Middle East and North AfricaOMG THEY REAFFIRMED OUR CASE TODAY!!!!!!
Congrats again!! USCIS just told our congressman it will be another 45 days for us. I'm so happy to see your success :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-11-09 20:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily Death Overseas
My father in law was hit and killed by a truck a little over a year ago. Best thing is to just be there. My husband couldn't talk about his feelings, and when I would try to pry a bit, it made things worse. Thank god my husband is still over there, as he has been the father figure to his young family. I was fortunate enough to have spent some time with him before he passed. I have not experienced the loss of a parent yet, so I can't say I know how it feels. To this day, out of respect he only ( infrequently) speaks of good memories. They had a strained relationship, but out of respect he won't speak of his less than stellar moments. It was very difficult for him, but just give him time, space and support. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-01-03 07:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

That goes both ways... :ot2:

Um, you assuming that someone has never lived somewhere and that her husband is using her was uncalled for because you don't know a damned thing about her. Me saying how rude you are is fact because you wrote such an ignorant comment for all to see. So don't tell me it goes both ways, you're comparing apples to oranges.... Completely different things
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-29 05:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

My views are reality,and I don't believe you lived in morocco because if you did ,you wouldn't of made such a stupid comparison between poverty and joblessness of America to the poverty and joblessness of morocco. It's like night and day.... Daaaaaaw!!!!!!

It's moroccans who find clueless Americans like you and then dump them.

Wow, did you just say that?!?!? Maybe you should know people before you make such assumptions, because you are soooo wrong. And that was very rude and uncalled for...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-28 21:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

I'm sorry to hear about your past denials and hope that this petition/visa gets approved. I am in the same boat with you. Praise God that my husband was approved and will be coming home soon. I was very fortunate to be able to see him every 5-6 months. And even that was not enough. I would move to Lebanon in a heartbeat if that's what it will take for us to be together. We talked about what would happen if the visa was denied. We are both fighters and we will never give up. True love will prevail. Good luck my friend.

I appreciate the kind words. I am glad it has worked out for you. :thumbs: (F)

Countless threads on VJ have been dedicated to this subject. It's not a new problem. Do some back reading. As for the government making it cheaper and easier, don't count on it. It's as expensive as it needs to be to support USCIS and the DOS, and it's as difficult as it needs to be to weed out fraud. Does it suck? Yeah, it sucks, but immigration is a privilege, not a right.

If my husband had been denied, I'd be chillin in Morocco right now. I wish I was chillin in Morocco right now. The climate sucks here, politically, financially, and weather wise. le sigh.

100% agree with this, which is why I don't piss and moan, although I do have my moments. We chose this path, and it is what it is
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-27 15:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Do you have any new news yet? I so hope it all works out in your favor!

As for me and my hubby........I'm praying like crazy that he gets his visa. But I will remain his wife too, though it will be a few years before I can actually MOVE there. All I could do now is a week or two every so often. It sux. But I have been looking at some awesome houses in Morocco that I could and would be excited to live in if the day ever comes that I need to and am able to move.

We put a service request in on November 10, since that was the 6 month mark. They said we should get a response in 30 days. 30 days will be up this weekend, so I can put another service request in Monday. It really sucks waiting for this letter, it's making me sick. I called USCIS again yesterday, and I told the lady " no offense, but you can't help me because you are only going to read off the computer what I can see for myself on my own computer. I want to speak with a supervisor and/or a tier 2 rep. " She said ok. She transferred me to an officer, he got some info, and put me on hold for about 5 min just to tell me there is nothing updated in the system. I asked if he could tell me if theywere even working on our petition, and he said he couldn't tell anything since nothing is updated in the system.

I wish you good luck on your interview, and I'm sure things will go fine for you guys. What happened to us doesn't seem to be the norm. . I can't wait to hear your good news!!

