United KingdomAmsterdam Airport Customs/Immigration
QUOTE (Shari @ Jul 9 2009, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
goofy.gif My step-daughter is leaving the US on Sunday to return to England after a trip here to visit. I just realized she only has a 1-1/2 hour layover in Amsterdam before flying on to Manchester. She flies out of Memphis, TN to Amsterdam so I believe she will have to go through Customs/Immigration when she arrives in Amsterdam. I am now worried 1-1/2 hours is not sufficient time for her flight from the US to arrive in Amsterdam, go through Customs/Immigration, and catch her flight out to Manchester. Anyone go through Customs/Immigration in Amsterdam that knows how long it might take? Thanks! goofy.gif

As long as her plane is not delayed she should have enough time. Immigration is much faster in the Netherlands than in most places in the US. Most my husband has stood in line is 10 minutes, and it took 2 minutes to go through. They sometimes ask nothing, sometimes just what your purpose is of travelling. A little different than my wait at Houston airport for 2 hours and than have to answer stupid questions for another 20 minutes (eg "do you have parents?", no I fell out if the sky one day....)

What usually takes the longest is obtaining your lugguage, but maybe they are connected through in her case. It can take up to 30/40 minutes till they have your lugguage out, if it is around lunch time or whenever they decided to take a coffee break......

Don't worry, 1 hour is enough time change planes in Amsterdam, if you don't stroll along.


lettyFemaleNetherlands2009-07-09 10:43:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dual Citizenship: Netherlands/US
As far as I understand you do have two passports for your son right now?? Than I might not understand the problem right because as long as you have the passport you won't lose them! Every few years the rules changes in the Netherlands and the best place to find information about it is on the IND-site (, which is in Dutch though. Friends of mine, she's Canadian he's Dutch had a child in October 05 and has dual citizenship, but he got borne here (The Netherlands) so I don't know if that makes a difference.
It would be convenient to have for your son but going through customs with an American passport doesn't give you any trouble right now. They hardly ever looked at my husbands and never got it stamped.

About the conscription (dienstplicht): all boys over 18 get here a letter that the will be called into the armee for a draft when there is a need too (like a war coming up). Nobody gets into the armee unless it's volenteerd or because of a carier they choose so you son won't ever have to sign up for a year if the situation doesn't change : )

Not to much information, but every little bit helps!
lettyFemaleNetherlands2007-09-17 14:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)waar koop ik in nederland een money order
Klopt, de geldwissel bestaat niet meer in Nederland!
Er zijn enkele dubieuze sites op internet te vinden die ze aanbieden, maar zou dat niet doen.
Misschien is het beste om de NVC te bellen en kijken wat zij voor opties geven.
Misschien kun je via Western Union Money Transfer (erg prijzig!) of internationaal geld overboeken (zorg dat je alle bank gegevens krijgt) het voor elkaar krijgen.
lettyFemaleNetherlands2007-11-08 15:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi Imtay,

Just wander how things went in Amsterdam today???!!!!!!

lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-06-02 09:07:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Thanks for the invitation, I'll keep it in mind whenever I make it over to Florida! I lived in de States before (1.5 year in 2004/2005) and started to really miss talking to Dutch people and it started to get harder to actually remember Dutch words what sometimes got embarrassing on the phone with my parents. I started watching the " NOS journaal" on the internet every day just to hear some Dutch but still that didn't help to much to talk to someone whenever you want to.

I'll try to teach my husband Dutch but that's not to much of a success but hopefully one day we can talk to each other!


QUOTE (darkhorse @ May 31 2008, 06:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey peeps!

Just wanted to check in again and say HI to everyone.
I really start missing hanging out with Dutch speaking people. Ofcourse I talk to my family on the phone at least once a week, but I just really miss actually hanging out with people that speak Dutch.
Did anyone else feel like this after they lived in the States for a while?
I tried to find people here in Florida but that didn't really work out well. There were some really really old people (in their 70's) that I found that live about 2 hrs from Panama City. But that is not what I was looking for.

