United KingdomLondon embassy twitter account - K applicants can check processing date of e-forms

I have a feeling they're still more in the "before" stage than "on". 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-11 07:24:00
United KingdomHow to actually get an Interview in London? K1

You can also email the embassy to let them know if you're available on short notice. I do believe this helped speed up our waiting time.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-16 20:01:00
United Kingdomgot an interview date!!!!

Congrats! There are lots of great lists on here. We've opted to keep all of our immigration stuff together, so I did send my fiance his copy of the  129F and the NOA2 stuff, but most don't take those. He did take pics and was asked for them, but it seems like needing relationship evidence is rare.  Oh, he also took my birth certificate because I'd only sent my passport pages with the 129F.  Finally.. the financial stuff is different for folks who are self-employed vs. traditional job. I'm self-employed so he did take extra things - tax transcript (not return), plus letters from my banks regarding deposits/savings. He also took my divorce/settlement paperwork since that has financial info in it too.. but obviously not everyone needs that! :)  

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-19 09:00:00
United KingdomGot NOA2, have many questions? xD

Another tip is if you can get to the embassy on short notice, let them know that! Steven lives in Cardiff and we both emailed regarding interviews and they called/emailed him the day before his to let him know he had one. Thankfully the journey (by American standards!) between Cardiff and London is pretty short. 


For money stuff - it does vary *slightly* if you are self-employed vs. traditional employment. It was a bit of a pain for me to get my tax transcript, so if your sponsor is self-employed make sure they request that soon. I ended up having to request it twice online and once via snail mail. 


Its interesting that the process seems to have flipped -- though we had a long NOA2 wait AND NVC part..  Calling DoS to get your case number and interview info is great advice. The wait times are generally quite short (~3 minutes) and they're friendly.. BUT be aware that some are more thorough than others.  Chris was always great to talk to and would give the most up to date info. Another woman (She mmhmms a lot, I think her name is Patricia?) always starts with the oldest info. So I'd call to ask about an interview date and she'd say, "Well, they sent packet 3 on 9/11"... and then stop. So I'd have to go through every step with her about how we'd mailed it back (mmhmm.. right.. yeah.. they have those documents..) and such. She's nice, but I think she  needs more coffee or maybe she's just close to retiring. :) 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-21 08:40:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

So glad to hear others have interviews upcoming! That's fantastic. :) Lemon we have a similar timeline so I know I was stalking yours to get an idea of when we'd get our "packet 4". 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-16 19:18:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

He was asked for them as part of the relationship chat - also, Steven said he was given the impression the guy wasn't happy that he didn't have more. Who knows? Every interviewer probably has their own thing. 

Edited by Bridget ~ Steven, 14 November 2013 - 11:58 AM.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-14 11:56:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

When I sent the info over I grouped it into page protectors (then realized our paper isn't the same size..). I didn't have each sheet in a page protector, but had a stack with a paperclip -- like my divorce decree. Then I stuck a sticky note on the first page to make it easy to see what was in it. This made it super easy to flip through and quickly access the info compared to all of it in a folder. It also means it'll all stay together to come back to the US for aos stuff. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-14 10:35:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I sent photos with that - quite a few of us together, him with the kiddos, etc.  He visited first Dec 2011 and then 3 months (March-June 2012).


But he also took photos with him today. One photo of the entire family together (him, me, & my six kids), plus the snapfish album I made of my Nov 2012 trip to Wales. The guy actually went page by page through it and Steven told him what was in various photos. I do wonder if he told them that he PROMISED me I'd get to pet a sheep in Wales.. but the sheep near St. David's were not buying it and eventually we went to a petting zoo in the Cardiff area (only adults there with no kids!). 


He also took my birth certificate because I didn't include that in my 129F, I included my passport pages instead. 


IMHO we all waited so long to get here and the process isn't cheap, so definitely do a little extra to be sure you've got everything. Steven and I have been best friends for almost six years, so talking about the relationship is pretty easy. We also don't have any odd quirks unless you count him marrying a crunchy American midwife with a half dozen children. :) We do have an age difference - I'm 37 and he'll be 26 in a couple of weeks. 


Oh.. I also used my tax transcript (NOT return, the actual IRS transcript), 2 bank letters, and divorce settlement as my proof of support. I am self-employed so those requirements were a bit different for us. I also included a letter about my business. The alimony and child support was counted in as income, though for AoS my income (minus those things) will be enough due to a great business year. The letters from the banks showed my deposits for the past 12 months and current balances. 


I guess I'm mostly mentioning this because I read quite a few times that London doesn't care about proof of relationships and won't want to see any of it.. but for us that wasn't true. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-14 10:17:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I'm not sure where the best place to add this will be... but I've seen where others have posted you don't need photos/etc and London doesn't care. Well, Steven had his interview today (approved) and they DID go through that as well as our photo album. So just a heads up that it might be better to be safe than sorry. I've also seen where other folks had their papers go missing and had to reprint/etc, so he took copies of that too. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-14 09:42:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Finally got an interview date! DoS said nothing yesterday. Today Steven got an email and his interview is TOMORROW morning. The only snafu we have is his subject access report hasn't arrived though he has proof of ordering it. He has a caution for a minor issue (squabble with a guy and ####### him a few years ago). From what I've seen it looks like it'll just hold up his approval by a few days while they wait to get it. He's calling in sick to work and we're doing a final review of our stuff today. Whew.. so glad that by this time tomorrow it'll be done!

