IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa denial

please understand, that just because it was 'accepted' at NVC, it doesn't mean the Consular Officer at the Immigration Unit inside of the US Embassy/Consulate will NOT find problems with it, ah ? Also, don't forget that an approved petition means the foreign spouse is ALLOWED to apply for a visa. Never means 'all is well' - IMO - 'all is well' on interview day - when the ConOff says 'yer approved - Welcome to USA'

Many times, I-864 is some issue, things strange on the DS-230 - NVC ONLY CHECKS for completeness and 'dollar amount' - and that's it. A ConOff knows how to sniff out problems - and the casefile always in hand prior to interview day - time is made for 'eyeball review', as well - so if any perceived ISSUES with the 'totality of the casefile' - notes are made in the casefile, prior to interview day.

The Interviewing Officer sees those notes, as well, and 'makes the interview' go a certain way, based on the notes.

Also - is different 'approach' as well, based on which US Embassy/Consulate it is.

Although your question is 'general' in nature, the answer is 'specific' in scope - it depends on where the interview is, as well.

my husband doesn't need to bring anything with him to embassy because everything is there
Many people have the 'bonafide relationship evidence', up-to-date file, on interview day. Please review the I-130 instructions, review the 6 types of evidence, review your Consular Reviews - then LET US KNOW if you feel you should prep a package for your foreign spouse, for this 'bonafide relationship evidence' - or not ?

difficult to say, EXACTLY, as only YOU know the contents of the casefile.
Please fill out yer timeline over at http://www.visajourn...le.php?id=85177 - helps us to help you, and helps others coming up behind you, as well.

If I sound a bit harsh, forgive me - I'm old cranky curmudgeon , always write in this tone..

Well,besides pics,phone calls.plane tickets and similar,we don't have any bonafida because we don't live on same common bills,adresses,whatever else...Reviews in his embassy are pretty ok,7-10 minutes questioning time,in fact i know at least three persons who came within 6 mos to their spuses from the same city as he is from in last yr...If you know something else about Macedonian embassy,let me know.I sent mail to ask them exactly what else to bring,they said,they'll see at the time of interview...Check list has everything checked as received.. As i said,I know that he'll bring photos and messenger records,my plane tickets,proof of my stay for few months each time etc but there's nothing else really as we never lived together...But we are hoping we will soon :)
There;s nothing really I could find on that particular embassy on here..or their hopefully it'll work out fine.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-07-11 20:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa denial

Some bad info provided in this topic... there are a great many reasons that the CO can deny a case, real reasons or ones they made up... depending on the consulate I would be affraid that the CO wasnt having a bad day... or that the translator didnt like the applicant...

Best advice is to become familiar with the consulate, its requirements and be as prepard as possible... have everything well organized.... dont let the CO's questions rattle the spouse... dont be surprised if the questions become what many would consider inappropriate...

:))) Heard that one! But that's fine..whatever just send me my husband before I get gray hairs :)))
Lovebirds2009Female02010-07-11 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa denial

From what I have heard, the interview is where most denials happen. What does that mean? It means... if you are trying to pull a fast one or something is fishy then you should be afraid. If you are sincere and really in love, then no part of this process should you fear other than something being missed and causing a delay.

THIS IS TRUE but we are just humans and have tendency to get nervous..not nervous because of the interview,but because of possibillity something goes wrong WHEN YOU WANT SO MUCH TO BE WITH SOMEONE YOU LOVE...that includes prolonged waiting too...I see lots of cases like that here and it's sad...very very sad.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-07-11 20:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa denial


only double check the consular webpage, to be sure about all papers that you probably will need. you can arrenge additional evidence, like Pictures cronologically arrenged, phone calls logs. if you think about some paper that propably would be useful then he should bring them.

I tell you that, because in the consular interview you have to bring documents that probably werent given before, for example, her birth certificate, it is no needed at the begining but is required in the interview.

but in general terms i dont think you need to be afraid and i wish you a LOT OF LUCK because everything will be fine.

