IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
I googled it and here it is...A BOWL OF PHO / Vietnam's treasured beef noodle soup that brings families together... That works for me.

I last saw my wife on Feb 26... Seems like its a memory now... but dont tell her that...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-21 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Can your wife make good pho? I hear it's the *it* thing to eat from Southeast Asia. I want pho. What is pho by the way?

I think thats Thai but not sure as I dont know what Pho is really. My wife is not that domestic... I was thinking of taking her to Thailand for Cooking school haha
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-21 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Why don’t you sit right there and I tell you a story. ... If it’s the last thing I do in my life.

I'm impressed! As I was reading your words my chair seemed to be getting harder and I could feel the burn... Oh Research Lab workers... They are a special breed. :yes: My wife is also one...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-21 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Got a phone call from my wife. She is having stress related problems. I told her she needs to learn how to relax and not take everything personal. She is just use to living a simple life I guess. Maybe I need to be more understanding ... Naahhh :hehe:

She did send me the final Police NBI so she has all of her stuff done except for the small things. I will give here a day or two then ask her why she has not do those items yet haha... :devil: :rofl:

Hope this is a good week for those with early March NOA1. :thumbs: I still have a few weeks to wait... Then the 4 letter words come out.

Teya I am not impatient. I am just full of expectations... :innocent:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-21 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

friends...need your opinion. My USC spouse and in-laws filled out my i130 form and while doing it, they did not mention my 10 months of foreign stay in 2007. they didnt think it was important :(

Now while filling up ds-230, how do i go about? There will be an obvious mismatch between the I130 details and DS-230. What you think they are gonna do to us? Any way out?

Your passport shows your being out of country also. I would just fill out the DS 230 correctly showing your 10 months out of country. If they have a problem you will get an RFE and explain it. Remember you could get one anyway if they really look close and see your passport info and compare. IF you get the RFE its not the end of the world it will delay your case a little but I dont think that much.You already spilt the Milk so to speak so just report all as you should from here on out. Maybe someone else has another option.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-20 05:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Just finished cutting the grass and now I am ready for the weekend. Man is it hot out side. Tomorrow is going to be even hotter. Water here I come... Have a Great Weekend all! :dance:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-18 19:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Teya, I guess that's your definition of LUCKY.. For me Lucking would be not having to go through this process at all. lol But I dont mind standing in line if all things are equal. We all have to deal with ANTISIPATION, FRUSTRATION & in the end hopefully EXUBERATION. :dance: Most of us have dealt with the first 2 haha. Now our time in near... Good Luck to ALL. In the mean time I am loading my Kayak up for my weekend ride (SAT &SUN)on the Caney River. Its not fast but its cool and clear...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-18 13:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Congrate March 2010,
If 95-115 days are about average, then from 107 days I still have around 22 days of waiting left before I hear any news or get approval. Thats 3 weeks :blush:

How many of us are over say 110 days? Just glad its getting closer. I dont mind as I need this time anyway because I dont have all my paper work in hand from the wife. She just completed it and put it in the mail. Finally... :yes:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-18 07:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Does sucking up to the government help speed up your case?

If it doesn't, why do some people like to suck up. Especially here on VJ given that the government doesn't even get to see these sucking ups.

Wow words of wisdom. Maybe the same reason some people like to show there ####. Don't confuse sucking up as you put it to rational thinking.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-17 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
:) Folks I think there is far to much speculation that is going on here. None of us knows that much about the inner workings of the USCIS. What most of us know is based on what we have read on this VJ site. Lets try to minimize the spreading of rumors or taking things being said as fact. I dont know but do not believe filing a I-129 would speed up the process for anyone. I have to believe that the US Government would give family (Spouse and Children) priority over most other applicants. It just makes practical sense to me. I would not focus on touches as they mean little to nothing. I have dealt with government entities for many years and they truly do follow rules. The problem, if any, is that they are spoiled workers who don't perform at a fast pace much of the time. They do however try to be fair and give equitable treatments. Of course you still have the human factor to deal with but I dont think it plays that big of a role.
Just do your best to complete the forms and follow the instructions. Mistakes will be made and corrections will be required. If not then be happy. I read somewhere where an Attorney forgot to add photos. So relax and most of all dont let your mind play tricks on you. We all want to see and be with our loved ones. That is probably the most common trait we all share. Just try to stay positive and dont react to ever comment. :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-17 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

