Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNJ DMV and Latino Last Names - Problem!

There are a few posts on here from member "IQuit" that states that per SSA you can change your name to any combination of your last name and husband's last name. Whether it be hyphenated, or not etc.

I am confused why the DMV doesn't take your new SS card as a form of ID and proof of your new name. Do you have your new card yet? I might wait until you get that.

I had the receipt from SSA in my hand, and told them I'd come back with the card. They said they don't care, they have to see the marriage certificate in order to make the change, and once they see that certificate they won't do it.

You've given me an idea though - I'm going to research SSA's rules myself. Thanks :)


Moved from Adjustment of Status from Family Based Visas to Mexico, Latin & South America regional forum; topic is not about the AOS process itself.

OP, I have no answers to your questions but I do sympathize with your difficulties with the driver licensing authority. My wife learned first why they are one of the most loathed agencies in the US shortly after she arrived here last year and we tried to obtain a state ID card for her.

Thanks for the support - sorry you had a bad experience as well! :(

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-12-17 12:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNJ DMV and Latino Last Names - Problem!
My fiance arrived from Mexico last month & we were married on 12/12/12. I am female, I am the USC, I am taking his last name. He is Mexican and has 2 last names, as is the norm there. I am taking the paternal last name, that is the one used when one or the other has to be chosen. Our son already has the paternal last name, I elected it on his birth certificate before we were married and before the K1 went through. My fiance goes by the paternal last name in common use anyway.

This is what happened:

My husband's name is listed on the marriage certificate just as it is on his other ID: HisFirstName HisPaternalLN HisMaternalLN. It was required to match his ID, and it's his full legal name. My name is on the marriage certificate is my birth name, and it's fine.

The day after we got married I went to social security and they had no issue changing my name to MyFirstName MyMiddleName HisPaternalLN based on our marriage license. My husband also applied for his card and got a receipt with the name HisFirstname HisPaternalLN HisMaternalLN. This matches his ID - although our names don't match each other. That's not a big issue at this time.

Then we went to DMV.

First they told him that he needs to provide his Mexican license with a translation - even though they will NOT cross-honor and he has to take the test. And it was NOT being used as one of his "6 points" of ID. So what do they want it for? Why do we have to get it translated and give it to them if they aren't using it to ID him and they won't honor it anyway?

Then they told me that based on my marriage certificate I could only change my name to MyFirstName MyMiddleName HisPaternalLN HisMaternalLN. They didn't care that social security already approved the change to HisPaternalLN, without HisMaternalLN.

DMV told me I have to either take both his last names, or get the marriage certificate amended.

I called the registrar where we got married. She says DMV is full of it, I'm entitled to take HisPaternalLN and not HisMaternalLN. She's calling the state to find out what to do, and calling me back. But she says there is no reason to amend the marriage certificate, because we were both correctly identified on it, it has no errors.

As far as I know, I have the option to change my name to whatever married form I want when I get married. I don't know who DMV thinks they are, trying to tell me what my name has to be when both the local government and the federal government have no problem with it.

If my husband's last name is different from mine & our son's until after citizenship, that's fine, and it's probably easier for the paperwork. But as far as my own name, I've never known my fiance by his maternal last name, I don't want 2 names and all the associated issues, and I want my name to match my son's. I'm pretty upset with DMV right now.

Has this happened to anyone else - USC being "forced" to take 2 last names per the latino custom?


M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-12-17 11:38:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...
Stay strong and god bless you for doing the right thing for both your kids and yourself.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-10 20:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Starting to get pissed at NVC!!!

I am sorry but I was talking about VSC folk that got NOA2 like on July 2 received July 9 and are almost done. Some were saying they are like making up for making VSC folk wait so long.

And since my petition has basically been expedited to be shipped out ASAP. Like she said it should be their Monday and requested to be processed immediately. I won't take that bet.

I don't know what to say. Hang in there seems so flip. But know this to will pass. Than you can come stress at the NVC. Gladly I know.

It's nice to have "company" along the way.

What a freaking nightmare! When we got the NOA1 on March 1 I did some conservative calculating just to get an idea of a time frame I could keep in my mind and just keep my eye on getting there. I figured probably Thanksgiving. And then everything ground to a halt.

