CanadaProving domicile while IN the US?
No harm in checking :)

It's easy to over think this stuff at the interview stage.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-18 12:19:00
CanadaPOE Black Friday?
I'd be more worried about Americans travelling back to the US from Canada on the Friday morning. Not sure if there would be that many, but I can't imagine the borders are going to be that quiet this weekend. They say the days around thanksgivings are the busiest travel days of the year (says the girl travelling this weekend!)
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-22 21:04:00
CanadaOdd Question, Moving to Canada with Wife who has Conditional Green card?
If you could time it properly, you could have her enter with the CR-1, get her greencard and then apply to get permission to have her live out of the country with you. I can't remember what it's called, but it is possible. Would work out better though if she could enter and live in the US for a couple months first with you and then you got transferred. Also, I believe she would be granted permission for only a year, so it wouldn't be a permanant solution.

You could also just have her go straight to Canada on what visa they would require, skip the CR-1 for now and then just reapply for the CR-1 if you decide to move back to the US. You'd lose the time and money you spent doing the CR-1 now though.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-22 11:52:00
CanadaThanksgiving & Black Friday
^^ Ashen that is soo awesome!! film production sounds really cool and I'm glad you're going after it! It's crazy how the opportunities in this country are a lot different than back in Canada. Don't get me wrong, I love Canada, but there are a lot of really cool advantages to living here to. Esp. in Cali! So glad you are enjoying it.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-24 15:26:00
CanadaThanksgiving & Black Friday
We've started the tradition of cooking thanksgiving at our apartment for our inlaws and my SIL who is back from college. It's a nice low key day and we love to cook.

Tomorrow I actually have a couple of friends in NYC for a shopping weekend, so I'm going to go see them for breakfast and some shopping. Looking forward to that. It's nice that being in NYC, I get a lot of random visitors here for a visit (but not staying with me!).

Then in Fridays we have a tradition that we do a leftovers dinner with our friends.

Saturday we're leaving on a cruise for a week. We love to cruise and have been planning this since the summer so I'm very excited!!!

I had a really crappy last few weeks of work - SO BUSY - and I'm working on a really challenging campaign and my clients are just really difficult so I'm looking forward to the week off!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-24 11:54:00
CanadaDoctor says no to guarantor

Guarantor is for a passport... :blink:

You simply apply online for the birth certificate. All you need is your name, DOB, Parents names and DOB as far as I remember...

You need one in Ontario, but it's really not that strict. You just need a name and phone number.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-23 07:48:00
CanadaDoctor says no to guarantor
I remember that you can use a teacher as a guarantor so I just listed my cousin who is a teacher (and didn't even tell her) and it was fine.

I don't think you need his number, just his name and phone number.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-22 21:43:00
CanadaCanadian/U.S words & pronounciations
No one I knew has a garbage disposal in NY, but that might just be because we're in the city. My inlaws have one in their house in Vegas. I wish we had one!

I never realized that my in-laws house doesn't have a front closet but it totally doesn't! Wow, I'm going to notice that now when we start house hunting. Our apartment is an anomaly - it's one bedroom with 4 huge closets, 2 by the front door, 1 in the hallway and 1 huge one in the bedroom. I don't know what we'll do when we get a house and there aren't as many closets!

I think it's really funny that Americans call Zucchini just 'squash'. I mean it is a squash, but there are lots of different kinds of squash. Whenever I say zucchini people don't know what I'm talking about!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-17 10:30:00
CanadaPregnancy & Benefits in the US vs. Canada?

There was someone here who started Mat leave EI before she moved...hopefully they'll chime in

I think it was Colleens.

I think in your case, you'll probably want to call EI and find out what your options are.

