Middle East and North AfricaCrazy question for the MENA people
QUOTE (wahrania @ May 16 2008, 05:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KyanWan @ May 16 2008, 01:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Back to the topic ... Hmm, if I were from a third world country huh.... let's see...

Well, I don't think I'd want to come to the US.

I'd have:

- Electrocuted myself
- Burned myself to death
- Blown myself up
- Or some other gruesome thing would have happened to me.


I do stupid stuff sometimes. ( Like the time I wanted to find out what Iron-Out smelled like. I think I was coughing up lung for 2 months straight. )

What the hell were you doing sniffing Iron out.. hahhahhhaha?

Cleaning some rust off a metal thing - I think it was some real old coin that I found in the cellar of my grandmother's built-in-1750 revolutionary war era house. I got some details showing on the thing, but lost it eventually. (doh?)


I've got a bad habit of smelling things. Comes in real handy when you've got an allergy to mold - then take a good deep whiff of some moldy stuff. ( read: swollen eyes, sneezing, stuffed nose, closed throat ... ouch. ) And then the cleaning stuff -lmao- these days I read the label before opening stuff... and try to keep away from the chemicals.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-16 04:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCrazy question for the MENA people
Back to the topic ... Hmm, if I were from a third world country huh.... let's see...

Well, I don't think I'd want to come to the US.

I'd have:

- Electrocuted myself
- Burned myself to death
- Blown myself up
- Or some other gruesome thing would have happened to me.


I do stupid stuff sometimes. ( Like the time I wanted to find out what Iron-Out smelled like. I think I was coughing up lung for 2 months straight. )

Edited by KyanWan, 16 May 2008 - 12:43 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-16 00:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Status question
QUOTE (sweety&baby @ May 19 2008, 09:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance had his interview on May 7th and the interviewer told him that they'd call in 1-2 weeks. I know they say this a lot, but she assured him of this. I decided to call the DOS this morning to check the status of his visa. She told me that our case is at the Embassy and I can call them. Has anyone else had this experience or know what this means? I'm thinking that he is done with AP and we're just waiting on Casa, but I'm not sure. Thanks for your help and suggestions.

Means exactly what they said. The Embassy has your file and you need to e-mail or call them. DOS can't do anything stateside at this point with your case - as they no longer have it in their hands.

Edited by KyanWan, 19 May 2008 - 03:52 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-19 15:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaDubai crown prince buys camel for record 2.7 mln dlrs
QUOTE (nana_356 @ May 19 2008, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KyanWan @ May 19 2008, 03:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I want to point something out for a second here.

2.72 million dollars.

We have Palestinians and Iraqis suffering - and 2.72 million dollars on a camel?

Then when these same "Arab Leaders" are questioned on the situation in the Middle East - they point the finger at Israel.

The ARAB LEADERS are the problem in the region - that - in my opinion, is sorry leadership and corruption at its finest.

It's a disgrace.

That guy should be overthrown. That guy and every so-called monarch throughout the region. They're all dirt.

[ EDIT : This post here, is one of the reasons I love America. Why? Well, I don't have the guts to say the same things to any of the people I know in Jordan. :\ After all, I'm a citizen there - and - I sort of value my freedom. ]

I applaud you for practicing your amendment rights, good.gif
And that is why things wont change over there, what do you think would happen if a news reporter in uae said what you said??????????

I know what would happen. It's the same reason why I don't speak my mind to my fellow Jordanians when I'm in Jordan.

That reporter would be shut up real quick.

Maybe share a nice concrete "coffin" with some rats and roaches for a while, and - some occasional free-time for a good flogging, until said reporter rethinks their views.

When you're over there in one of those monarchies - you just toss a portrait of the current tyrant up on the wall, and be happy you eat daily.

Edited by KyanWan, 21 May 2008 - 12:40 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-21 00:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaDubai crown prince buys camel for record 2.7 mln dlrs
I want to point something out for a second here.

2.72 million dollars.

We have Palestinians and Iraqis suffering - and 2.72 million dollars on a camel?

Then when these same "Arab Leaders" are questioned on the situation in the Middle East - they point the finger at Israel.

