closer to your NOA2.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-03-07 21:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan older forms be required for the interview?
In response to my request for Packet 3 information, I received an email from the US Consulate in Dakar Senegal that provided me the details of the forms my fiancée must bring to her interview. I noticed out here on VisaJourney that many consulates require the DS-230, but that is not required by the US Consulate in Dakar Senegal. In fact, there seem to be many slight variations of requirements that the individual consulates have customized to meet their respective local situations. That seems reasonable to me. I also noticed that the old version of the I-134 is required to be notarized, but the new version does not. I sent the new version with all my supporting financial information off to my fiancée before I received the email from the Consulate. The Consulate sent me the old version of the I-134 in the email. In fact, the other forms sent to me (DS-156 and 156K) were all older versions of these forms. So, my question is, are they just not up-to-date on their forms, or can an individual Consulate actually require the applicant to submit a notarized old version of the I-134 as well as other older forms?
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-03-08 10:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFollowing the I-129F Online
QUOTE (Zee Bee @ Oct 13 2008, 08:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paul & Evelyn @ Oct 13 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (stevi1123 @ Oct 11 2008, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paul & Evelyn @ Oct 11 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Special thanks to both replies. Wow, this is a great website. The NOA1 is somewhere in the mail, but my canceled check is available through my bank online. Got the case number, and already checked out my status. Thanks to both of you.

Good luck with your journey. Did you sign up for email notification from USCIS?

Very attractive couple.

Thanks Stevi,

Yeah, we think we look good together too, but our chemistry is even better. We both like to laugh, so I am sure that will help us through this process. I signed up for email notification this evening. I presume that means every time my case is TOUCHED I will get an email notification? I am looking at my "Portfolio" on the USCIS website. Aside from seeing that the date would probably change, would I just click on my case number and the most recent activity will be posted there? Thant seems logical, but I am a Business Systems Analyst, and some system designers are not very logical, so I try not to take anything for granted.

You only get an e-mail for an RFE or NOA2.

Each time you log on, if you were touched the date will change. If you click on the case number, the message does not change unless you get an RFE or get your NOA2.

Thanks. I knew my presumption was too good to be true. I could have designed a better system. Essentially, I just have to look at it every day/week to see if the date changes, and all I will know is that it was TOUCHED is there was a date change??
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-13 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFollowing the I-129F Online
QUOTE (stevi1123 @ Oct 11 2008, 05:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Paul & Evelyn @ Oct 11 2008, 12:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Special thanks to both replies. Wow, this is a great website. The NOA1 is somewhere in the mail, but my canceled check is available through my bank online. Got the case number, and already checked out my status. Thanks to both of you.

Good luck with your journey. Did you sign up for email notification from USCIS?

Very attractive couple.

Thanks Stevi,

Yeah, we think we look good together too, but our chemistry is even better. We both like to laugh, so I am sure that will help us through this process. I signed up for email notification this evening. I presume that means every time my case is TOUCHED I will get an email notification? I am looking at my "Portfolio" on the USCIS website. Aside from seeing that the date would probably change, would I just click on my case number and the most recent activity will be posted there? Thant seems logical, but I am a Business Systems Analyst, and some system designers are not very logical, so I try not to take anything for granted.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-13 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFollowing the I-129F Online
Special thanks to both replies. Wow, this is a great website. The NOA1 is somewhere in the mail, but my canceled check is available through my bank online. Got the case number, and already checked out my status. Thanks to both of you.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-11 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFollowing the I-129F Online
I am a real new rookie here. I just sent the I-129F on 10/4/08, it arrived at the VCS on 10/6/08, and I don't even have my NOA1 yet. I was reading through the forum and just learned about what it means to get "TOUCHED", which is cool. So, how exactly does one follow the I-129F online, and how soon after the NOA1 will I be able to do this?
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-09 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQUESTION about Foreign Fiancée Address Change
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 10 2008, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait for NOA-2 and 2 weeks after that, the call NVC, and update it with them, or contact DOS Visa services and update it there.


It has been a while since you gave me this reply, by like most petitioners, the past few months we sat around waiting for petition to be processed. We just got our approval today, and I will file her address change as soon as I know what? I presume we will have a new case number through the NVC or DOS. Will the information I need be on the NOA2, or is there some other document that will give me a hint about what I need to do to make this happen.

How is it you know so much about this stuff??
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-02-17 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsQUESTION about Foreign Fiancée Address Change
My Baby is in Dakar, Senegal. I don't have to tell you how hotttt it is there this time of year. Daily power outages are common, usually for many hours at a time, and getting worse. Water supply is also affected from time to time. Sleeping at night without even a fan is miserable. I was there only a month ago, so I really know what it's like.