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-13 08:48:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Nich-Nick has a great point. I've had a few Christmas cards get lost between here & Wales.. so I wouldn't wait til Dec to mail anything over. :) 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-11 07:21:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Yeah.. we were expecting this to be the "quick" part too and it definitely hasn't been. We had a CEAC update on the 23rd of Oct so I was hopeful it'd be about the interview date.. but as of Friday's call to the DoS nothing has been scheduled. In hindsight, I wish I wouldn't have read the projected timeline on here because it REALLY got our hopes up that things would move quick after a certain point! It's especially challenging to go through this with children eagerly waiting (and the holidays..). 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-09 20:07:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I figure this has to resolve at some point, just like the NOA2 and NVC issues did. Our NOA2 had so many quirky issues because of Vermont (bed bugs), transfers, etc and ours took quite a while to finally leave Texas for the NVC. When I look at other timelines I see someone with a NOA1 of May (ours was Jan) and interview/POE is already done.  I'm guessing with the switch to electronic that this process will be faster for those coming along behind. It's one reason I find it so hard to read the regular K1 board. I'm happy their wait isn't as long, but frustrated that we apparantly hit the stupidest time to go through it. I really hope I'm not looking at another 5-6 weeks from yesterday. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-31 06:15:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Hurray, talked to Chris at DoS and he said that it says they're waiting for a date to come available. THANK GOD there has been some kind of movement/change. I did pick his brain to make sure he was reading that since I'd had different answers before. There was no CEAC update or anything. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-30 11:19:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

This has been the hardest part, way more difficult than the whole Vermont --> Texas thing and so on. I have realized that every time I call DoS I get a different answer. Today she said:


-waiting on paperwork, so he needs to mail that in (told her he did and was previous DoS folks have said).

-not waiting on paperwork and not in AP, that only happens AFTER interview (previous guy said that it was in AP til "qualified" then interview date is issued" so we're just waiting on a date.


This was over the course of 3 minutes. If they had a better system of showing the steps in this process it would help a lot of people. I don't want him to find out about the interview just a week beforehand, so thats why I've been calling DoS. The packet 4 letters seem to have scattered timing.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-29 15:35:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

If your NOA2 expires it's pretty easy to fix it. You just need another letter of intent and make sure it's notarized (your bank will probably do so for free). Send the original over. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-26 19:26:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Good point, Avery! I'm having a challenging week and immigration always simmering beneath the surface doesn't help matters. If I remember correctly, you were hoping for a Halloween wedding. I am truly sorry that isn't going to happen. I think only folks in the thick of this really understand just how much it stinks.. especially when you have your wedding visualized.  I'm grateful that my fiance, his family, and mine are all gracefully accepting my firm desire for a (short!) beach wedding. My wedding photographer has even agreed to show up on Sunday instead of Saturday if the weather on Sat stinks! (It's a small wedding, so we can be flexible). The one perk though is that the large beach houses are reasonably priced in winter!!   

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-23 07:36:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Nothing here either, though I didn't get a chance to call DoS yet.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-22 19:17:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

jola, thanks for the reply!! You're always super helpful. :) 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-21 06:45:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

For those of you also calling DoS, what do they say? They never use the term "logged" with me, just that they've been submitted and they have all of the paperwork. But.. different people say different things. One person said we were in AP, later said we were just waiting for an interview date.. then the last call was AP. Does AP *mean* waiting for an interview date? She also said they don't update it between received and when they put it in, so she said submitted probably means logged by what folks here say.  I'd love to know what terms they're using. I don't mind waiting for an interview if I at least know what day I'm waiting for!   Also, small confession, it really hurts to see people get NOA2s in 20-40 days now.. and know that not too long ago people got interviews just a week or two after their medicals were received. Somehow we've managed to apply at the worst time and get in many many urgh type of situations - bed bugs, transfers to texas, slooooow transfer to NVC, etc. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-18 20:23:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

We're still waiting as well. I called DoS this morning (after she encouraged me to "call tomorrow" when I called yesterday). No interview date yet. They say they have the papers and medical. She's unsure of what the Oct 15th update was about and can't see it in her system. I have my fingers crossed for news soon. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-17 09:40:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

DoS says ours has been submitted, but she couldn't clarify if that meant *logged* or *received*. She just repeated that all paperwork had been submitted. We also had a status update yesterday, but she couldn't say what it referred to. It's really a ####### shoot on how helpful the DoS person will be.. some seem to find more info than others, when I assume they're all looking at the same thing!

