IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers this for real?!!

NO it is way out of date by now!!! :rofl:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-05 10:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

In order to get passport clearance, I have to also wait till I get NVC checklist or interview letter.
The pcc I was talking about was local pcc.......

PCC is headache in all country as far as government rules applies......differently in different countries......

I guess we were luck. My wife never moved which also helped alot. I think it took her 4 -5 days to get her local and National Police Certificate. I already have them in my hand waiting for the DS 230.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-05 09:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

:crying: :angry: so here is my question, why in the hell would they even post the timeframe if they themselves don't even know.

Heck Anthony, you're in the town of Government Employees... You should know that once they get started on something the only way to ensure job security is to grow the work. So they add this and that until nobody can figure it out and assume everyone is essential because it so complicated. :rofl: :rofl: :whistle:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-04 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Hi everyone, I am still on vacation in Jamaiaca with my husband. I am just stoping by to share my wonderful news with you guys. I went on-line this morning and saw that we have been approved. I just want to thank you guys for being such a great support team. Our next step is NVC stage. Please keep us in your prayers as I will do the same for you guys. Thank you all so very much. Please keep in touch!!!!

OKAY I guess the Vacations over then!!! :devil: haha Get busy filling out the next group of forms and welcome to the new unimproved waiting room :wacko:. Always remember your getting what you ask for. :blink: Your seat assignment will be coming in a few weeks. :blush: :unsure: haha Congratulation... :dance: :dance:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-04 11:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I feel dumb for asking this but I just want clarification. Do I send in my actual birth certificate. I have order a long form birth certified certificate and have our original Marriage Cert. My question is do you have to send in the actual originals or will photocopies suffice for the NVC packet? I realize it says 'originals' but I just want to double check as we all know it never hurts to be extra sure.

If your apprehensive about sending the original get a certified copies. Otherwise you need to send in the original. If these documents should be in a language other than English ( Hey its a crazy mix up world) Then you also need to send in a interpretation for both the Marriage and Birth certificates. The originals should be returned to you at the Embassy interview.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I just updated my timeline :) I always remember seeing that others beneift from when it's done so I try to ensure it's there.

You're my kind of GIRL... THANKS Neighbor...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 18:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

hello everyone .
Can we send Handwritten DS230 instead of typed?

Yes but why would you? If you dont have a computer you can go to the library and use theirs. You can also get a USB cheap enough and save things you generate on there. Can you update your time line?
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 18:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

It was crazy really. My wife has never been in the USA. we sent all evidence we could but I was asked to send in more information concerning owning property together, bank accounts etc... It was all information that can not be provided since she has never been here. I contacted an attorney and he told me to send them everything I had. Every email, every picture. Every chat session etc... He told me to send them a box if I could and that is what I did.
In the event they do not accept it the attorney told me to call him back.
But this is where I am right now.

You need to put your timeline and other info together so the rest of us at VJ can get some benefit from you being here. With regards to your Attorney. How did you select him/her and did you provide everything initial that they recommended to you? Personally I think they are a waste of money unless you have a special case .
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 18:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Are there any benefits to filing as "head of household" over "married filling jointly?" More importantly, which option will put more dough in my pocket?

I am not a tax man but I have always done my taxes in the past. I dont think you or I have that option anymore. It is for people who have dependents that they support but are not married. I used it when I raise my son and when I supported my mother and was single. You have to do the math to see which way works best for you with regards to filing jointly or separately... Now adays its easy to see with the software available to all of us. The bigger areas for putting money back in your pocket are related to Real Property, Business Expense, properly documenting charitable contribution. You need to push these to your legal limit and be able to support your claim.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 11:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Head of Household? What do you mean? Explain.

Its a filing status ... for the IRS...There are 5 of them Single, Married Filing Jointly , Married Filing Separately, Head of Household, Qualifying Widower... That use to be one of our options Indigo prior to marriage.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 11:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

My wife and I had agreed that she wouldn't move to America until after December 2010. So I'm not too worried about this whole immigration process yet. Hopefully, everything will be ready to by then. She can move here in early 2011. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to filing my tax return as "married filing jointly." I can smell the refund check. It'd be nice to get money back now instead of owing IRS.

