Middle East and North AfricaInteresting Pork Topic I saw
Grooossss.... I never eat pork but at the insistence of my BIL's girlfriend, I ate chichas in Spain last month. Did not sit well with my lil digestive system. Serious trouble. Now I'm about to vomit all over again, true or not.
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2008-04-01 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaPets and middle eastern spouses
Giving up your dog or cat for a man? ohmy.gif What did your pet ever do to you to deserve being dumped?
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2008-04-13 17:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
QUOTE (Jenn! @ Apr 9 2008, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Pattu Rani @ Apr 9 2008, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Maybe there are sweet humble hardworking American guys who aren't trying to be something they aren't but I haven't met any.

Absolutely there are! I think painting all American men with one brush is just as bad as doing it with American women, no?

Oh yeah it is. PR, I have dated men like that. Just not the right ones for me. My husband isn't particularly sweet or humble, although he is hardworking. Oops, he's foreign. smile.gif
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2008-04-09 14:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo does it really suck when they get here or what?
Wow. These marriages sound 4 times harder than others. I think if I had to live by all of these tips and rules my ME/NA husband would have divorced my a$s a few days after the wedding. Or the other way around. Not sure. tongue.gif
Where do you guys find the patience and understanding?
Does it ever get significantly easier?
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2008-04-08 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA pictures

You guys thank you for this beautiful thread. I have learned so much about the MENA area just from these pictures! For the first time I kind of even want to go there!

Yes naming the pic Kristallnacht was not in the best taste IMO, but let's just ignore it so everyone can see the beauty (and sometimes beauty is not a landscape or a piece of architecture) of this region for better or for worse.

Alex, the naming of the pic refers to the period known as Kristallnacht in Ramallah. It was a dark and terrible time for those people. It is a political name for sure, but I suspect if you read of the horrors of the kristallnacht in Ramallah in 2002 and how the word stood by like they did in Germany of the 1930s. it will make some sense (even if you disagree with the use of such a term).

Well said :thumbs:

Ok, I take back my saying it was in poor taste to name the pic that, if that's what they actually call the time. From this side of the fence we don't hear about stuff like that, although we do hear about the events for sure.
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2007-01-16 09:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA pictures
You guys thank you for this beautiful thread. I have learned so much about the MENA area just from these pictures! For the first time I kind of even want to go there!

Yes naming the pic Kristallnacht was not in the best taste IMO, but let's just ignore it so everyone can see the beauty (and sometimes beauty is not a landscape or a piece of architecture) of this region for better or for worse.
Alex+RFemaleBrazil2007-01-15 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA pictures

Whoa, I just saw this thread....

And this is awesome...

I noticed you've been away.

I've been doing just a little lurking lately...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-18 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaME/NA pictures
Whoa, I just saw this thread....

And this is awesome...
ReynaldoMaleBrazil2007-01-18 13:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm so nervous!
Yeah...I see what you mean. That is cool that you are willing to share your experience for the benefit of others. I wish you the best of luck!
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-19 00:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaI'm so nervous!
Don't worry. It's going to be all good. He will call you in a few and say: "Guess what honey? I got it!!!!" star_smile.gif
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-19 00:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy do VJ MENA members fight so much with each other?
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Jul 19 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (just_Jackie @ Jul 19 2008, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Is there an election erection coming up ?

Fixored for clarity.

Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-19 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaCharlesandnessa
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Jul 25 2008, 04:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i'm at work right now, does that answer the question? unsure.gif

Quite popular are we, Charles? ....You have a whole thread dedicated to you! good.gif biggrin.gif
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-26 21:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat race are Egyptians considered to be here
QUOTE (Virtual wife @ Aug 2 2008, 11:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Karamella @ Aug 2 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Above is a link to the legal definition of racial groups. Being Black/African American does not have anything to do with simply being born in Africa. There are plenty of White people aka: Caucasians, living in South Africa for hundreds of years but they are not "black". It's about skin color, type of hair, facial features, etc. "Negroid" features to use an old fashioned term. The majority of people in Egypt do not fit into this category, regardless of the geographical locations of Egypt.

On the other hand a person with "negroid" (dark brown) skin, "negroid" facial features and hair, born in London would not be Caucasian simply because they were born in Europe.

The 20th Century terms for categorizing race are: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Congoid, Capoid, Australoid, and included in the group "Cacasoid" are people of Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East, and North and Northeast Africa.

Race has nothing to do with where you are born or what passport you carry. Race predates the artifical boundaries created by governments and the naming of geographic regions.

