United Kingdom2 'Tube' strikes
Just as advance notice for anyone interviewing on these dates.

Tube maintenance workers will stage two 48-hour strikes in a protest over pay and conditions, it has been announced.

RMT union members will cease work at 1900 BST on both 23 June and 7 July in a strike they say will have "severe consequences" across the Tube system.

The Piccadilly, Northern and Jubilee lines are expected to be worst affected.

Full story
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-09 06:32:00
United KingdomHelp my language please !!!
It's not just me then... it 'annoys' me when i hear all the 'American English', but it's OK. I use it ocassionally in work just to annoy people. :)

And, maybe someone would care to enlighten me - i read page 1 & page 4 of this thread... how exactly did the deviation occur from the initial post? :D
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 06:24:00
United KingdomHELP - Fiance might miss wedding

I'm imagining running through the airport, into a cab "Get me to the church, man!!!" Changing into his tux in the back seat and then jumping out all composed to walk straight in exactly on time to the calm prelude music... LOL!

That would do for me... with the 'predicament' i'm in at the moment i'd be happy to arrive in just in time for the wedding. Screw it... i'd just wear what i flew in wearing. I just want what i've waited so long for... :yes:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 16:59:00
United KingdomN. Ireland Members

From Ballymena. :) Well, someone has to be!
I did my visa processing via London though because I was living in Scotland. I put London on the list, I probably could have gotten away with doing it at Belfast, I know some people that have gone there. The wait time was a little less, but to be honest, the times fell perfectly for me anyway.

Will it be Orlando you live in when you move?
If you are a Wilson, then we have the same name...

For K-1 it has to be London. Not sure about the CR-1.

Yeah, will be Orlando but have a few friends in and around Tampa (Clearwater).

Same name, same town and if i'm not mistaken your profile pic is at Galgorm castle. :)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-24 03:24:00
United KingdomN. Ireland Members
Just was curious to see how many there were on here (as we are generally in 'short supply') and what your experiences of the visa process were from an 'off mainland' perspective.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-23 15:31:00
United KingdomSome oddness with the Visa fee
Those were the sorts of questions i was going to ask...

When was the last action taken on it?
Is it in London or gone back to the US?

I guess the 'about to issue the visa?' one is good too.

Are there any others that would be good to ask? ;)

Edited by arwilson80, 28 June 2010 - 04:40 AM.

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 04:40:00
United KingdomSome oddness with the Visa fee

I had called my credit card company about a charge that came up months later and they had said that technically all vendors have up to a year to charge you...Have you called up the embassy's expensive phone line about the AP yet?

Nope, not Yet. Last time i did i was told to e-mail them, and judging what responses people have received from them while in AP it's pointless (It's in AP. We'll let you know when we are ready). I was giving them to Thursday of this week before i do that. Calling DOS today though to see what they can tell me.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 03:43:00
United KingdomSome oddness with the Visa fee

I agree with Muffin - you won't actually be charged with the fee until your visa is ready to be issued. If you are in AP, they aren't ready to issue a visa.

:crying: then they need to get a move on (although i doubt me asking / telling them that will make a difference). I want to go 'Home'! :bonk:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 03:41:00
United KingdomSome oddness with the Visa fee
Yeah, it makes kind of makes sense... But i would have expected to see a refund / cancellation transaction as i already authorized them to take payment AND it appeared on my account as a recent transaction.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 04:55:00
United KingdomSome oddness with the Visa fee
I had my interview a week past on Thursday (Jun-17), paid the fee and returned to N.Ireland (in AP).

I checked my credit card (online) and the fee was showing there as a recent transaction... Now, a week later there is no sign of the transaction ever having been made, not even a credit to the account if they had taken payment and cancelled it.:s

Oddness. Now i'm not sure if it's a bad sign of things to come or not, or if i should even worry (i know others have said it takes a few days to show up, but after a week...?). :s
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-25 03:37:00
United KingdomWedding Planning
Wedding... What wedding? The one that was supposed to be a week on Saturday (24th)? Scrapped, as i have no visa (yet) and have no idea when AP will be finished. :crying:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-14 06:36:00
United KingdomHow to deal with the down time

Of course I can no longer visit the US under the VWP as any border guard will decide that I am probably going to stay, and of course I can't apply for a visa either. It doesn't help that, thinking I had my visa, I gave up my job, and returning to it is out of the question. There's over 5000 miles between my husband and I, and although I don't want to go into details, we also have difficult personal circumstances. At this point in time, it's not an option for my husband to move to the UK.

