Middle East and North AfricaDenied
I also of course had a congressman on our case from the first denial. They can't do much, but if you have a good one, like we did, they followed us through to the end, and made inquiries on our behalf throughout the entire process. Always let the consulate know they had interest in our case, and they wanted a favorable outcome for us. The CO's are doing their jobs. Actually, when hubby and I were getting our evidence for the NOIR ready, we had to laugh at how we were when we first wonder they thought we were just blinded by love....we fell hard and fast, we jumped in, and thankfully, the love is genuine, but many times, it isn't. The CO's suck sometimes, but they see way more than we ever will.

Edited by tany1157, 07 August 2012 - 10:58 AM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-08-07 10:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied

Yes, so that's why I want to be proactive. I didn't know about the immigration process, VJ, or the support groups until after marrying my husband. I was in the ride of love (LOL). And the woulda, coulda, shoulda conversation has passed and we need to focus on doing the steps and when the time is right we will be together. I am aware that every case is different and we might go to the interview and get through it the first time. I'm more interested in the process of appealing my case, just in case. Why someone was denied isn't really my concern because when it comes to Morocco things like evidence or trips may not be enough. It's all about who's reviewing your case, how they are feeling that day, and how many people have they already denied. But a common factor that I hear about about is the timeframe. And in out case we got engaged and married quickly. It didn't seem quick to us because we are older and have been single for a long time. It's been a year since I've met my husband and he's the same reliable/trustworthy person I knew when I first met him to today and that is what I hold close, his actions, not just his words. And the support we have gotten from his family, not just his immediate family but his Aunts, Uncles, and cousin who range from being very rich to very poor has been amazing. His cousin is a famous writer and teacher in Morocco and has been awarded by the King. She welcomed me into the family and even gave us one of her homes for our honeymoon. I have know doubt of the legitimacy of our marriage our his intentions.
And I don't doubt that many people have similar stories.

But getting through a Morocco interview is an entity all on it's on. So all we can do is prepare, wait, and hope it's our lucky, blessed day.

This is how I handled the NOIR (notice of intent to revoke) from the USCIS...I state on the second page (post #19) exactly what I did for evidence
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-08-07 10:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied

msheesha and mithra are VERY well aware of this consulate....Mithra may not have went through Morocco, but has been on MENA for years, I would listen to them also. Multiple trips are good, but it is when they happened. Were there multiple trips BEFORE engagement or marriage?? Foreverwaiting had 4 trips I think before they even got engaged and got through a very tough interview, I think because they took their time BEFORE doing anything. We got engaged on the first trip, so that right there just made them think he was using me, and made our entire case an uphill battle, even if we did talk every single day just about, and visiting every year for a few weeks. We also never used a lawyer, a lawyer can't do anything to change the CO's mind. They did not like my husband...even though the 3rd interview went well, they asked him a lot of questions, and told him to go straight to the doctor to get a drug test. Yes, they thought he was a user, and thank God, he never used drugs in his life, so was no worries there. But the doctor asked him why he looked so tired, and he was like "lady, I've been up since midnight, traveled 3 hours to have a THIRD interview with people who hate me" :lol: In the end, it worked out, but took us 3 years

We also never used a lawyer, a lawyer can't do anything to change the CO's mind, IMO. They did not like my husband...even though the 3rd interview went well, they asked him a lot of questions, and told him to go straight to the doctor to get a drug test. Yes, they thought he was a user, and thank God, he never used drugs in his life, so was no worries there. But the doctor asked him why he looked so tired, and he was like "lady, I've been up since midnight, traveled 3 hours to have a THIRD interview with people who hate me" :lol: In the end, it worked out, but took us 3 years

Edited by tany1157, 07 August 2012 - 10:17 AM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-08-07 10:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied
msheesha and mithra are VERY well aware of this consulate....Mithra may not have went through Morocco, but has been on MENA for years, I would listen to them also. Multiple trips are good, but it is when they happened. Were there multiple trips BEFORE engagement or marriage?? Foreverwaiting had 4 trips I think before they even got engaged and got through a very tough interview, I think because they took their time BEFORE doing anything. We got engaged on the first trip, so that right there just made them think he was using me, and made our entire case an uphill battle, even if we did talk every single day just about, and visiting every year for a few weeks.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-08-07 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaDenied
Thanks Mithra :blush: We just tried to do our best. To the OP, we were actually denied 2 times. First time on the K1, and second on our CR1. I did see your PM, and will get back to you in more detail later today, but in the meantime, I have links to all our interviews here....


