CanadaMontreal November Interviews
QUOTE (Peachey @ Nov 2 2009, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
K1's don't need proof of domicile from my understanding. it's only CR1/IR1s that are doing direct consular filing.

Ah, OK. I was wondering about that. All these "universal" instructions sent from the consulate were confusing me, I guess.

Quick question: If I haven't made above the poverty limit for two people over the last year (mostly due to being a student for part of it and being in the US a lot of the other part), the affidavit of support from my fiancee should cover me, right? So the "proof of support" stuff isn't strictly necessary as long as you have the affidavit and proof of *their* support?

Edited by Spoom, 02 November 2009 - 07:43 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-02 19:38:00
CanadaMontreal November Interviews
Police certificate obtained!

So I think that's just about everything now, I just need proof of domicile and the affidavit of support (with all evidence etc.) and I should be good to go.

Rhiann, what happened with your medical? I mean, mine was long (mostly waiting), but uneventful.
SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-02 13:18:00
CanadaMontreal November Interviews
One week. There's a little bit of "holy ######" going on in my head right now, but I'm remarkably calm about the whole thing.

AFAICT I just need the police certificate (which London Police Services say they can get in 10 minutes, so I'm getting that tomorrow when their records department is open) and proof of domicile / support (which we're in the process of getting). Medical's done, long form birth certificate is obtained, and all my forms are ready to take with me.

Do we have any more November 9 people yet?
SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-01 19:41:00
CanadaMontreal November Interviews
11/06 KnJ
11/06 Missa
11/06 cdn_gewels

11/09 Spoom/ScooterMac
11/09 liz25

11/13 darkchilde794
11/13 Peachey/Varba
11/13 Rhiann
11/13 bogartnoir
11/13 JEMoonbear

11/16 shelby

11/20 Tina&Roland
11/20 Arabella
11/20 dutchmatt
11/20 Sam and Ben
11/20 ashenflowers
11/20 HerestoUS

11/23 Danu
11/23 Dalene

*notes this is one reason why an infinite edit time would be beneficial*
SpoomMaleCanada2009-10-20 15:55:00
CanadaMontreal November Interviews
C'mon, more people from here need to get the 9th as an interview date. I'm starting to feel left out wink.gif
SpoomMaleCanada2009-10-20 14:02:00
CanadaHow long for Montreal to respond to email?
I sent two emails during the process and got no replies beyond the auto-reply FAQ. That said, both my questions were about timelines for interviews, which I think is one of those subjects that they delete with extreme prejudice.

Generally I think if you're not asking something specific to your case, you're not going to get a specific response, and they consider "can I get an estimate on my interview date?" as a general question.

Edited by Spoom, 16 November 2009 - 09:55 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-16 21:54:00
CanadaChristmas Presents...whatcha going to buy?
QUOTE (Varba @ Nov 2 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Christmas was always a HUGE deal at our house, and if you need to know more on that just check out the rude in-laws thread (yay.... ).

Anyhow, I have a special gift picked out for Peachey. But I can't really post that here.

One thing I can tell you is, I'm getting her a GIANT RING pop - for our civil ceremony.

Well played.
SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-02 21:05:00
CanadaMichigan's population goes up by 1 today
Are you sure it wasn't the expiration date of your I-129F petition NOA2 that they saw? (That shouldn't prevent you from using your visa.)
SpoomMaleCanada2009-12-29 00:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
/me mixes the coffee with the hot chocolate and is satisfied
SpoomMaleCanada2009-12-19 12:05:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
This is why I can't watch Lost.
SpoomMaleCanada2009-12-19 11:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Trois
You guys and your Lost. How anyone can follow that show is beyond me.

In other news, why do I have to wait until June for more True Blood? I mean really, HBO, my $10 a month should be paying for more True Blood already, right?

Also, congrats smile.gif

Edited by Spoom, 19 December 2009 - 11:05 AM.

