Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Dawn!! Glad everything is going good for you. You had me worry with that one post. I found out too if you are busy with your jobs it just seems to make everything fall into place like it should be. Have fun and keep us updated when you can.

Also want to say big thank you to Anmar's ESL teacher for getting his foot in the door concerning employment. I live in a small town 25,000 and it's sometimes difficult to even get a job here. But his ESL teacher is awesome an once she knew his wife was native american ( she just loves all things native)she was willing to go to bat for him and teach him the best she could because she is spanish speaking and all her students are from mexico and central america and south america, and she never taught an arabic speaker before. She got him a job at Walmart fulltime. I know she will never read here but just want to tell you all that there are some good people out there. She did ask Anmar to teach her arabic when his lessons where done. Without hesitation he told her he will.

Another note: After Anmar got his job, Union Pacific Railroad called us to come for an interview. I put his application in there because they are one of the biggest employers in this town and the money is excellent 50-75 thousand a year, the drawback is he would have been hired in train service which he would had to travel. So we both discussed it and came to the conclusion that we been apart already for so long some of that time by our choice because we wanted to know each other better before we decided to get engaged and get married. Anmar told me he didn't want to be away from me and that he preferred to come home every night to his wife. What could I say I couldn't disagree with that. They did tell us if he wanted after 6 months he can reapply for the job.

Ok, I know this is personal but I would like some tips from u gals. i been trying to get pregnant and it's been a while since i had a baby my son is going to be 10 soon. I don't know if it's from worrying about it too much. but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Edited by angelk96, 20 April 2006 - 06:03 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-20 18:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
JP you can email them. I think most of us looked at this site to see if any packages went out to the embassy from NVC that's how i knew how our packet got sent. I'll look for it and send the directions. I think they wait for a few packets to be sent before they send to Amman.


here's the link

Edited by angelk96, 19 April 2006 - 07:38 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-19 19:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Mabrook LB :dance:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-18 14:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
When I was in irbid jordan a few times I seen a lot of cats that had collars on them walking around. I also seen cats that were so wild they wouldn't even come near you. Now that's a sight to see. They reminded me of little bobcats in the wild. I remember me and anmar walking and all of a sudden i hear him say omg and i'm like what. and there in the middle street was this tom cat licking it's B*lls :lol: :lol:
I just laugh and thought now that jordanian cat had the balls to lay in the street and clean itself and when we walk by it just laid there didn't even get up and run away.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-14 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Sharon when you are ready to buy that million dollar house please don't come back and brag :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-12 21:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
omg Liz thank you very much. I wouldn't have even thought about doing any of that. I would have just looked at the house and if it was nice i would have bought it..yikes!!!! I'll do as you suggested right now i'm looking at two homes.

Kelly keep a food diary for a while. That way you can see if it is a certain kind of food that is triggering your symptoms.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-12 20:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
omg meriem i hope she gets the book thrown at her!!!!!

Ok here's a questions for you homeowners. I am looking at houses to buy. What should i be aware of and what do i want to avoid? Of course i'm not going to buy a new house because i don't want to go into debt that much. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Right now we are looking at 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. I need two bathrooms because seems like everytime i want to use the bathroom my husband or son goes in there before me :lol: and i just hate that!!!!!! :help:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-12 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Kelly I'm glad you posted it's good to hear from you!! I know the first month can be hectic especially when you are trying to get a routine down..still working on that one myself :) Keep us updated!

I am christian and my husband is muslim. Religion never was a problem between us. Although it was his duty to ask me to convert and it was my decision not to and he respected that. I guess that fact that he is from jordan and he lives among arab christians and knows the families. His mother is very close friends with a lot of christian ladies in their neighborhood. So everytime I would go to visit she would invite them over and we will all sit around and talk..Not about religion about just about life in general. I know once we have children they will be muslim and i have no problem with that. But I though most of us here that posted where christians with muslim husband with a exception of a few. I guess I was wrong??


