Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTimelines have been updated
WOW!! How is that possible... blink.gif
BYRON-LEIDYMaleColombia2007-08-21 14:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIt appears we are approved!
CONGRATS kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-18 23:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionYay! Card production ordered.
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-08-06 21:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI 751 Approved! FINALLY!!!!!
Yes, please, more. We were just asked for more evidence and are very very frightened of what this means. We know it is not good and that an interview would be the next step.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 17:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
In reading the NY rules, I may not be able to get one. I would be required to turn in my NC license.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-17 19:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
The BLOCKBUSTER membership thing might sort of help. When they issue cards, they have the address of the location and the primary member's name. So both cards have my wife's name. However, we restarted the online account and that is in my name and it is linked to my wife's store account. We'll make copies of the mailers when they come in to prove they are coming to me at the NY address. Hopefully this will be another piece of evidence that helps and not hurts.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-17 15:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
Car insurance in NC = $900. Car insurance in Manhattan = $2500. We flat out cannot afford it. Especially since I don't keep my car in NYC six months out of the year. Hopefully this won't be a problem. If it is, I will deal with it as best I can.

For the letters/affidavits I am asking everyone to have them notarized and am giving each a rough draft that includes the information everyone here thinks is crucial. No worries there.

I think it's the NC situation and now our current situation that will cause trouble. Frankly, I am betting we are forced to have an interview.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-16 08:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
OK, I will say this again... My wife has never had a drivers license in any country! dancin5hr.gif And as stated many times, we DID provide Tax Transcripts for 2007 and 2008. I ordered them again and will send them, again. Just in case.

We can try for non-driving NY ID's, but I don't know if that will work. I'll try. Can't hurt, obviously. They might ask for my NC license and say I need to get a driver's license in NY. Wish I knew the facts on this. Hopefully my phone bill at the NY address and passport will be enough to satisfy the requirements.

We are going to be able to get a number of affidavits, all notarized. Some are from some big-wigs in NYC (like a guy who runs one of the hospitals). That should help. My best friend and the best man at our wedding provided one prior, but I am going to have him do another one and get it notarized. He met Anh prior to her even coming to the USA. I was with Anh in Germany and he was there on a three hour stopover, so we had lunch with him at the airport. He owns three businesses and even teaches knife disarming to NYC police officers. I mean, how much better of character witness is that?! Like HE would lie about something!

We can provide our cell phone records for every few months going back about 14 months that show us constantly calling each other. Prior to that were shredded by mistake.

Anh was part of a Vietnamese dance group for 2008 and part of 2009 and the girls are all going to do affidavits for us and we can provide pictures of each event, with me being there with her. How the hell would we be fake if that were going on? See how silly this is? It's just stupid. There is an official website with pictures too. All but one of the girls are U.S. citizens and the one who isn't works for the United Nations.

My wife has some X-mas cards saved, but no envelopes.

We might be able to get a statement from one of our part landlords, but the other... no way. We broke our lease because the boiler was leaking soot into our apartment and they refused to fix it. I grew very ill and Anh was not doing well either, so we had to cut and run for our own well being.

Our sublet is all verbal. Nothing in writing. We are trying to work on that now, but that may not happen, other than a statement from the girl we pay. We can't force her.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 15 September 2009 - 05:53 PM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-15 17:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
RFE is due the 25th of October. I think we'll be able to convince Ana to sign an affidavit. My wife just called me and said they spoke on the phone and that iot will probably be fine. She's just nervous.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-15 12:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
Some good ideas here. We'll get a Duane Reade card today. Duane Reade is a mini-supermarket located all over Manhattan.

Notarizing the affidavits is a pain, but considering the situation, I am sure our friends will not mind.

We're working on the landlord situation. The person we are renting from seems nervous about the situation and has not said yes to a letter. Not sure why. My wife will talk to her tonight. We won't be able to get anything from the management company. They are not good people. Not at all. They won't fix the toilet, the sink, busted fans, etc. They suck. We are on our own here. AT least htey fix the elevator when it breaks down every few weeks.


Damulag, each state is different in regards to insurance. And in this case, my insurance is in NC. Even if I could add her (and I can't) that would work against us because we live in NY.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 15 September 2009 - 09:03 AM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-15 09:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
OK, first of all, I'm not making excuses. If something is suggested that won't work, I am going to point that out so it's no longer a talking point and we can look at something else. That's natural. And unfortunately, our case is complicated because of our current living situation.

