Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPrepare yourself fo Obama-care

0MaleRussia2009-10-29 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife is from the USSR and yours?
See what happens when you are using cheap glasses from the Drug miss the "fine print".

The wife, who has better eyes, tell me is says "country of birth"... not country of origin.

So that kinda answers that .... but as far as my "next step".... I'm still wonderin.

Edited by Danno, 10 November 2009 - 09:47 PM.

0MaleRussia2009-11-10 21:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy wife is from the USSR and yours?
Funny thing happened tonight.
I was trying to determine what the next step is with Immigration, after getting the Permanent Residence card... I'm wondering -whats the next step.
Actually I have been taking this whole thing one step at a time.

But anyways, So I get the wifes Perm Res card out to check the expiration date (02/2011)
and I see on the card it says "USSR" for country.

Does anyone else have this on their cards?

By the way... what is my "next step"?

0MaleRussia2009-11-10 21:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
And another thread sidelined into a Slim-love fest.
0MaleRussia2009-11-01 11:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (Der Bücherwurm @ Oct 29 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (visaveteran @ Oct 29 2009, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think this is "Americanized" thinking.

I don't think you know a damn thing about what American or Russian women are thinking. And yes I have come across many Russian, Ukrainian and other East European women during my time living in various countries in Europe and the ME. I find that East European women generally want the same things out of men that American or any other group of women want. Perhaps you are suffering from some measure of self hate and feelings of inadequacy and transferring those emotions into a negative view of American women. Whenever I meet a misogynistic American male it always makes me wonder if his mother was a materialistic stripper since people tend to view the opposite sex based upon how their parent was. Guess your views don't speak well of your mother.

Sorry, I have to give you the "Talking out of my a$$ award".

While no two women are alike.... generally speaking, Russian woman are quite a bit different from the Average American lady. (and it's not all good).
They also look for different things in men.

Example, I have never known a Russian woman to long after a HUGH GRANT TYPE GUY.

0MaleRussia2009-10-29 21:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (akdiver @ Oct 27 2009, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Russian women also still believe in dressing nicely and using make-up EVERYDAY. They enjoy looking good if only just for their sloppy sweat pants or worn out jeans around the house. For me, this is one of those things that really contrasts Russian and American women in my many observations.
Wow - what a stereotype.

My Russian wife usually doesn't bother with makeup or fancy when she is going out, let alone around the house. She also doesn't need makeup or fancy clothes for me to consider her beautiful. I am SO THANKFUL she is confident enough in herself that she doesn't feel the need to waste her time with that stuff, and can focus her time on things that actually matter.

Sure it's a stereotype, but just because your wife doesn't fit it, doesn't make it less true (if in fact it is true).

I'm also not so sure "confidence" is the primary reason most women slog to the grocery store in Jammie bottoms and no make-up.
I suspect it is most often, another reason.

My wife is somewhere in the middle, which suites me perfect.
0MaleRussia2009-10-27 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (amberdima @ Oct 25 2009, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clueless_in_usa @ Oct 25 2009, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My point exactly!!!

Try finding a Russian woman wearing those "functional shoes"

now now... there are russian women at my church who wear mismatched clothing (and repeat the same fashion faux pax weekly) and very homely looking shoes. i also work with the oldest, fattest, meanest russian lady ever. not EVERY person in a culture is the same.

At the Russian Church I go to, it seems the magic age is around 50.... Russian woman from this time era or at this age (not sure which) seem to drop off considerably in Wardrobe and appearance.

But if I may speak "generally" again, I would say there are more hot looking ladies per population in that church than any other in town.
All of them dress excellent (as do the men), I am probably the most relaxed dressed one in the place but you can blame my wife as I have put on like 15 or 20 pounds since she got here.... which limits my choice of suites.
There are so few overweight ladies (under 30), that the-few stand out like an orange in a basket of string-beans.

All that being said, one could go to any collage town in the USA and see a ample supply of attractive ladies..... but you'd have to be at a collage or beach location, not just your average church or shopping mall.
0MaleRussia2009-10-25 16:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
"Withholding Bedroom Privileges"?