As for the biometrics, they will contact you if you need to go do that. The automatically do biometrics at the interview and at the POE (for foreign). I was never contacted about doing biometrics.

Tom, looks like it is time to invite more people to go kayaking. We should really all go on a kayaking trip after we get our spouses here. Fun and healthy.

I just got back Sunday from a trip on the Buffalo River. It was great! We swam, played in the water falls, have water wars and the typical stuff you do on the water. It was also HOT. So being on the river made it much cooler but I was tired when I got home. The waster was clear which is not always the case here in TN and the river had a good flow to it. Only bad thing was it was 145 miles from the house.

This Sat & Sun I will go on the Caney... Thats going to be a fun time also I hope. I might even fish on that trip.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-15 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Wow I dont need to go anywhere I can learn everything here. Visa consulting, relaxation therapy, new computer skills, ways of the world the possibilities are endless. Need a shot of Cyber Beer lol. Well I can clown around cause I dont have many worries anymore other than staying healthy and over time we all get ill as part of getting older.

I am not concerned with NOA2 yet cause my wife is still getting her Police Records from NBI. Oh yes I told her 3 or so months ago to start working on that... :blush: :whistle: Now if I ask why then I'm the bad guy... :blink: :hehe: Dooh :wacko: But being as we still have lots of time I am okay with it. I will make her pay when she gets here. :whistle: :rofl:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-15 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I am of the opinion that you cannot make much of a difference in your local community if you live in Western world. Here, most people already are literate. So teaching them a few new mathematical theorem does nothing to them. And to a person who earns $1400 a month, making $200 more doesn't change a whole lot.

However, if you were to take you butt to a poor country and teach a child how to read, write and give him a proper mean to earn just $1 a day, you can make visible and tangible changes to his life. I've noticed this first hand. And the instant gratification you get when a child tells you a story in English, who would otherwise be rolling in street filth, is more than I can ever describe. If anyone of you have the luxury to take off a few months and want to make a change, go to Asia, Latin America, or Africa. Do something good. Otherwise adopt a orphan through various websites. Join up, give small loans to poor people who can turn your $500 dollars into a booming family business.

Right on Indigo, I agree with you 100% with regards to empowering someone with knowledge, skills or what ever it takes to Make a living. The dollar a day thing doesn't mean as much to me because it depends on what a dollar will buy you. I think we have all seen that giving Food and Money to any situation is only a short term fix. The real beneficial efforts in my view are a result of teaching usable skills. Something useful to them that they can earn a living with. I think the movie Play it Forward had a interesting theme. I spoke to my wife and told her I would like us to try and find some worthy children who just dont have an resources and offer to pay for their education. Once they reached a certain age we would then ask them to enter a contract which required them to find others who also needed assistance like they did and follow suit. This is not a fast fix by any means but more meaning full and longer lasting one in my view. I also think you can make a difference anywhere. A wasted life is just as wasted in a poor country as in a rich one.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-15 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Hat's off to Tom and Teya.

I think you guys hit the nail on the head with your words. One other thing I would add is to those that are homeless... Tom, when you have visited the Phil's you probably saw this, young children, filthy dirty, no shoes and in bad need of a haircut with their hand out for pesos.....


Yes I saw all that and more. Begging unfortunately is an accepted practice in PI. I dont think you can avoid it. Even in Makati...