I sent a ton of evidence earlier this year. A huge amount and never ever thought this would happen. But the nature of the letter they sent points to "gaps" and the only gap would be times we have not had a lease, like in NC. We also have no real savings, because we just don't! Life has not been easy for us. We've had some back luck.

We could not possibly rent another apartment. We have no money to put down first, last month rent and security AND we would lose the security on where we are now if we leave before March. That's a grand, just gone. What little money we have we are putting away so we can go to Vietnam in January and attend her brother's wedding. If she doesn't go, her parents will disown her. My being out of work has meant we are in dire straights. You know how bad this economy is. It's ruined us. Thank heavens Anh has a good job that is very solid.

We had no prior red flags. Nothing. Before this fiasco everything was smooth as silk. So smooth that some here were in shock at how easy it was for us. The timing of all of this is very bad. If somehow this goes very wrong, we could end up in a spot where if Anh leaves to see her brother get married, she'll not be allowed back into the country. The fact that this is happening has shattered any love Anh had for America. She thinks her home communist government is fairer and better right now and I don't blame her.

As for more evidence...

Now we did try a Gym out for a few weeks and have that application. But we canceled the membership because it was too expensive. This was in August. We've got all the paperwork, so that is something involving our current address. It's all we've got right now, other than the next bank statement that will come and the next Verizon bill.

We'll have to go to Blockbuster and sign up and get cards with our address. Silly, but it's something, as you say.

What's funny is we sent a picture of Anh with Mayor Bloomberg amongst the evidence. She met him at a function where she was there as part of a Vietnamese cultural dance troop. How many cheaters would go and meet the mayor? Unreal. Maybe I can have all the members of the dance troop sign an affidavit on our behalf? We hang out with those gals all the time.

The receipt book for our rent payment is a good idea. I'll do that today and have Anna sign back dated receipts for us.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 15 September 2009 - 06:52 AM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-15 06:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
QUOTE (Rings @ Sep 14 2009, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fair enough, but there are ways to gather evidence. It is dire if you want to succeed this. You have to think creatively and start gathering this information before it's too late. You have to file the RFE asap.

We are trying to help you with everything we can think of here.

I understand that. Please don't take offense. People keep talking about the car insurance, but that is not an option. crying.gif

We don't have a Blockbuster account. We had one with Netflix, my name only, and I canceled it a few months ago.

No store cards. We had a Best Buy, but canceled it early 2008. That stuff was shredded long ago. So that's out.

I did just find the install bill and work order for Time Warner Cable in NYC, 2008, with both our names on it. Other than that, I can't find anything with both of our names.

We cannot get a NY ID without some kind of utility at our current address.

I cannot drop my NC Drivers License because I will lose my NC registration and insurance. My car is kept in NC and is rarely in NYC, where insurance rates are sky high and driving conditions way beyond what I can deal with.

Anyone know a way around the ID thing?

We can easily make copies of our NC ID's, which have the same address as our old NC bank statements. That can help with proving we lived in NC as a couple.

A prominent NYC Doctor will give us an affidavit, a strong one, but who knows if who he is will matter. He knew my wife before she came to the USA. His daughter did an exchange program and stayed with Anh's family for a month about four or five years ago. All of us are very close and when we moved to NYC we stayed at their spare studio apartment (they have money) in NYC while we looked for work and an apartment. But will any of that matter?

Anything else, I don't know. I'm out of ideas. I spent the entire day going through our entire file cabinet in search of anything that can help us.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 22:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
You cannot list a person who does not drive and has no drivers license on an insurance policy. Anh has never had a license here or in Vietnam. Never. Our insurance is via The Hartford and I worked for them for years and know the rules.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 21:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
Lots of good info here. Remember, Anh does not have a driver's license, so car insurance is a no-go here. Also, my driver's license is still in NC because I leave my car most of the year. I hate driving in NY. Anh's photo ID is for NC. Both our ID's have the old NC address. That's not going to be helpful to us.