Nubians are an ancient group of people still very genetically "intact" due to a high rate of intermarriage. If my ex had been born in Sudan where the largest concentration of people of Nubian descent still live he likely would have been told to put "black", but the Egyptian passport made it confusing to the ignorant govenment employee he was dealing with. When the Aswan Dam was built many Egyptian Nubians faced a "diaspora" when they lost their homes and ancestral lands to the resulting "lake" above the dam. It's a very sad story of the forced migration of an ancient people.


Wow! That explanation is definitely from the 1950s and 60s. Arabs aren't even a homogeneous group; we are Arabs based primarily on language and cultural aspects, so how can all or even most of us be classified as White? We can't. "White Arabs" in the US were predominately Christian Arabs. Muslim Arabs have had a more mixed racial reception in the US. We have been the "Other" for a long time.

Race is, at best, a nebulous concept. I grew up in a time of overt racial discrimination when the paper bag test (was your skin darker than a paper bag?) was used to determine if you were "too back office appearance" to hire, and the "one drop (of Negro Blood) rule" forced many people to sever ties with their communities inorder to "pass" for white and have opportunities not afforded where they were known as Black or Colored. There were ( and still are) places in the US where signs saying "No Indians or Dogs allowed" are openly displayed. Your explanation brought back memories of those times and places.

Being African American or White is not simply about physical features. There are many, many people classified as Asian who have dark skin, curly hair, so-called "Negroid" features who are not African at all. Many Upper Egytians fit that description, but they certainly aren't AA, nor Caucasian. There are "Whites" who don't "look White" and "non-Whites" who do. In a diverse country, such as the US, saying that someone "Looks American" is synonymous to saying they "look white" to many who give that expression not one thought.

There is no "legal" definition of racial groups; the affirmative action guidelines are political, not legal, and the history of racism in the US and colonial states has much to do with it. I've lived long enough to witness these classifications morph multiple times due to social perceptions. Racial classifications from any century have been socio-political, not biological nor physiological. They are merely social constructs that change over time. I've always been Arab, but I haven't always been White because I'm not a Christian Arab. I became White as times and politics changed. I am also becoming non-White again. It's wishful thinking to believe that what you check on a form forms the perceptions of others toward you.

For more information on how social politics defines race, here are some books that discuss the issue:

Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects

Not Quite American?: The Shaping of Arab and Muslim Identity in the United States

How the Irish Became White

Working Toward Whiteness

Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race

Anti-Arab Racism in the USA: Where it Comes From and What it Means for Politics Today

When She Was White: The True Story of a Family Divided By Race

I hope that helps.

I agree...Depends on who you ask.

Definitions of race are pretty biased. When you are a person of color, especially, you definitely are not left with a true and accurate choice.

Edited by Asante Maroon, 02 August 2008 - 11:15 PM.

Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-08-02 23:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat race are Egyptians considered to be here
QUOTE (Karamella @ Aug 2 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Above is a link to the legal definition of racial groups. Being Black/African American does not have anything to do with simply being born in Africa. There are plenty of White people aka: Caucasians, living in South Africa for hundreds of years but they are not "black". It's about skin color, type of hair, facial features, etc. "Negroid" features to use an old fashioned term. The majority of people in Egypt do not fit into this category, regardless of the geographical locations of Egypt.

On the other hand a person with "negroid" (dark brown) skin, "negroid" facial features and hair, born in London would not be Caucasian simply because they were born in Europe.

The 20th Century terms for categorizing race are: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Congoid, Capoid, Australoid, and included in the group "Cacasoid" are people of Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, Middle East, and North and Northeast Africa.

Race has nothing to do with where you are born or what passport you carry. Race predates the artifical boundaries created by governments and the naming of geographic regions.

Nubians are an ancient group of people still very genetically "intact" due to a high rate of intermarriage. If my ex had been born in Sudan where the largest concentration of people of Nubian descent still live he likely would have been told to put "black", but the Egyptian passport made it confusing to the ignorant govenment employee he was dealing with. When the Aswan Dam was built many Egyptian Nubians faced a "diaspora" when they lost their homes and ancestral lands to the resulting "lake" above the dam. It's a very sad story of the forced migration of an ancient people.


negroid is not only old fashioned but totally not PC
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-08-02 23:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat race are Egyptians considered to be here
isn't Egypt in Africa? I'm confused.
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-08-02 19:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaI lost my husband today
rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
Asante MaroonFemaleGhana2008-07-27 16:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS

i am happy Sarah you had a good experience with casa. that doesnt mean that other's have had the same positive experience though (through no fault of their's).

