K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2?
Congratulations :)
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-27 09:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa time trame to enter US

6 months from the medical date then 90 days to marry.

MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-13 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you all get boarding passes from the airlines?

I wouldn't worry too much. I only showed a few boarding passes I had kept, with Eurostar tickets when we went to Paris, some photos of us from both countries, passport stamps and I believe maybe some skype/imessage screen shots. I didn't send nearly as much as some people but as long as its hard evidence and not to wishy washy then you're fine.

MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien part 3
Hi :) so you are filling out the I-129F?? With the work question write something like "None until authorized with EAD" and for the SSN question I think it's fine to answer "yes". I can't access my copies as I'm on my phone right now but I'm sure someone else will be able to confirm.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 01:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlien part 3
What form are you filing out? What visa are you applying for?
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 01:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

I am along the same idea as another poster,  if he was in the states when turned up missing there are many ways to track if a death certificate is out there.  Some avenues for tracking if someone is dead or alive would be through (death certificates are entered in database) or SS#.

I'm sure their main concern is that your fiance's husband will appear and then they will get the heat for allowing her to commit bigamy.  As Darnell said,  find out via an info meeting in person what your options are.  

If I were in your place I  would be doing some detective work also  ,  the internet is a wealth of information and I surely wouldn't want to marry someone until I knew they were free to do so! 


She IS free to do so. It is clearly stated on the court order that she is free and clear to remarry. This judgement is "without prejudice" which means that no matter whether or not he reappears in the future or even today, that the marriage between him and her has been nullified in the courts. My problem is NOT whether or not this man is dead or alive. My problem is that according to the court order and Philippine Family Law, my faince is no longer married to this person and is free and clear to remarry. Let me say that for all intents and purporses that this man IS NOT DEAD. So let's forget about death certificates because there can be none if there is no death. He is ASSUMED dead for the matter of turning this woman loose so that she can marry once again. Nobody or nothing ever said he was dead. My problem is this once again: There is a court order stating that my fiance is free and clear to marry because of this man's absenteeism and his failure to make himself known during all of this one year long court proceeding. This decision is without prejudice.

  I am simply looking to find out who I can contact at the embassy in order to attempt to explain this to someone there who has any sense enough to understand what is written in front of them from a court order. I am not looking for a non-existent death certificate. Allow me to upload the court order once again in case some of you are picking up on this thread at the end. Please look closely to what the words mean. It is really quite simple and very straightforward.



Attached Files

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 11:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Mike, is there any way in <heck> that a Social Security Number for the presumed dead man can be found?  If the first husband is dead, then perhaps his name might be listed on the Social Security Death Index, which would tell you where the death certificate was filed, and a copy might be found.  I know this is not what you are asking for.  You want the name and/or phone number of someone at the US Embassy in Manila to talk to.


Also wondering if the presumed dead had any family that could be contacted.


Just thought this might be one way to get around the problem.



Sukie, the problem here is not whether or not he is dead. The problem is that according to family law there, she is free and able to marry because he is merely assumed dead by virtue of no contact for 4 years, no known whereabouts, and being absent and failing to respond to any and all of those court proceedings. It was all done in accordance with family law and legal and binding. The problem is that the consulate, for some reason, cannot see what's in front of her.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 11:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible


She should take divorce, not  ""Presumpitve Death" in every country when the  husband or wife lost for long time, court give divorce after some official steps, that called " Divorce in absentia"   
Why she didn't do that till now ?
Some poor country can make fake  "Presumpitve Death" by a friend or friends ,they   work in court  or ....
Presumpitve Death is not a document she can marry again with it. That is just good for making decision about property or kids school or kids surgery or if salary come form his job to family by goverment or other office or somethings like that. not for remarry.
She should go to court and try to take real divorce. Unfortunately you guys should  wait more to fix this problem. 
In some country after 3 times report in newspaper about lost husband,The wife can go to take divorce without husband.
I am sure Philippin should has some  law like that..... 
But US embassy is right, they cannot give k-1 visa to someone still married.