Yes,we were told by NVC that nothing else is needed,I sent everything and everything is in embassy on file.So we're fine as far as documents that are needed for interview.PHotos,medical review is of course needed and stuff like records of phone calls and similar...I guess,the time is getting closer,we are getting crazier being separated and more affraid that something will come up while waiting for this day,so...reading here other people posts just adds a little bit more nervousness...Guess you all can feel the same and relate to it...It's always that question that lingers even when everyghing is ok-What if they say no...And when you're living from day to day and praying for day of reunion to come,then you're affraid of all kinds of things going wrong... Hopefully,everything will go fine.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-07-11 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresvisa denial
If everything we send so far,from forms,to affadavit to payments,was accepted as correct,everything was approved and sent to embassy and now we are only waiting for interview's(husband)day to we have to be affraid of denial??? I mean,other than medical,my husband doesn't need to bring anything with him to embassy because everything is there(NVC sent it all to be ready for him when he comes to interv.) WHAT POSSIBLY COULD BE A REASON IN ONE MONTH FOR NOW THAT HE IS DENIED FOR VISA???? I am reading about this uncertainty and I am nervosu too but in procentage,how many cases after everything is nice correct and complete,is denied?? And why?
Lovebirds2009Female02010-07-11 18:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew here, with a question

Hello everyone!

I have been a lurker on this site for the last six months, found some helpful information. I just wanted to make sure that I am doing this right and when my wife will get her visa appointment. Also, when she enters on a k-3 spouse visa, all we have to do is file for an adjustment of status correct?

This is what we have done so far...I dont know all of the official names and what not but hopefully my description helps.

The steps we took / are taking to receive Carla’s green card:

We first filled out our I-130 form with all supporting documents such as the two G-325a forms, marriage certificate with translation, copies of everything else required, etc. Along with the processing fee of $455.

About a month after sending in our I-130 form we found out we could apply for a K-3 Spouse visa with no fee. We sent in with all supporting documents with the I-129F form, with evidence of a filed I-130 form.

After only three months of processing for our I-130 it was approved at the same time as our I-129F!

The case was the sent to the National Visa Center for further processing and we had to pay $70 dollars.

Carla then filled out the form that allows for someone else to receive her notifications in the US and sent it back in, yet we have had no mail sent there or confirmation that the NVC ever received this form. Does this matter or no?

We then had to pay a $400 fee, no idea what it was for, confirmed payment three days later.

We then sent in the I-864 and I-864a along with all supporting documents on April 21st.

A couple of days after sending in the I-864 forms we sent in the DS-230 part one and two. Now we are waiting to hear from the long does this typically take.

Thanks for the responses!

I JUST PAID 400$ FOR VISA PROCESSING AND SENT OUT AFFADAVIT OF SUPPORT...i did everything you did and that is the last thing you have to do before they call your spouse for an interview.TELL ME THOUGH WHAT IS I-129???? I've never filled that one,noone asked me to..what is that for????I only filled I-130(355$) affadavit of support(70$) and visa(400$) what is I-129????? Are you citizen??? Did you get merried out of USA???
Lovebirds2009Female02010-05-10 16:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat would you do if....
So,what would you do if you are one of the spouses waiting for quite sometime now in USA for your other half to be given visa and she or he gets denied? The question came from stories I read here about visa denial after 6+ months of waiting..some people even longer,even over a yr and 2... So? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Re-do it? Move to your spouse's country and live there(because you love each other) or something third? Or you never thought of that?
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-02 22:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about documents for interview!

take a copy of everything to the interview to be safe!!!

the only official docs you would be carrying is the medical if it hasn't already been sent by the clinic to the embassy.
i took official copies of birth and marriage certs too to be safe.

good luck.

well the point is,everytime you need original,you pay for we already took 3 originals,i ain't getting another one...(marriage cert,birth,name it.) two they requested and third one I sent with first application,when they didn't even ask for it. So...if they need something,they'll ask.I just wanted to know,do they ever mess up documents when handled by NVC...and ask for another round or they usually send them all as they say..well I hope they do because it costs a lots of money to get the docs,to send them,to go back and forth from eu to usa just to be sending papers etc..I could of been with my husband till now if it wasn't for me going back to send things...since I live here and all my docs are here.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-11 12:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about documents for interview!