SpoomMaleCanada2009-12-19 11:05:00
CanadaToronto Medical - for NON-Torontonians
Yeah, that day was kinda stressful for me. Toronto streets + me without a GPS = insanity.

Thankfully, I was able to call my fiancee and get her to Google Maps me some directions.

Edited by Spoom, 16 November 2009 - 01:36 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-16 13:36:00
CanadaToronto Medical - for NON-Torontonians
FYI, don't park around the corner from Front Frederick Medical Services. It's permit-only parking.

I speak from experience.

(That said, the ticket was only $30 and I was at the medical for about three hours, sooooo... wink.gif)

For actual legal parking, the street one block away (I think north?) of the medical center does have pay parking on the street. There's also pay street parking directly in front of the building, but good luck getting that (and I don't know if it's open that early in the morning).

Edited by Spoom, 16 November 2009 - 12:04 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-16 11:59:00
CanadaBirth Certificate
I'd bring the original; they won't keep it or anything, but it does provide a certain level of authenticity that the consul is looking for. If they question your birth certificate, tell them that your country only provides that type of certificate: they'll look it up in the State Department country database and it should match what you're telling them, and if so, you'll be fine.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-14 21:26:00
Canada10 months to citizenship. I am going to do it.
I plan on applying for naturalization once I can, for a few reasons:
  • US Passport, no more major issues with USCBP
  • No more dealing with USCIS
  • Possible security clearance (which opens up a few avenues for me as I'm a developer)
  • The ability to vote in elections (something I really value... I'm very into politics)
  • The ability to hold political office (as I said, I'm very into politics; while it's not on my radar right now, one day it might be)
If things change in how either country deals with dual citizens, my plans might change too.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-14 20:30:00
CanadaMontreal interview done, what's next??
Wait at least two weeks, then make further efforts to contact them. They usually take around 1 to 2 weeks to send visa packets out, and add to that the time to add the medical results to your application, approve it, etc.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 02:59:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
Yeah, that's my interpretation as well, Wyatt. That said, we sent it in this morning, and in my letter that I packed in with the registration, I explained that I was a K-1 non-immigrant but that I was basically sending it in to cover my bases, and that if I didn't need to register, that they should send me back a letter stating so. So I figure I should be free and clear either way. :)
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 12:16:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
OK, update! (Since, y'know, sleeping is overrated.)

I've examined the laws directly and it seems that the non-immigrant theory should be correct.

Sec. 453. Registration

Except as otherwise provided in this title (sections 451 to 471a of this Appendix) it

(a) shall be the duty of every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, who, on the day or days fixed for the first or any subsequent registration, is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, to present himself for and submit to registration at such time or times and place or places, and in such manner, as shall be determined by proclamation of the President and by rules and regulations prescribed hereunder. The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any alien lawfully admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (66 Stat. 163; 8 U.S.C. 1101), for so long as he continues to maintain a lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States.

And for completeness...

(15) The term "immigrant" means every alien except an alien who is within one of the following classes of nonimmigrant aliens


(K) subject to subsections (d) and (p) of section 214, an alien who--

(i) is the fiancee or fiance of a citizen of the United States (other than a citizen described in section 204(a)(1)(A)(viii)(I) ) and who seeks to enter the United States solely to conclude a valid marriage with the petitioner within ninety days after admission;

Can someone comment on the validity of my interpretation of the laws? I am not a lawyer but I believe this indicates that I have no selective service registration duty until I am a permanent resident.

I need to know whether or not to attempt to register tomorrow... at this point, I'm leaning toward "there would be no point either way" but I think I might be better off not to register since they'd get it after I was 26 and it would muddy the waters for any claim of being a non-immigrant and therefore exempt.

Post office opens at 8 AM and closes at 12 PM tomorrow due to it being the weekend, so responses are kinda urgent. I greatly appreciate the advice. :)
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 04:03:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
Thanks Allie, I'm glad that others are seeing this the same way. I just want to make sure all my bases are covered.