Being proactive in Morocco is a great way to go. Sometimes no matter what you do, they still deny because they have a feeling there is fraud (which happened in our case). Persistence and patience are key. Good luck

http://www.visajourn...d/page__st__735 The last page of this thread has the reasons why they denied us, just so you can see...those were straight from the CO...You guys getting married 5 months after meeting will make your entire case suspect, as we got engaged just as quickly, and that was a big deal. We got married a year later.

Edited by tany1157, 07 August 2012 - 09:33 AM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-08-07 09:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

What did you mean when you said you will send chats, texts, and phones records? did you mean you will do that while your petition was under AP or what? thanks

We sent all that evidence with our Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR), which we received from USCIS when Casa sent our case back to the US. That was our last chance to prove our relationship, so we put every single piece of evidence we had. They reapproved it, and sent it back to Casa for another interview, which my husband passed. Hope that helps.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-09-06 12:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Thought I'd drag this topic out since Tany's going to be going thru another interview soon!
Monica, how is everything going with you? How has your husband's adjustment been?

You're such a doll :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-03-02 15:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Glad you're in touch with a group of people who can help & support you.
Just saw another cr1 denied out of Casa today. Tougher and tougher on some, yet the one with the red flags described yesterday was approved. Casa seems to be totally unpredictable...

They had the following problems with us:

-He didn't explain why he looked for a woman online
-We moved too fast, which tells them he was looking for the first person who would even talk with him
-They claim that one interview, he said it was my idea to go to morocco, but that in the second interview, he said it was his idea (I made the first comment about going to meet him before I made my mind about being with him. 2 to 3 days later, he said I am welcome to come visit)
-Hubby said we fell in love when we met in person, but our chats show we felt that way before. (Hubby meant to say that was when we REALLY knew we wanted to be together)
-Hubby knows nothing about my ex hubby, and hubby could only speak in general terms when discussing his feelings for me

We knew we moved quickly, but damn it, its over three years we have been together now. Been to see him 4 times now. So, now I have mom, sisters, myself and hubby writing letters, and I will send chats, texts, and phone records to show we talk every single day. They stated they want to see how we interacted before engagement, after engagement, after denial, after marriage. Thankfully, nothing has changed. I talk to this man almost every single day! LOL I am actually happy and relieved to finally know what the exact problem is. So here we go!

Edited by tany1157, 01 February 2012 - 03:52 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-02-01 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Salaams Tany,
Sorry to hear about the NOIR. I don't know anything about things at that point but I looked up NOIR and found this little thread where the NOIR was received and then the case was reaffirmed. And, didn't that just happen to someone here on MENA as well?


Hopefully that's the link to the thread. If you were going the lawyer route, the lawyer he mentioned does initial consultations on cases for about $200. (I don't think he does free initial consults). There's also an immigration lawyer named Laurel Scott, who does weekly live web chats for an hour where you can log in, see other ppl's questions and have the opportunity to send your own in.

I don't know exactly what you do for an NOIR, but I wish you only good things and hope it ultimately results in good things for you. :star:

Thankfully I am in touch with a few people who are going through this, so I feel we have a small support group. I am glad we know exactly what the problem is, (which is what we thought all along). So, we begin the arduous task of organizing all our proofs again. Keep you guys updated!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-01-31 13:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
We got our Notice of Intent to Revoke...I am so nervous now! Denial was based on inconsistencies in his interview. Just wanted to keep you updated. I am so scared right now :(
tany1157FemaleMorocco2012-01-30 15:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
USCIS response to Dec. 12 service request....please wait 120 days. ####### :crying: :girlwerewolf2xn: :ranting:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-27 16:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Just put in a second service request. They told my congressman we need to wait another 90 days, and if we don't hear anything in those 90 days, I can contact them again. Um, I am beyond frustrated at this point. On a lighter note, I leave for Morocco in 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope everyone else is doing well!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-12-17 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Update. Tomorrow is 6 months USCIS has had our returned case. They just told our congressman it will be another 45 days. This past month has been so very hard for hubby and I, we are sitting on the edge of our seats. Hope everyone else is doing well!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-11-09 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
USCIS received our returned petition on May 10, 2011. Now we wait to see what happens....prob another 5 months before we hear anything. It is great to see you guys just got married! Congrats!

