Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Cheap lodging in St Petersburg?
I doubt the few bucks she could possibly make would be enough to draw Boris.... but the thought of my MIL in the back seat between two bruisers ... was a welcomed comedy sketch in my mind smile.gif

If you have ever gone into s site you will see a number of homestay's listed in Moscow, in fact my Wife stayed with a lady she met from there when she went to her interview.

He has a few listed in St. Pet, maybe I will write him and see if he wants another.

He is an interesting... yet a bit of a kook (in a nice way) guy.
I have never seen a website like his before, it is layers of old and new, it's like you navigate through his site like a maze.
0MaleRussia2008-10-26 23:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed Cheap lodging in St Petersburg?
Many would agree St. Petersburg is the Jewel of Russia.

A little while back someone from VJ messaged me for info on lodging in St. Pet.

The topic got me thinking, with Prices in Russia rising so fast now for food, my M.I.L. is having trouble keeping up.
My wife and MIL talked about it and thought there may be an occasional person or couple who
might be interested in seeing St. Pet but not interested in paying the high costs of hotels.

My MIL, lives alone in a two room flat, nothing fancy, just the typical set=up we have all seen in our travels. She would be interested in renting out her spare room (w/ cable TV) and new wall paper (thanks to me). Use of the kitchen will also be a way for a traveler to save a few bucks.

She is close to metro and a very easy going lady.

Anyone have comments if this is a good/ bad idea?

Seems Moscow is full of these type situations but I have not heard of many in ST. Petersburg.

I was trying to think of places this offer might be listed, any ideas?

0MaleRussia2008-10-24 13:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFiance Leaving from SVO
Well it never hurts to check details, the smallest thing can screw you over.
0MaleRussia2008-10-29 21:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAdjusting to Life in USA
QUOTE (PJB @ Oct 22 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How does one get those transcripts from the Russian University? My Husband got his diploma form MGU back in 1975, the USSR days. He said there were never any transcripts or actual diplomas but a document that certified the graduate as a "specialist" in his field. His classes included Marxist economics and Lenin /Marx Theory, etc, which don't have any value or equivalent in the US. Also if we actually can get transcripts do they have to be in a sealed university envelope to be turned in to the American university? How about the translation?
On top of all the immigration paperwork this overwhelming to my brain!

Sounds to me like that back ground of his should put him in high demand ...after January ...
Would he mind relocating to D.C.?
0MaleRussia2008-10-27 00:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (eekee @ Nov 1 2008, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Oct 31 2008, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 30 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was stirring the pot a little, I'll admit (ala Jesse Jackson or the Rev. Al Sharpton - anything involving any black people whatsoever "gotsta be racist.") but there is a deeper issue (if you care to explore it) and that is when "disagreeable" things start happening in our country a lot of times people think "something should be done" but it's not very often they take action to do it. Often times the folks willing to take action are from minority groups.... why is that?

Care to touch on this sensitive issue?

I don't point to "color" as the reason, I point to "conditioning".

White folk (today) are so ingrained to use reason, fairness and measured response that they often
never act.. they only react.

Nine times out of ten, when two white guys fight, they both come together like it's a ruled sport.
With Black guys it's a totally different experience, they will try their best to get that first "sneek" in there and then take you apart... there are no rules.

It has way more to do with culture than is does race.

Todays white culture (by and large) is so subdued that someone could insult a persons mother and they would intellectually reason; "well the guy does have a right to freedom of speech".
Insult a Black guys mother and see what happens.

Did I say too much????

Russian guys would do the same, and they're white. I think it all depends on how much of a risk something is. If some guy did something offensive to me in Russia, I would fully expect my boyfriend to kick his ### and then probably for all of our friends to beat up that guy's friends. The only thing the police would do is more bodily harm. I would have lower expectations of an American man, since beating someone up could earn him a night in jail and an assault charge. I don't think it has to do with race or even culture; it has to do with how much the police care about what you do--the risk involved.

Russians are white and they do have a different culture, this is exactly what I was referring to.
Even in the usa there are some sub groups ( or what ever you want to call them) of white cultures where the "rabbit syndrome" is not so prevalent.
0MaleRussia2008-11-01 23:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 30 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was stirring the pot a little, I'll admit (ala Jesse Jackson or the Rev. Al Sharpton - anything involving any black people whatsoever "gotsta be racist.") but there is a deeper issue (if you care to explore it) and that is when "disagreeable" things start happening in our country a lot of times people think "something should be done" but it's not very often they take action to do it. Often times the folks willing to take action are from minority groups.... why is that?