Sound like thats the only room in the house she might be getting something done and you want to
put a damper on it?

0MaleRussia2009-10-23 19:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
QUOTE (Brad and Vika @ Oct 22 2009, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think the sleeping late is a female thing tongue.gif . You will probably have to live with that. It confounds me that I sometimes am expected to provide my wife with a reason not to sleep all day laughing.gif

Yeah, I have had to accept this sleeping late thing, in fact right now it is 10:37 and she is still sleeping.
If she has something to do, (for her) she is up "no problem" but if it's my work or... something I want to do such as go for a hike, I must drag her from the bed..... as she claims "10 more minutes minutes my Love and I will get up".

Same Sh-t different girl.

But the truth of it is: this and "running late" all the time are her only faults... my list of faults are a bit longer.
(it starts with shoes in the house).
0MaleRussia2009-10-22 09:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting her out of vacation mode
Well, I think everyone is going a little too easy on the lady.
I find it hard to believe anyone would stay home all day and only wash her clothes... (Did I understand that right?)
People can get in a "funk" of idleness, they get s set routine of doing nothing but sleeping late, watching tv or surfing on-line.
If this is her natural habit in life you are in trouble my friend, if she is just in a temp funk, things might improve.

My wife actually goes to work with me and if that were not available she would do anythng rather than sit around the house and do nothing.

What was your wife like in her prior life (back home)?

It's been my experience, that many slavic women do not respect a "push over guy", if you are doing everything around the house without a word of protest... while going to work.. you are a "push over".

If it took an argument, I would confront her on this point and tell her, you want to help her adjust but you expect a "team effort".

The biggest concern I have is "it sounds like" your lady is acting selfish, to me that would be alarming.
Do you have any prior kids living in the home?
0MaleRussia2009-10-21 20:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
Well the other day, we went down and had our Biometrics done.

Only hitch was my wifes work document had been kicked back due to the form expiring so we will
have to return for that portion of Biometrics (photo I think) later this month.

The place was unbelievably empty, no lines, we were like the only ones there so after we filled out a few forms it only took a few minutes.
0MaleRussia2008-11-05 23:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
QUOTE (akdiver @ Oct 30 2008, 03:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Satellite @ Oct 29 2008, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (akdiver @ Oct 29 2008, 03:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree that citizenship by birth should be eliminated. You should only be born a citizen if you are the child of one or more people who are citizens. No more anchor babies!!! Even better, to gain citizenship, even if born of two parents who are citizens, you should be required to perform public service of some kind. Military, civil, or otherwise. The more useful the service, the faster the path to citizenship.
It's been tried in Germany. It doesn't work. You basically get a class of second class citizens. For example there were third generation turks born in Germany who had no citizenship, rights, etc... You would essentially create the same mess here.
I've got no problem with that. If you want to move up to first class, get a job, make money, and pay taxes. Alternatively, serve some time in the military and you get the express train to citizenship. Either way, your citizenship destiny is in your own hands.

"in your citizenship destiny is in your own hands" OMG
0MaleRussia2008-10-30 12:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
QUOTE (slim @ Oct 26 2008, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (1HappyGuy @ Oct 24 2008, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This process is certainly eye opening. As a citizen, I had no idea how much it takes to get here legally.

I've been thinking more and more about citizenship, what it means to be American - and especially after this process - I'm amazed we allow people to be citizens simply by birth. There really should be some kind of requirement for those born here to retain full citizenship status. Immigrants have to jump through so many hoops, and yet we have so many citizens by birth that are unwilling to do anything to contribute to making America better.

I honestly have a lot of respect for those immigrants who have come here, jumped through all the hoops, and have led productive lives and lived "the American Dream" whether they've become citizens or not. To me, those are more "Americans" than some of the folks running around here claiming to be Americans simply because they were born here.

QUOTE (Danno @ Oct 26 2008, 11:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
"if you are not present at the appointed time and place.... we will assume you lost interest in adjusting status and we will promptly Shi_t-can your paperwork."