I'm assuming that if you can start your maternity leave early (not sure what the rules are on that) then you can probably continue the benefits after you move but they might have to stop the payments during the period of after you move and when you get your EAD card. Not sure how that would work.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-06 21:00:00
CanadaPregnancy & Benefits in the US vs. Canada?
In my case, my employer offers me 2 full months of paid maternity leave (I think part of it is covered by disability, but they top it up to my full pay) but only if I've worked there for at least one year. If working there less than one year, it would be unpaid. I can also save up my vacation time (I get 5 weeks vacation) and use FMLA, so I think I'll be able to take at least 4 months or so. Every employer is very different, so beware of that.

In terms of benefits, we don't have a deductible and I am covered 100% for all services related to child birth, but I'll have to stay in network, which isn't too hard to do in NYC generally. Employers often offer different coverage options, some with a deductible and some with no deductible but with higher co-pays. When your husband's open enrollment comes around, you should look at all of the available options and plan accordingly. Sometimes it's worth it to pay a higher premium every month if you know that you're planning to have a baby and need better coverage.

Living in the US for 2.5 years now has made me realize how important having a emergency savings fund is. Even with insurance and a job, you just never know what could happen. We keep a large savings fund just in case. It means we will wait longer to start a family, but the piece of mind is worth it.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-04 16:28:00
CanadaOpening a Bank account in Michigan

Interesting! His bank is also a Chase bank! I think they overlooked the 'alien resident' option, and we are in the same situation with my husband's accounts and mortgage there. That is the form I refused to sign ...but it said right on the form if it is a us resident or 'alien resident' do not use that form, use a W-9, whatever that is. It had gone on so long we just left without pursuing the W9 thing with them.

Our banker never went into that level of detail with us on the forms... I don't remember what I signed to be honest. But, what I can say is that I just went back 2 months later and switched it once I had more documentation and never had any issues with our taxes or anything like that.

You could just wait until you have your EAD card and then go back again if it concerns you. That should be too long from now! It's so weird thought because they needed a SSN, but I remember could only use my Canadian address. I remember it being weird, but not thinking much of it.

Other than that I will say that banking with Chase is great! They gave me a very high limit credit card less than a year after moving and have zero fees that I've encountered. Don't give up on them yet. Personally, I would just wait it out or give them a Canadian address and switch it as soon as you possible can.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 07:00:00
CanadaOpening a Bank account in Michigan
I'm not in Michigan, but I had to do this with Chase in NY. It wasn't really a big deal.

I just used my Canadian address (my parents address) as my main address and then had my US address as my mailing address. When I got my EAD card or might've been my greencard) I went back and changed my main address. It was just easier for me since my husband was already established at Chase and everything was linked with online banking etc.

I don't remember needing to have a joint bank account for AOS. For ROC, yes definitely... but not AOS... hmmm maybe I'm just forgetting.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-13 17:54:00
CanadaK1 moving back to Canada after marrying but before AOS

I think is some issue with counting days past the expiration date on the I-94, should you wish to return to the USA for any reason.

Good point. I never thought of that.

I would probably apply for AOS just to be safe. I know it' expensive, but would probably be worth it if you don't end up moving right away.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 16:33:00
CanadaK1 moving back to Canada after marrying but before AOS
You can move back, to Canada, no questions asked.

You should be able to visit too in the the future. You would just need to file for a CR-1/IR-1 if you ever wanted to move back, which might be you'd be separated for a bit until it got worked out. Which, wouldn't be the end of the world.

There wouldn't be any penalties.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 14:13:00
I'm the opposite, I hate interac. I use credit for everything. I especially love being able to shop online or go to a restaurant and pay credit using my debit card.

Pins are not safer in my opinion. Someone can always be looking over your shoulder or find ways to get your money.

At least with visa or mastercard attached to my card, I'm protected by them if something were to happen.

Ever had your pin stolen and money taken out of your bank in Canada? Take WEEKS to get it resolved.

That being said, I carry cash a lot more in the US than I ever did in Canada. I don't like to use my debit card for small purchases if I don't have to.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-15 15:38:00
There are a lot of things about Canada that I miss. Namely my family and friends, and the comforts of knowing my way around, feeling comfortable with my surroundings and just dealing with less people in general. I also really miss the industry that I work in - my job is essentially the same, but on a much bigger scale here so it's a lot more challenging, competitive and it is more difficult to stand out.

