Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
ok, you guys are seriously embarrassing me now :blush: :blush: :blush: When it comes down to it, I have such a great guy. We have grown so much, and have so much fun together. We have our bad days, but no distance can take away the fact that I have a man who adores me, and at the end of the day, I adore him more and more as time goes by. We aren't perfect, but we are perfect for each other! That is what makes us so happy. Also, time has flown by, so we are not worried about the wait. We are just anxious to see how our case unfolds!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-09-14 17:11:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
We put in a service request on tuesday, september 6, and got a response back via email this past saturday. They said we should have a notice of action by November 10. At least we aren't forgotten
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-09-13 20:40:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

Wow. I just don't know how you do it. I think I might completely fall apart at the seams if my second one is denied. And it is so hard on the relationship too all the stress of everything. I wish you the best and hope for the best with you.

I'm a little embarrassed because I don't mean to come across as it always being perfect, because of course it isn't. But this is how we feel. I have a pretty busy life, and a 6 year old, so it helps the days go by fast. Hubby and I talk everyday, but it gets annoying sometimes having a relationship with our phone/computer LOL We just both agree that what we have is more than what we would ever find in anyone else. And besides, we feel this process just keeps making us stronger. Sometimes even we can't believe how we do it, or what we have already been through. Really, it amazes us too! I am praying for you guys also. I was just telling my hubby the other day about your case. I told him "we have it bad, but look at this, they still don't have their noa2..." We just always have to remember, things could be worse...even for you, because you will get your noa2...YOU WILL. Follow your heart, and have faith. I truly feel for you guys too, and you are never far from my thoughts. 4evermine is someone I think about often as well. I can't wait for the day we can all be telling the newbies about our harrowing journeys, but how we finally made it through (L)
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-09-06 11:49:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

I've been following this thread for awhile and there must be something that is causing this. As was mentioned a lot of times consulars have access to more information than you do. I would suggest combing through your case and seeing where any inconsistencies may be. I would also make sure to ask your husband a lot of tough questions. While you have been to visit multiple times there may still be things going on that you don't know about. There also may not be. However consulars don't deny twice for no reason. They do know something is up. Maybe it was something in his past? If you at least know what it is you can move forward and fight it.

I asked him tough questions after both denials. In the end, there is nothing that we can think of that would cause this. The only thing I think is, we really rushed into the "I love you's." We have been together almost three years now, so thank God our leap of faith is working out, but sometimes, I go and read some of our first emails, and have to laugh. We were two love struck crazies, and we included those emails, every single one of them, plus hundreds of pages of chat in our initial K1. I think we provided way too much info, and it probably does indeed look suspicious because we went in fast and heavy. That is why I understood the K1 denial. We thought it was good for us, because it forced us to wait, and get to know each other better.

At this point, even if there is a straight out denial, he will always be my husband. We have spoken a little about what our plans will be if he can not come here, and those plans include living the summers there, and visiting whenever I can. I guess the point is, it sucks to be apart, but what we have in each other is what makes us happy. Nothing can take that away. I have put in a service request today to the USCIS because they said I could after our petition had been there for 120 days. Either way, we have faith, and we continue to grow as a couple.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-09-06 09:10:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

Edited by tany1157, 06 April 2011 - 07:25 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-06 19:24:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

They refused all inquiries? Even when it reaches the USCIS?

I don't think so, one senators office told me she is closing our case, because they can't do anything anymore! I think that lady who works for the senators office is a dummy. The senator I had working our case last year was great, but he retired in december! My other senator is out of the office until thursday

But, when I called that other senator on friday to tell her I got a response from the consulate, she made another inquiry to see when the file actually left. I think I want her to follow my case until the end, because the other lady is a moron. My old senator, who retired, did follow up inquires on our case last year without us even asking them to.