Care to touch on this sensitive issue?

I don't point to "color" as the reason, I point to "conditioning".

White folk (today) are so ingrained to use reason, fairness and measured response that they often
never act.. they only react.

Nine times out of ten, when two white guys fight, they both come together like it's a ruled sport.
With Black guys it's a totally different experience, they will try their best to get that first "sneek" in there and then take you apart... there are no rules.

It has way more to do with culture than is does race.

Todays white culture (by and large) is so subdued that someone could insult a persons mother and they would intellectually reason; "well the guy does have a right to freedom of speech".
Insult a Black guys mother and see what happens.

Did I say too much????
0MaleRussia2008-10-31 22:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
Ahh the guy got what was coming to him.
We lock up or execute people for giving aid and comfort to an enemy.... In the spirit of this logic, the guy got off easy.
0MaleRussia2008-10-28 20:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (mox @ Oct 27 2008, 03:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (eekee @ Oct 20 2008, 03:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think you have misunderstood what free speech is. When you agree to attend a "collage," you agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the college. They can put all the restrictions they want in place--you have the choice to go there or not. It's like the TOS on a website. It's irrelevant when it comes to the issue of a government restricting speech.

Freedom of speech is often misunderstood to mean that enyone can say anthing they want, anywhere. This is not the case of course. As pertains to academic institutions, however, they have a long tradition of supporting free speech. That's why people such as the Iranian President (whose name I can't be bothered to spell check at the moment smile.gif ) are invited to speak at universities, despite the abhorrant views they hold.

People also believe that forums such as VJ are havens of free speech, and that when a post is deleted or edited by a moderator, that this is "censorship." But nobody has the right to free speech on private property, which is what VJ is. You can't go into a Walmart and start picketing them, because it's private property. But you can stand on the public sidewalk out front of their store and picket to your heart's content.

Wal-mart is in the business of exchanging money
A State Collage is in the business of exchanging ideas.

Care to address the Hypocrite angle?
0MaleRussia2008-10-27 19:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (eekee @ Oct 20 2008, 06:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Oct 19 2008, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
When I was in school, I recall the most, liberal teachers harping on "freedom of speech" (as if it were the only amendment)
Now that they are clearly in power at Schools, we see the "speech Codes" in every collage handbook.

I think you have misunderstood what free speech is. When you agree to attend a "collage," you agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the college. They can put all the restrictions they want in place--you have the choice to go there or not. It's like the TOS on a website. It's irrelevant when it comes to the issue of a government restricting speech.

Didn't Woolworths make this same argument about their lunch counters?

Many of these school are Built and operated tax payer money, it's not quite like a web-site.

But the main point you missed was the hypocritical actions to silence honest, legit opinion.

We lost respect for Jimmy Swaggert (if we ever had it) after it became known he wasn't practicing what he preached, I don't see much difference here... though both may have a "right"
to act contrary to the lessons they insist others learn.
0MaleRussia2008-10-24 12:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (mox @ Oct 20 2008, 01:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm sure slim has his own thoughts, but Danno what you are describing often falls under assault, and is not generally protected speech. As you pointed out, it could also fall under public indecency laws. I think it's generally recognized that speech that makes somebody feel reasonably and specifically threatened is not protected. (this is my "definition," you can probably poke holes in it, but I think I'm right in general.)

If you asked me to define exactly what constitutes reasonable free speech and what constitutes blatant ?sshattery, I'd be hard pressed to come up with one. In fact, the courts have been wrestling with this since day one. But I know someone screaming profanities in my wife's face is not protected, and I'm pretty sure I'd be within my rights to take reasonable precautions, including decking the guy. Free speech doesn't include harassment, which this most certainly would be. "Revelry" on the other hand, even if we find it disgusting and/or "un-American," is most definitely protected.

Here's another example of free speech:
0MaleRussia2008-10-20 22:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE(Blues Fairy @ Oct 14 2008, 11:39 PM) *
They had the right to revel in the deaths of thousands of innocent people? Do you really believe that?

Not only do I believe that, but I'd be willing to fight and die to protect their right to do that.


NOw I wonder Slim, if you and your wife were in a public area and someone on the street
was demonstrating against your country and upon seeing your wife he began to slur her in the most load voice, calling her a #######, ####### etc.