Edited by tany1157, 07 December 2011 - 07:54 AM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-07 07:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???
Hubby and I were denied the K1 in January 2010. Denied the CR1 in March of 2011. We are now on month 7 (from when they received our returned package) waiting to hear back from the USCIS. I feel this is quite a valid question. Hubby and I have discussed this. No matter what happens with that visa, I will continue to be his wife, and our relationship will continue to grow. It is not possible for me to move there now, but would continue seeing him during each of my vacations from work, until such a time I could live there, or spend summers there. We need to be together, as it is quite difficult not having your spouse next to you, but the consulate is only in control of our visa, and where we will end up with our lives physically, it is NOT in control of our relationship, and how it has flourished amidst all the let downs. Just my 2 cents from my corner of the world!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-06 13:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaRiads in Casablanca
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-01-08 22:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers for us!
Of course I will continue to pray for you guys...hang in there!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-01-31 22:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaCr1 denied in Casa
I'm so sorry!!! You see I'm going through/been going through this same exact thing. I mean it from the bottom of my heart that I'm here for you if and when you need anything. Please don't hesitate to message me even if you just need to vent about it. (((((BIG HUGS))))
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-02-01 11:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (JeanneVictoria @ Sep 7 2009, 09:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I met my husband online almost 5 1/2 yrs ago. It was an international site and I had only
been to it a couple of times. Was surprised when he just started a conversation as I usually
wouldn't chat with someone I didn't know. At first I just said "hi" and honest to Pete the
rest is history! Was like that song "you had me from hello"!

We will be married 3 yrs next month! He still "has me from hello"! luv.gif

wow, my fiance sent me that song in the beginning of our courtship, and I knew it was love at first sight, but I would not admit it for a while....LOL I only care what my family thinks, and they are all very supportive. They just want me to be happy. My parents are going to let him stay at their house until he is able to work, and are helping me co-sponsor him. Really, I feel so lucky to have all the support I have. But I don't let anyone else know, because too many will judge and are cynical...I don't need any negative and unwarrented advice from people who don't care about me! That's why I'm glad there are so many people on here who are supportive and understanding! heart.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-07 22:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
QUOTE (Meriem_DZ @ Sep 7 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 7 2009, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was just curious how we all met our foreign loves....I met mine online. Even though this seems common today, I don't love to tell everyone I met someone online...does anyone else have these same feelings? My family has no issues with it, what do you all think? Are we crazy for falling in love with people that are so far away? LOL I would never date someone outside a 50 mile radius of me...but when Ouadia and I met through a dating web site, he was so nice and day after day, we would talk, never missing a day, and one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was in morocco staying with him and his family for a month. I still can't believe I am having a relationship like this, he isn't perfect, but he is the man I have been looking for, and he feels the same. It is very difficult at times of course, but I know that what is waiting at the end of this journey is worth it! Just wanted to hear other stories, and connect! biggrin.gif

I met my husband on a language exchange website. I was trying to learn French and he volunteered to help me, if I helped him with his English. We chatted with webcam for about 6 months before I went to Algeria to meet him.

I am the same way about telling people I met him online. I do tell people then it opens the floodgate to a lot of other questions and I seem to be telling the same story over and over. Recently I had a case of "tennis elbow" (don't play tennis) and had to do a round of physical therapy. There was a 70 yr old man getting therapy right next to me and he asked me why I wear my hijab. I explained and he asked me where my husband is from and I said Algeria. I thought "here we go". Anyway, he asked how we met and I hated to tell this elderly man I met him online cause I was sure he would have nothing good to say. I went ahead and told him that I met Hachemi online. The next thing out of his mouth was, "Well I met my wife online too." I just about fell out of my chair. laughing.gif He said she was Canadian and he did the fiance visa to bring her here.

Meriem rose.gif

OMG, that is so awesome!! (about the older man) LOL My older sister met her husband online, and they have been married for 9 years now. Sometimes when God has a plan, it is NOT the plan you ever expected for yourself, but I trust in God, and difficult or not, this is the best thing that has happened to me, next to having my son of course!

