K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Anna, I hope that you can get your interview date soon. You too, Yevginey. Anna, can you skin a deer? You said that you became countryfied in Mississippi. JK. Tell them that you need a NOV 5 interview so that you can translate redneck to English for the CO. Just trying to help you out so you can be here for Thanksgiving.

Nat, I do hope that your update is your NOA2. Way to stay positive. I am thinking that you are soon. I will be mad if you do not get yours this week. Iuliia is busy trying to wrap everything up. When I talked to her she is taking care of everything she needs for interview and for leaving Kharkov. She picked up her police certificate today and gave it to the translator. I found out she has only been in prison 3 times. JK.

Jen, I really wish that we were in a race. I would not mind losing. I know when I cross the finish line. Okay, winner buys the first round at the Ale House. I am happy to do it. Must be a night with a Hurricanes game on. Also, the coach of the Hurricanes, his youngest son is on my youngest sons hockey team. They are good people. I hope that you get some good news soon and an early interview. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hate drinking alone.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-14 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, You mailed packet 3 to my house. I am just kidding. Annoy the hell out them by phone. Don't want to brag, but boys kicked ### in football Saturday. Middle son's interception should be on ESPN. White boy can jump. Weather here is so perfect and the 10 day forcast is awesome. Killing deer hopefully Saturday morning, then to my Russian class before football.

Ana, Yevginey, No word on interview date yet? Call them everyday. Same as Jen, annoy them with the phone. Talk to a human. Ana, Thanksgiving is coming, soon. You need to burn a tetsa. Ana, go for NOV 5. We can have lunch at Fellinis to celebrate. Ana, after being in Mississippi, can you skin a deer. JK.

Nat, Give us some good news. There are a lot of us pulling for you. I want to have a celebration pevo for you. Too late. Just popped the top.

Let's get going everyone.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-13 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Yevginey, I was approved 8 days before you. I called the call center on Tues. the 5th and got the interview date. It took about 4 minutes to schedule it all. You get 8 minutes when you purchase the calling card. For the $12 dollars for 8 minutes I was going to keep calling everyday but struck gold first try. First thing they asked was our KEV#. If it is not in the system, you will only use 30 seconds of time. At worst case you spend an extra $12 and can call everyday. You were approved 8 days after me, so you should be entered in next week. I know, in a perfect world. They are only a month out for interviews. Good luck.

My Clemson Tigers sucked last night. Well, there is always baseball.

Ana, I would start stalking the call center too.

Jen, Have a great weekend.

Nat, Maybe you were like me and approved and they were slow in letting me know. Keeping the faith for you.

Have a good weekend folks. I might go waterskiing, running out of the 80 degree weather.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-10 08:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, Have you called the call center yet? They are only open for one more hour. You would be so cursed to get a Nov. 5 interview date. Don't tell Iuliia that I am white trash. She will figure that out on her own.
I hope that she knows how to skin a deer and clean fish. I will sit back, drink a beer, and give her instructions, ONCE.
When I take her out to eat, I will have to have one of my sons watch for cars. Never mind, I will drag it off to the side. Nothing like roadkill under the stars.
I might even let her ride in the cab of my pickup when it rains.
I hope she does not mind the live bait swimming in the bath tub.
Oh, you know she has me whipped.

Nat, Still waiting on the good news.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-09 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Tarantula, My favorite is bottled, canned, or keg. Just kidding. I actually really like Stella Artois. It became popular in Ukraine about 2 years ago. Has become available here in the past year. OK, it must be the Golden Gate Pub. I was just told by a date that it was a Belguim beer pub. I do not know the names of what they have on draft. We just get a different one every round. Becks is available at kiosks everywhere. Some restaurants in Kiev even have Corona. They look at you funny when you ask for a lime. Now, the best beer I have found is at a restaurant/micro-brewery called Stargorod in the city of Kharkov. Not that I would drink a beer or twelve.

