Middle East and North AfricaLeaving in the morning! :D
good luck.....

enjoy every minute..... observe and learn !!!!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-18 23:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday Feb. 21
Happy Birthday Beth....

hey hey Jackie,,,, I miss roaming Chi town.....

sounds like his room will be filled with love !!!!!

I am trying to be calm today, not achieving this goal very well LOLOL Azzeddines interview is at 8am tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! I believe he is ready but you never know what the Co's throw at them.....

And it is snowing here again.... i am sooooooooo over all this snow...

have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-21 09:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp quickly !!!! RFE at interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, send some emails if possible or even if you have or have the ability to get the phone records from that time.

Also, you should definitely send them an email or call them directly. Ask to confirm what is needed and if there is anything else they need you to provide them.

Ok thanks.... I send Azz a email but addressed to Moroccan about the dilema of my pc crashing... and that i only used phone cards to call in the beginning so there is no records until the Fall of 2008 when I found a company online that keeps record...IDT..... so there are $2000.00 + of phone calls...

I send 1-3 chats from each month August 08- April09 with the orginal K1 packet, then with his interview evidence I sent May09-January10 , cos I went to see him for 2 weeks in January .. I assumed February was given to them so i did not send any... Azz uses the cyber cafes so he does not save the chats to pc....
I guess i should have send more differant ones I have 700 + pages printed but I just figured a few from every month would have been plenty.... we dont chat everyday cos of my schedule and time differance.... We talk on the phone more.....!!!!

AM I SCREWED !!!!!!!

He said everything was great and comfortable ... she smiled alot with him and told him he did very well...just they need the chat from 07 and look at one other thing with his past...

As a safety measure Azz had me call my parents and have them email him a letter/email to the Consulte showing their approval and knowledge to the length of time ...
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-22 12:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp quickly !!!! RFE at interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do you have any emails or anything from back that long ago?

I have very few emails.... maybe 3-4......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-22 11:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaHelp quickly !!!! RFE at interview!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi guys,,,,,,
NOT A DENIAL but.................
Azzeddines interview went extremely well...... he was interviewed for about 55 minutes.... And she(HAD THE BLONDE) drilled and he answered everything well.. even he said they were laughing and relaxed....She even told him he did very well(WHEW)

Ok they kept his pass port thur most of interview , then a gentleman came back and returned the passport saying they needed his divorce degree(he turned it in with his forms ) so they missed placed it (Azzeddine happened to take the one from the orginals we had dupicated and gave it to him , then she told the guy Azzeddine already turned it in the begining) so i think there is a bit of confusion but all is ok with that now........but he still has his passport now..ugh.

The dilema is they want chats from 2007 ......UGHHHHHHHHH.... 1. my pc crashed in July 2008 and I dont have any they start in August2008 with the new pc and I sent them 1 or 2 from every month with the K1 package...2. i canceled the oringal Myspace I had when I first met Azzeddine due to some religion slander and crazy ppl stalking... So I dont have from this site (where we first met Nov 07) until March 2008......
They are also looking into his son and about him leaving him with his mother(she has full custody)......

HELP what can I do...... they gave him a form to get past the guard to turn in the evidence....

I wrote the consulte a email thur Azzeddines email.. so he can bring it with him and I am scaning some extra chats and emails that were not included with the original K1packet....

Should i email the consult directly or let him handle it.....
He is stayin Casa thur tomorrow so if there is something we can do before he heads back home...

CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-22 09:54:00
Middle East and North Africakept his passport...
thanks everyone,,,,

I am still holding back excitement..... but i am feeling a bit at ease wit all the positive responses.....