Don't worry about it. If NVC says the Embassy will have them, then they will. Or they should. And you aren't at fault if they don't. Just have him bring his passport and the passport sized photos, and any other supporting documents or photos you wish to bring.

I, too, had your same question. But NVC does say they'll forward everything over. I only made a copy of my I-184 and nothing else... all my original and certified docs are with NVC or somewhere else, so Embassy better get them. :)

yes,he'll have photos and passport and medical and our stuff..affadavit and supporting things i don't have since my joint sponsor didn't like me to have a look at her things on the first place,i guess some people are very protecting when it comes to their finances even if they are whatever she sent,was accepted and was fine.hopefully they won't ask for another tax return since the same one was sent by her anyway.How elese they would approve it.and that was little over month ago before nvc sent everything to embassy.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-11 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about documents for interview!

I brought a duplicate of everything that we sent in to USCIS from the beginning. At the embassy, they actually asked for the divorce decree for my husband previous marriage even though one has been sent in previously. I read somewhere that they asked for the previous year tax return. Different embassies have different way of doing things, so to play safe- bring a copy of everything that you have sent it. That way when they asked for something, you will have it ready.

And they actually looked through our pictures and asked questions about the pictures. Maintain good eye contact and be confident with your answer. If you do not understand the question, ask them to repeat or rephrase the question. Listen to their question carefully, they actually asked me a trick question and luckily I managed to catch it! :D

Good luck!

well,we sent copies too.originals(twice) and copies(twice) and tax return i don't have because i don't wrk :) we have sponsor,I mean joint sponsor and they said that's all ok,nothing else is needed. Pics,yes..lots of them.Some very privat,hahahaha...if they want prooof,it's on the pic ;))) Anyway-it's mostly us two on pics and some of his family because we got married there and we'll have another(church) wedding here for my family.Now,what was your trick question(if you want to share0 because questions like-what my family think of him-is plain stupid more than tricky..unless they read minds :))))) By the way,he goes,i don't.I am citizen,married to non-citizen.I was just wondering about this documents they told me 5 times at NVC(i called all the time,hahaha) will be ready there and nothing else is needed. So..we'll see in two weeks.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-10 22:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about documents for interview!
I am reading posts around and I see almost everyone is bringing their own documents to the interview(talking about-ds230,police cert.,court certificates,passport photos,birth cert etc)but we had to send all of those,together with filled ds230(just not signed last page) to NVC and NVC sent it to embassy where my husband is schedulled to be interviewed.So basically,he don't have any documents to bring(everything is already there according to NVC,waiting) except his medical review,our photos(albums) plane tickets,western unions etc.When we received interview date by email from NVC there was a check list of all the things applicant should bring to embassy and our case seemed to have everything there on file,so there was nothing mentioned extra to be brought in.I AM INTERESTED IS THERE ANYONE HERE WHO HAD THE SAME THING AS US-ALL SENT TO NVC AND NVC THEN SENT EVERYTHING TO EMBASSY AND IT'S THERE WAITING FOR APPLICANT WHEN HE/SHE COMES FOR AN INTERVIEW? IF SO-let me know,was that it or did they still ask you for did it go(with documents already there ready)?
I know different countries and embassies have different approaches to it,so maybe somebody had the similar thing.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-10 19:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRed flag question
I often read about RED FLAG QUESTIONS on the interviews..I never know what that means? Can someone explain pls! Thx
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-13 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long to get the interview date from the day that my case got complete!

hi to all vj's member's

Im here again asking how long will it take to get or received an interview date from U.S Embassy manila? my case got complet august 10, and how long does the nvc will forward my paperworks to the u.s emabssy here in manila? thank's to all and may GodBless us all to our journey...PRAISE YOU OH GOD!

i received interview date day after they closed the case.(all together took 2 weeks,from sending ds230 and supporting documents to nvc to the day they sent me mail with interview date)
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-12 16:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC PROCESSING TIME

My case status is post decission activity n USCIS transfer my case to NVC can anyone know how long NVC take to transfer my case to my concern embassy ?

mine was 3 months
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-12 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTwo more days!!!!
The day has come! Well just 2 days! It's been long two months since we were scheduled for an interview,it seemd like eternity,and now it's here.The big day!The scary day! The due my hubby would say-the judgement day :)
I hope all goes right and that my hubby will be coming to my embrace soon! Did you guys feel nervous day before interview? Did you accompany your 'interviewing half'? Did they jump out of happiness once it was approved and over...It's is real agony and I hope it will end in 2 days!!!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-23 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBonafide Marriage Evidence

If my hotel and airline reservations and any other evidence of my time in her country do not indicate my wife's name should I even bother to submit them as evidence? or are they viewed as valuable proof of my time in her country and therefore time spent with her?