Edited by angelk96, 10 April 2006 - 07:41 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-10 19:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
We need to start a little support group for when our SO finally get here. To be honest withyou all this immigration process is only a little part of what happens. So if anyone is up for that let me know or if you have suggestions please post them. Be nice to share ideas on how to cope with the aftermath and make sure our marriages succeed and not fall by the wayside. I know i had some overwhelming days where i felt i couldn't cope with my new situation even though me and my husband have known each other for years i still felt overwhelmed by the situation.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-09 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I took mine to a hotel :lol: :lol: ok ok his plane arrived at 11pm and we were both exhausted and went to a hotel. The next day traveling home I made a stop in Lincoln NE and took him to an little arab store to buy what he needed in case he missed his arab food. I also took him to walmart I call it the 100.00 store because every time I go in there I spend a 100.00. :hehe:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-09 18:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
My goodness Windancer next year?? what the heck is going on in Amman these days. I can't believe that many people are trying to immigrate through that consulate. I am glad you finally got an interview date that's that best now you can get on with your life and do the little things you need to get done. It's already April time sure flies, and hopefully it will go very quickly for you. If you need to vent you know where you can come because we'll be right there to help you through this time. Same with you Andrea i know August is a long time off but now is the time to get all those little things done. I know how stressed you and ur husband got when u got that date. Even though ours were 2 months in advance it doesn't count for the time of 12 weeks waiting for that date so it added up to 5 months total waiting for that embassy.

I am not sure if any of you will agree with me, but this ME/NA forum lately has gotten a little out of control. If i was a newbie and came in here looking for information and seen some of the posts i would hesitate to ask any questions and that's sad. Well to the ones that are still here and are willing to still post and help peopleand ignore all the other BS I'll copy Jackie/jmagayreh and give a "BIG GROUP HUG"


If i never said before I just want to say now that it was very nice knowing some of you and thanks for all the support you gave. You ladies are awesome!!!! (F) (F) (F)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-09 18:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Hello everyone i'm back from syria we had a great time. We had an engagment party and got a call from the embassy to pick up our packet three. We filled out the packet there and sent it in, so we should soon have an interview date!
I included some photos!!!
How long does it usually take for them to call after they receive the packet to set up an interview??? :star:

Welcome back Allison. Glad you had a great time with your SO in syria. Give us more details and great pictures. How was ur engagement party? Girl we want more details!!!!

what's that mean?????????

Which part? The verses I quoted from al-Quran and the two hadiths mean if you have something to say to or about someone then do so in private and do not backbite or slander them in a public forum... Subhanallah means Glory be to Allah.

I made this forum so all us women here and men can come here and voice our concerns. In the beginning there was no where us middle east gals and guys could come. it was mostly people from morroco in this forum. the only ones in the beginning was us jordan and egypt and west bank people. I hope you understand if MJ felt she could come here and voice her concerns and get some great feedback which she did.

Keep posting girls


Andrea I understand where you are coming from but remember why you married your husband. Just because it didn't work out for some people doesn't mean ur relationship is the same. I had no problem trusting my husband but that is because I knew him a long time before I married him and knew his family also. I am sure it is in the back of all people's mind about the green card, but when you decided to marry was that thought even in ur mind if it was than i'm pretty sure you wouldn't have married him. right?? If this is really concerning you send me a msg on yahoo and we can talk.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-09 00:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
don't worry lostinlove i didn't mean to imply you were attacking anyone.
i met my husband online and it was the best thing that ever happen to me.

ok here's a question for MK. did you ever see that documentary Checkpoint?? Me and my husband watched some of it but it was umm actually pissed us off. he told me they hear about it in Jordan but to actually see it on tv was a whole different story for him and he couldn't watch it anymore. I was going to post this in that 221g thread but thought it was more appropriate here.

Anyways for you that don't know what i'm talking about it's a documentary made in the west bank that shows what palestinians have to go through daily just to get to one town to other and what they have to endure at the hands of the israeli soldiers.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-08 00:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy do they make it so hard?

My husband and I just went through the process in Aug. 2005. We were applying for a K1 visa. I was visiting at the time and we went in for the interview, they looked to make sure we had everything and no questions were asked. It was so simply that it didn't seem right. They called us in about 3-5 days to make an appointment where we went in and they gave him the visa. It was really smooth process when all the paperwork was in order. We came back to the states and got married within the three month time limit. My heart goes out to you about the waiting process. I think we all go through it but in the end when you are finally together you will forget about how long it really took. Good luck and best wishes.

Lady BirdNot TellingAlgeria2006-06-25 22:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest of luck Morocco4ever
well girl i'm your biggest cheerleader, so i wish you the best on this day!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-01-28 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaAngel and Anmar
thanks you girls!!! You all are just wonderful !!!

