Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw

Posted Image

:lol: MK that looks gross.
Looks like turds to me :lol:

Welcome to the Kufta Roast!
Beware you might get roasted alive :lol: :lol:

Turds ???? :o :o :o No no no it's the real deal kifta sheesh....

Well.... if you insist on sending that one back to the kitchen.... we just happen to have another style on special today.... perhaps you would prefer this one....

Posted Image

Ok now that one looks yummy.. kofta sheesh! :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-17 10:17:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw

Posted Image

:lol: MK that looks gross.
Looks like turds to me :lol:

Welcome to the Kufta Roast!
Beware you might get roasted alive :lol: :lol:

Edited by angelk96, 16 November 2006 - 11:27 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-16 23:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas
I am christian and my husband is muslim he will participate in the holiday but not in the religious way. He'll take me to church and wait for me to call him when it's done. Hopefully we'll be celebrating christmas in our new house. We are psyched about that because he wants to buy a tree(artificial) I don't like the pine needles on the carpet and decorate it and put up lights on the outside. So I am looking forward to this christmas a lot because we'll be in our own house.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-19 19:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Salamu alaikum

I want to ask the opinion from you all :

It has come to my attention that we have 2 new members, a husband and a wife(Islamically)Process is actually K1. In the past i knew this husband and he did some things that are just plain evil to myself and others. I am sure that his new wife knows nothing about his past doings. She is from USA and I believe that he is only trying to get here (USA) no matter what.

My question is: Should we make her aware of her husbands ways and let her decide?


Keep my mouth shut??

If you need more info to better help me just let me know. Thanks Alot .

If this is really bothering your Conscience than clear and tell her and be done with it. i'm sure you know once you tell her she is going to turn right around and confront her SO and i'm pretty sure she will say where she got that information, so if you don't care about losing that guy as a friend? than i would telll her. Especially if it's bothering you this much. At least you would have planted a seed of doubt in her head even if she doesn't believe you.

Doubts I have never had. I think you know if someone is just out to get a green card. the way they treat you. The things you know about them. The look in there eyes. There plans. and You though out there a threat :P :devil:. You throw out a couple of tests.

I think there is a lot of people in this sight being used, but it is not my place to say anything.

Ok what's this about??? you mentioned in this site, do you mean in the ME/NA forum??

You can throw out all kinds of tests but if that person is still in his own country waiting for an interview
do you think they will jeopardize their chance to come to the usa if the green card is what they are after.
They are going to be saying the right things and doing the right things. No one is immune from fraud like this no matter how smart you think you are.

Wow all kinds of topics going on here :) I been so busy still honeymooning that i haven't had time to come here lately. Oh yeah and we are trying to get pregnant! Anmar said our year of waiting is over so now it's time to start thinking about a baby. We both decided when we got married we would wait for a year and it's over as he reminded me. :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-06 19:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Windancer have a safe trip. Enjoy every monent with your husband!!!

Well not much happening at my end. I bought a dell lap tap computer so now me and anmar can play yahoo pool, and just for fun we chat to each other even though we are in the same room :lol:

I was thinking I don't think we officially welcomed Jordanian Princess and LebaneseBride and jessNgeorges and Dixie Peach to our little Yallah Middle East thread .If i am forgetting anyone let me know. As you already know anything goes here and just a good place to vent. So welcome. (F) (F)

Mary how are you doing? Any news yet? Praying for you girl!!

Honeyblonde i see you got a RFE hopefully it's resolved soon.

Congrats to lamaestra !

Amal how's things going???

ok well check back in soon!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-28 19:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Thanks for the update MelodyJeanne :) Glad everything is working out for you and Khaled!!

Welcome back to the USA Kelly/Dollface :) Wish you and Sofyan a smooth transition when you get home!!

Andrea hang in there. I'll be checking up periodically to see how everyone is doing :)

Keep posting everyone!

