CanadaApple Cider in the US?
I broke down..... I bought a six-pak of "Harpoon Cider......made from pure apple juice, freshly pressed from a blend of local apples. Enjoy!" There is no indication of *malt* anything on the bottle, and they appear to have breweries in MA and VT.

The first problem is that it's only 4.8% alc, compared to the venerable 7% of Grower's cider..... so I'm gonna have to drink a few of these babies devil.gif

Chilled it and poured it over a mug full of ice....... first impression: this is NOT Grower's!!! But it's also not a *malt beverage*, which is a promising step in the right direction, albeit still not what I'm used to. Tastes kinda like really cold, sweet apple juice. However, I came up with an idea...... threw in a teensy splash of Rose's Lime...... et voila! Much better!! I may get industrious and try extracting and adding some juice from some Granny Smith apples. Of course, that will only water it down that much more wacko.gif

The night is young....... my imagination is geared up..... and the rest of the... ahem, "cider", is chilling..... kicking.gif
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-23 16:26:00
CanadaApple Cider in the US?
I've tried the Mike's down here, but nothing seems to taste the same. The bottle label also claims it to be a "malt beverage", whereas I *think* the Mike's in Canada is actually vodka and lemonade. To get the "fruit flavored" blink.gif beverages, I think I'd have to delve into the world of coolers.... but even they are "malt beverages", not true wine coolers.

The selection of adult beverages in Greenville is abysmal..... I did see some unfamiliar brand of "apple cider" in the cooler section of the Lowe's the other day, but it was close to $10 for a six-pack - not what I'm willing to shell out for something that may be no better that that Woodchuck stuff that I dumped down the drain. I think that next time i'm in Raleigh, I'll stop by Total Wine N More and see if I can't get a selection of single bottles of various "ciders" and whatnot..... do a taste test at home. Hmmmmm..... I may be able to make a party out of this!! kicking.gif

Grower's Cider is just so unbelievably good - someone needs to import the stuff...... whistling.gif

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-22 18:26:00
CanadaApple Cider in the US?
I've googled, I've hunted, I've searched high and low..... Grower's Apple Cider doesn't seem to be available in the US - at least not out here in the south east. I've tried something that was labelled "apple cider", only to find that it's actually a flavored *malt beverage* and tastes pretty revolting compared to the real thing. (And I'm talking about the cold, bottled stuff, not the mulled stuff!)

Has anyone found anything down here that comes close to REAL apple cider? (or any flavor cider for that matter - just had pommegranate cider in Vancouver - YUM!) With the temp in NC hovering around 100*, I would sure love a crisp, ice-cold cider from time to time. Any suggestions? Is there any hope at all for this former Vancouverite??? helpsmilie.gif
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-22 06:21:00
CanadaStruggling with a sense of identity.
QUOTE (Eric_and_Corinna @ Jul 21 2008, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know Seattle has this bad reputation for rain, but is there anyone who actually had lived there that knows for a fact that this is true?

I go there several times a year for baseball games and concerts and we've only had bad rain in the late fall/winter. Most of the summer is beautiful. My sister lives there and said that it's not nearly as bad as people think.

My brother lives in Blaine (just south of the border). We were there last week, went up to Vancouver and Whistler, then back to Blaine. The weather was SUNNY SUNNY SUNNY!!!!...... until we left Blaine for SeaTac. It started out clear and sunny, then we saw "them" (clouds) looming ahead. My sweet husband said "Oh look.... we're driving into fog". Ya... *fog*.... sure..... Then it started sprinking. Then the sprinking stopped, but the "fog" stayed. It then dawned on him...... "Or are these CLOUDS?" I explained "cloud cover" to him, as we continued south through the gray, and said it is pretty typical...... you can have weeks like this..... no rain, but no sign of sun. "Wow..." he said, "This is depressing."

