Mabrook Irene
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-20 22:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)
I better add a dabka dance ali deek style for Lion_Lioness

Posted Image Posted Image Yallah Yallah Posted Image Posted Image
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-20 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)
You'll be fine!!!

btw hopefully....I might not be here!!!

Dabka dance..Ali Deek style

Posted Image Posted Image yallah yallah Posted Image Posted Image
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-20 22:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)
Damn Girl stop freaking out!!!!!
I should read your post more often cuz maybe I'll have this baby sooner.. I been having false labor pains for days now!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-20 21:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)

In a way I hope they DO dwell on things like how we met. That, to me, is one of the strong points of our case: that we're in the same dicipline and met on the same excavation. It's a pretty normal kind of thing: people meet at work, then go out, then are an item, then get engaged, then get married, you know? Normal :)

things I kind of hope they don't dwell on are like my past marriage and the whole why move to the US thing. He is really only coming here because he doesn't make a livable wage in jordan, nor will he ever with just as MA. He has to get his PhD and then we plan to skip out of town and go back. And so, that's the whole point of this deal. That and he wants to begin to pop out the 4 children. Like yesterday. or 6... he's also now waffling about 4-6. if they keep making him wait, I can already tell the number will fast go up to 8.
Maybe I should send them an email about THAT.

Dear Amman IV Unit:

Please have mercy on my nether regions. The longer you seperate me from my husband, the more children he talks about wanting to have with me. Although i am good with 4 or 5, he is soon thinking about 13 like his mother had. I believe, at this point in my life, that would require multiple births and i am not sure I have that kind of patience or chest-age, please let him come immediately and keep things below 6 lest i send you my medical bills for a prolapsed uterus.


I can only imagine how long that month seemed to you! I remember the feelings of dread when I went to get married and realized: OMG1 It;s thanksgiving! We have to go NOW to get my afadavit of single status!! LOL! i had totally forgotten, and that was only a 2 day deal :)

Posted Image Yallah Babies Yallah Posted Image

Posted Image

That's a Jordanian for you. Wanting to having kids asap!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-15 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)

In a way I hope they DO dwell on things like how we met. That, to me, is one of the strong points of our case: that we're in the same dicipline and met on the same excavation. It's a pretty normal kind of thing: people meet at work, then go out, then are an item, then get engaged, then get married, you know? Normal :)

things I kind of hope they don't dwell on are like my past marriage and the whole why move to the US thing. He is really only coming here because he doesn't make a livable wage in jordan, nor will he ever with just as MA. He has to get his PhD and then we plan to skip out of town and go back. And so, that's the whole point of this deal. That and he wants to begin to pop out the 4 children. Like yesterday. or 6... he's also now waffling about 4-6. if they keep making him wait, I can already tell the number will fast go up to 8.
Maybe I should send them an email about THAT.

Dear Amman IV Unit:

Please have mercy on my nether regions. The longer you seperate me from my husband, the more children he talks about wanting to have with me. Although i am good with 4 or 5, he is soon thinking about 13 like his mother had. I believe, at this point in my life, that would require multiple births and i am not sure I have that kind of patience or chest-age, please let him come immediately and keep things below 6 lest i send you my medical bills for a prolapsed uterus.


I can only imagine how long that month seemed to you! I remember the feelings of dread when I went to get married and realized: OMG1 It;s thanksgiving! We have to go NOW to get my afadavit of single status!! LOL! i had totally forgotten, and that was only a 2 day deal :)

AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-15 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)

Oh! And another question which could be helpful to you all in other consulates too:

Has anyone ever tries to submit digital media as evidence? like home movies??

my husband submitted our wedding video, did they look at it, probably not, but he submitted it anyways.
Don't be scared about getting denied. Amman is way different than Casa. If you get a 221g its usually because they want more evidence. You seem to have all your evidence in order. Some people they ask for the evidence and some they don't. They asked my husband questions a husband should know about his wife. Like what kind of movies i liked or what size of clothing i wear..etc

Hi Angel ! Good to see you around these parts....

Very true about the Amman style of interview. Didn't they ask Kelly's (dollface's) husband stuff like what she liked on her pizza ?



