US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThat embassy just wants to stress me out..

Doesnt sound like the entire embassy is out to get you, like the title of your thread implies. Sounds to me like the person you spoke to on the phone was helping, and on the contrary, was trying to relieve your stress and help straighten things out. The CO was just a jerk, not everyone. Best of luck

 I know that.


But I've been stressing ever since that interview, waiting around, not getting any response to emails or calls.

So yes, I finally spoke to someone who was helpful.

But it still isn't fun to hear that some **** that hates her job was able to mess up my case.

The supervisor said that if I hadn't called, I would've never been contacted at all, since the case was closed.


So exuse me for wanting to pull my hair out about that embassy. wink.png


Thank you for the luck by the way!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-18 08:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThat embassy just wants to stress me out..

Hi y'all!


You may remember my other threads about my case.. 

If not, here it is in short: I had my interview Oct 10 for K1. It was really short, all that lady asked was my name and then looked at the I-134 and said "It is a bit low." and ended the interview. She gave me a 221g with the 'other' box checked and written 'under review'. She then told me she'd call me back beginning on next week and closed her boot because 'she had to go to a meeting'.

I emailed later on because that 221g was for a student visa and not K1. Emailed again because I did not got contacted on the promised days, but never had any replies. I was just waiting..



Today I called the embassy, was transfered 6 times, put on hold a total of 1h 23mins. And finally I reached the right person, a head-supervisor!
I once again explained my case, the supervisor directely told me that this is not how an interview is supposed to go.

And if I was been given a 221g, that I need to get the right one and a reason why and what to do about it. Not just a written 'under review', because there is no such thing.


He put me on hold and went talking to the lady that interviewed me.

It would seem that she put my case on 'non-active'. He yelled at her for that, said that "She lacks any kind of humanity. That she should not destroy people's lives because she had a bad day." And she will have to talk about 'her mistake' with another supervisor, but it sure doesn't look good for her.


Well that was good to hear! Justice!  sleep.png


Anyway, he appologized several times and activated my case again. He also put it under her personal supervision and will present it to 'the big boss' on Monday morning. That person will decide what will happen next, and I will be called back the same day.

If not, then I can officially file a complaint because they 'screwed up'. 

Hah! good.gif


This is more of a rant, I suppose.. but thought I'd update some people about my case.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-18 07:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa status updates, help?

They are working on your case..If they told you to wait before u find a so..if they wanted to deny the sponsor they woulda have done that already at the interview like they have with me.

 Well, they didn't do anything since my interview.
I was the one that had to call and email them, all without an answer.

Now after exactly 14 days, I finally got told that I need another sponsor.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-24 05:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa status updates, help?

I know about the sponsor. I just said that part to include a part of my story.

My question is what those updates mean. What are they doing? 



John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-15 09:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa status updates, help?
Hey y'all!
In short: I've had my interview on October 10th, they told me that the affidavit of support wasn't good enough and did not know what to decide just yet.
So they put the case 'under review' and told me they'd contact me back.
So far I haven't heard them yet but I've been checking the case status online.
Which has been on 'ready' since September 10th.
It got updated on October 10th (interview day), then again on October 11th and again on October 15th.
But it keeps saying 'ready'.
Does that mean anything in particular?

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-15 08:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1 affidavit of support issue/denied?

I just got back from my interview, which was fairly short.

All the lady said was "So, tell me about your fiance.. oh wait, the affidavit isn't good enough. Hmm.. it's a bit low. Well, I got a meeting in 8 mins, so I have to go. We'll call you somewhere next week to see what we'll do with you."

That was it..


So what I get from that is that the affidavit of support doesn't meet the requirements. Even with our co-sponsor. And with properties without a mortage and a lot of savings in the bank..


What does this all even mean? It sounds to me like a denial is coming up.
I really don't see why that affidavit would be good enough in a few days if it isn't now. I mean, the numbers on it don't change overnight.



What can I do now?

Was our long journey in vain?

What's the next step?


So disapointed. cray5ol.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-10 09:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE what happens?

Good question! I will have a connecting flight too.
I hope someone can answer this. :thumbs:

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-10-03 14:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmarch2013 fillers have someone get approved yet?

My NOA1 was March 1st for K1, got my NOA2 on August 28th.

I'd say keep calling USCIS!


Good luck! :thumbs:

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-09-07 08:51:00
PhilippinesThe big move...Cebu to New York City

Oh wow, so much back luck! I hope this means that you'll be double lucky tomorrow to make up for it! dancin5hr.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-20 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

John's calling with google+ (or whatever it's called) for free, so I'm afraid that's not an option.
Thanks for the tip though!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-13 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

Will try that, thank you! idea9dv.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-13 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

Oh right, is there anything specificly that we can ask that tier 2?
Some direct questions that will give us a clear answer?