You's sad when you have to prove your love on some weird ways...So as bonafida,we decided to go with marriage cert.(which was submited numerous times anyway) photos and my plane tickets...oh yes and some western unions we had throughout the year...and of course-TRUE FACE AND TRUE LOVE FORWARD-I hope,the God will watch upon us,if for some reason we fail,we won't get divorce,we'll live in his country and try again,just because my parents are in USA(older people) and all my family...Some people had much more bonafidas,even baby and 5 mos after entrance into US,they were divorced.So it doesn't mean anything,and nothing can mesure as real thing,real all depends on our fate ;)
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-23 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is BLANKET WAIVER?
Yes it says some vaccinations aren't appropriate for his age or some are out of season and some they don't says that for k1 visa is not a problem at POE but don't know if it is for green card holders...I guess if it is they wouldn't issue visa...Just don't want him to be sent back before he sees NY :))
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 22:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is BLANKET WAIVER?
As all you know,my husband was approved for visa today at his interview and had appointment on tuesday to pick it up.Now,on medical review part he brought today to interview,on vaccination part it said-INCOMPLETE,even though when he had medical they told him he has all shots needed.Then under some shot it says it's not age appropriate,or it's out of season etc...and then at the end it says that something something about BLANKET we tried to figure out what that is..and since embassy gave him visa(well,approve him and he'll pick it up in 3 days with his passport) does it mean anything that he may have a problem at the POE or not? Anyone knows what that is?
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 20:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys! Question: How did you receive notification from NVC that they received your case and assigned a number to your file? We already have a case number. It was assigned last week. I called NVC to verify that. But the only reason cause we realized that is because my lawyer found out. So, should I received any letter from them, and how long?

they never sent me any letters only e mails.
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-27 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow! watta gift on ur anniversary :D :D congratulation may god bless us always

it's rare gift :))) thank you!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 22:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 20:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all-You all will be as happy,no matter how it may look bad now...For us, it was like it would never end...Remember in july,my hubby said-50 more days...God,who'll wait!! And here were are today! So IT WILL COME TO THE END :)
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! And Shelly-T,hope you'll feel just like I do, on the 10th!!!! And you will :)
Timeline? I can just shortly tell you that we started process(sent I 130 out) on 12/11/09...on 3/2/10 was approved by NVC I was in Europe then with my husband so I sent payments for AOS and Visa,together with I230 at the end of May and NVC finished everything in June.Then we just waited for basically 6 mos + 2 only waiting :)

Edited by HisLoveMyLove, 26 August 2010 - 03:57 PM.

Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 15:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANX ALL!! We will be celebrating but through the messenger :)))
But then when he comes-we'll really celebrate the whole month!
It's like huge rock falling of your chest...Yes I was worried because reading stories makes you think...My mom said last night-when I was having interview 22 yrs ago,i didn't have comp,nor i have forums,so i went there with no negative expectations what so ever...and you know,it's true.the more you know,the more you read the more it scares you.Now i feel free as a bird :)))
So to all of you waiting-do not read too much-every case is unique,every embassy is unique,as long as there is a real love,you don't have to worry a bit.They even said to my hubby,looking at the pictures,we look so in love,just from pics..and when he started crying after he was approve they were like,oooooh,c'mon now...and even though he didn't bring any calls proof,msn proof or similar,just photos-it was ok.He did explain honestly we didn't bother to print all this papers,besides what to print if you're talkin over the,I guess you can tell when there is a love and that's the only real proof! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU AND NO WORRIES!!!!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 08:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Best gift EVER!!!

Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just received call from my hubby-HE GOT VISAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S OVER!!!! WE'LL BE TOGETHER IN NO TIME!!!!
IT'S OUR BEST ANNIVERSARY GIFT-today is our first anniversary!!!! Thank you Lord! :)
It was 2 hours thing,10 min interview and they all wished us happy anniversary!! I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY WE ARE..I JUST NEEDED TO SHARE!!!!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-26 03:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressending I-130 tomorrow

I understand what you are saying but for me and others here Morocco is a difficult consulate to navigate and the proof is needed because it seems to be that lately the IO has already made up their mind about the Visa before they even get to the interview by what has been enclosed with the petition.

The guide for CR1 says to include proof of bonafide marriage


15. Evidence of a bonafide marriage (see note below for what to include)

Note: Evidence of a Bonifide Marriage
The USCIS now requires that when filing an I-130 for a spouse that you include evidence of a bonifide marriage. They list examples of acceptable evidence as:
1. Documentation showing joint ownership or property; or
2. A lease showing joint tenancy of a common residence; or
3. Documentation showing co-mingling of financialresources; or
4. Birth certificate(s) of child(ren) born to you, thepetitioner, and your spouse together; or
5. Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by third parties havingpersonal knowledge of the bona fides of the maritalrelationship (Each affidavit must contain the full nameand address, date and place of birth of the person makingthe affidavit, his or her relationship to the petitioner ofbeneficiary, if any, and complete information and detailsexplaining how the person acquired his or herknowledge of your marriage); or
6. Any other relevant documentation to establish that thereis an ongoing marital union.

so in my opinion it is necessary to front load the application especially for MENA countries.

maybe some tough countries need all of these..i know,i saw this in application,but everyone around us who applied for same thing out of all bonafidas sent only marriage cert.and all of the people took extra proofs to interviews.i know people bring all kinds of stuff(even gifts!!) and i started to print skype history but after 60 pages for not even 2 mos,i said-no way i am sending this to my husband(he doesn't have printer at this moment and wasn't about to buy one just for this) so...we decided no to have that.he said,he doesn't have anything to hide.we love each other,if my love that's obvious is not enough proof and pics and bills and tickets..then i am just not he told honestly to the lady that he didn't print history because we talk on mic and that just to show to her that he signed in every day doesn't mean anything-which is true.but overall emotions he showed were just enough to see that my husband loves me and that we are together for US not for visa or anything else.When you fake stuff,those things doesn't show.if you make your interviewer's eyes teary,then that's enough bonafida.But then again if you say they decide before they even see you,in your country then i guess you have to show and prove way before hand.But still,everyone's case is unique and you shouldn't be depending on all of the posts here,because some will really wreck your nerves :)it wrecekd mine,then i stopped bothering with it and just go woth a flow!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-28 14:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressending I-130 tomorrow

We are CR-1 and at the Interview stage now. Here is my opinion and of course we all have one.... I know there has been many discussions on VJ about front-loading petitions with too much or not enough evidence and some not wanting to share too much personal information with strangers on the other end of the NVC and USCIS and CO's at interview, but the way I look at it, if it is their job to determine if we are a genuine couple or marriage partner, they can't determine this with 'No Knowledge mailed in with our petitions.

....Tonight as I talked with NVC operator about questions with my husbands interview only being 4 weeks away and if he waits for a medical packet 4 to take for his medical they told me NO that the e-mail appointment letter with the medical Dr's link is his PACKET 4!

I asked about all our original documents if he should have another copy and she said no, they have been processed at NVC and they will forward them to the consulate. I then asked her if he is suppose to bring more evidence of our marriage/relationship such as up-to-date e-mails, phone records etc and she said "NO, it is not required!", so my theory is this....the more you send at your petition stage at USCIS when you file the petition for your spouse/fiance...the better you should be to PROVE your relationship. If you wait and bring it with you to the interview, it is really up to the CO's discretion if they want to take the time to process it at this stage of the process. That is why sometimes they refuse to look at what they brought and sometimes they WILL look at your evidence. Sometimes, we questioned how some VJ'rs were approved without showing one photo or evidence at the interview stage and was approved. Maybe, just maybe they do already pretty much know if you will be approved before the interview ever starts unless your man really looks nervous or like he is hiding something. ....I have to admit, i had not read VJ or was a member when I sent the original petition so I sent e-mails and chat records for almost every single day for that first year and including when we first started talking....I did not cross out any text.....hope they didn't get to embarressed and hope they didn't mind reading through the issues with the teenage kids and problems with the Ex, etc and work related issues. problems with the racists brother. We never fought...Only had one disagreement and it was my fault I overacted without talking to him first. USCIS or NVC or the consulate may not read it all....but it was available to them to try and to get to know us through our conversations and "DAILY LIFE" to prove a fraud marriage or relationship.......I sincerely hope we do not get a denial by being honest.

