Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

lol i'm at 390 now.. woot! ...come on 1000 lol :lol: :hehe: I honestly thought I was on here all the problem is that i only check and post in mainly 1 thread....(with the exception of my off days when I have time to check other titles).. Angel, I guess that should make you feel special since its your
I'm kind of disappointed that all i have is 390 posts though... grrr hehe

(F) amal (F)

Girl I just made it to 750 to go platinum I stopped after that :lol:
Although I did make a thread asking how much more posts for platinum and for a while we were all posting clickable smilies for posts.. :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-18 08:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I just seen a post from Honeyblonde and Catherine. Hope you two ladies are doing fine! Come back and visit us sometimes!!!

A new post? where where?

sorry rahma it was some old post in the i'm new here!

amal how many do you need for 750?
i just went platinum not too long ago and i join in july of 2005
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-17 16:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I just seen a post from Honeyblonde and Catherine. Hope you two ladies are doing fine! Come back and visit us sometimes!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-17 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
wow 100!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-17 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I hope you get some good news your way soon!

I've been wondering...when it is time to lift conditions...will they send us a letter telling us what documents they need and where to go? I have no idea what we will need or what to do... anyone know??

(F) amal (F)

I am not sure they send a letter or not, but I know you have to send in that form 90 days before ur SO expiration date on his green card. Anmar's expires 2-9-08 so any time within that 90 days we have to send that form in.. I think I better go into the lifting conditions forum and read myself. :)

Icey I took Imodium with me when I travelled but was lucky that i didn't have to use it. Although it felt like my digestive tract stop working since it was a long flight and just sitting there not doing anything for hours didn't help it move too much. So I was kind of constipated when i got there and got It was funny trying to explain to my SO what I had. He was trying to understand my symptoms and go to the pharmacy and get me something Because there you can go to the pharmacy and describe your symptoms and they give you antibiotics or whatever you need..scary. I would always read the ingredients :) Anyways I am a nurse and shouldn't have been shy to describe my symptoms but I got so shy and embarassed..hahaha
Anyways have a safe trip and enjoy your time with your fiance.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-15 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
My aunt had identical twin boys and no twins run in our family, but her husband is a twin.
Oh Oh Kelly.. :lol:

Got flowers for mother's day from Anmar didn't want a gift considering my birthday is the end of this month, so i'll wait for him to surprise me. Well he knows i like jewerly so i guess it won't be too much of a surprise. :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-15 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
MK I just watched a documentary on the sundance channel about Jenin. The movie was called Narna's children. If you haven't seen it I thought it was pretty good and worth watching. It was about this jewish lady who went to jenin and started a school for the theatre and it documents some of her students. then it goes forward to when the israeli army invades Jenin and shows what those kids where during in that time. It was kind of sad

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-13 14:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Ladies (and Gentlemen), I have really enjoyed my time on VJ and learned so much, but like Catherine, I realized I am addicted. I am going to say goodbye to you all but I will still be available by e-mail if anybody wants to keep in touch.

I have been the wife of a man who was addicted to the computer and I know how that feels. I will not be a wife that is addicted. Abdel doesn't deserve that.

So, good luck to you all and I hope that those of you waiting still are reunited soon.

Good bye,


Take Care Liz, I think I am going to be cutting back as well but not completely. Sorry to see you go though!
Congrats on all the girls with expecting babies (F)

Hehe Dollface..preggo..Last time I heard that word was on the Family Guy and little stewie was trying to sell lemonaide and this pregnant woman goes by and he's calling her hey preggos.. :lol:

BTW nobody wants to help out MK-Wife of Mahmoud when she is busy with Mr. Mahmoud. If you don't know what i'm talking about it's about updating the cheerleading list when she can't..???
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-12 17:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Massouna wait until your husband gets here you wil have eyes only for each other and other people will just be a blur :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-10 19:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
you go into your controls and there is a place there to put what you want under your personal profile

Edited by angelk96, 08 May 2006 - 11:42 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-08 23:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
well mabrook JP don't know about that dance though hahaha
now you have to think about something to put under your name i'm still thinking of what to put there
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-08 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Mary i am really hoping your SO gets his visa soon. It is wayyyyyyy over due now!!!

