Middle East and North AfricaOwnership

My fiance and me. Or my fiance and I . . .

That is how I will refer to him. Maybe even my man. But for sure, I will not say my Moroccan. To me the signals a sense of ownersip. How can one this day and age own another human being? I have been reading several messages and though not commenting, I have enjoyed them all. You guys seem to have some real online friendships going on.

My moroccan is just like saying my chinese girl, my Jamaican, my Russian, My African, my American. Is it just me or do these terms not sound right to others?

I agree with you and have often wondered why people refer to their spouses that way. They may not mean it but it sure sounds bad. Now where is my Jordanian, lol. :devil:

That is funny :D

I know that it is off the topic but just wondering how was Morocco...Its good to see you back and I hope that you had great time with your fiance...

I had a wonderful time with my fiance. He spoils me. I do not have to lift a finger for a change. It is so much fun just being catered too. I will want him to cook and clean for me here all the time. I do not think It will happen, lol. Thanks for asking.

Sounds like the honeymoon, lol. Looks like you be doing double tasks soon with a baby on the way, get that rest!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-14 09:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoodbye

Maggie you just have to ignore the retards. :yes: This is one reason I don't come to VJ much. A few of my friends and I were always getting PMS from the "I'm so innocent and I don't know why you are picking on me" people. Also received a few "why are you wanting to marry a terrorist!" Of course it pissed me off when these individuals and their little buddies would gang up, but after a while I actually laughed! :lol: The few on here that I do speak with even contemplated on posting all of their idiotic PMS, but one gal reminded me that then we would be at their level. I see this kind of behavior with kids! Then I had to think maybe these people are just unhappy in their own lives somehow. A few of the people that sent those nasty PMS do not even come to VJ or have had their account disabled, {did that give anyone any hints?} others are still sending the "I'm so perfect and innocent" PMS. Karma is a B#### and will come back and get them. What goes around comes around. I don't wish ill luck on anyone, but I swear if these people act like they do on VJ around their husbands they will be posting in another forum one day. I do still find VJ to be helping when I have a question regarding something. VJ is a playground, some will help you and some will diss ya. Ignore them, and really put them on ignore on VJ, that did wonders for me! Hope you decide to stay around.

I agree with that, well said !
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-14 08:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaOffensive or not?

Does any here Muslims and non-Muslims think if someone said salaami (like the pork meat) to your greetings of salaams... would this offend you?
Sorry I am bored and wondering... cos someone brought this up and I was like :wacko: I laughed but then thought O snaps... maybe I should not laughed. But still I am laughing.
Sorry if anyone thinks this post is too stupid....

At first I would just correct the person, but if it happened again I would take it offensively.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-14 08:59:00
Middle East and North Africaellabentalha

i finally got my dupilcate in the mail from uscis...telling me they sent my application back to nvc for further processing it after they reaffirrmed it.........its been one month now since i heard from the uscis that they sent it (feb 07,2007) i havent heard from nvc yet...i hope to soon....hey limah,,,,have a great time in morocco.... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: your friend ella

Hope Casa makes that call soon to your Ahmed. You've waited long enough!

Limah have a great time in Morocco!

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-03-07 20:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere is everyone at?
why did everyone leave? :blink:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-03-07 20:50:00
Middle East and North Africaellabentalha
Mahbruk Ahmed and Ella :thumbs:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-12 21:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow about Sunday thread?
Happy Sunday Dorothy,

I plan on sleeping in late since we will have a storm headed our way :blush: I hope things are going well for you.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 00:08:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Shon, I see you criticise everyone here. You are also on A/P for the longest time. Will you be on VJ a lifetime? Instead of putting down others here, perhaps take the time out to work on yourself. This is a forum for learning and helping others. If your visa was rolling along nicely he would be with you now.

I hope to learn of good news soon, otherwise I am off to Morocco to marry my love.

Good to hear that you are doing well...Wishing you some good news soon...

Thanks Dorothy, I hope you and your husband are doing well. Maybe we can meet up sometime, I live in Queens.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-09 12:48:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
[quote name='chiquita' date='Sep 9 2006, 08:52 AM' post='434877']
Ok Ladies and Gentleman I am here. I am still waiting on a notice from CIS, the case has not been permanently denied. There is still hope.

Shon, I see you criticise everyone here. You are also on A/P for the longest time. Will you be on VJ a lifetime? Instead of putting down others here, perhaps take the time out to work on yourself. This is a forum for learning and helping others. If your visa was rolling along nicely he would be with you now.

I hope to learn of good news soon, otherwise I am off to Morocco to marry my love.

Nice to hear from you my dear. I hope you get news soon! This 221g is the pits for all of us who have been put through it.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Many Hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}


Thank you Chi, I am happy for you and your husband who made it through! Glad to see you here, knowing there are still good ones here.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-09 09:28:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

hahaha good times.