I also was surprise buy how well the locals accept it. There is great charity there but it comes from different places. Like most Americans I dont like pan handlers. Things are just seen differently there and in other places around the world. No one is afraid or shy to ask for things.

My wife's nephews (6 of them) came to her because she was one of the ones with a JOB and ask for some assistance. She told them she was married now and they needed to speak to me. They did and wanted us to buy them some Basketball uniforms because they has a little city league that they were in and needed to have there own team shirts. I listened to them when they came to me then told them I like basket ball myself and understood why they wanted to play. I then told them that I was not accustom to giving things away. I was always taught that nobody rides for free. They looked at me and each other wondering what I was speaking about. I told them none of them were working and they dropped out of school so they had lots of time on their hands to play Basketball but they also had time to do other things. I told them we would buy them what they needed but they also had to do something to earn it. I ask each of them to give 2 days of community service to any organization and they could choose. If they agreed to that then we would buy them what they needed. At first they just sat there then I ask them if they understood and a few said yes. I told them they would feel good about it and will be appreciated by those they help just as they appreciate our helping them.

At Christmas time my wife and I went to several places to give the poor some gifts. One place was for abandon elderly and mentally challenged people. It was run by the church and there were a few staff people there but most workers were Volunteers. Young ladies in their teens. I wondered where are the boys... My wife handed out the food & personal items we had bought and I was allowed to play Santa and handout small bars of chocolate. They just love Chocolate over there expecially if it come from the US. Then we also went to a home for abused children. That was real enjoyable. The kids were hanging on me like leaves to a tree. They kept pulling on the hair on my arms cause they dont have any and I am blonde. To be honest they all seemed well care for and happy. Some were even pretty open with what had happened to them. They didn't speak English but they told my wife who told me. Sad but true. I also played Santa their with the Chocolate... I was a big hit... I got all the candy on sale after Holloween haha They didnt mind...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-15 09:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Well My Wife speak English and writes it very well. Having said that we still understand each other quite a lot... Sometimes to the point of being angry. I guess speaking English in ones own land is different because you're speaking to non native English speaking folks, like yourself who have the same accent and miss lots of the subtleties of the language. My Mom use to get messed up all the time cause she would think the words just as we said them, without understanding that we didn't mean exactly what the words said. Does that make sense? You know like "Thats a horse of a different color." That kind of statement. Not the literal meaning right

Teya, I am far from rich I have just had longer to save my money than you have. I remember speaking to someone not so long ago about wanting this car when I was 16. I had worked at McDonalds for a long time and save up the money to buy it. It was a 57 Chevy Belair... Oh man I wanted that car. I could see the girls hanging on to me while I drove around town in it. Well it cost $300 and my folk wouldn't let me buy it. I was crushed... Well the person I told this to said you cant buy a Car for $300... And she was serious. Well Yeah we could ... All day long we could... Of course I only made 90cent an hour. When I went into the Army my first months pay was $80 per/mth. When I got out is was $305 mth and we were not look at as heroes then like now.

You're right, I am rich compared to some other people in other countries. We all are... Actually we dont have poor people in the US in my view. Because Poor people dont have Refrigerators, TV and Cars. They dont eat 2 times a day and are not over weight. Usually people without in the US are uneducated, mental or addicted to something. Even then they can get assistance if they apply or go to other helping facilities. You dont see those kind of things as much in other countries. Its up to family to help their own their... I think also that is why families are more important in other places were here in the US we are losing that. Everyone here wants to leave home as soon as they can while what I saw overseas was people staying for generations if not in the same house then next door. I am sure its not like that every where but it sure was in PI. My wife is still living in the house she was born in. I cant even imagine that.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-14 22:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

my wife is going to be here for the first time as well. I know it will be different but everyone will be able to adjust to it eventually.

This will be my wife's first time in the US. I know she has mix emotions about it. When I was visiting her land she and almost everyone enjoyed me trying to do as locals do. I know they all though I was rich but that was because they were so poor.