Ana, 30 Hgrivna for yours is good. If you paid another 10 they might have it ready in 5 minutes. Iuliia is picking hers up Monday. You are right about picking out rednecks. We usually have on a camoflauge coat, our universities ball cap on, and chewing tobacco in our mouth. You should see the looks I get when I break out my Copenhagen in Ukraine. Actually got hassled by the militia about that years ago. They tried to shake me down saying it was a narcotic. Nyet, like cigarette. No, I do not wear camo there. Not yet. Just suits or slacks and a golf shirt. I really stick out at the indoor waterpark. I wear an American bathing suit, goes to the knees, not the banana hammock that is the European standard. Don't want to make the other girls jealous. Damn it, there is that line I crossed again.

Jen, Thanks. The big one was my elk. The swans were shot in eastern NC, near the Outer Banks. Get a cooler of beer and meet us at the boat ramp and join the redneck yacht club. Of course my sons are driving the girls crazy. They take after their father. Wait, you saw the pictures, you know that I am lying. OK, their mother had the looks in that relationship. So, you can also say that Iuliia has the looks in ours. No brainer there. Hope your work goes good tonight.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-08 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, We would not be hard to spot. I, the broad shouldered, well tanned, redneck. Her, the petite, short, platinum blonde. Naturally, I might add. Everyone will be whispering, "poor girl." Ha, Ha. Seriously, I am twice the size of Iuliia. At least I did not have Fridays on that list. I have been to some good Ukrainian/Russian restaurants, just don't remember the names. As long as they have a hookah for after dinner. I am also a fan of the Belgium beer place across from the Golden Gate. I have stopped in there to get a drink and snack, only to stumble out later after sampling their fares.

Nat, It seems like with the fewer weekly approvals, the interview dates are closer in. We are all still waiting for the good news. VSC needs to get off their a##, put the coffee down, and get you taken care off. Don't they know that winter is coming. Florida/St. Petersburg. Which one has the milder winter?

Jen, What did you think? Also, tell the people at the consulate to forget about moose hunting and do some interviews.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-08 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, Let's make it neck and neck. I like competition. It would be nice of you to be at RDU before us, that way you can get us a table at the Ale House.

Ana, Yes, they had openings all of that week. Nov 3-6. We are at 9:30. Hope you can get the same week. I am already planning which restaurants we will visit. DeJa Vue, Marakesh, Suntory, Fellinis, and Asahi are on my list. We are going to fly back on the 14th, the following Friday. Probably KLM airlines. Enter through Detroit. I just hate JFK. If I had to guess, you will have FedEx deliver your passport to the coffee shop at Boryspil. LOL.

Back to work. I am sitting in a hotel parking lot stealing wireless access.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-07 09:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, As for your last post. Most American men are clueless. (I used to fit that category.) However, there are some of us who can read cryllic and speak Russian. Okay, I butcher the mess out of it and I might not know the meaning of everyword that I read, but I get the jist. That is funny though that they want to check out their potential suitor. Tell them, free credit report dot com. LOL. They should ask for a note from his mother. Ana, you should be in the computer any day now.

Good news. I just got an interview of 5 November, a Wednesday. They wanted to give us Monday, but that meant Iuliia would have to go to Kiev on Thurs. to do a Friday medical and hang out until I got there. Now she leaves Kharkov on Monday and I meet her on Tuesday. Yeah baby. Time to pack my one set of cold weather clothes and some camoflauge. I am going to try to sneak in a hunt. I am missing two weeks of prime deer season here. I will have to teach her how to hold the spotlight when I take her hunting. That is so politically incorrect.

Nat, Where are you at girl. I am so wanting to drink a cold pevo in your name. You are now like I was. People all around me getting approvals, and not mine. Keep the faith.

Have a great week people. I am in Knoxville, but have to see people in Louisville, Paducah, and Nashville. I was trying to hook up and get a beer with Brad, (Brad and Vika), but he ran to Odessa to see Vika. Much better to drink a beer with her.

Jen, When you get the chance.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-07 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
How is everyone? I have just been taking a glance or two the past week. Too busy travelling around the southeast. Next week more of the same. I have so much to do in the next few weeks with work. I have got to see customers across seven states. It is a good thing, but would rather be in Kharkov with a certain someone. My three boys do not give me a break. Hockey practice Friday night and this morning, and they had football games last night. Hard to find an adult beverage to consume when one is running around to sports. My liver did return, with conditions. Now time to brag. Between my three sons, 2 are on the same team, we had one rushing touchdown, one interception returned for a touchdown, and two fumble recoveries. Not a bad day.