I haven't seen my fiance since Feb 2011, can't afford to go there, especially alone with my baby (turned 1 this week!). It's really hard being a "single mom" and trying to provide everything for him, and my fiance can't help me for a long time - you know how long it's going to be before he gets approval to work even once he's here. I got this - but damn it's rough, and I get so discouraged seeing no progress at all. :(

Really, really still hoping we get a visa by Christmas. Don't want to do Christmas alone again.

Glad you located your file & it's on its way. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-28 05:30:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Starting to get pissed at NVC!!!

There bundling sucks. I mean VSC folk bam recived and case #'s in days. They are hatin on CSC for reals. weeks between receive, case#, AOS and IIN. and Me and Sean and Laura goodness sake. Come on now. Oh wait what if it was sent via Nigerian mail. OMG Sean we are talking months years. Dana and Divine had a package arrive a few weeks ago that was sent to Nigeria 2 years ago. OMG my bad.

I'll offer you the same friendly wager I have with QP & Thomas - if you think it's better to be at VSC, consider I have an NOA1 2 weeks before you, and I don't have my NOA2 yet. To pass the time, let's see which happens first - you get received into NVC, or I get my NOA2.

The NVC delay sucks, but it is *not* better to be stuck in Vermont, where nobody's getting NOA2s. :(

Just a way to while away the interminable wait....

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-27 21:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Starting to get pissed at NVC!!!

For sure...I accept your wager. You will definately receive NOA2 before I finish at NVC. I'm watching you close now...

LOL - I hope I lose the bet! At the end of the day, it just sucks, sucks, sucks, no matter where you're stuck. :(

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-21 19:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Starting to get pissed at NVC!!!, you do not have to wait a month. You will be in and out of NVC in 7 to 10 days. I will be in and out of NVC in 2 to 3 months

A friendly wager: My NOA1 date at VSC and yours at CSC are almost the same (my 3/1 is just slightly earlier than your 3/12). I'll bet you that you will be out of NVC before I even get my NOA2 from VSC.

What do you think? We can both hope we lose the bet! Perhaps it will pass the time. :)


Edited by M_&_R, 21 July 2012 - 01:02 PM.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-21 13:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionURGENT - Domestic Violence just now while pending approval

My heart bleeds for this innocent child.

If I didn't know where my baby was I'd be way too frantic to sit at a keyboard. :(

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-09 19:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionPut life on hold?

I say get on with yer lives.

Never put anything on hold, when yer sleeping nekkid in the bed with yer spouse.


If I were sleeping nekkid (LOL) in the bed with my fiance right now, I'd be holding a little bit of everything! ;)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-06 19:31:00
PhilippinesMost boring visa interview ever
So happy for you. :)

I sent all the logs & stuff to my fiance as well, for the same reason. He goes to an internet cafe and pays per page.

We scheduled his interview for 11/14 - so you and I may be reunited with our honeys in the same timeframe since he will travel immediately if approved.

I hope her travel goes smoothly. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-10-18 05:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCurrent VSC time

After looking at the graph, I'm wondering if anyone is still actually working there. I looked through the list, noticed my name wasn't on it. I got my first noa the 25th of Jan. Touched the 9 of feb. Still waiting as well.

Hey - I looked at your timeline and it says "Texas Service Center." That link was the VSC. If you're at VSC you may want to edit your timeline and make sure it says VSC there. I expect once you update that, you'll show up on that link. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-22 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCurrent VSC time
Just look here:


Of users on this site: there are still 77 petitions from January outstanding. The last 2 NOA2s had NOA1 dates of 1/10 and 1/12. It gives you an idea whether you're on track or you really are behind for some reason.

OP's question appears to be how to get info about what they're really doing / what to do if you are in fact behind. It's a legitimate question, not answered by "there's nothing you can do but wait" - we all already know that. It was kind of put a little abruptly in the original post, but hey I'm more irritable than usual myself with the total lack of throughput over at VSC.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-22 10:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCurrent VSC time
I don't have any faith in what they say on the phone. I can see from looking at the timeline page on here that there are still quite a number of January petitions outstanding. A couple February have been approved. We know they don't go strictly in order, even leaving out the "expedited" cases.

When you look at the timeline page, you're seeing a summary of what a bunch of people on this site have actually had happen, not hearing what one person at VSC thinks is going on today.

Right now, if I had a date in the first week of January I might try calling, FWIW. But later than that, there are still lots of cases outstanding. IMO, the timeline page gives you a much better idea of where you are in line than calling VSC does.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-21 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT NOA2 IN 10 DAYS! NO EXPEDITE! THE SYSTEM DOES WORK!