Similar story to mine... and while i don't have difficult personal circumstances it's still hard.

I (fortunately) do have the option of my Fiancee moving to the UK, but i made the decision to move there as it's generally a daughter stays close to her parents and i believed that we would have a significantly better quality of life than we could have in the UK. Add to that the fact that i would consider my 'values' to be a lot closer to those of the US. In fact i'd consider the US 'home'. My only problem is - i wasn't born there! :(
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-24 04:28:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
And 'I'm out'! :dance:

Letter arrived yesterday asking to send in my passport. :)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-18 10:32:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

I think every country has a right and a duty to screen immigrants for every possible risk, and as you say, when I do eventually get there it'll be in the knowledge that I have passed all the checks there are, in order that I, along with my husband, family and friends, live in the safest possible society. I would be disappointed if that were NOT the case.

I just wish that it were a little quicker :)

Ditto. :)

It's been a long time since I've worked on security clearance information. But there are several specific clearances that are run during AP(four I believe) and some of these are run on a person based upon their occupation.

Persons who travel frequently, and those who have visited certain countries, are also subjected to scrutiny.

Occupation shouldn't be a problem. I worked for a large US insurance company with offices in Belfast. Frequesnt travel... I guess that all depends on the definition of frequent. I answered that question on the form with the dates (which included 7 trips to the US, 1 to Hungary for the F1 GP and multiple trips to 'The South').

If it's a simple name hit - it can be cleared up in a matter of weeks. If there is further review required - then it may take longer. Try not to stress about it, although that can be a difficult task. My best suggestion would be to follow up weekly (ie: once a week) just to keep tabs - but try not to obsess over something that is out of your hands and probably just a few weeks delay. Good luck!

I'm not stressing, although it is a little hard to accept that someone who genuinely has no 'issues' that could really merit AP is put into it. But i guess 'Que sera sera'.

...and to TreeHugger - No offence taken. Life to too short to take offence or hold grudges. ;)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-05 15:26:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

If an immigrant from Northern Ireland gets caught in a security clearance or a namecheck, why is there always the assumption (especially from the English) that there must be some connection to the Troubles?

We are a bad lot you know... :rofl:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-30 16:53:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

My husband told me that when they do name checks, they don't just check an applicant's name, but variants of it and those similar to it as well. I don't know how true that is, but for anyone with a common name it does mean it takes longer.

Yeah, that's highly likely. And to be honest i don't mind if it takes longer... but i don't understand why they can't do these checks alongside the USCIS stuff in NVC, or while the case is sitting 'idle' in the embassy between P3 and the interview. And the fact they they process 2- 3 million of them in a year, yet they have 'no idea' how long they will take.

That's why I was nervous for David, who has a common last name and NO middle name! What is up with the Brits not having middle names? :)

I have no idea. All i know is that i do have one. In fact all our folks have at least 1 middle name. Sometimes 2. :)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 11:14:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Any idea why you're in AP?

Are you originally from another country?

I have no idea why. I kinda wish i did, at least then i would know if there was anything i could do to resolve it (or more importantly what there is against my name that would trigger any suspiciousness - as i'm not aware of anything).

I'm from N. Ireland. I guess technically it is a different country but it's still part of the UK.

I hope so - my name check has lasted 126 days so far. It exceeds all the figures quoted. The last line of the USCIS link is the most difficult to deal with, especially the status aspect.

Do you think that your name might match or be similar to someone involved in the Troubles?

I very much doubt it (and if it does it's definately not me. All i have is 1 speeding ticket... :)), but i guess with a surname that is one of the most common in the western world it's entirely possible it's going to 'match' up with someone somewhere. :angry:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-29 06:34:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
Well... just off phone to DoS... My AP is undergoing name checks in DC. :( 30-90 day wait time. :(

Here are a couple of links that may put minds at ease (or maybe not)...