I'm glad you were here to witness the craziness and point out the hypocracy.

Thanks Sarah :thumbs:

Back to the gold old days on VJ, makes me laugh :jest:

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 22:26:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

My point is that you keep talking about Icey's petition however I think your focus should be on yours, since you have been on AR for one year... you act like the victim and like you have no idea why you could possibly not have the Visa yet. I'm trying to help remind you that the reasons for the hold up for both of you are completely different as yours probably has to do with your immigration history.

There is a different between IMBRA and having 4 husbands, 3 of which you were so kind to bring here.

4 gorgous husbands. hey such as life.. :thumbs:

Hey Shon,

United Nations is a good place to pick up foreigners if your 4th husband does not make it.

Ouch! Thumbs up to you Leila!

As Shon has in her vocabulary "DAYUM"

oops, I am a bad girl :devil:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 22:13:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

My point is that you keep talking about Icey's petition however I think your focus should be on yours, since you have been on AR for one year... you act like the victim and like you have no idea why you could possibly not have the Visa yet. I'm trying to help remind you that the reasons for the hold up for both of you are completely different as yours probably has to do with your immigration history.

There is a different between IMBRA and having 4 husbands, 3 of which you were so kind to bring here.

4 gorgous husbands. hey such as life.. :thumbs:

Hey Shon,

United Nations is a good place to pick up foreigners if your 4th husband does not make it.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 22:05:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Shon I think you have enough on your plate right now with your year's worth of AR that you shouldn't be talking about other people's cases.

The reason Icey's NOA2 is not here yet is because she got help up with IMBRA. This is not the same reason that yours got held up which is because this is your 4th husband and 3rd immigration petition that you have filed. The reasons for the wait for both of you just aren't quite the same ya know what I mean?

Don't compare what can't be compared.



Right on Sarah! :dance:

The camel doesn't see its own hump :devil:

Edited by moroccogirlny, 08 September 2006 - 09:32 PM.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 21:31:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
[quote name='babybunny' date='Sep 8 2006, 10:14 PM' post='434391']
Ok Ladies and Gentleman I am here. I am still waiting on a notice from CIS, the case has not been permanently denied. There is still hope.

Shon, I see you criticise everyone here. You are also on A/P for the longest time. Will you be on VJ a lifetime? Instead of putting down others here, perhaps take the time out to work on yourself. This is a forum for learning and helping others. If your visa was rolling along nicely he would be with you now.

I hope to learn of good news soon, otherwise I am off to Morocco to marry my love.

I am fine thank you. AP/AR is just a fact of IMMIGRATION. my case is rolling along nicely- not worried at all. :lol: :lol: now you and your buddy buddy Icy have some bigger fish to fry..
she got her JUNK in the trunk issues. and well you know what you got the thread is laced with that

Can you explain in english please? Handle your own mess, don't put down others.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 21:25:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Noura run along now - your postings are not making sence. :bonk:

course since you wanna keep posting -hey I have a question for you!...

how about asking your "BUDDY-BUDDY " ICY where the NOA 2 be at? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

ok, i have to get to my *real* work soon, so one last query for you.... where your dayum visa be at??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: i believe it's in visa limbo.... where it's probably gonna dangle for quite some time..... but I don't wish you any ill will, I hope everyone gets through this process soon.... even you bunny... i know all this being away from a loved one can make you act more ridiculous than usual....
gotta work now!
btw, Shon, ever heard of "spellcheck"?

not worried about my hubbys visa. it rolling along nicely.. however,
I think ICY need to worry about that NOA2.... :thumbs:

Ok Ladies and Gentleman I am here. I am still waiting on a notice from CIS, the case has not been permanently denied. There is still hope.

Shon, I see you criticise everyone here. You are also on A/P for the longest time. Will you be on VJ a lifetime? Instead of putting down others here, perhaps take the time out to work on yourself. This is a forum for learning and helping others. If your visa was rolling along nicely he would be with you now.

I hope to learn of good news soon, otherwise I am off to Morocco to marry my love.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 20:47:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
Let's all lighten up here, no one has the answer to mystery's of the consulates. Just be thankful that you're still alive. A young american girl died in Morocco yesterday, she went to live there 5 months ago because her husband was denied a visa.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-21 21:36:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
Give it up already, be nice!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-10 20:22:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
I will let all of you know, yes I am a bit older then my fiance and I have married before and sponsored my ex for his green card. But age, race, religion can not discriminate on any immigration issue. There have been some women here who are mostly older then their fiance/husband. I don't have any clear reasons yet why the petition was sent back, but I know that it is the job of a CO to determine if it is a real relationship. I spent a total of 4 weeks with him in Morocco, call him everyday, email and chat. How much real can it get? But a real CO is not allowed to ask about religion and what our families think of it. Now to the people who have been denied what is your story? Speak up! There are some people who hide their timelines and have been a member here for a while.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-08 19:18:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Leila, I'm sorry Mr. McKeever wasn't nicer to you, I know he's been helpful to others in the past. I hope they will respond to your emails. Definitely don't give up, don't forget that Mary turned her denial around through persistence, so you may luck out too.