HEY MAN what happened to HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD haha

I dont know what to think anymore so I am going to stop thinking. I feel like I am at a school dance and every girl I ask to dance is saying NO... :unsure: Dont feel to bad about not getting the NOA2 as I have not moved that far forward after recieving it. But it was a step forward. Good Luck to all this week.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Hey Folks,

There are apprx. 10 or so people awaiting for NOA-2. E.g. I have noticed that march 16th would get NOA-2 early than march 23rd. After thinking a bit and observing the trend of approvals and unapproved petitions, here's my thought on this:

Some petitions are having same noa-1 date as the petition received date. While some petitions are received on : let's say 9th april and cheque's were cashed on 16th april and their NOA-1 date is also 16th.

So my guess is that, it could be true that USCIS might follows the RECEIVED DATE as their priority date. Since if you look at some of the approved petitions, some are approved faster and some are still waiting. (although those who are waiting their noa-1 date is earlier than those who are approved) really thinking why these uncertainity is there, .... and it could be because of they are following by received date....

it's just my is are free to give your views on it...... give your inputs guys.....TEYA, John, Tom, Yahya, loto and so on...

:rofl: CONSPERICY THERORY?...WOW SORRY Kruz_patz I dont think the USCIS nor the NOA are that smart or devious. For those who are late I would be calling and asking questions everyday!! Good questions. Think them out before calling. Speak to Supervisors but you need to do this in a nice, friendly way. Dont get over demanding or loud. Calm, informed and clear is the way to go. Remember if you PI$$ them off your case might get lost or who knows what. You are dealing with people.
I am hoping that everyone will get their NOA2 or at least an RFE so that you know something. Its the not knowing that drives up nuts. Just avoid playing those MIND GAMES... Santa Claus likes you as much as everyone else except for me of course just ask my sister... :rofl:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 07:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Well Tom I am glad that I was able to give you that needed boost. But beware when I get to the NVC stage whenever that may be :whistle: Because since I have all this time on my hands waiting for our approval notice. I have been able to get all the paperwork together.

But at the rate that USCIS is going I won't get my approval until it is time for me to file my 2010 taxes. :bonk:

:wacko: My paper work is ready !!! but now I have to update it because I was going back 3 months on my supporting documents and I now need to get July and maybe Aug in there... :bonk: These guys are killing me...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-03 00:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Maybe I jinx the rest of the march and april filers when I applied for my wife :bonk: Maybe they saw my application and said to themselves " I think since he has applied lets all take a break for the next 5 months and not do any work :rofl: . Sorry I guess I should have used my code name so that we would have all been approved by now. :rofl:

Anthony, I was feeling bad because of the progress of my application ... Well after checking yours out I feel good THANKS!!! I needed a boost. :hehe: I am hoping that things move for all of yah ASAP ... Tomorrow should be a good day. RIGHT>
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-02 20:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I Got an email this morning at 10:00am Eastern.

Receipt Number: WAC1017513***
Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity
On July 30, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

WELL CONGRATS!!!Thats what I am talking about. Now open the flood gates.... :dance: :dance: :dance: I dont unfortunately think Monday will be a big producer. Lets hope I am WRONG!!!
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-02 10:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

hello Tom ,, maybe there is alot i don't know , but my wife who's US citizen , and she apply from there , but she don't know anything about papers so , i am who's do it by my self and explain to her , so i take it step by step slowly to understand clear to explain to her what she have to do , and to now we doing good , just waiting NOA2 and hopfuly to come soon , so now i just try to find out about next to understand and i know alot about it but not all of it sure , and ppl here really very helpful and i thank god for that , just my wife alwyes ask me why it's take that long time coz it's suppose to be eazy , how they make 2 ppl married apart and control them like that but all i can say is american laws , no body can change it even americans , thx for ur help and time Tom

Masry, We all struggle with this process. To do it in a language that is not your own must only make it 10X more difficult. Thats why I said get the US Citizen involved. My wife is not the USC and has not gotten involved much in this process. She dpoes however ask me the same questions on why so long. I told her not to shoot the messenger and if she really wants to know why she needs to visit VJ, Govt sites and READ>>> Well I dont think she has read anything yet but she stopped asking me questions. hahaha Now if I could just get her to follow directions...haha

You have sometime to get ready and even when you think you are you suddenly find yourself questioning thing. I think we all do that. Good Luck to you...