Thank you very much! This allows us to have my father here at the wedding hopefully. Still have steps to go but hoping it goes fast for us and for everyone waiting!

Hope my baby gets to *meet* his father eventually. He's already missed his birth, and his entire first year. And that cuts no ice with the system. Just saying they don't have sensitivity to family issues for everybody, only for some.

You really think I don't pray every day over this? Every minute?

Good luck.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-25 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT NOA2 IN 10 DAYS! NO EXPEDITE! THE SYSTEM DOES WORK!

Congrats OP, that must be some kind of record!!

Shame the haters are raining on your parade though :yes:

Not a hater - just raising our infant son alone until my fiance gets here. It's really, really tough. That's not enough to buy an expedite though.

I don't think it makes someone a hater to say "that really isn't fair" when a lot of people are waiting in a long line and someone gets to skip it without a reason over and above what the others are going through. I have nothing against OP. I truly don't think that's fair.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-22 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGOT NOA2 IN 10 DAYS! NO EXPEDITE! THE SYSTEM DOES WORK!
Yeah, I'd say it doesn't work also. You have to be really desperate to get an expedite, since the average person here is suffering in lots of different ways during the wait - they don't discriminate and rush someone unless it's really extreme. Doesn't sound like OP is in that position, since they didn't even expect an expedite, let alone apply for one.

I don't know that I believe automatic expedites based on location are a fair practice.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-22 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone getting NOA2 from VSC????

Despise the fact you are just about one month away, it is sad hard to know you child hasn't met his dad. Is a bond and a feeling that it unexplainable, especially when they are still little like that they like to feel that warm of the parent. Sorry you're going through this, But it's not in our hand to get those darn NOA2. God willingly all will work out well for those who are still waiting..

Thanks for this. :)

I count my blessings that we have a video call once a week. When I ask my son "where's daddy?" he looks at the PC! It hurts a lot that he's missing so much. We're just keeping our eyes on the future. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-23 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone getting NOA2 from VSC????

Good luck to you!! Good luck to all of us!!

My baby knows his daddy because i go to mexico once a week or every 2 weeks!! And its not safe in there plus the trip is hard for here she doesnt like being alone in the back of my car :(

Im desperate becuse i want him to help me economically he does not get paid a lot in there is like i am a single mom taking care of bills and my baby needs!!

I hear you - I work full time and pay for full time infant daycare - no family to take the baby or share rent. Around 60% of my take home goes to just rent and daycare. It's really, really tight. And R can't do anything - you know how the wages are there, I'm just glad he doesn't need me to help him too!

It's really hard right now, but it's just a matter of time before our guys are with us where they belong. We're all doing the best thing for the long term, even if it means right now we have to be really, really strong.

I hope you're having a good week. I hope Vermont speeds up and we both get our NOA2s soon. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-23 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAnyone getting NOA2 from VSC????

Im seeing lot of people getting their NOA2 from CSC in less than 5 months!! Im really happy for them but im sad for me and my fiance... i have a 2 month old and i really want him to be with us!! They got my application on 3/1/12 and was updated on 3/5/12!! i know its early to be frustrated about it but it is haaaard i have to go to mexico with my baby girl to see him and y'all know that its not that safe to go to mexico these days... Whats happening with VSC??? :(

We have a lot in common - my NOA1 date is 3/1, touched on 3/5 (check cashed I guess). Our baby will be 1 year old this week, and has never met his daddy, who is in Mexico. Too far & too expensive for me to travel from NJ.

I hope both our baby daddies are home for good soon.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-07-23 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports190+ Vermont Service Center
I found a picture of the building. Don't know why that interests me but it does <shrug>. Trying to post it but don't know how....



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M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-08-15 09:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJourney Over!!!! :.(


He said we would talk last night, we didn't and he is completely ignoring me. I didn't think that he could be such.a jerk bc he was so sweet. It still hurts but i have to move on bc obviously our relationship didn't mean anything to him.

I'm so sorry. You deserve to be treated better than that. For whatever reason, he isn't capable of (or maybe isn't willing to) treat you more respectfully right now. Don't be so hard on yourself - no matter what happens from this point forward, it doesn't mean your relationship wasn't real. This is his problem. He may very well love you very much, but something else is higher on his agenda right now. That hurts very badly, and there's nothing you can do about it. It doesn't mean you were foolish or your relationship up until now wasn't genuine.