The Philippines is the ONLY country in the world that does not allow divorce in any way shape or form. Scroll up to where I uploaded a copy of the court order stating that she CAN remarry and without any legal consequence. For all intents and purposes she is a free woman. It's all in there. Read it.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 04:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

My fiance had her interview in Manila on 1/23/14. She had filed for "Presumpitve Death" from a former husband. That marriage was a Philippino marriage. Ultimately the courts granted the presumptive death and gave her a copy of the court order which states that and it also states that she is legally able to pursue any subsequent marriage now without incurring any criminal liability. This is in accordance with article 288 of the Family Code. This court order goes on to state that "....His declaration of absense and presumption of death is without prejudice to his reappearance...."


This is very clear to me and very clearly states that she is legally able to remarry. Well, the consulate told her that she needed to obtain a death certificate. WHAT????  He was "Declared an absentee and for all intents and purposes is PRESUMED dead". He was presumed dead as allowed for within this law. He was not DECLARED dead. It is impossible for us to obtain a death certificate on someone who we have no idea is dead or not dead. He is also an American. The consulate says to her, "what if he is not dead and he comes forward"?  Again, WITHOUT PREJUDICE covers that as well. It means that no matter now if he is dead or not or if he comes forward or not, this marriage is no longer and she is able to marry.


I have a desperate need now to contact someone at the embassy there who has authority so that I can have this discussion with them to show and explain to them how the consulate is NOT looking at this document correctly and that she is making and completely invalid and totally impossible request. How? Who? What can I do here? Who can I contact? We were given two other trivialities to take care of as well but we can do those with no problems. But this request goes beyond the pale. Someone please help me with who or how to contact.


Sorry, but I tend to repeat myself when I am upset and I hope I didn't over-explain this.




I want to say that I appreciate everyone's time and effort in order to help me today. I've read a lot of responses but they don't really tackle the problem. At the end of the day I'm in the same boat with no idea of what to do, except for one response was to hire an immigration attorney. But before that I'd like to exhaust my own personal efforts first. They aren't cheap, I'm sure. So, I'm gonna take this same issue but throw it out to you from a different direction to maybe zero in a little closer on what it is that I really need.


      What I really need is to find out who to call so that I can discuss this issue with them to try to show them where the consulate is misinterpreting this court order. A Presumption of death is surely not a declaration of death. Therefor, how could a death certificate ever be presented when the possibility exists that there is not really a death. Only the presumption. Anyway, what I want is for a contact in order to state my case. Or is that an impossibility?


Thank you all again,


mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 04:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Where was he when she last had contact with him?

her last contact with him is more than 4 years ago. At that time he was in Florida.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 04:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

I'm wondering if this is something that can be pursued via the NSO.  USEM seems to accept documents from them without question (i.e., CENOMAR, etc).  If they can produce a document that affirms the court order, then perhaps that will suffice.  Just a thought.

I appreciate your feedback, and I apologize, but I have no idea of what you just said.    NSO; USEM; CENOMAR.  I've never seen any of those terms.




mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 01:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

NO doubt the embassy personnel have seen this sort of thing before...and apparently they want some better proof....remember, if a K1 or CR1 visa is denied pending additional information (like this one), it is automatically reviewed by a senior consular officer...and if that person disagrees, they can override the denial or ask that the applicant return, etc...since they have not, chances are quite good they are not buying this document as being credible...that's often the case in developing countries, where document fraud is rampant. You telling them that this is a bona fide document won't convince them. They have seen far too many bogus and fake papers in Manila....

Given this particular theory then everything we submitted is falsified and bogus no matter what markings or certifications are on it from the birth certificates to the passports. They didn't say that they thought the paper was bogus. They said they want a death certificate for someone who was NOT declared dead. This falls directly in the category of "STUPID".

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 00:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Mike - are you in/near Manila? If yes,

then you set up an ACS appointment,

and talk with a Vice-Consul there about this issue,


that usually this is not done during an ACS appointment, however,

it smells like this is what you need.


Darnell, no, I am in Florida and my fiance lives in an outer province of Cebu. I need a person to call or a phone number or someone who I can explain this thing to. How can this woman possibly interpret this court order so wrong? Surely this is not the first presumptive death issue to go through that embassy.



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-25 14:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

How long is the husband "missing"?

At the time she applied for the presumptive death he had been missing or unheard from or whereabouts unknown for more than the required 4 years.



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-25 14:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Just to tell  you to hide better your personal information.


Good luck for everything

I appreciate you looking out for me. I did hide all of our/her personal info. Any names left on that court order are the people associated with that court. All personal info has been blacked out.