I was looking for a post and i realize this thread has 87 pages of posts. You girls rock!!!!

Did anyone ever get the stomach flu?? I had it all weekend and still have it. It sucks!! I think it was Anmar's Mansaf..ewwww everytime i think about mansaf it makes me sick now.

"My ex left me with about $20,000 in bills and back taxes, which I have been paying alone. I'm almost done and then I can start saving again I guess everything happens for a reason "

Holy sh*t JP there is nothing you can do about that???

Almost getting to those single digits LB :dance:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-07 21:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Icey did they totally back out now??
did you try to explain to them?
Anyways I hope you get it resolved before you leave!!
good luck!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-05 06:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Been gone a whole day and all ####### breaks loose. :lol: :reading: :lol:

Thanks lostinlove for not letting it spill too much into this forum. :luv: BTW you are moving to Lebanon???

So anyways Anmar made Mansaf today didn't eat it yet just got done, but i'm not too hungry at this moment.

We have a celeb in the house..Andrea!!!!

Less than 2 weeks for LB :dance: :dance:

Didn't see Meriem's post..Congrats Meriem almost finished now!!

Edited by angelk96, 04 May 2006 - 04:34 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-04 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: everyone dabka :dance: :dance: :dance:


hope those work

Edited by angelk96, 02 May 2006 - 07:53 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-02 19:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
(L) my boy toy loves his girl toy (L)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-02 19:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

JP congrats on the interview date :huh: Amman sucks!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-05-02 17:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
JP I think all of us had to go to the embassy in amman and get our paper notarize that we were free to marry from american services. This paper is then taking to some gov't office it's just to show that you are not still married in the usa. Actually I remember getting that paper and Anmar taking to a gov't office and then we went back to irbid and got our blood tests and once they came back we had our islamic marriage and then 3 days later we had our wedding party.

Edited by angelk96, 29 April 2006 - 10:23 AM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-29 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I'll make a list of what angie needs and post it. If i'm forgetting something she needs to do. You jordan gals chime in and post what else.
thanks :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-28 21:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
You won't get nailed Kelly. i think all of us that been thru Jordan know how it is there. the exception is Miss JP who had to be different.. :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-28 21:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I am new to this but it seemd that I might of found the someone who can help me. I am plannign to go to Amman in July or August to marry the man of my dreams. We met online and have been communicating for a few months. I am taking my vacation time from work and going to marry him. I want to be able to bring him to me the easiest and fastest way. Please help me so that I can be happy as you are :help: . If anyone can help me I would be very greatful. I want to do it right the first time so that no delays.

Hi a1angied . Welcome to the Middle East/NA forum

The wait times for the K1 , K3, and Cr 1 are about the same now. I think some of the girls already posted how slow the embassy is now. My husband's friend's brother and his wife are during a DCF- Direct Consular Filing where the spouse resides in the country and files for an immigrant visa. They just got their interiew date for next year 2007, so he sent her home for awhile because she has been there for months.

If you have any questions just posted them and we'll try to do our best to answer them. Myself i went there and married and came home and filed for the CR1 but also filed for the K3 because thought it would be approved faster, but our CR1 was approved first. Good luck!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-28 13:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Ok I seen Farah... How are things going??? Keep us updated on the transition... Thinking about you!

Also we haven't heard from Melody Jeanne..MJ any updates on the transition? keep us updated when you can.

Anyone else that disappeared after their SO got here???