Edited by TomD, 30 July 2010 - 02:34 PM.

TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-30 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

yes , it's start with WAC thank u so much ,for explain it to me , California better than Vermont i think as ppl say about it's very slowly , thx alot

Masry00 its easy to see your are having a little difficulty with understanding all of this. Are you in the US or is it your husband. If your husband is the US Citizen he should be helping you with this. Here is something you can read and it may help you.


Feel free to ask your questions but it will help you if you understand the process a little better. Good Luck... :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-30 13:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Question for the experts here. My wife's parents and sibling are coming to US as well based on F4 visa and are now in NVC stage with their DS230 package just being sent. Now my wife will be the only one left back and she will not be able to afford living by herself as she doesn't have a great job. Can i call and expedite my case as HARDSHIP issues for wife?

Any ideas?

My thoughs on this John is that she is your wife. You have to do an AOS for her during this VISA process based on your income and net worth. To get her here, you will have to show you are able to support her. Well you should be able to do so when she it there also. Thats just how I see it. Your wife by definition is not without means now. Albeit you and I would not think they would see it any differently. She is your wife and you have obligations regardless of where she lives. JMHO... :yes: Having said that it doesnt hurt to ask...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-30 09:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

There are two things that I really miss about the US:

1) My husband
2) Mexican food!

(not necessarily in that order) ;)

My hubby sent me jello pudding cos I think it's delicious and I am loving my jello pudding.

I wish that it was easier to get good lamb in the US, and a meat pie wouldn't go astray. When I'm in the US I miss eating lots of lamb. I also miss CRUMPETS!

What do other people miss about the US, and what do you expect to miss when you move there from your home country? (for the USC, answer for your spouses)

:blush: :blush: :blush:

Trying to keep this short... Funny I really don't even know what a CRUMPET IS. :rofl: Something those accented ENGLISH speaking people have with tea or something. :whistle: :lol: Eating a good lamb or goat is well silly when we have Beef! Thats what I usually miss regarding food when I am else where a delicious tender med rare Steak or even a Burger...hummmm I also miss the abundance of choices on fruits and vegetables!! :dance: What I miss about my country sometimes is the cleanliness we enjoy and being able to drink the water... :hehe:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-30 09:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

but again you might be right Tom, maybe it is just another way our government just does to keep us quiet and not say anything.

Who knows? What I do know is I loved hanging out in the Gas Lamp District and Balboa Park... SD is one of my favorite places...Enjoy your time at work...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-30 00:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

If I m looking at it correctly I don't see the dates matching up for us. May b I m wrong

Wow after reading the link you provided I feel real stupid. I guess its hard for Homeland Security to put out information thats clear and easy to understand...Baffle them with Bull S**T :bonk:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 21:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

There is a country limit for visas. If you look up the state department web site. It gives you the breakdown for allowed visas to be issued per country. But for immediate relatives you still get priority over the number of visas issued. T

That is what I gathered from ready the visa bulletin

Good point Anthony but if they are only doing a few thousand a month based on what we see here then I know more are getting in legally via other ways. Political Asylum, Hardship or God only knows... These also eat up the so called quota. Yet they have given amnesty to 5 million illegals in the past and are prepared to give amnesty to 10 million more... Go figure.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 21:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

just wondering guys n gals, do u think this is based on country? I mean could there be a limit on how many they can approve in a month? Just thinking

I really dont know but I would think the country your from would most definitely have some influence. I would, as a USC, hope that it would considering the world we live in. But with the liberal way the US conducts business, I would guess not.