Any comments on the validity of the claims made on the British Expat website, such as the idea that one becomes a de facto resident as soon as one arrives, even if on a non-immigrant dual-intent visa like the K-1? Will anyone try to pull that logic out during naturalization, or if I apply for federal post-secondary loans to finish my bachelor's degree?

Also, is it actually a good idea for me to try to send in the registration card at a post office tomorrow, since that would seem to indicate to USCIS and anyone else involved that I know about the process and simply didn't register in time? I know it won't make it to the selective service people until my birthday is passed, so will it help at all?

Edited by Spoom, 16 January 2010 - 03:18 AM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 03:14:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service

I don't really have any experience dealing with something like this, but I can't imagine that it would cause you that much trouble Spoom. It just seems very unreasonable. Have you filled for an SSN yet? Why not just wait until you have your Social Security number and then register? If your timeline is correct you aren't planning on getting married for another week. So when you consider the time it may take you to get your AOS package together and have your recorded marriage certificate in your hand you still may have your SSN and be able to register for the selective service before you send in your AOS application. Or, what would be the harm in sending it in while your AOS is pending and then present it at your AOS interview (if you get one) later? Just a couple ideas.

Great ideas, were my birthday not on Sunday. :P

To be clear, I'm worried about aging out of the selective service process at 26, and then having that haunt me for AOS and naturalization later.

I'm encouraged by Wyatt's posting that the K-1 is a non-immigrant visa. I was aware of this, but I really, really wish they'd be more clear about when they want people to register. If the naturalization people go by my age at the time of my green card's "resident since" date, then I agree that I should be fine, but I'm finding conflicting reports about the idea, mostly stemming from the whole part-resident, part-non-resident "limbo" that the K-1 puts one in.

*sigh* Nothing about this is ever easy. Thanks folks, I'm hoping making the effort to register tomorrow morning will count for something.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 02:42:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
We're heading to the post office tomorrow morning to fill out the mailback form. This wouldn't be an issue if they'd just accept a registration online without a social security number.

I'm worried because that means that selective service will probably receive it after the 17th, which they'll then reject, leaving me in limbo.

Any ideas? Any comments on how this will affect me (I'm assuming it makes me completely ineligible for naturalization until my 32nd birthday if I can't register)? Are they likely to deny my AOS and/or deport me for this?
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 00:57:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
I'm finding a lot of stuff that says that registration is based on "the date you entered the country as a permanent resident".

I'm immensely confused and my fiancee is freaking out. Can anyone answer this for me?

Try registering without the SSN and see what happens. If it is rejected you will have documentation to show that you tried. If it is accepted, then you have complied.

The website won't take a registration without an SSN. I'll see if I can get a PDF form.

Edited by Spoom, 15 January 2010 - 06:57 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-15 18:56:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
I think they treat the K-1 as an immigrant visa though, which I thought meant you had to register.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-15 17:54:00
CanadaK-1 Recipient on edge of eligibility for selective service
Hi folks,

I came to the US in November as a K-1 fiance. My 26th birthday is January 17, which means I'll no longer be eligible for selective service.

The form at the Selective Service website requires a social security number which I currently do not yet have.

What should I do, and will this screw me over for adjustment of status?

Panicking a little here.

Edited by Spoom, 15 January 2010 - 05:52 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-15 17:50:00
CanadaHave you voted yet?!
It's interesting that the cities' vote percentages don't (yet) match up with their populations, though I guess Calgary's mayor making a big deal out of it would help them (they're currently Boardwalk o_o).

I, of course, voted for London, AND YOU SHOULD ALL DO THE SAME OR THE BUNNY GETS IT.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-16 04:18:00
CanadaTaxes 2009
I don't know specifics so don't quote me on this but I would assume that if you don't have US income, you don't need to file a US tax return. Even if you filed (which you may want to do for documentation reasons, for example), it should zero out because you won't put your Canadian income in the normal income category, you'll put it in as foreign income, which shouldn't generate any tax burden.

Of course, you still have to file your Canadian tax return.

