Middle East and North AfricaEid gift

I have a question..what is the Arabic name for the gift of money that is usually given to women and children? Thanks!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-23 17:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts?
Personally I wouldn't say anything even though they kept repeating over and over how bad their relationship or it's the opposite too if someone kept repeating over and over how great their relationship was I would think they were trying to convince everyone plus themselves.

I do feel sad for anyone that gets taken advantage of because it wasn't their fault they fell in love with someone who had bad intentions. Love is blind as the saying goes. You live and learn and eventually the blinders come off.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-24 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday

:P apparently a lot are still up in the Thursday thread.... :dance:

We are gonna recycle and reuse it for tomorrow's thread :lol:

cool I always wanted the daily threads to be recycled to save space. :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-25 11:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle Names?
I really don't know if my husband's names are considered middle names
he just has his name and his father's and his grandfather's name plus the family name.
so i would think it was one whole name because it identifies his lineage.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-25 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

We were first drawn to each other intellectually, the passionate love had to come later. Funny how meeting online does that.

:yes: One of the things that I found beneficial about an online relationship is that there isn't much to do other than talk. Oh sure, you can play yahoo pool, or listen to some music together, but if you're talking for one, two, three, four years, you have to really really talk to keep the relationship going. You can't carry on much in the way of substantive conversation if all you're saying is "I love I love you more..."

:lol: :lol: so true
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-26 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

Well, the bottom line is that if the idea of meeting and growing close to someone on the internet doesn't work for you, then you can't get out of it what those of us who it does work for get out of it. It's not a matter of being naive. I am hardly naive. I may be a more literal person, so words have a deeper meaning for me. Physicality works too, but falling into bed when words fail is the expressway to a doomed relationship, imo.

I don't believe that anyone said that it was simple, or that you get just the facts from an internet relationship. I know I didn't. We have said to read between the lines and pay attention to what is being said. You should do that in any relationship, on or off line.

The advantage that I have is that I've established relationships both ways, IRL and online, so there is no imagining for me what either is like; I've done both. If you haven't experienced both, I'm not sure how you can objectively evaluate what you haven't experienced.

ditto to that girlfriend!

same here met my husband via the net but took over a year with a visit every six months before we even decided to marry, but I had the opportunity and financial means to visit often and take my son with me. Very important also is if you have a child to at least take one time to see how well they get along. That was very important to me!

As for online relationships sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are not same goes for meeting in person and having a relationship.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-26 13:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDoubts part II

Ok, so on topic.

I'm sure that many of us know a person or two who have been used for a visa or greencard. Something I would like to propose is for these people to tell their stories, anonymously, so that for people new to the visa process, they get all sides of the story.

People who stay here are usually those excited about the visa process, or who are continuing along relatively well in their relationships. Those who get screwed will often disappear. I understand not wanting to be embarassed by telling their story attached to the regular user name. If we could collect these stories and post them anonymously, I think it would definately help to round out the view people get here on VJ.

I am not sure if you remember this poster but she married a guy from egypt? and she found out he used her for a GC and she use to post and tell about her story, but a few people didn't like what she had to say. Also JenPrincess came back and told her story of getting used for a GC. Honeyblonde shared her story about her first husband from morrocco. So it would be nice if some came back and shared their stories even if they used another name.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-25 18:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaMore kids with second marriage?

Hello all, happy Saturday. :)

I've been thinking for a long time about this subject and I see that there are other people here who must have thought about it as well.
I have a son from my first marriage and he'll be 12 next month.
His father and I share custody so we each have him about half the time.

I know that it's common or expected for married women in the middle east and surrounding areas to start having kids once they get married. At least, that's my impression.
However, I'm in my mid-late 30's at this point, and with a 12 year old, I'm really not that eager to start the child rearing process all over again.
My fiance and I have talked about this ALOT and have come to a decision, however I know that no matter what we decide, the final decision is up to Allah. ;)

Anyways, it seems that there are several other women around here who are getting remarried who already have kids and I'm wondering how you feel about having more kids with a second marriage?

Thanks to anyone willing to share their thoughts on this. :star:

Getting back to Melly's questions.

The important thing is that you and your fiance have talked about it. It seems like you are still opened to the idea of having more children from your comment of it's up to allah.

So I would say to you enjoy your upcoming marriage first and be with your husband and then decide. I was married over a year and a few months before i got pregnant. i also have two sons around your son's age and also share custody with my ex husband.