Edited by tany1157, 05 April 2011 - 04:28 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-05 16:26:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Not that I thought they could do much anyways, but my senators were useless....Regardless of what I asked them to do, because the consulate said our case has left for the US, they won't do anymore inquires....I guess I don't blame them, I mean, what else can they do if the consulate says our file left already. Oh well :unsure: I am just really disappointed my husband won't be with me when my baby sister gets married in a couple of weeks. Everybody was hoping he would be here for that :(
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-05 15:57:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
You rock charles!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-02 07:05:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

With a second denial you really need a good lawyer right now. They've found some inconsistency (somewhere) and they're using that. Consulates have access to information you normally wouldn't think they do. You need a blow-by-blow account of the interview, exact questions and exact answer to see what they're getting at. The chat-logs questions would indicate that communication seems to be the issue -- do you both converse in English? Is he proficient in English? Maybe they want to see what the conversations are about and how they are conducted rather than just a phone bill that doesn't show anything more than call-duration.

Sorry if I missed it, but were you there in Morocco for the interview?

Also, I don't know if you have opened a separate thread of your own but it might be good to get some advice/guidance from those who might not be regular visitors to this particular thread. Or maybe this could be split into a separate topic? Just a suggestion.

We talk in English, and he speaks English well. I was not at the interview. I think maybe splitting this thread from where I started would be a good I need to pm a moderator?
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-01 17:05:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
You guys have been so great. Taking your time to help me out, I really can't say what it means to me. Xoxoxo
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-01 11:02:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

That is the exact response that I received from them on feb 9th and the case is still in Casa. I cannot get them to send the case back with any verification that it is in route. I cannot understand why they cannot have it returned within 2 months???

How do you know its still there?? Last year they said the same thing, and gave me the diplomatic pouch number, and they really did send it back fast because it got to nvc within the next few weeks. They gave me a diplomatic pouch number, so I'm thinking it did leav e the office. Did they tell you its still in casa?
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-01 09:25:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Finally got this response, the usual song and dance....I did send our chat logs in the email I sent last night.

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail inquiry. Your husband’s case was returned to the Department of Homeland Security's Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for further review. Due to the personal nature of the information, the file was sent via registered diplomatic pouch (Reg ######). The Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services will contact you to discuss the return of the petition to their office. If you wish to seek information on the status of the case, you should contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283. You should wait several weeks before calling them so they have a chance to receive and review file.

The decision to send the petition back for additional review was not taken lightly. Your husband’s file was fully reviewed by the consular officer. As you know, this is not a final refusal of the visa. Rather, USCIS will review the case and give you the opportunity to answer the concerns raised in the interview. Because the file has already been sent back to USCIS, please direct all further inquiries to their attention.


Immigration Visa Unit

United States Consulate General

8 Boulevard Moulay Youssef

Casablanca, Morocco

Email address:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-04-01 04:37:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

I'm so sorry, Tany. I don't understand why he's getting denied again. It sounds to me like something during the interview put them off. With federal interviewers, it can be something in his body language that isn't matching his answers. I've been an interrogator, and there are things they look for to indicate deception that can negate the right answer to any question at an interview. Body language doesn't get the kind of attention when discussing preparation for a visa interview that it should, yet, it makes a big difference.

I appreciate this...and we agree, something in the interview did it. Well, I guess this just means our fight isn't over yet, but, they won't get us, it will be over someday, just have to keep fighting
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 15:09:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Wow, a light went off in my head when we started talking about the chat logs! After you guys said that, I text my husband, and asked him if they even looked at his evidence, the phone records and text records. He said no, she only asked to see chat logs, and the photo album. I am already organizing what chat I do have, even if it isn't as much, it shows some conversation, and phone calls through skype. I emailed my senators to see if they will send this info for me, and I will send it to the consulate also. I am almost positive this was the problem, as that was the only thing she was concerned with, and even asked my husband again, "are you sure, you don't have any chat logs at home? because you can bring them in."
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 14:44:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
He did go with texting and phone records but I do think your right about the chats, since she did ask him if he was sure he didn't have any at his house. And no, I don't mind the questions or suggestions, I appreciate them. Nothing from the consulate today
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 10:34:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
We met on a dating website, and no, they didn't focus on that much. They did ask why we got engaged after only a few months, and the chats, they asked about chat logs. When he said we didn't have any, she asked if he was sure he didn't have any at home. That was when he explained to her the issue we had with our chat logs last year. We sent a TON with our k1 petition, and he brought more to the interview. The guys said first thing, that he hated our package. Why did we send so much chat. Then gave hubby ###### for bringing even more chat. So this time, we made our cr1 package simple. And besides, we don't really talk on chat anymore. Its all text, phone and skype. Also, dating website was coed, and not country specific. And he does not have any american friends
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 09:33:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

There's something they are focusing on. Not sure what it is, but obviously to reject 2 times mean they have honed in on some issue or inconsistency.