Hi MK ! yeah they did ask her that. Oh yeah also that city and state question and answer they ask. A lot of guys assume detroit or another city is a state. Sometimes they don't know the difference between a state and a city.

The thing is I am not sure how to burn a CD on my computer, as I totally always had my ex doing it for me. #######! Although... I bet it could go the infinately more expensive route and just buy like a flash drive and save it on that. Hmmm.... or! I bet I could post them all on my vimeo account and have him download them and make him do it! yes! Better solution that doesn't really involve me!

Good thing about the questions too.. I think he knows what kind of movies I like? Although we have never watched a movie together of our own choosing... he watches the news then I would take a nap and finally we'd just start to talk and turn off the TV. We were both working all the time and in a rented apartment. He does know what kind of pizza I like!

I only know how to burn mp3s to a cd, and you need a program i have roxio. They might be interested in how you met. I know in our interview they wanted to see evidence we communicated throughout our marriage. They weren't too interested in how me met, but since you both met in jordan on a dig site that might be interesting to them. I wish we still had that old thread where we posted all the questions they asked to us. Both me and Amal got 221gs requesting more evidence. That whole month of January i was freaking out because we took back the evidence and the embassy was closed most of the month. It was a long month!!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-15 13:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmman interviews coming up-- last minute scrambling? :)

Oh! And another question which could be helpful to you all in other consulates too:

Has anyone ever tries to submit digital media as evidence? like home movies??

my husband submitted our wedding video, did they look at it, probably not, but he submitted it anyways.
Don't be scared about getting denied. Amman is way different than Casa. If you get a 221g its usually because they want more evidence. You seem to have all your evidence in order. Some people they ask for the evidence and some they don't. They asked my husband questions a husband should know about his wife. Like what kind of movies i liked or what size of clothing i wear..etc

Short, simple direct sentences -- without too many dependent clauses -- work best. Otherwise a non-native speaking, low-level consulate flunky can get all tangled up.



Funny part is: I usually send them a one-sentance question, with only one actual question: like "what time is my husband's interview?" and then i get all kinds of weird responses :) I can tell when it's a non-native (like this exchange) :) I remember one time I just called them out on it: I said something like "what you jsut wrote makes no sense at all, nor does it answer my question." then I could tell that my email was passed off to an American :)

haha that happened to me a lot. I'll be like huh and send another email.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-04-15 12:23:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

VP, that 4th picture is just horrible! Where did you get that??? :o

photobucket :blush: It's funny no? :blush:

:no: sorry

But the others are all good :thumbs:

What's wrong with it? You've never wanted to do that to anyone here??? :P JK!!!! :lol:

:lol: VP i just don't know :whistle:

Anyways since this old thread has been pushed to the top and we now know how morrocogirlny is doing. Glad you are still hanging in there and good luck!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-09 12:56:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

I thought I'll see a good news on Moroccangirl's case but this.........So disappointing :( Why are we opening old wounds? :angry: I don't see a rhyme or reason to it...Do you Shon?

it really is the thread that never ends..... do you believe she went digging thru the dregs of old posts to dig this up? Shon, really, get a life!!! go buy a pint of bunny ice cream and eat it instead of dredging up old stuff. let this ####### die, please.... I repeat "GET A LIFE" :wacko:

I have a life and an excellent one. I thought it was well worth the effert to bring this baby back
to the fore front. as for opening old wounds you talk about that with your "BUDDY -BUDDY" uhm K.
now look knock yourself out reading this thread. I am gonna go enjoy my life now and talk
to my sexy husband. :thumbs:

After getting b*tch slapped back and forth by icey, jp and sarah. I can see why you would do anything to get even. :thumbs:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-08 09:46:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
This thread is no longer helping anyone in the "ME and NA Forum".
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-09 01:15:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
if what you are saying is right, then she had 8 pages of posts some not so nice.. meaning two people where bickering back and forth in this thread. to be honest this Middle East forum/ North African forum use to be where people came for information and shared information. and try to help each other if they could. It was sad to see how out of control this thread had gotten. We all have to right to express our opinions like i stated earlier but things totally gotten out of control here. :no:

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-08 16:17:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
Let us ask the ladies on this board.... do your Muslim husbands express "anti-semitism," or "anti-Zionism" (or both, or neither) ?



