Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCan you get more info when you infopass?
Thank you so much for your information. I think I will inforpass on my day off.

I will keep you posted.
utz119Female02010-05-18 06:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCan you get more info when you infopass?
Howdy. Do you get more information when you infopass?

I called 1-800 number and spoke to an agent today. There was no waiting time and the agent was very helpful.
But then I realized that the agent have the same information I see on the online status.

If I make infopass appt, can I get more information regards to my application process?

Thanks in advance.
utz119Female02010-05-17 14:38:00
CanadaUS Green Card AND Canadian Permanent Resident
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Mar 12 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've had surgery on my legs and both feet by one particular surgeon here in Montreal and I would really rather not use a new surgeon in the States as I have been a patient of my Canadian surgeon for over 10 years now. Thats a real concern for me, as well as my doctors that I have had here my whole life.

I totally see what you mean and can definitely understand that... but I think healthcare/leaving Dr.'s we know and love is just one of the downsides of immigrating to a new country and comes with the decision of immigration. I LOVE my current Dr., she is just 100% awesome in everyway... but knew as soon as I wanted to live in the U.S. I would forfeit my right to have her as my Dr. for future.

I don't envy your situation and I hope that you figure out what is best for you. Good luck star_smile.gif
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-03-12 12:42:00
CanadaUS Green Card AND Canadian Permanent Resident
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Mar 12 2009, 12:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Really??? I can come back to Canada and have a surgery and have my U.S. health provider pay for that??

How is that possible? If thats the case then that would be great as I do not want to lose my surgeons here in Montreal. We already don't have enough of them here in Quebec and the ones I have I trust with my life.

I meant more along the lines of emergencies. Your main/regular healthcare would stay in the U.S. - but honestly the U.S. medical system is great if you have coverage. They have the best Dr.'s in the world if you can afford it/have coverage. Canada loses amazing Dr.'s to the U.S. everyday I'm sure.

But who knows, maybe your U.S. health coverage provider would pay for an elective type non emergency procedure in Canada - heck it might even work out cheaper for them. You'd just have to check and look into it.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-03-12 11:51:00
CanadaUS Green Card AND Canadian Permanent Resident
QUOTE (domegirl1978 @ Mar 12 2009, 12:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know the law in Quebec is that I have to live here 183 days out of the year to retain my Medicare. If it came down to it, thats would I would do.

Trailmix was right when he said to maintain your permanent resident status in the U.S. you cannot be gone from the States for more than 365 days which would never happen. That would mean I would be living 6 months in Canada and 6 months in the U.S.

If you have health coverage in the U.S., why would you even need Canadian coverage at all?

I see what you want to do, but I just don't see the point. You can work remotely with your business and still "house" it in the U.S. - I've seen lot's of people do this. You can visit Canada as much as you want, not going over the 6 month mark no problem, which is what you want to do, and you can receive medical care in Canada, which would be paid for by your U.S. provider...

So I don't see the point of paying taxes twice... only to reap the benefits half the time.

If you ever decide to come back to Canada permanently, it's easy to get your healthcare back, you would just starting paying taxes to Canada again. By becoming a U.S. citizen, you would avoid any loss of residency there.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-03-12 11:28:00
CanadaUS Green Card AND Canadian Permanent Resident
I'm thinking that it would be possible - but my only concern would be paying taxes in 2 places - that sounds extremely expensive and not worthwhile. That along with having to maintain healthcare in two places, insurance in two places, property in two places (again more taxes).

I'm just not sure I would see the benefits if your main purpose is just to be able to be in both places. Being a visitor in Canada would probably reap you the same benefits, your healthcare and insurance and such would just be housed in the U.S. You could also just run your business out of the U.S. and pay taxes only 1 time.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-03-12 09:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Aww I hope things work out for you Colleen. I feel the same way, I would like to have at least 2 children, preferably very close in age, 2 years or less, but we'll see about that after I have the first! Haha.

Huggles, I'm so excited for you! Do you have a name picked out?