Ok he's my news, they took anmar's passport and told him they will call him when his visa is ready!
i'll be happy when he has it in his hands. that's my news! I'll post again when he actually has it in hand

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-01 05:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd the results are...
Sorry Morocco4ever! Why even have him come back for an interview if they were going to do that :angry: I don't think these embassies realize how much pain we go through. Keeping you in my prayers. (F)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-01 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWedding Pictures :D
Sharon those are very nice wedding pictures, Mabrook, may you and your husband have a happy life.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-02 17:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaYalla Middle East
Ladies please come to the new Yallah Middle East 2.0 and post now, if you are new here we sure would like to meet you, and basically we talk about anything in our thread. I will probably get this one closed.


AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-04 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaYalla Middle East
Ok girls i'm making a new yallah middle east thread for us, for some reason i feel this one doesn't belong to us anymore and hardly anyone is posting here. it went down the crapper since vj went down. thanks to aussiewench for moving it for us . I'll try to get the new one pinned so it doesn't get lost in the mix.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-02 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaYalla Middle East
Yeah i don't like it either!

Ok today the Embassy called Anmar's house, but there was nobody there to answer the phone :(
so he called back the embassy and they told him to go there Wednesday, not sure what about..but that's my
update, so wednesday i'll know what is up and post it

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-01-29 11:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaYalla Middle East
I want to welcome everyone going through the Middle East!

I made this thread for all of us going through the Middle East Embassies including Egypt, and for people who are just starting their process. We don't have just one place where we can come and share our experiences. We are spread all over Vj, in Foreign Embassy, in DCF and others.

Feel free to share experiences, congratulate people, vent frustrations at the system, and life in general. Don't be afraid to be honest with your posts because 9 out 10 times someone is going to be there to help you, vent with you, be sad with you, and most of all be happy with you.

Angel (F)

ok girls start posting again. thanks to aussie we still have a middle east forum to go to..thanks aussie!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-01-28 15:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIT HAPPENED!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: Wooo Hooo it does feel great!!!!
i'm so happy for you reddaisy another one made it through the embassy in Amman!!!


AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-02 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaA lost and found thread
Hi girls,
Anmar made here safe and sound :) Our honeymoon is kind of over since i have to go back to work.
I'll update later.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-13 07:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaLordy, Lordy, Lordy, Guess who's turning 40???
Happy Birthday!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-15 08:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaGreen Card
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-15 08:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have 2 questions?
We applied for the SS card today. We needed his passport and his jordanian birth certificate and that was it. She told him he should get it in 7 to 10 days, so hopefully by that time his green card comes in the mail and he can start looking for a job or taking some ESL classes.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-16 17:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have 2 questions?
Thursday I will go to the SS Office to apply for Anmar's SS Number, so for all you gals that been through this already, what kind of documents did you take and what questions do I need to ask. I feel so stupid about this stuff. :help:

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-14 13:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have 2 questions?
Hi Amal!!!

Anmar is not here yet, coming thursday 9th :)

ok how long did you wait until you applied for a social security card?? Or when can we apply for a SS card?

I'll send it to ur yahoo msger too.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-06 07:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaI have 2 questions?
Ok i was just wondering how long does it take to get the green card in the mail and the social security card. I need to get my husband a driving license asap. You need to drive where i live. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-05 15:52:00
Middle East and North Africamy update
Salam Farah

Today we went to apply for Anmar's Social Security Card. We needed his passport and his birth certificate.
Anmar is always studying the driving license manual so he can prepare for the test once his permanent resident card comes in the mail. Myself I am not so patient teaching him the streets here :unsure: I think I will have my sister teach him the streets here because she is more patient than me, and besides I think I make him nervous..:)

We also only had a short honeymoon since i had to go back to work on monday. I hated leaving him alone but I had no choice since it's our only source of income now. For the first few days my husband felt strange and didn't know what to expect, but gradually he started getting use to things here and is starting to be more comfortable and he also met some of my family. Most of the day he stays alone reading or going on the computer to visit his friends and family. I know he's bored but he won't admit it. He can't wait to start looking for a job but first he needs his driving license because you need to drive wherever you go here.