Edited by angelk96, 24 March 2006 - 07:27 AM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-24 07:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Andrea they won't say they are assisting other countries. It's a first come first serve policy at the embassy there and they can care less about Jordan First that just applies to the country Jordan not the US Embassy.
I'm just so happy I am done with that place :dance: :dance: I am happy you finally got a date at least it's a date to look forward to and not stuck in that place not knowing when you will get a date.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-20 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
5 months in advance???? wow that embassy must be backed up or more people are petitioning from there since the embassy is both for jordan and iraq. 5 months.. :huh:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-19 10:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

hi Angelk
congratulations on Anmar's driver license!!i m so happy for you :dance:

hi farah :)

Yes I am so happy he got his driver's license and it makes him feel so good about himself. Now he likes to drive everywhere. He also likes to go explore the town now so he remember where certain streets are. As for the job I just told him to wait until he feels more confident in speaking english. Right now he's at his ESL classes.

How is your driving license going? Are you still feeling a little out of place or is getting better. I didn't realize how much newly immigrants experience. I am just trying to make Anmar feel more independent and less dependent on me. But it is still difficult for him and i know he feels a little unsure about himself but he's getting better. Email me if you ever need to talk I'll be happy to help you out if i can or just be there to listen.

Take care (F) ,

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-17 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I don't want to start drama like on the other thread about K1's and CR1's. But to ansewr your question the delay is the K1's an K3's. There is alot of them and they are taking up all the interview slots. So the Cr-1's keep getting pushed back further and further.

I've been watching people on VJ ... the people who's case was complete around September are starting to get interviews for April or May. So Ali & I are really hoping and praying that we will follow in their footsteps and have an interview soon.

:P Thanks for calming me down. Trust me the wait does crazy things to you. You read one piece of information and freak out. I didn't even tell Ali about your post cuz I'm sure he woulda got mad too. I don't know whatever happens to us is and always will be God's will.

Yallah NVC schedule the interview for us .... seriously we will be your biggest fans if you do ! We just want to be together in each others arms. Is that too much to ask ? :(

Something else has to be going on. The wait for an interview in lebanon is not that long.

My point exactly .. you are a K1 I am a CR1. Your interview didn't take long .. mine is taking months and months. That's what it is ... and all the student visas Lebanon has been handing out. It all adds up to us getting pushed back.

Ghassan was a K3 which is like a CR1 and i don't remember him waiting that long either to get an interview through lebanon. Anyways I wish you good luck and getting an interview date.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-16 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Windancer did your husband call the embassy and tell them he still has no received the packet and it's over a month? It might help if he goes on a tuesday or thursday to inquire about it. The same thing happen to us too we waited and waited for the K3 packet and it never came. Anmar had his lawyer in Amman get his packet. But yep I think most of us had trouble getting out packets cuz you know they are so damn slow.

Since a few of us have been through that embassy already don't hesitate to ask us questions. Take care and nice to see you again :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-15 15:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Windancer I just spotted you.. Welcome Back it's been awhile since we seen you here. How's things going with your husband and you? Post when you can. It's always nice to see another one going through Amman.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-15 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Anmar got his driver's license today! :dance: You can't imagine how relieved I feel now. Now he can go out and drive and not be stuck at home when I am at work. I also think it makes him feel more independent and less dependent on me to take him here or there. Now he can drive himself to the ESL clasees. :) I am just happy about this because it just takes a lot of stress off of me.

Welcome back lost in love. Glad you had a wonderful time with your fiance!

:dance: :dance: Go Kelly GO!!! I can't wait to hear your good news!

Andrea and Jordanianprincess you two are not alone go ahead and complain all you want. I remember back in the day when I use to b*tch about the embassy in amman being soooo slow!!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-15 13:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Amal I think you are handling your situation great! It's not easy being married. Sorry to hear your little on isn't taking it so great that is the bad part when it affects the children. Much luck to you and hope everything turns out great like you dream.

LuLu wish you the best of luck in life. Take care yourself!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-14 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

we had a nice discussion on the phone and I explained a lot of things and hopefully he understood them as I need him to. Everything is fine between us its just that I was feeling a bit slided by the whole thing. I'm better now (for the most part) .

I really appreciate all of your help in this matter.. you all are the best!!!!!

