Russia, Ukraine and Belarus##### Riot on trial in Moscow
I hope they're never allowed to sing again. They're TERRIBLE. It's like hearing cats getting castrated.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-21 04:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI am lost and angry
If she's in Moscow, she is not getting that police report in 2 weeks. At least 4 weeks.

You need more than 24 hours between medical and interview. You can certainly get anything done in one day in Moscow, but that same type of "flexibility" known only in Russia means that any BS can happen and ruin it....
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-14 17:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusOkay I am offically confused
Wearing a bra around the house sucks. Bras aren't comfortable, and many women's tops, especially "loungewear", is very sheer or thin.

It means she's comfortable around you, or better yet she trusts you. It's a good thing, let it go.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-09-02 21:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian post and immigration packages
I never had problems with mail there, but I lived in Moscow. If you are very worried about it, FedEx is the way to go.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-09-11 19:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian movies online? Russians love pirating, it's easy enough to find plenty of sites.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-09-22 19:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBuying a Wife from the Ukraine
Oh come on, it IS buying a wife, or at least, buying the easy way of getting a wife. You pay to get her contact info. They put well-Photoshop pictures of her in good makeup and lighting and sell her as submissive, weak-willed, etc.

That being said, why does it matter? If both adults consent, by all means let them do whatever they want. These relationships work well for many people and I don't see why it's such a big deal. It's not like they are being forced into it. This forum is filled with happy couples like that...

Also, aren't we all "buying" our partners? We all pay a lot of money just to bring them here. I'm sure there's some pissed off person out there who views it as "buying".
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-09-12 17:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEver thought of moving to her country?
I'm absolutely terrified that Maxim won't get a well paying job in the US. He's in a good field (software development), very skilled, but some people are anti-foreigners...

If the situation became that he'd have to scrub dishes for years, yes, I'd move to Russia, because at least I could teach English there and it's good money, and I've lived there before and know how it is. Otherwise, if he does find work here (he's working remotely for a Russian company right now), then I would still like to live there after we have kids because I'd like my children to know Russian and know their heritage well.

Edited by AmyWrites, 06 October 2012 - 12:28 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-10-06 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWait in Line at Embassy in Moscow?
You wait in line.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-01 18:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAsking the Impossible?
When my then boyfriend applied for a tourist visa, again, ONLY question asked was if he had been to other Schengen zone countries. He had, and was approved. No other documents were even looked at. So, I think this is a huge deal for them, and I suggest she travel around to Latvia or Lithuania or Poland, something to prove she can travel and return home.

And of course, say she's just visiting.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-10-26 23:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLeaving in the morning to meet my Angel for Moscow interview...
Aw, I'd go shoe shopping with your wife. Forget the stupid/jealous commenters. Hope everything goes well for you.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-06 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCredit card debt an issue to leaving Russia?
Yes, it can be an issue. There was a thread on it some months back... do a search here on it.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-09 21:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGift Ideas (For family)
I vote for good clothes, since good clothes are so expensive there, and food items... not candies, you can buy American candies in Russia, but interesting sauces, and that maple syrup idea is amazing.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-10-23 15:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusKindle and Russian Language Books
Yes, I have a Kindle and have downloaded many Russian books successfully.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-21 16:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving to the US

There are plenty of petite sizes available, leather boots and whatnot, and tons of styles. There has yet to be a shortage of string bikini styles-- even at Victoria's Secret (which is not the only lingerie retailer out there you know). You just need to know where to look and what brands and styles within those brands work best for you. As a petite sized person in the US(shocking, I know)I am not relegated to granny panties and wide-calf pleather boots with ill-fitting pants. If you're actually petite (or your wife) which is a height-defined size range by the way, then certain stores are just going to be difficult to shop in for pants without realizing that you'll need to alter things. Banana Republic comes to mind. Their pants are long and run a bit big. No big deal. Anthropologie has several brands which run large or small depending on your sizing. J Crew runs small on their petite sizes, but fairly regular on other sizing except pants which tend to be on the thin side (which is fine if you're thin because you'll notice a better fit). Gap and ON have changed their jeans styles up and it's harder for some people to find something that doesn't look like mom jeans there. No need to panic. Gap isn't the only store on earth. You just need to find a brand or brands that work for you and achieve what you want. That can mean a lot of experimentation. Read reviews. Several retailers have reviews of clothing online and you look for people who are shaped like you and see what they said. Also many places/retailers offer free returns if you buy online, several will ship store to store, and it's not worth feeling confined to your local mall if you have issues finding outfits there.

She's Russian. She will want to look sexy. It's hard to find sexy but not skanky clothes in petite sizes, that aren't juvenile, in the US. At least it has been for me. Out of your suggestions, Gap is the best, Banana Republic does have good clothes too, but it's better, IMO, in Russia.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-28 17:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving to the US
As a very petite woman myself, yes, if she's thin and small, she'll have trouble finding clothes in the US. I loved shopping in Russia, even if it was expensive, it looked GREAT and feminine and like nothing I can get at the US.

So ship her clothes and her shoes!

