Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
Why is this thread so... quiet???
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 16:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

To the newcomers reading this thread for the first time --

Welcome to the Middle East.

OT posters fight on a daily basis, no one is in there saying Welcome to Hickville.

People don't fight on the Brazil thread...

That is why I have to get out to get some action...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 16:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

To the newcomers reading this thread for the first time --

Welcome to the Middle East.

Aren't most people here USCs?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 16:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

ETA: I don't know what she was talking about because it was in arabic.

You didn't see the translation either?

Opine away, jenn. Excuse us while we have some fun.

I don't have access to that forum.

I only have access to the "Shame on you for not being from Portugal" forum...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 15:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

You conveniently left out the part where I said if I do it, I can take the blowback. I also don't need myhusband to show up to defend me. That, I can do myself.

Been wondering how long it would take the WOMBUDS to gather.

Not only defend you, but also put to shame the other woman...

To be honest, I don't know what WOM was talking about, but the shame and the arabic part was ridiculous....

ETA: I don't know what she was talking about because it was in arabic.

Edited by Reynaldo, 08 January 2007 - 03:43 PM.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 15:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Oh.... there a good Idea... I could apply for a Gremlin passport :whistle: then I could move to a bit of land and put up a fence and call it Gremlinstine.... :lol: :lol: Just think there could then be people 100 years from now that will live in America and claim to be Gremlins.....


Just... stay... away... from... water....

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Will someone please post a copy of the translation WOM mentioned? I must have misplaced mine, darn it!

don't hold your breath :whistle:

Isn't it on the "Shame on you for not being from Palestine" forum???
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 15:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

i've looked and i can't find a gremany on the map.

Isn't it right next to Boland?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

I have met many many people here in America that claim to be from all sorts of places.... just because there great great great grandfather came from there....

Well I am sorry but the perfect answer was given to a lady on a flight to dublin by the cabinstaff... the passanger was claiming because her grandfather came from dublin she was Irish and therefore she was Irish..... the cabin staff asked her if she held a Irish passport.. the lady said NO... she was then told very politly that if she had no irish passport then she was not Irish....

So may be the answer here is if you have or qualify for a passport from palastine the you are from palistine if you have a passport from America then you come from the USA...

My husbands family came from Russia and yes they are Jews does he claim to be from Russia NO he is 100% American.. I was born and brought up and lived my life in Scotland until 2005 so as far as I am concered I am Scottish...

All this ####### about I am 5th generation whatever is just hot air.... if you were not born there and dont live there then you dont come from there....


Now that you mentioned it...

My family came to Brazil in 1924 from Portugal, and my dad was born to Portuguese immigrants.

I consider myself half-Brazilian and half-Portuguese (even though I found out recently that I am portuguese on both sides of the family), and (for now) I haven't ever been to Portugal.

Should I stop considering myself half-Portuguese? And what should I do with my Portuguese passport? Throw it away?

Their ancestors may have come from there... but they were born and raised here in America... that makes them American... same if I have children thay would be born here in the USA that would make them American... yes there Mother would be Scottish but they would be American... and if they had children of their own in years to come they to would be american and so on and so on.... they could not claim a british passport they would have no right to live and work in the UK and would not be classed as being Scottish/British....


You're right. I will give up on my Portuguese citizenship...

It was good while it lasted...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Maybe the hotheads are all at a hothead convention :lol:

Or flaming someone else in some other foreign language...

Maybe the hotheads are all at a hothead convention :lol:

the true cause of global warming........ :whistle:

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Talking about zionism on mixed public forums is like Posted Image

I know, but I am surprised that no one tried to flame me or anything because of what I said...


Not that I was trolling or anything, it is just a tough subject...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

best to just dig a deep hole when that word starts flying around.

I don't know...

I don't think anyone here denies the Holocaust, but taking people out of their homes and putting fences between them and your people sounds a little like apartheid....

And I don't think even the original zionists would be happy with what people are doing on its name...

ETA: I am not an anti-zionist, I just good things should not be used as reason to do bad things (i.e. the cruzades...)

