K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to the board, Please Help!
Thank you Kathryn. I just hope that she will hold out until she gets some vacation time so I can visit her again.
steviez33MalePhilippines2008-09-01 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew to the board, Please Help!
Hi, I'm new here, and I have a very serious problem. I met a girl on the internet, fell in love with her, and visited her in the Philippines three years ago now. I've gone through a rough stretch in my life for those past three years. I've always been planning to bring her over here so we can get married, but have read that it is required that you must have visited her in the past TWO years. Things are getting edgy now, and she's said that there are people that have somehow bypassed this regulation. Is this correct? Or something that she's misunderstood? And if so, how? Any help would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks
steviez33MalePhilippines2008-09-01 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm back and have more questions..
QUOTE (me_4_musa @ Jan 10 2009, 01:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karamella @ Jan 10 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (My Mohammed @ Jan 10 2009, 02:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Jan 9 2009, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It sounds to me like the OP doesn't want to hear anything that would upset her. I'm not an enabler or a sweet talker, but that doesn't make me a bad person. I'm not going to blow sunshine up your a$$; if I say something, I mean it, and it's not to create drama. From my longterm study of Islam, urfi marriages, "boyfriend Islam", and accusing Muslim women of not "acting Muslim" because they aren't shielding you from the truth are all red flags, IMO, but that's may not be something she wants to hear. Being older, fat, and ugly can be red flags for a CO, we all know that, too. So, how do you give serious, honest, impartial advice to people who post a list of what they don't want to hear?

No where DID I accuse Muslim women of not "acting Muslim" because they aren't shielding me from red flags. If I said those exact words please link it. The only comment made toward Muslim women is what my SO other said. I don't know how a Muslim woman is suppose to act nor do I care, Big Mistake... sooner or later your SO/husband is going to wish that you did... believe it or not and whether you ever become Muslim, or not. It's what he is used to.... it's what he has seen in his Mother and Sisters, as proper for Wives... I know you won't believe this, but it's very likely. but he should know since he is one. He is not a Muslim woman, unless I missed something, and being a Muslim man doesn't allow him to dictate the behavior of or judge other Muslims, Only Allah can judge. And all he knows is what you tell him, so how is that any different than the fact that all we know is what you tell us... He's in no position to judge and as far as I've read no one here has judged him. You've been given GENERAL advice. What I do care about is all I keep reading from the same ones over and over, how a MENA relationship is gonna end because he's just for a GD. You may have missed the part about people wanting what others have (GC or not) and doing whatever they need to get it, regardless of where they are from, or what the person has that they want... Not everything i'm talking about has been said to me directly.. I mean I do read posts and I would think I could have my say as any of you do on here. And obviously you have had your say...

I see there is a comprehension problem here that everyone assumes I don't want to hear the truth and become upset. None of you know me and my SO irl to know anything about us,Only what you have told us which I think no one has challenged as being the truth. just like I don't you. You're looking at what you see the most, the ones that don't work out, but you don't know everyone in the U.S. that has a marriage as those that fell. Through these months of being on here over and over I read the same thing.. MENA use women in U.S. for nothing but a GC. If this is so true, then why the very ones posting this is with one and in some cases on thier second and third? Shouldn't they take the advice they are giving others? Maybe you are unaware that Muslim women are only allowed to marry Muslim men. Maybe you are unaware that women who have Arab/American children are likely to remarry into the culture of their children's 2nd identity... or stay in the community they have become a part of. Maybe because they are learning from their previous mistakes... Should I have left Islam and joined a convent because my marriage failed?