(F) amal (F)

Hi Amal,

I am glad you are feeling better about the situation. It's a whole different story once they get here. Kind of /almost makes waiting all that time for an interview date seem like a piece of cake. :whistle:
Keep posting and updating it's always nice to hear from you!! Oh yeah Kelly/Dollface's interview is coming up pretty quick!!! Cheering her on :dance: :dance: :dance:

Farah glad you posted ur experiences on adjusting here we never hear a woman's experience. :)

Amy sorry about your car hopefully you get a new one!! I have a crawl space under my house but no basement. That's one thing i hate are tornadoes especially living in the midwest during summer! I cant wait for Anmar to experience severe weather :devil: since all it does is just rain in jordan during the winter and sometimes very rarely snows.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-13 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Too bad we didn't live closer to each other. Anmar is going through a lonely phase right now because as you know I have to work all day and he is home by himself and he misses his mother a lot.
I can't say what Noor did was right or wrong, but you two waited so long to be together. I guess he is just having a difficult time adjusting and can't think of anything else but his own feelings now. If anmar wanted to do the same thing I probably would have let him go also but felt like you. Don't worry girl you are not alone in ur feelings about this. i can say honestly it's difficult to bring ur husband to a small town and there are no other middle eastern people around. It makes them feel even more alone and isolated. I know once Anmar gets a job he will be happy just when that will happen i don't know since he's new here and his language isn't perfect and some people don't want to take a chance on a newly but that's how it is.

Hopefully he calls you and gives you updates on his trip!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-11 22:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Thanks liz I sent her a msg to see how she is getting along since she arrived here.

I am glad abdel is feeling better. what was you thinking when he was telling you to get up and go outside when you were sick????
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-11 00:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

My ex husband's first job was as a Wal-mart cashier. I would have never thought of it, but one day he said he wanted to work there, he had seen the computer applicatiion center and off he went. I wasn't sure they would hire him since he had never worked, but he got a job with his temporary EAD and they allowed him to continue working after it expired because he showed he had applied for AOS. He said his manager said as long as they had that in the file it would be okay. I was scared, but went along because he wanted to work.

As far as mothering, I did a lot of that. As a woman in love how can you not worry about your man when he doesn't know his way around or anything about this country?

Well my Albi is at his ESL class tonight, so I thought I'll come see how everyone is doing.
Portsaid sometimes I forgot my husband is from another country and just expect him to know things. I know my bad :bonk: , but I work a full time job and leave him at home from 5:30am to 4:30pm. Today on his own he went to the local video store and applied for a job. He's tired of staying at home and to be honest I wish I just could keep inside safe :) He doesn't want to sit around anymore. The girls from work offered to be his references since they known him ( by talking to on the phone for a few years) so that was really nice of them. Well it's nice to see you post your experiences, I am sure we can all learn something from it.

On another note...Has anyone seen Farah?? I wonder if she finally received her SS card. Farah how are you and how do you like ur life in the USA??

Andrea I'm sure you'll hear something soon from Amman about a interview said it was 5 weeks? well maybe a few more weeks. hopefully quicker.

Ok I have to go watch my shows on the Sci Fi Channel.

Everyone have a nice weekend!!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-10 20:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

14 DAYS TIL THE INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow Kelly already only two weeks left! Time will fly now!! So are you flying out the next day after your interview? and does ur husband have to attend the interview alone? Anyways Good Luck all that time waiting is finally coming to an end :dance: :dance: :dance:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-07 11:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Angel, I feel that way too. I know when Ali comes I am going to be so protective of him just like he is of me in Lebanon. Hopefully when he is able to stand on his own two feet you can let go :)

I wish I can say I will let go, but as woman I will never let go if you get my meaning :) I love my husband dearly, and I just want him to feel the same way he made me feel while I was there in Jordan with him. My husband and I have basically the same habits(arab habits) even though we are from different cultures and it's just difficult for me now to see him in my environment and he is so unsure of himself and it's just a sudden change compared to when you see them in their home country. Well i'm sure I don't have to explain to you because I am sure know you know already, but I want my husband to feel safe and happy as he made me feel in his country. as they say behind every good man there is a woman who is standing beside him :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-05 02:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Mary I also ordered the handheld sanicare. i wish i had a bigger bathroom to add a bidet . Anmar's home in Jordan all had updated bathrooms, none of the arabian style kind. Although after we married both of the homes he rented for us had a modern bathroom and an arabian style bathroom. Liz The only time I used it was when I had to go and he was in the other bathroom. In that case I used it, but if i didn't have to I wouldn't. I really like the handheld and the bidet thingys. It's more sanitary but you still need tissue to blot yourself dry..hehe.. I told anmar about the whole bidet thing and he said honey I think you care more about my A$$.. :lol: I'm glad he's adapting well to life here. He knew it would be difficult when he came here he had no illusions about finding a job quick or becoming rich. Here's my little problem I am having I feel too protective of him. I don't want him to be discriminated against or have him get taken advantage of, but everyone he has met has been really nice to him. The only thing that surprised him was he didn't see any store getting robbed or someone getting shot because when they show news there in jordan usually it's that kind of news.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-04 21:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

The 'mothering' phase doesn't last long. Soon, they need, and I do mean NEED, to be the man and go out into the world. It was hard when Mohammed first drove to work in his car. I was worried that he would get lost and yep, he did. Went north on I294 and ended up in Wisconsin. (We live in Illinois).