(Again, I'm not an expert on US taxes, so someone else validating my theory would be beneficial.)
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-20 07:21:00
CanadaImporting Car to US that's Financed
They don't ask to see the title of the car, just your registration and the compliance letter (at least, that's what they asked for at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo). You'll be fine.

Now, whether or not you'll be fine when you actually try to get plates in the state in which you arrive, that's another story, and mostly depends on the practices of the DMV in that state.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-20 16:49:00
CanadaGood luck for all the people interviewing on the 20th !!!
Good luck guys!
SpoomMaleCanada2009-11-17 20:40:00
Canadawhat if i can't book a physical before interview?
Or just show up at 6 AM Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday and tell them the situation; as I understand it, visa medicals are done first come, first served at Dr. Seiden's. They'll probably just tell you to have a seat and do your medical right then (make sure you have everything necessary, of course; mostly your passport, passport photos, and packet 3 / 4).

Edited by Spoom, 18 January 2010 - 11:48 AM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-01-18 11:47:00
CanadaDo I need a Visitor's Visa?
Josie, I can say with 99% certainty that you will be turned back if you try your six month plan as-is.

Border guards are looking for concrete reasons that you have to return to your home country after visiting. These usually take the form of ongoing employment that requires a physical presence, enrollment in an educational institution that requires a physical presence, or other reasons that you would have to physically be back in your home country.

From what I've read, you have none of these, and thus you are going to raise all sorts of red flags upon attempting to cross.

I speak from experience as I have been turned away at the Canada - US border for lack of ties to Canada, and I'm a Canadian citizen by birth. They handed me a checklist of things to bring back, which included all of what I've mentioned above, an apartment lease, any utility bills I had, enough money to support myself during my intended stay (note that they do not allow explanations like "my boyfriend / girlfriend will support me", even if so stated by them at the border), and a couple other things. Even if you have the lease and bills, I suspect they would still require either employment in Canada or being a student to really consider letting you in. This was for a trip that was to last six weeks, so judge accordingly.

I'm not saying you can't try, but be prepared for disappointment. I highly advise you to instead do what the rest of us have done, and take several smaller trips (less than a month each) rather than one big one. Doing so will establish a record with USCBP that you have, in fact, left the country when you said you would previously, and will make them more likely to let you in later. In any case, you must make sure that you spend at least as much time in Canada as in the United States. If you don't, it could have serious implications tax-wise for you, as well as causing USCBP to be very reluctant to let you into the Country subsequently.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-06 13:45:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package
AFAIK the H1N1 shot is not an explicit requirement, but (according to the civil surgeon in Erie that I'm using) satisfies the requirement of the regular flu shot during flu season. The civil surgeon's office explicitly told me to go to a specific place and get an H1N1 shot, and that I'd then be good to go.

They could be wrong, but at least they're the ones marking that I've had it.

Jo&Si, I'd just use the Civil Surgeon locator and call the ones in your area. Likely you'll be able to find one that doesn't cost too much and can get it done right away (though it varies wildly; in Erie, the one I'm using could do it right away and charged $50, but the other one said they couldn't see me for months, even for just a vaccination transcription.)
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-10 11:40:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package

Medical results? or the vaccination sheet? The results should be with the packet you gave to the CBP, at the POE.

Send a copy of the vaccinations. Did you get it transcribed? If not, just go a head and send it any, so that you can get this outta your hair! They may or may not RFE you for it. So far, I haven't been, and now the case is at CSC.

Check around for civil surgeons to do transcribing and that they understand you don't need a full medical. You should be paying around $30-$50 for it. If you did get an RFE you'll know where to go, and it won't take long, or hold your case up much.

It has to be a USCIS approved Dr, of course.