I think the adjustment will depend a great deal on the individual. Those who are older may be more set in their ways. Like my wife. haha Those who's personality allows them to bend a little will do better. Those that think positively will adjust better than those who don't. Those who are shy or afraid to try for what ever reason will have a harder time. Those who want to keep all of their homeland tradition but live here will also have more difficulty. The old saying when in Rome do as Romans do, some how got lost in the US in my view.

I just hope those who come here will contribute positively and not just come here for the taking. We have enough of that already.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-14 15:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
Your right. How did you figure out the conspiracy? Just Indians are being delayed everyone else gets through in about 2 weeks...... :devil: :whistle: :innocent: :rofl:

Teya , Be Careful with your info. Its available to anyone and everyone ... Remember I am the Stalker... :bonk:

Yeah he does appear to be getting it. Yeehaa!! Congratulations. Now the big test ... How fast he will react to your requests. My wife is moving along pretty good but when I email her I usually have a few question in my email and she never responds to them.. I am like WHAT THE !!!!!!!!!!!
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-12 19:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I just received 2 e-mails from NVC...the DS3032 e-mail and then AOS fee bill...woo! Once I get home from work, I can go give them some money!

See Girl your just leaving us further and further behind... :yes: and we are all glad for you... :lol: Now remember to give us the blow by blow so that we can move through the process seamlessly... :whistle:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-11 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Tom- You are sweet! How many times have you been married (if you don't mind me asking). I am very lucky with my husband as there are times when he seems to be the one who hit the jackpot and when it seems like I've hit the jackpot. We all have out strenghts. I couldn't have married you anyway because if you real name is truely Tom, that is also my father's

Apparently we have to wait until Monday for more celebration. C'mon Monday with the approvals for Marchers (plus John)!

P.S. I know you didn't say you'd marry me, don't worry, I'm not that delusional.

:thumbs: :unsure: Well Teya Tom is my real name and I probably have another thing in common with your Father. I think I am probably as old or older than him. :rofl: :whistle:
I have now been Married 3 time. :blink: I never though it would be this way really. The first one was a total disaster and resulted in two children. I didn't mind the Children but the Wife was nuts seriously. Not medically crazy just fundamentally so. :wacko: I guess you will have to believe me on that one. Well I feel it was my biggest mistake in my life and the divorce was the best thing that ever happened to me personally but not so good for the kids. My son is now 37 in a few days and seems to now be getting his life together. His sister die at 4 yrs of age.
My second wife I met when I was working in Honolulu, HI. She was Korean & I was so scared of getting married again that I didn't marry her until she graduated from College. That took 16 yrs. We were then divorce 2 1/2 yrs later once her children had left the nest. All our friends were super surprised by it and though she was going through her change of life. She never really told me why.
Don't get me wrong I truly believe in Marriage and never file for divorce in my life. So I am either totally unaware of how I am or I just pick nutty women who need major help...

I hope this marriage will be my last marriage but who knows. I realize I only have control of myself really so people will do what they got to do. I just will not get married anymore without a Prenup. To old to start over again. I feel my wife now will be a keeper although. She is a little hard headed as she has always been the bread winner in her family and everyone sort of went to her for help. I dont need help and have also been the bread winner and head of the house. I know we will have a learning curve for a few years because we both think so differently. Its just a good think that I know everything so she doesn't need to worry about what we will be doing :rofl: :innocent: JK

Well most of the details I left out to avoid tears but that about sums it up. Just call me Lucky...haha :hehe: :innocent:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-11 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

So, I talked to my husband this morning who is working on his certificates that I need. He asked me, "So what was that you were saying the other day about e-mail?" I told him that I had sent him an e-mail to send off to NVC. "To what?" he asked. "To the NVC," I said. "Can we just wait until I get done with these papers and then you tell me. All of this is confusing me!" he said.

