K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportstouched timeline poll
What a horror story...I commend your patience! A touch at this point is great news. Although there have been people who have been touched then no action for monthes, the majority recieve an RFE or approval within a week or two of the touch. Keep us posted. Hopefully an approval will follow soon.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsYaaaaaaaaay!

Congrats to you!!

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 00:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 12:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers - Makin' It To The NVC

hey guys!! NVC got my approval yesterday!!! I was gonna wait 3 weeks to call them, in fact i was gonna stay 3 weeks away from VJ because my fiancee said i was getting obsessed, but today i just couldnt resist and i read the last posts on this thread and i saw some of you made it to the NVC so i decided to call them, when the lady asked me CUAL ES EL NOMBRE DEL BENEFICIARIO?? I started to jump, and then she told me my approval it wasnt there anymore, they sent it out yesterday!!! I am getting very stressed I thought i would have at least 3 more months to prepare everything for the interview. btw do you have any idea of how long it takes from this point until i get the package 1?? i know every embassay is different, im just trying to get an idea.

I was beginning to become obsessed as well so I put off calling NVC until today. I just got off the phone with them and they said it had been received yesterday and should be sent off to London early next week!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 12:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Congratulations to you Jan fliers who recently received your NOA2, especially George and FutureMrs...I've not been as neurotic in checking VJ lately but you all have been in my of luck in the rest of the journey! :thumbs:
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

Our last touch was Apr 27 and then my USC fiancee received an RFE... guess one of the legal documents she had was missing a signature. With small town Kansas, she got that done and sent off the next day. It was received at CSC on May 5 at some early hour of the morning.

Since then, nothing... zip... nada... A whole week without anything!!!! Obviously, the trend of following an RFE with a quick NOA2 is not happening for us...

But it seems that there hasn't been a single NOA2 this week at all. Wonder if they were all at training or something like that...

Ahhh man, I am so bummed for all of you getting RFEs right now. It was such a happy week here at VJ last week...what the heck happened!?! Just FYI, when I received an RFE it took one week from the day CSC actually received my RFE reply before they acknowledged it and set me an email that they had received it. It then took 3 days from the date they said they received it until my NOA2....Hang in there~ hopefully this will go quickly for all of you.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
WOW!!! What a happy day here at VJ! CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who received your NOA2 today....seriously almost cried when I read all those approvals.

(I'm feelin for ya George...hang in there!)
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 17:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Email at 8:20pm...NOA2!!! Yay!

Congrats to you too Lucho

Edited by Jake & Ali, 28 April 2007 - 12:49 AM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-28 00:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

I was touched today, and it felt so good. Now just waiting on the approval

Great! I hope you receive approval soon. My NOA1 date is January 26, so your file WAS on top of mine, among many others. Thank you CSC for taking some weight off, I can breath a little easier. :yes: :no:

George ...sigh

We were touched again today too.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-27 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
I'm thinking of making some quick easy cash. I should get that banner and make dart boards out of it and sell it here on VJ. I'd bet I can make a killing ;)

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

touched again this morning too.

Good luck and thank you for the update... it helps to hear other's progress.


Ummm...I'm not sure it's progress, but I agree is nice to hear something...anything at all. Thanks for the good luck vibe George.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

We were touched today too :D ...first time since 1-18-07. Congrats to the others and good luck to us all.

1-16-07 NOA1
1-18-07 touch
4-9-07 touch

I'm confused by your timeline. It says you sent in the petition in January but your NOA1 was in March? (Maybe its a typo)

OOPS! My bad. :blush: Yes that was a typo...NOA1 was Jan 16th. Thanks for pointing it out!

I have been gettting touched like crazy then nothing today..

WHat did the RFE you for?

It was a request for more evidence of meeting....seriously though, I still think I sent in plenty the first time.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
touched again this morning too.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

and email notification that our RFE was received today at CSC (it actually got to them last Tuesday morning) and they have resumed processing our case....said we should be notified within 60 days of the decision. At least there is a sign of life at CSC this week. Hope to hear some good news this week from you all....and hope to share some more good news with you soon.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

Guys...come on don't REALLY expect them to work on a Monday, now do you? :lol:

Seriously - didn't we decide the emails go out at 9:30pm Pacific Time anyways? Still hope for this Miserable Monday. MAYBE they'll be some sent out tonight. I'll hope to wake up to good news in the morning. Don't think I'll make it to see that time (11:30 CST) tonight. Gonna be lots of them. Think happy thoughts.

9:59pm...still nothing.

