PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

just to share.....

the CO asked if i have more recent photos....
i pulled out from my thick file, but he never bothered to see them...
while i was holding a bunch of pix, he was already approving my visa......
maybe he was just testing if beneficiaries are prepared......

right after my interview, was able to mingle with some who has to submit more docs through mail....
they thought "this" and "those" docs were not needed.....
the result, issuance of visa was delayed.......

so, my suggestion is......
be prepared.......

good luck and keep us posted......

Thanks! I think I'll have her take everything as planned.

Hopefully I'll be posting good news Monday night!
??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 16:53:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

Well, we didn't realize how huge our packet was until I reached my POE. I was told by the IO that my packet (proof of evidence) was the biggest packet he've ever seen. :D

We submitted some prior to the interview and, brought a full hand carry-on bag with me during our final judgement day. :P

I know that some people don't want to over kill their proof of evidence but, IMHO, It is always best idea to load up everything necessary than regret later. :yes:

Good Luck! :thumbs:

That was kind of what I was thinking...give as much concrete evidence without going overboard.

Thanks for the reply!
??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 14:18:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

Personally, I think from all that I have read, most people over do it. I also believe that for the most part, you are approved before you arrive, the only ones who would not be approved are those that act like they have something to hide, are doing something illegal, or obviously don't know anything about their mate. The people at USEM are just there to catch illegals, and they probably don't really care that much whether a person gets out of the country or not. They probably figure that if you went to all the trouble to get where you are now, the process is worth it to you to do right. Just my 2¢

Thanks! :thumbs:
??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 13:21:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

My wife had one of those suitcases on wheels full of stuff I sent her. She said she was the only one there with so much stuff. But I wanted her prepared for anything they might have asked her for. At the pre-interview they selected out a handful of key documents to review. THe officer was a kind woman, and Josephine felt comfortable with her and relaxed. If I remember right, the officer mostly just wanted her to tell her about my job. She asked my wife what I did for a living, and my wife told her. The officer then said "I dont know what that job is. Can you tell me about it?" The officer didnt ask for anything I sent, but at least my wife was prepared.

Brian in Tennessee


Sounds about like what my fiance will be doing...I told her she will probably have to take her carry-on bag with her to carry all of the docs.

Hoping for a smooth hassle-free interview.


??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 10:00:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

The packet I sent my wife for her interview weighed 12 lbs according to DHL., They looked at 4 or 5 photos and that was about it. I honestly believe that being prepared, the way you're dressed, the way you carry yourself and how professional all your documents are prepared has more to do with the outcome of the interview than the actual documents do. They already have most of the documents she'll take to the interview anyway :thumbs:

??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 08:13:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

well the CFO never bothered to look at my scrapbook of memories and evidences of ongoing relationship that has the chatlogs skype fb ym etc,cards,moneytransfer reciepts,tickets and hotel reciepts ( chatlogs i had with me like around 6 pages only and skype screenshots About 7,i had a pretty heavy portfolio too. ID STILL SUGGEST THAT YOU BRING THOSE you may want to cut it down into like with the chatlogs/ BUT MAKE SURE you have all the important documents COMPLETE,updated and READY im talking about the supporting documents of your affidavit of support and her certificates ( birth certificate,CENOMAR make sure its updated i had to get another one because they expire every 6 months, and police certificate NBI or other country certificate if she stayed abroad for a while.

It really depends on how strong your case is starting from the intial uscis k1 filing ( they have that initial package)

the CO is also particular about the important dates in your relationship so it helps if you do a mock interview with her prior to the big day.

goodluck to you both!! B-)

Thanks for the info!

We have all of the important documents and I sent a pretty healthy I-129F.

Her interview is next Tuesday...we have been doing the mock interviews and she has all of the important info down.

I'm kind of in anxiety mode...hoping all will go well. We had some birth certificate issues and I am hoping that all that she has plus the fact that she has a college education will override any problems that the bc issue may present, if any.

Thanks again!
??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 07:58:00
PhilippinesTo Much Proof?

Is there such a thing as having to much proof for the K1 interview?

What I mean, is if you go to it loaded down with documents, is it going to matter one way or the other?