You're right to move on - focus on yourself. Please think of something you can do today that will be relaxing, or even better something that will make you feel happy. If you feel badly because of him, try to put it aside, you can always think about it later. The beauty of that is that it's true - you don't have to think about it all day long. You can think about it later. As far as all day long - think about yourself as much as you can. Right now, just focus on you.

Time will pass and things will change.

I'm really sorry this happened to you.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-26 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJourney Over!!!! :.(
That really stinks, I'm sorry. :(

You can't know what's going on with him. And there's no way I'd suggest moving to his country if you're not sure what his deal is. That doesn't mean you can just stop loving him. The thing is, sometimes you can love someone, but you can't let them be in a position where they can hurt you, because they're dealing with their own issues and you don't want to be collateral damage. What you *can* do, is always be willing to listen to what he has to say, and keep an open mind - while 100% getting on with your life.

The thirties are an awesome decade. Keep your head up. Think about what makes *you* happy. Go get it. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-06-25 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat happens after they get to you????
I feel bad, but I seriously worry that we'll have a hard time because as a single working mom to a 13 month old I have lots on my plate, and I'm at the point where it's all running like clockwork. I have a feeling he may stop my clock LOL!

He says that during the time he can't work he plans to help me around the house and with the truck, and even do the cooking. I totally appreciate that - and then again, any deviation from routine right now tends to make difficulty in some other area. Not to mention I don't have any extra money to actually cook nice stuff, or buy parts for the truck, or anything like that!

I told him I would be so happy if all he did for the first few weeks was follow me around, chat with me, and just really appreciate how I've taken care of everything here for us. I'm so used to doing everything anyway that it doesn't matter, and it will allow the baby to get used to him being there gradually, before changing routines. While I know he appreciates what I do in theory, I would love for him to see in practice just how much I take on - I'm proud of it, and I want him to see it before we start rearranging everything into our new patterns.

I hope my fiance will be able to relax and be patient. He tends to be the more active type, so I don't know.

I'm just trying to remind myself to be flexible and to be sensitive to what he needs. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-07 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Service Center

Yeh, it seems unfair that CSC filers are being approved so fast even though their filing date is sometime after others. But I suppose CSC shows how fast things can happen when the system really works very well!! We have resigned ourselves to hearing from VSC by late October - approximately 5 months from our filing date. CSC filers who filed about the same time as we did, would be happily skipping down the aisle by then. (BIG sigh!!!!) I'll use the time to get my house/flat in order such as getting rid of stuff, closing accounts and saving money.

I wouldn't count on 5 months at this point either unless they speed back up or transfer cases to CSC. I hit 5 months a week ago and probably still have at least another month judging by the NOA1 dates that have been getting NOA2s this week. When I got my NOA1 dated 3/1 I conservatively figured my fiance would be here by Thanksgiving - 8 months later for the whole process should have covered it. Then VSC just ground to a halt. They've been on the end of January for at least 6 weeks now. It's ridiculous. Now I'm not even counting on Christmas. :(

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-08-09 05:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 approved Gracias a Dios!
Thank you everybody. He says the interviewer didn't even ask to see his proof of relationship or anything. Just warned him it's cold here in New Jersey! LOL

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-14 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 approved Gracias a Dios!

congratulations!! i am happy for you!

however, i cant believe it took you that long... its been really 8 months since you sent your I-129f? I thought the processing times were 5~6 months... oh man...

I went through Vermont, they took forever. I got my NOA2 on September 19th, from there to the interview was less than 60 days. If you go through California hopefully you won't be held up like that. :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-14 14:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 approved Gracias a Dios!
I'm in shock, I've been so afraid of getting a no that I've been in a holding pattern unable to think past today.

Got a text less than an hour ago, he passed the interview and was approved. Will speak to him shortly when he's back at the hotel.

My little boy gets to be with his daddy. Thank god.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-14 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThere is no information on the DHL Waybill Number at this time.
My fiance was approved Wednesday and is waiting in Ciudad Juarez for his packet. I think I've refreshed the usvisa-info site about 1000 times!

As soon as he has it in hand I'm booking the soonest flight available, which with connections will take around 10 hours. We haven't seen each other in nearly 2 years & he'll be meeting our baby for the first time.