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 11:03:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
Yeah. Have called DOS once (will call them again later today as well). Just told me the usual 'You are in AP. The Embassy will contact you when they are ready, but feel free to call back and we'll tell you what we can'.

I wonder whether referring them back to this point in their 'Customer Service Statement' would have any effect on them?

We will use our available resources to fairly assist all applicants to get appointments to allow travel in time for business, study, and other important obligations.

Edited by arwilson80, 28 June 2010 - 06:42 AM.

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 06:42:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
4 days to hear something otherwise we'll have to re-schedule the wedding. :angry: :crying:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-28 04:37:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Really sorry to hear that. It's good that you haven't booked a ticket yet, the last thing you need is more stress.

I hope it gets sorted out as quickly as possible. Some people are only in AP for a matter of days or a couple of weeks.

I perfer the days option. ;)

As for the stress... I wouldn't say i was stressing, but i do hate waiting on something that i have no idea what is going on (if there is actually anything happening) and how far it's progressing. That may sound a little like a 'control problem' but i'm laid back so it can't be that. :) I just like to be updated.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 12:21:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
I just had a double check of what was actually on Part II of the DS-230 form... It's all those 'Have you ever...' questions that you answer 'Yes' / 'No' too (same as on the form you get with the I-94W each time you enter).
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 12:16:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!

Please tell me you haven't booked a ticket!!

As you probably know, every single applicant goes through AP, it's just that most are completed the same day/the next and never actually get to hear those dreaded words. You might have been put in 'black hole' AP for a number of reasons...and although I sincerely hope that you do get your visa issued in time for you to leave on the 7th, I'd advise you to make alternative plans, just in case. The fact that they didn't keep your passport is not encouraging, as it implies they don't expect to issue a visa soon.

I haven't a plane ticket. That is the thing that needs least organizing. :crying:

Are there any potential red flags in your file that you can think of? Born British but in another country? Immigrated to Britain? Large age disparity, religious differences, spent a lot of time in a third world country? Military service?

I hope you get the visa soon (F)

All 'No'. The thing i can't understand is there's nothing i can think of that should've raised a 'red flag' on either side. Maybe the file is 'too good' (if there is such a thing).

I just hope it doesn't go back to having something to do with USCIS transferring my case to Dublin!

Edited by arwilson80, 18 June 2010 - 10:22 AM.

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 10:18:00
United KingdomRound-up of yesterday - Visa in Administrative Processing!
OK guys. Quick update on yesterday…

Had a 09:00 appointment. Arrived just after 08:30 and went in to the waiting room. Got called after about 3 hours. The lady had to go collect my files and came back. Then she said ‘Oops, they aren’t all here. Let me go get the others’. Went and got them and she organized them a little bit. And then for a 2nd time ‘Oops, looks like we are missing page 2 of the DS-230 form’, so I handed her a copy. Then there were a few questions like ‘When are you leaving?’, ‘Have you your Police certificate / birth certificate?’, ‘Have you the affadit of support?’, ‘And the supporting documentation?’, etc… Got all that and they made some copies and gave me the originals back. She then told me to go pay the visa fee and come back. Asked a few more questions like military service, married before, etc…

Told all was fine and to go have a seat and I’d be called again later. After about 2½ hours I got called back again. Asked a few more questions… ‘When did we get engaged?’, ‘When was I intending to leave?’ To which I replied ‘July 7th’ and had a response something like ‘That’s quite close…’, ‘Ever been arrested?’.

He then handed me 2 sheets of paper with various questions on them (Parents names, Siblings name, Countries visited in last 10 years, Places of work for the last 10 years (these all sound familiar? ;))and told me to go fill them in and when I was done come straight back to him.

About 30 mins late I brought them all back and was told ‘Thanks... we have a little extra processing to do on your visa. We will give you a call in a week or so to have you send in your passport and get the visa’. At which point he said ‘Here’s a form (see below)… call this number to have the embassy courier pick up your passport after we call. Here’s your passport. It normally takes about a week…

The 'Blue form' had a 'check' in the first box to say that they were missing documents. This was then scribbled out and a new one put in the 'Administrative Processing' box.