Ana, How are you? I am going to start calling the call center tomorrow and everyday until we get the interview. I am just slightly ahead of you, but not by much. I would like to have the date this week and go ahead and buy airline tickets. I still have to finish my remodeling. Hard to do when I have been out of town and driving my sons to sporting events. I also decided yesterday to have a big sunroom built. My hunting buddy is the contractor. He has to have it finished by the time I get back with Iuliia. Just what I need in the south, a sunroom. Kind of a waste, but it will look good.

Nat, Glad you are having a good weekend. I am still wanting the good news. It should not be much longer. I will have a nice cold pevo for you. I am getting a little thirsty.

Glad to see most people busy with preparing for the interviews.

Jen, Weather here is perfect. It is suppossed to stay like this for at least the next ten days.

Time for hockey practice. See yall next week.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-10-05 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Yevginey, you do not have to wait on packet 3. Just download it from the embassy website. In Kiev, there is no packet 4 anymore. Just a packet 3. When you are entered in the consulate system, then you can schedule the interview. No need to wait, until I get my interview.

Nat, where are you? I want the good news. Let me know if I have to rough somebody up.

Jen, CFL. Come on. All CFL players could not make it here, however it is still football. I would love to get payed to play it. I guarantee you most are from the south. Now, hockey is starting. In Raleigh, Edmunton and Montreal are the teams that we like to hate. Good pick for you. Well, there are other good Canadian teams.

Ana, Iuliia applied for her police certificate today. She said it would be ready on Oct. 13. My B-Day. I do not know if she had to pay a little extra to get it done in that timeframe. I am going to start calling the call center on Friday.

I am actually going to be quiet this week. I have a lot of customers to see and tons of things to get done. I made it to Atlanta tonight and will be in Birmingaham for 2 days.

Jen, Saturday night was great weather, until. My youngest sons team crushed Holly Springs, badly. Then my two oldest sons game started. beat Those boys got beat like they had written them bad checks. Plus, something you ordered up, it pissed rain hard for the whole game. Thank you for leaving the rain. Just to let you know, it is supposed to be 80 for the rest of the week. How do you like me now? By the way, we are in a race. It would be great if you beat us. I am positive about our timeline now. Rock and roll baby.

Come on Nat. You are my pick, don't make me look stupid.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-29 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, you speak the language? WOW. Just kidding. You are fluent in pangleski. Iuliia is not. Therefore; I pay. Iuliia did not speak a word of pangleski when I met her. Made for a few interesting first dates. Maybe it is better that she did not understand me. She has been taking English lessons for the past year. Thanks for the offer to help Iuliia out. If I can make it to Kiev for the interview, none will be necessary. If these new accounts for work take up too much time, then it will be helpful. I doubt that will happen, but I will keep you in mind. Who knows, we might meet at the consulate or at Boryspil.

My Tigers lost. Time to see if my sons can play ball.

Nat, let us hear the good news.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-27 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, I am officially calling this a race for POE. You had a head start, but I hate to lose. Just kidding. I call it the luck of the draw. As for football, make everyone in Raleigh mad, go for Florida, Clemson, or ECU. Don't pick UNC, NCSU, and do not pick Duke, unless it is in basketball. My nephew shot a deer with his bow about 2 miles from the Ale House this morning. Okay, 3 kilometers to put it in your terms. I hope that you liked that. Also, pick a Canadian team for hockey. There are a million Cane's fans that go to the Ale House. The coach for the Hurricanes has a son that plays with one of my sons. He was at practice last night. That surprised me, I thought that they had a game in Philly. I am trying to set up a boar hunt when I go over for the interview. Yes, I am a redneck. Hey, the offer for a beer still stands. I won't even place a bet on this one. My treat. Put some pressure on me though, I thrive on it.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-27 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Yevginey, Yes, everything has to be translated, authenticated, and notarized. Maybe not everything, but better safe than sorry. If she has a good on that she has used in the past, then she is good. Also, from what I have read, if there is a problem with anything, there are some close to the consulate that can get it done in a few minutes. Bad thing about that, high stress, premium price, and a pain in the ###. But if you have an original document, it can get done quickly. I do not know the price. An RFE means that you are missing something or something is not done to specifications. You have made it here without one, so you are probably good using who you have been using with your previous translations.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-27 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, let me know if you need a good translator. My good friend in Kharkov, who I rent my apartment from has a masters in translating English, Russian, and German. He has translated all of my documents so far and is going with Iuliia to get her police report on Monday. To tell you how good him and his sister are, she has a masters in translation too. I have hooked them up with on of my customers from Georgia (the state) that is involved in a huge project in Russia. They are translating a lot of technical documents. For a fee, of course, he will translate, authenticate, and notarize any document that you need done. I did not get an RFE, so he did it right. PM me if you would like his contact info. We are on easy street now.