why is there such a differnce??? someone please explain why the CO's attitudes are negative right from the beginning with those who have red flags or as we call them 'issues'?

who can explain this? why does a red flag negate politeness and a fair interview? if theses so called red flags are supposed to be such a big issue, why then for goodness sake(being nice :whistle: ) are they not considered during the time of application with USCIS???

i ADDRESSED every single "issue/red flag" at the time i filed my petitions. USCIS approved everything, YET the consulte still decided that we had an "invalid relationship for immigration purposes". seems even if you do ADDRESS the issues and red flags with filing the petition the consulates still return the case. WWWHHHYYYYY????

i can pretty much guess, but i am sure many will disagree. here is what i have learned (mostly from reading congressional hearings and such) is the couples who are filing petitions on the behalf of a foreign fiance or spouse become the pawns between USCIS (homeland security) and the consulates (dept of state) for fiancial reasons.

there is one wonderful woman who found this info. it took her a long time to find it. in this meeting, mr mckeever was asking who was going to do the investigating that was being required for non-immigrant and immigrant visas. he said more money would be needed as he didnt have enough staff to do this. he also told one of the ladies here when she spoke to him on the phone that 'he doesnt get paid to talk on the phone'. putting 2+2=more money is wanted/needed to do what is required.

but which dept is the one required to do the investigation in the first place. hmmmm....seems that if your case is cut and dryed so to speak, you will be treated quite nicely by the consulates. on the other hand if you have some 'issues' oh lets say age or how you met then the consulates will just 'kick back' your case to USCIS to review further. this is what the letter says that is given to denied applicants.

if i am off base them someone add it up better for me.

i experienced first hand the rudeness and verbal abuse myself from a CO.

Sarah all this is not amaimed at you. please dont take it like that. i am just replying and adding my own comments and experiences.

i like many other couples who have been denied are just so frustrated with a system that does not work and yet there is no one who can help. thats all. we too want to be treated with respect and fairness. that is not the case for those of us who are denied, plain and simple. i think i echo the sentiment of those couples.



Well said Chi!! I will never forget that call with Matthew McKeever either. There are no intentions to scare people here but these officers do lie. I have seen one NOIR recently that had these reasons for denial:

The petitioner is American
The beneficiary does not speak English well (he took English classes and also teaches in a high school)
The petitioner is older(she is 2 years older)
Meeting on the internet (she met when studying in France)
Did not know about her biological father

This couple has known each other for 5 years.

Many couples have been approved though who have known each other less then a year and the petitioner only visited once. The petitioner in general much older and heavy.

I have also heard of one couple through the grapevine that had a short brief encounter, got engaged and was given a visa in 6 months. This couple only did this as a business deal for a large amount of money.

Go figure !!
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 00:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaLET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR RED FLAGS

apparently one reason i learned can be as simple as saying BECAUSE SHE IS AMERICAN

This is a known fact, someone got this on their NOIR!! Mind you that their case was closed without sending a notice and their Congressman had contacted the service center to open the case.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 23:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrepping for eventual Casa interview
QUOTE (Vanessa1 @ Dec 22 2009, 10:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So I've been reading a lot here on the struggles people are having gaining visa approval through Casa. I do note that many of the struggles are with the K1 and not as many with the CR1, but they happen too. I have filed for the CR1 for my husband and I am worried about the interview and want to be prepared so we don't have issues that cause a lengthy delay. I am prepared that we will have AP, that is a given it seems. But I don't want to see our application get sent back to the US and it seems that Casa is doing that a lot lately. Currently we have the NOA1 and it's been about 2 months since then. I know with the holidays and all it will be a little longer before the NOA2 arrives.

Here are my questions:
1) We did not file a lot of initial proof with the I-130 application. I did send in two affidavits, as per the I-130 instructions. One was from a friend who had knowledge of our relationship as it grew and developed from the beginning and the other was from his brother since his mother cannot read or write. I note that a lot of people are saying that the interviewer isn't looking at proof brought to the interview so can I send that in when the application goes forward to the NVC? It seems they look at it if it is there ahead of time, but not when the beneficiary actually gets to the embassy.

Do not send them any additional items unless they request it. Start gathering as much as possible for the interview, even though the officer may not look at the proof, he/she will see that you took the time and effort to do it.