If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. You are certainly not the only person raised Jewish who is marrying a Moroccan... I am Jewish too, though it never came up in Majid's interview fortunately. This lady is just completely out of control.

Thank you Sharon, perhaps it was not Mr Mckeever himself( he told me that is his name though). Just someone try to blow me off on the phone. I feel I have been violated and discriminated against. Now I need to find a good lawyer.

Anyone know a good lawyer?
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-05 10:37:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Just a though Moroccogirlny.....there is a list of 9 people we know of from Casablanca that has been sent back to the CIS just from our little group alone. Now if you were to mention this to them, and that we all say that they have violated policy when returning petitions, I am wondering if this might help your case. Lets face it, you were discriminated against because of religion! Now what I am thinking is that maybe if they suspect that you might be pushing towards an investigation of the consulate they might decide against sending back your petition. You shut you up!

Anyone else have a thought on this? Doing this isn't going to help those of us that have already had their petitions sent back, but if it could save just one person some heartache I would be so happy.

I think that is a great idea!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-05 10:12:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Do you think there is any reason why they would doubt the relationship? Did she look at the evidence? How many times did you meet? Did you meet any of the red flags ?

I have known Mouhcine from January 2005, we spoke everyday(phone, yahoo, msn). I have all the records. I sent like 200 photos from the time I was there in August 2005(12 days) and January 2006 (11days). She looked at all the paper work my job letter, taxes, divorce decrees...... She questioned him 30 mins and interogated him when she saw I was born in Israel. She asked if I am Jewish, then asked him if he is muslim. THen she asked him how his family would accept me as his wife being Jewish and her face got bright red and her eyes popped out. She then threw back all his papers and told him to leave. She gave him no chance of talking.

I tried to call Casa yesterday several times, I am sure I had her on the phone at one point. She never gave me her name. I told her I wanted to speak with Mr Mckeever and each time I called he was never at his desk. They kept telling me to email. I sent 3, so far no responses.

Today I called Casa again. I was firm and asked for Mr Mckeever. I got disconnected like 3 times and finally got put on hold and a man picked up. I told him I wanted to know about my fiance's interview and he said to email, I then asked him why the CO asked of our religion and that it is racial and prejudice to bring that up in a interview. He then got irritated and told me that I need to email and that the consulate does not get enough money from the state to answer phone calls and to report it to my congress that they are short money. I then asked him his name - Mr Matthew Mckeever himself.

We had no red flags, no reason at all to deny us. I will be fighting this, and I am going back to Morocco next month.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-05 08:19:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

I am sooo sorry to hear this. You did the right thing, you contacted your representative. With luck they can push hard before they send it back. I have heard of this happening twice..once was just recently, and from Morocco. Once it has left Casa then you are in for a long wait.

You might want to join our group. This group is specifically for people that have had their petitions sent back. Almost all of them are from Morocco. Its a little dead right now, Kiya is gone, and I am in the middle of quarter end at work, not sure what everyone else is up to...maybe just taking a break. We are all at different stages of the process, and we are all willing to help the best we can.

We are here for you....just be strong.

Thank you so much. I am so exhausted from this. :crying:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-04 20:16:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

Oh Leila... :crying: I am so sorry about what is happening and can not believe that Casablanca is doing this should try to get in touch with Kiya...same have happened to her fiance and I know that she is very resourceful and may have some insight as how you should for Casablanca...God only knows what is happening at that post...but it is nothing good and as someone said before they are returning too many petitions to USCIS...once again I feel so terrible about the outcome ...hang in there *hugs*

I am trying, she questioned him for 30 minutes and asked him why he would marry a jewish girl and if his family approved of that. Can you beleive it.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-04 09:00:00
Middle East and North Africa221g

I just got a call from Mouhcine, he got a 221g and it said:

your petition has been returned to the department of homeland security's Bureau of citizenship and immigration servece for further investigation . please contact the Bureau of citizentship and immigration service office where your petition as filed for addition information.

There was no AR/AP info on it. He had the notorious lady! Any help please?


hi Leila,
I am sorry that this has happend. The words of comfort I have for you is that 221g is not the ended of the world it is a TEMP denial. your case is still being Adjudicated for a decision. what will happen next is they will proble interview you and perhaps interview your hubby again. I got my petition returned long before it reached the embassy level. Mine got returned and then sent to dallas USICS office. I had 2 hours hellish interrogation by the officer here. we got approved. then after that we had 2 field investigations. this consisted of the Pakistan embassy. visiting my husbands family on 2 random occasions.