The ARAB LEADERS are the problem in the region - that - in my opinion, is sorry leadership and corruption at its finest.

It's a disgrace.

That guy should be overthrown. That guy and every so-called monarch throughout the region. They're all dirt.

[ EDIT : This post here, is one of the reasons I love America. Why? Well, I don't have the guts to say the same things to any of the people I know in Jordan. :\ After all, I'm a citizen there - and - I sort of value my freedom. ]

Edited by KyanWan, 19 May 2008 - 03:56 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-19 15:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaAMERICA
Welcome to the United States of America. smile.gif

Read the Bill of Rights, you'll know more about our great country than many people who were born here.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-21 00:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaBush criticizes Arab nations for repression
People are so clueless when it comes to the workings of the machine.

Bush, is nothing.


1: http://en.wikipedia....inst_Terrorists
House : On September 14, 2001 bill House Joint Resolution 64 passed in the House. The totals in the House of Representatives were: 420 Ayes, 1 Nay and 10 Not Voting (the Nay was Barbara Lee - D-CA).

Senate: On September 14, 2001 Senate Joint Resolution 23 passed in the Senate by roll call vote. The totals in the Senate were: 98 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Present/Not Voting (Senators Larry Craig - R and Jesse Helms - R).

2: http://en.wikipedia....USA_PATRIOT_Act
# Passed the House on October 24, 2001 (Yeas: 357; Nays: 66)
# Passed the Senate on October 25, 2001 (Yeas: 98; Nays: 1)

Your precious Democrats are 50% responsible for all of the problems "Bush started", all of the money "Bush wasted", and all of the economic problems "Bush caused".

If they really wanted to, they could have stood up and done something ... but look at that - did they? Nope. Nothing.

3: http://en.wikipedia....olution_of_2002

Now they woke up, a little. We've still got 1/3 of them sleeping at the switch - or should I say - with their heads up their a**es.

If you want to point a finger at someone who authorized Operation World Police & blew our taxes on pork & cronies - *cough* congress. They write the laws. The legislative = lawmakers. Bush just signs - really - he's not all that important. Remember, the United States has 3 EQUAL POWERED BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT: The Judicial, The Legislative, and The Executive.

Two branches failed miserably. One was just hopeless. You, as a citizen, have a good deal of control over WHO represents you in the Legislative branch. You vote for your representative. Here in New Britain, we had a Bush cronie as a rep - guess what happened to her? We tossed her out. We knew she was a good-for-nothing pile of trash - and she got put in her place, out on the curb. Too often - people are looking the wrong way when they point the blame. Bush is a screw-up, given - but Congress was twice as bad - they empowered him.

Know how your country works. This is why things are going to hell here. Too many people are sleeping ... wake them all up. Vote. Seriously ... vote in EVERY election - we all saw what happens when people don't vote. It'll keep on happening if you stay home.

On voting day - staying home is your personal approval of the problems we face.

Edited by KyanWan, 21 May 2008 - 12:32 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-05-21 00:30:00
Middle East and North Africaopinion .Do you think it helps or hurts Mena girls when we post our drama on here about our relationships with our men?
I try to stay away from the personal stuff and venting ...

erm .. first, I'm a guy -so- there ya go.

Second, I think it could lead to bad advice from one or another, make one person look unfavorable, make a jerk out of someone - and lead to ill-will between people.

Sorta like politics & religion discussions, but on a more personal scale. wink.gif Any "injury" will be more deep seated than if you said something like:

"Hey KyanWan - I think the Governor of CT is a total piece of #######!"

(Personally - I think the Governor of CT [Jodi Rell] is one damned good politician - tough, smart, and sensible - PLUS - She's a Republican, but she's not BLIND [eg, I trust in her to NOT support the party mindlessly. If someone has a good idea, no matter who they are or what party they're with, she WILL listen. ] )

Sure, I wouldn't agree and I'd think whoever says something like that is blind and deaf -but- I'd get over it. Saying you personally or your spouse/family is insult-X or adjective-Y - hurts a lot worse and carries much deeper ill-will.

Personal stuff will eventually lead to that.