All in all, she has about 8 lbs. of paper from me...all phone logs (50+ pages,) a few chat logs from each month (another 50+) and with all the bank records, receipts, photobook and everything else, it's going to look like she's carrying the yellowpage books from NY, NY.

Does this sound about right?

How much did your fiance take with her to the interview?


??MalePhilippines2011-06-25 05:32:00
PhilippinesBest Philippines Weather Site

Thanks! Even handier for me (I'm the Pinay who went through 4 inches of rain per day last week).

Yowza, that's a lot of rain! Glad to help.
??MalePhilippines2011-06-27 20:23:00
PhilippinesBest Philippines Weather Site

Very cool site! Thank you. This will come in handy.

Glad you found it useful.
??MalePhilippines2011-06-27 09:45:00
PhilippinesBest Philippines Weather Site
I found this last week while looking for info on the latest typhoon in the is very graphic intensive and is one of the best weather sites I've found for the PH.

Philippines Weather

Just thought I would pass it along for everyone to track the weather where their loved ones are.


??MalePhilippines2011-06-27 08:41:00
PhilippinesPost Approval - Keep any docs taken to interview?

this is a good guide when you file for AOS AOS GUIDE


but as of the moment, rest your mind first and enjoy the time with your soon to be wife. all of us need at least a moment of silence from immigration and just live life :D

You got that right!!!
??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 08:26:00
PhilippinesPost Approval - Keep any docs taken to interview?

I dont think you need emails, chat logs, phone bills etc when filing for AOS. So yes, its no use anymore. But I cant really tell since I am not into that process yet so its better to keep them. How about for memories?

Agreed, I wouldn't think you would need any of the communications...I have all of that backed up anyway. :)

I'm guessing they kept all of the bank records and forms submitted...I'm not sure as I haven't talked to Chay about that yet.
??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 08:02:00
PhilippinesPost Approval - Keep any docs taken to interview?

Keep them all and bring them for the CFO seminar. I heard they also want to see pictures, emails, divorce decree (if any) etc. And also, spare an original copy of NSO birth certificate, its needed when filing for AOS. :)

Thanks for the info...I know you will need all of the docs for the CFO, but after that, is any of it needed for anything?

Just wondering if she needed to drag any of it with her when she comes to the US...I'm sure the last thing she will want to drag along with her to the US is all of that paper. :lol:

??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 06:20:00
PhilippinesPost Approval - Keep any docs taken to interview?
After the visa has been approved, what interview documents needs to be kept?

I have read that you should take all docs taken to the interview to the CFO seminar. I know I will keep the originals I sent, but other than that, anything to keep or any of it needed?


??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 05:51:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..

A gigantic Congratulations to you both!!!!!!!!!


??MalePhilippines2011-06-30 06:36:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..

Congratulations to you both!!


:star: Congratz guyz! :star:

??MalePhilippines2011-06-30 04:57:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..

Chay & Brian - Big A++!! Congratulations!! --RK & Inday


Here's to a speedy NOA2 for you two. :thumbs:


??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 16:40:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..

WOOHOO!!!! Another day closer... can't wait til we can make the same post!

I was surprised nothing was said about the birth cert & G-325A, which I thought would be the problem, if any. Nothing was said at all about the fact that the names on the G-325A were different from the updated bc...I was sweating that one.

About 6 questions from each interviewer...quick and painless. I'm sure you will have no problems at all.

No need to wish you good luck...because I don't think you're gonna need it.

How about a pre-Congratulations instead? :thumbs:

??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 11:32:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..
Thanks B_J and len ben!!!
??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 08:03:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..

Congratulations! I want a Brobdingnagian A too for my upcoming interview! :D

I'm sure you'll have no problems with your A! :)

Chay said she was asked about 6 questions from each officer...and that it was a breeze.

Here's a pre-Congrats on your interview! :thumbs:

Posted Image

Posted Image

??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 04:33:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..
Thanks ALL!!! :thumbs:
??MalePhilippines2011-06-29 00:20:00
PhilippinesMy Fiancee's GIGANTIC A..
APPROVAL on her Interview!!! :yes:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks VJ for helping me through this!!!