2) Is there any sort of benefit to having an attorney present at the interview? I have an attorney who looked over our application before sending it in and he said we did not need to hire him fully at this time but when we went to remove conditions we would need him at that interview. I'm just wondering if it would help for this one (although the expense of that makes my head spin!). I am meeting with him again after the holidays.

You already filed the petition, that's all a lawyer can do for you if you hired one. No one else can be at the interview except your husband. Save your money for visiting him.

3) If I cannot go see my husband any time soon, how much does that hurt our application? It's not that we haven't wanted to be together but financial circumstances have gotten in the way. I spent 8 weeks there this summer and really do intend on getting back there before next summer but his work schedule may prevent it. I kind of feel like we're darned if you do, darned if you don't here. But we have to live and survive while we wait.

Try to visit him at the interview time, even though you can't enter with him your husband can let the officer know that you are with him in Morocco. I have heard from a few that the officer actually asked their spouse to enter the consulate. Plus being there at that time will be less nerve racking for your husband. Prepare a mock interview with him. He has to show confidence with his answers.

Ok, that's it. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this and respond! smile.gif

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2009-12-22 11:04:00
Middle East and North Africafrustrated and wondering if there is more i can do
QUOTE (norielorie @ Dec 7 2009, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm not sure where I should post this. There is no forum for what i am trying to find out this time. So I came to where i get the best answers. Ok 2 months ago our visa was denied. For unclear reasons.

So I have been reading through all post posted here on VJ to gain insight and figure out what is going to happen and what are my next best steps. I have also talked with a couple of lawyers. When I first started this journey i was pretty much told I did not need a lawyer, because a K-1 visa was a simple visa. But after denial i decided ok i need a honest opinion. The lawyers said they have seen a trend in Morocco's Consulate that it is becoming harder to get a visa. I even followed the guide I found on VJ to put together my packet.

I also know that many women do call the consulate to try to make it clear there applications are on the up and up. And many men in Morocco believe this helped in there approval. Well I did call the consulate and this was one of the questions I asked. Does it help to call. The man I talked to said not really but you can call and email all you want. That he did not have acess to our applications to note we called or could not tell the interviews, becasue he would not know which interviewer we would have. That makes sense. I have also heard of some women calling so much that they were told to not call or email anymore or it could delay there application. So no i did not call the consulate while waiting on the interview, as I was not sure what was best.

Also I have learned that it can take 2-3 months for a returned application to make it back to the states and get in the system. I have tried calling NVC and USCIS. But so far nothing. I also know NVC will know first since they track all applications. And calling USCIS is pointless as you are calling a call center and they can only answer you with common questions and not give direct information. But there is no direct number I have found to call USCIS. So the waiting continues.

I was advised that I had to wait a year before starting a new visa. And that starting a new visa would be faster and easier at this point because a review could take 16-18 months. And there was a good possiblity my fiance could be here before a review could be done, if they even do one.

So I really want to make sure i'm doing the right and best thing this time with a visa. I also know that the more proof I have the less questions my fiance will be asked at the interview. So i need to know if i need more then what was advised to me. I was advised to send in phone records, chat logs, printed chats, emails, snail mails, affidivates from family and close friends and written statements from me and my faince. Besides the basic passport copys, and boarding tickets and passport type pics. Any thing else. Also how did you get your men ready for the interview?? I had basic interview questions. But is there a cetain way to answer these questions, certain answers they are looking for. I am just trying to make sure all goes good the next time.

Also i know that different times of the year can get you approved for your NOA2 faster. Just because it is slower. I really wished i could filed now, becasue it would be faster. But that is not possible. And the hardest part about being denied is you feel all alone and you just see everyone else being approved it is so hard. It has been very hard on my faince and sometimes he does not think i am doing anything about this. And it is only because he does not understand how this system works. I have tried to explain to him several times. But still i think he thinks i should be able to call these agencies and they will know that i care very much about him and wham all things will happen. But that is not how it works. Once i know they have our returned application it will be easier cause then i can track it. But untill the application returns or Febuary comes there is not much I can do except keep calling and checking. If there is anything esle I can do,please let me know. I will do anything to be with the man I love. And I will do anything to ease his pain. of hurting and show him i am not sitting doing nothing.

Just a FYI your visa was not denied, it has been sent back for further review. You should not close your first petition, that would place a marker on the 1st case from what I know.