So there you have it! Absolutely gorgeous when sunny...... absolutely dismal when "foggy" for days or weeks on end wacko.gif
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-21 17:51:00
CanadaStruggling with a sense of identity.
Coming from Vancouver to eastern NC has been a HUGE change for me. I just got back from a week at "home", and although I loved so much about Vancouver, I also couldn't wait to come "home" to NC. I think, for me, "home" is where my husband and I are together. We don't plan on staying in this town forever (he is just here for work). We may stay in NC, we may not. He's lived all over the place, and loves FL. We've both thought about Seattle, but neither of us think we could handle all that rain!!! When we first got married, I allowed myself to feel as if I were somewhat at his mercy, when it came to a place to live. He NEVER made me feel like that, mind you... it was my own insecurity of giving up the life I knew in another country..... sort of like I felt I had to follow his lead in the US, since he is the USC. However, I quickly realized that I have as much input into OUR life as does he, which includes where we want to live. I just have to do a lot more research than he does wink.gif

I do agree with others about looking for a new "hometown" TOGETHER. Hubby and I do that all the time, and it's actually really fun! Instead of finding the "perfect place", or attemping to choose one's choice over the other's, we just window shop places to live. Sort of like brainstorming. He loves checking out things like crime stats (I think he goes to a site called, and will say "Hey, this town looks pretty cool", and then I'll go to the MLS page and check out the real estate! We check out the weather, economy, activities, lifestyle, housing, education, etc. There are lots of websites to give you some ideas..... I like googling the "Best Places to Live" pages, and seeing where we can link to from there. There was a short list of places that we thought we liked, but the more we researched them TOGETHER, the more we realized we needed to keep looking. He came across Pinehurst, NC..... and although neither of us had ever been there, we liked the look of it on the web. We finally booked a weekend trip there, and fell in love with the place!! It's now at the top of *OUR* list....... not his choice, not mine, but something we discovered together. And that is really neat smile.gif

So I think that you and your wife are on the right track...... but instead of seeing it as a problem to solve, maybe you could approach it as a fun activity to do together. The added benefit is that we've learned a lot about each other in the process, and even though we don't have a move planned for the near future, we sure have a whole lot better idea of what we'd BOTH like when the time does come.
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-21 16:33:00
CanadaBest way to transfer Canadian funds to the US
On a similar note: what do y'all do when you get a check from Canada, in $CAN? Do you shop around for the best rate to cash it, and then put it where you will? I just cashed in some of my RRSPs, and since I'm out of the country they are mailing me a check. I figured I'd just deposit it into my local RBC US account.... but I'm wondering how to get the best exchange?
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-25 14:42:00
CanadaBest way to transfer Canadian funds to the US
QUOTE (trailmix @ Jul 25 2008, 09:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The good part is that you have complete online access to your Canadian account and U.S. account and can transfer money between the two, online.

That's what I did. I had been a long-term client of Royal Bank in Canada. So when I saw the RBC sign outside a bank in NC, I went in to find out if I could get an account with them. I got a "Royal Embassy Account", which is a US based account only available to Canadians. They also gave me a Visa and a line of credit to boot!

The best thing is that when you sign into onine banking, you see two tabs: one for your RBC US account, and another for you RBC Canada accounts. You can transfer money back and forth to your Canada / US RBC accounts at no additional charge (other than your normal account charges); you just get charged the exchange rate. When my parents wanted to give me a monetary gift, they could just go to their local RBC in Canada, deposit $CAN into my account, and they would not have to deal with exchange, etc. Then I'd go online and transfer the money to my Centura account. Easy peasy! Conversely, if I needed to pay a bill in Canada (a few straglers), I could transfer money from Centura to my Canada account, and pay the bill online. Done!
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-25 14:39:00
CanadaP.O.E. Peace Arch border crossing
I've amost always used the truck crossing, and never had a problem there. Just came through a couple weeks ago (first time coming back with my GC, yeah!) and the gentleman was VERY nice and professional...... probably the most pleasant crossing I've ever had!