I am trying to be patient because I know that in less than a year I have the potential to be promoted at work into management, which will make having a baby at home a lot easier, because I'll have more flexibility to work from home if I need to or leave early and it'll be a nice pay jump. Sooo, I'm making the best of this wait, we are enjoying being DINKS (dual income, no kids) and will plan a nice vacation in March 2013, one last hurrah if you will and then start trying. We also need to find a bigger house/apt at some point! This one bedroom apt is not going to cut it. Sooo maybe 6-7 more months, which is going to go fast, yet so slow haha.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-08-01 06:37:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Geez - don;t say that I had my daughter at 22 and she's 20 right now - I guess I could handle her having a baby at 25 as long as she's in a solid relationship. I will love bein 'Nana' whenever the time comes.

My Mom is a Nana too :)

I keep thinking that I'm too young for a baby and then I realize that I'm almost 30!! Haha. Geez time really flies...

Edited by SapphireDreams, 07 May 2012 - 09:01 PM.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-05-07 21:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I have been off birth control since May 2010 but no baby in sight yet.. we haven't really started actively trying until a few months ago though.

I told my ob-gyn and we are in the middle of running some tests for my husband and me. my monthly is regular but the doctor said that I might not be ovulating. So they are doing some blood tests and I have to go for an ultrasound in a week or two... I found out last year that I had PCOS so that might be hindering the process too.

I really hope to get pregnant soon. It took me a long time to want to get pregnant again and now I am 2 years away from being 40... :unsure:

Her Marilyn - do you chart your cycles? There is a book my friend who is a doula recommends called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, I plan to read it over the summer to get more familiar with my own cycle and what is happening when. She also The Garden of Fertility by Katie Singer. Many woman can just pregnant without much thought but the reality is that sometimes there is only a small window and you don't know when that it unless you chart and understand your body really well. Just a suggestion! On another forum I go to a lot of woman have used these books to help them conceive.

Huggles - I think it's impossible to plan for everything that's for sure, and everyone keeps saying you'll just make it work... and I'm starting to believe there will never be a perfect time haha. I'm so excited for you!!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-05-04 06:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Me too! I hope we can get back on track financially back in Canada and we can have a 2nd one. I am inching very close to 40, so unfortunately time is not on our side :(

If I was in Canada, I would totally have one right now... but being in the US, I feel like we need more of a financial buffer to make it work since I'd need to look for daycare at 3 months old! And we live in an expensive part of the country... but I think we are almost there..

I know time is not on your side, but you'll have the pros of being able to take more time off, which will be nice!

Stay positive and good luck, I'm sure things will work out great with your move!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-05-03 06:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Aww Colleen's! She is so sweet :luv:

I can't wait to meet out little one. We find out the sex in 2 weeks, Im excited!

Ohh that is exciting!! I'm soooo getting baby fever.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-05-02 20:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
What a cutie pie!! Emma is so so sweet.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2012-05-02 08:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

What does everyone think about finding out the sex of the baby beforehand? I am leaning towards no...but I can see how things would be easier if I knew before I started shopping for everything. And I am thinking I should be trying to simplify my life! B)

I say go for it. It is so much easier to plan in my opinion.

I know I would rather not end up with all white, yellow and green clothes if I can help it!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-01-18 13:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

That's awesome! lol

My sister was the brilliant favoured firstborn. She could do no wrong. In fact, whenever she did something and my parents were trying to figure out who did it, she would blame me. And my parents believed her! I took so many beatings that rightfully belonged to her. I hated her guts.

My brother was the baby and the "son and heir". So he was special too.

My Mum forgot me in town a lot. <_<

My brother was the baby too!

Middle child syndrome is no joke. That's why I'm only having 2! :lol:
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-01-17 10:34:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
^^ I was the middle child too! And I had an older sister and younger brother! Funny! I was the favourite daughter though, hehe. My older sister was a bit of a wild child.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-01-17 10:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I didn't want to have kids until I met my husband. But, he always knew he wanted kids one day and over the past 4 years he's slowly convinced me that having kids would really complete our lives together. We're thinking sometime in the next 3-5 years, so maybe we'll be making a baby pt.2 thread sometime in the next few years together Sapphire! :lol:

Of course, life doesn't always go like we plan it. No matter when we have kids I will welcome them with all the love in the world! I'm thinking 1 or 2, probably 2. How many do you guys want?