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-07 20:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow did we all meet our loved one??
Was just curious how we all met our foreign loves....I met mine online. Even though this seems common today, I don't love to tell everyone I met someone online...does anyone else have these same feelings? My family has no issues with it, what do you all think? Are we crazy for falling in love with people that are so far away? LOL I would never date someone outside a 50 mile radius of me...but when Ouadia and I met through a dating web site, he was so nice and day after day, we would talk, never missing a day, and one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was in morocco staying with him and his family for a month. I still can't believe I am having a relationship like this, he isn't perfect, but he is the man I have been looking for, and he feels the same. It is very difficult at times of course, but I know that what is waiting at the end of this journey is worth it! Just wanted to hear other stories, and connect! biggrin.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-07 15:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm a pessimist..
I can not begin to show my relief and appreciation for what you guys have said. I thank you so much for being so kind to me, and I love that you guys understand what I am going through, because even though I have the support of my family, none of them have been through this, so they don't REALLY know what is going on or how I feel...I do know I tend to look for something wrong, almost like I need the drama, and I don't want to be one of those girls!!! I told Ouadia, my SO, that if he was just using me for a green card, he would be CRAZY to put up with me LOL He is so loving and understanding, no matter what we argue about, our love still grows and is constant.. I have never felt a love grow the way ours has, and it surprises me all the time...he isn't perfect, but he is perfect for me! We meet every night, and he is never late, I see his family all the time, he texts me everyday, these are some of the reasons I trust him, and he understands that because he is so far away, he needs to be extra vigilant in making sure I know how he feels about me...I love him so much, and for the first time in my life, I know deep in my soul that he loves me more than I probably know, and I am so grateful for what God has blessed me with. I laugh, because I always had a problem with wanting everything NOW... I am impulsive, and I find it humorous that God has done this..I am forced to wait for something I want, and actually work at it and plan for the future, this is so unlike me! LOL
I just wanted to share how much I love him, and how our relationship isn't perfect, but we work through and fight, because we belong together. I finally have the sexy macho man, who is so sensitive and loving..LOL ( I don't mean macho in a bad way, yes, he sometimes has a "man moment" but then he remembers that I am sensitive and he should handle me gently lol) I never thought I would find that, and I am glad to hear of your love stories as well. Thank you for taking the time for me, and making me feel welcome. luv.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-22 06:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm a pessimist..
I appreciate the nice words, I have to say this is the FIRST relationship I am in that I DON'T have a nagging feeling or red flag...and I don't think I know what to do! LOL Thanks for not thinking I'm a nut wacko.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 19:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm a pessimist..
I can not stay away from reading stories about all the bad things that moroccan men do.....Even though I do not think my SO is using me, I tend to read this stuff, and I scare myself....When I went to visit him, his family welcomed me, and I lived with them for the month, and I met every relative we could see in the time I was there. He has never given me a reason to distrust him, but after my failed marriage, I am very cynical...and I hate it. I feel so secure and open with him. We are very open and honest with eachother, but I search the web, and these forums, and look for the bad stuff....I feel it is destroying my heart. We know eachother well, he can tell something is wrong with me just by the way I look, and even though I try to hide my worry after reading a horror story, I end up bringing it up to him, and accusing him of maybe trying to use me to get here. I end up hurting his feelings. Then the next day, when I have gotten that story out of my head, and think of him and our relationship, I am better again, until I look up another horror story and I worry again. I am not sure what I am looking for here, just wanted to vent...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust to clear things up
QUOTE (MouadsWife @ Sep 24 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (chemaatah @ Sep 24 2009, 04:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (*TayRivers* @ Sep 24 2009, 03:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The screen name that members choose does not always reflect their position in life.... I have River as part of my user name but that does not mean that I am a river.... does it.

So please stop with the comments designed to insight a response.


in the context of an immigration website, there is a huge difference between referring to oneself as "river" and referring to oneself as being someone's "wife". when applying for a k-1 visa, such references can have very serious ramifications if it's something this couple does amongst themselves in their correspondences, if they are planning on using those correspondences as evidence during a visa interview. in the past, there has been a vj member whose fiance was turned away at the point of entry because he was entering the us on a k-1 visa, and he referred to his fiancee as his wife. if my comment incited a response that would lead to this couple being a little more cautious about referring to each other in married terms while pursuing a k-1 visa, i don't see how that could possibly be construed as a negative thing. your jumping to conclusions didn't help anyone here.