Thanks for dragging this thread up, Monica. There have been a handful of denials out of Casa lately, maybe they can help each other out. I, however, am about done helping for now. :P

Yeah, F that S Squeaky.... :devil:

Edited by tany1157, 13 June 2011 - 06:00 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-06-13 17:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

How are you doing? I know it's crazy making when time goes slowly leading up to the interview. How are you guys doing?

Doing FABULOUS! :thumbs: :thumbs: Despite the postal strike, hubby has all the evidence and paperwork he needs for the interview. (My package never made it there)We found out last friday what was going on, so we worked all week to get all the papers and pictures organized again...He was able to get his police record and court record today, and that was all that we were waiting for. We actually thought that he wouldn't be able to get them until after the interview, so it was a very nice surprise!

I was feeling crumby that day because I have a lot on my plate right now. My hubby's stuff, of course, but also my sister is getting married in a few weeks, so it's crunch time! And financially, her wedding has taken a toll on my bank account :( but, she is the baby of the family, and we have all pitched in to help her! So tomorrow night, we are going to PARTY in Boston for her bachelorette, and then hopefully hearing GREAT news on monday! I was also bummed because money I had put aside for hubby's plane ticket is now was feeling sad about that, but we will manage. And surprisingly, time has FLOWN by! I am so damn busy here, that I blink, and days are gone... :dance:

Hubby feels great about the interview, but he is nervous he might get the same guy who interviewed him last year, cause that guy was NOT very nice...but we will see, and I am sure he will do great :luv:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-25 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
My nerves are shot....Not sure how I am going to get through the next couple of weeks. I need all the prayer and well wishes I can get. I just have the worst feeling of being overwhelmed, and worried. So much is going on right now, and I feel like I can't handle it today...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-22 13:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

VISA IN HAND March 18th!!

Monica :)

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-03-22 13:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Interview scheduled for march 28! :dance: So excited! I will send hubby all his stuff this week! Thanks for the advice Vanessa :thumbs:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-02-11 15:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Well, it's a gosh darn miracle....called NVC this morning....same sh! I am, writing out invites for my son's birthday party, and get a call from my hubby 10 minutes ago, ummmmm honey, just tried to sign into the portal, and I think it is SIF.....sure enough, it was. So I called NVC, and finally get the news....

SIF AND CASE CLOSED!! Interviews are being scheduled for March.....she said to call back by the third week of the month to see if we made march think we will make march?!?!?! Our family goal was for him to be here by my baby sister's wedding april 16....there might be a chance now!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

:goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Trip was FABULOUS! So happy to be with my family there....we did get updated police and court records, but as you can see, they were not needed!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-02-09 22:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

And, it was freeeeeeezzzzzing inside in the winter!!!
Bone chilling, bone aching cold inside! And, the freaky thing was it'd be 50 or 60 degrees outside. Ugh. I Don't miss January in Morocco!

OMFG!!....hahaha, just experienced this!!!! was so beautiful outside, could NOT believe how much we had to bundle up inside...was CRAZY! I don't think I saw my husband's bare chest more than once on my almost 2 week trip! :rofl: :rofl:

BUT.... still better than what I came home to last night...freezing rain, with snow banks so high that I have to pretty much pull into the middle of the road to see if cars are coming :wacko:

Edited by tany1157, 06 February 2011 - 09:30 PM.

tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-02-06 21:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Glad to hear things are moving along with you Monica...I have always followed your case, and was really surprised when you guys were denied....Me on the other hand am losing patience....we are now starting our FOURTH month at the NVC....really never, ever expected to be here this long....we just realized that his first original police record expired 2 weeks ago, so now to be safe, hubby is getting the police record, and the casier judiciare again. I have a feeling they will request a new one since that one is expired....and I am sick of waiting for a SIF from them....ughhhhhh :angry: :angry:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-02-01 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
things in morocco are GREAT! Nvc just told us the document we sent is the wrong one, but it isn' trying to figure things out
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-28 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
the first denial was horrible....but we believe it was what God wanted at the time....I just hope God doesn't want us to wait more :unsure: I am leaving for Morocco in less than 48 hours, feeling very anxious, nervous, excited....really just sick to my stomach :unsure: I can't wait to be on that plane monday!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-22 20:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
We are so close to getting a CC from NVC....hopefully by the end of the week....I leave monday to see my husband, and we can't wait to veg out together LOL....anyways, I hope and pray, and pray and hope that our interview goes well this time....because it went TERRIBLE the first time around....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-19 19:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