Yeah, It definitely will be interesting. Here's hoping it doesn't have to happen anytime in the near future... :lol:

We want at least 2. I am one of 3, and it was always an odd number so I'd prefer an even number. I don't think we could afford any more than that if we live in NYC anyways! And, I want to have them close together. I'll probably wait about 6 months after my first and then try for my second. My siblings and are are 4 and 5 years apart and I always wished we were closer in age.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-01-15 10:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
For those of us who just got married - do you plan to have children and how long do you think you'll wait?

My plan is to get pregnant in 2013. I want to establish my career here a bit more and also buy a house or at least have 2 bedroom place first.

I am very excited to have babies though. I can't wait!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-01-14 09:41:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Do you have to have your actual EAD card in hand to be able to collect EI Posted Image, or will the approval letter work?(do you even get an approval letter for EAD??) anybody???

You need to have the EAD card in hand - they require a copy of it.

You may get an approval email, but no letter. The card will come in the mail on its own. You might get a "Welcome to America" letter, but it usually comes after the card.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2011-10-27 09:58:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

So, I still haven't received any approvals for EAD or AOS yet, but I'm wondering... in order to get my EI payments started will I need to send them a copy of the actual card or will they accept a copy of the approval notice? There seems to be quite a lengthy delay in the actual cards being sent to people, so I'm feeling like on top of everything else I'll have to wait another month after my approval before I actually get a card in the mail. If that's the case, I need to try to plan for this delay since my husband still hasn't found a job and his unemployment runs out soon...

edited to clarify: by 'cards' I mean the AOS green card or the EAD card... not the little 'cards' we fill out and send back to EI. lol

They need to see a copy of the actual card. Unfortunately.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-06-01 11:37:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread

Hi ya..sort of confused...I filed for EI before i left they have sent me a letter saying i cant have claim it.....until i get EAD which is months awaybut others have got EI...what do i need to do claim EI??? have spoken to them they say not until i get EAD ...

I am so damm confused on this matter any help would be great !!!!!!

No that is correct, you cannot start collecting until you are legally able to work in the US, which is when you get your EAD. So, until then, you just wait. When you get your EAD in the mail, send them a fax and they will process your claim and you can start collecting.

A few years ago people got lucky and were able to start collecting right away, but that's not the case anymore.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2010-03-02 10:52:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (ashenflowers @ Dec 11 2009, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,
I'm discussing my ROE with my payroll administrator. Just wanting to make sure he gets all the info.
It was mentioned on page 1 of this thread, but I'm just wanting to confirm that this is correct.
He should use code 'E' which is 'Quit' for the reason for leaving...

And then in block 18 for 'Comments', just put 'Relocation for Anticipated Marriage'? Should there be more info in the comments? Should it mention I'm going to the U.S.?

I found some of the info on it here:

Thanks all.

My payroll person put "K" for Other and then put "relocation for spouse in the comments."

I was approved for EI (but never ended up using it)
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-12-12 09:47:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
They don't actually deny you when you are on a K1 waiting for an EAD. They just put the file on hold until you can provide them with proof that you are legally able to work.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-11-02 20:28:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 31 2009, 11:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was reading the first few pages, and it honestly seems kind of pointless to apply for EI.
Once I get my EAD I'm hoping to find a job within the first 2 weeks, and they stop giving money when you find a job, so it just seems silly to do all that work for not very much money.
Oh well, the thread's worth the read anyway.