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-16 05:15:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

I wouldn't think so since they need to have those forms before they send out packet 4 (interview letter). The medical stuff gets sent to them by the docs.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-02 16:35:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

Yep. We tried his, tried mine, tried different computers, nada.   Has anyone else had success with it?

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-09-29 09:11:00
United KingdomWho is waiting for an interview date?

We have submitted our paperwork, but not the 260 form. I need to call NVC tomorrow to see if I can get an invoice # since the DOB method didn't work. Does anyone know if they'll still process the others, or is it all on hold til the 260 arrives? He did get his letter after Sept 1st. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-09-29 06:44:00
United KingdomHow do I get an interview at London embassy?

Press 1 then 0. :) 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-25 16:22:00
United KingdomWhat next??

I'd suggest calling DoS to ask about your case. Many people have been able to get their interview dates that way and not rely on the mail. Also, if you're available on short-term notice let the embassy know! It worked in our case. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-12-03 08:54:00
United KingdomNerves (interview)

My fiance's visa was just issued today, though I know others with his same interview date got their sooner. So ours was ~10days to be issued and it's not ready yet tho to pick up. With Thanksgiving coming up I'd be VERY careful about being optimistic. 

Edited by Bridget ~ Steven, 25 November 2013 - 12:42 PM.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-25 12:42:00
United KingdomCEAC - Post interview question

Now I'm gonna be obsessive.. case creation date changed to *today*. luv.gif And the message:


Your case is open and ready for your interview, fingerprints, and required documents. If you have already had your interview, please check your status after two business days. If no interview was required, please check back in two business days for the status of your application.


diamond -- he is planning to pick it up from there. Any tips on finding it? 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-21 14:02:00
United KingdomCEAC - Post interview question

That's exciting! I'm trying to not be obsessive about it. :D He has quite a few family members coming from Wales for the wedding so I have lots and lots of distraction due to that planning. We're looking at renting a large home for a week so everyone can be together. My kids are used to Steven's accent, but I think the younger ones are going to be a smidge baffled by his sister's accent/slang! Everything else feels very relaxed compared to getting up to this part of getting Visa in hand. 

Steven is hoping to travel on the 12th of Dec. Though we did joke that fares might be cheaper on the Friday due to being the 13th. :) We figure if he gets here on a Thursday he'll have a quiet Friday to recoup while kiddos are in school. Though it's gonna be a challenge to get them to go. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-21 08:49:00
United KingdomCEAC - Post interview question

Will the CEAC update change to AP and then Issued.. or does it generally go from Ready to Issued? I'd rather not call DoS so I'm just clicking CEAC randomly. :)  It's a week past his interview date and I'm not expecting much yet. 





Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-21 08:29:00
United Kingdomhow much relationship prove should i take to my interview

My fiance showed photos as well - he took a small album I made of a trip we had together. IMHO it's not a hardship to take some photos with you and makes life easier if they ask for it!

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-12-03 08:51:00
United KingdomLondon Interview

He was asked for photos. I think he took the skype record, but it wasn't asked for/used. He also had proof like my boarding passes/rugby tickets/etc, but that was also not used. 


I did send in pics with my 129F of the trips he made to see us, including pics of him with kiddos, so they already had that proof but asked for more anyway.


His interview was quite short and the caution on his record (hitting a guy 2 yrs ago) was a total non-issue.

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-15 08:13:00
United KingdomJust on my way back from interview

Wishing you lots and lots of luck plus QUICK answers!!

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-21 14:58:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

That's pretty amazing they gave you a date pre-medical. However.. I can't help but think some of the interviews are pushed back because their scheduling is so nutty -- like folks who MISSED the date because they didn't get the letter. I do hope they iron out the rest of the wrinkles in the process so future people have it easier. I've seen where folks are getting NOA2s in 30-60 days which is flatout amazing to me. Maybe those of us wrapping it up now are the last of the super-long-waiting K1'ers! 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-11-20 07:35:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Wheatley I totally agree with the "just in case of a curveball" attitude! :) 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-18 20:43:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Just a note, DoS was unable to give me specifics on what forms had been logged. They were just able to tell me that the paperwork either hadn't been starting logging and/or wasn't done. The amount of details I received were sparse the few times I've called, but I mostly want to make sure we don't get surprised (like others have!) with an appointment date just shortly after the letter arrives. He can make it work, but we want to be polite to his employer :) 


Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-14 20:49:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I used 202-485-7600 -- 1 then 0

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-14 12:39:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

When I called to get the number from NVC she said the DOB hasn't seemed to work for anyone. It was easy to get the invoice number and thankfully they don't have super-long hold times. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-10-01 07:46:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The DOB method doesn't work.  It stinks. I guess I'll call the NVC on monday. I wish they'd QUIT CHANGING THE PROCESS.. I can't wait to be done with this. We were the 2nd batch that went to Texas from Vermont and then the delay to NVC... and now a form that won't work. 

Bridget ~ StevenFemaleWales2013-09-28 20:38:00