I am just ticket shopping for now !!!!

thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-25 19:01:00
Middle East and North Africakept his passport...
Azzeddine went back to the COnsulte today to bring back a few pieces of evidence they requested ( was not exactly what they wanted cos I dont have any chats from 2007) we just met in Nov 22 2007, found proof of that , when i requested him as a friend on MYSPACE, so he brought that and a few other emails form Nov-Dec07.. also my parents wrote a email to the consulte in our behalf....
Now the kept his passport and gave him a blue reciept and said we will call you....... OKKKKKKK now many ppl tell me that is approval..... IS IT? I am afraid to be too happy or settled....

CAN I start to look for a plane ticket!!!!


CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-24 22:55:00
Middle East and North Africak1 denied jan 5th,just got email from uscis
i dont have any idea but what others are saying here BUT at least u heard something quickly!!!!!!! And it does sound like great news!!!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-22 19:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSmiles all around!
that is true!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

wow that was very fast.......

now on the NVC which does not take very long... whoot whoot....!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am happy for you guys....
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-02-28 19:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Saturday thread?
we just had a bit of snow tooo..

Try Big Lots if you have one in your area.....

Also getting ready for Azzeddine to get her in about 2 weeks..........omgosh it really does snow ball once it happens.....
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-03-20 22:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo visa y et
hang in there....

they took my fiance's on the the 24th of February(his interview was the 2-22), he did not recieve his visa until March 16th...

your fiance may have to go back for another interview.... it is a crazy waiting game....
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-03-24 18:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday, Apri 1st

Azzeddine arrives next Thursday... whoot whoot........I think !! I am nervous but excited toooo!!!!
moving into our own place right now... ugh I hating moving ...but it will be great to have our own place....(the puppy is hating all this change !!!)
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-04-01 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproval?
If they took his passport he should have recieved a blue reciept.
They took Azzeddines passport in the first interview also !!
February 22 interview and had one other interview also..
March 17 visa picked up...
Sounds good though..... i will keep you guys in our prayers....

hang in there ...
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-04-01 23:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan you believe....?
My husband says that is the Moroccan government who does not give the real value and respect to the Moroccan citizen and that is why the USA consulate does not pay attention to thier time or suffering from the distance they have to travel including all expenses.
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-10-05 11:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaDeath in the family
My husband and I very sorry for your family loss.

My husband says it would be a good thing to send money for the next Sadaka for the memory of the Father.
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-10-17 13:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS APPROVED!
Congrat!!! Relax and enjoy the peace from USCIS for awhile...

Our AOS is just in the Biometric stage so pray for us next!!!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-11-03 08:59:00
Middle East and North Africalets hope a happy Birthday to SweetHome_Alabama
Happy Birthday !!
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-11-09 19:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA CR1/K3/K1 visas PART2
I am waiting....and this process is wearing on me ....I see other around the same time as ours getting approvals .. I am about few days from the 4 month mark so i am trying to have a bit more patience....
I did email my Senator to ask if they help in such cases if i need to in the future. his advisor emailed me directly back the same day(impressive),they advice me to contact my Congressman.. but i have not yet ..
Thanks for being there everyone....
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2009-09-12 21:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS time frames?
HI everyone !!
It is been awhile since I have posted a question ....
Azzeddine and I filed the AOS in Oct, he had his BIO last week. I was wondering how do you know or find out if the case has been transferred to CSC ( I have read if it gets transferred there is possibly NO interview!! Any thoughst?
We are planning our honeymoon for January and really need to be secure in our time frame if indeed a interview will be coming during that time!
We will cut our vacation back if the interview is needed of course!! When they schedule interviews is it a month in advance or is like a week notice type thing, in case we leave (we will be gone for about 15 days) and the letter comes while we are away and BOOM the interview is in the middle of trip while we r not near Omaha. I guess I will have in trust someone to open our mail from USCIS to make sure !!Ugh !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or ideas!!

Congrats to all in their journeys and HANG in there to ALL whom are holding on by pins and needles!! I have been there and once again I am there!!

CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2010-11-14 10:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaTranslator at interview in Morocco?
HI Kathy ,

I belong too a few on FB already maybe it is the same ones.LOL emial me privately and give me the site.
My Husband may be willing to chat with him and give him some ideas on what is best for him also....

When is the interview.?

Keep believing and it will happen !!

CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2011-05-30 14:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaTranslator at interview in Morocco?
HI Kathy,

Asking for translator is best in the beginning. So there are no confusion from the start. However using a translator is a double edge sword. He will be grilled to why he does not speak English if he is going to be successful in USA. It could be a denial upfront ! Not saying ppl have not been approve with no English skills, just make sure he is absolutely ready for detailed questions to how you both communicate, they are brutal.
He can speak French too. They ask if you want Arabic , French or English. My Husband spoke English , but when they called him on the phone for more details he would speak French or English. They will ask question in all three languages and wait to see if he responds in English (they are tricky)to see if he comprehends English well.
Good luck .... I hope everything goes smoothly for you both..
Are you still on the SML group?

Take Care..
CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2011-05-29 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccan MENA members!!!
HI just found this thread....hopes it not to late to be involved .

Name: Amana -Kim

Where you're from: Lincoln, Nebraska

SO's name: Azzeddine

Where they are from in Morocco: Safi

Anything else you want to add: Getting antsy for this visa process to get past NOA1 hopefully soon... Insha Allah he will be here by December by then it will be 2 years together....

Been to /or lived in Morocco: lived there a short period in 2006 with (ex ) husband!! Lived as wife not tourist !!!
went again in Jaunary 2009, Loved Safi and the clean air ( not like Casa) tourist all the way and wow i saw i think more in 11
days tha I saw in 4 months of living there.

I cant go right now too expensive with all the future funds coming up for his interview and ticket....However if it goes to much longer I will have to go this is just too incredibly hard being apart...

CouscousApplePieFemaleMorocco2009-08-30 04:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for Morccan spice
You can go to any middle eastern store and find it there, we did.
saharajc2002FemaleMorocco2009-09-22 19:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
updates! Welcome to America Hachemi and Added Rahma's Husband's name
hope it worked. :unsure:

Recent Reunifications:
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 8th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited June 16th!!!
kml_36 (Morocco, K-1) Reunited June 22nd!!!
Allison & Samir (esperando, Syria, K-1) Reunited June 24th!!!
Meriem & Hachemi (Meriem_setif, Morroco, K-1)Reunited August 25th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Sarah and Hicham 8/2/06
Omid 8/3/06
Chiquita 8/9/06
Meriem Setif and Hachemi 8/12/06
Salwa and Mark ???????
Andrea and Faisal (Ainfante) 8/24/06

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma & Tamer October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)

Upcoming Marriages:
Henia 9/6/06

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma & Tamer (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Morac (Morac, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Approved June 28th
Jenn & Wadi(jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 7/26!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Approved July 25th

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Interview Sept 2?th

Waiting on AOS:
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Filed JUN 5th

well my first attempt and i messed up oh well. I figured how to fix it then it wouldn't let me :(
Ok never try to update if you just came home from work and your eyes are blurry from looking at monitors all day and your talking to your husband on the phone at the same time :)

Edited by angelk96, 11 September 2006 - 07:04 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-11 19:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
updates! Welcome to America Hachemi and Added Rahma's Husband's name
hope it worked. :unsure:

