Middle East and North Africau.s. embassy in egypt is closed

   To all visa journey, smile.png

         All i have is one question. on august 15, 2013  i was suppose to have a k-1 visa interview and because of what happen in Egypt today, the u.s embassy in Cairo is closed,

so if any one who was suppose to have a interview for last couple weeks ago,  tell me if you have rescheduled or not yet and how did  they rescheduled you guys. 

                              thanks to all tongue.png

M&K for everFemaleEgypt2013-08-15 01:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt to USA...over & apprv finally--why don't we have the visa yet?

guys my fiance interview was on september 15 and he got his visa after 1 week and i think The new ambassador is trying to finish all casess very quickely, just keep call them and send to them emails as you can like everyday abd they will finish your casess as soon as they can. but you guys to have some patient.

M&K for everFemaleEgypt2013-10-09 20:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRelationship History - Love or Friendship?
Thank you, both of you.
I'll have it written up, and will probably send in the one page summary with the IV packet.

And now we wait.
ToriaNot TellingCanada2013-04-09 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRelationship History - Love or Friendship?
Hi! I'm Tori and I've been trying to read as much as I can since my partner (husband) filed our I130 in late March. We recently (April 4th) got our NOA1 and our receipt number. Woohoo! Now I can stop pestering him and look for myself (I'm the document wrangler/fact-checker, he is not...see below)

About Us:
Me - 26, currently finishing up my Masters (Masters of Teaching), working full time as a chid and youth worker (recently got the full time position, woo) going into teaching. Canadian, Beneficiary
Jon - 28, working retail, we're trying to figure out what to do with him and college, USC, Petitioner

Our history:
-started talking online in 1998, we were both teenagers in chat rooms who wrote together
-continued to keep in contact, he called from a high-school trip in Montreal (his French is better than mine, and I had mandatory French classes!)
-our friendship continued to grow with a few no-contact months, as long distance friendships go sometimes
-I came into some money (woo raffle) and decided to take a trip to visit, which I did in 2009. We reaaaalllly hit it off in a romantic way, but I was young, in school, didn't think long-distance could work, and had a boyfriend back home, I was surprised more people didnt cry in the airport...
-the next year (I had broken it off with the ex, good riddance!) he visited me, and we dated for a week, and uh!? Long distance relationship started up, and we learnt how horribly-wonderful Greyhound is
-frequent travels back and forth, getting a us call plan, Skype, daily talks and calls, travelling whenever we could
-He proposed April of 2011 (a year after dating, 13 years of friendship), and we got married in Canada in June of 2012
-He submitted first round of i130 papers in February, and included nothing except the forms, not my passport scan, not our marriage certificate, nothing (he didn't read up...sigh), he called and we were told to refile and to get some of our application fee back
-We resubmitted (I began to stalk VJ!) and I organized all of our documents, had the checklist, and had 90ish pages of stuff, phone logs, bills for my phone (showing US calling plan and phone records) bus and flight trips (every ticket) photos of trips together and photos of his new apartment (soon to be ours! We got the lease yesterday!)

We submitted proof based on his first visit to Canada in 2010, citing that was when our romantic relationship started. I didn't allude to the fact that we had a friendship, or that I had visited before, as it was just a friendly trip. I figured (possibly wrongly) that they would ask at the interview, and that because I don't really have too many records of things before that trip, that I wouldn't be able to prove it anyway. I doubt few teenagers think to keep chat logs 'just in case I decide to immigrate'.

So, my actual question:
-should we send a letter in to add the background of our relationship to our file? Should we try to scrounge some proof up?
-should we wait and see if we get an RFE?
-should I scrounge up proof and wait until interview?
-should I just smile and prepare to have a funny story for the interview officer? (Friends for 15 years...I've known him for half my life, two countries and we decide to get married, it sounds like a cheesy movie!)