There's something they are focusing on. Not sure what it is, but obviously to reject 2 times mean they have honed in on some issue or inconsistency.

We agree, and for the life of us, we can't figure it out
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 08:36:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
One cousin who has lived here for about 12 years. He won the visa lottery. He lives in kansas. They hadn't even spoke for years, they never got along
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 08:33:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Sorry, it has been closer to 2 and a half years together. Not sure if I meantioned this before, but our red flags are...met online, engaged on first visit a few months after meeting, and differant religons
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 06:42:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Also have been there 3 times in the past 3 years, staying 3 weeks twice, 2 weeks once
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 05:10:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
We are some of the most average people around. Never tried for a visa before, both of us, never been in a ldr, both of us. We are only 3 years apart. Both have similar educations. We are different religions and I am divorced. Neither of us have criminal history, no drug use. The k1 was denied because they didn't believe our relationship. I sent in something like a rebuttle letter addressing why we think we got denied with the cr1 package. The interview also went very well. Woman made my husband very comfortable and hubby felt good about his answers. This is why him, I, and our family and friends are shocked by the outcome.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-31 04:43:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
yes, he got a 221 denial. I think they just haven't updated their system yet, but who knows. and yes, it was like a green ticket
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 16:59:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Another thing hubby said that happened, was some woman was going around,, and she put a green piece of paper in his passport. After the CO denied him, she took that paper out. Hubby said it was for the visa or something, like the other woman thought he was getting approved that day or something. IDK the significance of this, but just an observation
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 15:11:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Just called DOS. Gave the case number, and the man stated our interview was monday and he asked what the outcome was. I said a denial. He asked why it was denied, I said she didn't get specific, but she did say she didn't believe our marriage was for love. I told him this was our second time through immigration. Then he put me on hold for about 2 minutes. When he came back, he said that in the system, it says they are still processing our case. He said its not good news, but not bad news. I asked him if it was normal to take this long, he said it could happen. So no real info from DOS yet...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 14:32:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

Or the reason could be something they are techincally not supposed to use as a reason-- such as age difference, religion, or whatever. I imagine they just don't even write anything down for that.

Probably correct on that one too!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 11:40:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca

So they won't even give you the notes from the interview of a denial? That sucks...