Keep in mind that the Peace Arch crossing is the "touristy" one..... being that a lot of folks from other countries want to enjoy the park, take pictures at the big arch, etc. So, it would stand to reason that the officers might be a bit more 'testy', having to deal with a whole myriad of tourists from who-knows-where. The truck crossing, on the other hand, is rather boring...... just pavement and buildings!, so not much appeal to the vacationing tourists. And, dealing with trucks, couriers, drivers on business, regular crossers, etc, you would hope that the officers might have a better general knowledge of special situations.
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-27 08:01:00
CanadaI just told told off the revenue agency
Is RevCan always this disorganized on the phone??? I just called them to give them my name/address change, and request the last copy of my NOA since I have been in the US and never got it.... so that I can file an exit tax return. First number I called - the one listed on their website for address changes - said that I have to call a different number. Lady at second number, whom I could barely understand, said:

1) I have to MAIL in a name change request along with the marriage certificate (this is contrary to what the RevCan website says)

2) Once the name is changed, I have to CALL back again to change the address..... apparently the same person cannot change the name and address..... too complicated, I guess

3) Once the name and address are changed, I can CALL and request a copy of the NOA

Oh..... and she added "I couldn't help you anyway....... our systems are down. You'll have to call another time." wacko.gif

I'm getting the impression that dealing with RevCan is going to be more fun than the ol' barrel of monkeys headbonk.gif

Edited by pegbert64, 28 July 2008 - 09:53 AM.

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-28 09:52:00
CanadaOff the see the bureau
I've enjoyed following your story..... I'm excited for you!! Congrats - looking forward to a pix or two from the big day!!!

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-28 10:02:00
CanadaBanking question
QUOTE (GregS @ Aug 1 2008, 05:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What rate are you waiting for?? 97 cents is pretty good compared to the 62 cents five years ago. If you wait the rates may go up a couple cents but more likely they will go back down at some point.

Well, mid-July the dollars were pretty much on par. I realize there is no guarantee, but I'm hoping to not loose $300-$500 on the exchange just from being lazy and not watching the rates. I'm thinking positively!!
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-08-01 17:35:00
CanadaBanking question
QUOTE (J&K @ Aug 1 2008, 08:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if this will help you now, but RBC Bank (Formally RBC Centura) has their head office in NC and many branches throughout the state. If you have a Royal Bank account up in Canada, you can transfer money back and forth freely through the two banks. So in a sense, you could keep your RRSP in the Canadian account and whenever the rate changes, transfer to the US.

If you don't have a Royal Bank account, I don't know how easy it would be to open one now.

But just so you know smile.gif

That's actually exactly what I'm trying to do!! Here's the problem: I had my RRSPs with RBC (Canada), and also a few savings/checking accounts. I openned a Royal Embassy Account at RBC Centura here in NC, which is where I do all my banking. In an effort to "sever tax ties", I went ahead and closed the savings/checking accounts in Canada, since I haven't used them since I moved here. A couple weeks ago, I cashed in one of my RRSPs, and I *wanted* to reopen an account an have it deposited, but was told that since I'm a non-resident, they just mail a check. Well, since mid-July the exchange rate has continued to deteriorate, so when the paper check arrives I don't want to deposit it into a $US account right away. I went to RBC Canada online, and tried to open a simple savings account, but was told that I have to have at least one sole-ownership account at RBC Canada in order to open another account.... and the only holdings I have left in Canada is a spousal RRSP. Hence, now I am kicking myself for closing those accounts, as I really wanted to park the RRSP $$ in a $CAN account until the exchange improves. I definitely want to have the $$ in a US account before the end of the year, but it gives me a few months to play with in hope that I can get a better rate.

Another question: can a Canadian Citizen non-resident open a bank account in Canada, without actually living there? Or am I stuck hunting for a foreign currency account at some bank here in the US?

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-08-01 08:04:00
CanadaBanking question
Does anyone know, off the top of their head, if there is a bank in the southeast (NC) that offers a foreign currency (ie: $CAN) account? I've put myself in a bit of a pickle and need to find a way to park my RRSP check ($CAN) for a while until the exchange rate improves.