Hahahaha...see....if you aren't doing it first hand, it is confusing because there are parts for everyone. :). Made me kind of laugh. Poor guy. I told him not to worry about it because I already sent the e-mail but if that didn't work then I will wait until he is done with the papers on his end and have him send it.

I'm still waiting for my AOSer to get back to me. *Sigh.

Whoa, you,re more than understanding. Well you know my view already. I wish my previous wives were as understanding as you are. I might still be married. I truly wish you well and I hope everything works out for you in the future. I think you husband hit the lotto. I am not sure what you hit... :whistle:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-11 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I just looked that up (IP# off of email thing) and I did not know it was possible, but it seems that it is:

It seems that it maybe possible.

I found a solution, we both use gmail.
In gmail, you can create an email but not sent it. You can save it under DRAFT.
Then have your wife open that draft and click SEND from her home country. That should resolve the IP# situation.
Of course, this assumes both parties have gmail and both parties have access to internet.

Cleaver Idea ... I dont know why they would both need to have GMail or any other mail. As long as the persons account is theirs and it is saved to their Draft box they hit the send button from their home or nearby Cafe...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 19:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

just a question on the ds-3032...... Why only sign it but not date it? does it make a difference?

Your wife will not date it but you will when you send it in. They may have said this because some people complete this months in advance and then when they finally sent it in its 4-6 month old. There is a time window perhaps when the document can be sent in after signing but I am only guessing. Regardless you can search earlier Forums on this subject and do as you see fit. I have decided to follow what ever directions are available on this site because I have never done this before and want to make a few errors as possible. There have been many who have followed these guidelines and made it through without legal assistance. I am chosing to follow their path.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I took time to learn a bit of tagalog when I met my wife. When I finally visited her family I learned that they spoke Visaya and my wife was the only person in the family that knew tagalog. :wacko: She types English much better than she can speak, and its the same with me speaking tagalog or visaya. I found it shocking to see an entire barangay that had very little knowledge of Tagalog. They often laugh at me, because sentences are often mixed with tagalog, visaya and English :rofl: . But That's a wonderful Idea to take a short trip to Thailand. They've had trouble there recently, I am not sure if it is safe for tourism.

What paper work does she need to send to you? I was looking at the immigration Guides and it shows no indication that she must send me anything. She lives on in a province that has very slow mail service. Sometimes it takes 2 weeks to recieve mail from her.

Well Good for you. I havent taken the time yet to learn it. If I do I think I will get Rosetta Stone CDs but the words just dont stick with me. Old dogs learn slower I guess.
Have you read the LingChe Short Cut yet? If not you need to read it. I have decided that I will be doing most of the mailing and communication with the NVC so the Documents she needs to provide me are
DS 3032- Signed but not dated, her DS 230 completed with Part I signed, Her original or Certificed Birth Certificate, her certified Police Record and so on Read the short cut and it will be clearer . I have to go as I have a diliver at my door..
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
KB's wife is from Brazil so Portuguese would be her language. Tagalog would not help her much...haha... Cali's wife is from PI where almost everyone speaks some English. Matter of fact their schools and most legal documents that I know of are written in English. Strange huh... Then you get into the Providences and everyone speak their own dialect. WHOA... now I am confused. But that's the way it is.

My wife is a much better speller than I am. However she gets confused when speaking English with me sometimes which is surprising to me as she has a Masters Degree. They just seldom hear English as we speak it and when they speak it its sometimes less than clear to me anyway. She will eventually get it. I know I would be lost if I had to speak Tagalog. I would have to resort to being a Caveman... and use hand signs...

I ask Annie if she has been on this site because I ask her to get on long ago. Well she said YES!!! oh boy... But to be fair she is still working at her job and her time is limited. Now she is getting the last bits of her info together to send to me. I have scrubbed her paperwork and we are go just waiting for the NBI Police Certificate. I know she is stressing cause she stops speaking with me haha.
As I am a late March NOA1 we still (in my view) have lots of time to get it. If our process takes too long say October then I will fly back to PI and we can return together after taking a short Trip to Thailand.