This should be on every government form.

However the reverse is true as well... "if you do not process my request for K-1 visa for my fiancee in 90 days or less, I will promptly stop paying my taxes and use that money to bring her here without your approval."

Kind of like the direct-connect commercial where the firemen are running the Senate..... "hey guys, all this paperwork that says we need clean water. Do we need clean water?.......'yeah'.... Easiest job I ever had."

Speaking of foreigners and citizens..
My wife is stunned by a few things about Russian people over here.
one is, how they complain about everything. She thinks most are 100% here only to get what they can from the USA.
Since the Economy is tanking she says many talk about moving to another country, I don't know if these people are citizens or residents here on visa, but it's really surprising.

We were at a picnic this weekend with a bunch of.... you guessed it Russians. She said a number of them badgered her about going from St. Pet to NC. They told her she is crazy.
My wife tried to explain she always enjoyed life at *Dacha more than the city but it would not sink in.
(*You know how almost every place is the USA is a "Dacha" to them.)
0MaleRussia2008-10-26 23:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
Thanks for the input guys.

As I read the notice giving the time, date and place to do the biometrics, I am amused at the clause which says something like,

"if you are not present at the appointed time and place.... we will assume you lost interest in adjusting status and we will promptly Shi_t-can your paperwork."

0MaleRussia2008-10-26 10:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIt's Biometrics time!
This up coming Thursday we are scheduled to go get the Biometrics done.

It took me forever to get the AOS filed but, I finally got that done and as always, I am taking this learning experience, one step at a time.

What exactly happens at bimetrics, ..finger prints?

Whats the next step, an interview?

Everything is going great between us, I can't say we never bump heads but, it never amounts to anything.
She is making friends with a few local Russian ladies, in fact we have a picnic to go to this weekend.

I would post more pics but this site only allows a minimal.
0MaleRussia2008-10-24 12:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDating Web Sites
I tried to hook my MIL up when she came for a visit.

I met this really nice Ukraine guy at the park fishing and invited him over for dinner, I thought all was going well but I guess it never germinated.

Just between us, My MIL should have took that deal, she's not gettin any younger if you know what I mean. :blink:

(Don't tell my wife I said that)
0MaleRussia2010-02-07 03:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfriends with Russian wives..

Vika visits that site often, and has recently reconnected with several ex-classmates. She says that she finds it strange that people who never wanted to talk with her when they sat next to her in class, and even some who didn't like her, are now eager to write and chat.

I have the same situation with facebook, people I barely knew or talked to in school now want to add me to their friends list.
I fail to see what the point of that is.
0MaleRussia2010-02-07 13:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusfriends with Russian wives..
Hey my water pump and some other related problems fell upon my car and just when I was about to sell it for scrap, a Ukraine guy fixed it and even put a timing belt in for $500. (parts included)
The waterpump alone was a grand anywhere else (ONe of those deals where you have to jack the motor up to get it out).

I think I have mentioned this before but I am amazed at the number of Russian Churches we have in Charlotte, there must be 6 or more, I just noticed two more from flyers I saw at the Deli.

We have been to a few of these churches and they are (in most cases) jam full of people. It's amazing because so few people go to Church in Russia. (regularly)

There was one Orthodox Church I was aware of but once or twice we went and there was no service for some reason, now I see a new one is starting up.... this one seems "hard-core" orthodox as they even have a list of "Rules".... my wife and I got a kick out of, if you can read Russian here it is.

My wife also meets people on line, some turn out to be very nice and some are the typical "downers" always negative.

Oddly enough we have not met one American/ Russian couple, except for two that I knew of before she moved here.

I think I mentioned this before too,
Another place I run into Russians at nearly every visit is the grocery store ALDIS. It's kinda like a discount off-brand store that have great deals on the items they carry and produce.
0MaleRussia2010-02-07 03:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian movies with English subtitles

As was noted in the other threads, the more Russian-language "crutches" around, the less likely they are to learn English. While I'm all for having a taste of home and it is nice for them to have TV1, etc., I think that's only for after they learn English.

