Middle East and North AfricaYallah Middle East 2.0
Hehe nope not until Feb 9th then i guess i'll be doing laundry as they say :P
I just don't want my thread to die :dead:
It had a lot of good information on it for people
going through Jordan.

Good Luck and Prayers for:

They are up next..lets all cheer them on. :dance: :dance:

And special prayers for you cbarrosmostafa!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-02-03 07:25:00
Middle East and North Africa*pfffft*

This thread needs more penguins

Posted Image

You know, I was thinking it needed more COWBELL!

that is so hilarious!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 13:54:00
Middle East and North Africa*pfffft*



you a early bird


a night owl



Is it ok for me to bring a chip on my shoulder and a monkey on my back? :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 15:44:00
Middle East and North Africa*pfffft*
What time is Group Therapy? :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 15:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Layla I wish you didn't feel like you are unwelcome here. I hate to see anyone leave VJ. As for much self I don't know much about Islam to know what is right or what is wrong. I think all of us in our own way need to search for the truth and be at peace with what we choose in this life.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-18 09:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

I don't know about anyone else, but since I've been on this thread, I've met a lot of nice people who took the time to write and offer words of kindness and encouragement. Sometimes, the PMs came so fast, I couldn't post for the popups lol! I don't feel I can do you justice and I am truly humbled. You guys made my days! Each will receive a personal thank you, but this is for you all.

Much love!

Well i thought it was very interesting! Looking forward to another great debate and learning a thing or two.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 21:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

I'm not a lawyer, but I'll tell you what I know. Contracts are valid if they do not violate other established tenets of law. This applies to Islamic law as well as secular law. The articles that I posted before have examples of what didn't work. The same is true in Muslim countries that do have Islamic courts. There may be provisions other than the commonly accepted ones added into the contract that are rejected by the court. For example, I've heard people wrongly claim that to prevent a man from taking more than one wife, a codicil can be included to forbid it.

That may be allowed in some venues, but not in others, depending on how the sharia is interpreted, and the interpretation of sharia differs from place to place, even within a country. Recently, Morocco put the breaks on polgyny, requiring direct permission from the legal wife and adding hurdles that effectively outlawed it. One of my brothers-in-law learned this the hard way not long ago. Tunisia outlawed it altogether. The same would be true if a contract allowed polgyny in a country, like Tunisia, where it was not allowed. No court would sanction that (well, maybe if bribed).

Thanks, Me and a friend were having this discussion because a person we knew was divorcing and wanted to know if it was valid. We thought maybe since we are now under the US law that we follow that, or the other option was to go back to the country you married in and enforce it there.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 20:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
so much for that! the thread within a thread got busted :bonk:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 20:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

Was that your fatwa? Would you care to expand on it? I haven't seen any other fatwas.

I agree, I think this is definitely a result of a clash of cultural values that tie into religion.

I know women who find the entire concept of mahr offensive because Western thought makes them feel "bought", as well as women who find the concept of a man as breadwinner degrading. There is a difference between choosing to be an equal partner financially as a result of means, choice desire, or rejecting it because you feel "kept" due to stereotypes. I think rejecting the ways they should be honored ties into the Western stereotypes of oppressed Muslim women and is a way of setting themselves apart from the stereotypes but it often is to their own disadvantage.

Wow! That was deep!

Angel, honey, what would you like to discuss? I'm not much for chit chat, but I'll entertain other meaty subjects.

Ok here's a question. Since there is no Islamic Court in the USA, and two people want to divorce. Is the contract valid here?
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Is this topic done now? or still up for debate?
I for one would like to see other things discussed
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 20:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

I am usually a little opposed to thread hijacking....but you know what? I am glad you two are bringing it here instead of a new thread named "islamic debate". Can you imagine the intrusive OT posts if you opened a new thread??? and as a practical matter, I think we are collectively pretty much out of ideas for GH for the moment (wish it wasn't true, but until anything changes or progresses out on its own, we are pretty much stopped)I applaud you girls for finding the perfect "hiding" spot to discuss this, and I see that I am not the only one interested in how different views of the same material can be.
Have a good day everybody

Ditto to what Dawn said. Glad to see others participating and getting some different views on this subject.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-17 16:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

Layla's Arab? That's interesting.

BTW, I know now that you are confusing what is required in a nikah ceremony, and what is required to make the nikah valid. You are talking only about the former, I have expanded my remarks to the latter. We continue to speak past each other.

OK I'll bite... expand on this more so that I can understand what you're talking about?