I talked about it with my husband and we would like it a lot if there were Dutch-American couples that would like to hang out at the Gulf of mexico for vacation and maybe visit us for a little bit. You are welcome to stay with us instead of staying at a hotel. PM me if you want. I am not working yet, so I have a lot of free time on my hands.


lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-06-02 09:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
hi Imtay,

My passport and sealed envelope was returned to me in an envelope they had provided. I just brought the envelope seperate of the postage and they didn't need the envelope but used the postage. Whenever you ask for postage for aangetekende post at the postoffice you will get a sticker good for up to 5 kg. I can't remember the exact amouth but something like E 6.65
lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-05-20 13:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Since a few weeks I start to ship my stuff over by regular mail (TPG) in moving boxes (they are pretty solid). Between 10 and 20 kg you pay about E 55.- whenever you sent it by sea mail and it takes about 4 to 5 week. On the TPG-site you can find all information about it.

I had a few estimates made by international moving companies here but I found it way to expensive. I will move to Texas and this are the prices I was given by all the companies:

500 euro's (2 m3)/850 euro's (4 m3) from my home around Utrecht to loading it into a seacontainer
400 (2 m3)/500 euro's (4 m3) euro's transportation across the ocean
1000 (2 m3)/1200 (4 cm3) euro's from the port (Houston) to my new home about 100 miles away.

Like you can see, it is very expensive to have your items moved from the port of entry to where you live. So I though I was smart to see if there is an option to pick it up myself at the port. I'm glad I read the blue-print (kleine lettertjes) very well, because I found out you have to pay all sort of taxes and other charges.(bijv. douaneheffingen, invoerrechten, X-ray scans, havengeld, loodshuur). At first it looked cheap but probably you end up paying a lot more this way.
lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-04-29 12:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Hi Jeroen en Michelle,

I really wouldn't be worried about the medical. I completely understand where you're talking about, I was more nervous about the medical than I will be about the interview. My bloodpressure is way to high (always have been and all this stress doesn't really make it much better) and I know it's a big issue in the States.

The medical is really not to check if you're healthy or not. It only takes 10 minutes (although I was at the doctor for 1.15 min, mostly waiting time). First they filled out a checklist and one of the questions was if I had high bloodpressure. I lied about it so on the form for the consulate it is filled that I don't have high bloodpressure. After the checklist he measured it and ofcourse found out that it was way to high but he never chanced it on the form : )

I got the Hepatites B through the GGD. I wasn't sure if I needed it and since I work in the medical field it was reimbursed by my employer. It probably would be cheaper to get the shots through the GGD but it takes 6 months total (between the first and last shot). I'm pretty sure you're good with the DTP since you already had your booster 1.5 year ago.

You better get a medical check done at the huisarts instead of the GGD if it makes you feel more comfortable. Just tell him you want him to do: lichamelijk onderzoek en longgeluiden and he knows what to do and it will be the same thing as at the medical. It probably helps you to relax so I don't think it should be a problem, and it will be paid by your health insurance : )
lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-04-25 00:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
I'm not completely sure where they all check the bloodsample for but one of the things is HIV. I would have liked to know what my Hepatitus B titer is because I never got that checked but since it's not required they won't check for it : ( If the doctor doesn't contact you in about a week after the medical everything is ok (so they only let you know when something is wrong), but you don't get any form or something for it. At the interview they will give the x-rays back to keep for yourself. So as long as everything is ok you don't hear anything.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-04-23 14:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
Maybe you, imtay, like to know how the medical goes so I decided to post this as soon as I got home because you have to go on Friday I saw. It's all very easy but it took forever. I had an appointment at 11 am and didn't get done there till 12.15 while I was probably really in the doctors office for not even 10 minutes.

You have to bring your passport, sealed envelop which was send to you by the consulate and your vaccination history. I got all the required vacccinations, but needed a BMR-booster (35 euro). They take a bloodsample, measure your length and weight, look in your eyes, take your pulse (polsslag) and measure your bloodpressure, listen to your lungs and heart and belly. That is pretty much what they do for 155 euro......

My vaccination history is:
4 shots DKTP
2 shots DTP (and got the 3th on today)
Hepatitus B (but is not required!!!!)

To get the x-rays takes was a lot quicker. You walk in, give the paper which you got back from the doctor, have them take the x-ray and pay 50 euro's.

Good luck and I will post my experience at the consulate around the 6th of May. Hopefully it will help others!
lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-04-23 08:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
I can't answer your first question since I had to pay the fee to the NVC already.