Thanks for the heads up tho,



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-25 14:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

I should have attached a copy of that court order. Here it is now. If anyone out there is of legal knowledge then maybe you can tell me at least if my thinking is correct on this issue.


Thanks to everyone for their help



Attached Files

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-25 12:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

My fiance had her interview in Manila on 1/23/14. She had filed for "Presumpitve Death" from a former husband. That marriage was a Philippino marriage. Ultimately the courts granted the presumptive death and gave her a copy of the court order which states that and it also states that she is legally able to pursue any subsequent marriage now without incurring any criminal liability. This is in accordance with article 288 of the Family Code. This court order goes on to state that "....His declaration of absense and presumption of death is without prejudice to his reappearance...."


This is very clear to me and very clearly states that she is legally able to remarry. Well, the consulate told her that she needed to obtain a death certificate. WHAT????  He was "Declared an absentee and for all intents and purposes is PRESUMED dead". He was presumed dead as allowed for within this law. He was not DECLARED dead. It is impossible for us to obtain a death certificate on someone who we have no idea is dead or not dead. He is also an American. The consulate says to her, "what if he is not dead and he comes forward"?  Again, WITHOUT PREJUDICE covers that as well. It means that no matter now if he is dead or not or if he comes forward or not, this marriage is no longer and she is able to marry.


I have a desperate need now to contact someone at the embassy there who has authority so that I can have this discussion with them to show and explain to them how the consulate is NOT looking at this document correctly and that she is making and completely invalid and totally impossible request. How? Who? What can I do here? Who can I contact? We were given two other trivialities to take care of as well but we can do those with no problems. But this request goes beyond the pale. Someone please help me with who or how to contact.


Sorry, but I tend to repeat myself when I am upset and I hope I didn't over-explain this.




mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-25 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Center is slow?

Hey! I've been reading some posts and I saw lots of complaints about this VC being so slow on sending the NOA2? Specially January filers! Does anyone has the same complaint on any other 2012 months ?? I just filed now on June, I was hoping to be with my love late November!! :/

Hi Catarina, it really looks like that VSC has probems with the processing time. However, many people didn't update their data. The whole K1 visa processing is so frustrating. E.g. it took 2 weeks for them to "receive" the requested document for our RFE. :bonk:
Let's hope that for some reason the VSC gets quicker and we all get our visas soon.
Good luck to everyone
PatianFemaleGermany2012-07-22 04:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE denied and received new case number

WOW....this is the first time EVER I have heard of the same case getting a new number and starting over.

Hope somebody can tell about a similar circumstance. :pop:

Yes, the dates ofn the original divorce documents differed. Yeah, I have no words :bonk: for that too. Anyhow, comments are welcome that helps to enlighten this strange and frustrating case. Thanks for your replies.
PatianFemaleGermany2012-08-31 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE denied and received new case number
Hi everybody,

We received a RFE in April 2012 and responded in time. USCIS wanted a certified copy of my fiances divorce decree and not just a copy. Anyhow, the requested document was submitted in time. Now the RFE will be denied because the dates of the divorce copies were not matching. We immediately received a new case number and the application will be under new initial review.
Does anyone was in this situation and how long will it take to get the NOA2?
Thanks for your replies.
PatianFemaleGermany2012-08-30 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F December Filers?
Hi December Filers :D

We initially filed 12/09/2011 and received NOA 12/15/2011. According to Igor's list we shoud get the so much wanted approval in the next 2-4 weeks.
Good luck to everyone!


Edited by Patian, 21 March 2012 - 01:10 AM.

PatianFemaleGermany2012-03-21 01:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE

Thanks, I just received an email from uscis stating that they mailed me a request for evidence 12/13/2012 which will be the second request. I don't know if this has something to do with me calling today about not getting a reply to the evidence i sent in july, or if they need more evidence. I am just happy to see something other than initial review when I check the uscis website :dance:

glad that you were able to sort some issues :thumbs:
Please make sure that you send the further requested evidence in time (60 or 90 days) and that you receive a confirmation of the documents you send. That can take a few days. The good thing is as soon as VSC received the evidence you should get your NOA2 in a couple weeks.
Don't wait the 60 days!!

Good luck with the process ;)

Edited by Patian, 13 December 2012 - 05:15 PM.

PatianFemaleGermany2012-12-13 17:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE response approximate time?