She wants to move in with her girlfriend who lives in a better area of Dakar with fewer power outages, plus she will be able to save money. It is a great idea. But I just filed the I-129F package with the USCIS-VSC.

Do I notify USCIS of the address change right after I get the NOA1?

Or do I wait until the NOA2 is produced?

Who do I notify? VSC or my local USCIS office?
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-10 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsClutching at straws
I looked at your timeline. I note that your NOA1 for your I-129F was 10/1/08. Mine was 10/7/08 through the VSC, and my NOA2 was issued on 2/17/09. I was mentally prepared to wait well into March, especially since I was led to believe that it might be as long as April before I got my NOA2. This is where the "randomizer" may enter into play. An immigration lawyer told me that sometimes it's just a matter of whose desk your petition lands on. Take a look at the rest of the K-1 timelines for the VSC, and I think you will see that there are about one third of the K-1's filed around your time that are still awaiting NOA2's. I really understand that this is very frustrating and what I've told you isn't much consolation, but if you didn't make any major mistakes in your petition package, it shouldn't be long now for your NOA2.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2009-03-15 17:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJune 2008 Filers!
QUOTE (vickydeutsch @ Sep 19 2008, 12:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krystle + Tiago @ Sep 18 2008, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (vickydeutsch @ Sep 18 2008, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ok so I called the embassy and I have my interview date!!! it's october 10th!!!!!!!!!!! oh my God!!! I cant believe it!!! I am freaking out already!!!! I hope my fiance can come!!!!

CONGRATS ON YOUR APPROVAL AND ALL OTHER JUNE FILERS! (STILL WAITING) Just curious...did you get your interview date before receiving packet 3? Just trying to get a feel for the rest of this process.

Thank you!!! let me tell you what I did. When my fiance got the approval letter (last Saturday September 11th) I wanted to know what the next step was. So I waited until Monday 15th to call the NVC (National Visa Center) which number is in the approval letter. They told me that the package was received last September 9th and sent to Lima on the 11th. Then the guy gave me a new case number and with the help of Kim (a wonderful VJ member) I could track the package in DHL. And I found out that the package was received in Lima on the 15th at 9:41am. Then with the help of Verito and Faasa (another wonderful VJ members) I waited some days and I called the embasy today (Thursday 18th) at 2pm and they asked me for the new case number and they told me that my interview was set up for October 10th!!!! I recommend you that as soon as you receive your approval, call the NVC to know when the package was received and sent to your embassy. Once you know the date, wait some days and call the embassy. That will give you an idea of what to do: criminal records, gather all the info related to the ongoing relationship, etc.

Good luck and I hope your approval comes very soon!!!!

Hey Vickydeutsch,

I know I have a long way to go, since my NOA1 was just generated on 10/7/08, but the information you provided above is invaluable. I will definately try this when the time comes.
Paul & EvelynNot TellingNigeria2008-10-13 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
i guess yesterday's post helped, because i just got a call from my fiancé, who just got home from work to find a letter from the embassy... he has an interview date! january 19th!!!! looks like he'll be here in early february, and we'll be married by march :) thanks to everyone for your replies and help!
jenanddan2010FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-06 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2009 VSC K-1 Fillers
hi everybody,
i'm new to this forum but not to, it's been very helpful for my fiancé and i throughout this whole process.

i'm posting because we're both quite frustrated with the visa process. as you can see from my signature (hopefully, if i formatted it properly!) we're still waiting to hear back from the embassy regarding an interview date. danny has called them several times (since i'm not in the UK, i can't) and he keeps getting a different answer each time. his medical exam is scheduled for january 15th. when he has called to ask about the interview date, one time he was told he will have to wait an additional 9 months from the time of his medical exam. another time he was told that it's an additional 3 month wait from the time of his medical exam. we're both getting frustrated because obviously we want to be together and we'd like to at least make some wedding plans, but with all this uncertainty we can't even choose a wedding date. reading through this thread, it looks like many of the may 2009 filers are already married, or if not, their fiancé(e) is already in the US. why is it taking so long for us?

sorry to be whiny, i'm just a bit exasperated. thanks for your help.
jenanddan2010FemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-05 16:49:00
VietnamBad News

It takes some pre-planning ahead of time. I have several back-up native speakers that can translate both here in the US and in the local area that I can call. I keep them on speed dial. I may never need to call them, but its good to have that option in place if needed.