Well it's a good safety if you don't happen to find a job right away. I never ended up using my EI since I got a job offer a day after receiving my EAD, but you can never be too sure about it. It doesn't really require a lot of effort, you just have to fill out a form online. Took me 20 minutes. Then you mail them a few things and that's pretty much it.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-11-01 16:42:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (minnew @ Oct 29 2009, 01:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I received a phone call from EI last week on my old cell phone, saved the voicemail but then forgot the next day my account was going to be deactivated! Ugh! I received a letter from EI today dated last week saying that my claim has been denied because I need proper work authorization..blah..blah...but at the bottom of the letter it said once EAD has been received, the claim may be reconsidered! Let's hope I actually don't have to use EI, but its nice to know its there just in case!

Sapphire- I haven't even gotten around to changing my name with Canadian bank and after reading about your experience with TD, I am less than enthused that you have to appear in person for a legal name change! Arggh

How is customhouse supposed to work if you have your married name on your account in the U.S.A and you want to transfer funds back to Canada.....but TD won't let you change your name! *Pulls out hair* (Student loans and GMAC)....When I start working again this should be interesting.... mad.gif

When I first set up customhouse, I used my married name on my US account and my maiden name on my Cdn. account and they had no issues with it.

I hope you have better luck with TD!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-10-30 19:43:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (Sam and Ben @ Oct 22 2009, 06:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sure that there are a fair few people in the same situation as I, so I thought to pose it here...

Obviously, if I'm able to receive EI benefits once eligible, that'd be a great way to balance out the funds a bit. But, as my employers have been aware for many months now that I would eventually be leaving, my full-time status dropped down to part-time only. It's been like that for almost six months, with a couple of three-week-long vacations thrown in.

With the way the economy is now, I imagine anyone who informed their employers of their situation ahead of time could easily have found themselves in this position, so how much will this affect my likeliness of receiving EI benefits? And, I assume, they'll be mostly looking at my part-time wages over the past six months to decide the amount I'm eligible for, if I can receive at all?

I don't know exactly how it's calculated, but it's something about your best 12 weeks or something like over a certain amount of time. You'll have to have a certain amount of hours or something. Check out the official website, I think they explain how to calculate if you aren't sure if you qualify. I know that I worked full time for 2 years and I received 42 weeks at the max amount, but I was making well over their minimum and and I often worked 50 hour weeks. You may or may night qualify depending on your total amount of hours. Your full time hours might help you out there so I wouldn't rule it out. No harm in applying and seeing what happens, but I wouldn't rely on it or anything.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-10-26 09:49:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Oct 19 2009, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danu @ Oct 16 2009, 04:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
TD actually told me that they will have to cancel my visa card if I leave the country perminantly. I don't understand that..I'm still a Canadian citizen..meh whatever. I don't plan on letting them know for awhile then so I still have a card to use. Its funny, cuz my Line of Credit which is much much problems keeping that open with a balance on it, and I can even keep the insurance. laughing.gif I'm still wondering if I can keep my EI going once I move (upon getting my EAD of course). Thinking I will have to call in December to find out.

TD has their head up their butts - I phoned to change my address to the US one after moving...and he told me they can't use a US address, ...and I quote here..."how about we use your parent's address if they still live in Canada'.... wacko.gif

So obviously the rules for that are loosey goosey!

So now, for the last 2 years, they mail my TD VISA statement to my parents (and my mum faithfully mails it to me) and occasionally stuff about my bank account, got a new bank card recently even. They said I had to activate it from technically you'd think I'd have to be at my parents and calling from that area code....but I phoned from VA...the girl asked if I was at home, I said yes...she paused and then she continued on as

You should try calling them back and just changing the billing address (unless you already did that).

I know when I called to change my address they wouldn't do it, but they said if I came in person with a proof of address they would change it for me. We'll see if my bills actually get sent to me in NY. The lady helping me seemed really unsure about changing my address. It's like no one at their branch had ever moved out of the country before (which I find hard to believe). I

I liked TD Bank up until now. They made it so difficult for me to change my name and are making it even more difficult to change the name on my CC! They should really have a better system for helping people out of the country using their services! /Vent over.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-10-19 11:09:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Oct 14 2009, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Oct 13 2009, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What bank do you bank with Joyce?