At some point, I realized that you were still appealing to the ceremonial elements of a nikah contract - offer, acceptance(concurance of both parties and the wali), and consideration (mahr) - while I was arguing that what makes the contract, thus the marriage, valid is its ability to be enforced. I take your position to be that one is legitimately married if all the ceremonial elements are present; my position is that there is no valid contract without the continued acquiesance of an authority that has the power to uphold it. If there is no entity outside of the state to enforce your inheritance, to evenly distribute assets, to require support for your children, are you really married under Islam when Islam requires that the circumstances under which you enter into a contract be one that can also offer you justice and protection? I would say no.

I see you rejecting the elements beyond the ceremony that are also required by Islam to validate all social contracts entered into under al-mu`amalat , and marriage, being a social contract, is no exception.

OK I see what you're saying. So by these standards, can there be a valid marriage in the west? Are the courts going to start recognizing our marriage contracts in court? Will they give us our rights as we see them? Do we have to have marriage contracts that are 101 pages long so we don't miss anything for them? Are they going to let us set up an Islamic court for ourselves? I have heard of it being considered a prenup but does that make it ok?
I still don't think having a nikaah without a marriage certificate is haraam. Maybe you risk losing some of your rights but both parties should fear Allah anyway and not do anything to deny the other party their rights.
I don't agree with about 99% of what you say or believe but I think I see what you're trying to say.

p.s. NO Layla is not Arab... Layla is native american (Cherokee) :D

Haha I wasn't sure how to answer szsz when she asked if you were arab. :) Lets turn this thread into get off my land...joke! just kidding you are all welcome to stay in my country. :lol:

Edited by angelk96, 16 July 2006 - 10:06 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 22:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
My comment was such as seeing my in laws discussiig events and being very loud while doing it which i don't mind. So post on! you two are interesting!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 21:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

LOL! Thanks for the clarification, angel. In the outside world, well, at least my world, lots of discussions take place between new reverts and born Muslims.

You know what i see when i see you and layla going back and forth. Two arabs having a loud discussion :)
Peace to both of you!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 20:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

It is my belief that bidah is haraam and I have been kind enough to show you the proofs for that. You don't want to accept that and it's not my problem. I don't have to argue about it anymore and I'm not less of a person because I don't want to get caught up in that.

I recognize it not as proof, but as what you feel comfortable regurgitating. I don't see any knowledge, depth, or support for it other than you say that some cherry picked, disembodied ahadith are binding in and of themselves. That is not proof, but it is clear that it is all you have to offer to the discussion. So, you are right, you cannot continue. You have used all of your ammunition, and now, spend your energy avoiding answering my specific questions.

BTW, I know now that you are confusing what is required in a nikah ceremony, and what is required to make the nikah valid. You are talking only about the former, I have expanded my remarks to the latter. We continue to speak past each other.

Cya! I know now you have no more to add, and, so, I agree, this must end. May God bless.

Are these discussions between newly converts to islam and people who are born muslim a common occurrence?

How many born Muslims come here?

szsz i am not talking about vj i am talking about out in the real world, but to answer i few but they dont' talk about islam.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 20:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Are these discussions between newly converts to islam and people who are born muslim a common occurrence?
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 19:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Thank you ladies I'll have to check them both out :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 15:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Is there a thread in the other site? I have to find it. Right now i'm posting about Lebanon :)
Anyways about the islamic debate going on. It's interesting. I would like to learn more therefore my husband said he will get me the koran in english so i can read it. He said if i wanted to know anything to go there and find it. :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 13:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....

looks like this little thread just turned into a debate abt Islam... :whistle:
or is that an Islamic debate? (F)

Maybe it's better to take it offsite and discuss it. :whistle:
i find it interesting though.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
My husband is Sunni.
I want to ask a question to all you converts. If you converted before you met your husband how did you know which sect to pick? I mean there is a lot of islamic groups..shiite,sunni, sufi, salafi, and etc..? And it seems like they all interpret islam differently.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
This is getting interesting!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-16 11:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
I am not muslim, but my husband is and i like reading about islam because one day I will have children and some day may have to answer their questions about islam or direct them to someone who can answer. I find your posts very informing and very easy to understand. Sorry to hijack the thread. Just wanted to point that out!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-15 10:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Mabrook Meriem! that's such a great feeling knowing they actually have visa in hand :)

Today is my day off didn't have to wake up at 4:15am :dance:
Once we did wake up we drank our coffee and watched the news and talked to the family in Jordan.
We decided to rearrange the dining room not sure if I like or not still thinking and looking to see if I will rearrange it a different way. Other than that will stay indoors where it's nice and cool!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am curious

Layla and Szsz,

I "don't have a dog in this fight," as they say, but I had to chime in. Forgive me if I'm butting in where I'm not wanted.

It seems like the both of you are very passionate about your religion, and you both have different viewpoints on this particular topic. I think you both feel very strongly in your views, and each of you want to be sure that someone just coming into the fold is not "misled" by the other one. I don't think either of you intended to come off as judgemental or rude, but sometimes, in text, it's difficult to tell the person's tone. Somehow, it has spiraled into a big argument and it seems (to me, anyway) you're starting to take this personally.