If your girl (and kids) isn't fully into English, you may want to hold off on getting the Russian channels, translation devices, etc. "Force" them to learn English through immersion. It's the most effective way, especially when coupled with other things like ESL classes, language programs, tutors, etc.

Yeah no kidding.

We go to Russians houses often and they are exclusive Russian channel watchers many can hardly speak english .. ten years after being here.
0MaleRussia2010-05-15 00:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL visa application
My MIL came last summer, I think she has a five year visa.... and expects to take up half my summer this year too.

SHe listed her job at a pre-K type place and I think I included a letter taking full responsibility for her.

Good luck with that Brad.
0MaleRussia2010-03-11 00:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCampaign Russian Style
wonder why the sign was partly in English?
0MaleRussia2011-09-03 07:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI would like to adopt my wifes son
Another thought on this topic, I have heard in some places the cost to adopt is not so cheap for a family on a budget, I have heard people suggest to do a simple name change -in the mean time.
0MaleRussia2011-09-03 22:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI would like to adopt my wifes son
On a practical level, I would give it a few more years before you took this step, if God forbid, the Marriage should fail, your alimony would be joined with child support.

That piece of paper is meaningless to him at this point, your love is everything so give that freely and give the legal side a bit more time IMO.

Edited by Danno, 03 September 2011 - 08:09 AM.

0MaleRussia2011-09-03 08:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkrainian Mother doesn't speak any English
I have heard of people buying trace-phones and sending them so when they arrive they can call your house if there is a problem or delay, or if they need translation.

No doubt JFK has lots of russian speakers but someone coming into atlanta might be in a different situation.
0MaleRussia2011-09-03 08:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne minute he is running for Governor the next homeless in Ukraine

Another man who thought with the wrong part of his anatomy.

There has to be more to the story, who travels to a foreign country and can't even make a collect call home for help?
0MaleRussia2011-11-26 23:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne minute he is running for Governor the next homeless in Ukraine
whats up with the guys hair, it looks like a bad hair piece or rats have nibbled the sides of his head.
0MaleRussia2011-11-26 21:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOne minute he is running for Governor the next homeless in Ukraine
Posted Image
(AP) A former write-in candidate for Arizona governor who ended up homeless in Ukraine says he is flying back to Phoenix next week after being entangled in an online dating scam.

Cary Dolego, 53, ended up on the streets of a western Ukrainian city after a dating scam. He came in search of a Ukrainian bride but ran out of money. He said Thursday he will return to Phoenix thanks to a loan from the U.S. Embassy.

Social workers in Chernivtsi last week found Dolego among the homeless – hungry, unkempt and suffering from pneumonia.

Dolego, who ran for governor last year, sold his house and belongings in Queen Creek, Arizona to fund his trip to Ukraine. He says he had been planning to meet and settle with a Chernivtsi woman he had met online, but she never showed up.

The woman, Yulia, eventually showed up, but claimed someone had hacked into her account and had been exchanging e-mails with Dolego on her behalf. She refused to give her last name, citing privacy concerns.

“We’ve heard lots of stories of Americans using Ukrainian dating services and hoping to find their future wives,” said U.S. Embassy spokesman Jim Wolf.

It was unclear why Dolego did not immediately seek help from the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, which offers loans and other support to destitute Americans abroad to help them return home.
0MaleRussia2011-11-26 21:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWife's son is moving out already. I have concerns.

You are not responsible for his support or medical bills.

The I-864 obligations are very specific. You are only responsible if he receives means tested benefits. You should read the instructions for the I-864 to understand your obligations.

Have they really come after people to collect?
0MaleRussia2011-11-26 21:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMosin Nagant
Posted Image

Starting at 79.00

This website always has a bunch of neat stuff including a lot of C&R items.