Probably because half the time there IS no reason, just a feeling they have.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 11:33:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
So today I call the consulate, and she tells me that I have sent too many emails, and it takes a couple of days to respond to them. She then proceeded to tell me that they will only answer the last email they received from me. She said I sent many emails, 3 so far, and I have 2 emails from my senators. Then in the same breath, told me they will probably only respond to the senator's emails. So I said which is it. You told me 2 different things. I then said well last year, they responded to my emails, and she just said that once senators get involved, they only respond to them. That is BS because last year I had 2 senators and a congressman on our case, and I still got replies from the consulate. I am feeling pretty darned frustrated because from what she said, they will ignore the first 2 emails I sent. Really?! :huh:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-30 10:25:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
I called at 1130, and the woman said they already have emails about our case, and they will answer them. That was all she would say. I bugged my senators again today to call, but one of them said there is a procedure to follow, and they have direct contact with the consulate general. IDK if they will even reconsider their decision, but will do what I can, while it is still there....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-29 11:50:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Consulate closes in a half hour, and have heard nothing yet! :crying:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-29 11:33:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Nothing yet! I have sent two emails, and both senators sent emails. Nothing
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-29 08:06:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
I am really feeling the love here guys.....really, THANK YOU!!! It's amazing what a few words can do, even if we are all powerless... :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 18:10:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
I would rather not get into specifics on such a personal level on the boards about what he is saying. He is just taking it hard. As am I. First, we will try our hardest to get him another interview. If that doesn't work, we will have to wait for our package to return to the US, and wait for the NOID from USCIS. I have been told by a few people already I may need to look into getting a lawyer. I don't know right now, I just want/need to take one step at a time. Right now, am trying my hardest to keep our petition there. I don't trust that consulate, last petition they sent back, the NVC and USCIS got an empty folder with our names on it
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 16:02:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
She said she doesn't believe our marriage, but when hubby asked her at the end for a reason, she said there is a process, and she can't tell him here. She said his wife (me) will find out when our petition gets back to the states. Hubby is not taking this well, and neither am I, but I am kinda worried by how my hubby is taking this....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 15:45:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Thanks everyone....I can't believe it, considering how rare second denials are, why did we have to be the poster child for this :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 12:37:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
Hubby said interview went well....he was 99 percent sure it was an approval. She asked the usual....where you met, when, why we he went online to meet woman, things about my son, if I went to college for my profession, if we had any chat history (we didn't, because we sent a ton the first time, and they complained how much we sent, also, this past year has been almost all phone and texting and skype video chat) she asked if he was sure he didn't have any chat at home, he said no. She asked what we had in common, and why he loves me. The only answer he didnt know was, how I met my ex husband. She asked to see our photo album, then she asked him to sit down while she looked.

When he was called over again, she says, I am denying your visa, I don't believe this marriage is for love, I think it is for papers. So he told her that this was going to break our hearts, that our relationship has suffered enough. Then she asked where he learned his english, because it was good. He said high school. She then said that I don't make enough to support him. (I do, but was close, so asked my mom to co sponsor) She said my co sponsor could afford it, but not me. Then he asked why they were denying him, and she said I can't say. He asked her two more time, saying he had a right to know why they were denying us. She said she doesn't believe our relationship. Then he asked, what should I tell my wife, she said that they are sending the package back to USA, and to find out from USCIS what needs to get done next. He went to say something else, and she said the interview was over, and turned the mic off.

Hubby did say that it was a blond woman, and that the man that interviewed him last year was standing behind her, looking at our paperwork. He said it was obvious that they had spoken about us before hand....obviously lol. What is annoying, is that guy last year said that if USCIS will reaffirm our original case and he got a second interview, that he would give us a visa.

So, I have done the usual....emailed the consulate, and just signed the waiver for my senator (the senator that has followed our case for the last 14 months retired in december) I will be calling the consulate myself now, since I just left work early to be able to contact the consulate before they close. My entire family is shocked, and not to mention me and hubby. I think it took about 6 hours to sink in, before I broke down to actually cry.

Edited by tany1157, 28 March 2011 - 11:29 AM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 11:28:00
Middle East and North Africadenied at casablanca
We were denied again
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-28 05:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOIR

I am not upset, but ouraged. I received an update about my case and was told that the officer did not even review the case file with the new evidence submitted in July and October, but just issued the NOIR based upon the information from the consulate. The officer will review the case after I respond to NOIR. I will send everything again expect for the evidence that my senator's office validate receipt of. This is our tax dollars at work here. :(

Thanks for the support.

I know it sucks. And you are right, but hopefully you will get a quick response. I am glad I have someone to go through this in real time with. I will always be rooting for you, and praying that in the end, it will all be worth it
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-10-11 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOIR
Don't be upset honey, look at it this way....this is GREAT news. At least you know EXACTLY what the problems are. That is what you needed to fight this. Resend everything...this is the next step closer for you guys. Please, keep it together! And YAYYYYY, we put a service request in a week after you did, which means I should have mine in the mail by the end of this week...hopefully. Private message me after you get your package sent out, and let me know what kind of things they asked you (if you don't mind) so maybe I have an idea of things. Good luck!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-10-10 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved!
Congrats! So happy to hear the good news :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-11-01 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaOMG THEY REAFFIRMED OUR CASE TODAY!!!!!!
Congrats again!! USCIS just told our congressman it will be another 45 days for us. I'm so happy to see your success :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-11-09 20:10:00