I know, crazy long post, but, I figured more information was better than not! I'm also waiting for my final thesis approval, so, anything to kill the time in between edits.
ToriaNot TellingCanada2013-04-09 09:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to prove that is a bonafide marriage?
What others said, it really depends on the embassy/consulate. I'm in the same position, and I front-loaded our application with plane/bus tickets of our trip and some pictures.

I just photocopied the pictures (3 to a page) and am keeping the originals for my interview. Some places will want to see pictures some won't. I also sent phone records of me calling him and me paying for US calling plan.

He also just signed a lease (our future apartment!) And my name is on the document as spouse and corenter. I also send him some money for rent through PayPal so I will have receipts of that too :)

A good idea might be to check the forum specific to your region and see what the general attitude is. Or use the handy-dandy search to see what peoples interviews have been like, what they presented and possibly what they submitted.
ToriaNot TellingCanada2013-04-13 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian trying to marry USC
I'm sort of in the same boat as you, a canadian citizen currently living in Montreal and my fiance is USC in Nashville and we applied for a K1 spousal visa. No matter which route you two choose to take the process is slow, however if you apply for the K1 visa you two can still visit each other without any type of restriction just make sure you can show strong ties back to Canada and make sure you carry these with you when crossing into the US incase you have to go for additional screening (copy of lease or mortgage, copies of utility bills with your home address, paystubs, etc).
Good luck.
TrevorKNot TellingCanada2013-03-18 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Approved! Just got the e-mail while I was in the library and had to contain myself from screaming in joy! Two days after I called and talked to a tier-2 representative (who told me I should get a decision with 30 days) we are approved! SO HAPPY!

NOA1 - April 8
Transfer August 18
To all those still waiting, your time will be soon, I wish the best for you all!

Congrats!! This gave me a little heartache when I saw it on Igor's List, as I'm from TSC and I haven't got transferred. Could you please update your timeline and put the info "transferred to CSC" there? And those who got transferred, I would appreciate it if you all could do that! Thanks! And congrats to everyone who got approvals :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-29 02:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)
Those who have been transferred to CSC, PLEASE update your timelines for the transfer so as not to mess up Igor's List!! Thank you!
LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-19 23:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I think that they'll make their focus the transferred ones. It may slow CSC down, but I doubt it'll put us behind. April 1st filers still have til sept 1st to be 5 months. It's august 12th. If they start in 2 weeks, they'll get through them. Although at the rate tsc has been going, I was thinking I would possibly hit 5 months anyway. But looking back on histories, the transferred ones usually go quickly.


Yes, maybe you're right :) I was just saying it as I don't see any approvals in CSC today on Igor's List. Maybe they've already started working on transfered files and that's why they don't give as much approvals as TSC right now. Let's hope for the best :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-12 12:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)
Actually TSC is going a lot faster than CSC right now, as can be seen on Igor's List. I personally don't want to be transferred as an April 1st filer, because mine might get a faster approval in TSC. But May/June/July filers will probably take advantage.

This happens with USCIS all the time. A year ago, TSC was a lot faster and CSC was so slow that they made transfers to TSC, and then TSC got a lot slower. Right now they're turning it in the opposite way. Soon CSC will get a lot slower because of all the transfers and TSC will be really fast.

Actually, if we all check this forum a year from now, we'll probably see people at CSC signing petitions because TSC is a lot faster :D it's like a circle.

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-12 11:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I did a little research on VisaJourney to see if this ever happened before, and found this topic from a year ago. People who got transfered got their NOA2s a month or so after the transfer. I didn't read the whole thing as I haven't been transfered (at least not yet), but it might give hope to you guys :)



LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-12 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

And is this a good thing, or bad? All this speculation about what this all means...we don't even know what's going on! Whatever the case, I just hope my file isn't misplaced   :-(


Don't worry! I don't think they can easily lose a file or anything like that :) We don't know if getting transfered is necesarily a good thing or bad, but it's obviously to help with the heavy backlog of TSC. So it's a good thing for all in the long term. But right now, we don't know where the files are being transfered (possible CSC) or if this will speed up TSC for the time being. 