Great news on the interview for Anmar. Mohammed also has trouble using the computer to apply for jobs. Most programs don't allow for foreign phone numbers.


Well I hope that mothering phase passes soon. It's wearing me out.
That is soo funny about ur husband ending up in Wisconsin..hehehe. Its things like that I imagine and it makes me scared to let him out of the house.. I let Anmar do some test driving and he kept going the wrong way and leaving his blinker/signal light on the whole time. our town isn't big or small but I can see him getting lost and ending up in going towards colorado. Here's another funny thing. Every first wednesday of the month we have an weather alert testing. So the sirens went off in town and Anmar runs outside and stands out there all scared. I guess the only time they sound the sirens in Jordan is when they have an earthquake alert or warning. So he finally notices nobody is outside just him and the earth isn't shaking, so he goes in and calls me and asks what is that noise and i started laughing and told him what it was and why they have the alerts. Omg it was so funny.. :lol:
I haven't logged on yahoo msger but when I do i'll be sure to add you!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-03 08:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Hi Jackie I will add you ! :)

Let me tell you last night Anmar and i went out to the Walmart Distrubution Center because he seen an ad in the paper, so we go there and have to do an application on the computer. It was difficult to say the least because they asked for references and all his references live in Irbid Jordan, so we just put them and their phones numbers. All the time we were trying to fill it out I was thinking omg they won't even consider him considering he just moved here and no usa references and you know how much money they make a day in jordan they asked him that question on the application and he put like 1 dollar I was like oh ####### when they see that..I feel like i'm mothering him too much I think ..oh well they called him this morning to come for an interview tomorrow at was a big surprise for him and especially for me. They pay 12.65 a hour, but I don't want him to get his hopes up high for this. I feel a mother sending my kid to the first day of kindergarten. :unsure:

Ok back to work

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-02 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Andrea I'll send you a msg.

Jackie how long as Mohammed been attending the ESL classes? The ESL classes here also help in finding people a job, so hopefully we can utilize that also, cuz anmar is getting bored staying home since he's so use to having a job. It's strange for him not to be working.

Melody glad life is smiling upon you and khaled :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-01 18:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Wow Sharon that's great and you need to pat yourself on the back because making it through medical school is a big big deal. I just want to say Congratulations to you!!!!!

Saturday Anmar received his SS card in the mail, so we are just waiting for the green card. He also called around about ESL classes, but when I talk to the person he talked to she said he didn't really need the ESL classes because his english was good, but he still wants to attend them so his english gets better. I been busy at work and at home, so don't have that much time to post, but I do read the post when I can. Andrea just want to say when I log on Yahoo you are never online, same with Amal, but I guess Noor has been using the computer, congrats to him on getting some jobs. I caught this 24 hour bug and was so sick yesterday, everyone at work thought I was pregnant hehehe, but it was negative Anmar was sad, but me if I had to go through morning sickness like that than noooo way i want to be pregnant now. :goofy:
I hardly ever get sick so when i do it feels like i want to die :dead:

Amy glad you enjoyed your trip hopefully that AR will go by quickly.

Mary still checking on any updates from you, although i did read the post about your son, hopefully he's feeling better.

Have a nice day everyone!!!!

Edited by angelk96, 28 February 2006 - 01:10 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-28 13:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
LuLu Sorry things are not going the way you want them to at this time. Don't be worried about posting here and thinking maybe you will bring people down. Sometimes we find support and comfort in the last place you would think to find it. whether it's good or bad, sad or happy don't hesitate to post here. Like everyone else mentioned we are all here to support you in whatever you decide. Take care.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-24 14:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I'm not really getting this thread ... what is it about ??

And if it's what I think it is :

YALLAH LEBANON I need my Ali here with me !!