My comment on being old, fat, and ugly comes from it being brought up over and over. I am older than my So, but the other two don't apply to me.. so, how can that upset me and pertain to my situation? I'm sure many marriages that fell invloved most or all three of these,Why are you so sure of this? but to say it over and over is rediculous. I'm sure not ALL MENA marriages and GC fraud has a woman labeled with those three. And not all MENA marriages that end in divorce are because of GC fraud either! I was married to a USC who married me for fraudulent reasons! He was MENA, but the GC had nothing to do with it.. (however I should have checked with his first wife who gave him the USC and I bet she has another version of how their marriage ended! )

Sure I want honest answers to my questions, but why is it if I question what is written and ask for more info, everyone goes crazy? Just like the webcam pics.. everyone that doesn't agree it has it's good points, goes crazy, if I say I think it does and asks why they think think it doesn't. Did I say anywhere I didn't want to hear anyone disagree with me? Why get so defensive if anyone disagrees with what you're saying? I'm talking in general here not to you. I'm being accused of the very same thing you guys yourselves are doing, but you're too blind to see that. Your argumentative nature is what makes people perceive this. Along with the fact that people tell you what red flags they have seen (that are identical to your situation) and you say "whew, I don't see any red flags!"... What the HECK???

Do I think visa fraud doesn't exist.. no, I know it does and I don't need a lecture about it nor did I ask for one. In my one thread, I only asked for help in proving an ongoing relationship And as I recall you were given good advice and it's no one on this list's fault that one of the issues you will face FROM THE USCIS/EMBASSY is the RED FLAG OF AGE DIFFERENCE& RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCE. THEIR RED FLAGS, whether anyone likes it or not. and when giving advice and I had questions, people can't handle that and accuse me of not wantng to hear the truth. The webcam thingy.. I think it shows we do communicate online, but if your experience is having a CO tell you it's not proof, then dang say this and i'll stop wasting my ink. That is what I was looking for the reason someone felt it wouldn't help us, not because I didn't want anyone to disagree with what I thought. If a CO told someone those things can be made up and proves nothing, then that is what I was interested in learning.

Just like the letters from family and friends, I didn't say they were made up if notorized. I said, the CO could say this as anyone can write something we all know this. But, if everyone felt letters were strong proof, then i'm gonna get busy having folks write them. Also, if a lot felt the CO didn't take them to heart as proof, I wouldn't worry about them that much. Can no one understand this? Obviously not..

By the way how does your SO/Husband feel about the picture you have (or did have) of the two of you kissing on your profile?

I am really amazed at how miffed you are over what people have said here. I think they have been amazingly kind and helpful to you. If you were on other lists I've belonged to (of women married to Egyptians many of them for 10 or more years, many who have lived here and there) you'd be eaten alive for breakfast on toast points. No one has done that here.

Honestly.... we only know what you tell us... you are free to ignore everything you've been told... and you can discount our experiences and our perceptions and believe everything your SO tells you. This is totally your perogative.


Good one me_4_musa.. laughing.gif
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-01-10 15:28:00
Middle East and North Africagreen card marriages, ladies beware

Sorry you are going through this. I remember your visa journey, and how you did everything you could to get him and his child here. What a shame!! Take care you are in my prayers.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-01-02 17:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat is the stupidest thing you have heard because your with a MENA SO ?
I remember telling a patient of mine I went to the Holy Land, and he replied, " You went to Italy." I was like huh?? He's long since passed, but everytime I think about that it makes me chuckle.

Back in the day here cuz i'm an oldie I made a thread about "Not without my Daughter" we omitted the daughter part and added whatever we wanted to get a laugh.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2008-12-22 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club

Try having one run out at you while on the throne. Frightening :blink:

AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-07 17:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Cairo Club
:ph34r: I like King Tut
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-07 14:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaResource for Middle eastern cuisine
QUOTE (lazylivn @ May 22 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I did a search and didn't see it posted anywhere....and I know I'm always looking for a great resource for recipes that I can cook for Sehrab.

The recipes are presented in a user friendly format accompanied with video. She's Lebanese but living in no need to try to take an arabic recipe and figure out what that is here in the USA. Sehrab is going to try his hand at Kanafeh today while I'm at work. Happy eating!!