Recent Reunifications:
morac (Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 23rd!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Reunited OCT 28th!!!
Moe & Lisa (moe_lisa, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited NOV 3rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV 5th!!!
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Reunited NOV. 15th!!!
erika1228 (Lebanon, K-1) Reunited NOV 11th!!!
Rebecca & Abderrafie (rhouni, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 8th!!!
Alma & Omar (appletree35, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Jenn & Ouadia (jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Reunited DEC 10th!!!
Amal & Noor (amal, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited DEC 11th!!!
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Reunited DEC 29th!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 13th!!!
Hawhaw (hawhaw, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 20th!!!
Farah (Farah2005, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited JAN 22nd!!
Amera & Youssef (AmeraMouttaki, Morocco, K-1) Reunited JAN 26th!!
Angel & Anmar (angelk96, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited FEB 9th!!!
Dawn & Hatem (dawnnhatem, Jordan, CR-1) Reunited MAR 2nd!!!
Paula & Karim (ohiobuck, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
ramlirobin (ramlirobin, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 16th!!!
Kelly and Sofyan (dollface, Jordan, DCF) In the US MAR 25th!!!
Mary and Atif (maryandatif, Morocco, K-3) Reunited MAR 28th!!!
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Reunited MAR 31st!!!
Marissa and Amed (MHandMB, Algeria, K-1)Reunited April 21st!!!
Dorothy and Jamal (ella74ny, Morocco, K-1)Reunited April 22nd!!!
Jackie and Nabil (jackielovesnabil, Morocco, K-3) Reunited May 4th!!!
Massouna & Ali (LebaneseBride, Lebanon, CR-1) Reunited May 27th!!!
Bismillahir-Rhamaner-Rahim (Bangladesh/Saudi Arabia, CR-1) Reunited June 11th!!!
Tracy & Tarik (tariktchach, Morocco, CR-1) Reunited June 16th!!!
kml_36 (Morocco, K-1) Reunited June 22nd!!!
Allison & Samir (esperando, Syria, K-1) Reunited June 24th!!!
Meriem & Hachemi (Meriem_setif, Morroco, K1 Reunited August 25th!!!

Upcoming Reunifications:
Sarah and Hicham 8/2/06
Omid 8/3/06
Chiquita 8/9/06
Meriem Setif and Hachemi 8/12/06
Salwa and Mark ???????
Andrea and Faisal (Ainfante) 8/24/06

Recent Marriages:
Doreen & Abdou June 23, 2005
Carolyn & Simo July 9, 2005
Twila & Hicham July 22, 2005
Vicki & Youness August 20, 2005
Liz & Abdel December 16, 2005
Maryum & Rachid September 26, 2005
Rahma & Tamer October 14, 2005
Rebecca & Abderrafie December 23, 2005
Prena & Aziz January 15th, 2006
Jenn & Ouadia January 20th, 2006
Sharon & Majid January 28th, 2006
Melody & Khaled February 14th, 2006
Sarah & Otman March 16, 2006
Amera & Youssef April 22nd, 2006
Dorothy & Jamal May 5th, 2006
Kathy & Saoudi May 15th, 2006
Massouna & Ali June 17, 2006 (duchle)
Kathy & Saoudi July 15, 2006 (2nd wedding)

Upcoming Marriages:
Henia 9/6/06

Recent AOS Approvals:
Dana & Khalid (dkbakkass, Morocco, K-3) Approved OCT 26th!!!
Jacque & Mohammed (jmagayreh, Jordan, K-3) Approved NOV 3rd!!!
Sara & Adnan (sara535, Morocco, K-1) Approved DEC 1st!!!
Doreen & Abdou (myfellah, Morocco, K-1) Approved JAN 26th!!!
Vicki & Youness (karotte, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 15th!!!
Ke_east_coast (Ke_east_coast, Morocco, K-1) Approved FEB 22nd!!!!
Twila & Hicham (tnh9479, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 8th!!!!
Carolyn & Simo (carolyn, Morocco, K-1) Approved MAR 15th!!!!
Maryum & Rachid (anxious, Morocco, K-1) Aproved May 23rd!!!
Rahma & Tamer (rahma, Egypt, K-1) Approved May 23rd!!!
Liz & Abdel (honeyblonde, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Morac (Morac, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 6/19!!!
Prena & Aziz (prena, Morocco, K-1) Approved June 28th
Jenn & Wadi(jenn3539, Morocco, K-1) Transferred to CSC, received card 7/26!!!
Sarah & Otman (tatedaoudi, Morocco, K-1) Approved July 25th