It's really difficult in religion to believe so strongly about something and to be frustrated in conveying that belief to others, especially when someone has an opposite viewpoint.

I think you've both made valid points, and you both really believe what you're saying, and you have a reason to believe what you're saying. Then someone comes along and refutes your point, and it becomes a big mess, feelings get hurt, people become offended, etc. When, all along you're each just trying to be good ambassadors (for lack of a better word) for your religion.

I hope that you both are able to understand where the other is coming from, even if you don't agree with what each other is saying. I have learned a lot from both of you by reading your posts, and I think you're equally important to this board. I hate to see ill feelings or hostility between you, when you're both trying to accomplish the same thing, and that's to develop a greater understanding of the religion you both share (even though you have different interpretations of that religion).

I understand the frustration, but I hope you can put it behind you so we can continue to see your great contributions to this board.

Just my $.02.

:thumbs: ditto
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 15:34:00
Middle East and North Africa5 more weeks to go from today
the weeks are flying now.. :thumbs: pretty soon it will be in the single digits days
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 13:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaBooks and Media
hahaha the pressure is on, now i can't think of a song to post. but you know it's a link and you have to click on it

I'll play some old school from Najwa Karam'rooma.rm
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 22:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaBooks and Media

Love always wins out in the end books

That reminds me of something very beautiful. Be right back!

This is one of the most beautiful essays I have ever read about love, sweet love. Use it on your husbands, ladies.

A Wife

This article has been widely atributed to a lecture given by Sheikh Abdullah Adhami, but I have been informed that he is not the actual author, so for now it is, Author Unknown.

By getting married you are not just getting a wife, you are getting your whole world. From now until the rest of your days your wife will be your partner, your companion, and your best friend.

She will share your moments, your days, and your years. She will share your joys and sorrows, your successes and failures, your dreams and your fears. When you are ill, she will take the best care of you; when you need help, she will do all she can for you; when you have a secret, she will keep it; when you need advice, she will give you the best advice. She will always be with you: when you wake up in the morning the first thing your eyes will see will be hers; during the day, she will be with you, if for some time she is not with you by her physical body, she will be thinking of you, praying for you with all her heart, mind, and soul; when you go to sleep at night, the last thing your eyes will see will be her; and when you are asleep you will still see her in your dreams. In short, she will be your whole world and you will be her whole world.

The best description that I personally have ever read describing the closeness of the spouses to each other is the Qur'anic verse which says: "They are your garments and you are their garments." (Surah Al Baqarah 2:187). Indeed, spouses are like garments to each other because they provide one another with the protection, the comfort, the cover, the support, and the adornment that garments provide to humans. Just imagine a journey in the winter of Alaska without garments! Our spouses provide us with the same level of comfort, protection, cover, and support in the journey of our lives on this earth as garments would do in the Alaskan journey.

The relationship between the spouses is the most amazing of all human relations: the amount of love and affection, intimacy and closeness, mercy and compassion, peace and tranquillity that fills the hearts of the spouses is simply inexplicable. The only rational explanation for these most amazing of all human feelings is that: it is an act of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, "And Allah has made for you Mates (and Companions of your own nature ..." (Surah Al Nahl 16:72)

Only our Almighty Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in His Infinite Power, Boundless Mercy, and Great Wisdom can create and ingrain these amazing and blessed feelings in the hearts of the spouses. In fact Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is reminding those who search for His signs in the universe that these feelings in the hearts of the spouses are among the signs that should guide humans to His existence as He says in the Qur'an, "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquillity with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect." (Surah Al Rum 30:21)

But Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala knows that the human heart is not a static entity, it is sometimes weak and at times dynamic. Feelings can and do change with time. Love may wither and fade away. The marital bond might weaken if not properly cared for. Happiness in marriage cannot be taken for granted; continuous happiness requires constant giving from both sides. For the tree of marital love to remain alive and keep growing, the soil has to be sustained, maintained, watered and nurtured.

Remember that our Prophet Muhammad Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam had found the time to go out to the desert and race with his wife Aisha. She outran him but later after she had gained some weight, he outran her. Remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam took his wife to watch the young Ethiopians playing and dancing their folk dances. The show of emotions is necessary to keep the marital bond away from rusting and disintegrating. Remember that you will be rewarded by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala for any emotions you show to your wife as the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam said "One would be rewarded for anything that he does seeking the pleasure of Allah even the food that he puts in the mouth of his wife"

Never underestimate the importance of seemingly little things as putting food in your wife's mouth, opening the car door for her, etc. Remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam used to extend his knee to his wife to assist her up to ride the camel.