Well good luck to you also, and stay in touch. :luv:

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-16 17:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!!!!!

An IR 1 is for people who have been married more than 2 years and this you will receive a 10 year green card. As for the CR 1 it is a conditional green card and is for people who have been married less than two years. My husband falls under this category. He will receive a green card that is good for 2 years but before that two years is up we have to file a petition to remove the conditions on the CR 1. Hope that answers your questions.

I am assuming you filed for the CR1 and the K3 visa, the I 130 is for an immigrant visa, whereas the K3 is a nonimmigrant visa and once you get in the USA you adjust your status here. Most people file both, but lately the CR1 have been quicker getting to the embassies than the K3s. Well that's what happen to ours.
The only thing about filing both is you lose the money for the k3 petition if your CR1 gets to the embassy first because the CR1 cancels out the K3 if it gets to the embassy first. I hope i explained that well.. :unsure:

By the way you have some very nice wedding pictures! :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-20 13:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!!!!!
First, let me welcome you to the Middle East/North African Forum. It's always good to see new people join. We also have a thread at the top of this page called yallah middle east and many people from egypt post there.

I have been in your situation also, and it is very difficult to be away from your significant other. My husband processed thru Amman Jordan, and i can definitely say this is the slowest consulate in the Middle East. As for Egypt I think it varies, some people wait for a short time and some wait for a long time depending on name checks. We have several people who are processing thru egypt..Amyerlu..Her and her Fiance just had an successful Interview in Cairo, but now have to wait for the name check to clear.

If you have any more questions you can post your own thread or join us in the yallah middle east.

Again let me welcome you and hope your journey goes quickly (F)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-20 07:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!!!!!
AWWWW Thanks/Shokran everyone. This board is just awesome i can't say that enough.

Ok update..Anmar bought his tickets :D Will be here Feb 9th. Flying from Queen Alia to Chicago and on the Omaha Nebraska. Where I will meet him. I wished it was sooner, but i have no days off until next week. :( and that is the only time he can get a flight anyways. I thought maybe he can find a flight sooner which might be more expensive for him and I offered to pay for it, but he told me NO! and i say pay half and he said NO! He told me all he wants is to be in his wife's hug. I am just so happy today I don't know what to do with myself :wacko:

Again big thank you to everyone especially the girls from Yalla Middle East! You girls rock!!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-02 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa in Hand!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: Anmar Got His Visa :dance: :dance: :dance:

"I have to do Amal's visa dance..hehe"

The embassy called Anmar this morning and told him his visa was ready, and to come and pick it up. He called me earlier but I said tell me when you actually have it in ur hand, and he just called me to tell me he now has it and is on his way back to Irbid.

Thanks Everyone for all the support and well wishes!!! You girls are just awesome!!!! (F) (F) (F)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-02 07:49:00
Middle East and North Africahi all!! and a question.
We applied for Anmar's SS card last thursday all the was required was passport and birth certificate, and we didn't get a paper stating a pending number, just that it will take a week to 10 days.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-20 13:27:00
Middle East and North Africawe had THE worst connection ever
Congratulations Dawn, Glad Your Husband had a smooth Interview!! If they took his passport there is no doubt he will get his visa. Make sure to post when he will come over to the usa. Again Congratulations!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-23 10:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaNewbie Introduction - K1 Visa advice/experiance
Ahlan Jordanian Princess.

Well as Dollface mentioned, if you are going through Amman expect a long wait. Feel Free to ask questions about Amman. there are a few of us who processed thru there. And please Join us the the Yallah Middle east thread. We have some old links in there that specifically pertain to the consulate in Amman.
If you have a RFE they just want more information or maybe you forgot to send Information in ur petition.
And yep I met my husband via Yahoo chat also :yes:


Edited by angelk96, 24 February 2006 - 07:09 AM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-24 07:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaHello All
Hi Vonnie
Welcome to our little corner of VJ. Hope your visa journey goes quickly and smoothly. There are a lot of nice ladies here who have dealt with Morroco or in the process. Feel Free to join us in the yallah middle east thread also.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-03-03 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCR1 interview
I know in jordan they wanted proof of the relationship after you were married, so start compiling your evidence and send it to your husband, and about your concern with the pictures showing you kissing, remember you are not going thru an islamic embassy but an american embassy :) and you are married. :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-28 13:15:00