That's - part - of why I ... try ... to keep out of principle / belief discussion.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-04-17 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaYAY!
I think you apply for a learner's permit at DMV or AAA (depending).

I got no clue - other than my sister has one. :\

This whole "learner's permit" thing - is new to me, at least. We didn't have paranoid old geezers on the road back when I was a kid... or they didn't complain as much as the "baby boomers" do.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-06-19 15:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Sep 21 2007, 03:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What is MENA?

It's a secret leader of our secret society that you're not invited to. (j/k tongue.gif )

( > General Discussion Area > Regional Discussion > Middle East and North Africa )


Edited by KyanWan, 21 September 2007 - 02:17 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-21 02:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
QUOTE (monnik @ Sep 21 2007, 02:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I like this thread. I hope it doesn't die. We need some more people to contribute.

Side note: The user name KyanWan - every time I see it, my brain automatically says Hayawan. laughing.gif No offense to the user cause I like your name and love that you shared what it means. And, Kyanwan (as a dog's name) is technically the same thing as 7ayawan.

7ayawan = animal (I've heard it mostly as an insult. That's why it grabs my attention.)

But, I guess my Arabic lessons are kicking in when I see that name. laughing.gif

I have the same problem - glancing @ things & see something else.

( Oh yeah, I've had my share of "ya haiwan!" when I was a kid. tongue.gif )

Edited by KyanWan, 21 September 2007 - 02:01 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-21 02:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA User_names
Kyanwan is a Japanese dog's name - the equivalent of "buddy" or "fido" smile.gif
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-16 23:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA diet/exercise thread
QUOTE (bridget @ Jan 7 2008, 09:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1 cup shredded Chihuahua cheese, Asadero or Monterey Jack

I always cringe at cheese in recipes. I've been cooking lowfat for nearly 10 years now - if I start loading up cheese on stuff, I end up getting myself a nice stomachache. o.o

What I do:

- Add flavor, not fat. Cheese is basically ... a big old block of pure fat - use spices & good prep, not fats (mayo, butter, oil, cheese = bad)
- Trim as much fat as you possibly : cut fat off the meat - you just chopped off loads of calories. Making burgers? Press down with that spatula - not only are those big ol' flames on the grill pretty cool looking - but a ton of calories just got burned ... quite literally.
- Don't be afraid of bread. Bread's good. So's pasta - if you prepare it right (like, without butter & cheese.)
- If you *must* fry, fry with less oil/fat, or preferably, no added oils/fat.
- Remove fatty toppings ( cheese, oil, mayo, bleh )
- Watch out for those so-called "sugar free" and "low-fat" items in the store. LoL! Read the ingredients & nutrition facts for em. When they take out one thing, they replace it with another. Don't trust it.
- Packaged baked goods are EVIL. All of em! EVIL! EVIL! No exceptions! Put the danish down! biggrin.gif (Even the so-called "low fat" ones - do't be fooled! They substitue sugar for fat. The calories are *almost* identical. No difference. )
- And finally, I like this one the best - if you read the ingredients, and you feel the need to ask yourself ... umm, what's this "partially hydrogenated monoglyceride riboflavinomine xanthanine gum of esther"? Then it's probably best that you ... ... don't eat it.

It's worked great for me.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-01-07 16:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaI am happy about the visa....
QUOTE (Nutty @ Apr 23 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Marriage in Thailand. I would have to go back to Thailand for that.

Aw man ... harsh.

See if you can weasel a real letter out of them. E-mail prints are not really "reliable" sources of information.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-04-23 22:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday we lost a MENA jewel
Tragic... sad.gif

Consider making donations in her name, or a fund even, particularly for - things that keep on giving. Like educational materials to a local Islamic center, school, needy kids or such.

A good deed in her name that keeps on giving - is a very good thing.

Edited by KyanWan, 19 June 2008 - 03:20 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-06-19 15:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
That recipe sounds authentic and ... oh man, I can taste it in my head. biggrin.gif

The only pointer I could possibly give - is to STIR while you add the broth to the yogurt / mix. The broth is hot, and that eliminates any *possible* curdling.