Edited by Reynaldo, 08 January 2007 - 02:22 PM.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

You just don't tell a Palestinian they're not Palestinian. That's zionist talk. That's what I thought was soooo strange about what WOM and Mahmoud were saying to me. It took me aback coz anyone who knows about the displaced of Palestine knows that's when you do that, you're looking for a fight.

i have to mark today down. wom gets the zionist label thrown back at her Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

By the way, are we zionists here or anti-zionists?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

well i'm apparently gained knowledge about brazil by osmosis since i married nessa :whistle:

Did you know that Brazil was the only independent colony in the New World that became a Empire, instead of a Republic?

of course i knew that. i learned it by osmosis when i got married!

Oh... I see...

I know. I enjoy my time reading there.

And feel free to post...

Specially on the Brazil's kitchen thread...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 13:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO
But seriously now, when we start a thread, and we know that non-native speakers are reading our thread, we try to keep it in english...

And if someone ask for translation we don't say: "We won't translate it because it will put you to shame"

Edited by Reynaldo, 08 January 2007 - 01:32 PM.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

By the way, do you speak Arabic at all ? You haven't responded to a word my husband wrote (except the one word I translated.) He is becoming suspicious.

I do speak arabic and I would not have responded to either of those posts. Regardless of whether she speaks arabic or not, that doesn't mean she doesn't know what she is talking about. Secondly, what did you husband write that had anything to do with the situation of Palestine? All I saw was an attempt to shame her, cut her down, and get under her skin.

If SZSZ doesn't understand arabic that that would be the only thing your husband could have possibly proved with those statements. I think asking your husband to come on VJ and cut someone down in Arabic is a pretty low thing to do. Maybe you thought no one else would understand, but its very easy for most to just ask their SO to translate.

JP, I agree with you.

That was just low and alienating...

I see alot of Portuguese on another board . . .

You mean, on the Latin America and Caribean board?

ETA: And portuguese is like spanish. We don't even take it too seriously...

Edited by Reynaldo, 08 January 2007 - 01:28 PM.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 13:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

Can we speak english or is this a system error?

mar7aba ..ana mahmoud men falasteen ..awal she ya eli bt7ki 3an 7alek falastenih .. enti ath bati eli enek ma bt3rafi 3an falasteen wla she .thanyan marati bt3ref 3an falasteen akthar menk ..b3deen men treeket 7kyek .. embayen 3leek ma zorti falasteen wla elk ay 7da fi falasteen .. liano law ana kont m7lek .kont tameet 7ali fi jorah wi est7eet eni a7ki 3an 7ali falasteeni.. ba3deen mesh kol alnas wa7ad ...ana ma bkrah alyhood kolhom ..liano fi almlee7 wi al3atel ween ma kona falasteen wa fi kol al3alam.ba3deen kabel la tektbi ay shi ..e3rafi sho katabti.. mshan t3rafi keef alnas ra7 etjawbek.. lianek bt7ki ma 7keet shi wa enti 7keeti al7aki .eli a3ta lanas eli mwjodeen yjawbook bna2a 3la alakher la tekhzeena allah ykhleeki li ana falasteenyeh wa elna alsharaf enkon falasteenyeh... Mahmoud alfalasteeni men jenin

I hear ya...

Well, one difference between you and I is that I wouldn't be a transplant. My great-grandfather came here after losing his home to Israel. He brought his children with him. None of us have stayed away, so I'm not only about practice, cooking and looking. Like I said before, Europeans and Arabs, not interchangable. You talk about leaving your past, we talk about not leaving it.

well i'm apparently gained knowledge about brazil by osmosis since i married nessa :whistle:

Did you know that Brazil was the only independent colony in the New World that became a Empire, instead of a Republic?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaIssues you may need to discuss with your MENA SO

If anyone wants to know what my husband said, he is ready to translate it, but he didn't want to shame you in front of everyone.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-08 08:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Posted Image

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 17:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive
Ai ai...


And people, by the way:
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 17:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

We do!

Posted Image

Oh... I see...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 16:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Posted Image

MBP, you are not cooperating! :lol:

Can't we all get along?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 16:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Posted Image

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 16:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Yeah Rahma does look a little pale now that you mention it.