JP had a fun time chatting to you on Yahoo!!!!
By the way we got a better loan deal thank god she explained everything and was very nice to us!
The house we wanted got bought :( It would have been a huge monthly payment for some funny reason we weren't too disappointed. I guess It was meant to be. I am glad i shopped around at the local mortgage companies and banks today. I learned alot today about buying house. . My credit score was awesome they keep telling me. . Thanks to capital one and dell :) By the way I think I'll shop around for a better realtor who I don't have to tell what to do. Nowadays seems like you have to go out and find the information for yourself.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-27 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Thanks ladies. Learning Arabic has been tough, I seriously only know maybe 30 words and they arent used in everyday situations, i just picked them up along the way......Writing it or reading it and pronouncing is soooo hard for me. i asked George about letting me do that and he is scared that if i am out doing things something will happen to me unless he is by my side and he is just too busy lol......yeah anyway so i think i may put an ad in the paper and offer english lessons in exchange for arabic lessons......who knows maybe ill even make a friend :) thanks again really

Thanks for posting again Jess.

I always like to read experiences about people living in other countries. Sure it sounds romantic until reality kicks in. It is good information to have here in case someone who reads it and decides to DCF will know what they may expect. Thanks again for sharing!!


thanks honeyblond, i am soooo housing market/ housing loan illiterate thank god the girls at work are all homeowners and have given me a lot of ideas and suggestions.

LB ur SO is a sweety!!! I remember checking my outlook email and work and see an email from my husband and it would get me all happy!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-27 10:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Congratulations Lost in Love!!!!!

You know my first marriage my ex was away a lot because his work required to travel a lot. Basically I was alone. We also didn't communicate that much about our feelings. Usually we just kept what we thought to ourselves because we didn't want to upset each other i guess. Anyways it drove us apart the lack of communication. I have a lot of respect for my ex because he is an excellent father and provider! The only thing was I fell out of love.

Then I met my husband now! It is totally different. We communicate on all levels there are times when I will get silent and go in my own little world worrying about things. But he will start talking and talking and then I will have no choice but to say what is on my mind. When i mentioned earlier about yelling and shouting it wasn't about fighting. We have disagreements but what marriage doesn't. I just like that fact we communication even if it's "talking loudly,shouting or yelling" at each other. I never been in a relationship where we fought alot actually I only been with my ex and my husband now, so i really don't have experience to share on that part. I will suggest to whoever may read this that if you feel you are in an unhealthy relationship and it's starting to affected your health in any way. it's time to re evaluate why you are in the situation and what is the best solution for you to either fix if you can or get out while you still can.

JessNGeorge I am going to agree with lostinlove, when you come from two cultures that are so different for example the language and the habits. It's going to be very difficult. you are living in another country so different from yours and to be honest you are totally dependent on your husband there. I wish i can say something to make you feel better give you a quick fix, but there isn't an quick solutions. Try different ways of communicating to him to let him know exactly how you feel about some of the things you mentioned if it makes him mad or angry then back off and think about a different approach. I hope some of the other girls here can offer some better solutions or just offer support. Thanks for coming here and having the courage to share your feelings!!!!!

take care yourself!!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-25 15:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Ok liz i'm looking at a house it's asking price is 90,000 in your opinion or suggestion what would you ask for it? I mean what would you offer???


I am going to see our realtor in a bit but just wanted to know how low can you go before they decline???

Edited by angelk96, 25 April 2006 - 12:46 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-25 12:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Welcome back just_waiting I'm glad you decided to join us here!!!!

Ok as for the fruit i was just intrigued about it because i remember her telling us that some women eat it when they are in labor and it helps, as for me eating it. I'll be having two big containers on each side of me with both my hands filled trying to stuff them in my mouth.. :lol: If and when i do go into labor I am for sure going to get an epidural heck with that natural labor had that been there never want that again :no: . I had back labor and i felt like my back was going to back in two.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-25 09:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Liz my husband is so sensitive too, but he's also very passionate and sometimes it just comes across in arguing or yelling at each other. But when i start doing the same thing it shocks him sometimes and then he starts smiling :) When you get to together with big arab families you see a lot of this and actually it's pretty funny and comforting when you come from a family that is similar. My husband likes to kid around with me and call me Najah ..he says ok Najah he said sometimes i remind him of his mother. I said is that good or of course its good and says wallah enti majnoona enti habla .she is Sometimes i just like to see him get like this way cuz he's just so darn cute. He just loves him mother and by the way you have a keeper there Liz !!