It appeared that between your response "what i don't understand is how someone can be "mouadswife" and be applying for a k-1. how's that work then?" and the one made prior to your from another offensive member held the appearance of insiting negative reactions.

I do not have to explain my user name "MouadsWife" to anyone. As far as turned away from entry... I pretty much doubt he'll be telling the POE officers "oh, by the way... did you know my wifes user name on vj is MoudasWife??" There are also papers one can obtain from court stating one is married or is not married.

Also, the replies had nothing to do with the information that I was trying to gather. I needed these answers for a legitimate reason. Doesnt matter if anyone else thinks these reasons are not founded, but the fact remains I needed the answers. And I received was a bunch of bs from certain members, when all I needed was assistance that wasnt difficult to give.

Vj should be an envroment where people can come and ask without judgement, persecution, or receive people negative oppinions. Dont you suppose there is enough stress in this visa process for members to treat other members like this? Im not talking about what the other members said to me, Im talking about what is being said to all members on this forum. If a person cant say anything nice at all then remember the golden rule and dont say anything at all. There are posts deleted on that forum so no one can go back and get a true perpective. But the point is, we should talk to anyone on vj that way at all. We are all here for support and if you cant give it in a contructive compassionate maner then it shouldnt be given at all. If a person want to be rude to others and insulting, then they shouldnt be here at all. This is not what vj is about and it gives vj a bad name.

Well said! good.gif I am here to get support while I am waiting, I don't see why people have the need to be rude. What seems "unacceptable" to one, might be commonplace for another. (am referring to a comment in the other post who said her SO would have been embarrased if she asked such a question) I think you had a legitimate question, and am disappointed in the response. I am not meaning to ruffle any feathers, but I have only been active on this forum for a couple of months, and I have seen way too much drama. I just want to connect with understanding people who are in my situation. Frankly, I have no idea why people hang around here if they have nothing nice to say.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-24 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 24 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 24 2009, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 24 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (angie & abed @ Sep 24 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this is going to put me on a sh!t list, and I'm not intending to be a b!tch, but I don't really care right now. Why don't we just leave Kat be...there's no reason to be nasty to her as some of you ladies have been in this post. If you don't want to read her posts, there are ignore buttons you can use....I know I do.

To the OP....sounds like you already made up your mind about this situation, so good luck to you!

Have a great day everyone!

I am sure that you mean well. The problem is that Kat is creating a scare to some of the posters that are new here, and don't know any better than to let her advice go in one ear and out the other. Sure she needs to be able to vent, but she is so busy generalizing that it makes me wonder if there are people that have had a really great relationship ruined due to her stories of gloom and doom.

If someone was posting racist remarks would you speak up? Basically she is stating racist remarks towards Arab men, and everyone is tiptoeing around so as not to upset her because she has been through a lot. She has....I give you that. But the fact is that her remarks are racist when she states that a man from the MENA is after nothing but a visa. Kat needs to learn to channel her anger towards the ones that have hurt her, not towards people she has never met. In fact, she needs to control the anger and start to love herself enough to not allow anyone else to abuse her like she has allowed in the past.

I actually started a thread a few days ago because I am addicted to reading horror stories, and I am sabotaging a good thing, the best thing I have had in my life. This is the first relationship where I don't have a nagging feeling or red flags, and I don't know what to do sometimes...LOL Anyways, I think we should start a thread on the POSITIVE experiences people have had....and this wasn't my idea, someone else suggested it in my other thread. good.gif
Please, please, PLEASE forgive me, as I have been up since 4 am, and just got home from a very busy day, but which one is Kat?? I'm confused...and please, I am not usually this stupid if the answer is obvious.... unsure.gif

rofl.gif See that is what I mean by Noobs not knowing who and what to listen too. Hanging in there is Kat. Of course if you hadn't been here long you wouldn't know that. So not a stupid question at all.