Too much sunblock, I think...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 16:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Posted Image


I's been there.

rahma and her sweetie on da nile

It is on my to-go list....
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Posted Image

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Y'all are nuts-me.

ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 15:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Feb 9th? woo-hoo. You and Alex must be so happy.

#2 to add to your list....don;t forget Valentine's Day is Feb 14th :P

Congratulations to you both (F)

Ironically enough, I will probably get married close to Valentine's Day (if not on the 14th)...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 14:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Don't put regular dishsoap in the dishwasher!

and congrats!!! when will you be here?

Well, now I have a notebook titled: "Things not to do while in the USA"

And the #1 thing is: Donot put regular soap in the dishwasher...

Feb 9th
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 14:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Hi Reynaldo! How have you been? Haven't been by to see us in some time....are you cheating on us? LOL :P C'mon tell me, which other regional forum are you having a relationship with? :P

Well, I didn't want to tell you like this, but I have been going out with the Latin America forum.

I am sorry, but it just happened...

So anyway, what is that dishwashing(sher) thing again?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to remember to tell your SO when they arrive

Do you know what your issue is? You don't understand the concept of forgiveness.


Hey, what did I miss?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 13:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThings to tell your SO

Ill go you one better: Im going to put Ahmed in a shirt bearing the words "My wife dresses me funny" :D

On a related subject, do they also have t-shirts with Engrish written on them?

Alex made me promise to burn all my t-shirts with nonsenses written on them...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-25 15:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoogle's Arabic-English Translation Tool
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-26 10:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY
Why isn't Charles posting on the daily ME/NA thread?
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-04-02 15:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
Hell yeah! Popcorn!!!
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-04-27 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-03-30 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaI just need to vent
Hang in there...I knows its been an extremely long time, but you gotta keep the faith. I know how you feel. This process really sucks!
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2007-11-03 19:58:00
Middle East and North Africaellabentalha
I am just curious how you filed 2 k1 petitions? Did you close the 1st one? I heard that filing another petition while having one open will automatically cancel both petitions. My fiance was denied in April 2006 and I am still waiting on Vermont to send me a notice, until then I am not making any new moves.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-10 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCurious

I have one friend who did this inadvertently and it extended the time her husband could come over because she had to start all over again with filing K3. Now, I know of another person who has filed K1, but in the mean time has gotten married in Morocco, refers to her man as her husband, and plans not to make mention of this to USCIS. I'm not so much one to say "it's the law, you must follow it" however, I do think she's rolling the dice on this one and quite possibly might ruin her chances of a visa for her man. Or not? I know I should probably post this in the K1 forum, but I'm actually not asking much about what will happen should the authorities find out, just wondering what any of you would do if your friend was going about things this way.

p.s. if anyone knows what could happen should the authorities find out, you can tell me :P

She most likely just messed up her chances of her SO ever getting here. If she filed the k1 already she should have waited the outcome. Now that she got married and did not let USCIS know her chances are worse. She could have cancelled her k1 first with reason and then married and filed the k3. She might need to find a very good lawyer. If you want more info send me a PM.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-14 08:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaOwnership

My fiance and me. Or my fiance and I . . .

That is how I will refer to him. Maybe even my man. But for sure, I will not say my Moroccan. To me the signals a sense of ownersip. How can one this day and age own another human being? I have been reading several messages and though not commenting, I have enjoyed them all. You guys seem to have some real online friendships going on.

My moroccan is just like saying my chinese girl, my Jamaican, my Russian, My African, my American. Is it just me or do these terms not sound right to others?

I agree with you and have often wondered why people refer to their spouses that way. They may not mean it but it sure sounds bad. Now where is my Jordanian, lol. :devil:

That is funny :D

I know that it is off the topic but just wondering how was Morocco...Its good to see you back and I hope that you had great time with your fiance...

I had a wonderful time with my fiance. He spoils me. I do not have to lift a finger for a change. It is so much fun just being catered too. I will want him to cook and clean for me here all the time. I do not think It will happen, lol. Thanks for asking.

Sounds like the honeymoon, lol. Looks like you be doing double tasks soon with a baby on the way, get that rest!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-01-14 09:02:00