Good luck to all the earlier filers I need you to move before I can get my hopes up...
Take Care ALL
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I would love for my wife to read on here, but she doesn't read English.....



HAHA Thank makes a big difference. Well I am thinking ESL once she gets here.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

ok...need a response.... how important is it for me to inform my wifey of all thats going on up to this point and whats to come. its very extensive and i dont want her to get confused, scared, or even worried. this could all be intimidating to someone who doesnt know much about the overall process and has never been to America. what are some key things to talk to her about before all this breaks open??? come on crew... anything helps:) thank in advance

Up to what Point? Who knows about the overall process? We learn about the process. its up to you what level of involvement she has. There are things your wife will need to do. So she in my view needs to know certain things. I believe in teaching someone to fish rather than feeding them a fish. I would at a minimum provide her with LingChe's Short Cut. I have been dealing with my wife's frustrations with this process also. Hell I get frustrated also. She should in my view sign up on VJ and at least read about whats going on. This will improve her understanding and reduce the intimidation factor.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-10 05:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I had some trouble sleeping last night so I ended up on the VJ site. I started reading different posts and ... OMG!!! I didn't know you were excessive compulsive... hahah I saw your posts all over the place. Don't you ever get away from this sight. You were chatting, advising and helping everybody. Mother Theressa...hahaha

I wonder what you will do once you're done with all of this? You might be one of those VJ angels who hangs around and continues helping I am guessing. :thumbs: Well I am sure many will be grateful to you and I can see the list growing over time. :whistle:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-09 11:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

I have a question: when I started this process, I remember researching that our case would be forwarded to the Texas Service Center because we were filing in Florida. I noticed that our NOA1's case number starts with "WAC", meaning that it's being processed in the California Service Center. Why is that? I haven't seen anyone who's been processed in the TSC. Or is that place non-existent anymore? I'm confused

I know what you mean. I live in TN and mine went to CA also. I have enough to think about so as long as they are doing it I try not to think to hard on their reasons. Life is to short. Maybe Teya is right I really dont know. I just hope things keep MOVING>>>
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-08 19:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

hello everyone! im so happy i found this forum. my hubby sent I-130 last March 12, 2010 and got the NOA1 receipt when he got back from visiting me last April. The NOA1 date receipt was March 25,2010. I really feel nervous waiting for the NOA2. To be honest i have been reading ur forum for like a week now, im just shy to talk to all of u, but seeing/reading the friendly & hopeful member's post makes me feel better. :)

Well dont be shy. I tried to get my wife to monitor things here on VJ. I told her it would help her understand the process better than she does. Well I think she has only been on here once. The result is she totally depends on me to inform her on what she need to do and then get stressed when I tell her. Glad to see you're getting involved. Welcome aboard. :thumbs:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-08 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Thanks John. C'mon Marchers....where is the good news?!?!?!?!

OK here is some good news. The best news really. YOU and YOUR HUSBAND R YOUNG & HEALTHY AND YOUR BABY IS HEALTHY!!! After that everything else is secondary. :yes: (F)

A friend of mine just got out of ICU after having his heart valve replaced. So these little bumps that we are encountering are truly minor in the overall scheme of things. So Sit down, hold on and enjoy the ride. B-)
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-07 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Need some cheering up.....about to have to Peru....for good.

You lost me Teya... I though all was good. Are we speaking of a Co Sponsor? If the formula number work then you should be okay. I am not working and dont have anyone to co-sponsor. After reading up on it I dont know that I would ask anyone. It is asking more than alot. I dont know what your hubby's skills are but perhaps you can find someone to promise him a job.
Just look at it like this way, the worst that could happen is that you live in Peru. Once your down there you're both together. I am sure you could also find a good business to get into there also. SO its not the end of the world and your with your husband.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-07 14:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

20 miles sound radical to me Tom!