One complication about the sublet is this... The girl we are paying is not on the lease either. Her rich friend is because the building management requires yearly income of 150k per person. This apartment situation is really going to kill us, I think. There is simply no way to fix the problem. It looks bad to an outsider, even though it made perfect sense for us to take the place.

I sent I think three bank statements from each account. Beginning, middle, latest/last.

The USCIS person I spoke to early this year said affidavits from family were not acceptable. But this time I will have my parents have one, notarized, stating how we lived in their in-law apartment in 2007. Maybe that will help.

We do not have joint credit cards because I do not have any credit cards at this time. None. It's a bad year for us financially.

I submitted loads of pics, but can submit more recent ones this time, but I don't think they are after that in our case.

Another complication... We had all our mail sent to NC for a time because we had trouble with thieves breaking into our box. The lock and door had to be replaced on the mail receptacle and that was only fixed recently. I am beginning to wonder if they have flagged us because of the mailing address being in NC and the home address in NY.

Tonight my wife used the F word for the first time. She has never said that word. She hates that word. I was stunned to hear it come out of her mouth, but she is screaming mad that people she knows who came here just through fraud by marrying their cousin or whatever had zero trouble going all the way to citizenship and yet we are getting shafted.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 14 September 2009 - 08:54 PM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 20:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
Affidavits were from the best man, who actually met Anh before she came here when he passed by Munich and saw us both for lunch. Also my two friend, Chris and Trish, who are married and met her like the second day she was in the USA. We hang with them all the time. I just called them about this and they are freaking out. Trish started crying.

Joint tax returns were right from the government. 2007 and 2008.

Bank statements from Wachovia (first and last with them) and then from Citibank (first and most recent).

Where we are staying now is a verbal agreement. Nothing is in writing. We sort of knew them and talked about it and then decided yeah, let's do it. Anh will be ten minutes from work and the rent will be half what we were paying once we factor in splitting utilities. The electric isn't even in the name of the girl we are subletting from. It's in the name of a prior renter. We have no way of getting our names on the electric or cable/internet bill. Can't be done. Will an affidavit from the gal we are subletting from work in this situation? Be enough?
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 17:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."



I really think we are ****ed. We have nothing else we can give them. We have no proof of a lease or rent for the first year in which Anh was here. Nothing but my parent's word that we were renting from them.

And now we are subletting an apartment and have nothing in our names (this started around spring, right when I submitted the I-751) so we cannot update them and say, "Hey! Here is our new info for our new place!" All we can do is maybe get an affidavit from the person we are subletting from.

What else can we do? I can get one two other affidavits from friends who knew Anh since she came here. But that won't satisfy anyone if I am reading this form correctly. What they want we do not have.

We don't own a home property. I owned my car before Anh came here and she has no license and needs no license living in NYC. We gave them three years joint tax returns, copies of our two apartment leases in NYC for 2007 and 2008 to early 2009. Cable bill. Verizon wireless bill. Bank accounts. We had no savings beyond a couple hundred dollars, so is that going to count against us? Even now, our savings is not large at all. Less than a thousand dollars. We pay our rent in cash at the end of each month and the same with cable and electric.

At the moment I am sick to my stomach. This is patently unfair.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 16:20:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
The letter actually states, in bold: Do not send copies of documents previously submitted. Well, #######?! What else can I send? I might be able to find maybe one or two additional pieces of evidence to send, but that is it. If this thing is telling me not to submit stuff I sent prior, then they have not lost anything and want new evidence.

Here is a scan of the first page, with the name and other private stuff blacked out...

We originally sent:

Photos of wedding, vacations, trips, family gatherings, etc.
Stuff with joint names:
Copies of lease for apartment in Brooklyn
Same for apartment in Queens
Copy of renters policy
Copy of our health insurance
Copy of bank statements from Wachovia and Citibank
Copy of our cable bill in Queens
Copy of our Verizon Wireless plan

Three affidavits
Marriage certificate

I am sure there is more, but I do not recall off the top of my head.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 14 September 2009 - 04:05 PM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 16:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
First of all, why can't we edit past a few minutes? Now I have to make another post. huh.gif

I just called and talked to USCIS and they were ZERO help. None. She just kept reading canned responses.

So should I make an appointment through info-pass? If I see a local agent can they find out what the heck the problem is and then allow me to address it? Or will it just be another waste of time.