Really, anything will help!

About the local congressman, how does that work exactly? I haven't heard that before..

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-13 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

Going to call them back next monday, hopefully we'll get to a tier 2 then..

Thank y'all! smile.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-13 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

I know we have to keep waiting. I know that all too well. dry.png

And Himortada, I'd suggest you make your own seperate topic.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-13 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

Nope, not transferred at all, we're still stuck in Vermont! unsure.png


And I don't think so, John never gets past the first person, they always say that they aren't able to tell more.

Any idea how to talk to a tier 2 then?

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-12 19:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat can we do?

Hello again!


In short: doing a K1 visa, case received by Vermont on Feb 27th, so we're past the 5 months waiting period.


Called them on August 5th to ask what's going on, and all they said was "We're working on cases from Feb 27th right now, you'll get news in 7ish days. If not, call us back next monday".


So we did call them back today.

And they said "We are still working on Feb 27th, you'll have to call back next week if nothing changes."

After telling them that this is the exact same answer we got last week, they said "We can't do anything until we're working on cases from Feb 28th. You'll have to keep calling until then. Then you can expedite maybe."



I find this very weird.. is there really nothing else we can do?


Anyone else having the same issue?




John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-12 13:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSCIS lied to us!
Hello y'all.
This is going to be a bit of rant, you are warned, I just need this off my chest. sleep.png 
& If this is in the wrong section, I'm sorry.
August 12th: called USCIS for the 2nd time.
They told us that they "are currentely still working on cases from Feb 27th".
So we have to keep calling since we can no expedite until they reached cases of Feb 28th.
I already found that a weird answer. I made a thread about this called "Is this coincidence or a lie" for those that might've seen it.
August 16th: called USCIS for the 3rd time.
They told us that on August 3rd "a request for a reason/explaination for the case being outside processing times" got send to Vermont.
On August 9th Vermont replied. They admit that the case is indeed out of the 5 months waiting period. They appologized for that. The case then got send to an officer.
Which means that the current state of the case is now 'pending review'.
We were advised to keep checking the case status online and keep calling. Which we will do on next Tuesday.
There is currentely nothing they can do since they can not send another request, due to 30 days reaction time issued to Vermont. The fact that they already reacted does not matter, the 30 days thing still remains.
Finally some news! We are happy with that for sure.
But this also means that the person from August 12th screwed up!
That person did not tell us any of this.
But lied about that whole Feb 27th case story, for whatever reason.

I find this outrageous. I know that people can make mistakes, but they all see the same information on their screen. Information that has been there since August 9th.
So I do not understand why the man from Feb 12th lied instead of reading all this of his screen.
What I also find weird is that on USCIS site it says 'initial review', and not 'pending review'.
Or does that mean the same?
Anyone had/have this issue too?

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-16 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Okay. Do post about it! 

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-18 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

I've checked cases before & after me, like you said Anna, and they've all been approved besides one that had an RFE.
It's just depressing!

Edited by John&Lena, 16 August 2013 - 02:32 PM.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-16 14:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

I hope you're right about the coincidence, Anna, I really do.


Sorry to hear that it took you so long, that makes me feel bad for nagging about my 5ish months.. but I guess we just all want to be with our loved ones asap. It's just so hard to know that your whole life is put on hold which makes you miss out on a lot of things..

But thank you for the encouragement! smile.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-14 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

 I know, I feel the same! sad.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-14 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

I hope so too. I will call them again next monday!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-12 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Turned out to be a lie, called them back earlier and they said the exact same thing again.. cray5ol.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-12 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Thank you! smile.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-11 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Well yea, that's what I'm thinking too.

I've seen so many people on here approved already that filled waaaay after you and me.
Sure, I am happy for them, but I can't help but feel a bit envious too..

I guess it's only logical that we all want to be with our loved ones.

Best of luck to you too!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-10 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Well, didn't hear anything and since they don't work on weekends...
Guess we'll call again monday.
So tired of this. cray5ol.gif


& Just called 1-800-375-5283, I suppose that  is just USCIS, might not be specifically be Vermont. But that was to make it clear where my case was.

Edited by John&Lena, 10 August 2013 - 05:11 AM.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-10 05:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Thanks for your reaction, it gives me a bit more hope! good.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-09 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Thank you!

