United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I answered here http://www.visajourn...ost__p__5868093

Slightly different idea than LCL, but both are good ideas. Pick one and get on with Christmas merrymaking.instead of worrying.

I like both your idea and LCL's so I'm gonna mull them both over, pick one and get on with enjoying the holidays! You both have been such a big help.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-13 04:58:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I was approved today, and I am over the moon.

I'd like to say a massive 'thank you' to anyone that replied to my inane questions, and to everyone on this messageboard - it has been a god send and I honestly would have been lost without all the tips that are in these many pages.

Nich-Nick, thank you especially.

Now I am ready to start the next stage!

Congratulations :)
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-12 18:12:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Send all of the forms except the DS-2001 on the same day as your medical. Then, when you get back, mail the DS-2001, or have someone mail it for you in early January just prior to your return from NZ. The embassy will be closed for the holidays and it looks as if regular hours resume on January 2, so it's likely not much will be done until you're nearly ready to head back.

Sounds like a good why didn't I think of that! Dumb blonde strikes again! Everyone is so helpful & I'm super happy I found this site but you & Nich-Nick have provided me with some excellent answers! Hopefully I won't need anymore advice until my interview! I just pray everything with the I-134 goes alright! THANK YOU
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-12 13:28:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Just a quick one as I just posted this somewhere else directed to Nich-Nick but others opinions would be great as well...

Medical on the 21st Dec ----- I have all forms ready including the DS-2001 and wish to send them all the same day as my medical BUT as I mentioned, I fly to New Zealand on the 25th Dec and return on the 13th January. What if they assign me an interview for the time I am away and I miss it?? I don't really want to send the documents after I'm back in case my medical results are just lying around (or get forgotten), but at the same time I would like an interview assigned to me asap.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-12 12:56:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

:ot: You were 1 in 1991. God, I'm old. :lol:


:ot: Yup I was a lil baby :D 22 now soon to be 23 next month! I feel old compared to the teenagers I see so dont worry :D
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-06 12:25:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The shot list in post #1 is still accurate. Tell Knightsbridge you had chickenpox and the varicella shot is waived (excused forever). MMR is a two dose immunization, but if four weeks haven't passed since shot #1 when you go to Knightsbridge, MMR will be marked "insufficient time interval" and USCIS will waive shot #2 forever. If you get shot #1 next week and four weeks pass before you go to Knightsbridge, then get shot #2 in order to be complete for AOS. The second shot has to come before Knightsbridge fills out your vaccination record. The nurse there will say just go back to NHS and mail the proof in with your AOS. That will not work. She doesn't know immigration details. USCIS does not take a proof from your NHS doctor. If it is due (because 4 weeks has passed) and it isn't on your Knitsbridge vaccination sheet, then you will pay a US Civil Surgeon lots of money to sign off in the US,

Am I covered for my MMRs then?? Im confused now :( According to my vaccine records I have had MMR twice now - 1991 (when I was 1) and tuesday.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-06 09:18:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi there,

I have an appointment to see my NHS nurse next week, and I was wondering if there has been any update on what vaccinations are required when it comes to the AOS? I told the nurse about the following:

Td or Tdap (DT, DTP or DtaP)

Is there anything else I am missing? I am also asking them to make an official note (dated, stamped and signed) of the vaccinations I have got, would that be sufficent once it comes to the AOS stage?

Thank you! :thumbs:

When I got my shots done Tuesday I mentioned Varicella and Influenza. I had chicken pox as a kid so this wasn't necessary and I shouldn't be in flu season when I plan on moving so I didn't bother with this. I had a MMR vaccine as a kid and my nurse told me that you need 2 to be fully covered for life so she gave me the booster. With the DTP, I was also given this (free of charge for both) and that was it. She updated my vaccine records there and then and printed me off a copy. I will be taking this with me to the medical to prove what I have had done since birth.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-06 09:16:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

You can do that. I wouldn't have the medical next way before London gets your file, but you can choose a date that is before you leave for holiday. If you studied the first post in this thread then you know you must have your police certificate before the medical appointment. And getting your shots done prior to the medical is HIGHLY advised by me.

Already ahead of you :D got my shots done yesterday lol. I am waiting on my police certificate to arrive before I go ahead with booking the medical but I know once completed they send your results to the embassy and I didn't want the results to "be forgotten" before I send everything else in.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-05 08:58:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Just thought I'd let you all know I had my interview this morning and was APPROVED!!!! Over the moon. Fly out to Alabama 2 weeks tomorrow.