I chose to wait to get pregnant until he was actually here with me in the states. I didn't want to go through a pregnancy alone. We were both in agreement to wait until we were together. We both talked about having children prior to marriage. I felt at the time I didn't want to have anymore considering the ages of my sons, but once he came here and we were together at last it just seemed natural to want to have a child with my husband. Even though it is common in the middle east to have children right away. It differs from family to family and besides you won't be living in that enviroment you will I assume be living here in the states.

So good luck in whatever you decide !
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-29 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Janine!
Happy Birthday!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-29 15:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaDetroit Girls
doodle and moody you too just made me laugh :lol:
VJ and not BJ :lol:
and asking rahma to look it up to see if it's haram :lol:
oh my goodness

Edited by angelk96, 30 October 2006 - 09:01 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-30 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMama Mia Monday!

Good Morning all. Just the same old grind here - Monday morning at work. Jackie, not sure what would cheer you up but hope your day gets better.

Henia, I don't blame you - I wouldn't want to come home either. There is something wonderfully apealing about the more relaxed world over there, at least what I saw.

JW - I agree - staying busy makes the time fly. Before you know it he will be here and you will have extra money in the bank. What a deal!

Jess - do you have any hobies you could work on? I always loved cross-stitch and quilting and lots of others. Maybe something like that would help pass the time and keep you from being so bored.

Angel - now you get to be an angel for real, at least for a day. Enjoy it, but don't forget to stop being too much of an angel when your husband gets you alone tonight!

Amera - congrats on the new job. Hope you enjoy it.

Dammit Liz I am Tinkerbell going thru the Butterfly Effect trying to be Touched by an Angel :lol:

Me an Angel..hahahaha my wings were clipped long ago. Your post just cracked me up.
I came into to work told everyone I was dressing as a fairy and when I got here they all said oh you're a butterfly, and now you mentioned an angel so now I'm confused
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-30 14:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaMama Mia Monday!
We are celebrating halloween today because our clinic is not open on tuesdays, so today I am dressed as a fairy but everyone keeps saying a butterfly, so ok I am a butterfly now. The other nurses are dressed as a fireman, pirate, pippylongstocking, cleopatra, hunter, baby, and bum. :lol:

My husband woke up this morning before I went to work and looked at me and kept looking at me. I was like what???? and he just smiled and said nothing. His first halloween experience. :halloween:

Good day to all!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-30 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaWTF is happening here????
Maybe Aunt Flo was making the rounds today :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-31 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?

So far 56% of all respondents feel MENA should either be shut down or all the regulars should be banned

Don't forget about the 'few' of us "MEAN GIRLS" that are not out for a cat fight. We don't wanna be banned (F)

Agreed. I haven't started anything yet. ;)

hehehe yet

I didn't realize the MENA forum affected peoples lives on VJ
GO MENA forum :dance: :dance: :dance:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-31 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA BICKERING
Young poop and Old poop still stinks

dammit wouldn't let me type s h i t

Edited by angelk96, 31 October 2006 - 10:08 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-31 22:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaLebaneseBaby : It's A ...
congrats LB :luv:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-01 18:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow old are you and your S/O ?

I wonder what label I would be more comfortable with, today I have read 'cradle-robber, pedophile and "gross" in relation to those of us that have large age differences.

I really had never thought of it that way. It was a little shocking to see that many here do.


Well at least you're not brainwashed! :wacko: :lol:

:lol: :lol:
I can't help but laugh at your comment VP

since halloween is tomorrow night might as well call you a brainwashed zombie :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-30 20:45:00
Middle East and North Africawhen should i get packet3 ? please help

hey guys.. sorry i haven't log in in awhile ,,,, well i still haven't heard anything from the embassy yet , but i called my lawyer today and he said it will take about 4-6 weeks just like JP said .

do you guys have any idea , how long it will take for me to get the visa ,,,,? it has been almost 17 months

still no one answerd my Question >>>>> am i waiting for packet 3 or for interviw ?

thanks for the info. i appreciated... and good luck to ya all

Ameel I read over in the foreign embassy forum, that you already had an interview right, but they sent your case to Athens because you needed more proof and now they sent your case back to Amman. You might want to email the embassy and ask if they received your petition and ask them what will happen next.
Here is the email address to the embassy in Amman

Good Luck!