Now my nerves can rest for a while. :wacko: :blink:
??MalePhilippines2011-06-28 23:50:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke's / Menstruation question

I have never seen anyone post anything here on VJ about this issue. I don't think it's going to be a problem because I think St. Lukes is very lenient in that regard.

Thanks! I couldn't find anything on here regarding that either.
??MalePhilippines2011-06-10 15:24:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke's / Menstruation question

I remember going like 3 days after my period and that was December 9th of last year. And when they would ask I would say I got my period Dec 2nd and they didn't care because period can last 3-5 days and I said mine only lasts 3 so they let me do everything and nothing was affected. Wow even just writing about this made me uncomfortable but hopefully it will help you out in a way lol

Thank you for the info.

No need to feel uncomfortable, you are a human female and it is a natural function of your species.

And no, I'm not from this planet. :alien:
??MalePhilippines2011-06-09 18:31:00
PhilippinesSt. Luke's / Menstruation question
My fiance is having her medical exam next Monday and according to the slec site, you have to wait 7 days after your period to have the exam. How strict is this requirement?

If the last day of her period is the Sunday or the day of the exam, can she still go through the exam and if they don't do the physical on Monday, would they allow her to have it Tuesday?

If neither, can she go the day before her interview to have the physical...would they be able to forward the updated results to the embassy by the following day? Or would she need to do it a certain amount of days before the interview?

Her interview is the 28th.

Thanks in advance!

??MalePhilippines2011-06-09 16:45:00
PhilippinesOne-way flights...Correct info?

my husband bought the ticket for me and i just had the itinerary printed out and scanned copy of the credit card used in purchasing the ticket.. had no problem checking in or so.

??MalePhilippines2011-07-06 05:25:00
PhilippinesOne-way flights...Correct info?

I bought 2 tickets from Manila to DFW and took the tickets to my wife to fly home after the interview.

You can send her cash and let her buy the tickets, Sometimes it's cheaper to buy the ticket in Philippines.

Seems like a lot of Bull$hit buying a ticket with a credit card in my opinion.

As far as you POE it just depends on where she is going.

I only suggest to not use LAX (Cuz it suxs).....

My fiancee will be coming here by herself, so it may be better if she did buy it there. The ticket I found is $1018...and only 22 hours. D.C. is only a few hours away...ATL would have been my first choice but all of those flights were more and longer.

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 12:28:00
PhilippinesOne-way flights...Correct info?
From what I have read here on VJ, I can purchase the ticket for my fiancee, let her print out the itinerary, send her images of the card I put it on (with most of the numbers blocked out) and a copy of my ID (is drivers license ok?) so she can print them out and take with her to the airport... and she should have no problems with the flight.

Is this all correct??? Anything else I missed or should be aware of?

The best flight I could find has a poe of Washington D.C. Is that a mistake?

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 12:17:00
PhilippinesFiancee needs an answer
I was under the impression that once you come to the states you are ineligible for a government job until after a certain period of time (several years.) I guess you could teach in a private school, but not public...if what I have heard is true.

Can anyone enlighten me on this? My fiancee is also a teacher and will be looking into getting a teaching position in a private school once here.

??MalePhilippines2011-07-05 13:33:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

On a $600 send, you lose almost $14 in exchange rates... that makes the total cost about $20. Not sure what WU charges to send that much.

And another thing to compare... I can send via Xoom for $6 plus $46 over the internet, but WU charges $130ish for this... so it is still a better deal, unless you have a WU office close to you.

I have sent $700 before and WU only charged the $12 they always charge. Keep in mind that I am going to a store to send it...have never done the online thing. And I always send in USD because it seems they would burn you on the exchange if sent in pesos.
??MalePhilippines2011-07-06 05:24:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000
Thanks for all of the input!
??MalePhilippines2011-07-05 05:54:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

Xoom allows one form of ID if you include a "secret word" for the recipient to say at time of receiving the money.

Cool, Thanks!
??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 15:39:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

... im not from BDO ....

... just sharing my experience ....