Jen, it is only 76 here now. Come on. Be nice. Please. Raise the mercury. My Clemson Tigers are winning now, NC State has to play South Florida. South Florida will beat them like State wrote them a bad check. The "Tarholes" are losing to Miami. Today is a good day. My knuckleheads have football games tonight against Holly Springs. Perfect football weather.

Nat, come on, give us the good news. Maybe I need to have a little talk with VSC about their life insurance for you. Anything for you. You have seen the pictures, you know that I can shoot.

I might have to find my liver after my sons games tonight. Just a little. I just have to find it after it took the abuse that it did.

Let's get some approvals from VSC. I have some friends that are many months out that need things to progress faster.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-27 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, Your visa to redneck land has officially been revoked. You took our hot weather and replaced it with #######. You will be strung up from the nearest oak tree if you bring that ugly white stuff back with you. Glad that you are home and safe. Burn your cold weather clothes, please. I am still searching for my liver. Hey, is that it. No, it is just the cheese grater. My liver has more holes than a cheese grater after this week.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-27 00:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, I only checked 2 of my sources. Orbitz and Expedia. Also, I have gotten good deals on Airgorilla and Ambassador way to Kiev. I will start really hitting them hard in a week or two once I know the interview date.

Jen, you took my warm weather with you. It was cooler and raining when I landed last night. Give it back, NOW. You can't smuggle heat and humidity into Canada. The mounties will find you.

I am still trying to find my liver. It went AWOL.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-26 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Yevgeniy, I called Iuliia and asked her about the police certificate. She is applying for hers on Monday. She told me that it is done at the state office. I am assuming like the main police station for that particular oblast. Iuliia is in Kharkov, so not much help for you in Kiev. She said that it will take her ten days to get. I do not know if this involves an extra fee to get it expedited or not. If she is in Kiev oblast, call the embassy, they might be able to give her the address of that one, being so close. I am sure that someone can help you out more.

Come on people, don't be so quiet here.

Ana, checked flights for end of Oct. and early Nov. Delta and KLM about $950 round trip.
Nat, tell Jack to stalk the mailman. You will be soon.

Anyone see my liver. I think it ran away.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-26 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, just got back from Chicago. Great news. What are you going to do with all of your free time now that you won't be checking USCIS and your e-mail. I am sure that you will be obsessing with the interview date and paperwork. I hope that you are here to burn a bird for Thanksgiving.

Nat, you are next. Your next post should be, "We got it." You will definitely have yours soon.

Jen, glad you made it home safe, but I know you wish that you were still here. We are now officially in a race to see who gets to Raleigh first.

My Chi-town trip was great. Only bad thing is I have too many potential customers I have to go see in the next few weeks. Such a bad thing. Boss is giving me extra time to go to Kiev for interview and moving Iuliia here. Our salmon fishing trip was great. We caught 26 king and coho salmon. 120 lb.s of fillets. My liver says no more. We were smoozing clients in the morning and starting at lunch, wined and dined different ones until late at night. Put $15,000 on our expense account. Limos and fine restaurants every night, then high dollar bar tabs after that. Some were party animals. I am glad there are no adult beverages in my fridge. Now, time to sober up and make some of it back. Sleep is also needed.

It would have been nice if VSC would have sent this many approvals all summer. Such is life.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-25 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, I am not going to tell you to relax. I could not. It will come soon, I hope.

Jen, Glad that you liked the Ale House. Carolina Pale Ale is a good one. Made a few miles away in Holly Springs. Did you like the food.