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-12 07:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1) there any May filer that hasn't been transferred?

My NOA1 is May 21st and I have not been transferred. I'm just hoping that in all this commotion they didn't lose my file or something!!

Not all the cases are transfered. At least not yet. I'm an April 1st filer and I haven't got transfered, even though some other April filers did, including an April 1st one. 

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-12 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I really hope everyone gets approvals in order. I wouldn't want to get approved before Feb/March filers and I wouldn't want May/June filers get approved before me. But USCIS usually suck at being fair to everyone, so I'd say why not? They might approve CSC transfers faster than us that are still waiting at TSC. Even if I get transfered, I'd rather wait for my turn. We're all in the same situation and miss our loved ones terribly.

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Some say alien registration number is just a glitch. It usually don't mean anything when you get it. I got mine the next day I got our NOA1 and it's been more than 4 months now.

For those who got transfered, did you get an e-mail update or did you check it at USCIS website? We're they updated at the same time? :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)


These guys have never made sense so far...why would they start now?  :rofl: ...and yes, let's hope!!


I can't agree more!!  :goofy:

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 14:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Let's see how many approvals we'll see tonight  :joy:  I'M hoping many!!! (they usually don't update until late at night, but I'm surprised they send notifications of transfers through the day!)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I am an April 1st filer and just noticed on the USCIS website that my application has been transferred. Not sure where to. Guess I'll have to wait for the letter in the mail


I'm April 1st filer too but didn't get a transfer, at least not yet.. I keep refreshing the page. :/

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Ha ha, March filer here... and I noticed that too  :)


I apologize from all of you dear March filers! 


The bad thing is I can't edit my post anymore! Just imagine a March added there , please :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 11:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)


AND March like ME :)

Oops, I don't know why I forgot to add March!!! Even my birthday is in that month. :D Sorry! I'll edit my post :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I don't think it transfers will create a huge difference in TSC for Jan, Feb, April (those who weren't transferred) filers. They usually really need 3 to 4 weeks or maybe less (as we saw approvals that were given in 10 days from CSC before) to work on a case. TSC probably never started working on April, May, June, July filers yet. In my opinion, they just transferred the cases they have never started working on. So TSC won't get faster than it is now, I mean right now it's already fast compared to CSC but it won't necesarily give those at TSC fast approvals. But that's just my opinion :)

Edited by Lilay, 11 August 2014 - 11:00 AM.

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)
I really hope CSC won't process May, June, July filers that are transferred from TSC faster than the ones that are still waiting at TSC. That would be so unfair to all of us Jan, Feb, April filers.
LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 03:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Our NOA1 is April 1st and we haven't been transfered. At least, not yet. But I saw April 2nd transfers. Weird :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-11 02:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

Ours is "planned" for March 7th. But he's coming as soon as he can so we might bump it up. I don't know. But this is so exciting! I had gotten complacent and accepting of a long wait. Now there's hope! Ahhhh!


I know!!!! This is just too exciting for me after a few not so exciting months of waiting!! 

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-09 03:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

We're just running off to Hawaii to get married. Honeymoon & wedding all in one. But I'm supposed to go visit next month. Then we were estimating a December interview date. Or I was estimating. So the September visit was to hold us off a little longer then December was already planned before so I could meet his dad & we were just hoping to also interview on that trip. Now I'm thinking don't buy my plane ticket for next month and maybe try to wait it out a little longer to see what happens. Wow. This is totally insane. I have butterflies right now thinking we could be approved soon!


I feel the same way!! I'd say definitely wait a little bit more! I'm hopeful that things are going fast now, it's even better than CSC right now when I check Igor's List, so that's pretty good! We were also planning a December wedding, but I guess it migh even be November now *fingers crossed* :D 

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-09 03:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I honestly have mixed feelings about this. We prayed for this to go quicker because we want to be together so badly. But we accepted the possible up to 7 month wait. Now..everything might get sped back up. Andrey is going to kill me because I plan everything and this is exactly why he tells me not to plan. But I can't help it! I don't know what to think about possibly interviewing a lot sooner than we anticipated..