We don't use an egg or carrots either. wink.gif ( Hmm, I've never seen it done with carrots ... and I've seen a lot of Mansaf - from Northern villages (Irbid area), Amman, Palestinian, and even a million times here stateside. Never had carrots ... o.O )

And you forgot the most important part! Gotta remember to stop eating it. BEST FOOD EVER! XD

BTW : Mansaf's killer. Do yourself a favor - if you've got the "soup mix" stuff ( Jameed it's called? ) - Just give it to someone else and bust out the yogurt. Don't ruin it. wink.gif

Edited by KyanWan, 26 March 2008 - 04:10 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2008-03-26 04:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaSultan's Kitchen
I know the best fasting food ... ever. Too bad I'm the worst egg-cooker ever ... I'd give a recipe - but I don't know it.

French Toast with this twist: made with whole grain bread. The "white-wheat" is really good. If you dare you can try the high-fiber whole grain real wheat.

Eat 4-5 slices (or until you're full. The most I can handle is 5.) - and you'll end up full till 8-9:00pm. I'm not kidding - when Iftar was early (5:00pm) a few years back, I'd pass on the full meal and eat later - around 7:00.


Edited by KyanWan, 25 September 2007 - 02:13 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-25 02:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresds-230 payment
Postal MO is fine.

Edited by Kasem, 13 August 2007 - 01:12 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-08-13 01:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230, SENT BACK TO ME
QUOTE (dermeco @ Sep 25 2007, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
By the way, in Nicaragua married women don’t use their husband’s last name.[/b][/sup]

Different last name is fine too. You don't need to explain it.

Keep this in mind: Too much information is sometimes just as bad or WORSE than not enough. This advice comes from a 17 year veteran Gov't worker who worked forms. ( Not me - wink.gif - I was told that for my Immigration forms. )
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-25 02:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSIGNING DOCUMENTS - DS-3032 and DS-230
Exactly. So what you need to do is:

- They print it. ( YayE! Ime using teh interwebs! Or a fax machine, if you still live in a cave.... )
- UPS/DHL it back to you. (FedEx sucks.)

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-10-19 02:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I get my petition number?
QUOTE (Marlita @ Oct 19 2007, 12:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trulo @ Oct 18 2007, 06:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marlita @ Oct 18 2007, 07:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How do I get my petition number so that I can register online if the NOA1 is taking forever to get out to me from CSC? Is there another way of getting this number?

call the uscis and tell them u have not recieve a NOA1...the operator will give a reciept number

Thanks Trulo. I don't get my checks back from my bank. I think its all digital now, but they don't show the back of the check online. I will call fro the updates. Thanks!! good.gif

Call up your bank and request a copy. If you do it quick, they still might have the paper copy / endorsement side.

Edited by KyanWan, 19 October 2007 - 02:24 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-10-19 02:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230 Police Certificate
Clears it up for me. Thanks everyone!
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-10-25 13:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230 Police Certificate
I'm about to submit the DS230 fee - and I'm wondering about the Police Certificate. It's the only document I don't have available at the moment. I'm tempted to tell my wife to get it prepared *now* so it's ready to go ASAP. How recent does the consulate need the police certificate to be?
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-10-24 18:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1/K3 - CR1 almost done ... but no word on K3.
Quick question - I130's approved and CR1's at NVC - and I've already sent in the IV fee & everything else (AOS = *done*.) Next set of papers - is the final papers (DS230/Bio) to the NVC for the CR1 application.

I haven't even received a NOA2 on the K3 as of yet. blink.gif

Should I leave the K3 hanging - and let CIS sort it out, or should I tell them I don't need it anymore. (Because at this point, there's absolutely *no way* it'll be "faster" than the CR1, or even completed in the same general timeframe.)

Edited by KyanWan, 26 October 2007 - 11:47 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-10-26 23:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Response Time
The email I sent in took about a week.

It's a tossup. Try your luck is all I can say.

You can also try giving a call. It'll take you an hour at minimum to try and contact a human being ... but it's "quicker" (to get a response) than e-mail (if you have the time to sit around and call back over and over and over.... then wait on hold.).

(Wait - do NVC and CIS have the same phone system? I don't remember.)

Edited by KyanWan, 01 November 2007 - 03:47 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-01 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally got hold of a live operator last night...
And I'm here shaking my fist in outrage.