Edited by angelk96, 06 November 2006 - 08:39 AM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-06 08:37:00
Middle East and North Africawhen should i get packet3 ? please help

I was a little confused by this. Isn't it normal that the NVC does some of the processing before it is forwarded to the consulate when it is the I-130 that is approved? For Morocco our case stayed at the NVC for about 4 months. They sent the DS-3032, and a bill for the I-864. Once they received who was listed on the DS-3032 (me) they sent me the bill for the DS-230. Once payment was recieved for the I-864 they sent me the form, and same with the DS-230.

What I thought was that all of the approved I-130's were handled this way up to this point, then after it was handled according to the consulate. For Morocco I sent the forms back to them for examination, and then the NVC scheduled the interview and forwarded the papers to Morocco. I know that there are consulates that do their own processing and scheduling, and I think Jordan is one of those.

Anyway, if it is the I-130 that was approved I doubt it has already been sent to the consulate, unless someone here can tell me I am up in the night on this one.... :lol:

I read over in the Foreign Embassy section their petition after an interview in Amman got sent to Athens Greece. Something about needing more proof ?? So maybe a waiver of some kind. From what he wrote it must of been approved and being sent back to Amman.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-05 12:08:00
Middle East and North Africawhen should i get packet3 ? please help
ok another question. did you already go through the NVC and you finished and now they are sending your I 130 to Amman?
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-01 18:39:00
Middle East and North Africawhen should i get packet3 ? please help
it varies now, it took about month before we had to go get our packet at the embassy, but they do give you an interview date in advance now but the interview date might be next year sometimes. Maybe one of the other ladies who have been through Jordan can also give you an estimated date for the packet 3.

Welcome to the ME/NA forum

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-01 18:20:00
Middle East and North Africaso what did you wear....

Why dont' you ask Sami? I asked Usama what people wear and he said anything and everything though he'd prefer me to dress conservatively. I'm sure he'll know what the women can and cannot wear there.

I didn't want to hurt his feelings or him think i was making fun of him.

I am sure he will not feel hurt or mocked -- it's a perfectly reasonable question. He will understand that you want to be dressed properly for his culture, and most likely appreciate that you cared enough to ask.

Kuwait is very VERY used to foreigners. You do not have to dress as the Muslim women do or cover your hair or face. In general, you can wear Western-style clothes IF they are conservative -- pants or long dresses/skirts that fall WELL below the knee -- close to the ankle is better. Your sleeves should cover at least the elbow -- closer to the wrist is better. Forget the shorts and the short skirts and the tank tops -- NOT appropriate in this culture.

Do not wear tight, clingy or thin clothes that are in any way transparant. Do not wear extremely tight jeans -- and if you do wear jeans, combine them with longer shirts/sweaters that cover your rear end. Make sure your necklines do not show ANY cleavage -- above the collar bone is best. Short-sleeved T-shirts are probably not good for women to wear in this culture, as the cloth is very thin.

You can wear high heels if you like -- no problem with that. And a long coat or even raincoat is very handy, especially in fall/winter -- it will help cover you properly, but fashionably. Bring a couple of scarves -- you will need to cover your hair if you go into mosques, or in case you go into rural areas that are less used to foreigners. Or you can always buy some in the markets there.

But do ask your fiance. He will know best what is appropriate and expected of you in his country.

Try not to be afraid -- people in the Middle East are generally very nice. (L) Just be open to new customs and new experiences. I hope it will be the trip of a lifetime for you !



Agreed with MK, wear conservative clothing and take a scarf along just in case. Also remember most of the buildings in the gulf countries are air conditioned, so if you been in air conditioned building for a long period of time you start getting cold. Have a nice trip.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-05 12:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs it already Monday?
Another Monday, my 4 day vacation went by too quickly. Been at work since 5:20am central time..booooo
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-06 08:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMajor MOJO to Morocco4ever
I hope she is celebrating also!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-09 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaMajor MOJO to Morocco4ever
Wishing you lots and lots of good luck (F)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-07 18:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
We also have trilling in native ameican tribes that the women do during pow wows. I wanted my husband to hear and see what his reaction would be. He was pretty surprised and ask they do the zaghrouta here and i said yep. :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-04 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
It's also called zaghrouta
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-04 15:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family
Heck ya girlfriend! :lol: That is exactly what I did! Where else can you get a Ralph Lauren sweater for $20? I mean who really cares if one sleeve is longer than the other. :lol: jk Serisouly I am bargain queen addict. ADDICT I tell ya.

LMAO dayum!!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-09 18:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSupporting the family
we have a joint checking account it's really his but he put my name on it also. I have a checking and saving account of my own.