Well my husband's father is Jordanian and mother is from Palestine. He doesn't express anti semitism but I guess you can say he is an anti zionist. As with most Palestinians remember it's about the gov't of israel not its religion.


Note: I read iceyspots post and i didn't find anything offensive about it either. From what i read she was just speculating why the CO there may be denying petitions. I think all of us on this ME/NA forum have speculated as to why Morroco is getting a lot of denials going on there. Truth be known nobody but the gov't and the CO know why they rejected the petitions. That's all i got out of her post was she was just speculating. Everyone as the right to post they opinions on here. Even if someone doesn't like it or not!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-04-06 18:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
More Updates

Recent Reunifications:
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 8th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited June 16th!!!
kml_36 (Morocco, K-1) Reunited June 22nd!!!
Allison & Samir (esperando, Syria, K-1) Reunited June 24th!!!
Sarah & Hicham (sarahandhicham, Morroco, K-1) Reunited August 2nd!!!
Omid & SO (Omid, ISL-Afghanistan, K-1) Reunited August 3rd!!!
Chiquita & DH (chiquita, Morroco, CR-1) Reunited August 10!!!
Salwa & Mark (M+S, Egypt, K-3) Runited August 14!!!
Andrea & Faisal (ainfante, Jordan, K-3) Reunited August 24!!!
Meriem & Hachemi (Meriem_setif, Morroco, K-1)Reunited August 25th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Michael and Michelle 9/28/06

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma & Tamer October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)
Sarah & Hicham August 27th, 2006

Upcoming Marriages:
Henia 9/6/06

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma & Tamer (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Morac (Morac, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Approved June 28th
Jenn & Wadi(jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 7/26!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Approved July 25th

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Interview Sept 2?th

Waiting on AOS:
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 5th

damn this thing makes my eyes getting blurry. :lol:

Edited by angelk96, 12 September 2006 - 09:08 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-12 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
I'll have to dig back in the mean archives. :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-12 20:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
sarah tell me the date you got married and i'll update that too
and whoever else wants their name update
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-12 20:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
More Updates

Recent Reunifications:
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 8th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited June 16th!!!
kml_36 (Morocco, K-1) Reunited June 22nd!!!
Allison & Samir (esperando, Syria, K-1) Reunited June 24th!!!
Sarah & Hicham (sarahandhicham, Morroco, K-1) Reunited August 2nd!!!
Chiquita & DH (chiquita, Morroco, CR-1) Reunited August 10!!!
Andrea & Faisal (ainfante, Jordan, K-3) Reunited August 24!!!
Meriem & Hachemi (Meriem_setif, Morroco, K-1)Reunited August 25th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Omid 8/3/06
Salwa and Mark ???????
Michael and Michelle 9/28/06

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma & Tamer October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)

Upcoming Marriages:
Henia 9/6/06

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma & Tamer (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Morac (Morac, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Approved June 28th
Jenn & Wadi(jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 7/26!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Approved July 25th

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Interview Sept 2?th

Waiting on AOS:
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 5th

Edited by angelk96, 12 September 2006 - 05:16 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-12 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaChristmas

baby got back? :whistle: :lol:

That used to be my favorite dance song! :dance:

:lol: mine too and still is!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-18 21:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaMOROCCO4EVER
a cliffhanger!!!

"Maybe" it's her way of saying screw you VJ !!! :lol:

anyways, hope her man got his visa and she can come back and tell the end of her journey someday!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-14 22:09:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread

darker red is bad, yellow is good. orange is in the middle.
Posted Image

According to that map I am in the Yellow..YAY! Guess I should still ask about it.

Don't you just love the way Cherry County sticks out like a sore thumb? :P

:lol: I seen that..the biggest county with the least population in Nebraska.
I took my husband through the Sandhills there and told him..Look Jordan.. :lol:
No wonder he likes cruising highway 83 North nothing but Sandhills and if you look really quick
you might see a little village. :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-22 15:27:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread

another day at work. Finally I am starting to get over this cold. I felt like I coughed one of my lungs up :unsure: just glad the coughing stopped. Our inspections came back on the house we are buying. A few minor things they need to fix but other wise everything is fine. We also had them mark the property lines. It's a huge property. Sits on 2 1/2 lots. Closing date is Dec. 14. Dread the moving though.