At the same time, I don't see myself moving back anytime soon, if ever. I love NYC and everything about it. Sure it's big, dirty and full of rude people but it's also an amazing place to work, meet wonderful smart people and just live in general. The city is full of transplants from other places, so that makes it a lot easier because no one is really from NYC (althought I have lots of friends that are too since my husband is).

I actually had a really bad experience when I moved to Waterloo from Toronto to go to University. I wasn't even as far but I was SO HOMESICK. Man, thinking about that really brings back bad memories. I think it really just came down to me not embracing the city at all and continually comparing it to Toronto and where I grew up. I did that when I moved to NYC too, but I've stopped comparing and just started to live and find it to be a lot easier and have really started to find things about NYC that I love. I knew going into this move that if I didn't have an open mind and recognize and take advantage of all the positives, I would be miserable.

I've been here for 2.5 years now and consider it my home. When I go back to Canada, I feel like a visitor but I'm okay with that. Perhaps one day we'll move to Canada, but to be honest I think that opportunity in the US is pretty amazing. Sure, it's expensive and hard work to maintain a certain lifestyle here (I think harder than Canada) but the payoff is better.

I guess the point of my post is that it can and does get better, but attitude is really everything. If you refuse to let go of what you left behind, it'll be much harder. I always remind myself that Canada will always be there for me and it's not going to change. It's up to be to embrace this amazing new place and make the most of it.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-11-17 10:13:00
CanadaWedding dress

I called Air Canada and they said it should be ok to bring in a garmet bag carry on. I just hope they let me take my laptop too LOL If it was one flight I wouldn't care to much but I have three flights.

It'll be fine! Like I said though, just ask to board the plane first since you have a special request and they'll find space for you!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 12:17:00
CanadaWedding dress
I had a large dress and I carried it on. I asked if I could get on the plane first to find a spot for it and they were very nice about it!

They had no issues with it being bigger than the check in size.

Maybe call the airline and ask what they recommend.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 07:09:00
CanadaResidency Status On CRA tax return
You can't be a dual resident. You need to be one or the other. If you have a greencard and intend to be a US resident, you need to start ceasing your ties to Canada and commit to being a resident. You need to spend 180 days in the US to be eligible for the greencard too.

The day you crossed over to the US and got the greencard stamp is the day you technically gave up your Canadian residency. So you technically shouldn't be using OHIP (not that you are, just putting it out there). You should be in the process of switching your license, car import, car insurance, etc. You should also be using a US address. If you're at the border and they ask you where you live, what do you say? You can't really say Canada and then use a greencard. It would be fine to keep your job and a bank account, but you should really start switching your ties.

For your Canadian taxes, I'm assuming that the day you crossed into the US and processed your visa is your exit date on when you ceased to be a Canadian resident. That's the date I used when I completed my exit return and the date the accountant at Revenue Canada told me to use. 2011 should be your exit return.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-22 09:43:00
CanadaChristmas Presents
Merry Christmas!

I'm flying into Pearson tonight, so I'll share my experience. I have a whole suitcase full of gifts! Some are wrapped and some are not.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-24 08:46:00
CanadaChristmas Presents

I don't have receipts :(

I'm in the same situation Udella and have done it the past couple of years and haven't had any problems. Last year I just brought a list of the items and the value and they never asked for it.

I'll do the same this year.

I have some receipts, but I mean there are a ton of others things on the receipts so it would be pretty confusing if they asked to see them.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-19 20:01:00
CanadaFlu Shot
If you're not in the age requirement you'll have no problems. It's only an issue if you are in the age that requires that you receive and then don't.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-28 14:40:00
CanadaEI question
You will most definitely get a letter in the mail confirmed if you've been approved and for how many weeks you qualified for. I remember it taking a good 3 weeks or so. With the holidays now, I'd probably expect a slight delay too.