I actually started a thread a few days ago about how I read all the bad stories, and I start to worry, and of course, this causes problems between my so and I. Someone on there suggested we start a POSITIVE thread, about all the great and happy stories that are out there. I am an intelligent woman, but I tend to be a pessimist, so I do let these horror stories scare me...

Edited by tany1157, 24 September 2009 - 04:38 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-24 16:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 24 2009, 02:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (angie & abed @ Sep 24 2009, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know this is going to put me on a sh!t list, and I'm not intending to be a b!tch, but I don't really care right now. Why don't we just leave Kat be...there's no reason to be nasty to her as some of you ladies have been in this post. If you don't want to read her posts, there are ignore buttons you can use....I know I do.

To the OP....sounds like you already made up your mind about this situation, so good luck to you!

Have a great day everyone!

I am sure that you mean well. The problem is that Kat is creating a scare to some of the posters that are new here, and don't know any better than to let her advice go in one ear and out the other. Sure she needs to be able to vent, but she is so busy generalizing that it makes me wonder if there are people that have had a really great relationship ruined due to her stories of gloom and doom.

If someone was posting racist remarks would you speak up? Basically she is stating racist remarks towards Arab men, and everyone is tiptoeing around so as not to upset her because she has been through a lot. She has....I give you that. But the fact is that her remarks are racist when she states that a man from the MENA is after nothing but a visa. Kat needs to learn to channel her anger towards the ones that have hurt her, not towards people she has never met. In fact, she needs to control the anger and start to love herself enough to not allow anyone else to abuse her like she has allowed in the past.

Please, please, PLEASE forgive me, as I have been up since 4 am, and just got home from a very busy day, but which one is Kat?? I'm confused...and please, I am not usually this stupid if the answer is obvious.... unsure.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-24 14:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
QUOTE (allousa @ Sep 21 2009, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kathereen @ Sep 21 2009, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (doodlebugg @ Sep 21 2009, 07:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why on earth would you even consider uprooting those three precous gifts from God to a country that is foreign to you and them for a man who doesn't even seem remotely enthusiastic about being with you? I'm sorry I swore I wouldn't post in these types of threads anymore but all I can think of is the children. I was and am very much in love with my husband and the feeling is mutual between us and still I wouldn't dream of bringing them there to live whether or not I got the ok from the ex. It's just not fair to them, period. It sounds like you have a big crush on the guy and that's cool but why not take the $ and spend it on a trip to Disney since he doesn't have that same crush on you?

Bridget, kindly refrain from lying all over this board. Everything you said about your greedy, ignorant, dumb husband shows that he wasn't remotely interested in being with you... just your cash. He called you fat and told you that you laugh like a nasty #######. Get some self esteem.

Me thinks if you don't have the balls to own up to your own comments (i.e., creating a noob user), then you probably shouldn't be saying it in the first place.

AGREED! I was thinking the same thing!!!

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 15:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
QUOTE (Astarte @ Sep 21 2009, 03:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a random warning to stay away from Moroccans.

gotcha good.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 15:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed advice before trip to Morocco
QUOTE (stephanieh_67 @ Sep 21 2009, 01:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I hope this doesn't sound rude, but where did that comment from stephanie come from anyways?? Here I am reading about a woman who wants advice on her situation, and there is this random post, that has nothing to do with the topic...Am I making sense, or did I miss something??? wacko.gif wacko.gif wacko.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-21 14:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan members, how many visits to SO??
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 28 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Sep 27 2009, 05:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 27 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many red flags do you have? If you have relatively few I doubt there will be a problem, but to be on the safe side and I would write a short letter to the consulate explaining your relationship, and include in that you would have loved to visit more, but your finances wouldn't allow it. I wouldn't dwell on it, just make it more of a side note.

If you do have some significant red flags I think it would be wise to plan a trip at his interview. They won't let you in, but he can certainly let take in proof that you are there. This would show the sincerity in you that it is a valid relationship.