Posted Image
$89 bucks

Here is one I have been toying with buying.
Posted Image
Posted Image

Here is and interesting little rascal, I already have the CZ82..... and this $189. item shoots the same round.. why not?
Posted Image

Hope I hav't taken the subject to far afield. :innocent:
0MaleRussia2012-02-06 22:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
QUOTE (russ @ Nov 4 2007, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Danno @ Nov 3 2007, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I thought I read self employed people are to submit 1 years tax return, where does it require
3 years tax returns?

I sent 2 years and it was fine. Worst case is that they end up asking for it, so you might as well send 3 years if you can. If not, I wouldn't worry.

I guess it is always better to send Too Much rather than too little, however, I already sent one years tax return for her to bring to Moscow.
Does anyone know where or if they demand more than one years return for self-employed?
0MaleRussia2007-11-09 10:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Specific FAQ
Great Job Russ!

Maybe someone can clarify.

<<<<3. A copy of the last year’s tax return if you are an employee or the last three years returns if you are self employed.>>>

I thought I read self employed people are to submit 1 years tax return, where does it require
3 years tax returns?
Thankfully I have time to send these out if need be.
..... actually the way things are dragging, I have LOTS of time.
0MaleRussia2007-11-03 14:46:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestion regarding Philippines pre-marriage seminar

Hi there, Byron and I arent Catholics but we still attended the whole day seminar and yeah the waiting period for its release is 10 days, the seminar that we attended to started 8:00-11:00 am, afternoon session 1:00-4:00pm. Somebody pls correct me if Im wrong but to what they told me at the city hall we need to attend those am and pm seminar for our certificate for the completion of our marriage license. Once you got the license its valid for 4 months. We intend to get married here but we changed our plans and didnt use ours anyway cuz of this K1 process. Hope this helps.

Another information correction; VJ won't let me edit my original post. Jacki and her family started attending Christian/Protestant church when she was a little girl, not "right before age 16." Sorry for any confusion.

But to respond to the above reply, if this pre-marriage seminar is intended for Catholics, why are non-Catholics required to do it? And if you don't get legal marriage done in Phils, why is this even required at all? We'd be getting married in a Protestant church here in USA, and we'd have to go through a sort of discussion/counseling here through our church in USA anyway...why have to do TWO seminars/counselings?
dj1206MalePhilippines2007-04-06 21:38:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestion regarding Philippines pre-marriage seminar
Sorry to reply to my own post, but I don't have an Edit option for the the event there is an RFE for more information from you folks :lol: , such as are we getting married in the Philippines?....we are NOT doing a legal marriage ceremony in Philippines due to the Fiancé Visa process. We are still in discussions about doing a non-legal binding service in the Phils, but that may or may not get turned into an Engagement/Goodbye party.
dj1206MalePhilippines2007-04-06 18:18:00
Asia: East and PacificQuestion regarding Philippines pre-marriage seminar
I've read on several web sites, and this question has probably been asked here before, too, but I've been told that the "Pre-marriage seminar" that must be attended by the bride and groom prior to marriage really only applies to Catholics in the Philippines. My fiancé was "born Catholic" but before Jacki was 16, she and her family left the Catholic church and started attending an Evangelical Protestant church and have done so ever since. I also, for the record, am not Catholic. My question is basically this: is there anyone out there with or who is a Filipina fiancé/wife AND who is Protestant, and were you not required to attend the pre-marriage seminar?

I read that both parties generally have to attend, but if our case gets to the Manila embassy by mid-summer, I still would not be able to travel to the Philippines again for this 10-day thing. And when I go there to bring Jacki home hopefully early next year, we won't have time to deal with a 10-day seminar in Manila...we'll both be in her hometown saying goodbye to friends and family.
dj1206MalePhilippines2007-04-06 17:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Approved NOA2, but no hard copy, how to reach NVC?

Ya, they have been bad about sending approval notices out lately. Wait 30 days and if you still haven't gotten it then call and make sure to get it since you'll need it for AOS. You can call NVC at 1-603-334-0700. You MUST speak with a real person, NOT the automated system since K1's aren't entered in. Call early in the morning or after 6 since its usually busy during the day.