JP i wanted to ask you a question or maybe your mother knows, but there is a this fruit that grows in Jordan and Palestine that helps with labor pains. My mother in law showed me this sort of fruit grape shaped and she told me it helps with the labor pains??? I want to my husband to ask his mother but i'm scared she will start asking all kinds of questions :)


Edited by angelk96, 24 April 2006 - 10:12 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-24 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

Faisal didn't get into trouble. Everything is cool! But I'm not. Today, things just hit me. This has all cost me so much money. I'm not even excited about the I130 being approved, not excited about anything. Actually, I feel not having any emotion but yet I am so emotional today. I feel there is no other way to make life at ease for now because I am not at ease.

Happy belated Easter, JP. Wasnt' sure if you were Orthodox or Catholic. I have many greek and coptic friends and I know they celebrated Easter yesterday!

Thanks Andrea, I'm glad to hear that Faisal didin't get into trouble. :thumbs: This process is just one big roller-coaster. I remember when my fiance asked me to marry him. I said yes but it didn't actually hit me that I was getting married until I got engaged formally which was 5 months later. There are good days and there are bad days. I am 100% certain my fiance is not using me for a green card, why? Because I choose to believe that way. I don't want to let doubts get in mind and to be honest he has never given me a reason to have any. There is no way to really know what is going to happen, but the bottom line is I have faith in him and would not want to start our relationship or marriage any other way.

I know its hard not to let these thoughts get into your mind, but keep the faith. Does he make me mad? YES! Do we fight? YES Does that ever change anything between us? NO! When i committed to him, it was just that. In the beginning of our relationship when we would fight, I would assume that a big fight meant our relationship was over or going down hill. He has finally managed to get into my head that fighing is normal. I find so much comfort in that now. I know that if there is something I don't like or want to say, I can do it without worrying.

I think alot of Jordanian men and arab men in particular are that way. Fighting is a normal thing for us. I remember growing up, my parents fought alot, but they are till married and it will be 38 years soon.

Andrea - although its tough, try to stay positive. You are a wonderful person and Faisal is lucky to have you. Keep the faith in your marriage and it will get you through the hardest times. :star: (F)

Hehe JP ur quote about the I totally agree with that. Also want to add my inlaws are loud when they all get together, at times i would hear shouting between some family member and think what the heck who's arguing,l but turns out just a friendly disagreement. My husband likes that i am feisty. :) Actually asks me all the time if i am really american and not arab. When I start yelling/shouting at him he just starts smiling and calls me haiaty and albi..and we get over it and laugh. He also like to tell everyone our story how we met, how long we were much we love each other, how i am his heart..etc. All the girls at work tells me how much he loves me but i known that from the beginning that's why i married him.

Like Liz, i'll be online tonight since anmar has to work until 10pm. Msg me or i will msg you because i have not been on yahoo for a few days

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-24 12:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
andrea I can totally empathize with you!
I remember thinking the same thing and feeling the same thing as you.
To be honest it is a lot of money to spend on both petitions. You do have
the option to just go with the K3 and adjust status when he is here. That way you can
save up the money for the adjustment. Remember August is not that far off even though
it seems that way. It just totally sucks to be away from your husband this long I know the
feeling. You are going to be going thru little bouts of depression. Some days are better than others
and some days are just soo bad. The only thing at got me through these times were work and talking
to Anmar every night. I know there were a lot of time he just let me vent on him and didn't say anything just try to reassure me. Then when i would realize what i was doing, i would apologize to him. He would
just say you are my wife and like we promised each other, we would go through this life hand and hand..sigh!!

Keep your chin up things will get better (F) (F)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-24 10:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I guess I do owe Leila an apology. If she wants to post the Quran, that's her business. I guess I was just trying to let her know that not everyone here is Muslim, so what it says doesn't control our lives. That doesn't give me a right to disrespect the fact that it does control hers and many others here.