Please keep all your proof togeather and stay organized. right now its also important that you and hubby keep communicating - visit each other its a long process. I dont know anyone on this board that has had there 2nd or 3rd interview since the influx of returned petitions from Casa. I am not sure what the longest wait is. but, certainly, you have a lot of support from me and from all the others on the ME forums. hang in there kid.

Thank you so much, I am contacting my senator here and possibly a lawyer.

I will fight for him!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-04 08:54:00
Middle East and North Africa221g
I just got a call from Mouhcine, he got a 221g and it said:

your petition has been returned to the department of homeland security's Bureau of citizenship and immigration servece for further investigation . please contact the Bureau of citizentship and immigration service office where your petition as filed for addition information.

There was no AR/AP info on it. He had the notorious lady! Any help please?

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2006-04-04 07:52:00
Middle East and North Africawhat to take to the interview

After today i dont know what to suggest, he had everything and she wouldnt look at it, she asked few general questions that he had no prob knowing the answers and suggest as he spoke would u like to see ...and she always said no she ask about calling but she wont look at blls, she ask about his work but wont look at store and his tax papers so at this point i dont know what to suggest. I had sent him nice folder all sectioned out with my stuff (evidence) nice album all kinds pictures me with him and family, etc, engagement party, ring receipts all his stuff translated by certified person, letters from both friend, here and there..

Sorry you had to go through this problem today, my fiance was denied one year ago today and we are still waiting on Vermont to send a notice. Hope your Senators and Congressman can get moving on this.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-04 22:14:00
Middle East and North Africahey guys

hey guys i wanna say sorry about yesterday bust i did nothing i do not know why some ppl here thier jobs onleyt to piss us off

No need to apologize, some people just get carried away. :blush:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-05 19:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAt Prena's Request
Congrats Prena and Layth!!! :dance:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 11:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaYoung Muslims in Cairo transform the hijab

MENA is back in the game, baby!

:devil: It feels so good :dance:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 13:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaYoung Muslims in Cairo transform the hijab

Did anyone else feel that brush of HOT air? i never addressed you and i would appreciate the same from you.

Seems to be issues, perhaps no happiness. Maybe something lacking in the marriage called Love (F) Medication could help.

Good god woman, get over yourself and your denied petition. You're the one admitting to targeting Sarah in the other thread when several were joking about the same thing, so who is unahppy?

Oh yeah come on, get it out of your system. Anger management hmmm, oh yes targeting Sarah, yeah okay! and being private....hmmm hiding something??? Yes, I have nothing to hide, yes my fiance was denied but guess what there will be that day that it's going to be reaffirmed. And we are still happy together. What else would you like to share?? I fell good today, let's share :dance:

Did anyone else feel that brush of HOT air? i never addressed you and i would appreciate the same from you.

The ignore feature is in place for a reason, let someone know if you need help.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 13:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaYoung Muslims in Cairo transform the hijab

Did anyone else feel that brush of HOT air? i never addressed you and i would appreciate the same from you.

Seems to be issues, perhaps no happiness. Maybe something lacking in the marriage called Love (F) Medication could help.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaOut of Control!

im goin to bedddddddd. im a lazy bones now that im in the us.....

Have a good night :whistle:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 22:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaOut of Control!
Where is everyone? I like action :luv:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 22:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust thought I would share!
Mahbruk :dance:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 22:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

I feel great :thumbs:

Thanks God!

Yes and you Sarah? Thanks for the concern always (F)

Wow, just dropping by to read some topics on a rather boring guys are Crazzzzzzzzzzy... :lol: :no: :)

Good luck with the CO opening back up...

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-20 22:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

I feel great :thumbs:

Thanks God!

Yes and you Sarah? Thanks for the concern always (F)
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 23:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
I feel great :thumbs:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

Ah, nice, admission you purposefully target Sarah....Happy Saturday Morning!

oh glad you caught that, Happy Saturday :luv:
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 12:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

How about if everyone stops speculating and just make an announcement when the consulate actually opens? Speculation leads to ppl getting their hopes up which in turn leads to disappointment. Just a thought.

I think the consulate will open when my bff's aunt's husband's boss talks to his cousin's friend who works at the juice stand 4 blocks down.

Well I heard from a 3rd cousin of Hicham's who heard from a taxi driver who heard from his sister who heard from the same guy at the juice stand that the Consulate is still closed.

Oh that is so funny, better keep your day job.

Could your selective irritation be any more transparent?

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-05-19 11:19:00