Once you get that, you'll also start getting the cards in the mail that you can fill out and send back. I filled them out and then sent them back as I got them. They then sent me another letter telling me that they needed proof of working status in the US (a copy of the EAD) and once they got that, I'd start getting payments.

I never made it to payments. I actually started job hunting before my EAD and had an offer the day I get my EAD.

If your finding the mail is delayed, definitely call them. You will get mail for every step of the way though, just takes extra time. They are quite helpful on the phone though if you're the type that prefers to get an answer immediately! I was in no rush to hear from them, so I just waited for the letters and they all came in due time.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-31 00:53:00
CanadaCanada Revenue Agency and SSN/SIN number?
I've just been changing my name on an 'as-needed' basis. I waited until my passport expired and then just changed to my new name when I renewed (2 years after I married). I travelled a lot inbetween that period and didn't have any problems at all. Just carried my marriage certificate (and still do to be safe).

When I got a new driver's license in the US, I just got it in my married name. They had no issues.

Didn't switch my health card. I actually still have the red/white card that never expires so I will never let that thing go until they force me!!!

I also never changed my SIN. If and when I move back to Canada, I'll go change my name on the card.

CRA - I did my exit taxes in my maiden name and that was that. If and when I file taxes in Canada again, I'll just send a note with my marriage certificate noting my name change.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to get a Canada pension. I worked part time since I was 15 in Canada, and full time for 2 years before I moved. I'm sure I'll qualify for a very small amount. I bet it won't even be worth claiming!

I'm in Canada now and been here for the past week. I went through the Tim Hortons drive thru today and wow the menu is changing! They have white hot chocolate now, lattes and expresso. The prices are great too. I was never really a coffee drinker when I lived in Canada and now I am so I had a timmy's coffee today and it was actually really good. I would definitely miss it if I'd been accustomed to drinking it everyday! I have to say though, I did really enjoy the Second Cup coffee I had this week as well. I sure don't miss the weather. It's been so cold and snowy/freezing rainy. I forgot how much salt there is everywhere and how frigid it gets! I don't think I'll ever be as familiar and comfortable with NY and I am with Canada... but what's weird is that when I come back to Canada, I feel completely okay with being a visitor.

Oh and I almost forgot... the most annoying but necessary name change I did was with Aeroplan. They require a letter in writing and copy of the marriage certificate. If you collect airline points, the name on those accounts needs to match the name you travel with. So for the two years I travelled on my maiden name, I was fine. But when I updated my passport with my married name, I had to get a new Aeroplan number as well. It was one think I didn't think of until I went to go use my number to travel!

Edited by SapphireDreams, 31 December 2011 - 12:43 AM.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-31 00:42:00
CanadaAre weiners and lunchmeat ok to bring back to the US now?

I still find people here who haven't heard of Tim Horton's. I suppose that will always be the case. It makes me want to cry for them and question why I am their friend. Also, it just makes me want to cry, because I think about how to describe TH to someone who's never experienced it. I... I just can't.... :crying:

You should tell them to watch the How I Met Your Mother episode where they go to Tim Hortons. It's not really the same, but funny.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-19 07:36:00
CanadaAre weiners and lunchmeat ok to bring back to the US now?
If you're flying, I'd be careful. Last time I flew back through Newark and went through customs there (used the Island airport in TO so no pre-clearance) they asked about food products and we said no, and they still scanned our bag a second time. I think they were looking specifically at Canadians bringing back thanksgiving leftovers! Ha.

If you're driving, the chances of them asking about food is usually pretty slim.

I don't think it's technically allowed though.

My husband and I have this inside joke when we're waiting in line at customs at Pearson because they have all these posters with the most random food and other items that you're not allowed in like feathers, various bugs etc. So we joke that we can't forget to declare our pet crickets or our feather headpiece :) Ha.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-14 16:38:00
CanadaHave green card but want to stay in Canada
If you have plans to live in Canada long term, I'd probably just give up the green card and then just reapply for a IR-1 when you want to move back to the US.