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-08-01 07:17:00
CanadaCalgary Medical Exam ~ Review ~ Dr. Viljoen
Not a whole lot better in NC..... I just figured he was a pervert. A lot of money and time...... but as someone once told me, "If you want to stay, you have to do what they want." Sigh. Just glad it was over pretty quick.
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-30 19:25:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem?
QUOTE (Infantry Grunt @ Jul 25 2008, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
so the correct POE would be useful

Not just useful.... NECESSARY! You have to put this on the I-485 application, and they will ask you again at the interview. Saying "I don't remember" is not going to bode well for you no0pb.gif

Through process of elimination, and online maps, etc, you should be able to figure it out good.gif

But you're not alone....... when I asked my sister-in-law for the affidavit, she said "I don't remember which one we came through." (there are two between Vancouver/Blaine) I knew 110% it was the truck crossing, but she didn't remember!! So you are not the only one who forgets these things!!

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-25 14:48:00
CanadaPossible EWI Problem?
Don't panic! EWI means "Entry WITHOUT inspection". She WAS inspected, therefore she is NOT EWI. As other's have posted, do NOT let her leave the US now!!!! Unless you want to complicate things further, she needs to stay in the US until she has either AP or GC.

I was in the same boat (crossed the border by car, officer looked at our passport and said "Have a nice day". No stamp, no I-94. This, as you know, is typical for Canadians. We hired an attorney to handle our AOS application, because we didn't know how to handle this very issue. She just filled it out saying "no I-94 given, as applicant is Canadian citizen", or something to that nature.

When I entered the US, I was with my sister-in-law in her vehicle. So, my attorney wrote up an affidavit for her to sign and have notarized. It basically said that she and I crossed the Canada US border on such-and-such day, at said POE. She was driving, I was the passenger. We were in vehicle of XYZ make and year, license plate # xyz123. The border officer inspected our passports, but did not stamp them. Then it was signed, dated, notarized, etc. I also signed a similar, notarized affidavit, stating the same. As you pointed out, they do have cameras at the borders, so technically if they really wanted to check on it, they could have pulled the video for that day, found the vehicle by the license plate # we provided, and zoomed in to see that we were both in said vehicle as sworn, entering through the border.

As it turns out, the interviewing officer did not ask for the affidavits, but I was glad I had them! She just asked me "Where/when did you enter the US?" and said "So you were inspected, but you did not get a stamp or I-94, correct?" to which I replied "That is correct. He looked at our passports, and waved us through." She said "Are they still doing that up there?! That's so weird!" (more out of general curiosity, not directed at me as a question)

So relax.... as long as your wife was inspected, even if she did not get a stamp or 1-94, she is here legally. "Intent" is another matter..... as long as she did not come here with the intention of marrying you and staying, she is OK..... but that's a separate issue from the EWI one.

Hope that helps!
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-25 06:39:00
Canadaconfused about which year to do what
Sorry, I meant for this to go into Zyggy's tax thread.... can someone move it there for me?!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi Zyggy

Thank you so much for helping everyone with your expertise!

I did send you a pm, but maybe this will be helpful for everyone.

1) The last taxes I filed in Canada were for year 2005.

2) Came to the US on extended vacation in April 2006. Met Mr. Right and never went back!

3) Called Canadian tax accountant to inquire about what to do for 2006 taxes, and he said that since I had zero income and was not living in Canada, I did not have to file anything.

4) Married May 2007, filed for AOS July 2007

5) Husband included me on his US taxes for year 2007, since I had EAD and SS# before the end of 2007

6) GC granted June 2008.

7) cashed out Canadian RRSPs August 2008 (25% withheld).

OK, so now I'm trying to finish everything up with RevCan. We do not see ourselves moving back to Canada in the foreseeable future, so I'm definitely a US resident. As far as I understand (according to the nice lady at RevCan with whom I spoke on the phone), I need to:

a ) file a return for year 2006 with zero income

b ) file a return for year 2007 as my "exit return", using the date that my AOS application was accepted as the date I ceased to be a Canadian resident (July 2007). On this return, I would claim the remaining HBP amount (approx $1300) as "other income", but again zero as employment income (I have no income from anywhere in the world)

c ) the income from the cashed out RRSP goes on our 2008 joint US tax return as foreign income. QUESTION: do I need to file a tax return with RevCan for year 2008, due to the cashing out of these RRSPs? Is there any way to get back any of that 25% that they withheld?