Upcoming AOS interviews:
Elizabeth & Hisham (elizabeth&hisham, Morocco, K-1) Interview cancelled. No new date set. :(
Laura & Abdel (lal_brandow, Canada, K-1) Interview May 18th (waiting on security checks)
Kathy and Saoudi (frndly1, Morocco, K-1) Interview Sept 2?th

Waiting on AOS:
Sharon & Majid (kerewin21, Morocco, K-1) Filed FEB 27th, biometrics done 3/23, received interim EAD 6/8
Melody & Khaled (melodyjeanne2003, Egypt, K-1) Filed MAR 23rd
Amera & Youssef (Ameramouttaki, Morocco, K-1) [color="red"]Filed JUN 5th


well my first attempt and i messed up oh well. I figured how to fix it then it wouldn't let me :(

Edited by angelk96, 11 September 2006 - 05:13 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-11 17:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
Anyone have updates that needed to be added.
I am going to try to keep it updated first i gotta learn how to keep the same format . Gives me something to do while hubby is at work.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-09-10 15:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe ME/NA Welcome to America Thread
Welcome to the USA!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2006-06-25 08:29:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate yemen
Wendy a lot of people can't travel back to where they once where living for a specific time period, so most contacted the consulate of that country and asked how to obtain a police certificate, sometimes you might not be able to get one.

Edited by angelk96, 19 February 2007 - 07:13 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-19 19:11:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate yemen
heheh thanks jenn that's what i meant :)
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-19 19:09:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate yemen
Wendy i am assuming there is a yemen consulate in Jordan. I am sure he can go there and ask especially if he can't travel there.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-19 18:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHELP WITH JORDAN

you know if your original post was going to help even one person, you definitly blew that by being so freaking pushy and spamming the whole board.

we get it, you got burned by a Jordanian, all Jordanians are badddddd. Get over yourself already. I'll even let you throw a rock at me, lol. :wacko:

LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-20 17:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Reunion
so are you two back for good ?
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-20 18:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday Sunday Sunday
I just got done doing laundry seem like an all day event. I got tired of one of our computers have no sound. My husband's friend sent him a file and it was a virus so we had to reformat the computer. and the sound didn't work, so i wasn't going to fix it then. Anyways today i finally got tired of it not having sound and went on the dell website and fixed myself. reinstalled the chip drivers and sound card again. Its fixed!!! Now I am waiting for my husband to call me from work so i can tell him. My back hurts!
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-02-04 21:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaDeleting threads
Sarah when did Jackie ever portray herself to be the perfect wife? I been a member on this site for a long time and I never seen Jackie portray herself as the perfect wife.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-22 13:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaTo all US girls in the forum please read my story
The original post I thought was a woman, but all the other posts sound more manish and broken english.

It was some dang good reading though :lol:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-20 18:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNo Visa's here
both me and amal had received the 221g for more evidence from Amman. Most likely the same woman you had.
MK is right it's not a denial they just want more evidence and your husband will receive his visa.

Moe_lisa had some excellent suggestions practically the same evidence I had. We submitted ours back and a month later got a the visa. Only reason it took a month the embassy was closed for most of January.

Wow your post brought back a lot of memories of how much I wanted to be with my husband in that time.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-24 09:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaConcerns and Trust

I wish all of you would be nice with jackie no matter what she said I doubt it if any of you would have anything nice to say if your husband just walked out on you.

At this time if you dont have anything nice to say to her then dont say it at all.

I think any women during a break up or child birth should be alloud to say what ever the heck she wants.

and those of you who are being unsensetive remember one thing what goes around comes around and today you might think not me but tomorrow you might have a difference of opinion.

She has clearly stated she never saw it coming and she came here so many times for support that alone proves how much she loves her husband.