But, if your plans to work in Canada are short term (2 years or less) then apply for the re-entry permit.

You're walking a fine line using it to cross into the US to basically visit. Your lucky they haven't taken it away from you yet. All it'll take one border agent to decide you are abusing it. Or, once you pass the six month mark and they see you haven't moved yet, they'll probably take it from you.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-04 10:20:00
CanadaCanadian Man uses iPad to enter the US.

Really? I always have -- under my driver's license. I always keep my wallet in my hip pocket, so it's about as safe and secure as any part of my body. If it wasn't wallet-sized, I wouldn't carry it with me, but since it is wallet-sized, it's never occurred to me not to carry it.

I carry mine too, in my wallet. I know I don't need it, but it's just a habit. It's also the only piece of ID I have with my maiden name so I figure it's good to have just in case.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-05 14:22:00
CanadaSelective Service SNAFU
I would also encourage you to seek more senior help with this. Escalate as high as you can. Even if you do end up paying out of pocket, they need to know they are wrong!

Also - I would almost be inclined to threaten with a lawyer (even if you don't really have one) especially since the documentation is there. I'd probably do it diplomatically of course, but it's funny how quickly people react to things like that here in the US.

I know you said it would be tight to pay for it out of pocket, but honestly, as someone who is stuck paying back student loans, I WISH I had just scraped for the money and paid for it back then so I'm not stuck paying it back now. Sure, life was easier with the student loans, but I wish I had sacrificed more back then. So, maybe it'll all work out in the end :)
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-04 10:15:00
CanadaWhat's my Point of Entry for AOS Forms?
It would be Calgary International Airport.

I used Pearson International Airport and had no issues. They know we are pre-cleared.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-06 17:24:00
Canada2011 tax package
You can use the online programs to fill out the forms, but then you'll need to print them out and send them to the International Tax office since it would be your exit return. I can't remember exactly where, but I believe there is a section that asks if you ceased to be a Canadian resident or something and then it asked for your exit date. It's been awhile since I looked, so I could be wrong, but I always did my own taxes because they were simple, and this case was no different.

In terms of filing single or married - I'm not 100%, but I'm almost sure you're better off filing as joint married because you'll qualify for more of a credit and you'll be eligible for a bigger refund, especially if you have not worked in the US at all this past year. You are likely much better off filing jointly in the US.

When I did my Canadian taxes, I did do them as married, but I can't remember putting anything about my husband's income or anything since he never lived in Canada. Whatever I did though, they didn't have a problem with.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-07 12:05:00
CanadaPorter Airlines Goes to Washington
We love Porter.

It's a great airline to fly. Their sales are usually good too. We recently booked flights from Newark to Toronto for $220/each. Unheard of these days!

I will say that I'm not the biggest fan of the Island Airport because the line to get on/off the ferry can be a bit slow. Took us almost an hour once to check in for a flight back to Newark!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-11 13:51:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

I like some would disagree, as if ur not paying attention, the dates go by pretty fast. Or do they automatically slot you in if you do not eventually sign up??

I have no idea, but it sure beats sitting around for months waiting to get a date assigned to you and then only having a few weeks to plan a trip to Montreal. I got assigned a Wednesday, which was extremely inconvenient. I would've much preferred a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

Depends on how much control someone likes to have. For me, that's priceless.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-06 14:32:00
CanadaInterview Dates - Montreal?

Hmm...I'm not sure what you mean by booking an interview. Interview dates are assigned...or at least they were two years ago. Has something changed?

Yes, things have changed from two years ago!

They have an online system for K1s to go online and book interviews. It's a definite improvement from our days.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-06 14:13:00
I am not rye drinker, but your post sparked my curiosity so I wikipedied rye and there are different sections discussing the variations of Canadian and American rye. So interesting! Anywho, there's a long list of various American rye distillers. It's lengthy! Might be worth seeing what's most local and if you like it!