Update: I have called NVC since I received my NOA2 (just in case). Over the weekend the AVR told me no case on file bla blah (which I expected). This morning I called and an operator answered. She told me to wait 15 days from the NOA2 receipt date. HAHAHAHAHA. Funny lady!!!! Why couldn't the AVR just have received my call instead? At least the AVR doesn't make you feel like an idiot. :). Needless to say, I will call back again tomorrow!

Well what your not thinking about is the water flow. If you just floated you would eventually do 20 miles. With stops for swimming, food, drink and song along the way it took us a total of about 10 hours which was done over 2 days. If were were racing we could do it much faster but I am in a smell the roses kind of group.haha Its just good to get out. I am enjoying it and the time just flys by... oh no that means I will get older faster... :crying: :whistle: :hehe:

I am just wondering how my wife will like it as she cant even swim... yet :devil:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-07 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Hello Good Morning To All...Another question I WOuld like to Asked,I'm Pretty Sure TOM can answer this or anyone of you..Well A little Bit confused About Police Clearance And NBI(national Bureau of investigation)from the Philippines Are they Both The same?Do they both need this documents for the interview,anyone can give me information about this.....?thanks

You can go to this site and see whats, what for each Country in your case PI.


You will send in the original with your DS230 Package and its is part of your cover letter. Of course always make copies for your and her records. Your wife would then have a copy with her during her interview at the embassy.

With regards to POLICE Records My wife got some official looking document from the local Municipal Hall in her town. It had her Picture, Name and so on, even only good for 6 months statement. I being paranoid I ask her to get the real deal issued from the NBI as that is what I beleive is being ask for. PI is a very corrupt place so I am guessing the US GOV wants things from at least know sources. I am sure every country is a bit different and this only applies to PI and not the world. She is doing that now. There are local offices your wife can go to depending on where she lives. Here is what it says and where the satellite offices are located for PI.

Police records
Available and reasonably reliable. Philippine-born immigrant visa applicants 16 years and over are required to furnish certificates issued by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). The green NBI certificate annotated for travel abroad is the correct certificate. Other colors are for local use only. Foreign-born applicants who have resided in the Philippines for six months or more may be issued NBI clearances upon application either in person or by mail. Applicants residing outside the Philippines should send requests for certificates together with money orders or bank drafts for the fees and postage to IRD-Mailed Clearance Section, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Metro Manila, Philippines. Philippine Embassies abroad can assist Filipinos in obtaining NBI police clearances. The NBI has its own fingerprint charts and personal data forms that it will send to the requesting applicant for execution. Most applicants abroad find it more expeditious to have a relative or friend in the Philippines assist them in obtaining their certificates from the NBI. In that instance, a letter of authorization is required. The applicant may also submit a copy (“personal copy”) of a prior NBI clearance to facilitate the processing of a new clearance. Posts are advised that not all arrests and convictions occurring outside of Manila are reported to the NBI. NBI’s criminal records database is not foolproof and the remarks provided on reports require explanation.*Manila and major Philippine cities have computerized records.

Application in person: 115 pesos

Application by mail: 200 pesos which must be paid through money order or bank draft (negotiable in the Philippines and payable to the Director of the National Bureau of Investigation).

Applicants who prefer to secure the certificate personally must proceed to the NBI Clearance Center at:

5th Floor, Victory Central Mall
Old Victory Compound , Rizal Avenue
Monumento, Caloocan City

Or to the following Satellite Offices and Renewal Kiosks:

Satellite Offices:
Quezon City Hall Rodriguez (Rizal) Municipal Hall
Muntinlupa City Hall Marikina (Riverbanks)
Las Pinas City Hall Taytay (Rizal) Municipal Hall
Mandaluyong City Hall Los Banos (Laguna) Municipal Hall
Caloocan City Hall POEA (Ortigas)
Valenzuela City Hall

