United KingdomImported Foods Site!

There are international stores in the USA. there are also regular stores like Kroger and albertsons that have the international stuffs.

Not a lot of Brit snacks here in the USA though. Or if there is, it's expensive.

yes there is too!!! the one by my house has a compleat isle of that stuff. I know what I am
talking about i lived in the UK 10 years. I saw everything. it was pricy.but, thats why its called

I live in Dallas there is also central market. there is also one in Houston.
you can get any and everything there. some stuff can also be found in specialty stores
like the indian and arabic stores they carry alot of british products.

and some of us live in the sticks where they haven't even heard of Britain let alone imported food !!!!!!!!! (wish I had an Aero for everytime I heard "oh England you mean London" )
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-12 08:28:00
United KingdomTreats!

What websites do you recommend as having the best selection of treats? I am planning ahead and want to send some on before i go - i once sent him my favourite turkish delight but i cannot seem to find this - love the frys peppermint creme as well ! any chance of after eights?


if shoving them into my computer vents would make them come out on your end, i'd totally share!

my fiance sent some orange club biscuits too - to serve as a deflector shield against my greedy, biscuit stealing coworkers. thus, more mint clubs for me! woohoo!

I LOVVEEEE orange chocolate. Adore it.

Tell ya what I am missing today. Revels.


Hmmmm dont think they went to right pages but they sell both turkish delights and revels

Edited by Widge, 11 May 2007 - 11:33 PM.

WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-11 23:29:00
United KingdomBaby ladybug season in the UK?
Question that has always puzzled me ........... Why are the ladybirds in the USA a dirty brown/orange colour unlike their British counterparts which are a beautiful red as seen in HA's photo. As yet haven't seen any this year in Ohio they really dont bother me as they eat other things in fact the only bug I have ever attempted to kill is the infestation of Japanese Beetles that invaded our roses last year. As a gardener I try to respect the bug hierarchy in that each is eaten by another that is hopefully doing some good.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 22:44:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
If you use tablet sweetners in coffee bring a stash, for some strange reason I cannot find any locally here everything is powdered yuckkkkkkk
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-28 08:41:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
Lina Heinz Baked Beans are available here in Ohio - not easy to track down but available we have now located them at Giant Eagle not 30 miles from us ............... actually the hunt for UK food becomes an adventure in itself after a while :whistle: and likewise chocs available online (personal fav

Edited by Widge, 26 May 2007 - 08:43 AM.

WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-26 08:42:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?

I really don't think there's one thing you can't buy in the US that you can get in the UK, and everything's much cheaper with the exchange rate (plus the lower cost of living - the UK is pretty much rip-off central of the world, price wise), so just sell what you can before you leave, pack light and buy over here.

OK tell me where I can buy PLAICE?
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 11:57:00
United KingdomWhat should I buy in the UK?
Things I wish I'd stocked up on more before leaving UK

M&S underwear (as well as the quality you have to get your feet and confidence before you start asking the questions you may require to get what you want - or is this just cos I'm older)
High % cotton socks and especially ankle socks (I've always been a fan of silly socks and they are a) very hard to find here in high cotton content and b ) no funny socks) ankle socks the standard ones in UK are hard to find here as they are either knee high or the hidden trainer ones.
I brought a duvet but wish I'd found a really really low tog summer weight one.
Foodwise almost everything is available online but I haven't found "mixed herbs" anywhere (still using ones I sent over from Eng)
If you bake bring a UK baking tin for things like mince pies here they are all muffin depth (twice as deep)
If you are bringing UK recipes bring a set of UK measuring spoons everything here is done by the cup and it isnt the same as a UK cup
If you want to make an old fashioned UK steamed pudding bring a pudding basin as impossible to find one with a lip here (this either makes sense or doesn't lol)
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-23 23:14:00
United KingdomAnyone with Paypal living in the UK that would be willing
by the time you have paid shipping and conversion it really isn't cheaper buying in the UK try this site it really is brilliant and to be honest I often find some steals on stuff that is 75% off and about to go out of date (still keeps but hell we aren't planning on storing it)
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-05-25 12:02:00
United KingdomWhy are some DVD box sets so expensive?

BTW Widge, when you buy out of state you are supposed to pay those sales taxes to your local state in your tax return. Of course nobody does!