Am I on track so far? Also, which name/address do I use on each of the returns? For 2006, do I use my previous name and Canadian address... and then switch to my married name and US address for 2007? Or do I use my current name and address on ALL returns?

And finally.... when I spoke with the lady at RevCan, she asked when did I leave Canada? I told her I the dates that I left, got married, applied for AOS, and got the GC. She said that the date I was granted the GC would be the date I "left" Canada. I don't think this is correct, since when my application for AOS was accepted, I became a "conditional resident" in the US, and was thereafter approved. Also, since I was included on my husband's 2007 US tax return as a US resident, I can't be a resident of two countries at once, right?! Therefore, I think that the date I left Canada ought to be in 2007. Correct?

Thanks again for posting all this info and answering our questions!!

Edited by pegbert64, 28 January 2009 - 10:39 AM.

pegbert64FemaleCanada2009-01-28 10:36:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
OMG, Wunderbars! I heart.gif Wunderbars! kicking.gif

Another Canadian chocolate bar that I haven't seen in the US is the Mr. Big bar. Just the name raises more than a few eyebrows down here when you ask "Do you have a Mr Big?" tongue_ss.gif
pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-04 10:49:00
CanadaCanadian RRSP withdrawal and our US taxes
Well, I *wish* I had millions! Alas, my total RRSPs were only around 20k, so not much incentive to keep them sitting in Canada until I retire. I'd rather just bring whatever money here, and have control over how I invest it (CDs, etc). Besides, my mutual funds were losing money!!

Going by the 25% withholding, I'm assuming that I'll have to claim the approx 15k as income on our 2008 US tax return. Since I'm not working at the moment, and this could possibly be my only "income" this year, it's probably not a bad year for us to do this. Will I be able to apply the 25% withheld in Canada as a credit in the US?

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-24 12:03:00
CanadaCanadian RRSP withdrawal and our US taxes
Hi... I'm chiming in a bit late on this, but I am wondering a few things....

1) I'm the Canadian, now a US PR, living in the US with no intention of returning to Canada to live

2) Just called RBC and cashed out one of my RRSPs (the other is a non-redemable GIC, so I have to wait until the term is up). Since I no longer have any bank accounts with RBC, the lady said they will mail me a check.

3) She said the withholding will be 25%

4) She said that IN ADDITION to the 25% withheld, I will have to pay income tax on the amount cashed out.

I have not filed a Canadian tax return since the 2005 tax year (I entered the US early in 2006, fell in love, ended up getting married, blah blah blah..... no income in either country). For 2006, I asked my Canadian tax accountant if I needed to file anything, and he said NO, because I had no income to report. For 2007, my husband and I filed jointly in the US.

So, when I get this RRSP check, where do I claim this? In Canada, or in the US? Or both? I'm assuming that I claim it in the US on our joint tax return. Do I then use the 25% withheld as a tax credit? I'm not a Canadian resident, so I don't think I need to file anything there? Correct?

Oh, and I've spent hours reading the Serbinski forums, and it's all greek to me..... surely it can't be that complicated!!

pegbert64FemaleCanada2008-07-23 16:15:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
QUOTE (zyggy @ Feb 9 2009, 01:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pegbert64 @ Feb 9 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm trying to get up to date with all the Canadian taxes. I called CRA to find out what they needed, and they said that I must file a return for 2006, even if I had no income. 2007 will become my "exit" return, as that is the year that I filed for US Permanent Residency.

My question is this: on the 2006 T-1 Identification box, do I use my CURRENT (married) name and current US address, or do I use my PREVIOUS name and former Canadian address?

Thank you.

You would use your name on 12/31/06. Use your current address.