Yep, already in progress. I have to get an H1N1 shot this afternoon but I should be good after that. I'm going to get it transcribed and sent with the AOS package just so that they have it on-hand and can't hold up the application with an RFE.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-09 12:47:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package
Should I be *sending in* the medical results (i.e. with the I-485 package) or should I keep them with me in case they want to see them at the interview (should I get one)?
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-09 10:48:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package
Yeah, I remembered I forgot about the birth certificate earlier, I'll definitely have a copy of my long-form one (which I still have from the K-1). I'll also get another copy of ScooterMac's passport (or reuse the one we had before since I think I still have it).

G-1135 is so that USCIS will email and/or text you when your petition is approved. It's just a short form with your cell phone number and email you clip to other forms to get them to do that.

The medical results... The thing about that is that I only have a page saying that I have no issues with my lung X-ray, and a copy of the vaccination supplement. The rest was either given to the Consulate or submitted in the sealed package to USCBP at the POE. Am I still going to be OK with just getting the vaccination supplement transcribed and sealed into an envelope by a Civil Surgeon?

Also, how likely are they to grant a multiple-entry AP on just wanting to see my Canadian family occasionally?

PS: I'm the guy, ScooterMac is the girl :)

Edited by Spoom, 08 February 2010 - 08:12 AM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-08 08:11:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package

I haven't prepared them as separate packages thusfar; do they need their own cover page?

Also, in case we can't find all the W-2s etc. required, is it possible to get an IRS tax transcript quickly?

Edited by Spoom, 06 February 2010 - 03:08 PM.

SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-06 15:07:00
CanadaAdjustment of Status Package
Hi Canadian folks,

I'm preparing my adjustment of status forms, and this is what I have so far for things we're going to include (mostly excerpted from my cover letter):

- Cover letter
- Payment in the amount of $1010.00.
- I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
- G-325A, Biographical Information for Spoom
- I-693, Vaccination Record (Note: Full medical is not required as this package is being filed within one year of a K-1 immigration medical examination having been performed abroad, per I-693 USCIS instructions, Section III, question 2, and the K-1 examination did not reveal any Class A medical conditions.)
- I-864, Affidavit of Support
- Copies of ScooterMac's federal tax returns for the past three years
- Letters from ScooterMac's employers verifying yearly salary and ongoing employment
- I-765, Application for Employment Authorization
- I-131, Application for Travel Document (Advance Parole)
- Copy of Spoom's Canadian Passport, including K-1 visa and I-94
- Copy of Notice of Approval for K-1 petition (NOA2)
- Certified copy of marriage certificate
- Two passport-style photographs of Spoom
- Photographs of wedding ceremony and reception
- Letter from Pastor verifying ceremony and relationship
- Copies of cards and letters received from wedding guests
- G-1135, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance

Do I have everything, or are there more things I should be including to make my package more complete? Also, do I need copies of all pages of my passport, or just the biographical page and the pages with the visa / I-94?
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-06 13:53:00
CanadaI-94 is stapled to my passport...
Awesome, thanks guys. :)
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-18 14:20:00
CanadaI-94 is stapled to my passport...
Quick question while I finalize my AOS package: My I-94 is stapled to my passport and yet they want a photocopy of the back of it for I-485 etc. What should I do about this? Does removing the staple trigger any consequences as far as USCIS is concerned? It's not even stapled at the portion where it says "staple here", it's stapled right in the middle.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-18 14:04:00
CanadaI-134 or I 864 for K visas
Yep, I-134 for the initial K-1 / K-3 application (usually at the Consulate stage), I-864 only once you're in the country on your visa and ready to adjust status to lawful permanent resident.

Note that you don't actually need to file the I-134 with the initial petition; the Consulate will request it in Packet 3 once your petition(s) have been approved and forwarded through the NVC to the foreign Consulate. So basically, you just need it for the interview. Some Consulates want I-864 rather than I-134, but they'll tell you which one you need in Packet 3.

The K-3 Guide has a lot of useful information on this.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-19 13:07:00
CanadaNewbie to the forum saying hello
Welcome to VJ! And welcome to the Canada forum, which I think is probably one of the friendliest of forums here.
SpoomMaleCanada2010-02-19 13:30:00