Leila, feel free to post the Quran any time you want (F) and I can just skip it if I don't want to read it. I'm a big girl!

:thumbs: that was nice of you Liz.

As for the Laundry Subject I think to most of us now it's a dead topic end of story.

I really don't want to be the VJ Police of this thread I made. I hope people go back to the first post I ever made and read why i made it. First and foremost it was about venting at the immigration process, second about life in general. It's about helping!!. If there is something you don't like, then bypass it. We choose what we want to read it doesn't choose us.

Thanks !!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 19:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
JP My mother in law is a seamstress and as a matter of fact the larger women bring what article of clothing they like and she makes a bigger version. At one point I was thinking of living in Irbid Jordan with my husband that's one of the reason's i took my son with me to see how he felt in that kind of environment ok so that was a no go :lol: So we kicked around some ideas about him opening his own shop. I noticed when I went shopping there was only size large which really was a small medium. Anyways I asked him where do all the larger women shop. He told me that they have like one store that kind of sells bigger clothes, but if you want something bigger you have to put a request in at the factory where it was made. Say like in Amman or they take it to his mother or some other ladies that make clothes. So I said how come we don't open a shop that sells clothes to larger women I told him we can make a lot of money, but he told me a shop like that wouldn't make as much because they would be embarassed to go in there. I think it would have worked if we offered clothes to both consumers. Oh and sold shoes up to size 11. My mother in law wears the same as me if not a little bigger. I sent her like 4 pairs of shoes. good thing i took clothes with me for every day i was there.

They do have some nice clothes there and cheap and some nice shoes but too small. Believe me i wanted to buy all kind of clothes but couldn't because of the size. I mean i'm not big just average but still everything was small. I do plan on moving there sometimes in the future. I'll keep that store idea in mind!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh My I can't stop laughing the only little safe thread to go to.. almost veered off course!

It's outta control!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok so with the romantic ideas.. I have no husband on the weekends cuz he works now. I work mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays and Fridays from 5:30am to 4pm. I took vacation off next month but now that he's working..

If I could wear scrubs all day I would, but I wear my palestinian dresses around after work and my husband like to put on his saudi thobe sometimes...hehe Noura i want some of those shoes. When I was in Jordan my sister in law would wear these cool shoes that curled up at the toe with blue jeans damn she just looked way cool. I wanted some but couldn't find a 9 yes i have big feet I am 5'8

By the way JP you're pretty cool!!!!! I like the way you think!

Edited by angelk96, 22 April 2006 - 02:39 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 14:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I still stand by my statement! and don't want to argue/debate back and forth with you or anyone else. I asked for suggestions about my post and not what a husband would think about Laundry!

Thanks to everyone that had suggestions and who privated msged me. I greatly appreciated it!!!

Keep posting!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
I think we are all over 18 here. It's up to the indivual to discuss what they like without someone coming in making everyone feel like they can't discuss something because they think it's not right. If you don't like what the subject is about you have the right not to post! Especially if it's upsetting to you. Don't read it just go to another thread. The choice is yours, but I don't want anyone to think just because someone thinks it's bad doesn't mean it is to the rest of us and please post your suggestions if you have any. Be helpful not judgemental! I asked for suggestions not what my husband would think posts. So to you gals that posted the funny laundry posts. Keep posting. Things have totally gotten out of control on this forum where it once was helpful now has become totally jacked up!!