Oooops :whistle: :whistle: To me it would be a small administrative/computer tweek for the seller to be compelled to collect/pay the tax to the appropriate authorities, as it stands there is a massive unlevel playing field against those who continue to run a "bricks n mortar" high street establishment contributing to the local economies. There is outcry about the out of town retail outlets such as Walmart and the damage they do to local economies but the likes of Amazon must have done equally the same amount in non-contribution when you look at the $$$$$ volumes bought online now across the board of all products.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 09:47:00
United KingdomWhy are some DVD box sets so expensive?
Comparing two different world locations is always going to throw up anomalies. HA is in the priveleged position of being able to buy at either but when comparing the cost of two different world sites surely all aspects should be included e.g.

i) the UK site includes VAT (akin to sales tax) @17.5% which means the actual cost of the DVD drops by about $17. I actually find it very strange that if you buy from an out of state internet site no sales tax is charged here this penalises both local/in state businesses as the consumer who buys out of state gets a better deal than the instate shopper !

ii) only if you compare the buying power of the "locals" can you compare the true costs of the two markets ie how many hours wages does it cost your avg local to pay for a specific product.

In truth despite all complaints here the cost of petrol/gas is really cheap yet some odd things in terms of how many hours you have to work to pay for them seem expensive I find books really expensive compared to UK and large electrical appliances ie cookers/washing machines etc.

taking bottom line prices is never a way to compare buying power without looking at the entire package of costs to the company .................. not defending jmho
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-06-07 09:12:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

How could air travel get any more 'no frills' than it already is?

Tight uncomfy seats, lumpy pillows, microscopic bags of snacks, atrocious meals - all while being herded like cattle by abrupt and unfriendly personnel.

I guess maybe someone decided to charge us less for being treated like #######?

You have obviously never flown Ryan Air !!!!!!!! No frills means no seat allocation (first boarded first grabbed) no meals, snacks nada nada ! Personally it always amazes the level of service on planes ......... all I want is a seat and to get from A to B as cheaply as possible. It amuses me that with train travel one accepts no personal service and standing for hours but somehow in a plane we want all the things put right Rebecca lists above - not I cheap cheap cheap please more money for duty free :dance:

I think watching the people running to the plane is hilarious. ;) So it's not without entertainment.

I actually love Ryanair. We've flown them A LOT and it's always been a pleasant experience...well, as pleasant as flying can be for me cos I LOATHE it. The one thing I detest about RA is the locations of the airports are in BFE in relation to the cities. Dublin's not too bad but don't EVER go to Frankfurt Hahn if you're looking to get to Frankfurt :lol:

Your def right it is travel in a whole new light. Hubby couldn't believe that we could both fly London Stansted to Milan (return) for less than the cost of a carton of cigarettes> as fsaar as location goes sometimes its actually better Staqnsted was far easier for me than getting to LGW or LHR did the Turin or Milan trip many times as sister lives North Italy. I just pray that a no-frills airline picks up the UK routes dropped out of Pittsburgh by USAirways and of course if they flew to Stansted that would just be an added bonus :dance: :dance: :dance:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 16:37:00
United KingdomFlying transatlantic with Zoom

How could air travel get any more 'no frills' than it already is?

Tight uncomfy seats, lumpy pillows, microscopic bags of snacks, atrocious meals - all while being herded like cattle by abrupt and unfriendly personnel.

I guess maybe someone decided to charge us less for being treated like #######?

You have obviously never flown Ryan Air !!!!!!!! No frills means no seat allocation (first boarded first grabbed) no meals, snacks nada nada ! Personally it always amazes the level of service on planes ......... all I want is a seat and to get from A to B as cheaply as possible. It amuses me that with train travel one accepts no personal service and standing for hours but somehow in a plane we want all the things put right Rebecca lists above - not I cheap cheap cheap please more money for duty free :dance:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-24 16:20:00
United KingdomOur journey is over, so this is goodbye
Congratulations and good luck with your new life ahead.

As an aside it is always sad to see some people feel they have to leave because of things people may or may not have said. For myself being old :lol: i have discovered in this life people often say things one doesn't like to hear and oft times we hear things that were never actually said (nowhere more so than on the internet) but as far as VJ goes once my initial journey was complete I personally felt a duty to stick around and offer (where I could) advice to those who followed after me on this long and tortuous path in many ways in thanks and gratitude for those who previously stuck around and in their turn helped me. If none with the expereince of these paths ever stayed around and shared their wisdom this site could not function so to those who helped me a big thank you and to those who stick around despite the daily drama that is VJ an even bigger thankyou :thumbs:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-07 11:10:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

Gosh where is Jonny Corcoran in time like this?

I think he's dead.

He is. And that sucks.

More so for him than you
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-04 16:13:00
United KingdomUK posts being made invisible

You're right, in that I don't really care what happens on VJ - until it affects my own life. When Mags has to spend extra time online due to cretinous ingrates causing problems, that affects me. Otherwise though, I don't care at all what happens here or to whom.

I actually find this an "amusing" post as it actually lies at the heart of the problems of the last week(s). People often post comments that to themselves appear innocuous (I actually found nothing out of line with the comments made in the "divorce" thread last week, unless there was a "sympathy only agree with poor me" disclaimer by the OP then comments made by those who did raise perfectly valid comments were totally inoffensive if taken as they were written) but the OP who had leapt on other posters often in other threads over months on this occasion had her own life affected and somehow adverse comments (in their eyes) were enough to start a slanging match/poor me shut my thread not everyone agrees with me degeneration.