I do however think Haiti has more to do with it because of the damage done to that country although I think the people have damaged it more than the earthquake ever did.

I also wonder how other country where people wish to immigrate to handle it. I know after 9/11 things changed everywhere. THANK YOU VERY MUCH SAUDI
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 21:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

last year when i was approved for the fiance visa. NVC had mine in two days. i was approved on june 14th and the interview was July 28th one year ago. she was in the country on august 7th. but it took a total of 5 months to get her in here. now it woill be 9 months at least.

Once she was here last year I am guessing you didn't marry her so she had to return. Wow isn't it nice to see our system is improving and becoming more proficient... I wish I was allowed the same standard when I was working. :crying:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Seems to me all of us should have submitted our paperwork 1-2 months earlier. Seems things have slowed down after by the end of Feb. Just our luck... I Tried to submit in the beginning of Feb. but I was in PI and the Embassy told me to wait till I got back to the states. BASTARDS... :bonk: :bonk: :blush: :huh: What really hurts is I was trying to not be a difficult customer and let them lead me... without a challenge ... :angry: :crying:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 20:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Well where is all the good new????? :blush: I think everyone has waited long enough... Lets GO USCIS start performing your public service... I need pressure applied to the NVC and the best way to do that is to send more packages to them... LET GO>>> :bonk: :blush: :thumbs:

Edited by TomD, 29 July 2010 - 03:45 PM.

TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 15:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Posts in this thread...

TeyaValentina 577
johndoe12 508
TomD 210
Rich and Bey 166
IndigoSkies 136
March2010 121
ak205 87
kruz_patz 76
TheJesal 74
rvince 64
tena13 60
yahya_marie 57
JuneFirst 53
JinyAndJony 38
divina24 34
Sweetcheeksss 32
KBcrand1 32

But we all love that you are posting so much! :luv:

:hehe: :rofl: Jesal... You have too much time on your hands ... SO do we all... :rofl: Looks like John and Teya are super stars!!! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Indigo... Yeah 2 is not exactly what we were expecting. Come on everyone get in to the NVC room. The more of you that are there the better my chances of being pushed out!!!!!! :blush: :thumbs: I dont mind really!!! :whistle:

Teya, WOW what can I say PARTY ON!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: USCIS Feel Free to join in and do something constructive, your citizens await you!!!!!!!
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-29 09:46:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates
I think we have duplicate forums going on. Switch to this http://www.visajourn...10#entry4224731
this forum is further along with more pages of information and a list was already started so make sure your name is on it if you have a date already.... :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-10-07 11:21:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates
Oh how I wish I could complete this posting... But alas I must wait ... :whistle:

INTERVIEW DATE : WAITING for LETTER Hoping for NOV interview
TomDMalePhilippines2010-10-02 06:40:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates
Yes I know what you mean Ricardo. I will never go through this again in my life time. Its an unbelievable process to me! I would never have imagined... Its broke and definitely needs fixing. Good luck to you...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-10-02 05:40:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates

,TOM YOU'RE WAY OFF (WRONG). Parents has been and are considered immediate relatives (as we speak). Where do gather your information. Again, perhaps one of the reasons why the immigration process for such category is just so easy. The U.S. government see them as an immediate bond...which comes naturally.

......and hey they're less likely to commit immigration fraud/tricks against their petitioners.... I'm just saying the FactS.

hope u saw the facts.... many more reasons to support that which was stated.

I was giving my opinion. In the USA Parents are typically not dependents of their children in my view. In impoverished countries I would guess its different in some cases. In the US your Children and Wives are your dependence. You put them on the same level. I simple disagree with that. Of course both children and Parents are direct blood lines. Spouses are our chosen life's partner in most cases where we solemnly vowed to Love, Honor and Cherish. The government may allow parents having the same importance with regards to Visas but not all entries do just as I stated earlier. I also dont see them as equally important with regards to Visa. All are important but in my view not equally. Just as Brothers and Sister are not.But they too are important.