So thence fore please use medical terms to describe the dirty laundry :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 13:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0

I think my husband may be a little (lot) more uptight than many of yours. If he found me on here discussing details of our laundry in even the vaguest of terms or even saying I missed it, he would kill me. Seriously, it might be enough to end our relationship. :unsure:


I'm so glad my fiance is not that serious. :yes:

I am glad mine is!!! I would be very disappointed in him and feel disrespected if he were to talk in a public forum about our "laundry", and he thankfully he never would -- but it is exactly these type of things that make each of our men right for each of us. :) Sometimes I tease him about how serious he can be about these things; however, the reality is, I truly love how he takes Islamic precepts as guidance for our marriage because the result is, he treats me so well. I am NOT implying that anyone's husband who does differently doesn't treat her well - (gosh things are so touchy around here lately you feel you need to fill every post with disclaimers) - only that overall, it is the sum of all his beliefs and practices that makes him the incredible husband he is, and are a benefit to our marriage and to me.


Ok ok guys... but I don't think anyone discussed any "details" here other then a little tongue in cheek joking cryptically because things have gotten a bit catty on other threads.

I would NEVER openly discuss my intimate affairs with my husband because they are no one's business.

But a joke remains just that... a JOKE.


Although I still want suggestions about my having a baby!!!
so if you are morally terrified :o of posting suggestions you can private msg me
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-22 09:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Jackie you must of missed the middle eastern cooking thread.. I never cooked that before but post it in the middle eastern cooking thread. surely someone there knows??


I got some simple recipes from the gals there all of it tasted it great. Tonight I tried JP meat and tomato recipe..tasted awesome
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-21 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
My husband does excellant laundry :) I did have to teach him how to turn on the washer and what temp and if it's colors or whites or if the clothes need to go in the gentle cycle. He dries them too and folds them. I came home to all my clothes folded like they belonged on a store shelf. I think I'll keep him. Ok he's arguing with me reading what i am typing saying he learned his self.. :lol: I don't mind washing clothes i just don't like folding or ironing. Wrinkle free clothes rule!!!!!! :thumbs:

Oh yeah he cooks too :dance:

Edited by angelk96, 21 April 2006 - 07:42 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-21 19:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
:devil: :devil:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-21 12:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
HI DAWN!!!!!

Well i'm getting up there in age as well and I am thinking time is running out also. I am going to try not to think about it as much now. Maybe it will help?? I'll take sharon's advice if it doesn't happen in 6 months time to go to the doctor. I'll agree with JP Anmar talks about out kids all the time. I said i will let his mother name our children since she picked out some nice names for her children. Good luck and check back hopefully they will give us some tips!!!!!!!

Inshallah soon we can both have little ticker tags at the bottom showing our babies grow!!!!

Edited by angelk96, 20 April 2006 - 07:09 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-20 19:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Dawn!! Glad everything is going good for you. You had me worry with that one post. I found out too if you are busy with your jobs it just seems to make everything fall into place like it should be. Have fun and keep us updated when you can.

Also want to say big thank you to Anmar's ESL teacher for getting his foot in the door concerning employment. I live in a small town 25,000 and it's sometimes difficult to even get a job here. But his ESL teacher is awesome an once she knew his wife was native american ( she just loves all things native)she was willing to go to bat for him and teach him the best she could because she is spanish speaking and all her students are from mexico and central america and south america, and she never taught an arabic speaker before. She got him a job at Walmart fulltime. I know she will never read here but just want to tell you all that there are some good people out there. She did ask Anmar to teach her arabic when his lessons where done. Without hesitation he told her he will.

Another note: After Anmar got his job, Union Pacific Railroad called us to come for an interview. I put his application in there because they are one of the biggest employers in this town and the money is excellent 50-75 thousand a year, the drawback is he would have been hired in train service which he would had to travel. So we both discussed it and came to the conclusion that we been apart already for so long some of that time by our choice because we wanted to know each other better before we decided to get engaged and get married. Anmar told me he didn't want to be away from me and that he preferred to come home every night to his wife. What could I say I couldn't disagree with that. They did tell us if he wanted after 6 months he can reapply for the job.

Ok, I know this is personal but I would like some tips from u gals. i been trying to get pregnant and it's been a while since i had a baby my son is going to be 10 soon. I don't know if it's from worrying about it too much. but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Edited by angelk96, 20 April 2006 - 06:03 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-20 18:01:00