Would you really fight and in fact give your life to stop anyone who tried to shut him up?

IN my view "freedom of speech" does not include everything a person lets out of their mouth. If this liberal concept had any merit we would never have had the many laws past out-lawing obscene or profane public utterances.
One cannot incite a riot.

This whole concept of clinging onto "higher principles" despite the cost... is in, fact greasing the skids toward our own downfall.

Political speech is one thing, ideas that are challenging are clearly protected but this whole notion that people should stand by and allow some jack-asses demonstrate at a Dead Marines Funeral is crazy, the idea that People on our soil would feel free to show public jubilation... and celebration after mass destruction is exactly what is wrong with this latest concept of "freedom of speech".

When I was in school, I recall the most, liberal teachers harping on "freedom of speech" (as if it were the only amendment)
Now that they are clearly in power at Schools, we see the "speech Codes" in every collage handbook.

So my Friend Slim, tell me what you would do given that situation?
0MaleRussia2008-10-19 17:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (Corey-Mariya @ Oct 8 2008, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How is everyone? Have not been on in awhile! I watched the presidential debate last night and some of the questions from the moderator made mariya angry mad.gif They had questions for the canidates if they thought russia was now an evil empire! I laughed because I thought it was funny but Mariya was mad. They had a few other questions about Russia such as the Georgia situation ect... I still do not understand why so many people have bad views about russia? I remember George bush and John Mcain condeming Russia for driving tanks into a different country? What did we do in Iraq? Why does George W. Bush and the Usa think they are responsible for what happens everywhere esle in the world and trying to be like police? Anyway I am definitely voting Obama in the fall! Did anyone else what the debate last night?

Not sure what the Obama "Hurray" is all about?

You seem to hold the Russia thing as very important..... Yet this is the one area the two candidates seem to agree on.

0MaleRussia2008-10-14 20:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPresidential Debate
QUOTE (nowhereman @ Oct 9 2008, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Blue I respect your opinions but <snip> Obama isn't suggesting that he will sit down with Iran & have some tea... this is just a twisting of facts by the McCain campaign. Many former (and respected) officials, to include some Republicans, agree that we should have diplomatic talks with countries such as Iran. It's all part of the "DIME" approach (diplomacy, information, military, economics).

It might be that you are doing a little "fact-twisting" yourself my friend.

Here lets listen to Barry and see if he said he would meet "without preconditions" or not.

0MaleRussia2008-10-14 20:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Russia, visa Question
I'll tell you, my big problem in all this ####### is "remembering".
Such as last time I was there (in Russia) and I did a homestay in which I registered at
the post office but I don't recall if I had a different visa or regular tourist visa.

People ask me questions about doing K-1s and all those things.... and I cannot recall the those things which I spent so much time and effort preparing.

My brain seems to retain (other) useless info.

I do recall "Moscow Rick" claiming; by doing a homestay registration, it would Jack-up the utility bill
on my wifes flat. It's been a year now and no increase.
0MaleRussia2008-11-18 10:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAn ounce of prevention
Perhaps that dovetails in with my "buy a used gun" that will hold value.
I would imagine a WW2 era german luger would hold it's value?

Of course I joke a little because I am sure the price of such a gun would be very high to start with but I think they are 9mm no?

Edited by Danno, 03 December 2008 - 10:25 AM.

0MaleRussia2008-12-03 10:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAn ounce of prevention
And from another angle;
While the K-mart Shotgun is more than able to handle near any task (not much of a snippers gun)
it might also be interesting and smarter in the "long term" to buy a gun which will gain in value over the years.
I noticed some of my guns have held value and others are worth even less than I paid for them ( some I got for nothing).

I don't follow the Gun market but I do know Guns and guitars ave very similar in some ways and I would NEVER
buy a brand new guitar.

I have had kids in my house most of my adult life and lived in pretty good areas, so I always had greater odds of a gun accident taking place rather than the midnight intruder so I never kept a loaded gun in the house.
If I lived in a dicey area I would weigh the odds and act accordingly.
0MaleRussia2008-12-02 20:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-130 for wife and child are at NVC. Need advise
My wife's I-130 and child's I-130 has been approved and forwarded to NVC. I am little bit confused.
Should I complete two separate I-184 for wife and child or just only one for both?
AMVNot TellingRomania2008-03-13 10:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved!
Would you please share with us what questions officer asked her during interview?
AMVNot TellingRomania2008-03-12 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHotel in Moscow
We will have intervew in moscow. Which hotel do you recomment?
AMVNot TellingRomania2008-07-29 17:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIR for a Russian wife
I did apply. What is your question?
AMVNot TellingRomania2008-03-11 13:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSo.... how are the driving lessons going?
I tried teaching my wife in an automatic. the First time we stayed on a a back road and I didn't allow gas pedal or turning privileges and she did fine. The second time though there was a mix up of gas and brake pedals and she floored it. knocked over a handicap parking sign and bottomed out on a sidewalk. no body damage, but she did something to the engine that I still haven't figured out.