that is exactly what it is! You can tell in 5 minutes od someones interview whether it's fake or there's lots of love in it.IN 5 MINUTES!!!So that is why some people need more proof and some almost nothing.And no,you will not get denied if everything else is fine because EXACTLY THOSE THINGS are proof it's not fake!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-27 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressending I-130 tomorrow
this is why is good not to read this posts :) when i sent first,VERY FIRST THING which was I 130 for CR1 visa,that was in dec of 2009,I only sent I 130,passport pics,marriage cert,my proof of citizenship,my soc sec number(copy) my passport copy,a check 355$ and this forms(forgot the name-biometrics-one for me and one for my husband) So i sent only what it said on their website!!! I didn't know for this site then :)
And I've never had anything returned,anything asked from me to be sent,that was missing or similar.And we're done in 6 mos.
So I see people are sending here proofs of marriages other than it's asked for,cover letters etc...IT says there if you send anything that is not asked for-it will delay your case.I know you all do it because you want to get your visas as fast as you can and be sure to get them but it's nerve wrecking when you are reading stuff here and don't know what to send,because people are sending all kinds of stuff,instead of just sending what is required by them...So what I wanted to say is-I sent just exactly what they asked me to,no any other extra proof of anything and here we are,done and over with :)
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-27 15:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjust got married!

:help: My husband and I just got married in the Philippines and he's back to the US now. How can he start with processing the CR1? Will it help him get an attorney for the papers or we can do it ourselves? Thank you for you time. :help:

WELL,you start with I-130..AND THEN read on the website what else to send with that chack-355$(it was for me)...People told me to go through lawyer too,like he'll fill all the documents and all,they asked me 500$ extra and I decided to fill in all my forms(it's easy) so I did everything myself...Process was done in 6 months! Good luck!
Lovebirds2009Female02010-08-28 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAdditional Financial Documents
QUOTE (Sanam143 @ Jun 9 2009, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (PinayAmerican @ Jun 9 2009, 09:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
it just takes a day to get your transcript
But i just don't know how long it will take you to finish the process
Good luck!

It only takes 1 day to get a certified transcript? the weblink they gave us it says it take at least 30 days. where can you get it for 1 day?

Hi Sanam, sorry to hear about your situation. Cannot really comment how long it will take after you submit the papers, hopefully not too long. I'm not sure if "IRS certified" tax transcripts and tax transcripts from the IRS are the same thing.

It may be different in your case, but as far as I know, NVC never wanted original or certified copies for financial docs. So if the embassy is only seeking regular transcripts from the IRS, those can be attained in 15-20 minutes by fax. Just have to call the IRS hotline and speak to an agent, request them to fax you the transcripts. They will fax you the transcripts with an IRS coversheet, hopefully that's all the embassy requires. But if the embassy is requesting truly certified copies, then I'm not sure, would help if you can show us the website they gave you.

But I agree with a previous comment, why didn't the NVC catch this co-sponsor problem before interview?
HSBMaleBangladesh2009-06-09 11:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions About POE
Thanks all for your comments and feedback!!
HSBMaleBangladesh2009-06-11 16:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions About POE

I brought my wife to the US on June 3 on a CR1 visa, POE JFK. I have read up alot on the procedures while applying for a visa, but am not too familar with the steps after the visa is received. Just wanted to confirm the immigation officers did everything correctly, so if anyone can answer these questions, it would be very helpful:

1) I filled out an I-94 form for my wife and 2 customs form for me and my wife on the plane. But the immigration officer threw out the I-94 and one of the custom forms. He just stamped the other custom forms, which we submitted to a US Customs officer before exiting the airport. I assume this is ok? My wife won't need the I-94 as a CR1 holder and 1 customs form is good enough for the both of us, correct?