Usually within 2 weeks of responding to your RFE you should have approval. Wish you the best.

Hi, I doubt that it will take "only" two weeks. Currently you can be happy when you receive the NOA2 within 60 days :-(( Vermont slowed down so much, unbelievable!!
PatianFemaleGermany2012-07-30 04:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont July Filers!

My fiancé just got an email. Our petition has been approved!!!!! What a way to start the new year!!!

Woohoo!! Congrats!! :dance:
PatianFemaleGermany2012-12-31 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont July Filers!
Hi July Filers,

I'm waiting since December 2011. We had to refile the appolication in July. Hopefully everything goes smooth and QUICK!!!! now. Tired of waiting :clock:
According to the estimated VJ timeline I can expect NOA 2 beginning of January. I don't mind beginning of December :goofy:

Good luck everyone !
PatianFemaleGermany2012-11-09 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time

Just like to know how many weeks does it usually take for USCIS to give a response when they received/review one's RFE submission? (I know max time is about 60 days)

First of all, it depends which service center is dealing with the RFE. CSC is much faster in processing than VSC right now. Personally, we are waiting for 18 days after Vermont received the requested document. I'm afraid it will take even the same amount of days until we receive the NOA2 finally. sigh...
PatianFemaleGermany2012-07-31 06:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCopies black and white or color?
Hi, talking about copies. There is a difference between Xeros copy and copy. I rather spend the money and get Xeros copies as close as to the original document. If you need copies such as copies from a divorce document etc, you have to apply for a certified copy which has nothing to do with a Xeros copy. Make sure what exactly is required. Good luck!!
PatianFemaleGermany2012-10-16 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSCIS, Vermont, has removed a 6 month wait for K! to 5.6 months!

I just noticed last night, that USCIS at VSC, has lowered their wait time for K1 visa from 6 months to 5.6 months, does anyone think this new information posted by the web site, actually means anything? I watch this site close, and it does certainaly seems that VSC is approving K1 visa's much quicker than in the past! Any comments would be appreciated! Raven

you are correct. However, it doesn't mean that your case will be processed within this time. The processing time is monthly updated and can change next month back to 6 months. Let's hope VSC tries to beat California when it comes who does faster approvals :thumbs:
PatianFemaleGermany2012-11-04 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa rejected, have 90 days to show proof, affidavit, both of us are unemployed, what to do?

Good morning to everybody,

I read a lot of topics here and they were really useful, better than the embassies instructions...

As the title says I went to the interview and they denied my visa with a "section 212 (a)(4) which prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone likely to become a public charge"

This is because only my fiancee's mother filled the I-134 and they said it's not enough, the interviewer just handed me the paper and sent me away.
The interviewer didn't even told me what to present in order to meet the requirements for the affidavit.

Both I and my fiancee are still studying, I'm unemployed and my fiancee has a part time job and so we thought my fiancee's mother's affidavit would suffice. It's not like this.

What are your experience with the affidavit?
Even if we are unemployed can I get the visa?
Is it enough to show she has enough money for both of us in assets and in the bank account?

I'm still shocked by what happened.
Both of us are scaried by the fact we may not see each other for a long time.

I hope someone here could give us some clear answers.


I'm really sorry to what happened to both of you. I suggest to get in contact with an immigration lawyer. If the petitioner has not a sufficient income, a US sponsor (so far as I understood, your fiancee mother) should be okay. Good luck for a speedy clarification.
PatianFemaleGermany2012-11-17 05:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical exam

The Case Number is the one from the NVC. God bless on your medical and rest of the journey! :)

PatianFemaleGermany2013-04-21 03:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical exam
Hi VJ's

I have my medical appointment next week and need for that the case number. Is the requested case number the one from the NVC or do I receive a new case number from the embassy?

PatianFemaleGermany2013-04-20 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS 156
Hi VJ's,

I have some queries about Question 32 of the DS 156 form.
"Do you intent to work in the US?"

Options are yes and no.
If you tick of No, does it mean you don't get your work permit later on?
I plan to work in the US but not in the first months.

Thanks in advance for your replies :thumbs:
PatianFemaleGermany2013-04-22 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 visa DENIED - Public Charge - pretty outraged.

Sorry to hear that. :(

I just found out that we were denied too. Crappy, crappy day.