I provide supplemental support to my mother for many, many years. Up to the day she died. I claimed her on my taxes as I provided her with more than 50% of her living expenses. I however was not allowed to put her on my insurance through my work. I also could not put my live in girl friend of 12 yrs or her 2 children on my insurance. However same sex relationships were allowed to have their partner on their insurance. Go figure... So if I am wrong it would not be the first time but again that would be dependent on your position. In reality there is no right or wrong as I was not stating a legal position. I have no legal basis for what I stated but it is my view on the matter. I am or was just trying to say, for me Parents don't matter as much with regards to immigration to me. They do matter in many other things equally to me.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-10-01 23:55:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates

Well I'm in this too, sooo not just spousal visas but parents of USA as well since their visas come pre approved and no great proof of relation and excessive questions are asked at the interviews.

I dont think Parents are considered immediate family unless you're a dependent child. Thats why we can not put them or our brother or sister on our insurance coverage at our work. You can put on your child provided they are minor children. Additionally parents have (good or bad) already created their life where as a new husbands and wife's are usually just starting to create theirs. Dont get me wrong Parents are important parts of our lives but its not the same. I am sure other may see it differently.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-10-01 18:37:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates

Hi guys,i am not on a expedited visa request.We did DCF(Direct Consular Filling)in our home country.While u guys did petition in USA through USCIS center. So our DCF process is so fast,it takes only 3 months. Only some consulates allow to do DCF. Visit the below link to be clarified.


Thanks for sharing Er Neal... I tried to do this but had not been in the country long enough. It information does shows me that the USCIS is not proficient organization.
No offense intended to you. However I see no real justification why USCs living overseas have better service that those living in the USA. Citizens should receive equal treatment regardless of where they choose to live. I would not be surprised if this was do to provide Government workers (State Dept, Embassy, Homeland Security) additional benefits. Citizenship should equal and get equal treatment. Perhaps I am missing something but it doesn't see fair and equitable to me...
I dont mind giving some a shorter trip provided it has good reasoning behind it. I just cant see the reasoning here.
Once when I was overseas I contracted an infection in my legs and they swelled up to twice there normal size. I tried local medicine first but things were getting worse so I called a US VA clinic that was in the country. They refused to see me. I never even got to speak with a USC as the people answering the phone were local nationals. I then checked myself into a local hospital and was admitted and put on antibiotic IVs for 4 days ... Now that I am back in the USA the VA provide me 100% of my medical.. NUTS...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-09-30 13:02:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates

Ya I'm shocked at a november interview date as well. My case was completed on sept. 13 also. Hoping to hear something next week our so.

Well lets hope the 13th is good luck for us!!! :blink: Hopefully we will be in the November Interview CLass. I also hope we start getting others on this link so that we can see a bigger picture of whats happening... :unsure: We are getting close and hopefully we will start seeing some action...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-09-27 10:22:00
IndiaNovember-2010 Immigrant Visa Interview dates

Hi Folks,

If u have be assigned a immigrant visa interview date in nov-2010,then plz post your INTERVIEW DATE,TYPE OF VISA(k1,k3,IR1/CR1,DCF etc.) and CONSULATE. Here is mine.

INTERVIEW DATE : Nov 15,2010 ,7:30 am


WOW :blink: :o ... are you on a expedited visa request ... Seems to me like your on a Rocket Ride looking at your timeline information. I am surprised that some letters for Nov have already been sent out.

Has anyone other that Er Neal received a appointment letter for NOV.? I am thinking we will start seeing them in early October. Thats just my guest...

My completion date was Sept 13 but I have not received any word to-date regarding interview.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-09-27 06:55:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 3032 Agent of Choice

I have a different spin on this, TomD -

without having the 'agent of choice' form at NVC -

the US petitioner can still follow MOST of the steps with NVC

the USC is to send in the I-864, regardless of Agent Choice, and the online payment portal fees can be paid by USC without the Agent of Choice document. IMO, without the Agent of Choice in place, the foreign spouse sends in the DS-230 to NVC, and that's IT.