I like her! My husband usually makes the hummus, but i'm not a fan of his. So i tried her recipe and it tasted really good.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-05-24 10:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA women question for you.
I bought mine from this site iin 2005. Very easy to install. They are expensive but worth the money.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-05-27 19:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaStopping by to say hello
Congratulations Jenn!!!
He's going to be a cutie.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-06-12 17:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst Jobs in the US for MENA SOs
QUOTE (S and S @ Jun 10 2009, 12:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AngelK96 @ Jun 9 2009, 05:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
try Fresenius Medical Care and Davita. They are both big Dialysis Companies. Usually they are hiring Patient Care Techs. You can go on their web sites and look for openings in your area. They train you and you don't need experience. Would be nice if you were a CNA with who has their Med Aide Cert.

I checked out both those companies. They sound like great companies, but there are no openings that fit his skills or in his area. Both companies are around my area, just no jobs he can do. Thanks for the advice. I may keep it in mind for the future as you never know what jobs may come up later!

What Medical Field does your husband want to practice in?
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-06-12 17:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaFirst Jobs in the US for MENA SOs
try Fresenius Medical Care and Davita. They are both big Dialysis Companies. Usually they are hiring Patient Care Techs. You can go on their web sites and look for openings in your area. They train you and you don't need experience. Would be nice if you were a CNA with who has their Med Aide Cert.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-06-09 17:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday!!!! Blast from the past!
JP. enti helwa keteer keteer. Many you have many more blessings!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-07-18 20:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWent home for visit...and
QUOTE (amal @ Jul 16 2009, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Most of u know how he and I have had our ups and downs since his arrival. U also have a fairly good idea of what kind of person he's been...So having said that...This is how his trip has gone so far...

He has gotten all sorts of small items to bring home smile.gif like another set of tea glasses/gawa cups , a nice serving tray, some various other things that I've asked for! My next quest will be to convince him that our home is just not complete without an arabic speaking kitten from JOrdan residing in it lol!!!
(tea set, tray, other stuff = amal 20 : hubster's 2) gotta give him props for buying me cool stuff!

He calls me about every day and never fails to message me at night before bed to tell me good night. His morning calls are usually on my way to work and he says he just misses me and wants to say good morning. It feels great to be missed for once.
(amal 20 : hubster's 3) props for makin wifester feel good every day smile.gif

So. this is how his trip home has been. It's been good for both of us to be away from each other. I mean, seriously...look at the scoreboard-I'm makin out like a bandit LMAOOOO

I hope all of u have a great day!


Make sure he brings home some good dabka cd's. I'm partial to Ahmad Al Wahebe myself and when I was there my last visit I bought a lot of dabka cds cuz that's what I like to like to listen to. I like the palestinian dabka singers. They sing the best.. to me anyways!!!...

AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-07-18 19:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMixed Religions
QUOTE (CassandraHaydar @ Aug 27 2009, 12:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Are there many couples here with mixed religions? How do you deal with it?

My husband is Muslim and I'm what you would call Agnostic/Spiritual.

We love each other dearly... I'm trying to learn about Islam - even if I don't believe it. Sometimes it leads to religious debates. We just have very idfferent ideas.

Has anyone been through or is anyone going through anything similar?

Agree to Disagree and Respect.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-08-30 18:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 filers
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Dec 18 2008, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
With all my countdowns and craziness, I had not thought what would happen with an extended AP. Never crossed my mind. In my thoughts, he would interview on the 1st...have his visa by middle of the month and fly home. Delusional. I had it wrong.

So now trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I am alone and will probably be this way for awhile. I just called the magic number and same thing. I will call again tommorrow afternoon.

Ibrahim's work wants to send him to London for a week in Febuary :| I should have stayed on the cr1 course, I took a wrong turn.


I remember being in AP for the whole month of January sucked big time because of the holidays there. Hang in there and keep yourself busy it shouldn't be too much longer.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2008-12-22 19:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday...
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Sep 15 2009, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sandrila @ Sep 15 2009, 09:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did any of you see I LOVE YOU, MAN?
It is hysterical, hubby and I watched it last night.