I take the time to open the envelope and re-prepare everything if I'm unsure.

I guess SOME MEN are careless.

(Of course, I'm normally lazy and usually don't give a hoot when it doesn't count lol! Pass the chips. *burp*)
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-01 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBar Code Sheet
Note to people too - to keep as a rule of thumb:

Always make photocopies of your entire packet before you send it all in. Comes in handy to see your form that was sent in (and any ERRORS that may have been made). Also, I just found out that my by-chance copies of barcodes that I did ... actually might come in handy. smile.gif (Note to everyone, I was lazy, not prepared. tongue.gif I just threw the whole packet in the autofeeder. lol!)
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-05 18:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNo shortcuts experience
Same here. Even though I've done barcodes for work .. I'm just ... I don't know ... a bit weary of doing things on my own / breaking the Gov't sequence.

I've worked with them enough, know enough Government* people to have a feel of their system. If you throw a wrench in their gears (eg: Your form isn't the same as the example) ... they don't always appreciate it.

(*State of CT! I grew up with em! I know more ... lol, [undisclosed department] people than you can shake a stick at. biggrin.gif )
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-03 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR what?
and for you trivia people out there, CR stands for "conditional resident". The condition is as follows:

Immigrant receives a Green Card valid for 2 years. At the end of 2 years, you have (90 - I think) days to file for a change of status. At this time, you'll need to:

-File the appropriate form
-Verify you're still married
-Go for interview
-Get a real green card & conditions lifted

CR's are issued (see above) to all people who've been married for only a short time.

With IR visa, you get a full-out green card once you enter the USA.

Edited by KyanWan, 07 November 2007 - 02:55 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-07 02:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresanyone know about temp. I-551
No, SSA office (Social Security Administration) won't give you anything. @ SSA office you only apply for SSN & SS card.

The actual green card is automatic - gets sent by CIS. It comes to the address they have on record for agent - you know, the one you specified when you filled out the I130. You should expect it any day by USPS.

Edited by KyanWan, 07 November 2007 - 03:10 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-07 15:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 versus K3
In case you're interested, here's the difference between I-130 and K3. I'm sure the times involved will say much more than I could write here:


*cough* I think it would be quicker to get married, move, move again, get a few new jobs, study a new language, and start a business ... all before you even get NOA2 on a K3. Meanwhile, an I130 would be approved AND nearly through with the CR1 process.

Plus, K3 has an adjustment of status nightmare AFTER he gets here ... CR1 does not. Plus, he gets Green Card & SSN within a few weeks of arriving in the USA. ( So far, that's +3 for the CR1, -3 for the K3.)

Last but not least, you must file for a CR1 *before* you file for the K3. You can file K3 as a backup, but don't get your hopes up on having it be "fast".

Needless to say, it should be a no-study-required decision. Go for the CR1.

Edited by KyanWan, 08 November 2007 - 02:20 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-08 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWHEN!
Well, course the speed of the USPS depends on the shipping method they use:

- Penguin
- Pack mule
- Bear riding a tricycle
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-09 15:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of bona fida marriage
This is my 2nd time through the process. The first time, all I sent was a marriage cert.

This time, same thing.

Both times approved. ( first time, was a HUGE mistake on my part ... long story ... )

But really, unless you're a foreign citizen - how would you co-habitate if you have US residency and domicile? That's stupid. Unless, of course, they were here illegally. USC won't have any bank accounts and such - as:

1: You're not a citizen abroad
2: You're a us citizen/resident
3: Alien spouse has no SSN = no bank accounts in the USA, most likely - and no way to share abroad, possibly.
4: Of course there's always the odd-case-out. It always happens, I know it for a fact. wink.gif don't bother shooting down my statement - because - I already realize there's always an exception to EVERY rule.

It might be a catch-22 thing - as a prescreening. You never know. CIS - they're pros - they know what they're doing, they have reasons for everything they ask for and do.

The real question - is at the embassy side. That's where you should be ready to prove the relationship.

If there are cultural norms in your locality, be sure to follow them. Because it's more or less given that you're going to have an interviewer who is fluent not only in the local language ... but in the culture.