As for these 3 friends that have already immigrated here. Did you meet them before you met your SO?

We don't really have any red flags. I feel pretty confidant in what we sent, and the relationship, so I am not too worried, just that I had been reading conflicting stories of... you need to go more than once, doesn't matter. Thanks for the input. And no, I didn't meet his friends before I met him. My SO was not finding any woman he wanted to settle with, and his friend that was coming here suggested to go on this dating web site that he had used, and that is how we met. Also, thanks for suggesting the letter, it makes sense, so I think I will do it.

After reading what I wrote I have to laugh. Was I on drugs? rofl.gif But you got the point.

As for the friends, if the consulate asks if he has friends in the US you might want to prepare yourself for questions, such as when did you and his friends first have contact. I doubt they will ask, but you never know. They asked my husband if the had relatives here, and it turned into a nasty misunderstanding that ended in a denial. So best to think ahead just in case.

Of course it is best the more visits you make, but if you can't, and address it in a way that satisfies them, you should be fine.

rofl.gif Thanks for the advice about the friends, I would not have thought of that. Now we can be prepared in case they do question anything on that topic.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-28 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan members, how many visits to SO??
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Sep 27 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How many red flags do you have? If you have relatively few I doubt there will be a problem, but to be on the safe side and I would write a short letter to the consulate explaining your relationship, and include in that you would have loved to visit more, but your finances wouldn't allow it. I wouldn't dwell on it, just make it more of a side note.

If you do have some significant red flags I think it would be wise to plan a trip at his interview. They won't let you in, but he can certainly let take in proof that you are there. This would show the sincerity in you that it is a valid relationship.

As for these 3 friends that have already immigrated here. Did you meet them before you met your SO?

We don't really have any red flags. I feel pretty confidant in what we sent, and the relationship, so I am not too worried, just that I had been reading conflicting stories of... you need to go more than once, doesn't matter. Thanks for the input. And no, I didn't meet his friends before I met him. My SO was not finding any woman he wanted to settle with, and his friend that was coming here suggested to go on this dating web site that he had used, and that is how we met. Also, thanks for suggesting the letter, it makes sense, so I think I will do it.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-27 16:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan members, how many visits to SO??
I just want to get an idea of what people think. My fiance has 3 friends who all immigrated here for a love...two of them had only one visit with their fiance, and one of them had 2. They were all approved for a visa. Now, I was only able to spend 21 days back in april to visit my fiance. Due to financial issues, and not being able to take time off of work, I am unable to visit him again this year. I was thinking to go there next year when he does his interview, but we decided to save my time off for when he gets here. And besides, I heard Casablanca does not let the fiance into the interview. I have read conflicting ideas about this. Some say, visit, visit, visit as much as you can. Take unpaid time off, etc. etc... Others say it is not a big deal how many times.... I would love to take unpaid time off of work, and visit a few times, but not able to. And I do agree it would probably look better, but circumstances don't always allow for the best option. I feel that the CO's would understand that. I think because I know of 2 cases from Morocco that were approved with one visit, that it IS possible, and not a big deal. So, I'm asking for the people who went through Casablanca, what do you think??

Edited by tany1157, 27 September 2009 - 01:45 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-09-27 13:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaIey da, Vermont?!
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had an NOA 1 dated August 19, and was not expecting NOA2 until January either, and we got our approval on October 2!! It's crazy!! Now we are scambling because we didn't think it would be so quick!! Good luck with the rest of your journey, and I pray everything else moves as fast!! God Bless!