I asked if they needed anything more and was told they had all they needed and all was ‘Fine’

So… 5½ hours in the embassy and as wise about approval as I was when I went in. :crying:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 04:12:00
United KingdomExperience so far

Especially when I go "What ! the car drug him down the road ! - what kind of pidgin English is that !"

One of the things i'm going to have a hard time dealing with. I'm not great at 'English' but i do hate poor grammar / spelling. :s
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-06 10:07:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
After going with 7 Seas i'd say that i'll not use them again. They stated a 14 day delivery time. I've already been in the USA for 4 weeks and the items haven't even arrived stateside. It'll be a further 2 weeks once until i get them once they do.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-04 14:47:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
I'm using Seven Seas. I rang a few places but most didn't get back to me...

I have 3 'Book Boxes', 2 'Tea Chests' and a number of framed pictures / prints (9 of). They are all going via Air as it's 1/3 of the transit time and about 1/2 the price of sea. Go figure!

I have the added disadvantage of living 'across the water' so have to pay a little extra for collection / delivery. :( Oh well...
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 04:13:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I'd put UK as it's your place of residence at time of departure.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 12:23:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Have a quick update posted on my experience yeaterday - http://www.visajourn...ive-processing/
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 04:14:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Aw mate. That sucks. Why couldn't you just fill it out again or give them a copy?

Really hope it works out love...

I had a duplicates of everything so I gave it to them there & then.

...and you ain't the only one that hopes it all works out. :o(
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 13:59:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Sounds very very similar to what happened to me.....

...and how long did it take them to sort it / for you to get approved?

I would have a look but I'm on my iPod waiting for the flight back.

Edited by arwilson80, 17 June 2010 - 02:01 PM.

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 13:57:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Well... Had my interview today. It's in 'AP'... :(

They had lost 1 part of the DS230 form. Now I have another week to wait while they look at it again. And probably another week or two until I get my passport back. :(
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 10:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Well i think i'm all ready for heading off in the morning... Interview on Thursday. :help: :wacko:
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-15 11:35:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread - DS157 form

Where is the piece about it only having to be filled out by males though? I haven't seen that... :s

Edited by arwilson80, 08 June 2010 - 08:12 AM.

arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 08:11:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
After reading all that stuff i think i am [almost] ready... Just have to photocopy the tax stuff and NOA 2 (i have the original :blush:) and i'll be done. Yay! :)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-04 03:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Just resigned from work this morning. Scary!!

I have mine ready to hand in on Tuesday. :)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-28 04:42:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I had a letter from the embassy again today, i was worried that they'd changed the date on me (after i'd booked the day off, the train and the hotel) but luckily it was just to tell me that i'm going to be shafted in the wallet :(

$350 for the application fee :(

Question is though - is the 'other half' worth it? ;)

I got an email from them today saying that they have re-scheduled me for the 17th also! SunDrop, could you update mine from the 14th to the 17th on your list please? :) MrStrain is yours at 8am?

Sweet, nice one! Did they move it further back originally? I think mine says 8:30 but I plan to get there early as possible. Should both wear a red cap or carry a copy of The Times in our left hand to identify each other!!

That makes 3 of us that day then... Mine is a 09:00 appointment though.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-25 16:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

So, still don't know if London received and read my email. Did anyone get a read receipt or acknowledgement of receipt when they emailed? I think I might try resending through my work email since that has automatic delivery notices.

I believe i got a reciept to say that they received it and they will reply in 'x' days.

...or unless you got an 'e-mail code' from the embassy you will get a 'e-mail deleted without being read' reply.
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-21 06:47:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Sundrop... Mine is now June 17. ;)
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 11:01:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Very excited, got our interview date today - 8th June :) So I came into work and gave notice, since I need to give 4 weeks minimum and if worse came to worst, I know I can extend my leave date. Fingers crossed everything continued to go smoothly, and we'll be able to get married on July 4th, in truly corny fashion :D Heck, it's the easist way to make sure he remembers our anniversary! lol

I was just checking the resignation procedure today too... :) I can do the same as you.

...and i have a new interview date - June 17 @ 09:00
arwilson80MaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-19 09:02:00