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!


Hey Angel, congrats on the house. Hachemi and I became official homeowners yesterday. They will be moved by this weekend and we can move in next week. We have spent all week furniture shopping. We are very lucky that we live in a furniture manufacturing area. So many outlet stores here with very low prices.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.


Congratulations on the new house Meriem. I am looking forward to decorating the family room downstairs I have all these ideas, but my husband also wants to decorate it, so we'll see who comes up with the best design. Your lucky I think we are going to have to travel about 3.5 hours to look at furniture. There are funiture stores here, but they are so expensive.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-22 11:05:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread
[quote name='just_waiting' date='Nov 22 2006, 10:36 AM' post='581830']
[quote name='angelk96' post='581777' date='Nov 22 2006, 08:58 AM']
[quote name='charlesandnessa' post='581771' date='Nov 22 2006, 09:52 AM']
[quote name='angelk96' post='581763' date='Nov 22 2006, 07:48 AM']
another day at work. Finally I am starting to get over this cold. I felt like I coughed one of my lungs up :unsure: just glad the coughing stopped. Our inspections came back on the house we are buying. A few minor things they need to fix but other wise everything is fine. We also had them mark the property lines. It's a huge property. Sits on 2 1/2 lots. Closing date is Dec. 14. Dread the moving though.

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!

if i'm reading your profile right, you live in or near nebraska? have you ordered a radon test for this house? also, how old is the home? if 30+ years you might also consider a lead paint test.

Yep live smack dab in the middle of nebraska. No lead base paint, but not sure about the radon. I'll have to look into that.

I'm originally from Lincoln. Another Cornhusker. Which city are you in?

From North Platte- Home of Buffalo Bill Cody..hehehe
Go Huskers!!!

[quote name='charlesandnessa' date='Nov 22 2006, 10:50 AM' post='581858']
[quote name='angelk96' post='581777' date='Nov 22 2006, 07:58 AM']
[quote name='charlesandnessa' post='581771' date='Nov 22 2006, 09:52 AM']
[quote name='angelk96' post='581763' date='Nov 22 2006, 07:48 AM']
another day at work. Finally I am starting to get over this cold. I felt like I coughed one of my lungs up :unsure: just glad the coughing stopped. Our inspections came back on the house we are buying. A few minor things they need to fix but other wise everything is fine. We also had them mark the property lines. It's a huge property. Sits on 2 1/2 lots. Closing date is Dec. 14. Dread the moving though.

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!

if i'm reading your profile right, you live in or near nebraska? have you ordered a radon test for this house? also, how old is the home? if 30+ years you might also consider a lead paint test.

Yep live smack dab in the middle of nebraska. No lead base paint, but not sure about the radon. I'll have to look into that.
darker red is bad, yellow is good. orange is in the middle.
Posted Image

According to that map I am in the Yellow..YAY! Guess I should still ask about it.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-22 10:11:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread

another day at work. Finally I am starting to get over this cold. I felt like I coughed one of my lungs up :unsure: just glad the coughing stopped. Our inspections came back on the house we are buying. A few minor things they need to fix but other wise everything is fine. We also had them mark the property lines. It's a huge property. Sits on 2 1/2 lots. Closing date is Dec. 14. Dread the moving though.

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!


if i'm reading your profile right, you live in or near nebraska? have you ordered a radon test for this house? also, how old is the home? if 30+ years you might also consider a lead paint test.

Yep live smack dab in the middle of nebraska. No lead base paint, but not sure about the radon. I'll have to look into that.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-22 08:58:00
Middle East and North Africawednesday thread
another day at work. Finally I am starting to get over this cold. I felt like I coughed one of my lungs up :unsure: just glad the coughing stopped. Our inspections came back on the house we are buying. A few minor things they need to fix but other wise everything is fine. We also had them mark the property lines. It's a huge property. Sits on 2 1/2 lots. Closing date is Dec. 14. Dread the moving though.

Hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-22 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaArabic Christmas Songs

Oh I like fairuz!

I'll try to look for some more. Funny i wasn't too much into christmas music, but after I listened to it in arabic. It sounded pretty good!

Anyone can also add their favorite english songs also. I just thought I would make is specific for this forum so it wouldn't get moved.

Yeah, good idea :thumbs: Seems our little forum is under a foreign occupation :lol:


I should have added what's your favorite christmas stories. :)
I could think of a few that my son likes
How the grinch stole christmas. :lol:
Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer.
Frosty the Snow man
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-20 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaArabic Christmas Songs
Oh I like fairuz!

I'll try to look for some more. Funny i wasn't too much into christmas music, but after I listened to it in arabic. It sounded pretty good!

Anyone can also add their favorite english songs also. I just thought I would make is specific for this forum so it wouldn't get moved.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-20 09:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaArabic Christmas Songs
I found some christmas songs in arabic
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-19 21:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaBest of luck Amera and Youssef
good luck!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-26 16:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaSarah's ME/NA Christmas internet finds


I LOVE the glass ornaments. I'm going to order these, but I'm worried how long they will last on my tree. :unsure: Too many crazy kids around my house. :whistle:
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Those ornaments are cool especially the camel :thumbs:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-26 16:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday Thread
I am at work already. good morning everyone!!!
I woke up to snow everywhere. Nice to see but a surprise for me when I walked out the door this morning.
Had to drive to work very slowly at least there wasn't traffic!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-29 07:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaFRIDAY
woo hoo thank god it is friday I am ready to go christmas shopping!!!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-01 07:44:00
Middle East and North Africathursday thread

Wadi thought it was funny. Interesting the varied reactions!

So did Hicham.

Anmar just said omg and started laughing and asked what country was that. :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-01 07:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnline "Married to a Muslim" groups
free knafh <--my husband's typing. I forgot how to spell it
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-28 22:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaOnline "Married to a Muslim" groups

I was in a group for women married to Moroccans and to be honest it was a bust. The visa information given was so wrong that it was really a shame. It was more of a cheering group where no one wanted to hear any truths about Moroccan men.

I started a group in Yahoo but it was pretty much bust since no one posts there. :P

Maybe you should have it go public, you might get a more diverse lot of women.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-11-28 22:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe results are in...
Mabrook Moody. Hope the AP/AR is quick!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-06 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting

mine keeps on losing weight...loses too much more and he'll disappear.... I can only force him to eat so many times... sad thing is he wants to gain but he just can't. He says he doesn't get hungry and doesn't think to eat..I dunno what to do...I might just have to go down the unhealthy path for a while with him .. just to get some meat on his bones ..... I don't know what I'm gonna do with him :wacko:

Mayo drip! Stat!

LMAO. That's so funny Jenn!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-06 08:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy 2nd Wedding Anniversary Amal
Happy Anniversary and many more!!!!

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-07 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about Morocco

Kansas is about the flattest most boring place on God's earth! In Colorado, all you have to do is start a sentence with "I drove through Kansas . . ." and EVERYONE knows what's coming next. I drove through Kansas three years ago with one of my kids and the main subject of conversation was "OMG! WHEN THE HELL IS THIS STATE GOING TO END?!!!!". I've droven across the whole continent more than once, but I will never drive through Kansas again. It's like Groundhog Day!

Sorry, but that's what Coloradans think of Kansas.

that's western kansas. we do have some hills in the eastern part.
one joke i've heard about western kansas is if your dog runs off, you can still see it for 3 days :jest:

LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-07 22:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Christmas traditons
wow you made your own nativity scene so cool and looks really nice !!!

It took me and Anmar hours to put together and decorate our tree I'll snap a picture and post it.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-09 21:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA Christmas traditons
wow JP that picture looks pretty cool. Always like those jordanian blue skies they make the pictures look awesome I have a few.

Well today we went christmas shopping. As always spent a lot of money, but we had fun doing it. Both me and Anmar wanted to buy christmas gifts for each other but of course we couldn't because then we would know what we bought each other, so now i have to go look for something unexpected for him. I should just have him do a christmas list seemed like he wanted a lot of things for christmas. :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-12-07 22:08:00