... a BDO dollar account referred to something like "balikbayan account", will just require depositors for a minimum maintaining balance of ONE DOLLAR.... you just have to have at least one transaction a year (or maybe 2!!! not so sure tho ) to make it active.....

... this may help somebody out there.....

When I checked into this a while back, I thought it said the minimum balance was like $200 or something like 5-10k Pesos...I might have read it wrong or looked at the wrong type of account.

Thanks for the link!
??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 14:37:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

does xoom still do PI? They pulled out of China..

IMO, the best way is WU, at a WU retailer, face to face. Fee less than 30 bucks.
Do it online? pay over 100 in fees.

Yeah, the still do transactions to the Philippines.

WU cost me $12 a transaction. Would really like that she had a bank account, but they require you to have so much in the account or you get's looking like Xoom or WU is the only options I've got.

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 14:07:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

.... yes.... talking thru experience, xoom is my number one choice.....
.... you will be required for a security or pass code which you relay to your fiance ....
.... xoom will also email her once ready to be taken out....
.... only takes minutes .... try not to do it weekends or non banking hours / days ....
.... specially when you do it online (thru bank) ....\
.... they will have to verify from the bank.. well, that happened only once in my case..

.... just make sure, for added security, to get it from a bank (my case BDO) ....
.... if she is a depositor of the bank, no need for IDs ....
.... if not, prepare 2 valid ones (i.e. passport, drivers license, postal ID, etc.) ....
.... suggest you ask xoom for dollar out (your fiance receives it in dollar) ...
.... the foreign exchange outside bank will have a higher rate ....
.... just observe extra precaution ....

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 14:01:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

Check the rates between WU & XOOM. We always use XOOM. We just sent 2,300 US and it cost 5.99. When we were in Samar a few weeks ago we sent ourselves $300 the same way.

The first time we sent through XOOM it took awhile, (5 days) to clear our account. Now it takes just seconds.


Thanks! It's looking like Xoom might be the way to go, definitely cheaper than WU.
??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 12:08:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

Here's another trick for you or others when you travel to Philippines and don't want to carry a lot of cash

Before I take a trip to Philippines I go to Western Union and wire myself like $700 and $800 and have it waiting for me. When I get low on cash in PHilippines, I just take my passport and code and get money as I need it from Western Union.

I always have them send the money in US Dollars cuz you get a better exchange rate...........

Good idea! I've taken my debit card in the past and had no problems with that...just always fear of losing it. The WU deal would probably be better.
??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 11:45:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

Do Not open an bank account in Philippines

Banks go out of business all the time, and good luck trying to get your money back

They Fed Government in Philippines only insures deposit up to 500,000 peso, or a mere $10K

Yeah, I'm not too crazy about that idea. If you have a mere $10k you don't need, you could slide a bit of it my way! B-)

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 11:27:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

XOOM, hands down. Cheapest, and VERY fast. Local pickup, and they send a XOOM I.D. # in an email, then your fiancee goes to a local BPI, BDO, C. Lhuiller or M. Lhuiller with an ID, fills out a form with the XOOM I.D. you email her, and she has the PHP. Have used it, it works great.

Of course, if you are not in a hurry, giving your Fiancee an ATM card drawing on your bank is better, but this will work quickly for you.

I opened a xoom account awhile back, but my finacee only has 1 form of ID. When I opened it, I could have sworn it said 2 forms of ID...I just checked their site and it says that only one form of picture ID is required. I noticed it has Police Clearance listed, is that the same as the NBI clearance?

She has her passport so I'm guessing that and the xoom # is all she needs. Correct?

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 11:24:00
PhilippinesBest way to send $2000

have your wife/girlfriend open up a savings account from Banco de Oro. They offer BDO Kabayan Savings account, especially for international remittances. I opened mine when i attended the pre departure seminar from CFO. it wont cost her anything to open an account, she just need 2 valid ids and 2 pcs 1x1 picture. My husband and i have been using it and it has worked for us tremendously. Charges are less than when you send it thru western union. she just needs to give u her account number as soon as she has opened her account. best of luck to u :D

That's the thing, she only has 1 ID (her passport.) What forms of ID do they accept and how much of a problem is it to obtain?

??MalePhilippines2011-07-04 10:51:00