It is tough feeling like they have your lives in their hands. But, don't give into that feeling if you can help it! Look into things you can start researching for when he's here - jobs in his field, school info if he's going to go to school, party planning generally if you are going to have a wedding celebration when he gets here, mosques, etc, etc, etc. Focusing on those kinds of things helped to ease my frustration and keep my mind on positive things.
I hope things move quickly and go really well for you. weren't you denied b/c your case was too organized?? Your paperwork was too organized? Will you be able to make any trips over to see him before the interview?

yeah, they said they hated our package.....way too much info....i went for 3 weeks in march when we got married, and am going for a week when we get his interview date. Actually, my younger sister is getting married in april, so this was always our hopeful goal of him being here by yes, he is shopping for a nice suit to wear since he will be in our family pics....and I am the matron of honor, so am busy planning a wedding lol....depending on when he actually came home, I was going to throw a surprise party for us....but it depends how close he comes to my sisters wedding...we are letting ourselves imagine life together now that we are so close, so we are def excited. And I told him no rehearsing interview questions, because they said they could tell we went over questions before his anyways, we figure many denied cases don't ever make it back, so us sticking it out another year can only look good for us....we do feel very positive this time, but still so nerve-wracking!!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-01 20:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
I would like to join this husband and I are waiting for the final reviews at the nvc....actually waiting for a document from morocco that we forgot....then once that gets to the nvc, that is all they are waiting for.....I just watched the video someone posted about spousal visas and interviews....frankly, I was feeling so good, but am getting so nervous....we are expecting an interview in feb....this will be his second time....we were denied the k1 in jan of 09. I am getting so sad, and so nervous, and he is getting nervous about leaving his family, since his father just recently passed away. I am going to morocco for his interview, and I really feel good about our chances, but am scared for another denial....we will wait as long as it takes, but really don't know how I can go another year without my husband, which in turn keeps our lives on hold....just looking for some support because I know everyone here understands....thanks
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-01 11:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Hubby and I are hopefully finishing up with NVC by the end of the month....we were denied our k1 last january.....was thinking about going to morocco this time for the interview....what do people think of this? I know they don't usually let usc into the interview, but have seen that some have been in the interview. Is it possible to make things worse by being there? I want to see his family again anyways, but really want to go to give hubby support. Thanks all for the feedback!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-12-05 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
We just sent out our I-130...we were denied K-1 in January. I am all for supporting this thread. Good luck to everyone!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-06-13 12:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaSome advice
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the advice and support. It is comforting to speak with people who actually understand what I'm going through. We currently live with my parents, so moving is a must. I will def look into the courses, and thinking I will leave him no choice with drivers ed :P No matter how much love is between us, "life" is now in the way, so to speak. Now we are in a "real" relationship....( you guys hopefully know what I mean) At the end of the day, I love knowing he's with me, and the cuddles certainly help :) We will get through it. They're still many rewards to being in a multi-cultural relationship, but challenging to say the least. You all have been so helpful...and yes, we knew logically that adjusting would be harder than immigration, but you don't really "know" until you are in the throws of a frustrating battle that you feel you might not win. You def need more than love to get through it :D
tany1157FemaleMorocco2013-02-16 15:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaSome advice
My husband and I are happy to be together, and we enjoy sharing our physical lives together. However, my husband is not crazy about America. He has been working full time for 4 months now, an overnight shift. We are currently looking for a new place to live. He feels discouraged. The way we spend and live in this country makes him feel like he can't get anywhere. He doesn't want to have to go into debt to own anything. He won't do it. He's a city boy, and we live in a suburb. We will move to the city, which will make things a little better for him. Teaching him to drive has been a daunting task, and is taking longer than expected. I could go on and on, but I know others here who have already been through the initial adjustment stage will hopefully understand what I'm trying to explain.