I wouldn't let her drive from there on out, but my parents tried to teach her, she almost wrecked their car too. I think I've got to teach her VERY slowly.

I'm more of a motorcycle person myself. cool.gif
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-06-20 12:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEducation Degree
QUOTE (Thomas-n-Elena @ Nov 16 2008, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sounds like the degree is something that can easily convert, given the info Sat provided. Just be happy it isnt a medical degree that process is a whole other nightmare. We are working on getting Elena ready to take the TOEFL exam then the first part of the Boards then its time to apply to Dental school.

Iryna just took the TOEFL exam, she was a little embarassed by her results (which weren't bad at all apparently). My little over achiever. She just didn't understand some of the question that had to do with things like Iodine and Thyroids and stuff she had never even heard of in the english language. I really didn't expect questions like that.
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-11-21 00:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEducation Degree
My future wife, Iryna, is soon to come over from Ukraine. While waiting for our K-1 to finish she completed her school program with a Masters in Logistics. For the most part I am pretty confident that the degree will be able to carry over to the U.S., but she should probably take a couple English-writing-grammar classes. Her ability with the language is pretty good, but she feels that she could learn it better.

So my main concern I'm hoping for help with is, How many people have or have had their significant other come over and their degree crossed over properly with them?

It'd be a shame to throw a masters degree to the wind.

Thanks for the help everyone.
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-11-13 15:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOT: Russian Language Lessons
Yea Mox, she's from L'viv. So pretty much everyone speaks Ukrainian, but I'm told MOST can speak Russian too. I'll look into a tutor. Craigslist is God's gift to the world!
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-11-21 17:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOT: Russian Language Lessons
I'd like a tutor, but I'm not going to find one anywhere around here, so aside for my Ira, Rosetta stone is the best thing I've got.

Though Ira is bent on teaching me actual "Ukrainian" which I want to learn but even Rosetta stone doesn't have that. So I'm learning a mixture of the two, Ukrussian, or Rushkrainian if you will.

They're similar, but just enough difference to make me even more confused.
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-11-21 09:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOT: Russian Language Lessons
Oh...and just wanted to add that the further I get into this, the more I realize what a load of ####### Rosetta Stone is. It's not just overpriced, I'm seeing that it actually has disadvantaged me to an extent. I'm constantly "un-learning" things.

Rosetta stone is definitely overpriced, but it is working pretty well for me so far. It can be tough to figure out what exactly the picture might be asking at times, but through much toil and a possible aneurysm in my future, I figure the stuff out.
FuzzifiedMaleUkraine2008-11-15 16:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed CHEAPEST room in Moscow- 2/3 nights.
I once stayed in a Older soviet hotel called Sevastapol it was 35. a night, in good shape.
0MaleRussia2007-04-16 00:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusf-1-129f cover letter question
Well, I am trying to get the Ball rolling, I am so glad this site is hear and so many people are willing to help ((man I need it).

I think I should begin tonight working on the Cover letter.
I downloaded the example form provided here, is it acceptable to use this actual word document and just fill in the blanks?

Intent to marry form, I guess the same question, would it look hooky to use the provided one here and just "fill in the blanks".

My Lady is from St. Petersburg, she can write a little english but not that good. Would it make sense for me to fill out the Intent to marry doc, email it to her to print out and sign and then send it back to me?
If she does one on her own in Russian then it will need to be translated.

Thanks very much
0MaleRussia2007-04-16 21:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia.

If she produces a death cert for him and the child is in her intl. passport, there should be no issues whatsoever for custody and subsequent visa issue/departure.

It would be nice if she had that certificate but she only heard through others that he died but she does not even know where he was living, I think back in his home country.