I hope so, but it's already Friday and they don't work in the weekends. So unless something happens today, I'm afraid it was a lie.. sad.png

I'm going to call them back on Monday to see what's up then. Heh.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-09 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this coincidence or a lie?

Hello everyone!



Our NOA 1 is March 1st, so we're past the 5 months waiting period, so decided to call Vermont last monday.

After going through telephone-hell, being disconnected twice, hung up on once and 3 different people.. we finally were able to speak to a friendly man.


After asking what's going on, if we could get an update etc, he wanted to know when they received our case, since that seemed more important than our NOA 1 date. So told him that was Feb 27th. 

On which he replied "Aha, we are working on that batch right now! You'll get news this week!

Is this really weird coincidence that this very moment they are working on it or did he just lie to us to get it over with?


I'd like to know what your opinions are about this, because I don't know? huh.png

Edited by John&Lena, 09 August 2013 - 06:50 AM.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-09 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWait I'd getting harder

NOA2 indeed, made a typo.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-20 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWait I'd getting harder

Some of us are still waiting for their NOA1, like me over 5 months, 

So be happy that you already have your NOA2, you're one step closer to being with your loved one. smile.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-19 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?




You guys are the best, thanks so much!

 You're welcome. smile.png

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?


It would save you time, aye. For the politicians, do the same as you did before and find their sites, contact them through there. The Ombudsman you can contact using the email address I gave you using your usual choice of email provider. smile.png



Awesome, that would indeed save time. Just wanted to make sure.
Shall inform the fiance & do that then! idea9dv.gif


Is there something I'm missing? I don't see any section listing updates or anything...just the status site with teh circles that state "Initital Review" etc.. and the "My Portfolio" Page has nothing other than my case listed.


Not everyone's number gets changed. If you don't see that, don't worry about it. Every case is different.after all.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?

John, I'm glad you attempted to contact your Congressman but unhappy they didn't help you. Your next step on that route is the two Senators for your state if the Congressman won't listen, and maybe try the other Congressmen for your state too. You can also send an email to the CIS Ombudsman at and complain to them, give them your receipt number as well so they can look into it too.


Is it okay to send the exact same email to all of them, or what would you suggest?


& Thanks for the help again! I might just hire you as my personal guide, haha. rofl.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?

Totally off topic, but where do you see the ALien Registration number change?

On the USCIS website, the one you use to check your case updates.

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?

And I know there are probably people out there that have been waiting longer, I am fully aware that I might just be whining.
But I just want to know the options..

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 10:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStill waiting on NOA2, what can we do?

Hi y'all!



There are most likely hunderds of topics like this, but yet I decided to make my own.
I just want concrete answers since every case is different, I guess.


We are currently waiting on our NOA2 for K1 visa.

This is our process by now:


Feb 23th: I-129F sent
Feb 27th: USCIS received
March 1st: NOA1
March 7th: Alien Registration Number was changed
August 5th: called USCIS for the 1st time. Told us that they are working on it, call back in 7 days in case of no update.
August 7th: saw on the site that the address is finally changed after a request way earlier.
August 12th: 2nd call to USCIS. A service request is sent to Vermont.
August 16th: 3rd call to USCIS. Seems our case is now all of a sudden with an officer.
August 19th: Fiance received a letter from USCIS, stating what has been said over the phone on August 16th.
                    Confirmation of the case being outside of standard processing times & that it is now with an officer.
August 22nd: 4th call to USCIS. Told us to keep waiting, case is still with an officer.
                     If there is no news before Sep 15th, call back for another service request to be sent.
August 25th: Sent an email to the local congressman.
August 27th: Got an auto-reply from the local congressman. Not at all related to the sent email. Not sure what to do now?
My question is, what can we do now, besides wait?
Is there anyone else we can contact, or any other steps we can take?  cray5ol.gif 

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!

Congrats!! biggrin.png


 Thank you!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-29 06:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!

That's awesome John! Maybe one of them intervened (the Ombudsman has been known to act quickly sometimes, like same-day). Either way, you're on your way to NVC now - ring them in a couple of weeks to get your Brussels (I'm assuming it's Brussels in your case) case number.

Will actually call USCIS tomorrow to check if it's really approved. It would be aweful if it was some kind of weird error/bug in their system. Better be safe than sorry.. and paranoid. LOL



Congrats! good luck on your journey biggrin.png:D

Thank you ! :D




How did u contact the ombudsman

 I've sent an email to
Thanks for that again, Ryan&Amy!

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!!!

Thank you both!!! good.gif

John&LenaFemaleBelgium2013-08-28 17:02:00