His mother doesn't expect us to send money but we do anyways just in case she needs something or if something in the house needs to be maintained she can just go ahead and get it fixed.

Ok i better go catch up on Days of Our Lives

good night
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-08 23:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaBoredom on long flights
now that i think of it it was an adapter the kind you would use if you need to plug in a three prong appliance and didn't have a 3 prong outlet. My hair dryer worked good as did my hot rollers, just the curling iron melted :lol: I picked it up and the iron part start falling over i was like ####### :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-09 18:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaBoredom on long flights

So Doodle, what are you going to buy?? :D

OK this is weird. I'm browsing the travel accessories of this website and they actually sell the strangest things:

disposable undies (wha???? like do they help if you sh!t your pants or something? I'm not getting this)

urinelle Ok I have to meet whoever bought one of these. Like you can't just make one yourself outta a piece of paper? They make it sound like it's this space aged invention! :lol:

tush wipes ................just gotta love the name!!

germ finder ............... a cruise friend of mine used to bring this with her and use it once she and her husband entered the cabin upon arrival. What I wanna know is......what do you do once you find out that the place is riddled with them???? To me it would just freak me out and give me yet one more thing to worry about the whole time I'm on vacation.

Nothing!!! I was gonna buy an outfit from there for the trip but I really don't care for anything. I do need some electrical converter thingies for my hair dryer, curling iron and cell phone charger.

I bought a converter and plugged in my curling iron and it melted at the base because I was waiting for it to heat up and it heated up in seconds and started to melt the plastic part on the handle so when i picked it up the iron part fell off, so you might want to take two curling irons. I went around Irbid Jordan looking for a curling iron and all i found were the blow drying round shaped brush type. Thank good I took some hot rollers. Also I used the converter to charge up my cell phone and it blew out the charger.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-09 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday Thread

Wow. I can't believe the freaking tangent this went off on. I was married! Yes, rabbits are also known for reproducing abundantly, not just for f'ing frequently. It's like, you have one rabbit, and within a year you have a few hundred.

I've never had an abortion! I've had two pregnancies and happened to have a father who died of cancer so my doctor wouldn't put me on the pill because he was a cancer specialist and didn't want to increase my odds of getting cancer.

Certain people here need to get their minds out of the gutter sometimes, geesh! Are you telling me that you are married and "control yourselves?" I was married to my kids dad for 9 1/2 years. I think it is quite normal for married people to have sex, and even allowed under all religions, not sure though based on what I see here.

:lol: and that would be a :no:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-12 10:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab

Definately need to schedule a trip to Turkey. Interesting how the best hijabi fashion comes from a country that supresses hijab.

Turkey is definitely about high fashion, LOL!! Maybe it is the influence of the French? When I was in Istanbul in '99, I notice alot of fashionable women's clothing shops in the Taksim area where we stayed.

They also make some really nice belly dancing costumes, but I won't post any of those here.

My husband was a store manager and the owner would often go to Turkey and bring back clothing collections. The women clothing in the store were awesome, but for very small or skinny women. When I think of turkish clothing I think of Mavi Jeans. Those are nice jeans.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-09 12:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaHIP Hijab
I like those last three pictures. Those I would wear.. :thumbs:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-07 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat are you thankful for?
:lol: my sister's husband name is Jesus and My husband calls him Jesus sometimes and not the spanish way.

I am thankful my husband got a better paying job and now can go into debt with me :devil:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-14 21:46:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw
shame on christmas that bad holiday :lol:

I really didn't mean to run over the troll ..well it was kind of in the way but it was too late to swerve
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-18 23:00:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw

Why would you want to drag more people into this conversation?

the ones that got moved basically had the same argument and the same people arguing in them
I guess they didn't want to overload off topic with redundancy..
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-18 22:53:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw
I am surprised this one didn't get moved to the off topic too.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-18 22:24:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw

:blush: what's up ? ops wrong post :(


a mean debate I guess you can call it. How it started here's a picture.

Posted Image
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-18 20:33:00
Middle East and North Africai just get home from interveiw

Posted Image

:lol: MK that looks gross.
Looks like turds to me :lol:

Welcome to the Kufta Roast!
Beware you might get roasted alive :lol: :lol:

Turds ???? :o :o :o No no no it's the real deal kifta sheesh....

Well.... if you insist on sending that one back to the kitchen.... we just happen to have another style on special today.... perhaps you would prefer this one....

Posted Image

Ok now that one looks yummy.. kofta sheesh! :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-17 10:17:00