Edited by tany1157, 07 October 2009 - 04:17 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-07 16:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSending money to ME/NA
I think it is a normal occurance for the immigrant to send money to their families....we discussed this, and we have a set amount, but we agreed that if we are short on money for that month, that our family comes first.....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-14 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNVC to Casa consulate, how long is normal??
Thanks everyone for the advice. I did call the consulate this morning, and they do have my packet, they said they just need to make an appointment for him....Sorry for the stupid question, I should have called first!! LOL unsure.gif wacko.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-22 13:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaNVC to Casa consulate, how long is normal??
QUOTE (Majid_Anna @ Oct 21 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tany1157 @ Oct 21 2009, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NVC sent our packet on oct. 8. DOS says casa consulate got electronic packet oct 8, but no mail yet. I tracked it on DHL, and it says consulate recieved the packet on oct 12. I am not worried yet, but was wonder how long it may take to get the packet in the system?? Thank you for any input!

The one you tracked could of been someone elses....I actually called the consulate to confirm they received it. If the DOS said they haven't sent it yet, than maybe they haven't. Did the DOS tell you whether they scheduled an interview date yet?

NVC told me they sent it oct. 8. DOS says casa received electronic approval...when I tracked DHL on oct 7 and 8, there was one packet to casa, so I just assumed it was mine...I could have been wrong. DOS says we are "pending" still
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-21 19:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaNVC to Casa consulate, how long is normal??
NVC sent our packet on oct. 8. DOS says casa consulate got electronic packet oct 8, but no mail yet. I tracked it on DHL, and it says consulate recieved the packet on oct 12. I am not worried yet, but was wonder how long it may take to get the packet in the system?? Thank you for any input!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-21 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
BUMP! whistling.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-12-28 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
I was wondering, can we call casablanca to see if they have received our packet?? If so, I think I heard the number on the consulate page is wrong, is this true??
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-14 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif Anyone with recent insight on casa reviews?? Let us know!! whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-10-11 21:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it true CO's read visa journey?
Thanks guys for the info!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-01-01 11:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it true CO's read visa journey?
Just wondering, I thought I read that somewhere that they track us on here. Any thoughts??
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-01-01 09:15:00
Middle East and North Africainterview next tuesday in casa

Just thinking... what 'if' they did happen to take note of the rings in the picture, and have the intent to ask about it, and he comes to the interview 'not' wearing the ring. You think that could cause suspicion? Just a thought...

I was thinking the same thing, so he's just gonna wear big deal it seems...Thanks again to everyone!

Me and my fiance wear wedding bands also, even though not married. One of the papers we had to submit at the embassy was a certificate of singlehood. Did he get that? Also, if it comes up, just explain the matter and should be ok.

Yes he did get that paper, so you have a point there... :thumbs:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-01-02 19:39:00
Middle East and North Africainterview next tuesday in casa
LOL Thanks to everyone, but I am onto freaking out about the next "problem", which isn't really a problem, it's just me spazzing :girlwerewolf2xn: before the interview. CALM DOWN AND BREATH!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-01-02 18:56:00
Middle East and North Africainterview next tuesday in casa
Thanks everyone for the input, it is well appreciated!!! good.gif
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-12-31 15:10:00
Middle East and North Africainterview next tuesday in casa
QUOTE (Resha~Adnan @ Dec 29 2009, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We had the same picture and it was fine.. They are just rings... That is great if that is your biggest worry good.gif

Thank you and I AM SO GLAD TO SEE YOUR RECENT APPROVAL!! I have been quiet on VJ, but have been keeping up with you guys. That was the one that was making me sick lol. But I guess other red flags are that we got engaged on my only trip out there, but we have reasons why I could not return for a second trip. We do feel very confident because this is a real relationship, and we are ready to endure what we need to.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-12-29 12:35:00
Middle East and North Africainterview next tuesday in casa
QUOTE (morocco4ever @ Dec 29 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Don't take the picture with the rings, and have him take off the ring for the interview. As long as you aren't married and trying to do a fiance visa then why add any stress?

I guess that's the problem, that photo was sent with the original package. After being so careful, I can't believe we made such a stupid mistake. I was feeling so good about this interview, but today, I am thinking the worst. Also, I have been reading alot from the pinned section for returned petitions on this forum. I have a question that I did not see answered, or may have missed. Is it possible if we get denied, to let the petition expire, and get married instead? I am afraid of making a wrong decision.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2009-12-29 12:05:00