Thank you. I have one more question..... the last one, I think! I'm filing Section 217 for 2008 to get back some of the 25% withheld when I cashed out my RRSPs in 2008. I've got the non-resident T1 filled out already. Obviously, I use my current married name and US address. Where it says "marital status", I put "married". But then what do I put under the spouse information, since my husband is the US citizen, never lived or worked in Canada, does not have a SIN# or any other ties to Canada (except me, of course!) Do I just leave that box blank? If it makes a difference, I have no income from anywhere in 2008, except for the RRSP cashout.

Thanks again!
pegbert64FemaleCanada2009-02-09 19:08:00
CanadaThe IRS/CRA Income Tax Thread
I'm trying to get up to date with all the Canadian taxes. I called CRA to find out what they needed, and they said that I must file a return for 2006, even if I had no income. 2007 will become my "exit" return, as that is the year that I filed for US Permanent Residency.

My question is this: on the 2006 T-1 Identification box, do I use my CURRENT (married) name and current US address, or do I use my PREVIOUS name and former Canadian address?

Thank you.
pegbert64FemaleCanada2009-02-09 09:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMarch 2010 I-751 Filers
Hi All! I received the approval "Card Ordered" email yesterday, and wanted to share my timeline with the group. Everything went very smoothly.... no RFEs, no interview. I don't frequent this forum too often, but would be happy to share my process if it would be helpful to anyone - just ask! Good luck, everybody!!

(I hope I added my info correctly!)

California Service Center (11/23 approved, 48%)

VJName..............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
ROCKY_NBULLWINKLE...03/02/10.........03/05/10.......04/16/10........04/13/10.... (early Bio on 3/29)(card received 4/19)
LIL MISS SUNSHINE...03/03/10.........03/05/10.......04/20/10........05/12/10.... (card received 6/11)
GENESIS1968.........03/05/10.........--/--/10.......04/15/10........05/03/10 - Card production ordered
AHEBL...............03/06/10.........03/09/10.......04/14/10........04/27/10.... (card received 5/05)
JEFF & ROSE.........03/08/10.........03/10/10.......05/03/10........--/--/10....
KUTING..............03/12/10.........--/--/10.......04/15/10........04/26/10.... (card received 4/30)
AMY AND BRIAN.......03/15/10.........03/16/10.......04/14/10........--/--/10....
JULIE&ANDY..........03/15/10.........03/26/10.......04/16/10........05/05/10.... (card received 6/01)
ANOTHRNG............03/15/10.........03/22/10.......04/12/10........05/03/10.... (card received 5/27)
ABHAY...............03/17/10.........03/23/10.......04/23/10........04/29/10.... (card received 5/06)
DDX.................03/18/10.........03/--/10.......04/21/10........05/10/10.... (Interview letter received 3/27 for 4/14)
KEN'S ROSE..........03/19/10.........03/22/10.......04/20/10........--/--/10....
W8INGLONGTIME.......03/23/10.........03/29/10.......06/10/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 5/20)

Vermont Service Center (12/30 approved, 40%)

VJName.............Date of I-751....NOA1 Date.......Biometrics......Approved....
CHEFBOYARDEE.......03/01/10.........03/04/10........03/30/10........05/14/10.... (card received 6/10)
NATASHENIKA........03/05/10.........03/09/10........04/12/10........06/03/10.... (early Bio 3/29)
BOYINFLORIDA.......03/05/10.........03/08/10........04/14/10........05/27/10.... (early Bio 4/09))
THE SPARROW........03/09/10.........03/12/10........04/07/10........--/--/10....
KIDDHAN273.........03/10/10.........03/15/10........04/12/10........06/04/10.... (early Bio 4/08)
IAMWHATIAM80.......03/11/10.........03/17/10........04/12/10........--/--/10.... (divorce waiver)
CHA GIO............03/15/10.........03/16/10........04/01/10........06/08/10....
SCOTT N YENIFER....03/15/10.........03/19/10........04/22/10........06/14/10....
GOLDFILM...........03/17/10.........--/--/10........04/16/10........06/09/10.... (never got NOA)
LYNNAMI............03/23/10.........03/29/10........04/23/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/15)
NO-TEN.............03/23/10.........03/30/10........04/21/10........--/--/10.... (early Bio 4/15)
RICK&OLECHKA.......03/29/10.........--/--/10........05/07/10........--/--/10.... (never got NOA and I-551 stamped)
CARPE DIEM.........03/30/10.........03/31/10........05/03/10........--/--/10....

pegbert64FemaleCanada2010-06-16 17:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
Add us to the list - just received notice on October 4, 2010 card production has been ordered!! :dance:
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-10-04 17:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS

Yes, just take your extension letter to the DMV and your DL will be renewed for 1 year. That is wat i did with mine.