About the second question: you have to go to the postoffice with a self-addressed envelop (so your name and address) and when you tell them you need to have it send "aangetekend" they know what to do (they put the postage on the envelop, it's kind if a sticker).

Please let me know how the medial goes, I have to go on the 23th and I'm a little nervous about it....... : )
lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-04-14 11:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Netherlands
This link might be very usefull:


You really need American style photo's because they won't except something different.
I got them taken at the photographer at the Leidschestraat in Amesterdam in my way to the consulate and they were excepted.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2008-03-23 11:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dutch-American baby

You can get your child their own passport or have them added to yours. You can look up information in regards to this at the site of the Dutch embassy in the US: http://www.netherlan...ef=AR00000137EN
it sounds like a lot of might want to call the embassy itself if you have questions.


and if you look around their site some more info on obtaining the passport:
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-04-02 13:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Dutch-American baby

I was just wondering, since have out first little one on the way.
Due to the father being a US citizen the baby will automatically be a US citizen.
I still have my Dutch citizenship. Would I be able to get a Netherlands passport for the baby as well in the future?
I would be great he/she could have dual citizenship.


You can get your child their own passport or have them added to yours. You can look up information in regards to this at the site of the Dutch embassy in the US: http://www.netherlan...ef=AR00000137EN
it sounds like a lot of might want to call the embassy itself if you have questions.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-04-02 13:49:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

It's so quiet here!
I have some good news to share! Last tuesday I had an ultrasound and was told they were about 90% sure we are expecting another BOY! August 3rd I will have another ultrasound and we will see for sure.
The other good news is that I recieved a letter from USCIS today saying my Removal of conditions was approved on June 10! YAY!

Congratualtions! It shouldn't be to long until you receive your greencard, although I still thought that 3/4 weeks was a long time for regular mail.....
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-06-18 11:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Can someone maybe help me with two questions about filling out the I-129F

- Point 2 Adress (number and street)
In Holland the number comes after the street. Can I just leave it like that.
So "Lange weg 16" or "16 Lange weg"? Lange weg 16

- Place of Birth
Say this in English or in Dutch?
So "Den Haag" or "The Heague"? Den Haag

Thank you!

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-06-11 08:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Where I was born? Im born in Den Haag but lived my entire life in a town next to that. So I have to go to Den Haag? They can get me a Birth certificate?

Je moet naar het gemeentehuis gaan waar je geboorte is geregistreerd. Mijn ouders woonden bijvoorbeeld in Arnemuiden, maar ik ben in het ziekhuis van Middelburg geboren. Het uitreiksel heb ik dus in Middelburg aangevraagd. Als je niet zeker weet waar je geboorte is geregistreerd kun je naar de site gaan van het gemeentehuis en proberen om het geboortecertificaat te bestellen. Als ze het niet hebben laten ze het je weten en kun je het dus bij een ander gemeentehuis vragen (ennuh, in je paspoort staat waar je geboren bent).
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-05-18 10:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

A question for the Dutch people out there.

Did you guys bring a birth certificate when the USC filled out the I-129F? Is that our ' geboorte akte'? And does anyone know how to get that?

Sorry, I can only answer your second question because I went the I-130 route instead of I-129. You can obtain a Dutch birth certificate only at the courthouse of where the birth was registered. Over the past few years many courthouses give you the option to obtain documents like that online. You will need your burgerservicenummer for that and it will be mailed to your address (don't forget to order the international version!).

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-05-17 09:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Heya guys,

Haven't talked in this topic for quite a while. Finally married and life keeping busy. I hope everyone is doing oke and is with their loved one...

I got a question maybe some of you can answer me... Is there any way for me to take my husband to Holland and live there instead of here? I'm fearing I made a big mistake moving to the US compared to what I had in Holland. I love my husband very much but this is taking so much out of me I don't know if I can deal with it any longer...

Thank you for any help.

I'm sorry to hear this but I can share your feeling. I feel I have left a lot behind which I haven't found here yet. It's not easy to bring a foreign spouse to the Netherlands, but not impossible. You can find specific information on If you need more help let me know. I looked into moving back home, but will wait till I have my citizenship so I don't have to mess with immigration ever again if I change to moved back.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-05-12 09:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Thank you guys!
Thursday I will have an U/S. I am not expecting to see anything major yet but I wanted my hubby to be with me on my first ob/gyn appointment before he leaves next monday. Otherwise I would've waited at least another week.
I had 2 miscarriages already after our son was born. One in December (5w5d) and one last month (4w5d) so I am very anxious right now!
Please everyone keep your fingers crossed for us!