Renewal Kiosks:
SM Megamall (Mandaluyong City)
Park Square I (Makati City)
Tutuban Center (Divisoria)

For NBI provincial offices, please visit this link:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-07 11:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

good morning all. I have been reading your posts for a couple of weeks faithfully on a daily basis. I have been through the K1 process completely before back in 2004. never got married and the the fiance went back to her country. I am somewhat familiar with the process, and was pleasantly surprised that it went through rapidly. from noa-1 to poe, about 5 months at VSC.. Recently, I've spent alot of time in Brazil, many vacation visits. my last visit I married a wonderful woman. Started the cr1 process, and am currently waiting like the majority of you for the Noa-2. May I join your group?


I think you already have Kevin. Welcome. Hope many of your get what you have been waiting for so long. I know I am still weeks away so I am not going to hang out online as I got to get busy around the house. Had a great weekend Kayaking, Did about 20 miles... Nothing radical but its better than reality TV for me. haha
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-07 08:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers
OH, I truly don't expect anything from them until about 3 weeks from now, as my NOA1 was March 23. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ B-)

The Only Rock I will be experiencing are those that hit the bottom of my YAK!!!!!!!!! :yes: Oh Yeah... Which with any luck will be tomorrow. Harpeth River Here I come!!!! :dance: :thumbs:

Teya, You're much more understanding than me... :devil: (F)
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-04 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

John- Like I had said before, my husband doesn't understand the process at all so when I told him it was approved, he asked if he needs to wait for something now :P. I told him he needs to get me those documents I told him about. See.. we are already behind. Luckily NVC gives you a week before they assign a case number. :).

Your Husband and my Wife. I get frustrated with her not getting involved in the process. I dont expect her to stand tall but I do expect her to stand. I for the life of me dont understand how anyone can not take ownership of their future. :bonk: On several occations I almost said forget this. I know I will have some training to do... However training is useless without a willing student.
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-04 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Tom, I will keep my worrying with me forever. I have to always worry. I'd rather be pleasently surprised then caught off guard.

Of course I will still come visit! Like I said, I just need some extra (besides the 1,000 that John is floating me to go to Peru) money and I will be there. I will probably just borrow your kayak to float all of the documents into the NVC building to cause a scene. They will surely approve me right away and not look at anything. Or send me to jail. *Sigh. Maybe not a good idea then.

Well, now I am just waiting for the rest of the Marchers to chime in with their "I GOT MY NOA2's"!!!!!!

Oh money is all you need . I will borrow another $1000 from John as he appears to be a softy haha. Would that work? :whistle: Well I have to run to the store and pick up some things for my trip down the Harpeth River on SaT. It will be 11 miles and no Girly Bars along the way... :whistle: Sorry Annie (wife) I was just joking...You know me...
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-03 11:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

Looks like she wont be but never know she might come by with her family in the future. :)

HAHA I dont mind JD... I love to have company... I can introduce her husband to the American way!!! :rofl:
Hey Teya what was on the subject line of the email you recieved? I get so much span I usually just hit delete but now I have another worry to think about :blink: :hehe:
Now remember when your go through the NVC process no negative stuff right. :rofl:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-03 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers






Congratulations Teya!!!!!!!!!!!!:dance: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: All that worry for NOT. :wacko: I hope that's a life leason for you that can be applied going forward. :bonk: Does that mean you're not coming to visit with DJ haha :whistle:
TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-03 11:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 2010 CR1 filers

i would like to ask something this is all about for the interview(those who married filipina).for the embassy are they need the original birth certificate and Cenomar for the interview or just the copy?which is which?i just want to know and to make sure so that i know what to do and what to be prepared for...thanks!!!

The Embassy should already have her original as you will send it in with the DS230 package. They will probably give it back at the interview. It needs to be original or a certified copy from the NBI. Have you read LingChe's Shortcut?

TomDMalePhilippines2010-06-03 08:04:00