That's a great idea. Thanks :thumbs:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-11 11:56:00
VietnamBad News
I am happy to hear everything is working out! I often wonder what would happen if something happened to my husband....nobody in his family speaks english, how would I find out if something happened to him? That must have been so scary for you. I have been through my own immigration hell, and this is what my husband told me once, "easy come, easy go" You guys are fighting for something that will be so worth it in the end, and that fighting has strengthened your relationship, I know it has with my husband. Good luck (L)
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-11 11:01:00
USCIS Service Centerswondering
They are processing denials around 6 months from when they get it back from the consulate. It could take a few months just to get it back to California. USCIS got our denied petition back 6 weeks after denial, and we didn't get our NOIR for 8 1/2 months. You need to be patient, besides getting some evidence in the meantime, you can't do much else but wait. I'm sorry to tell you
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-01 12:05:00
USCIS Service CentersWhat is next please ...................


Took us 9 months to get a response from USCIS, and it was a Notice of Intent to Revoke. We were given 30 days from date of NOIR to respond. By the time it got to our house, we had 24 days to respond.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-06-11 14:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE

oh yea i saw him when he was asked and i didn't take attention but i heard him telling the consular please give me just one more chance please and she just didn't talk to him back maybe it was your husband idk but there was some guy like i just said

That was him!! She said she did give him another chance! My poor husband is taking this denial so hard, because it is our second one :crying: :crying: Keep your chin up, and work smart. It is SOO hard, but put emotions aside for now, and do what you can. Has your fiance contacted her senators yet? Has she emailed the consulate? This is the hour to call the consulate in Morocco about visas, the line is open another half hour. Calling doesn't usually help much, but she can try! I am praying for you guys as well! We feel your pain!!!

011-212-661-99-83-64 Consulate phone number
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-29 10:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE

The CO made it clear to the OP to get married and file for Spouse visa, they suspected that he just wants to come to America, so the better thing to do now is to get married and file CR1, bring in more evidence or contacting Senator/Congressman wont do any good. Case might be in the returning pile right now. They can file an appeal but it'll take more time than if they get married and file for spouse visa.

Consular Officers are usually firm with their decisions on these type of visa that aren't for immediate family of a US Citizen.

The OP can do whatever he wants, but this is usually the best thing to do. specially when the CO gives a clear path to take.

Excuse me sir or maam, I was just responding to what you said here in bold. I OBVIOUSLY know they can not guarantee a visa, but my point was, he DID say the same thing he said to this man, and it wasn't true. Not once did we think we were getting a visa based on what this guy said, we knew he was just flapping his gums. I was just making it clear that you shouldn't do something just because the consular officer suggests it. It means nothing. Just getting married will NOT void what happened at the k1 interview, and if you don't know the specifics of the denial, it is treading shark infested waters. OP, please make sure to contact your senators. Even if it may be fruitless, there is always a chance. Best of luck to you

PS...we were denied because she didn't believe our marriage was based on love

Edited by tany1157, 28 March 2011 - 05:19 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 17:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE
Just want to say that the consular officer told my hubby the SAME THING....get married, I will issue you a forward 14 months, cr-1 interview by a woman, but with the SAME MAN right behind her, looking over our file, and talking with her....denied again. I would not believe everything the consular says
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 16:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE

Why they denied your husband, the OP is k1 so they still have one shot at CR1 route, your only route now is an appeal. I would recommend an attorney to help you with this final battle.

IDK about his, hubby was told at his denied k1 interview in jan 2010 if USCIS approves our case again, he will get the visa, and he didn't get the visa this time either...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 12:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I WAS DENIED IN MOROCCO CONSULATE
I'm sorry to hear hubby was denied today also, and he told me about you....all he said was, "there was a guy with his woman since 2007, and I think he got denied" it must have been you he was talking about. Hang in there....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 12:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)trying to avoid the wait after denial

ok but can I only find out about the K1 case as to why it was denied b4 it expires? or will they still talk to me about that over the phone? i mean how can i start to find out y Casa sent it back if they will just send me a notice of expiration? they wouldnt explain to me why it was denied in that notice will they?

They won't tell you. I think you need to call to at least find out what is going on with the K1. It's probably expired, but it is best to find out for sure. The notice will just say "your petition has expired, and you are free to refile." You could file a FOIA (freedom of information act) to get the consular notes. I don't know much about that process because we didn't do that, I just know that it exists.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-02 20:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)trying to avoid the wait after denial

Congratulations on your marriage
and Good Luck on this next journey

We went through the same and the meaningful thing I have learned is the waiting has strengthened our relationship instead of falling apart. :star:
God works in his own ways.

Absolutely :luv:

Edited by tany1157, 02 March 2012 - 03:14 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-02 15:13:00