There's some gray area, for me, though, about finding out about case status, when talking to an NVC Operator - but if you are following status on the payment portal, is mostly moot (except if any RFEs).

I will suggest to you, if she is being obstinate about this, then she is being coached by someone in the PI, or via some online portal that she subscribes to.

Good Luck! However it turns out !

Thanks Darnell, That was my read initially also. I even ask her if she was being coached. I just got a email back from her and she was totally frustrated. I think she is just melting down trying to do too much at work and not taking this VISA thing seriously. I am hoping I have calmed, take a leave of absence for a year from her job and focus on Visa situation but time will tell. If she cant see the light soon then I will withdraw my application. :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-05-12 12:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 3032 Agent of Choice

You didn't say much. I was just curious, if your wife doesn't have an attorney or visa agency working for her, is there any reason why she doesn't want to assign you as her choice of agent??

Anyway here's some feedback on your question.

Agent of Choice means exactly as it sounds.... Agent of CHOICE. There are basically 3 options.

1) Your wife can choose no agent. (which means: she chooses to continue her steps in the NVC process (i.e. DS-230, etc) by doing things herself).

2) Your wife can choose you (or anyone else such as a friend or family member, etc) as the "agent". (Which means all future NVC correspondence will be sent directly to you (or
friend, relative). Instead of your wife).

3) She can choose a professional "agent" to represent her: (such as an attorney or a professional company that provides visa services).

It will not complicate or delay the process as far as NVC (State Department) are concerned, Meaning: one choice or the other will not affect NVC. They just want to know how your wife wants to proceed, The DS-3032 tells NVC what choice has been made and where they should send the next instruction and papers related to your wife. Simply: they just want to know.... is she going to handle things herself or should they send it to an "agent" your wife has chosen. (that "agent" can also be you).

As I said, the choice made regarding the DS-3032 does not affect NVC one way or the other, However, you can have delays or complications merely by the choice made and circumstances.

Some things may include: longer waiting time because of foreign mail coming to the US / being sent to another country. Efficiency of the local postal system, government holiday schedules, and so on.

For example: Everything happening with NVC is here in the US until they receive everything they need, check the case, and send it on to the US embassy in the foreign country. So, if your wife wants to do things herself or use an agency or attorney there, there will naturally be a longer waiting time because the mail and correspondence has to go back and forth to the Philippines. Whereas, if you were her "choice of agent" it could save some time because you are here in the US and can send things faster from within the country. (Although there are some forms she must sign, you can still complete those on computer as a PDF file. Save it and email it to her to sign. Then she can print / sign / send by postal mail).

As far as your question about complications: Anytime a third party is involved it could naturally become more complicated partly because of what I just explained and also because if the third party makes a mistake that generates a RFE (request for evidence) by NVC. It will further delay the case. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't use a service or an attorney. It just means, if you (she) choose that road. Be careful. There are many good and legitimate services and attorneys out there. And then there are those who are about numbers and processing people = $$. So there can be a greater chance of mistake, etc.

Hopes this helps a little.

Best of Luck,

Thanks for your time. I didn't say much cause I dont know much. I am waiting for her to respond as to why she is resisting. I am clueless.
Thanks You have explained it just as I understand it. I think she is under faults impressions of giving up power or something to that effect.She also fails to understand that the billing would go to the Agent of choice as well.
Oh well another one of life's little mysteries.
Thanks again
TomDMalePhilippines2010-05-11 15:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS 3032 Agent of Choice
My wife live in the Philippines and does not want to assign me as agent of choice. Can you tell me what complication or delay in the VISA process this will result in should I not be able to change her mind.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-05-11 12:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 slowdown?

Thanks Darnell for the below clarifications, helpful to know.

Good break down. I just sent my AOS in but I didnt include a payment notice to NVC. Should I have? I am thinking they know. :unsure: :blink:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-08-05 17:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-3032 slowdown?
Darnell, Thanks as always. Email it is... :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-07-31 19:30:00