Of course, in looking at that website I might not even qualify to make an appointment. They list four reasons and I am none of them.

Edited by Matt_Stevens, 14 September 2009 - 03:40 PM.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 15:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
I am wondering if the primary reason is that we have no proof of a place we rented for the first year she was here. We rented from family, in cash, so it was just a verbal agreement. Well, there is no way around that. It was what it was. We have bank records with that address, so we can easily show we were living there. I am just perplexed. We sent all that in.
Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 15:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTen year Green Card trouble: Our evidence is "insufficient."
OK, this is just nuts. Up to this point everything had been so easy, so I guess it was only a matter of time before we were hit with the whip.

We filed the I751 earlier this year with all the evidence we could give them. But we just received a form stating our evidence was insufficient and that we have to send more to be processed.

What more could we send? We have sent them every possible piece of evidence asked for that we had.

They list a number of items they want, most of which we have already sent them.

Joint tax returns, Leases for our apartments in both our names, joint health insurance, joint renters insurance, joint bank accounts, joint utilities, bla bla blah.

But things they list they want we do not have.

We do not own a home.
We do not jointly own a car because Anh doesn't drive. She has no license. So how can I list her on my car insurance?
We have no kids so how can we provide birth certificates for kids that do not exist?
We do not have any loans together.

They ask for copies of our lease(s) but we provided them already!

They want affidavits written by thirds parties, but we already gave them three! All three were very clearly written and properly done.

Since late winter this year things for us have been very bad. I lost my job and we had to move from our lovely apartment to a craphole in the wall we sublet, so we have no actual lease or utilities in our own name. No renters insurance either. This all happened just prior to filing, so at the time was not an issue.

But what to do now? Honestly, there is nothing else whatsoever we can provide to them. We have already provided every piece of evidence we have. #######?!

We had zero trouble with the interview process in Saigon and you all know how crazy they are. My wife spent a lot of time in Europe and Japan, so she was well traveled and an educated girl. Since coming here she has done very well and has a pretty darned good job in NYC, which she loves. But since late winter we have been subletting and have nothing in our name. No lease, no utilities at all. Yes, we have our bank account and a savings account and our health insurance.

What should we do? Our marriage is not bull----. I can't begin to describe how angry I am at this moment.

Matt_StevensMaleVietnam2009-09-14 12:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 - Application receipt
QUOTE (Susan73 @ Nov 13 2009, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I mailed my I751 and USCIS received it Nov 2nd.
Theyc ashed my check on Nov 3rd....its Nov 13th and I havent got any application receipt notice or number.
From what I have read and heard most people got theri in 5-7 days time.
I sent it all to vermont....
Can anyone tell me how long does it normally take.
When shoudl I start to worry and call Immigration? unsure.gif
Any info is much appreciated.

My GC expires Jan 30th 2010

Thank you guys...I will wait till my 30 day period then call for an Infopass appointment I guess....
Do I wait for 30 days or can i call anytime?
Susan73Female02009-11-16 08:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 - Application receipt
I mailed my I751 and USCIS received it Nov 2nd.
Theyc ashed my check on Nov 3rd....its Nov 13th and I havent got any application receipt notice or number.
From what I have read and heard most people got theri in 5-7 days time.
I sent it all to vermont....
Can anyone tell me how long does it normally take.
When shoudl I start to worry and call Immigration? unsure.gif
Any info is much appreciated.

My GC expires Jan 30th 2010
Susan73Female02009-11-13 16:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwhy they havent' cash my check?
Dont worry about the check...Believe me they will cash it...
They are weird....They got my application on Nv 2nd and my check was in money taken from my account on Nov 3rd....I saw a copy of my chk online and they deposited it on teh 2nd itself.........very keen on getting the money!!!
But as of today Nov 17th i still havent got a NOA or any kind of #!!!!
not sure what to do now....
Should Ic all them or wait for 30 days.
Susan73Female02009-11-17 10:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionHow long does it take for case to show up online?
QUOTE (beakon20 @ Nov 17 2009, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How long does it take for a case to show up in the USCIS system so it can be tracked onlined? I submitted my paperwork on Oct 28th for my I751 and received my NOA on Nov 2nd. It still does not show up when I try to track it online.