:D This is what this thread is about anything, complain etc..
Welcome to yallah middle east

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-24 07:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Ok Kelly you are up next..hope the days go by so quickly for you!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-23 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Lost in Love have a great trip and enjoy every minute of it!

Good Luck to Dawn and Hatem tomorrow.

Hi Amal!
Seems like the only time I can log on is at work, so i try if i can to post from here.
Anmar enjoyed talking to Noor on the phone also. I ordered some arabian food from
this site online, and should be getting it today or tomorrow. So if it's good I'll send you the
site. I know when Anmar mentioned he was eating for breakfast Labneh and Olives in Olive Oil and Pita Bread Noor asked where he bought it which we bought in Lincoln at this arab grocery store. I'll tell Anmar to give him a call. Take care! and talk to you soon.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-22 12:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I don't know about lebanon, but I know in Jordan when you go into Mcdonalds or other places they have certificates on the walls from the gov't stating they only serve Halal Meat.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-20 19:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Hello Angel,

Glad to have an update from you. Well our 45 business days were over with last week. I emailed the embassy and they never responded. Ishteaq called them and said it is still being processed. I called DOS and they are saying it is at embassy level so no AR checks have been ordered at this time. I did contact the senator's office and asked them to see if there is anything they can tell us? The lady at the senator's office will contact me later. We are still on hold and waiting. Once I hear something I will post. I am here in the background cheering on the others and hoping to have alot of couples reunited.

Take care and hope Anmar is adjusting well.


Mary I hope the embassy gets on the ball there and makes a decision. I hate not knowning what the heck is going on. Anmar is doing fine he's been talking to a friend in Michigan and his cousin in Kansas who popped out of the woodwork, he also talked to amal's husband on the phone once.

I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines and checking in to see any news from you. (F)

Angel :luv:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-20 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
haha i wished it was us that won the powerball, but it was someone in Lincoln Nebraska!
4 more days Dawn... wish you the best of luck ! the day Anmar came I was still fixing things in my house and getting it ready, finally i just gave up and said what the heck.. here's a bit of advice once H gets here try not to stress yourself out about making sure everything is nice and perfect for him. I did that and I shouldn't have because Anmar was happy with just being with me.

Sorry to hear about ur accident Meriem thank god you were not seriously hurt.

Kelly ur interview is coming up soon too and you'll be back in the good ole usa! Glad you are feeling better.

Andrea sorry i haven't been online that much lately to chat you. Last night i took Anmar to work with me for a few hours so he could actually see what my job was like and plus i didn't want him to be sitting at home bored while I had to work for a few hours. Are you just waiting for the interview date now??

Mary how is the AR going, what do they do after they do a field investigation?

have a safe trip lostinlove and enjoy your time with your fiance!!

Everyone else have a good week!!

Edited by angelk96, 19 February 2006 - 05:10 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-19 17:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Well ladies just wanted to say a quick hello, and tell you that anmar is adjusting fine, i guess since we been together more than once it was fairly a quick adjustment, we both know each other's habits so no surprises. We are just both happy to finally be together all the time after about 2 years of being apart. We applied for the SS card and no problems there, now just waiting for the green card. I'm not really sure he likes my town considering he's the only arab here besides an egyptian doctor, but he sure likes the houses here because of the warmth, he didn't have the heat on but to him it was still warm and not like the stone houses in the middle east. He keeps in touch with his family daily and his mother told him not to be calling every day because she knows he is ok with me.. :) he also talks to a friend from irbid who lives in detroit and from what his friend said he would like to move to nebraska because anmar told him how the life was here.
Well that's my update.

Good luck to Dawn and her husband on their upcoming interview!!!

Good luck to Kelly and her husband the days are just flying by..

everyone else keep posting!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-17 20:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Congrats to Amy and Khaled for an successful interview, hope your AP goes quickly sucks to be on that list.

Amal!! thanks, i'm so happy!!! Valentine's Day is special for me and Anmar it was the day we first met in person. So this year just made it so sweet.. We went to Walmart looking for a computer shelf,and all the women were staring at him...he's so good looking and all mine..:) things have been going ok the first few days anmar didn't feel like himself, but he told me yesterday he is finally feeling like his old self. I'll post more later i'm at work.

Everyone take care
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-15 08:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Welcome Nealk2005!
Glad to see another person going thru Amman.