I am going to need an extra seat to take my liver home on the plane. Taking 8 guys salmon fishing in Lake Michigan in a few minutes. I am sure there will be no comsumption of adult beverages. Too late.

Nat, I hope that you are feeling better now. I want an approval out of you too.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-24 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jenni, Sad to see you leave my home turf in a few days. I will be flying in Thursday while you are flying out. I'll pass you in the terminal. My liver is going to need its own seat. There is so much drinking going on. Sitting here drinking a beer while us salesman compare notes. We broke out the beers at lunch and then they had free beer and wine in the exhibition hall all afternoon. No, I did not get the white zifandel. I have puckered my lips on more rear ends in the last 24 hours. I am not proud, not when it comes to the paycheck. Time to take some future customers out for dinner and drinks. Imagine that, more drinks. I think I will staple my business card to their heads so that they don't forget about me when they sober up. Maybe I will hire a tattoo artist to put my cell number on their forearm. Now that is aggressive selling.

Nat, get well.

Let's go folks. Everyone needs the NOA2. Have a good week folks.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-22 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
I will not be around much, too busy at the convention. My NOA2 came in mail 1 day after e-mail. I got the e-mail 3 days after approval. Soon I will be stalking the consulate. Iuliia is getting her police report started this week. Ana, any idea how long it takes in Ukraine to get the police report. I am sure that she can get it quick with a little extra cash. It seems like there is no rhyme or reason to the late notifications on approvals. Keep stalking the mailman. It almost worked in my case.

Ana and Nat, give me good news. I am also hoping for everyone else. I have no smart ### remarks today. Too serious with business. Gotta make lots of cash for my wife. My ex says she wants to take her shopping. I know my ex, this is going to cost me plenty.

Have a good week people.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-22 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Texn, You might want to stretch so you don't pull something. Got married Catholic first time. It kinda of goes like this. Stand up, sit down, kneel, stand up, repeat this process about 10 times. A wedding video kinda of looks like an exercise tape.

Jen, Hope your feeling better today. It took me two Gatoraides to rehydrate and feel politically correct. There were five of my friends at the Ale House. I really did not have to do much work today so I was good. I did have to drive to Richmond and back to attend a funeral of one of my good customers up there. Had to get a little of the hair of the dog that bit me with some of his boys. Not a festive mood.

Ana, I will buy you a pevo, Nemiroff, or Stolichveta. Nyet Jaeger.

Glad to still see some movement. Got my hard copy also.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-19 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
No loud noises. My head is still pounding. Not really, but not feeling 100% correct either. Somebody was irresponsible last night. Damn the bartender. I can't believe she made me drink all that. Was there a game on? I think there was. I was good until the jaeger bombs. What a nasty drink. Just got off a long phone call about travel plans back to see Iuliia and interview stuff. I mentioned hunting but she blew me off. I will have to give her uncle a call. I want to see more approvals. Let's go folks.
Ana and Nat, I want good news from you.
Keep the faith people.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-19 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, Just tell them that you know somebody that graduated from the University of Parris Island. And he is still not very happy with them. I know that you might not know what P.I. is, an Amerikanits thing, but it is feared all over the world. If you do not understand this, ask Dave. The people that don't fear it are dead. I do sincereley wish that you, Nat and everyone else get approved. It would still be funny if you and Iuliia get the same interview date. Thanks for your kind words. Maybe we will meet at Boryspil. That would be funny. I am late going to the Ale House to watch the West Virginia/Colorado football game. There might be a pevo or two involved in this one.

Best of luck to everyone. The system they have sucks, but they think it is there for a reason. I will be back. Don't worry.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-18 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
What a day so far. Since approval I have been driving around trying to steal internet access from hotels to use Skype. Took me 3 different places. I am on the road making sales calls and my Skype can be bad without enough bars. Finally, got through to Iuliia. It was a good call. We celebrated, but the connection could have been better. Could have been her cell phone too. I was trying to speak to her in Russian and she was speaking English. Yeah, I know that is backwards. I wish I had the audio. We figured it all out. She is happy.

Now I have to figure out what to take, Mossy Oak or Realtree camouflage? Do I need blaze orange in Ukraine? I hope Sergiy's rifle is sited in. I would hate to be laughed at for missing an easy shot. I've got time to worry about that. Now, back to making a living.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-18 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Time to tap the keg. Just heard from my arch enemy CRIS. It seems that they took my threats seriously. They were scared. I will be nice to them now.I guess that I can leave the mailman alone now.