Also, how far apart are the biometrics appt letters being sent out after the NOA have been sent out?


They have nos et timeline for anyone I guess.
My application was received on Nov 2nd, chk cashed the enxt no NOA and on Nov 18th ( today) got a letter for my Biometrics appt next month...The letter had a #.
I entered that to track my case and it registered immediately...

Now what i am confused about it..Do I wait or call and ask for an NOA??? is it important..or can I go do Biometrics without it?

So dont worry if you cant track your case. Wait till you get the Biometric letter and Like O & K said that 3 is the main one...Dont stress..hang in there
Susan73Female02009-11-18 17:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionIRS transcripts or simple copy of tax return??
QUOTE (cupcake07 @ Mar 12 2009, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ Mar 12 2009, 11:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If your 90 day window just opened you have lots of time - 90 days worth. You don't have to file right at 90 days - you can file anytime during those 90 days right up to the day before your green card expires. And yes, you can order the transcripts over the phone - it is an option driven menu - it doesn't actually mention transcripts until several steps into the menu but it is pretty straight forward.

Oh Gosh You just made my night... I was honestly breaking down... I will have my husband call IRS and get the transcripts, it seems much easier than hunting for copies of our W2s sad.gif

Thank You and everyone else who contributed!!!! You guys are wonderful!

Hi, the fastest way to get transcripts is if you have a fax machine, they fax it to you right away. I got my 2006, 2007, and even 2008 transcripts last night, as I filed my 2008 early so it was available. Took about 20 minutes, just ask the agent to fax it to you over the phone if you got a fax. Don't have to wait 2 weeks.
HSBMaleBangladesh2009-03-24 01:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionStaying Longer than 6 Months in Foreign Country
QUOTE (bamdame @ Mar 20 2008, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there a form number for the "re-entry permit"?

Also, my wife is going to be traveling back and forth across the border fairly regularly, does that count to rehack the clock?

To get the permit you fill out form I-131. You have to be in the US when you send it out.
nra19FemaleDominican Republic2008-03-20 12:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDivorce
I am currently having problems in my marriage and I do not think I can live like this any longer.

I entered the marriage in good faith but I have been physically abused but now it has become more often.

I just got my 2 years GC this july.

I want to divorce. I have pictures of the marks she left on my body.

If I divorce and file to remove the conditions on the battered spouse do I still need to prove extreme hardship to stay in the country???
TrazomMaleBrazil2008-08-21 14:49:00
CanadaInterview: NVC letter said nothing about LOOMIS

My interview doesn't appear on the consulate website.  

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-08-18 14:06:00
CanadaInterview: NVC letter said nothing about LOOMIS



My interview date doesn't even show yet.  I will register one it does. 

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-08-18 10:57:00
CanadaInterview: NVC letter said nothing about LOOMIS

Hello all,


So I finally got my interview letter from NVC for Montreal on September 17. 

I keep reading that I have to register to courier prior to my interview; however, my letter mentioned nothing about this.


What should I do?

Will this info come in another letter from the Consulate? 

Sorry if this was already asked before =)



Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-08-15 17:09:00
CanadaCanadian passport and green card


Yup. Immigration is a tough choice ...


I hear ya.  Good luck to you.

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-08-18 14:07:00
CanadaCanadian passport and green card


Thanks. Theoretically, you are right. What would be your practical advice to me for this transitional period while I'm stuck in-between? First, how to keep the green card. Should I visit the US every 4-5 months for the short trips? Second, taxes and other fiscal considerations. I was suggested to file the IRS form 2555 since I do not have physical presence for 330+ days. What's your opinion?




I'm kind of in the same boat.  I DO plan to move and work in the US within the next 6 months; however, I really don't want to quit my job until I have my green card and SSN in my hands,


Once I have them both I plan to quit my job and look for work in the US.  Hope this is possible. 


EI is wayyyy too little in a city like NY for me to leave my job and count on that, even at the top of the payout.

You have me second guessing if our plan will work.

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-08-18 11:09:00
CanadaNew here! interview Question

A email/letter  should be sent that has a list of items that you will need to bring. Beside them there are letters to correspond to whether you will need an original or a copy.  Once my case was approved, I received a interview date in less then two weeks.


I filed electronically so my originals were never sent only a scanned PDF of the documents.