Yes! I loved that movie - it had me laughing out loud even though I watched it by myself. Paul Rudd really cracked me up!

I liked that movie also. I liked the part where they were in the car and she had her friends on the speaker phone telling them about her engagement. That was hilarious.

I read over in Qwaider Planet that it caused an uproar in Egypt because the little dog's was named Anwar Sadat.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2009-09-15 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuiz: Muslim style
Even thought I am not muslim I took the quiz anyways

Elegant Muslimah
Everyone respects elegance you never know who you will see so your always at your best. you are a Boss or you look like you could be someones boss :)

Ok back to work.. waiting for my next patient
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-07 07:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
no doubt. you seriously need to be on something. As for evidence one only needs to go read past posts. Highs and Lows.

As for snuggling with my husband we were when we read your post good.gif

oops and yes back to topic!

This has been the first time people discussed the age difference without someone virtual knocking someone's teeth out.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-10-16 18:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-10-16 17:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS
QUOTE (sarah and hicham @ Oct 16 2007, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm scared.

QUOTE (amira_ordonia @ Oct 16 2007, 05:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I disagree, its very disturbing.

I am beginning to think wahrania is bipolar.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-10-16 17:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

there is no rule saying you have to have a wedding like the one Henia posted. You can opt to have a small reception with immediate family only or the big wedding party or no party, but if you get married Islamically you still have to announce your marriage somehow to the public.

I understand that. But telling people that we're married has nothing to do with dresses and "spectacles".
It's just my opinion that it isn't necessary. Obviously some people love it. Good for them.

:lol: Okkkkkkk.

But having a big wedding party or even a small one in the middle east is the way to tell people you are married.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-03 20:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

The bride is the spectacle, the star of the show, and the focus of all attention. Depending upon the means of the family, the bride may appear in as many as seven different dresses, including her “robe blanche” which is always a traditional Western white wedding gown and usually worn at the end of the evening. The bride is also loaded down with gold and diamond jewelry - forget understated, forget restraint. This is an occasion for her to go all out and display her personal collection, family heirlooms and gifts from the groom.

I still can't quite get my mind around people doing this. A marriage is about two people, not about how much money you have. I don't want to be a spectacle anywhere, least of all in public!!! I hate gold and I don't own any diamonds.

As for me, it will be much the same as Doodle since I'll also be getting married (insha'allah) in a dingy office.
I will have a nice skirt/top to wear for going out to dinner after or something but that's it. If we have a bigger wedding party one day when all of his extended family and friends can come, then I may wear something nicer, but still nothing extremely fancy.

Yeah I mean the way I figured it, I did the whole belle of the ball thing the first time around with the long white cathedral train and all that. I actually enjoyed how we got married much more this time, even though it was stressful and dingy. We were all alone right after and got to just be "us" for a whole day before we went out with a few of his friends and his sisters. In my first wedding I don't even remember seeing my husband until we were on the plane to our honeymoon!

there is no rule saying you have to have a wedding like the one Henia posted. You can opt to have a small reception with immediate family only or the big wedding party or no party, but if you get married Islamically you still have to announce your marriage somehow to the public.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-03 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread

I wore jeans and a sweater.


Trust me, you did NOT wanna dress up at the dirty gross office we got married at!!!

Doodle I wore Jeans and a Sweater for my islamic marriage, but my picture was during our Wedding Party which was days after our marriage.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-03 19:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
I really like that dress Meriem :)

Here's another on of us. Of course I whited out our faces d/t never know situation ..hahaha

Posted Image
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-03 19:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Wedding dress Thread
Mine was something like this, but a longer train, and the Embroidery on the top was around the bottom and around the bottom of the train. :) I wanted something simple and elegant.