We got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to check it twice just to make sure is said "approved." I will take back most of my threats that I made towards VSC. Most, not all. I have to rely on them getting my petition to NVC. It said I was approved on the 15. My case status still says pending, but I got the e-mail. Time to call Iuliia. She will be happy, I think. Just kidding.

I am glad to get out of everyones way and let them get their approvals. I am really pulling for Nat and Ana. I've got to stick with the Russian speakers. No offense, just my home team. Now to get an interview date and see if I am going duck or boar hunting. Yes, what a man, I am going to help her immigrate and I am thinking of what I am going to hunt when I get there. Just spending quality time with her uncle.

Keep it up VSC.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-18 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Nat, try to stay halfway warm. I forgot that they don't turn on the heat for the apartment buildings for a while. I remember in kharkov last year they waited until the end of October for Iuliia's apartment. Not the most desirable thing, waiting for the weather to get colder for someone to decide heat is now needed. I do hope the heat is turned on when I go back. Actually, I hope it is in October and she has no heat, but a visa in her passport.

Ana, where is the story about your trip to Odessa and the Black Sea? Might be something I will do in the future when we go back to visit.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-17 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, you are a woman. Ya'll always win. Just ask my Iuliia. The surrender ceremony was great. Now if she could just get her visa and get over here to enjoy the spoils of war. I threw up the white flag so fast for her, it made the French army jealous. I will catch grief on that one. Leave that white stuff up north, please. If Iuliia sees anymore of that, she will kill me. She is looking forward to a warm winter.

It is really dissappointing to see nothing out of VSC so far this week. When I get home on Friday, I will be rattling the old mailbox to see what falls out.

Jen, when are you headed back up north?
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-17 10:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, We were typing at the same time. Glad to see that you are doing better. My Iuliia is down and out right now. This is late for you, your time. Yes, it will be our time, sometime before the end of the year. I can not stalk the mailman until Saturday. Out of town for work. Then next week to Chicago. My mailman is so lucky that I can not stalk her. It will happen sometime, maybe. Glad to see you back on your feet.

Ana, We were typing at the same time. Glad to see that you are doing better. My Iuliia is down and out right now. This is late for you, your time. Yes, it will be our time, sometime before the end of the year. I can not stalk the mailman until Saturday. Out of town for work. Then next week to Chicago. My mailman is so lucky that I can not stalk her. It will happen sometime, maybe. Glad to see you back on your feet.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-16 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jenni, Thanks for bringing the rain. I ordered you heat for a few days and you brought the rain back. Is this a tug-of-war. After the last 2 years or drought, I will concede. I just can't wait for you to experience the first 2 inches of snow. It is funny. All of the news people go to I-40, especially Harrison Ave exit and tell everyone how bad it is. I want to pelt them with ice-balls when they are doing a live feed. Something good for You Tube. I like the rain. Last year 5 of the swamps that I duck hunt were bone dry. Hopefully we will have the mosquito breeding grounds full this year.

Ana, How are you? Have you recovered yet. I hope so. My Iuliia is still sick. She came down with a fever on Sunday. I call her and the phone call lasts about one minute. Normally she will talk for at least 2 minutes before she hangs up. Just a joke. I hope that you had a great time with Dave on the Black Sea. I am really thinking of taking a long vacation for 2 months to Kharkov until this visa mess is over. I have to go to Chicago with my boss for a week and I will work on him. It will cost me sales, but as much as I have spent for the past 4 years, a drop in the bucket. Get well soon. I do hope that you had a great time and you will be reunited soon. All of us here look forward to hearing about where you went. Get your approval too.

Jenni, Any snow that we get, you will be blamed for it. We do like our warmer weather.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-16 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jenni, How do you like the weather today. Supposed to be 95. I ordered that just for you. Football went well last night. Winners. My middle son did give up one touchdown. There goes his allowance.

Ana, hope you are getting better. Just talked to Iuliia a minute ago. She is now sick with a fever. She is not a good one when she becomes ill. She was envious of my weather. She said that she would not get sick here.