I know the pain you are going through. I sat here over 3 and a half years ago in disbelief when our case was sent back to Washington. First I will tell you that it takes about 3 months until Washington receives the case back. It then goes to the service center you filed with, mine was Vermont and our case just sat and never got reviewed. After waiting for so long I refiled this past June and recently had the 2nd interview and visa issued.

The best I can advise is to move forward and keep visiting him. I visited Morocco a total of 8 times. Our relationship grew stronger and we learned patience. We never would give up. My fiancee continued his education that he could utilise his skills in the USA. Our life took a detour for sure but it made us stronger.

Being that I have been with my fiancee for 5 years did not make a difference to the consular officer. My fiancee was questioned for 30 minutes on his 2nd interview. I had prepared a binder of proof that was 5 inches thick and not even one look by the officer. All that mattered really was my fiancee's confidence.

I hired a lawyer for the 2nd petition, I can't say that using one will definitely be positive but it does help.

Feel free to contact me.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2009-12-22 10:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestion about outcome - CASA
QUOTE (Resha~Adnan @ Dec 21 2009, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What do you guys think about this.. The interviewer did not give my husband a pink white or blue paper, just a little piece of yellow paper with a number on it, he said it was to pick up his passport... The man told him that they trust our relationship.. Does that sound like an approval or AP?? I am soo confused!!

That sounds like good news, they might just do a name check but he will get the call. Had he been denied he would have been told so.

moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2009-12-22 09:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA

i honestly can't think of any...but who knows what they're really thinking?
we're both around the same age, i met him in person (not online, if that even matters?), been back to see him four times under a year, lots of photos, lots of proof we've met, photos with his family, i'm not obese or unattractive, he has no family or friends in the us, i've never sent him money, ummmm what else is there?

You need to address the religion issue, you know who this is.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 22:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA

I am sorry to see more denials here, it seems that April is a popular month for denials as my fiance was denied on 4/4/06. We are still waiting on Vermont to respond and can't wait to send them all my added proof.

Are u talking about the NOIR/D? Are you serious? You haven't heard anything? It's over a year now..... :blink:

Limah (L) (F)

No limah, no word yet ! My Senator says my case is in security checks right now and waiting to be reviewed also told Vermont is way behind in reviewing returned petitions. :( any year now
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-12 21:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
I am sorry to see more denials here, it seems that April is a popular month for denials as my fiance was denied on 4/4/06. We are still waiting on Vermont to respond and can't wait to send them all my added proof.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2007-04-11 21:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaA long time waiting and no answer K1
QUOTE (oulghazi @ Jan 1 2010, 08:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Dear.
Interview was in 01- 2009, file returned to the Uscis for further adjudication, in March 2009 was shipped this approved or reaffirmed to department of state for visa processing, in sept 2009 letter case ( security checks, background ), they said they will notify us during 6 months started (sept ) , does someone knows how long it takes to answer us ? why all this long time of waiting, does someone has the same case and setuation?, i need a help from you plz .God bless you.

Hammou and Linda

What letter did you get from the consulate at your interview? If you got a letter what was marked off?
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-01-01 08:37:00
Middle East and North Africaemailing consulate in Casa

Do they look down on a long email, or should I just be short. Being too organized and detailed is what got us in trouble. But I don't feel this is the time to hide how I feel, and how I hope they can give us another chance. Any advice on this? Thanks in advance

Back when my fiance was denied I practically emailed them everyday, perhaps over did it. I think they saved every email I sent them because when my fiance recently had his 2nd interview the officer had a folder on us at least 5 inches thick.

I will say that the 1st interview we were not organized but this time around I was very organized. I made up a binder with each section divided. A photo album with photo's from every visit.

Also what I have learned is that the officers are well trained on body language, eye to eye contact. It's not easy to be interviewed and not feel nervous but if they see the person very confident it does help. My lawyer also advised us not to be too rehearsed. If you don't know an answer just say I don't know. And only answer what they ask you in a short to the point answer.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-01-06 12:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCall from senator's office today

I received a call from my senator's office this morning. She said that the office had contacted uscis friday and received an email from them this am. She also stated that my petition is not denied; it is still pending review. This really was no help as this is the same as what i was told in an email in sept 2009. I asked her about the timeline for reviewing returned petitions, she said she would ask uscis and get back to me. Also she is supposed to find out what the consular memo said accompanying the returned petion.

We were told the timeline was around 18 months for being reviewed but that never happened. After 3 years of waiting I refiled another k1 and closed the 1st k1. My fiance is now here. In my opinion you have better chances of refiling.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-02-09 12:39:00
Middle East and North Africawht does this means
Once they send back the petition it can either expire or just sit forever. You can however re-file the K1 or get married and file. Our case never got reviewed. We waited 3 years and nothing happened. K1's are not a priority to USCIS.