I've always kept myself from planning the wedding and stuff like that, because of this uncertainty!! We always thought we should plan only after we get NOA2, but I feel so rushed now that things are going faster, but in a happy way!

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-09 03:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIf You Have Been Transferred...Please Post Here (K-1)

I'm trying hard not to keep my hopes up that I'll get an approval by the end of this month, but.... I'm so excited that TSC is finally showing some progress!!  :joy:

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-09 03:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC


Yep, still waiting.  Engaged Congressman last week so hopefully I will at least know why it is delayed soon.


We'll think about contacting the senator if it's past 6 months. Hopefully you'll get an approval soon! :)

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-09-16 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC

TSC didn't slow down. They just missed some people from Feb & March for some reason. I don't know why.


PS: Congrats on the recently approved!


They've certainly slowed down! The April filers on Igor's List are those who have been transfered to CSC.

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-09-16 08:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC

Hi everyone! :) Any March filers still waiting to get their NOA2? It's terrible that TSC slowed down again.

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-09-16 06:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC

Finally got our NOA2! :') 


Congrats!!! So happy for you!!!  :goofy:

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-09-10 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC

Hi everyone! I wanted to ask you when it would be better to contact a senator. Do you think we have to wait 6 months or would it be fine to contact after 5 months? 

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-09-06 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC

There are not a lot of transfers being approved. Actually, compared to how much have been transferred, it's nothing. And TSC is currently approving more petitions each day than CSC. I think it will be not even faster for some of us to get approved than if we would have been at TSC still.

But it's not up to us so we can just wait and see... Even if it's frustrating.

I hope you'll have your NOA2 very soon!


Thank you!! I would love everyone to get approvals as soon as they can, but it makes me a little sad to see how USCIS works. I appreciate your support! I really hope you won't have to wait as long as we have, and will get approval shortly! I hope all of us will before I turn into an aggresive monster :D 


Merci.   i hope all of us are spending Christmas with our loved ones.....ALL of us :)


Ahhh, I'm already singing Christmas songs... But the one I sing most is: "All I want for Christmas is you" and it really is him!!!  :crying:  :D

LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-28 05:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch TSC
I hate you, USCIS for being so unfair. The transfers are getting approved even though they're late April, May, and they still keep us waiting. I wasn't such an angry person before but this process changed my personality .....
LilayFemaleTurkey2014-08-28 02:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAproveddddd!!!!!!! k-1visa
Hey congratulations!
OrtolanFemaleNetherlands2014-10-14 23:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHoly smokes!! freaking out

Congratulations! You're on your way to the finish!

OrtolanFemaleNetherlands2014-10-17 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 WAY TOO EARLY 29 DAYS :)
GREAT! Congratulations!
OrtolanFemaleNetherlands2014-10-18 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

We had interview today, we are approved....finally!!!  :joy:  :joy:  :joy:

K&ZFemaleCroatia2014-05-19 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Quick question about the NVC. After the TSC has sent our file to the NVC, do we have to call and get the service #? Or can we just wait for NVC to mail us something? I guess I am just not wanting to have to call them a million times if I do not have to and would just rather wait for them to get it and mail us.




We called NVC, but they told us to wait for 6 weeks to get the case number....exactly two weeks after the NOA2 he was visiting me and stayed for 10 days, when he returned home he got a letter from NVC with the case number and then he called again and we got an information when did they ship it to the embassy. (Our petition was already at the embassy by then.) 

K&ZFemaleCroatia2014-05-07 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 TSC Filers

Hi everyone,


I haven't been around for a fiance was visiting and last two weeks have been pretty hectic, after receiving NOA2 everything was moving so fast, I am surprised. :)


We finally had our medical done and sent out all documents they required in packet 3 back to the embassy, now waiting for the interview date.



Crossing fingers for everyone who is still waiting for their NOA2.

K&ZFemaleCroatia2014-05-03 05:27:00