My NOA2 from CSC (approval 6/6/07) which I received hard copy of this past Monday will expire in October. My fiancée is in the Philippines and judging from her cousin's timeline, it doesn't look like my fiancée's interview would be until September or early October. Either way, we don't plan on traveling here together until after the New Year, so are we still permitted to use expired NOA2 for AOS process??? Thx. Also, I know this isn't in the right thread, but I have three questions about the I-134 Affadavit of Support.

1) For my annual salary, it varies because I'm hourly and overtime can make that more or lack of overtime can make it I put the exact amount gross income (pre-tax, deductions) or net income?

2) Since I'm not self-employed, do I still have to submit copies of my Income tax filings? It seems from the instructions on the form that I don't.

3) For Item #11, I intend or do not intend to make specific contributions...etc., since I don't plan to specifically just give my fiancée (soon to be wife) money for room and board and food, etc., would I put "Do Not Intend to..." on the form? It is kinda confusing. I mean, yeah, I will furnish room and board and food and all that for her through the house I live in and the food in my cupboard or out in town...but "specific contributions" sounds almost like donations or charity, as if I'm giving her money to live off of. How did some of the post-NOA2ers do theirs?


dj1206MalePhilippines2007-06-16 15:04:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Stalling?

if the nvc told you it was being forwarded to the embassy then maybe you should call or email the embassy, good luck

Looking at Max's timeline, it looks like he got NOA2 on 5/30. Judging from that, he's likely looking at a USCIS holdup. Looks like you got put in the 100+ day stack, like me and Jacki, too...I seriously feel that a cleaning lady worked on our petition. Who approves petitions at 10:37pm PDT? I was reading a report by the USCIS Ombudsman that was posted via link by another person ("FBI Check") earlier and it appears that the USCIS either has or is planning to have a number of workers who actually work from home on petitions. Perhaps it's sitting in the back of the person's car who approved it, or their 2-year old ate it??? I know when I was calling the NVC about a status, they kept telling me it's not within the timeframe that approved petitions are supposed to arrive yet. They said 2-4 weeks, and one person said it can take as long as 3 months. Perhaps it's an Administrative Review thing. But the good news, at least on my end, is that NVC sent ours out on June 26. I got a letter from them today telling me the case would be forwarded. Might be a good idea to call the NVC and/or the USCIS and see what the holdup is, even if it has been 4 weeks.
dj1206MalePhilippines2007-07-02 19:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Gaeilge??

My wife Denise and I arrived in the US one year ago tomorrow - June 14 - (we had lived in Ireland together for several years before that) so I'll bring her along to see your band on Sunday evening to celebrate.

Hope the concert goes well for The Carolina Chocolate Drops! Looking forward to seeing you perform! Don't forget to play a song for us! :)

Well, very very cool! I'm honored you're celebrating by coming to our concert - hope you enjoy it - banjos, you know. :)
we'll definitely give you a shout out!
RhiannonNot TellingIreland2007-06-15 06:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Gaeilge??

Would that be "The Waybacks & The Carolina Chocolate Drops" on Sunday, June 17 at 8:00pm?

why yes, yes it would. we were just on WBT radio this morning - it was cool.

Don't know the Waybacks myself, I'm a chocolate drop.... :)
RhiannonNot TellingIreland2007-06-13 16:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Gaeilge??


This site may be of interest to you:

Hey, thanks - i didn't even know this one was out there! Appreciate it.

Oh yeah, I see you are based in Charlotte - if you happen to have a hankering for old time american banjo/fiddle music this weekend my band is playing McGlohon at Spirit Square, whatever that is... reckon i'll find out soon enough!

thanks again--
RhiannonNot TellingIreland2007-06-12 23:12:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Gaeilge??

I don't speak Irish and my wife sometimes wonders if I can even speak English :o)

:lol: well i'm a kind of a languages nut...not to mention a glutton for punishment!
RhiannonNot TellingIreland2007-06-12 06:32:00