Thank you for the quick response! :)
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-08-07 10:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
Question regarding renewing driver's license. The driver's license is due to expire when the greencard would have expired - can we just take the letter extending the greencard for one year (pending approval) and renew the driver's license? Thank you!
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-08-07 10:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
Just received biometrics appt. for 8/13/2010....yeah!
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-07-21 17:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
The NOA1 Receipt date is 6/8/2010...However still haven't received a bio appt....Getting kind of nervous, is there anyone we can contact?
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-07-13 19:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
NOA Received June 12th - Dated June 8th.
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-06-13 12:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJUNE 2010 FILERS
Sent I-751 to VSC on June 3rd - received June 8th.

Expires on 9/2/2010
Lizared78FemaleEngland2010-06-10 13:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo you really need Tax Returns included as evidence?
hey all,

well right now - the law in NC here states i must be seperated for 1 year before i can file for divorce. so right now i am in month 1 - i have 11 more to go til i can file for divorce! luckily this time falls way before i have to file. (looking at my timing, i would have to file May 2011 in order to have 90 days up my sleeve - thats if we were still together). So at this rate, if i file for divorce i should be doing this in November 2010.

though, i am conflicted right i am considering either going for the divorce now and file the waiver OR we stick it out for the next 2 years and file jointly.
(but obviously in the next 2 years this a**hole will not co-operate and be mature about the whole thing and will act selfishly - as he has already shown by moving last week to a different state!)

so im strongly considering that being honest to USCIS is the best way to go - and that is to get a divorce. I guess im just worried about what will happen if some reason i get an IO who is having a bad day and denies my permanent GC!!

Nubby x
NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 14:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo you really need Tax Returns included as evidence?
Hi Everyone. thanks for your help thus far. Well my plan is to submit taxes as married but to file them seperately.

as a hypothetical.... what would would happen if we did do this (married but fled seperately), and as part of the evidence only me submitted my tax transcript as evidence but not my husband. Is one better then none?

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 12:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDo you really need Tax Returns included as evidence?
Hi Everyone....just a quick question.... in regards to submitting evidence for ROC..... i know including your TAX return (filed as married) is one of the best pieces of evidence to submit...

HOWEVER what if i dont include this? Will i get an RFE for this?
Or what if i submitted my taxes (for the 2 years we've been together) seperately and then we put in as evidence but it clearly shows that we submitted them as single rather than as married.

Is this going to be a problem? Has anyone out there who has submitted evidence but did not provide their tax returns?

Thanks !!
NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 11:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionTax transcript question?
As a wife, can i contact the IRS and get them to send me my husbands tax transcripts? or does he need to be the one to talk on the phone???

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 11:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInterview Experience
wow awesome news!! rika have you heard anything else from birdlover? I'll msg her and see what happened.

As i would really love to know what "evidence" she included in her packet. I think i have everything covered, except for the tax transcripts. coz right now, my husband has run off to so somwhere up-state with another woman, and i sure as hell know that he wont be submitting his taxes for the next couple of years as he will be hiding out - therefore i am left with just me submitting my taxes (as married but im putting them in by myself). So will only have my tax transcript in the packet.

resilient - thanks for the reply! have you already filed? id love to keep in contact with you. i need support! and im sure you do too, anf the rest of us in this situation!!

Nubby x

QUOTE (rika60607 @ Dec 1 2009, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Birdlover got approved in September.

QUOTE (Nubby @ Nov 30 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi birdlover2008 - how is everything going now? have you heard anything from USCIS? did you get approved for your 10-year GC?
I am just about to head into the whole "seperation & divorce" thing and your posting has been really helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to hear more updates from you!