Thats awesome :D Congratulations :D

Just a question everyone...will be ringing the NVC soon to see if our case has been received If I get the case number I was thinking of booking the medical ready so after I receive "packet 3" I can just post everything off etc.

1 is this a good idea and 2 does the medical have an expiry date? I go to NZ on Christmas day till the 14th of Jan so I wont to book the medical for after then but then if I don't have my interview for a while does it expire.
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-05 07:46:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I was with a touring band for 4.5 years - I had to use 1.5 pieces of A4 paper for this!

Haha OMG now I feel like I've hardly traveled. How did you even remember them all!! Bet it was fun though :)
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-14 05:39:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

In this process, it's better to be thorough than simply neat. If you can't fit it all in the space provided, plan on using a separate sheet that's clearly labeled. We used US for the country.

I was definitely going to be thorough but there are just so many countries I have entered I wondered if by using US I save a little bit of space :)
Just worried they wouldn't accept it but thanks for letting me know
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-13 11:22:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

This might be the wrong place to post but I have a question about Form DS-157.
I wanted to look over all the forms and for Q9 it states list all countries you've entered in the last 10years.
I have quite a few places as I've traveled alot but would prefer not to use an extra sheet (lol I like things neat and all together). When putting "United States" can I write as "US" or "USA" or does it have to be "The United States of America" etc.

What did everyone else put??

Thanks :D
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-13 10:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)This Ridiculousness
Sounds good :D Welcome to VJ as well!
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-07 07:25:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC TIMELINE?
Our NOA2 was approved on the 26th Nov but when i called 2 days ago they still hadn't received it. I think il call again today! :)
MmmBlondieFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-05 07:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Can she still get an annulment?

A normal one I mean?

That's an interesting thought, NLR. But I don't know that answer at this moment but I'll be sure to look into that.



3 pages this is the 45th reply, or he could have checked to see what was needed!

Oops 46th.

You're counting my pages and the number of replies??? Do I owe you anything for the extra?

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 22:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Presumptive of death of a spouse is applicable in the Philippines.A lot of Filipina before who are married and was petition for k1 in the US who used this route to legally end their marriage.As years goes by US Embassy in Manila is beginning to see this way as a fraud that is why most Filipina goes to this route of ending their marriage actually gets denied or else ask of proof of death certificate.One of the things your fiancée should think of is why going this process when annulment is the most safest way to go.Try to read some stories online about FILIPINAS using presumptive of death as way of telling / presenting the consul during the interview lately ,most of theme are being ask the same thing they ask your fiancée for additional documents to support the presumptive of death court order you present before the consul.And besides you cannot just present a court order during your interview,you need to show the consul your marriage certificate with an annotation on it,stating on the right side of the paper that your fiancée is legally allowed to be married.Court order is not the final process yet ,you need to pass that to NSO for a final annotation on her marriage certificate..Another issue is her spouse is US citizen!there is allot of ways to know here in the US if he is still alive..THat is one of the red flag...wHy go to presumptive way when annulment is the safest way,costly but sure...Presumptive of death is shortcut way which consul anomalies on it.

Thank you, Speech33. Problem is that it's already done that way. Her lawyer at the time told her this would be the quickest way rather than annullment. Of course, she didn't know so she chose quick. You know, had I read this a year and a half ago I wouldn't be in this boat now. But like I say, it's done and here I sit with no way out it seems.



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 21:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

have you asked the embassy what you can produce instead of the death certificate?  Remember you may be dealing with the embassy in the Philippines but it is a United States Embassy.  So, I suggest YOU the US Citizen call the embassy and ask them what else you can provide vs the death certificate for someone who isn't actually dead, just presumed dead because he didn't answer any summons so that your fiance could get her annulment?

NLR, thank you. You also appear to understand where I'm at here. This is exactly what I wanted. I wanted to know how or who to contact other than a standard information operator so that I could state my case to someone who has some authority. That's all I want. A method of contact to an authority, not an info operator because they cannot and will not entertain any questions that are specific to any one person.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 16:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

Here is a copy and paste taken directly off of the embassy's website.