Posted Image
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-03 18:28:00
Middle East and North Africabon voyage AbuS
Hi Rahma,

My husband used his US Passport when he went to visit Jordan. No problems there. Although he has to register at the police dept after 2 weeks. He took his Jordanian Passort with him, but it's expired and he wanted to get it renewed.

He used his US passport to go visit Israel he was able to get in there with the usual questioning they do to Arab Men. He is now in Nazareth visiting his mother's family for a few days.

Hope that helps!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2010-02-25 10:35:00
Middle East and North Africab instead of p
My husband also gets his p's and b's mixed..even when he writes or types english. the bolice for the police :hehe:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-08-25 09:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaRaising bi-cultural kids
Myself before I married I knew my children would be muslim and I was ok with that, but living in the usa and being around my family who are native american they might identify with that culture a little more than the arab culture. Just because they will be exposed to that more than their father's culture. But it will be ok because when they are learning about arab culture they won't be too lost because basically we have the same family habits as arabs. My husband was also surprised about this when we recently went to my aunt's furneral in South Dakota. He seen brown people everywhere and at that time they were spraying for mosquitoes and he goes I feel like i'm in Irbid Jordan please bring me back when i get homesick..hahahaha I guess that's why my husband had an easy time adjusting to the usa. My husband told me our children will learn english and then arabic that's the way he wants it, but i told him they will also have to learn my mother's native language and my father's native language so we will see how that plays out.

As for the person asking about racism..that still exists in this country arab or not!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-21 17:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaBaby names
for a boy I like Alaa but not sure that will go over to well in the usa plus it's my husband's best friend's name. I also like Rami but my husband doesn't because it's my palestinian friend's name.

for a girl i thought about farah because it's my sister's name i liked mejad my husband's sister's name but that is already taken :(

but i decided to have my mother in law come up with some names and i'll choose which is best.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-10-25 18:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA nicknames

Big Mama...cuttie pie ...honey ..little bear. :wub:

hehe little bear how cute!

My husband calls me
and his favorite haiaty

I call him
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-15 20:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat

@ Mithra....

Considering I dont believe in Santa Clause or the reasons behind Christmas I could really give a rats a$$ about how its spelled or not spelled. This is a forum for visajourneys, not english 101

lol awww congratulations Kelly, glad to see you and your husband are still hangiing in there. Same here still hanging in there going on 6 years and 7 if you count engage for 1 year before we got married still happy and married!!! Congrats on baby # 2

AngelK96FemaleJordan2010-12-19 00:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA December 2010 Chat
we need a omg we are still married thread!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2010-12-04 21:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe "who'se got a Jordanian SO" thread
yep still alive here and married with a family.. never really use to be the many jordanian with a visajouney on this forum..although they never found this site or what . husband a naturalized american! oh yeah back in the day a christian and muslim had no chance of making it.."rolls eyes" i'm still naitve american and he's sitll jordanian.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2010-12-19 01:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy update
That's awesome you too built a house!!! Glad to hear everything is all good and you too are still going strong.


AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-01-05 16:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow come lots of MENA members don't have Pics posted

It's the truth - it happened and there are many witnesses still here.

I remember that.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-03-03 17:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaAt long last - exciting news!
awww awesome..husband a citizen since 2009..nothing really change though..use his passport twice though to jordan and israel.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-03-24 18:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll

Nice to see you Angel ! How's life treating you ?

Life's been good, changed nursing careers went from a nephrology nurse to a surgical nurse..time for a change..don't know what i was thinking the cesearan sections though and seeing all the babies being born :) Otherwise not sure this type of nursing is for me just a whole different type of nursing you're either going to love it or not..i'm still debating. Congrats on the new house i would love to have a house in the jordan valley so nice there oh well at least i have one in Irbid. If you ever want to vacation in jordan you are most welcome at our home.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-03-27 01:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll

lol I agree with you!

Just want to add..Nice to see you posting again M (WOM)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-03-24 18:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Relationships Poll

Answered the poll, no dirty laundry airing from me :)

lol I agree with you!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2011-03-24 18:21:00