Hope this helps. 


Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-11 15:23:00
Canadainterview documents

I was planning to bring a photocopy with the originals as well.


Good luck!  My interview is in two weeks =) 

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-15 13:03:00
CanadaHotels suggestions in Montreal

Thanks for the suggestions.  


Think I'm going to the Hilton Garden Inn Montreal Centre-Ville (friend recommended it) since I'm a HHH member so the little perks makes in worth it.  


I'm driving from Toronto don't need to worry too much on transportation.  Living in the city I'm used to the price of parking. Now if anyone know a nice place for dinner =)   I'm most likely travelling solo so why not spoil myself! 


Good luck to all interviewing! 

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-08 09:10:00
CanadaHotels suggestions in Montreal

Thanks all, good to read the different experiences - I think the Days Inn seems like a good value - I'm only planning 2 nights, not really going to do any sightseeing since I'll be there alone. Reviews of the Travelodge are generally poor. I just want to get this all done and dusted and get moved!!

Cheers all!

You should do some sightseeing.

Old Montreal is beautiful.  Good luck on your interview.

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-08 09:00:00
CanadaHotels suggestions in Montreal

Any suggestions of hotels to stay at in Montreal. I really want to keep the room around the $150/night mark.



Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-05 12:53:00
CanadaMedical Review - Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas

Yes, they take cash only.


I did get my package in 4 business days; however, the courier rang the door bell and left it on my door. No "door knocker" letter to pick up at the local office just a ring and bolt.  I didn't even have time to answer the doorbell before the delivery truck took off!  


NOOOOT pleased considered I paid extra for the service and it is such a private and personal document.  Not impressed.  

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-15 13:00:00
CanadaMedical Review - Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas

I also had my interview yesterday; I must have just missed you.

Yes, it was super easy. The entire process took 1 hour from the medical, x-ray and one vile of blood.


The waiting room was a little dirty but his office and both labs were fine.


I did pay the extra $50 to have the package couriered to my house.  Although the office was within driving distance, the time off of work, gas, traffic and parking fee made this the easiest solution.  He said I should have it within a week.


FYI: the doctor in Vaughn was not taking appointments due to illness, so I would book my medical with Mascarenhas if you are in a rush.


Good luck everyone! 

Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-09-05 12:49:00
CanadaNVC/Consulate Questions - Canada [split topic]

My husband and I have been married for over two years. I just had my interview a few weeks ago.  Here are some details that I can share about my case:


1) Our case hasn't made it to the embassy yet, can we start filing any out or working on anything? Scheduling the medical appointment? 

I live in Toronto and made the appointment in Toronto.  There are many reviews on this forum about Ontario doctors.

- The cost was $300 plus $50 to have the medical delivered to me (optional) 

- Needed my vaccination records from the doctor, mine are up to date

- They take one vile of blood and one x-ray included in prices

- The doctor required only one passport photo for my medical

- Got the results delivered in 4 business days to my house


2) What documents should my fiancé be gathering to get ready for his interviews?

 I made a binder but since I filed everything electronically they only asked for the following:

1) All Finance records from the US

    - I-184ez only had copy they wanted the original signature but they accept the copy just fine

    - Original W2

   -  Original 1040 

All of these items were returned to me


2) My Canadian Police check and Fingerprints

- don't thing fingerprints were required but to $70 I just did them as a precaution 

All of these documents were kept on the US Embassy


3) Passport photos of my the Beneficiary (x2 copies)

there is machine in the waiting room that you can print photos.

The cost is either 2x$5 bills or 1x $10 bill; must have exact change


4) Canadian Birth certificate

 Needed my original copy (it was returned to me)


5) Marriage Certificate 

Needed my original copy (it was returned to me)


6) Medical envelope was required

Gave me back a copy of the x-ray and form


8) MUST have copy of your interview appointment 


I have everything ready to show them:

- copy of flights

- phone bill

- photos

- I-130 

- DS260 

- Husband passport page and photo

- etc


They needed nothing else although I had all documents handy.  They only asked a few questions:

- How we met

- How long we dated before getting married

- What I did for a living

- Where my husband lives not in the US


That was it! Super easy.


Good luck!!!




Cunuck waitingMaleCanada2014-10-08 10:14:00