Hoping to see some more approvals. Hopefully mine so I can go hunting soon in Ukraine.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-14 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Wish I was at the Ale House. Clemson is kicking the ####### out of the bottom of the pack. Now to watch my sons kick the ####### out of their opponents.

Watched the nice postal worker drive right past my mailbox. It looks like I will be freezing my a## off in November. The mailman must not have noticed the red dot that was following her up the street.

If anyone takes my posts seriously, you evidently got a D in English and do not understand sattire and sarcasism.

Good luck to all. Give me another adult beverage!
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-13 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, are you feeling better? Hope so. Did you go to Boryspil to see David off or were you still feeling bad? Get well.

I am glad to see tons of approvals for everyone. My application must be under a wobbly table leg in the cafeteria. I guess they are not afraid of gun toting, beer drinking, tobacco chewing rednecks. Little do they know.
I had to tell Iuliia that the liberals do not like me because of my years in the Corps and what I did. That is the reason that we don't have NOA2. She laughed. I know it is a crapshoot. I did think hard of taking a 2 month hiatus. Naw, she just needs to get her visa. She does't understand that hunting season has started here.

Time to put crosshairs on the mailman and see if she has my hardcopy.

Jenni, you should be at the Ale House right now. The "bottom of the pack, NC State" is losing to Clemson, barely. I went to State, but am a die-hard TIGER fan. I hope that we make them cry.

It has gotten so quiet here. Let's go people.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-13 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jenni, step outside and tell me if it is hot and humid now. Welcome to the south.

Ana, just got off the phone with Iuliia. No wonder you got sick. It is cold and raining in Kharkov. She is complaining that she is getting something. She is "nyet hirosho." Hope you feel better.

Mailman just came by the house. Nothing. Still lost in the VSC black hole. At least no bills in the mail.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-12 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Ana, wish we had better news for you. I will shake down the mailman to see if she has your NOA2. Look forward to hearing about your trip. Iuliia wishes I was in Ukraine with her now. She has basically quit working and is spending time with her family. I think she has tired of them. It would be funny if you and Iuliia get the same interview date. I hope you feel better, and it will not be too long before you are leaving on a plane at Boryspil. Soon. It will be soon. I wonder if my boss and my customers would miss me if I went on a 2 month hiatus to Kharkov. Actually, I would probably spend most of my time in Lozova, hunting.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-12 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jenni, Just stick around till tomorrow and Sunday. More than enough heat will be here for you. Too bad about your pool. My sons have football games Saturday afternoon, we will be a cookin'. I just hope the other teams are not in as good of condition as we are. Last week, the teams we played fell apart in the second half and we walked all over them. You can always go out to Jordan Lake. The lake is up a few feet above normal pool, but the public beaches still have plenty of sand. All the rain has cooled the lake off, so it is refreshing. I am not skiing this weekend, too busy laying hardwood floors and stalking the mailman. I just need to soak up the heat for when I go back to Kharkov. Going back to Ukraine in November will mess up some good deer hunting, but if everything is not frozen up in Lozova, I will be duck hunting. Iuliia's uncle is a game manager over there. He drops his jaw when he sees our snow goose and duck hunts from Sasketchewan. We have mornings where we shoot over a 100. I have killed Russian boar over here, but not one that speaks Parruskie. That would also be cool to take one over there. Also, have you been to the Ale House at Crossroads? Good food and good crowds on Saturdays and Sundays watching football. Check it out if you like a good sports bar.

Now where is that nice, wonderful postal worker?
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-12 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
It is good to see some things picking up here. I have been wearing out the USCIS website. I am still pending.

Now it looks like it is time to start stalking the mailman. I guess I will have to put a GPS on her car.

I am glad to see approvals. A good friend of mine just got engaged last week to a FSU woman. I hope that they speed things up for them. They will file in a week or two. We were on the same flights to Kiev last Christmas. I left him in Kiev for 2 weeks while I went to Kharkov. He has since been back 4 times. They are just waiting on a translated and notarized birth certificate to file.

Glad to see June approvals, but there are still over 70 May filers waiting from VSC. Talking about being all over the place. Are they ADHD? I am still hoping for and October interview, but it looks like I will be back to Ukraine in November when it gets cold. Just my luck. Oh well, I have frozen my tail off before. It is all worth it. Still have to finish the house remodeling before she gets here, so I've got some time.