I bank with TD and they told me that I had to come in person to change my name on my accounts, they wouldn't take my marriage certificate by mail or fax. So I went this past weekend and they still couldn't change my TD Visa because they have to send the new card to the branch, they can't send to a US address... and they wouldn't hold the card for me until Christmas or mail it to me. So I have to call TD Visa back a couple of weeks before I'm back in Canada and then they'll issue me a new visa and send it to my brank in time for me to pick it up. So annoying!

CIBC. I had filled out a "fax/phone" document that will allow me to do transactions, pay bills ( I do that online anyway) or anything I need to. As far as I was told, I could call up and talk with the person in charge, ( I also know her well, she married a Texan, and he moved to Canada, so we have a lot in common) and that I could probably just fax my license. Course haven't called her yet so I could get a different story laughing.gif I think I should be fine because of the authorization letter I signed.

Does TD have anything like that? Did you fill and sign one? Maybe something can still get worked out.

TD basically told me that they can't do any name changes unless they are done in person...end of story. I can bank with them over the phone, but not do an actual name change. Also, in person they were willing to change the name on my credit card, the problem was that they couldn't mail me a new card to a US address, so you might want to confirm that CIBC will be able to mail you a new card in the US.

I barely use my cards from TD anymore anyways, I may not even change my credit card. It's such a hassle!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-10-14 13:27:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Oct 12 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SapphireDreams @ Sep 14 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Sep 14 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did anyone change their name to their married name for EI or just keep it in your maiden name?

I kept it in my maiden name since my SIN and bank accounts are still in my maiden name.

When I finally get around to receiving EI, ( got the letter to say I wasn't going to get benefits because I need to prove I can obtain employment... laughing.gif , then they sent something to say I could be eligible for financial support in retraining.... to the US? I won't hold my breath.) I'm going to send a copy of our marriage certificate to my bank in Canada, and have my visa's changed to my married name, and then contact EI of how to do that too. My SIN was always in my maiden name, ( I've been married twice before) but it's never given me problems. My SSN is in my previous name, but when I get my EAD then I'll go have that changed too. My passport expires in 2011, but I don't foresee myself doing too many plane tickets to worry about, unless an emergency happens at home, but for now, my planned trip will be a year from now when my son gets married. ( unless I get homesick in the spring.. laughing.gif)

What bank do you bank with Joyce?

I bank with TD and they told me that I had to come in person to change my name on my accounts, they wouldn't take my marriage certificate by mail or fax. So I went this past weekend and they still couldn't change my TD Visa because they have to send the new card to the branch, they can't send to a US address... and they wouldn't hold the card for me until Christmas or mail it to me. So I have to call TD Visa back a couple of weeks before I'm back in Canada and then they'll issue me a new visa and send it to my brank in time for me to pick it up. So annoying!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-10-13 15:21:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (Tankgurl38 @ Sep 14 2009, 12:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Did anyone change their name to their married name for EI or just keep it in your maiden name?

I kept it in my maiden name since my SIN and bank accounts are still in my maiden name.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-09-14 11:23:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Aug 31 2009, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, I just got another letter from EI with questions about my citizenship, when I entered USA etc. There's also a question whether or not I've applied or received my EAD which of course in no, because I need to adjust status first, but I'm assuming I should have went ahead and applied as soon as I could after crossing the border? I know I can't receive anything until EAD, and they'll probably send something back stating to send a copy of it so they know I'm legal to work then.

I guess too, that on the reports cards I answer that I'm NOT able and willing..( well, ok, I'm willing... laughing.gif) and explain I need my EAD?

Wow..been so long since I was on EI, I've really forgotten about some of these questions! I should also put down in the week I receive my survivors benefit too, as it is considered taxable income?

Yes, they'll send you a letter after you send back the one they just sent you about the status and visa and tell you that you are not eligible for EI until you are legal and able to work in the US.

On the report cards, I put that I was able and willing to work - but they don't back pay you anyways, so you don't even really need to fill those out.