Great news Lynnami! Very happy for you!
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-04-27 14:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

From what I know, the Netherlands does not allow duel citizenship. You either have to be a Dutch citizen, or a U.S. citizen; can't be both as they require you to pledge your allegiance to just them. Now, as a U.S. citizen, we are allowed duel citizenship if we so please. NOT TRUE

Also, I know from experience that it is extremely difficult to move to the Netherlands if you are not a citizen... Before we started this visa process, Johnny and I were going to just have me move to the Netherlands; needless to say that did not work out. If you thought getting here was hard, try getting into the Netherlands when you A)are not a member of the EU, or B)a member of any other country; it's twice, if not three times, as hard.

Sorry LindseyJohnnyK, but I have to correct you on this one! It's NOT true that Dutch citizens can't have dual citizenship. You can look up the information on the site of the Dutch embassy in the USA:

Dutch citizens who voluntarily acquire another nationality

Under the amended Nationality Act of 1 April 2003, anyone who voluntarily acquires the nationality of another country will lose their Dutch nationality, except in the following cases:

if you were born in the country of your other nationality and are living there when you acquire the nationality of that country
if, before you turned 18, you lived in the country of your other nationality for an uninterrupted period of five years
if you are married to a person who possesses the nationality you wish to acquire

I completely agree that it is hard to move the the Netherlands if you're not a citizen (that is why we ended up here). I think for the Dutch citizen it's hard to get a life started there again (finding a job, house, etc)

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-04-06 16:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

ok, just suppose, I want to return to the Netherlands.
What are my rights, how fast will I get a house.

I mean, you all know I don't have a job or a house here.
Lived from my savings for some time, so that is gone.
But still, how would thing be if i wanted to go back?

Hi Peet,

Not sure if I understand your question right, but I have been looking into moving back home since things haven't been to easy. I have a job which I really don't like, but don't seem to be able to get something else, and also going back to school hasn't worked out well since they don't transfer my BSc degree and would have to start all over again (and it's soooo expensive here).
It is no problem for the Dutch citizen to move back home. I haven't looked into it, but I imagine it would be hard to get a mortgage for a house right away unless you have a job. You could rent something to get started... To have a US citizen move back with you might be a little more complicated. You need to have a steady job above a certain income level. More information about that you can find on the IND-site.
For now I just have been trying to apply for jobs back home to see if something opens up there. I don't know what field you're looking at, but also in the Netherlands things have went down after the economy went down.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-04-05 11:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

You think Wilders might want to change that? I know I do want to keep my Dutch citizenship. Does anyone know that if you become an US citizen and your Dutch passport expires, if you keep you Dutch Nationality? My passport is going to expire on june 19 2011... I know I could do my own research right now but it is not that important yet, so just ask if anyone knows... :)

I doubt Wilders think to much about Dutchies overseas, but he doesn't want foreigners living in the Netherlands to have dual citizenship, so that also would affect us.

I did a little research since I'm bored anyway and it looks very complicated to renew a Dutch passport when you have also an American one. Lol, I think they have looked at the USCIS and decided it's fun for us to gather all sorts of documents to submit or something. Anyway, that was not really your quesion. What I can find, but I'm not an expert on this is that they work in 10 year sections, the one now runs from 2003-2013. If you passport expires and you obtained another nationality in that 10-year period you will lose your Dutch nationality in 2014 unless you renew it. If you do not obtain another nationality you can wait 10 years before you lose your Dutch nationality. If you wanna be sure please contact the Dutch embassy, because I'm 100% sure if it works like this!!

Just out of curiosity, what did you do with your son, when he got born did you register his birth at a Dutch embassy?
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 16:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Letty- We got married on Feb 21 '08 and my GC will expire on May 30 '10
So We've been married for a little over 2 years. So that would mean that I will be eligable to become a citizen after may 2011? Is that right?