Sorry to hear that. Do you mean your case is completly denied or did you receive a RFE? And what was the reason?
Stay strong and patience! We had to reapply too.
You get used of waiting :wacko:
PatianFemaleGermany2012-12-06 00:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

We got a RFE because my fiance didn't send in enough proof of our meeting - he had to send in more evidence! It's not enough just to fill out the form and say 'we met on X date' - you have to provide photos too :) And then he got another RFE because they needed more financial information from him. Combined the two held us up for three months which seemed like an eternity but wasn't really a big deal.

Hi ,

we got a RFE because we didn't wrote BY HAND the date & location on the photos. Plus they asked for affidavits that confirmed that we met in the past 2 years.

PatianFemaleGermany2013-01-19 14:09:00
USCIS Service CentersUnbelievably short Timelines

I just want to peronally thank you and your fiancee for his service to the armed forces, IMO you should be put in front of the line!!!!
Along with all the other brave military people out there.

God Bless
and I pray for his safety!

Thank You. My interview is tomorrow and im hoping that if approved I can be in the US when he comes back next month. I haven't been able to speak to him for a few days properly due to a few major incidents including them being attacked :(

I miss him so much but im glad this deployment was a short one and he will be back soon.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-10 16:19:00
USCIS Service CentersUnbelievably short Timelines

This is likely. I've seen it in the policy documentation that you only read if you go digging quite deep. Military filers get a sort of expediting.

The OP is jealous, but why not? Everyone is separated from their most intimate partner at just the time when we should be building our relationship, and in the middle of relocating to a completely different country. It is torture. Often the best we can do is to compare ourselves to people who have it worse, and think we're fortunate to not be like those people. But as time drags on and we become weary, the people waiting longer than us and who have special needs become fewer and fewer, and every other approval feels like a denial to us. It's not the fault of the people who were approved that they were approved, of course, but the earliest approvals, especially those in a month to six weeks, are galling to people who expected five months and are sitting at seven and now seeing estimates of eight to ten.

I'm choosing to read the OP's post as saying that the statistical outlier early approvals are legitimate, but that their data points are not helpful in compiling an estimate of when the average case filing should be expected to occur, any more than we should count the data points of outliers who have been waiting longer than a year. Approvals that are that early skew the timelines on this site, too, and it's frustrating to see the algorithm show such an early approval date when the reality is so likely to be different.

OP has every right to be jealous your right, the post just made me feel kind of bad for getting approved. I think its unfair that so many people are still waiting :(
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-09 21:09:00
USCIS Service CentersUnbelievably short Timelines
Although I found your post highly amusing I also found a hint of, to put it in the easiest way possible, jealously.

Our petition was approved within 28days and I have my interview this Monday. We filed at the end of October before my fiancé was deployed to Afghanistan with the US Air Force. We were thinking of expediting and although we looked into it, we didn't. I still dont know to this day why we were approved so fast but very thankful we were. The only thing we could think of was that the person who processed our case was fond of the military.

From talking to other people on VJ, I understand that their petitions are taking a rather long time and it must be frustrating for them...yourself included. I'm sure your NOA2 will come through soon. Try not to think about other petitions and just remember that sooner rather than later you will be with your loved one. I personally think the whole process is like a game of snakes and ladders. I guess we were just lucky and rolled a double 6 but im sure you'll be climbing that ladder soon!
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-09 20:39:00
United KingdomHusband's name in US, maiden name in UK - legal? I have been married since April 2013 and took my husbands name.
Everything back in the UK is still in my maiden name but I didn't even think to contact HMRC!

How do I I even do that and why?! What else do I need to sort out "/

MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-23 23:53:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Awwh so mang cute babies!

Were expecting our first in March 2015! I'm currently 12 weeks. SO EXCITED!!

Does anyone know the process of obtaining dual citizenship for the baby once it's born? I'm still just a GC holder but will be applying for naturalization and going for dual citizenship when I can. Will our baby automatically get that as I'm a UK and my husband is a US citizen??

Do I contact England (who lol) and tell them?

MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-23 14:31:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I had my medical, They done all the same as you except i never had the genital examination. Not sure why and if this is going to cause a problem. Maybe because i had my daughters with me for their medicals. But a little worried now as everyone else had one. :/

Maybe as you had your daughters with you they assumed you were a female :)
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-31 07:26:00