M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-16 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy fiance is landing at 10:45 PM tomorrow night!
We haven't seen each other in over 20 months. He will be meeting our 15 month old baby for the first time (in the morning).

I'm so excited and nervous!

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-11-16 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe first Gay K-1 Fiance Visa Progress with DOMA repeal on the Horizon (Tim & Keno)
I wish you all the best. No matter what obstacles anyone puts in your path, keep coming back until you are successful. Kudos to you for blazing the trail.

Regarding the photos, I don't know if you'd want to go this route since you want everything completely perfect, but my fiance scanned his and I printed the photo here. He hasd it taken in Mexico, then scanned it with the highest resolution possible and emailed it to me. I created an 8x10 that included multiple copies of it, being careful to do it to the proper scale. Then I uploaded the file to Walgreens to be printed as an 8x10 photo on their photo machines. I cut it up, and had all the copies I needed in one shot. It worked for us.

My husband and I are on the adjustment of status now - and I read that the photos for that are supposed to be no older than 30 days, so we're doing it again. Of course it's a lot easier now that he's right here!

Best of luck.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2013-01-07 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I haven't left either (even though I came late). I'm just not saying much, since this is your thread to share the troubles of the wait. Thinking of all of you, especially my fellow 3/1 filer Kahaa, and another 3/1 filer who I haven't seen on this thread, MaRaAi...

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-20 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

100% true Kaaha! What is so hard with this is not knowing... we literally could hear TODAY, or in 2 weeks... But not knowing, its easy to think pessimistically. Our day will be here, and we won't know which day it is!!

All we know is soon, in the near future for all of us one random morning "today is the day" will finally be true!

Chins up guys, 99% of the waiting is over... it IS ANY day for us!!! :)

I got mine yesterday after 201 days. I tried to keep reminding myself that each day I didn't get it, made my chance on the next day greater and greater. And that's true. The longer you go, the more likely it is that it's going to be you the next day.

It didn't help much, but it helped a little.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-19 08:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Thanks guys. I talked to SO. He's happy - & wants to know why I'm still freaked out. I'm happy - I just can't believe that it's real, or that the rest of the process will go smoothly either. It's like VSC messed me up so badly that I can't believe things would improve!

I hope they speed you guys through VSC, starting now.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-18 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Just got the text. Approved. 201 days. Crying my eyes out. Too relieved to be happy yet.

Thanks for the karma & sending some back...

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-18 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Yesterday was the last day of our Visa Journey estimate. :( Let's hope we all hear something this week!

Mine says September 4th through 9th. I'm hoping I'll get it by the end of the month. The wait is torture. :(

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-17 10:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I heard that old song "ain't no sunshine when she's gone" yesterday and it fit my mood. ...

Weird - it was playing when I was in Home Depot this morning!

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-16 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Can't wish these days away myself - my little man grows & changes every day. This is the best year I've ever had, even with SO not here. I can only imagine how it would have been if we were together.

Today LO managed to spear a bite of pancake on his baby fork & actually get it into his mouth. It was awesome. We both laughed & clapped.

Then I cried, of course. Without letting the little guy know. It is what it is.

200 days on Monday.

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-15 13:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
For February / March filers at VSC, average wait right now is around 6 months.

Do a timeline search and limit to K1s at VSC, NOA1 dates from 2/1/12 to 4/1/12 - NOA1 in Feb & March. You'll see 379 petitions total, 184 petitions with NOA1 and NOA2 received (less than half), with an average of 180 days for from NOA1 to NOA2. 3 petitions have a final visa. (Less than 1%)

Press the back button. Change the service center to CSC and run it again. You'll see 300 petitions total, 254 petitions with NOA1 and NOA2 (over 80%), with an average of 134 days between them. 40 petitions have a final visa. (Around 13%)

So basically if you filed in Feb or March and were routed to VSC, average time for you is 180 days, or approximately 6 months. If you were routed to CSC, average time for you is 134 days, or approximately 4.5 months.

I still can't believe there are people on VJ who either say this isn't really happening (both are slow), or think it's fair (cases don't need to be more equitably distributed).

I sure hope that 8.5 months isn't based on some inside information that leads them to expect things to slow down even more.


M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-15 05:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I'll have to make a better graphic :)

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-14 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Thanks for the good wishes, guys.

So ok, this is really bad, but it amused me for 5 minutes - inspired by Tigerflower, hope you get a laugh...

M_&_RNot TellingMexico2012-09-14 12:27:00