Edited by Jake & Ali, 24 April 2007 - 12:02 AM.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-23 23:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
I'm sure that the employees at USCIS have good days and bad days and deciding if your "evidence" is enough is fairly subjective. I'm sure that other people who did not find VJ until they had filed their I-129F did not include all the evidence that they are now requesting from my finace and I and still got approved. So hopefully you will be OK.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

***I-129F (new form)***

2006-01-31 I-129F Sent to Chicago
2006-02-07 I-129F NOA1
2006-02-12 I-129F Forwarded to Vermont SC
2007-04-06 approved!

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

Just FYI, I called USCIS when I got the RFE hard copy. The customer service rep said that "the passport pages do not really show that you and your fiance met...maybe you were just visiting the UK on vacation....many people visit the UK on vacation."...(and vise versa for him flying into LAX apparently). Which is also the case with most other "primary evidence" they are looking for (receipts, airline ticket stubs etc. don't indicate both of our names on the same piece of paper). We did meet in Peru once and so we both have passport stamps with the same date of entry into Peru (so we really highlighted that in this go around). However, because it was work related, we have no hotel/spending receipts etc.

Just wanted to give you a little insight into their way of reasoning...if you think you may not have sent enough evidence the first time, maybe start gathering more now. It has taken me a couple days to get all the evidence together. ...I know it's silly but that you all understand...I cannot stand to wait 1 more day than necessary. The scariest line of the RFE was, "...failure to submit ALL evidence requested at one time may result in the denial of your application." it had better be right this go around!

Anyways, good luck and keep us posted.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

I'm sorry you got an RFE. I have been keeping a close eye on your case, hoping you will have an approval soon. Do you mind if I ask you what you sent in for evidence? I am fearful myself of us getting an RFE also, so would like to know if we are going to be in the danger zone!!! Just trying to plan for any problems. :blink: We are February filers, this wait is gruesome to say the least. I have calculated, calculated, and calculated some more on best/ worst/ and median case scenarios till my eyes are crossed from staring at the computer. I hope it comes soon for you. Take care, Jen

Don't forget that, from what I understand (and dear god in heaven may never have to know from personal experience), RFEs can be generated for things other than "evidence" as we use the term here. They can mean, please sign this 3d copy of the G-325A and send it back, or, this was mislabeled, or you skipped this box, etc.

I keep pestering them to know too, but I think they're more eager to know than we are!

Yes you are right. Still peeking my curiosity though. If we got an RFE for a mistake on the petition, I think I would have to slit my wrists and jump in a puddle of salt water (joking of course) after I so neurotically checked it fifty thous times!!! I must have driven our atty crazy with all of my "what about this's". You should be getting an approval soon also...I am pulling for you!!! Just like you said the other day, wine a kick out of that!!! Oh, if you do get any info on the RFE, could you send it on over? BTW, thanks for giving us the info and website for the proposed fee increase. Have a good one and hope to see your NOA2 soon. Oh, are you going to go over to England for the interview? I have ever so obsessively tried to calculate around when ours is, I am definitely going to try and make it.

Sorry for not replying sooner. I have been ignoring VJ while trying to get my evidence for the RFE together. I received the RFE notice via email on Monday night but did not receive the hard copy indicating what the problem was until yesterday (Thursday). First this is what the RFE read:

"The petitioner and the beneficiary must have met in person between January 10, 2005 and January 11, 2007. Submit evidence of meeting the beneficiary in person within the two-year period preceding the filing of the petition. The primary evidence may include airline ticket stubs and receipts (that indicate month, day, and year), copies of passport pages that show the identification page and admission stamps, military order(s), letter from Commanding Officer, or any evidence that will help the USCIS to determine that the petitioner has met the beneficiary within the two years. The secondary evidence may be film dated photographs of the petitioner and the beneficiary together. The following DOES NOT constitute evidence of meeting: disc, videos, emails, letters, phone bills, and greeting cards....Pursuant to 8C.F.R. 103.2(B)(11) failure to submit ALL evidence requested AT ONE TIME may result in the denial of your application".

First, I have to say that we did not find VJ until after we filed the I-129F. We sent in about 40 pages of emails, all pages of our passports, and tons of photos of us together in both the US and UK (not film dated because we only have digital cameras). We did not save boarding pass stubs and at the time saw no reason to send in receipts.

So I have spent the last day compiling E-tickets/itineraries, pertenant bank and credit card statements & various receipts. Like I said, we have no film dated photos but thank goodness we were actually in the newspaper together on several occasions for things which were job related (which included pictures, full names & dates). A coworker is also sending a letter on letter head which vouches for when and how we met in the US. Now we will just cross our fingers that it is enough evidence.

Best wishes to you guys.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-14 02:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

Don't mean to bum anyone out but...we got touched 3-9-07 in the afternoon then got an RFE via email around 11pm that same night. We were then touched again on 3-10-07. Still no hardcopy of the RFE recieved in the post so don't know what the problem is yet. I guess the upside is that it means they are at least working on things at CSC.