That is right, your greencard must have been issued on May 30, 2008. You're eligible to apply for citizenship 90 days prior to May 30, 2011. We're pretty close together with that, I will be 3 years a permanent resident on May 16, 2011.
The only reason I decided to go ahead and apply for citizenship as soon as I can is because the Netherlands allows to have dual citizenship at this time, but they change every few years. Who knows what happens if Wilders gets elected......
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 15:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Lynnami you haven't said your timeline so I can't see exactly when you got your greencard, but to be eligible for citizenship you have to be married at least 3 years and have been a permanent resident for 3 years. In my case for example, next year I will be married almost 4 years while I'm only 3 years a permanent resident.

Sounds fun to meet up with some other Dutchies. Also here I haven't met to many and for sure not once I connected with. At the university here once in a while there would be a Dutch student for a few weeks, but they wouldn't stay very long.
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 14:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Wow...I didn't realize you have to do biometrics AGAIN for ROC! That's insane!! tell me..what is vanillevla? :blink: :D
(I'd ask my hubs but he's at my parents house doing some stuff for them and his cell doesn't work!)

Hi Liz,

You have to try vanillevla (or chocoladevla or hopjesvla) when you have a change! It's kind of like custard pudding, but cold and thinner. I have tried to make it here with custard but haven't managed to make it taste the same way. They have it in different flavors, like chocolade and uhh not sure how to explain hopjes. At different times of the year they sometimes have special flavors, like with Sinterklaas (Dec 5th) they might have speculaasvla. Vla refers to the custard pudding and the rest to the flavor.

I love it and thinking about it makes me want it soooo bad right now!

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 10:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

On May 3rd my husband is going to be deployed for 6 months and we hope that I will at least have my bio app before that so we can go together. It is a real pain in the rear for me to travel to Jacksonville with our son because it's about 5 hours one way. And that for freaking fingerprints that they already have from my AOS... I don't get the USCIS.

I can't remember exactly when you mailed in your application but most people get their bio about 1 month later. It depends a little on how busy your ASC is, but mine was in downtown Houston and on the day I had to go there was a huge line with people, so I guess they are pretty busy. I though I was unfortunate having to travel 2 hours one way first the 10 minutes fingerprint appointment, but you are surely much worse off!

We mailed in a lot with our application:
3 years of tax transcripts
several bank statements over the years with our names on it
lease contract and home owner documents
health insurance documents
car insurance documents
different utility bills in our names
car title in both our names
and a print of 4 very small pictures
itineraries of trips taken together
envelops with both our names on it

I don't think it really makes a big difference how much you sent in, some people are asked for additional evidence who mailed in pretty much you can think of. You're probably alright and I decided if this proces takes forever I'll file for citizenship next year which force them to make a decision on the I-751.

Keep me posted on how your processing goes!
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 10:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??
Hi Lynnami,

We already kind of met in the ROC-forum, we're in the same boat, just waiting till they wake up and approve us! At least it's not very stressful.

For everybody wondering how the ROC proces is: make sure you collect different documents as "proof" that you're living together overtime. It makes it much easier and quicker to get the ROC package together when you have to mail it in. I collected different envelops with our names and address on there over time as well as car insurance in both our names.

I have cravings for different Dutch foods at different times. Right now I would dy for some vanillevla! I get a lot of Dutch food shipped over by my family and about 2 hours from where I live I can buy some indonesian spices, so I have been making nasi and sate with pindasaus.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-03-29 08:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

:D Well I figured he would still have to pay them. he he. I was just concerned that it may be grounds for them to say "NOPE! YOU MUST PAY BEFORE YOU LEAVE!" :D

No, they won't tell you that. It's like when you own a house they won't tell you to pay it off first since that would be impossible for most of us. It would be more convenient if you could pay of your debt, but it's an issue between Mark and the IB-groep and doesn't affect your visa application.
lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-02-26 13:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

I'm not answering cause I'm too new :P

Everything is slow. The snow, the waiting, and the lack of postings for jobs in education right now are getting to me.

Soooooo...... yeah. :D

Yesterday there were a ton of approvals and we moved up 10 spots on Igors list... I haven't checked today, we're probably back 5 :D That thing's annoyingly addicting. ---Not that it means anything.

An thought crossed Mark and my mind the other day.... what happens to his student loans when he emmigrates? Does anyone have any experience with that?


Sorry, you still have to pay them......LOL, would be nice if he hadn't to....