2) After the medical for the interview, along with the sealed envelope, the doctor gave my wife an open envelope with her vaccination records and test results. He said we did not need the open envelope for the interview, but we had to carry it with us at POE and show it to the immigration officer when they asked for it. But the immigration officer never asked for any medical reports. He just collected the sealed envelope from the embassy with all the application materials. We still have the medical report with us. Were they supposed to collect/look at this or is this for us to keep?

3) The immigration officer was not very clear on what we can expect in the following months. He just asked for our marriage date, and after I responded, he asked if I knew about the 2 year rule. I assume he meant removing the conditions of the CR1 after 2 years, so I said yes. He then stamped my US passport, my wife's Bangladesh passport, and the customs form. In my wife's passport, he did not stamp on the visa itself, but on the page next to the visa. In the admission stamp, he wrote a 3 digit number, and below it he wrote "CR, A#..., and June 2, 2011." The visa itself had a line in the bottom that says "seves as temporary I-551 upon endorsement", so not sure if the officer was supposed to stamp on the visa itself since he only stamped on the page next to the visa?

4) After the above, the officer handed us the passports, customs form, and the sealed envelope, and pointed us to walk through a long hallway towards the desk of another officer. The new officer took my wife's fingerprints, kept the stuff in the sealed envelope, handed back her passport and customs form, then said we can leave. He did not collect the medical vaccination records and did not provide any other receipts. We handed the customs form in while exiting airport, so all we have to show that my wife is legally here is her passport with the admission stamp next to the visa, and the hand written note of the immigration officer on the admission stamp "CR, A#, and June 2, 2011." Does all this seem like the proper steps? I'm not sure if we were supposed to get any temporary receipts that serves as a greencard or anything like that until the greencard comes in by mail?

5) No one mentioned anything about when we can expect the greencard and SS card. I know the greencard is supposed to come in by mail, but how long does it normally take. Is there a way we can track the progress online, and who should we contact if there is a delay, DOS or USCIS? For the SS card, I know we are supposed to go to the SS office if we don't receive one by mail, but how long are we supposed to wait for it to come in by mail before we can go to the SS office?

6) Since the officer stamped June 3, 2011 on the passport, this means we will have to apply for the I-751 petition to remove conditions 90 days before this date, correct? Will the greencard that we will receive also expire on this date?

Any other feedback or guides that can be provided would be very helpful, as I'm still getting familiar with the post-visa approval process. Thanks!

HSBMaleBangladesh2009-06-09 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129F Approved
QUOTE (SRA @ Jul 31 2009, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank God, our I-130 and I-129F for K-3 visa were approved together on 7/29/2009. It has been about four months since I filed the I-130. Now I am thinking which route to take. I-129F will probably lead to a quicker interview date at the Consulate, while I-130 will lead to an Immigrant visa. Any thoughts anyone?

I-130 takes maybe a month or two longer, but well worth the wait as you get greencard right away. K3 requires alot more paperwork and is more expensive.
HSBMaleBangladesh2009-08-03 23:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
thank you . Now wating for NVC started. Its been 2 weeks they still haven't received our case. Telling myself patience.
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2007-01-30 10:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
Pklease update me I-130 NOA2 1/18/2007.....
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2007-01-19 09:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals

Congrats donquijote !!

This is so not fair.. everyone is getting approved.. Look at me.. :( I am stuck in the middle.. somebody pray for me..

You and me both :(
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2006-12-13 21:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
I guess no approvals on this monday. :(
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2006-12-11 10:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
thank you for the fast answer. Gratz for the approvals
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2006-12-07 11:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals

Lol - that's great news Natty :) I'm very happy for you. Hopefully we can both avoid the new I824!

Bosnia - I'll definitely be watching to see what happens with yours. :) Good luck getting everything ready for the NVC stage!

Thank you, good luck to you too and to all of us. ;)

what is a new I824 ?? :help:
Dennis & EzgiMaleTurkey2006-12-07 10:00:00