Time to start stalking the mailman. I hope there are 40 people with NOA2 in the mail.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-09-12 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
Jen, glad to see you will be back in the south in September. Should only be a high of 90. I do promise you this, NO SNOW! Make sure that you leave it up there. Wait until we get an inch of snow here and everything shuts down, people wreck their cars and act like the end of world is coming, it is funny. We have one snowplow and it is broken. When they call for snow, avoid the grocery store. Everyone runs out and buys milk and bread. Seriously, you will experience this. I think the CEO's of the milk and bread companies pay of the weathermen to forecast 2 whole inches so they can meet their quarterly quotas. After football practice in the morning we will be back at Jordan Lake forming up the "redneck yacht club." Football got in way this evening. It will be our last big hoorah. Next weekend is our big dove hunt and then hunting season will be in full swing. There might be a cold one in the cooler. Bring some of that high octane Moosehead or LaBatt's down with you.

Ana, it sounds like you have a great trip planned. I wish that I was in Ukraine right now. I say again, I am jealous. It is the time comittments that kept me from being there. Julia keeps saying that she wants me there, but I have to go help her move here, plus deer season in November. What a redneck dream. I hope that she learns how to skin one quickly. LOL. Actually, I will be duck hunting with her uncle when I go back. Hopefully in October.

Let's hope for 40 approvals in the next week, not like the ####### we saw this week. I really need to talk to them about their fire insurance. I have a feeling my petition is in the cafeteria under a table leg to keep it from wobbling.

Take it easy and keep the faith.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-08-22 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay filers
You forgot to take the heat and humidity with you. I went skiing again Saturday, it was still hot! I am currently outside of Hotlanta. 99 today. Please take this heat up north, will ya. Just kidding, I want to keep it for the winter. We have only seen ice or snow about 3 times in the past 2 years. That is good that you video-chat. I do that once in a while with my SO, but with my travel schedule it is hard with the 7 hour time difference. Oh well, she will have to put up with me in person 24/7 before too long. I hope that you get to Raleigh for good before too long. I have a feeling that it will be until late in the year the way things are happening here and in Kiev. That is the cards that I am dealt. Live with it and go on. I hope that you enjoyed your stay in NC and that you are reunited soon. I need to tell the adjudicators at the VSC that I hope that they have good fire insurance because I know some people that know some people. Let's see how many people get that joke.
Yes I am not PC.
PoacherMaleUkraine2008-08-05 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long should I wait?
QUOTE (bozzo @ Sep 21 2007, 11:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Sep 21 2007, 08:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob & Jin @ Sep 19 2007, 09:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Sep 19 2007, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My 1-129 (K-1) was received may 18, I was thinking I would have got my second notice now.
How long should I wait?

What do you MEAN by received, received date as signed for, or received date on NOA-1 ?

I sent in my initial package and they received it (check cashed) may 18, I finally got a noa1 just a few weeks ago but I gather they are sometimes behind sending the actual letter out.

I had expected to get my noa 2 by now.

When I log-on to my case at the website it shows only that it was initially received while many people report here all these "touches", mine has nothing.

Not being a smartass (just realized the 7word rule is automatically enforced) this time, but our timelines are very similar (my NOA1 date is May 29) and I have not had any touches since June 1st. We are indeed in the same boat like many others. Hopefully not for long... Our turn is basically coming, since they are not processing the files in the order received but rather by "batches of similar receipt periods". Looking at the latest approvals, their NOA1 dates were within 20 days in May, some early some late. So our turn is coming...

Stephan (day 118... or so)

I just tried to call but of course I was told "call back when your case is 30 days outside of the posted time line" (that would be 7 months after they cashed my check)
When I look at my case via the web it simply gives the date it was received and nothing else, no touches or anything, I hope it is not misplaced *yiks*

If I had been one of those who paid the higher fee (after the fee raise) I would be pissed because the increase was supposed to bring BETTER service.

ONly the govtment charges you more NOW for a service.... which you might get later.
Trying to think of a model in the business world that works that way?
0MaleRussia2007-09-21 10:50:00