Try to always find some time for both of you to pray together. Strengthening the bond between you and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is the best guarantee that your own marital bond would always remain strong. Having peace with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala will always result in having more peace at home.

Remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam gave glad tidings for those couples who wake up at night to pray together. The Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam even urged the spouse who rises up first to wake the other spouse up, even by splashing cold water on his/her face.

Always try your best to be good to your wife by words and by deeds. Talk to her, smile to her, seek her advice, ask for her opinion, spend quality time with her and always remember that the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam said, "The best of you are those who are best to their wives"

Finally, it is common that spouses vow to love and honor their spouses until death do them part. I do believe that this vow is good or even great, but not enough! It is not enough that you love your wife. You have to love what she loves as well. Her family, her loved ones must also become your loved ones. Don't be like my colleague who was unhappy about his wife's parents coming to visit for few weeks. He candidly said to her "I don't like your parents." Naturally she angrily looked at him straight in the eye and said, "I don't like yours either." Also, it is not enough that you love her until death do you part. Love should never end and we do believe there is life after death where those who did righteousness in this world will be joined by their spouses (Surah Al Zukhruf 43:70) and offsprings.

The best example in this regard is the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam whose love for Khadija, his wife of 25 years, extended to include all those she loved; this love of his continued even after her death. It was many years after her death and he never forgot her and whenever a goat was slaughtered in his house he would send portions of it to Khadija's family and friends and whenever he felt that the visitor at the door might be Khadija's sister Hala, he would pray saying, "O Allah let it be Hala."

I used to know how to add music to a thread, but I don't remember now. We could add some arabic, rock, whatever, bumper music, if someone knows how

That was a very nice essay :thumbs:
If you want to add music from any site like mazikana or 6arab or 6rb or any other, right click on the song link and click copy shortcut and paste it to your post :) if there is another way maybe someone can post it.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 21:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaBooks and Media
anyone heard of Fayrouz? In Jordan and Palestine they play her songs in the Mornings and call it Fayrouz in the Morning. I like her too.. i am a music buff.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 21:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaBooks and Media

My recent trip to NY I listened to the audiobook by David Sedaris "Dress Your Family in Courdoroy & Denim" - it was hilarious... also downloaded some podcasts on Religion by Bill Moyers...

But as for music, I'm w/ you Angel, I mostly listen to arabic - pop to classical - I love Oum Kalthoum as well as Hakim, Hisham Abbas, Natacha Atlas, some modern remixes of older classics... I have almost 4000 songs on my iPod - most of that is arabic music :P

I love that song by Oum "Enta Omry" :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 21:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaBooks and Media
14 views and nobody answered.
well myself I usually listen to music all the way to jordan and all the way back. Usually arab music..Kathem from iraq or ali deek from syria ..mostly i like to listen to dabkah music. But listen to R& B and Old rock and roll. : ) I like reading romance novels! Love always wins out in the end books :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaTakalaamal deen
Ok I found this "When you differ in any matter refer to Allah and his Messenger" [EMQ 4:59 so some of us are not muslim but would like to find the information you maybe discussing. Where online if you quote from the koran and sunnah can we find what you are discussing? I ordered a koran in english "thanks to rebecca" but won't receive for i don't konw when....and i don't want to get lost in the discussion or have it go over my head...

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-20 19:27:00
Middle East and North Africawhere's that little hot tamale Chiquita??
girl where are you ??
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-21 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaSyriana
I seen Syriana and thought it was very good. I didn't like the ending though it was sad and made me pissed off also.

I seen Munich also and really didn't care for it too much. Although the main character was good.

Edited by angelk96, 21 July 2006 - 08:38 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-21 20:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaGOT IT!!!
woo hoo chiquita!!! Mabrook!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 07:39:00
Middle East and North Africaunbelievable
and they even like it better when we start to having disagreements amongst ourselves here in ME/NA forum
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-24 09:59:00
OMG Andrea !!!!!!what a nice surprise. Faisal will do fine : ) This sounds like Amman is finally moving it's butt. I can't wait to hear your news.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 10:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown for ainfante and faisal
someone continue the countdown I have to go to sleep soon. I wake up at 4:15am on the days i work.
I know faisal interview is at 8 but he might have to wait longer inside the embassy.
2 hrs and 30 minutes..woo hoo :dance: :dance:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 21:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown for ainfante and faisal
5:10 am in Amman Jordan :dance: :dance:
2hrs and 50 minutes
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 21:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown for ainfante and faisal
3:34 A.M in Amman Jordan
4 hours and 26 minutes to go :dance: :dance:
my goodness time is flying Andrea
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown for ainfante and faisal
It's 1:52am in Amman Jordan :dance: :dance:

almost 6 hours to go :dance: :dance:

now i better go feed my hubby!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-07-25 17:53:00