I feel badly for him. I've incorporated his foods in our home, and he cooks as well sometimes. We enjoy being together ( thankfully we have the same days off :luv: ) I don't know what to do or say to help him. He is trying to figure things out himself, which is great, but he has this yearning for all of us to go back to Morocco together. He knows that isn't possible, but he actually told me he has no clue about his life right now. He says the only thing he knows is that we have a future together, but how will we live??? he doesn't know. His grand mom is getting sick a lot, and I think he has realized that if something were to happen, he wouldn't be able to just go whenever and stay as long as he needed without money, and without losing his job and starting over when he gets back. He is disappointed at how superficial life seems to be here, and how expensive everything is. I told him that I tried to tell him this before he got here, but he admitted that he didn't "get" it until he lived here.

My husband isn't a complainer. I pretty much had to dig this conversation out of him. I'm not stupid, I know he is homesick. I know he is scared for his family back home. I know he is scared for our future. I know we have dreams that seem impossible right now. I would just like some insight on others who had spouses that didn't like the country they came to, and how things got better. He would love to study, but he is so disappointed at the expense. We know there are grants available, but he would still need student loans. I have told him that no matter how much I love him, that if he hated it here so much that he couldn't live a happy life, I would want him to go home. It is like I feel guilty that he lives where he doesn't want to just to be with me. Has anyone else felt this way? He won't complain to me, but I see the worry in his face. He isn't sleeping well at all. I know it will get better, but he says he has almost been here a year, and he feels like he has done nothing. I think he is being really hard on himself.... What do you all think of this? Thank you guys for the help
tany1157FemaleMorocco2013-02-13 18:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Just popping in to say hello! I can't believe my husband has been here for 9 months already! Time flies. It has been a roller coaster, but still so grateful to be together. We are in the process of finding a new place to live, so we are ready for the next chapter in our lives to begin. Other than that, everything is pretty mundane. My dad has gotten better (not 100%, but he's alive :) ) We just got hit with an awesome blizzard (I love the snow, my husband, not so much), so enjoyed a snow day from work yesterday. I hope everyone is doing well!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2013-02-10 23:23:00
Middle East and North Africamaiden name in passport
Thanks to everyone who replied! Not so worried leaving for Morocco on the 25 of jan!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-12 18:42:00
Middle East and North Africamaiden name in passport

Take a copy with you.

OT - why did you send your original marriage cert. with your app? A copy would've worked.

NVC requires original documents, not the USCIS...I just sent USCIS copies....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-07 16:29:00
Middle East and North Africamaiden name in passport

This is why I still carry my expired DL with me that has my former name and well as the changed name on a paper attached. Not for traveling so much but I do have a couple credit cards that I haven't bothered changing yet. I haven't changed my passport either. I know that's not much help but maybe take your old DL with you when you go?

I do have my old DL....and copies of my marriage license, but not the original certified one....idk :wacko:
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-07 16:07:00
Middle East and North Africamaiden name in passport
Thanks for all the replies! I have changed everything to my married name, except for my passport...I was just going to buy the ticket in my maiden name....but I may have a problem coming back into the US?? Hope someone can advise on this! Thank You!!!
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-07 15:10:00
Middle East and North Africamaiden name in passport
I just realized that I still have my maiden name in my I need to change it to fly to morocco?? I have researched this, and see that people said you can travel like this, but need your marriage certificate....well my original marriage certificate is currently at the NVC....has anyone traveled using their maiden name even though I changed to my married name? Will I have problems getting through customs in morocco? Will customs question why I have a different last name from my husband when they ask me who I am seeing in Morocco? I didn't know where else to post this, so I hope it is ok that I posted here....
tany1157FemaleMorocco2011-01-06 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

Hello again, I recieved this letter from USCIS

It sounds like they let your petition expire. You are now free to refile. So it is good news that you know what happened to your petition, but now you need to start over again, either with a K-1, or get married and file for K-3 or CR-1. God Bless in your journey.
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-03-20 14:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I did try explaining earlier what pinned means, but with no sucess...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-02-26 19:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Also read the visa faq's, at the bottom of that page has helpful links to VJ terms...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-02-18 17:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Not to be rude to anyone, but this topic has been pinned for a long time....pinned means the topic stays at the top of the forum no matter what. Reading the wiki guide at the top of the page will help you with all the VJ lingo...
tany1157FemaleMorocco2010-02-18 17:18:00