I don't have direct experience since I only had a "basisbeurs" and was granted to me when I graduate, but a friend of mine moved with his wife to Canada and just kept his Dutch bank account open (and filled) to pay his loan. You can make international transfers from here but they are very inconvenient and expensive. You better let Mark know that the banking system dates from the 50's or before that if you're used to the Dutch (online) banking system..... :whistle:

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-02-26 12:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

I know because my husband had to go and get a copy of his since he didnt' have one that in Holland they have what is called an "international" birth certificate. That just means that it has it in other languages and not just Dutch. When Pat got his, it had it in Dutch, English, French, German and one other that I can't remember now(probably Spanish but not sure). All you have to do is ask for this particular one from the city office where your fiance lives and they should be able to give him one without any problems.

As far as your birth certificate...since it's already in english you don't have to worry about it.

Little correction here, you can only get your birth certificate at the city office where your birth was registered, not the city office where you live right now. Many city offices offer the request service online, it's easy and fast, you only need your burgerservice nummer. When you order it online you can request an internation version and like Liz mentioned, it just has all the information in multiple languages.

lettyFemaleNetherlands2010-02-23 09:39:00
USCIS Service CentersPending consideration
Do you still want your question answered? In that case it may be wise to quote the entire letter, minus your identifying information, as Gowon suggested. From just the few words 'in pending consideration' no one can really tell you what's up.
pluisFemaleNetherlands2013-04-14 06:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)So you've gone and gotten a consulate appointment?

Hey Ariduvenna, 


I read both this topic and the one about the medical. Thanks for the informative write-up!


Seeing as that I'll have my interview soon, there is one thing I wanted to ask: 


do you know if you really have to hand over identical passport photo's at the medical and at the interview? I've not heard of this requirement before, and it would actually cause me trouble. 


When I began the whole process (CR-1, in my case) I had six passport photo's printed, of which I have (after the medical but before the interview) one left. My plan is to have new photo's taken (I'll need more in the US anyway..) and take the one old one and two of the new ones to the consulate with me. 


Could you tell me if you think this will be problematic? 





pluisFemaleNetherlands2013-06-12 05:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Don't worry LoveExile, the topic wasn't very active to begin with. 


Me, I just didn't post for a while because moving to another country is a lot of work. Sooooooo busy!


Hey, have you gotten a NOA 2 yet? If not, I hope you get one soon. 

Edited by pluis, 20 September 2013 - 01:19 AM.

pluisFemaleNetherlands2013-09-20 01:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

Hey does anyone have some advice on how to ship  personal things from the NL to the US?


Thank you in advance


We'll likely be working with a company called Crown Relocations. 


They're pretty full service (pack stuff for you, unpack it later, handle all the paperwork at customs, etc.) and seem reasonably priced. They're also the one company that I contacted that called me back the same day.


However, I recommend being very critical of what you'll bring. Shipping (even in 'groupage', which is likely what you'll do, unless you have enough to fill a 20ft or 40ft container all by yourselves) is pretty expensive and to may make financial sense to bring only mementos and highly personal stuff and just buy the rest in the US. 


Just to compare: we'll be shipping a maximum of 3 cubic metres of stuff, all boxed and ready. The price for that (minus possible additional cost if something gets delayed / there is a paperwork mess) is pretty close to ? 2000. I've heard prices of well over ? 10.000 for people who brought actual furniture, bikes and whatnot. You can buy a _lot_  of stuff for that kind of money, so unless you own high quality, inheritable or otherwise valuable things, I'd not bother bringing them.

Oh and, since you'll be providing the company with a copy of your visa (once you get it), there will be no taxes you need to pay on whatever you bring in.

pluisFemaleNetherlands2013-06-17 11:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Any Dutch/American couples??

"We" are Dutch-American too. My husband is a US expat who has lived in The Netherlands for a few years. It's where we met and married. In the next 12 to 18 months we plan to move to the US, but we have to wait until his dealings with the Dutch government are all settled (inburgering, etc.) in case we ever want to come back. Once that is done, we plan to file for CR-1 (no DCF anymore, unfortunately) and emigrate.

I've been reading VJ for quite a while, but since we haven't started the actual process yet, I post rarely. Still, it's nice to have this massive source of information. :)
pluisFemaleNetherlands2012-01-03 08:25:00