So sorry, any idea what it may be?? Try calling them, maybe they can give you some insight on why the RFE was issued.

No, no idea what it might be. Good idea to call them though...I just assumed they wouldn't be able to tell me anything. I will call them in the morning! Thanks
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-12 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
Don't mean to bum anyone out but...we got touched 3-9-07 in the afternoon then got an RFE via email around 11pm that same night. We were then touched again on 3-10-07. Still no hardcopy of the RFE recieved in the post so don't know what the problem is yet. I guess the upside is that it means they are at least working on things at CSC.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-11 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers

We were touched today too :D ...first time since 1-18-07. Congrats to the others and good luck to us all.

1-16-07 NOA1
1-18-07 touch
4-9-07 touch

I'm confused by your timeline. It says you sent in the petition in January but your NOA1 was in March? (Maybe its a typo)

OOPS! My bad. :blush: Yes that was a typo...NOA1 was Jan 16th. Thanks for pointing it out!
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJanuary Filers
We were touched today too :D ...first time since 1-18-07. Congrats to the others and good luck to us all.

1-16-07 NOA1
1-18-07 touch
4-9-07 touch

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 19:16:00
Middle East and North Africaapproved!!!!!
Congratulations!!! :D
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-09 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEntry into US after NOA2
Yes, I realize that the answer to the question was in the FAQs, however, I meant to specifically ask if anyone has entered the US after the I_129F has been sent to the consulate & if they were able to enter without problems. Since the answer is so vague in the FAQs, I was looking for people who have been in the situation. The posts I have read thus far regarding this question have not addressed experiences of people who's I-129F had already reached the consulate. Has anyone visited their fiance' after the I-129F has been sent to the consulate & did you have problems?
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEntry into US after NOA2
Hello All,

Can anybody tell me whether it is possible for my English fiance to enter the US after i have received the NOA2 and after the UK consolate has received our package? He would like to stay here until his interview date is set and then return. Has anyone else had a similar situation and can offer advice. I know there are restrictions on him entering and that he could be turned away but am unsure of exactly when this is from and if the chances are higher once it reaches this stage.

Any info would be great.

Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-30 14:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence Photos

I just received an RFE today requesting "photographs together." USCIS wants "film-dated photographs of the petitioner and the beneficiary together."

OK so I am not the only one who has had this problem I guess, AND I have to say that I also sent in passport pages with stamps and tons of emails! I did not send in airplane ticket stubs or receipts the first time but we should seriously be telling people that "film dated" photos are preferred! I know people get approved all the time without them but if "primary" evidence is sparse, film dated would be the way to go.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-27 00:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence Photos
Just FYI, I got an RFE requesting more evidence of our relationship. In the RFE it stated that only film dated photographs were considered as secondary evidence. However, I have not ran into anyone else with this problem??? Just a heads up.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-22 22:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshello eveyone and (already) a stupid question

I think most online booking websites have itineraries that list the purchase history if you indeed booked the flight. I know Expedia does, and I've used Travelocity and printed the itinerary for business purposes. Combined with the passport stamp that has the same dates as the itinerary, it's fairly good evidence that you went to the country on that specific date. Of course a boarding pass with the date of travel is better, but if those have been lost, this is better than sending nothing.

You're right, though. Just printing off any old itinerary itself isn't going to be proof that you travelled to the country. You have to show that you actually purchased the trip and match it with your passport stamp to show that you went.

Checked luggage tags also work good for evidence of actual travel along with itinerary.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshello eveyone and (already) a stupid question
Pictures, emails, letters, phone bills etc. are considered only as secondary evidence by USCIS. They are good items to send but try to gather more primary evidence such as airline ticket stubs, e-ticket receipts, spending receipts from when you were together, bank statements etc. I got an RFE requesting more evidence of meeting and I sent in passport stamps, pictures of us together and emails etc. the firt time (it was seriously unreasonable).
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-05 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLong Name

My name is too long to fit in the "first name" box of the g325a form and I129f form. what will we do?

Seems like you could just print out the forms and then write out your name instead of type it.
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-08 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
First off, great thread! I was just instructed to read the guides when I had this question in the beginning and just wanted to hear real experiences as well...not a nice welcome! My fiance has now visited me two times in the U.S. since we filed for the I-129F. He brought documantation of ties to the UK but wasn't asked for them either time. However, there was a guy in line right in front of him who was pulled aside and questioned about his K-1 visa application which popped up on the computer screen...Jake thought for sure they were gonna hassle him as well but didn't. We don't know what happened to the guy who was questioned. Knock on wood...but, we have had no problems visiting each other while the K-1 is in process.---I do wonder though, now that the k-1 has reached the Embassy in London, if it will become more difficult?...any ideas/experiences?
Jake & AliFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-31 00:11:00