Don't worry too much - and things will turn out nicely - let things progress naturally - and be sure to keep your records as everyone mentioned a few dozen times above. Of course, don't use that as an excuse to get sloppy with your papers. wink.gif ( Keep em neat! The government loves well-formatted & clean papers - follow those instructions *TO THE LETTER* When they ask for *documentation* that means verifiable documentation: papers - not pictures & DVDs. )

Edited by KyanWan, 14 November 2007 - 02:41 AM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-14 02:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS
That happened to me. I130 and I129F forms would not show up as received or anything - Online, OR by phone. I130 didn't show up AT ALL until it was actually *finished*. How's that for suspense?

Try to get through to an operator - and give them your number. They have access to a system different from the one on the phone.

What happened when I got through, the first person did not find it - they asked if I got the receipt in the mail, I said yes - then they said "Hold on, I'll transfer you to someone who can help."


Supervisor comes on and asks me for my receipt number - checks it in HER system ... then says "We've received your form on (date) everything's OK." etc etc etc.

Edited by KyanWan, 13 November 2007 - 11:58 PM.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-13 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJame's Shortcuts
I've been preparing forms ahead of time - like the Agent selection (Form 3*** - I forget the number) , AOS, & DS230 - that, you can do - and because you need some signatures from your spouse for the DS230 and the Agent selection. Just having your forms ahead of time will save a lot of time. I'm a little bit squeamish about doing my own barcodes, though. smile.gif

I've seen what a single digit typo can do at work - it was an expensive mistake... and I'm not willing to make that kind of mistake with my forms.

So, DO download & print your forms. And remember - when doing the DS230 & Selection of agent - you CAN e-mail your spouse the form to sign - you just need to submit an original signature - so - the signed form needs to be mailed back to you for submission to DOS.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-15 02:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalled USCIS and our I-130 is not found in the system?!!
I had the same kind of thing - my case wasn't showing up at all in any of the automated systems.

When I got through to an operator, still - no case showing. They transferred me (same as you) and the 2nd level person *did* find my case in the system - and said it should show up in automated in a couple days.

A few weeks later, I got NOA2 - and the case showed up in the automated *after* it was finally approved.

PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-15 02:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDelayed Application
QUOTE (Davida @ Nov 15 2007, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi, I would appreciate some inputs from members here. We originally plan for a K3. But we got delayed submitting them and got an RFE too on I-129f and we just resubmitted our I-129f again last end of october, so it's already behind on like 3-4 months from our I-130. We received our first notice for I-130 last august already . With the delay, I'm thinking of pursuing a CR1 now cos I think it's a much better visa too.

Will we need to cancel our K3? Write a letter to go on CR1 only? I hope USCIS will not wait for our K3 approval before they will approve our I-130 too. I have read here that they usually process the K3 and CR1 together now. That would certainly be a nightmare of waiting.


Just apply for the CR1. K3's a waste of time.

For the K3 - leave it hanging. It'll void itself out after some time.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-11-15 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny May or June Filers Approved?
6/2/07 - I-130 Sent UPS Next Day
9/11/07 - I-130 Approved

On a side note, NVC still hasn't sent me their happy letter:

"CONGRATULATION. Here's your new volley of forms and fees. HA HA! We got ya! LOL! And you thought you were finished. LOL! If only we could see the look on your face LOLzX0R!"
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-09-26 04:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230 part 1 documents
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 3 2007, 04:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KyanWan @ Dec 3 2007, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

QUOTE (KyanWan @ Dec 3 2007, 01:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hi Kyanwan,

You should really have a look at the instructions here for your DS-230. Just choose Amman from the drop down menu.

Amman is an appointment post and NVC requires Parts 1 and 2 as well as all the civil documents.

That said, has Amman only recently changed to appointment processing? I see from your timeline that you sent your DS-230 back on October 10th.

Hooo yeah - RFE city. DOH!

Oh well, I've got to wait for the police cert anyway - we'll see how long that takes.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-12-04 06:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS230 part 1 documents

Nothing special on ds230.
PetraPerson101MaleJordan2007-12-03 15:50:00