I am leaving this forum sorry I caused such a stir I am so glad I am not going through this stress anymore.
I want to go back to may happy life

Good luck to you

Opps I forgot my :lol: :lol:

Edited by angelk96, 22 July 2007 - 04:23 PM.

AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-22 16:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaConcerns and Trust

I don't mind my husband sends money home to his Mom, but I don't think he needs to send money home to his sisters and brothers who are married and both have jobs. Life's a ###### sometimes but it doesn't mean we can or should support the world with our little paycheck. It didn't bother me about putting the cross away. My husband wants me Muslim. That's the bottom line. Now Jesus is strong in the Quran, too bad a lot is missed there. He's one of the greatest Prophets according to the Quran and will return in the end. So if that is the case, He should be highly respected as the Prophet Mohammed is. The only thing that really bothers me in my marriage is not being sure he married me for the green card and lieing. I hate liars! But he always thinks I'm going to be mad if he tells me the truth coz he knows I won't agree on all. But also remember, the ME man is used to doing things on their own, even some things their wives don't even know. Also, my husband was single before, now he is married, everything takes an adjustment. I've come to the conclusion, that maybe I should interview for the green card with him on September 5th and then, if he married me for the green card, he can leave. I have told him this, no secrets here. I told him don't wait around 3 years for your citizenship, I hate to be used. Wait 5 years and you can go for it on your own. So those are my decisions for now. I know what's in my heart. I express it freely to others. But you can't keep someone with you who doesn't want to be with you. I'm not saying that my husband feels this way. What I am saying, we all have to take the risks. WE got this far, so let's complete it. Also, we really don't know the entire truth. I hear that if your husband doesn't want you to live with him in his country, then he married for a green card. That's not true. Some of these men have small jobs that don't pay much and can hardly support themselves. They are also afraid that we will not adapt to their culture and lifestyle and they know ours very well and there is truth to this. I know this culture way before I married my husband, and I know how important it is to them to send money home to help the family. Now Jordan has gotten very expensive I hear. sending a 100.00 only give them 70 jds. That's #######! So if my husband wants to send money home, do it. He does pay half the bills here for now. Do I count on him saving enough money to buy a house? No, not if he is constantly sending money home. Obviously, he likes to save money on the side in his own secret pocket to send home. So when it comes time for us to grow beyond where we are now, I really can't say if he will be willing to sacrifice sending money home to buy a home here.

I met a Bosnian Muslim at the gas station a few months ago. He said, I am Muslim and it's my responsibility to help take care of my mother/family. So he and his brother put 500.00 a month together and send 1000 home to her every month.

Well, getting closer to the AOS interview. I guess the rest is up to the couselor. I will trust in God enough, that He will shine or rain on this interview. It's in his hands!


Glad you shared your story Andrea. Not always easy to admit your going through some tough times.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-22 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaConcerns and Trust

no disrespect to ya MK but most women should know that already. But when you start doing it behind your spouse's back for whatever reason that is another story.

Oh I meant to say Welcome Back, Angel !!!

Anyway, that's what I was saying above -- the husband and wife should agree on the budget -- "no question about it." This has to be a joint decision. No major financial transactions should ever be made behind one partner's back.

But buying a ring vs. a trip to Mecca -- they both sound like "luxuries" to me.



Thanks MK, but I think it's only temporary :)

and agree with what your saying people should try it because it works.
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-22 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaConcerns and Trust

I don't get this "planting seeds of doubt" idea. I mean, how much power does a person have over another? If the story is made up, does it really matter? If it's someone's true story then that's all it is. Anyone who takes this story and makes rash decisions based on it is either really out of their minds or was already looking for a reason to get out and now this is serving as their excuse.

4 real. If a story from some dubious stranger on the internet can make you doubt your own relationship, then you weren't too sure about it to begin with.

BINGO!!! You hit the Jackpot :thumbs:
AngelK96FemaleJordan2007-07-22 09:29:00