I have to say that I miss Canadian Smirnoff Ice. In the US it's considered a "malt" beverage and in Canada it's a 'vodka' beverage. I much prefer the Canadian version, even though I'm sure they're very similar!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-12-31 00:27:00
Canadahealth insurance company recommendations

Wow...see when i was in Canada with family coverage it only costed me 1200 / year..100% vision and 80% dental. so when i saw his went up again i was fuming. the stupid thing is..with just him on the plan its 300/year..but i apparently cost 2700/year....thats the part i dont understand. And i think its stupid you can't Tailor the pakcages like you can tailor a car or anything else for that matter. no wonder half the country doesn't have or want health insurance.

just trying to figure out where we can cut costs..sine we foudn out we have to PAY the IRS now. i dont evne work..but we have to pay them money. i just hate how 40% of his paycheck gets taken away for stuff we will never see, nor can we deduct on tax returns sigh.i miss my gst cheques.

It's likely because his employer is subsidizing HIS healthcare costs at a higher percentage than yours.

For example, at my last employer, if I got healthcare benefits as an individual, they covered the costs at 75%. So I paid the difference every month. If I added my husband, it became 'family' benefits and then they covered me at 75% and the rest of the family coverage at 25%. So that is why the costs jumps so much when a family member is added.

However, funny enough, my husband's employer provides better benefits, even as family option, we would pay less and his benefits cover a lot more.

So for instance, if you had a job with health insurance and your employer paid most or part of your benefits, it would likely end up cheaper.

Hope that makes sense. sounds like his employer is actually subsidizing your husband almost completely and then yours by 50-75%.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-13 16:15:00
Canadahealth insurance company recommendations
$3,000/year for both of you is very reasonable for healthcare here in the US.

The cost is usually subsidized by the employer, usually by about 75%, so if you were to pay on your own, you are going to pay a lot more for a lot less.

And, to be honest, you're not paying for anything "extra". You don't pay for maternity benefits, they are included as part of your comprehensive coverage.

What you might want to look into is coverage with a high deductible. So, usually there are two options from employers - one that is a higher cost per month, that has either no deductibles and a co-pay or a lower monthly cost option that carries a higher deductible.

So for example, with the high deductible plan, you pay something like $80/month but then you would pay for any services usually up to $1000. Once you've paid up tto $1000, then the insurance company pays for the rest of the treatments at 100%

With a higher monthly amount, you don't ever pay for services, you just pay the $20 (or whatever it is) co-pay. Sometimes the services are covered at say 90% so you pay the balance.

Some employers offer much better benefits than others. Some employers onyl subsidize their employee's coverage and then charge full price for the family option. It really depends.

But honestly we pay around the same as you (pretax also, keep that in mind) and I find it extremely reasonble. It's a fact of life here.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-13 14:28:00
CanadaI-864 - Tax returns for the last 3 years
Are you eligible for the 864EZ? Check out the instructions for more information:

The form also says:
You must provide either an IRS transcript or a photocopy
from your own records of your Federal individual income tax
return for the most recent tax year. If you believe additional
returns may help you to establish your ability to maintain
sufficient income, you may submit transcripts or photocopies
of your Federal individual income tax returns for the 3 most
recent years

We only used 1 year's returns throughout the process. We were well above the poverty line though and also provided assets, so we were in a very solid financial state and didn't feel it necessary for all 3 years. Every situation is different.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-12 11:45:00
CanadaExchanging Canadian Driver's License in Florida
New York State took my Canadian license too.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-10 17:26:00
CanadaUSPS tried to Delivered my package to Chicago Lockbox on Saturday??
They may try redelivering first. I get packages mailed to my work address all the time and a lot of times when it is USPS and they try a Saturday delivery and my office is closed, the tracking number will say that they left a card, but they they show up on Monday and redeliver.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-01-23 14:07:00