"A common basis for refusal is a prior marriage for the beneficiary or the petitioner that has not been legally terminated. There is no divorce in the Philippines. A consular officer will only accept a death certificate or a court ruling of annulment or of presumptive death as evidence that a Filipino marriage has been terminated. A U.S. citizen may terminate a Filipino marriage through a U.S. divorce."



It appears that what they say they will accept as evidence and what they actually will accept as evidence are two different things.



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 15:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible


Mike - I'm sorry this is such a hassle for you, especially having to deal with it from so far away.   Thanks for your further explanations.  It's obvious that many of us want to help, but we are not familiar with Philippines law!


I do think it might be time for either you or your partner to contact an attorney.   An attorney familiar with Philippines law may know the best way to address this request from the consulate. 


I'm wondering if the real problem is that the US does not recognize an "abandonment" document.   I also wonder whether the first marriage took place in the Philippines or in the United States.  I think you'd have a better chance if it took place in PI, since the document you have is PI-based.  I think a US marriage would require an official annulment or divorce decree.


Does anyone have any Manila US Consulate contact information for Mike and/or his partner?  Looks like it will be hard for him to front-up in person.



Thank you, Thank you, Sukie. You understand. This WAS a PI marriage which is why the presumptive death order was able to be accomplished. If it were a US marriage then, Yes, there would have to be a divorce. This Philippine law allows for a woman to free herself from the bonds of marriage based on the fact that the husband has had no contact for 4 or more years, no support of the child ever, no known whereabout of the husband by anyone who can come forward to state that, and the fact that he was declared an absentee for all of these court proceedings when there was opportunity for him to come forward for which an amount of time and newspaper postings was given by the courts in an effort for him to make his cliam then. By virtue of him remaining "absent" through all of it then the courts can then (and here's the quote from the order) "declare him and absentee and for all intents and purposes the man is "presumed" dead and that the woman is now free and lagally able to marry",,,,,, at any time she desires after the date of that court order". Now, with that explanation you can see how it is impossible to present a death certificate.


And YES, That is exactly what I was looking for when I first posted my problem here. My original quest on this thread was to see if anyone could direct me to how to contact the proper person at the embassy in order to discuss this document. Not necessarily how to come up with a non-existent death certificate. So thank you again for asking the folks here if they can help with that, because that is what I am looking for. I know they can't cure the actual problem. I merely look for a way to contact the proper party.



mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 14:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

you have no idea of my background regarding immigration law and is you who does not understand that the folks working in our embassies overseas are far more conversant with documents, rules and regulations of the host country than you....after all, it's their specialty....would you presume to tell an airline pilot how to fly a 747 because you might have taxied a Cessna once? One does not become a foreign service officer merely by filling out an application...and for some reason you refuse to believe that document fraud is nothing short of rampant in the I applaud the consular section for proceeding carefully....they are going to make sure they are on solid ground, no matter how stupid you think they fact, why don't you go to the American Citizen Services section in Manila and tell them to their face how stupid you think they are....see what happens....

No one said that they think the document is a fraud. They are asking for a death certificate for someone who is not declared dead. Only assumed dead for all intents and purposed of those proceedings. They're not asking for proof that the document is real. They're asking for a death certificate. A non-existing death certificate. It's all legal and binding and in accordance with Section 238 of the Family Code. Please read the document that I posted and tell me exactly what you see it saying. Then after reading it then please tell me how can I possibly obtain a death certificate because it does not declare him to be dead and there should not have to be any proof of death when no death was declared.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 12:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

What have you done to find him?

He doesn't need to be found. Someone simply has to understand this court order.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 12:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate wants something that is impossible

One can obtain any document needed in the Philippines.......I am just astonished that you know more about filipino documents than our embassy personnel....why isn't the State Dept beating a path to your doorstep and begging you to be in charge of visa operations worldwide?

It's just as astonishing that you know as little as you do but yet try to make yourself heard with nothing to say.

mikede1025Not TellingPhilippines2014-01-26 11:50:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)US embassy Frankfurt Preparation for interview
Hi German fellows

we got our NOA2 finally. To avoid any delays from my side I like to prepare as much as possible before I receive package 3.
Is it possible to do my medical now or do I have to wait for the NVC case number?
Can I request the police certificate now? I expect to have the interview in approx. 3 months.
Beside the € 180 fee, are there additional charges?

Thanks for all the replies in advance :)
PatianFemaleGermany2013-03-26 00:57:00