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-12-02 12:36:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInterview Experience
hi birdlover2008 - how is everything going now? have you heard anything from USCIS? did you get approved for your 10-year GC?
I am just about to head into the whole "seperation & divorce" thing and your posting has been really helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to hear more updates from you!

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-11-30 13:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDeportation after divorce, it is possible?

Hi Sugary

No, it is not possible for him to deport you! He will make threats like this because he is just too immature. Just like my husband whom im currently seperated from.

After a lot of stress and worry about what the USC spouse can do - really..they cant do anything! Even my USC spouse's many girlfriends who have all threatened to report me to Immigration based on my husband telling them stories!! But what they all dont realise is, that we married for love - truly and honestly.... then the b*stard cheated.

But long story short - as like everyone else has said, make sure you get all the evidence of your marriage to show that you married in good faith and not to evade the immigration laws. You can then file for the I-751 waiver (this is what I will be doing in about 1 years time!).

Do you have your doctor reports about the 2 miscarriages?? (Sorry to hear about this..) You should try and get these and include as part of your evidence to show that you wanted to have a family with him.

I hope everything works out. Keep us posted.

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-12-03 14:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionCSC Waiver Filers Timeline
hey resilient. nubby here. looks like we are in the same boat! I will also be filing for I-751 Waiver in about a year from now.

my USC husband cheated on me (with numerous women - i have plenty of evidence) and ultimately ran away with some woman somewhere up-state. so i am now obviously by myself now - have no choice but you know, making the best out of what i have.... staying positive and trying to be happy.
here in this state, the law says we must be seperated for at least 1 year before i can get a divorce. So this is where im at right now - month 1 of the 12 month wait. I will divorce based on 1) abandonment of spouse 2) committed adultery.

the 12 month wait + divorce should all be before my 2-year GC anniversary time limit.

so this is a question for all those I-751 waiver filers = anyone been in the same situation as me - where their USC spouse commited adultery and left them? and did you get approved?
my USC husband has also threatened me and sent me abusive txt messages after he left me. Should i go and make a police report and get a restraining order. Would this be "good" evidence to show to USCIS??

nubby x

QUOTE (resilient @ Nov 22 2009, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks a lot for your answer, rika. Yes, it seems it will be hard to get answers for the agreement here. I am not working now, so I might go to a Legal Aid consultation soon. It seems most of you waiver people divorced very quickly. Is it because you all live around California? (I mean, easier to divorce). Do you apply for a waiver at CSC if you are from CA area? Maybe it would be better to try and divorce instead of waiting the one year separation... but then I would have to accuse him of abandonment. Didn't want to go that avenue...

QUOTE (rika60607 @ Nov 22 2009, 01:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
there are very few people who filed I-751 with a waiver. And not all of them obsessively hang around laughing.gif
Separation agreement is not something routinely done, so I hope you find help here, but it is not likely.
Can you ask a lawyer to look at it? Are you happy with what's in it? You could start your own topic and ask for VJ unprofessional advice smile.gif
(of course crop out all the personal info - names, addresses, account numbers etc)

NubbyFemaleAustralia2009-12-02 13:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionProbably a Dumb Question.. about interview notice
Hi Okspider - good luck with your interview!!

can i ask you one question.....what evidence did you put with your I-751 ??

Just wondering if there is any correlation between what evidence is provided and being requested to go for an interview, versus what evidence is provided and not having to have an interview.

could you let me know what evidence you sent in?

NubbyFemaleAustralia2010-10-29 22:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionEvidence & Supporting Documents - do they check it?
Just a quick question.... does anybody know...with all this evidence and supporting documents we include with the ROC, do the IO's actually check up on this info? (For example, if I include a bank statement or health insurance cards, do they call the bank or health insurance company to confirm that both names are on the account and to ensure the info is legit)....Or do they just look at the papers to make sure everything is in order with names and addresses etc and just basically make their decision from looking at the papers?
NubbyFemaleAustralia2011-02-03 23:41:00