Today she picked up her new international passports, one for her and one for her daughter, so I assume the daughter is not on hers?
In any case, if she has the legal documents showing the fathers rights were terminated (when he was alive) would that be sufficiant to leave Russia?
0MaleRussia2007-04-20 11:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia.
Anyone know what is required ... as far as paper work for a mother with full custody of her child to k-1 over her from Russia?
In this case the Father is dead, but no documents are available since he is not Russian.
Before his death, the court granted the mother custody.
Even so, will they require the father give permission?
Of course in this case the proof of Death would be required and might not be easy to locate.
Hopefully the Court removing his parental rights will be enough.
0MaleRussia2007-04-19 22:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to write out that darn Russian name?
Well the new International Passport has arrived and I notice it only has her first name and last name, I guess I will just use that on her documents even though her birth and divorce translations of course have all three names.
0MaleRussia2007-04-30 00:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to write out that darn Russian name?

As I fill in her name on these forms, how do I write it, first name patronymic last name?
Or just first name and surname?

If she does not mind (however, she might) just first and last names are OK. And consistency: it must go like this through all other documents. And it will continue in Driver's License, SS card, etc. People were making mistakes, and my credit applications were rejected a couple of times just because people in US are not used to see middle names in DL's, etc. and would take my middle name (my dad's first name) as if it was my last name. Sure it did not match with SS#.

IF the international passport has the three names and I fill out all docs with just her first and last, it should not be a problem?
0MaleRussia2007-04-19 07:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to write out that darn Russian name?
As I fill in her name on these forms, how do I write it, first name patronymic last name?
Or just first name and surname?
0MaleRussia2007-04-16 23:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusairfare to Russia
Find out what carriers are hubed in Washington, I have been routed through there several times flying to FSU, I would think you could find something reasonable.
United and Luftansa maybe.

Call that carrier direct, sometimes they can find a special that they are running.
0MaleRussia2007-06-02 19:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCrazy new Russia?!
Although I would not suggest it, I was only registered for a few days out of 20 some.
Had no problem leaving Russia.
I have heard of many people just paying 50.00 at a hotel to get stamped.
0MaleRussia2007-05-24 20:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Internet
The cards you buy in the shop for internet did not seem that high and those were rated by the hour of use. Like a jack-### I shut the computer off without signing out of the internet and guess what happened, yep the clock kept running while I slept :)

Seems a guy I talked to in St. Pet paid like 60 a month for high speed and he said unless he started downloading movies it would not run over the alloted bandwidth amount.

My GF is using cards although high speed will be available this month or next in her area. I want her to find out exactly the cost and amounts so we don't end up with a huge tab from running a webcam or something.
0MaleRussia2007-06-07 13:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBringing meds from Russia...
Have no idea what the rules are but I would think you would at least have a doctors prescription with his contact info should there be any questions.

As a USA citizen, I have never had my bags checked returning to USA, not sure if they are more likely to check someone with a foriegn visa but if you travel together, put it in the USA bag.
0MaleRussia2007-06-06 00:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge difference survey
me 45 she 28.
0MaleRussia2007-08-13 23:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAge difference survey
"syndrome downs".
:P :P :P
0MaleRussia2007-06-07 13:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInternational Freight shipping services in Russia
Am I understanding this correct; she is not going to take advantage of bringing as much as she can in checked baggage?
Maybe she is under the impression she will be dragging it every where she goes during her flight?
For the cost of a small (or even large) tip the taxi driver will bring the bag into the airport to be checked and she will not see it again until she lands.

Almost all luggage has wheels now, it would seem that little bit of effort would save a lot of shipping fees and that hassle. I think the airports still have those little carts as well for rent.

The last box I sent was maybe a little bigger than a shoe box and I think it cost like 50 bucks, I cant imagine what a 50 pound suite case would cost to ship.

Funny thing was, My fiance suggested the same thing when we discussed what she wanted to bring.
I told her, I would bring her a suite case with wheels on it on my upcoming trip and leave it with her, If there is anything she wants to bring when she comes, she better put it in the suite case and bring it.
After I explained how much it would cost to ship that same suitecase, she saw the logic of bringing what she could even if she did have to roll it a little bit.

Fortunately she is a even bigger tight wade than me. I sent her a visa card over to help pay for her english lessons and internet card. So far she has only used it once... she took out 2 dollars!

After I explained it probably cost me $5 dollars for her to get the $2 dollars, she said
"why you did not tell me!"
A: "because I had no idea you would only take out $2.

0MaleRussia2007-08-13 23:15:00