I can't express how happy i am to finally be with my husband. it was a sweet reunion at the airport. As soon as we seen each other we had big smiles on our faces, and hugged each other and kissed for about ten minutes. I think we were both in a dazed to be honest it's been 9 months since we seen each other, and i told Anmar you are trying to make up for 9 months in 2 days. I was exhausted :blush:
I'll post more later i'm at work right.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-13 08:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Debra welcome to yallah middle's nice to see new people join in. Anyone is welcome to come and post in this thread.

Ok girls i'm off to Omaha to wait for Anmar to arrive tonight. He called me around 2am this morning and told he was standing in line waiting to go through the departure gate. His mother and two brothers and cousin were with him. I'm sure it was sad for his mother since he is the baby of the family. I can't wait to see him. I am so happy today.

Alright everyone have a good weekend and take care.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-09 10:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
This thread! :yes:

Rahma if just one person reads it and gets it that will be enough. Some people in off topic I'm not sure if they are afraid of arabs or muslims but they are the ones always posting something about islam, or being muslim or something that happen in the middle east. Actually if you go into off topic and see who is making this topics you will see it's basically one person. Obviously he has something against islam, arabs, the middle east and can't confront in person so he does it on here because it's safe.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-06 19:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Welcome to the yallah middle east thread Meriem!
and welcome back know you are always welcome here.

Amy, hope he doesn't have to stay on the name check too long.

Meriem, I don't think i know of anyone going through Algeria.. If you like you can share some information on Algeria, I think most of us talked about how life was in jordan when we where there. Of course we live vicariously through Dollface now because she is living in Jordan.

I forgot to say, Anmar knew we wouldn't be together on our anniversary, so he sent me some Versace Perfume and some gold earrings.. (L) sigh 4 more days. I feel i will be shy around him the first day because i haven't seen him since May or maybe not. Anyone have experiences of how you felt that first day together.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-05 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I'm ready for anmar, but i feel my house isn't yet. I bought a new dinette set and then i noticed the table had this crack in it, so i took it back and it's taking forever for them to get me a new one, so i have four dark chairs with a tan table. Then i thought i need more light in my living room, so i go to walmart and buy one of those tall skinny lamps you put together yourself and took it out of it's book and try to assemble it, but no luck so i stuffed it back in the box and took it back. I'm not sure it was defected or it was just me not strong enough to twist the ends together..hehehe So then i'm going thru my dresser cleaning a few drawers out and find some granny panties and thought oh heck i better get rid of these.. :lol: you know those kind you wear when you are on the rag. Then i thought maybe i needed a new seat on toliet and so i try to take that off and was trying to unscrew it forever and finally gave up and i told one of my friends at work and she said didn't you know they are nuts on the bottom of the screws to hold them in place..ok handy man i am not. :wacko: I keep finding things i need to replace or fix. I guess i just want it perfect for anmar. I need to totally throw out all the food in my fridge because i don't know how long it's been in there. I usually dont even cook and just grab something on the way home. omg i feel overwhelmed ..oh well i'm just going to leave it like it is and have anmar fix it.

Woo Hoo Amy, have a nice trip and good luck at the interview, i'm so glad your mother finally came around. Do keep us informed if you can when you are on ur trip, i would like to hear how egypt is because i never been there. Now once Khaled gets his interview does he have to go thru the name check process??

Oh Kelly you dont know how happy i was to see my washer and dryer and theromstat when i came home from jordan. I told myself i'm never taking what i have for granted anymore. Myself i just been busy and been trying to post when i can, i know anmar will be here soon, but i'll still come online to check on you girls. We all somehow found our way here and manage to get to know each other, so for me I have to see all of you through your journeys until you get ur visas. I guess the last one is Andrea. then i'm sure we'll all be back doing our lifting conditions..ugh don't even wanna think about that.

Alright girls hang in there ur journeys are about done..for jordan dawn is next..your H will do fine, remember not to worry too much.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-04 18:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Hehe nope not until Feb 9th then i guess i'll be doing laundry as they say :P
I just don't want my thread to die :dead:
It had a lot of good information on it for people
going through Jordan.

Good Luck and Prayers for:

They are up next..lets all cheer them on. :dance: :dance:

And special prayers for you cbarrosmostafa!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-03 07:25:00