They'll start paying you from the date of your EAD card.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-08-31 21:01:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (JillA @ Aug 29 2009, 06:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TimandJoyce @ Aug 29 2009, 06:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got my first two report cards today...we'll see how everything goes. I have to send my ROE back with them, haven't got any other info as of yet, but who knows, they might not even ask for it. They didn't on the letter, just the ROE.

I had to send a copy of my K-1 and I-94, plus original ROE.

Yeah me too. They sent me a letter asking for all that stuff after I started to receive the cards I think.... I can't remember. They start sending cards and then they send you a letter after 4 sets of cards saying they can't give you anything until you get your EAD. It's really stupid if you ask me... I wasted like 4 stamps sending them back cards and got nothing from them.

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-08-30 17:42:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
My HR person put "K" for other and then wrote "Relocating for Spouse" in the notes section. I actually didn't ask them to do that, she just did on her own so that was nice.

I should have my EAD card soon to send it in. They finally sent me a letter saying that I'm denied until I send them an EAD card. Took them long enough!!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-07-21 09:00:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
If they pay you from the date of the EAD, I wonder why they send us cards in the mail before we get our EAD.

So strange. I got another card again yesterday.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-07-14 10:10:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
QUOTE (Jenni and Bo @ Jun 24 2009, 03:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well got my EAD on Monday, faxed it that night, forgot to send my marriage cert (lol they must have thought some random person was sending them #######) and EI called today to tell me I will start getting my money for the week of the 28th.

They did the "two week waiting period" by the date on the card, which was the 13th of June (not the day they received it), and I'm elegible for 32 weeks. She reminded me to keep track of places I apply to, to prove I am activly looking for a job. As well, if I decide to do volunteer work, to keep looking for jobs (dur tongue.gif ) and let them know.

so after 5 months and being slightly cranky about it, I will finally have some money..

though it looks like I may be able to get hired at Best buy soon lol...

Hey Jenni - Did they pay you starting from the day you got your EAD? Or from the first card they sent you?

If they pay you from the day you get your EAD I wonder why they send us cards beforehand...unless they back pay us which would be pretty sweet....

I have my biometrics in 3 weeks, so I'm sure my EAD will come soon after that... here's to hoping anyways!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-07-13 14:19:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
I don't really care if I get it or not, I have enough money to get through the next few months BUT I would just like an explanation or something! I'm confused by their correspondence. It's not very good. I don't plan to put up a big fuss or anything.
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-06-28 09:17:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
Okay I'm so confused.

I got a questionnaire asking me what kind of visa I had, when I entered the US, if I've applied for an EAD and when and if I have a copy to attach and also to attach a copy of my visa. That was Friday.

Then today, I got 2 report cards to fill our for the month of June. Those don't necessarily mean I'm approved right?

Why are they sending me report cards when they haven't even told me either way whether or not I'm approved??

I'm going to call on Monday and see what they say.

RYCK - just saw what they said to you and that is what the woman at the SS office tried to tell me (about K1's being void after getting married) and I read up about it and it's not true at all. Our status right now is dependent on our I-94, which is what makes us legal and "technically" able to work. That is the expiry date we need to show them, not our Visa.

Actually, that reminds me, with a copy of my visa, I'm going to send them my I-94 and the document I read on here in the Guides, where is says we are technically allowed to work.... i need to go find it though, I can't remember where I read it...
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-06-27 12:43:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
I think it makes sense that we don't get EI until our EAD comes in. I mean technically we can't look for a job... I'm okay with that I wasn't expecting that money anyways.

Now, when i get my EAD, then I hope I get something. I plan to file next week when I'm there. I guess I'll see what happens!

I'm getting married June 9th and filing my AOS asap after that...
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-05-31 10:02:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
^^ Thank you!! That is pretty decent. I will get the max, woohoo!!
SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-01-10 14:32:00
CanadaThe Canuck EI Thread
What income does a person need to get the max?

SapphireDreamsFemaleCanada2009-01-10 13:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTimelines have been updated
WOW!! How is that possible... blink.gif
BYRON-LEIDYMaleColombia2007-08-21 14:11:00