Secondly when all else fails online (as perhaps too often in real life) the whole situation degenerates into name calling. To refer to people as "cretinous ingrates" is I find personally as I read pretty offensive but then who am I to say.

I'm sure the mods all do a grand job for no reward, such is life. Everyone will always have different views (thank god for diversity) like I said i didn't see anything wrong with the threads that were locked last week but not my call, I just get suspicious when OP's can open threads that everyone knows will never have replies that are all in sympathy/agreement and then say close it cos everyone isn't being nice to me! This is the internet where we are all anonymous and require slightly thicker skins than in real life such is the nature of the beast - which would lead me to suggest than instead of just an OP asking and getting a thrad closed there might have to be a certain number of requests required . Plus a disclaimer somewhere that people post at their own discretion and not all replies may be what you want to hear!

VJ is great place for the masses not for a few posters to adopt their own rules of behaviour.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-06-25 12:42:00
United KingdomShipping Companies
Another groupie here can't recommend them highly enough!

My best tip : to reduce weight and vlume incredibly remove all CD's from plastic covers and buy some thin plastic slip covers (online) for shipping really makes a big difference (and hubby bought me a 500 CD changer my first Christmas so never regretted not having them :dance: )
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-07-16 22:13:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

Originally from Hull....but lived in various places ( Lincoln, Gibraltar,Kings Lynn, Nottingham, Uxbridge & Germany) last one before moving to US was Lincoln

LMAO we've had Peterborough, Wisbech and Kings' Lynn its like an A47 reunion club
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-08-02 22:04:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

Wisbech, Cambs

I know someone from there!

I'm a scouser and my husband's from Iowa.

Wow I'm impressed not many people have heard of Wisbech

I've only been a few times but it's a lovely place - everyone seems to know each other.

Thats cos they're all related!! Haha :lol:

Grew up n Brampton, Cambs spent 5 years in Sheffield, and a couple in Doddington, Cambs (Not far from Wisbech)

Ewww you admit to a two year stint in Doddington and take the mickey out of Wisbech LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In light of revelations in this thread (and another I recall somewhere on here) I'm thinking of starting an "I Lived in the Fens and Survived the Natives" thread :dance: :dance: :dance:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-07-30 08:56:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?

Wisbech, Cambs

I know someone from there!

I'm a scouser and my husband's from Iowa.

Wow I'm impressed not many people have heard of Wisbech
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-07-23 06:41:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Wisbech, Cambs
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 11:28:00
United KingdomI Did It!
Well Done that woman you have every right to feel very proud of yourself and your achievement!!!!!!!!!!
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-08-27 22:25:00
United KingdomRetired! Tourist Visa. Strong links to the UK
In my days of traveling over here before visa marriage etc. I was "pulled" at Pittsburgh airport and given third degree interrogation/luggage searched etc. etc. not a pleasant experience. The bottom line of using the VWP as explained to me at the time was that you aren't supposed to be in the states more than six months in a rolling twelve month period (not calendar year) as it would then make the USA your primary place of residence! I had had two 90 day visits plus some shorter visits. I was allowed in when I convinced them that I really was only staying two weeks.Logic tells me that they would be unlikely to hand out a tourist visa to someone who is showing immigrant intent by applying for a k visa but that is just my gut feeling.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-09-06 00:48:00
United KingdomLife before my duvet
IKEA sell them here good.gif

Edited by Widge, 13 October 2007 - 08:44 AM.

WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-10-13 08:44:00
United KingdomBring on the P.O.E.!!!
Late as usual but welcome to Ohio!
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-11-27 00:28:00
United KingdomBig Ben
They showed extensive coverage of Bin Ben chiming and the fireworks on the Thames on BBC World News on BBC America as it goes out at 7pm ET it was live. Cannot agree more that the ball dropping just doesn't rank the same significance as Big Ben rinfing in the New Year. Happy new year to all.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-01-01 08:19:00
United KingdomXmas shipping to the UK
Oddly all my parcels to England arrived safe and sound and fairly quick its the one that went to my sister in Italy that is AWOL .......... why do we always blame the Royal Mail and not the US end lol (I'm currently awaiting a letter posted to us from here in OH over a week ago that still hasn't arrived and is critically important)
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-01-08 13:35:00
United KingdomSunday Roast
Hows about ............................... you get Neil to cook Sunday dinner ........... at least that way he will only have himself to blame if he doesn't like it whistling.gif
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-01-14 01:50:00
United KingdomCheapest Airline flights
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-01-14 01:51:00
United KingdomRFE's
Assuming nothing has changed in the "Years" since we went through this the NOA1 says your petition has been received. As some one else stated it then sits n sits n sits "somewhere for forever (in our case I think it fell in a crack behind a desk. When it is finally opened and work upon it is at that point that if there were a problem/issue that they would send a RFE only once that is sorted and everything is in order would the NOA2 be issued. In our case we had waited so long beyond the average wait at the time for our service centre thata it was actually a relief to receive the RFE sas it at least proved we hadn't been lost forever.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-05-09 23:23:00
United KingdomThe United States of America - my thoughts so far
When I first heard the statistic about the number of Americans not possessing a passport I too was shocked but then thought about it and it kind of made sense. When you consider they can travel the 50 states, Canada, Mexico and a few other places I can't recall without any need for a passport why would the majority of the country even need one.
Then take into account the cost of travel to anywhere foreign from America requiring a passport, the average holiday entitlement and it then could surprise you the number who actually DO have a passport.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2008-09-10 00:40:00
United KingdomPaying off UK debt while in the US
I too have debts in UK. I bank with Halifax in UK doing everything online from US I also use Paypal is another option but you need to set up the English end before you leave as they need to verify the UK address. XE is easy but a pain to set up in the first instance but once done is a breeze.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-07-09 00:53:00
United KingdomInternational Wire Money Transfer
I use cheapest I have found and I have no problems whatsoever
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-23 23:06:00
Long time no post ...........

I am about to get my expired (oops) passport renewed in my married name (traveled 3 times to UK with no problem on maiden name) have everything together old passport, credit authorisation, two photos, marriage certificate. Then came to look here and realise I am the only person who is stating they completed form OL I can see no reason why it doesn't apply but would love some reassurance that somebody else successful;y used this form as opposed to the C1
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 12:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax question
I (who know nothing) think this may help

"However, nonresident aliens would be able to exclude their foreign earned income under the dual-status rules. Refer to Tax Topic 852 for dual-status information. A nonresident alien is generally not subject to U.S. tax on compensation for services performed outside the U.S."

looking at the IRS site there are several ways round it (or so it appears to me), I seem to remember we had to opt for me to be treated as a resident alien for tax purposes and pass a substantial prescence "test" which if he only arrived in Nov I would doubt he'd pass. Good luck and happy reading ...... I hate US taxes!!!!!!!
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-04-19 23:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Police Certificate
Yup that's the right letter so stop worrying :thumbs:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-08-20 06:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionskyrocketing stress
We did NOT need marriage certificates at any stage

We did need certified copies of all divorce decrees, RFE after NOA1 so as you have NOA2 already stop sweating it looks like your good to go :thumbs:
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-25 12:41:00
Canadaquestion about EAD...
Do go ahead and apply for your SSN now, you will have to change your name on it after you are married (assuming you are female and taking hubsters name) but if you wait and your K-1 expires or is close to it then you can't apply until you have your EAD via AOS.

Unfortunately you can't work without the EAD but the SSN is necessary for so many other things ..... bank accounts, Driving Licence, jealth insurance, and tax returns if your filing married joint (yes I know you can apply for ITIN but no point if you CAN get the SSN) to name but a few.

the homesickness/boredom does get better slowly enjoy the "vacation".
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-26 12:07:00
CanadaMy Divorce....
Similar here caused no problems or questions ever being asked. so gooooooooooooo for it a.s.a.p. Good Luck with your journey
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-10-13 22:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhere's everybody at.......

If you haven't done it yet apply for the unrestricted SSN card before the 2 year I-551 card expires.

May be a dumb question but why is this? My card is still the smae one I had since my name changed by marriage (couldn't face another trip to SSN office :lol: :lol: )
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-06 23:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWhere's everybody at.......
I arrived Sept 04 married Oct 04 and got green card Aug 05 so will be filing May 07 (I think - haven't checked as I cant face more immi paperwork)

Cannot believe it is nearly two years that I have been here and have no idea where the time has gone or what we have done with it. Living in the back of beyond :lol: finding any job was hard and at the time incredibly self confidence knocking but eventually got a job at Walmart and I actually enjoy it though it probably isn't my long term plan. Married life is full of ups downs and surprises but we bounce back and are very happy. Lifes curve balls sadly included the death of my mother-in-law and other unforseen events but on the whole I have settled and enjoy life here. I miss England much less than I would ever have imagined (so long as I can lisen to Radio 5) but do miss friends and a good old natter. Like someone else said I too will take US citizenship just to get immigration off my back once and for all but in my heart I will always be British (think its an age thing). Somehow the K-1 journey seems a long time ago but oh so well worth it to be together ......... there are bad days but the trick is always to remember there were bad days back in England too so in truth nothings changed you just pick yourself up dust yourself down and get on with life and all it throws your way.
WidgeNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-06 22:58:00