Good luck.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-04-27 08:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa interviews

Any thoughts or opinions? If you have already been interviewed and are now called to be at the consulate in the afternoon, would this be a second interview or a possible Visa?

Most likely another interview which is common now at Casa. If they keep his passport it's a good sign.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-07 10:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa interviews

Does anyone know if Casa conducts interviews doing a time frame or all day? Someone told me they only interview in the mornings.

Thanks for input.

Usually mornings but I have heard that a few have afternoon appointments too.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-06 11:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 REFUSED.... What can/ should we do now???
Having experienced this situation with Morocco I can say that they don't give you a reason for denial. You have to realize how much fraud comes from Morocco, it is also a "T" country. You can check if the petition made it back to the states, email the consulate for a batch number. Call the DOS and check if the petition is sitting at the DOS or your local service center. I can tell you this IMO, if you are muslim yourself they might have considered it a red flag that you did not marry him and only filed for a fiance visa. I assume from your profile that you only visited him once as well. Is there a big gap in age difference?

Taking action against this consulate is not going to happen unless you have thousands of dollars and the best attorney out there and even that will not help. The best thing is to stay focused on your relationship. You can re-file the K1 or marry and withdraw the 1st petition.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-05 07:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 REFUSED.... What can/ should we do now???

Salaams all.... I am so upset right now.... Abduls K1 visa has been refused and we were not given a reason why. Other was checked on the refusal letter. Does anyone out there know what we can and should do from here....

Well first what does "other" state on the form? Do not jump to conclusions yet. Give more details.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-04 14:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAttorney Advice
I know several people hired Marc Ellis, whom actually is located in Vietnam but he does have a office in the USA. Right now there is no use in hiring a lawyer, you already filed and there is nothing a lawyer can do for the interview. Just have your husband be well prepared, go over every aspect of your life.

I recommend getting acquainted with your Senator/Congressman office. If you do have problems after the interview they might be able to help you. It can't hurt.

Good luck in your journey.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-13 12:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaA & S Interview Story
If your petition does return your best bet is too marry in Morocco and withdraw the 1st petition. I feel your pain.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-21 08:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaLawyers

A friend of mine was recently denied her K1. Her case hasn't been returned, but basically she is out of luck. She is left with the decision to file again or marry and file a Cr-1.

How many people have been successful using a lawyer when filing for a petition that is going to Casablanca, Morocco?

What lawyer(s) is recommended or successful, if any, for this consulate? I know Marc Ellis is good.

Thank you

Successful here, hired a lawyer(not Marc) to re-file a k1.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-23 20:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many people had interview with 2 CO in casa?
1st time around was the famous blonde then the 2nd time was a man. Both were held as the last interview for the day.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-05-31 20:00:00

I NEED HELP PLZ COS im runnin out of time my visa expire in august im in a shitty situation

where do i get my vaccination ??? does it have to be from special place??? or any medical center???

plz i need help asap

You have to go to a Civil Surgeon, check the USCIS website to locate one. If you could possibly get your record from your k1 exam faxed to you that could save you some money and wasted shots.
Also your visa actually expires the day you arrive to the USA. The I-94 expires 90 days from day of arrival. As long as you marry within the 90 days of arrival you are safe. There is no time frame to file for AOS, however it is recommended to do so as soon as you can.

Just take a deep breath and relax. B-)
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-06-05 07:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS CONFUSION

moroccoo girl but on the uscis i looked that up they said i cant have any personal gain
and since im doin it for me that mean i have personal gain??

You can do it yourself, just you need to add this with your translation translations
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-06-05 20:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaAOS CONFUSION

miles u made a perfect sense and thanks alot for your answer it is very helpful

now since i figured those information i have a dilemma i live in lubbock texas and where i live we dont have a place that translate from arabic to english for my birth certificate!!!!!!! any info about that like where can i translate my birth certificate

You can actually translate it yourself and have it notarized.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-06-05 08:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf your denied then???
Every case is different, not one alike. Some had 2, 3 time frame. If you get denied the 1st time you can withdraw the petition once it gets back to the USA and refile another K1 or marry. Focus on your 1st interview right now so that hopefully you don't have to worry about additional interviews.
moroccogirlnyFemaleMorocco2010-06-09 08:10:00