Everything else... you can really get all else stateside.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-27 21:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoving to the US
Ship it. Much easier.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-22 18:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Int'l Driver's License
Depends on the state, in mine, they didn't, and actually said they had to destroy his. Had to get through a hell of an argument for them not to.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-11-25 13:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAmericans to lose right to adopt in Russia
Russians don't really adopt in general. There's still a huge stigma attached to it. This is horrible for the kids.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-20 17:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAmericans to lose right to adopt in Russia
This in my case is real sad. I'm very unlikely to become pregnant (to put it in an optimistic way), and I was hoping to adopt a Russian kid or two so we could have children that at least looked like one of us. I guess this means that if Maxim gets US citizenship we're screwed.

I volunteered at orphanages there sometimes; only an evil soul can wish that these kids have an even smaller chance of getting out.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-19 23:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?
Maxim can eat things that if I eat I will not leave the bathroom for days. Russians have iron stomachs or something :(
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-01-06 22:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFor all sending packages to their fiancees in Russia

How recently? Laws in Russia do change quickly and randomly.

Last week, and will send more tomorrow/the next day. It'll be FedEx.

How recently? Laws in Russia do change quickly and randomly.

Last week, and will send more tomorrow/the next day. It'll be FedEx.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-18 14:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFor all sending packages to their fiancees in Russia

Those who are claiming that they sent packages, when was the last time y'all tried??/

I sent something on UPS in Feb and i sent DHL in the summer and didnt have a problem. I sent it in November and this is what DHL said to me.

I sent just documents in a DHL package. The exact words from the Russian DHL were pretty much the same American DHL said to me. Its a ban to personal mail in Russia. I received it in a nice formal DHL letter.

If its only DHL, then i dont understand why DHL says Russia in general has the ban.

They're lying to you or just don't know, which is very possible, because rule #1 in Russia is that no one knows anything so you can get away with anything. I've sent at least 15 personal documents through Fedex and USPS recently, no problems.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-17 20:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFor all sending packages to their fiancees in Russia

which is also strange... doesn't the U.S. embassy mail back passports through DHL? people don't live in commercial buildings... :whistle:

Nope, it's Pony Express now.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-14 15:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFor all sending packages to their fiancees in Russia
The thread title is very misleading. Sending documents to Russia IS NOT BANNED. DHL is the one who NO LONGER mails to individuals, only businesses.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-14 14:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting a security clearance when your spouse is an LPR
Anyone ever done it? I need a security clearance, nothing too, ehh, high, just one for an internship. I'm worried my husband's LPR status will affect my application.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-01-28 23:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSometimes it is all worth it
Your family is inspiring to all international families, at least, it should be. Congrats on your successes. :)

It looks like I might be moving to Vermont with Max so there'll be one more RUB/USC family there.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-06 09:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusApply for (B-2) tourist visa while waiting for K-1
I can't see how she'd be approved with previous overstay in another country, but I can't see how they'd find out.

It's not a very difficult embassy so I'd apply if I were her. Just tell her to get there EARLY. It gets ridiculously full.

Edited by AmyWrites, 10 December 2012 - 08:06 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-12-10 20:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia's Flowers

Not sure what you are talking about. Flowers that I got my wife for Valentine's day still look just as good as they did 2 weeks ago...
And most always that has been the case HERE.

You're lucky. I have never in my life gotten flowers in the US that lasted more than four days (and that was once) looking nice. Maybe it's just because it's super hot here.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-03 00:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia's Flowers
I don't know, I found flowers grew much more beautiful there than anywhere I'd been. And also, unlike the flowers I buy here, they last fresh and beautiful for more than 2 days. I bought flowers there that lasted gorgeous almost two weeks.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-02 20:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone know of an English-speaking divorce lawyer in Russia?
I've a UK expat friend who married a Russian woman. Now they are divorcing but, since they have a child, they're battling out the custody issues. He speaks no Russian, but needs a lawyer who is savvy with Russian law.

Any ideas?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-08 18:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian address to English
You don't need to write the district.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-12 20:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusClimate
Heh, when I was in Moscow, the snow only stopped in about Mid-April.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-31 13:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusthinking on moving to the Ukraine
I've never been to Ukraine, just lived in Moscow for a while, so it should be better than most of Ukraine....

Don't go to Eastern Europe to live in if you're disabled. Your quality of life there, aside from pretty women to gawk at, will be very bad in comparison.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-04-23 21:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMilitary record
A copy of the voennyi bilet, translated, is what I'd send.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-25 07:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMilitary record
NO, it's for the interview that you "need" (altho they never asked for my husband's) the original.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-22 07:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhy would a Russian be denied K1 visa at interview?
When my husband was interviewing, I saw plenty of girls who spoke no English and met the guy once get approved. It's not a high visa fraud country as SMR said.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-28 15:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL Freaking Out - Tourist Visa Employment Check

I don't know how it goes in Kiev, but my husband received a much higher salary under the table, in the books, it was much lower.... no one cared. They only asked about his previous travels to Europe.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-09-24 21:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

Ah, we moved back to PR till December, but we'll be back in the Arlington area after that.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-09-28 22:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWhere is everyone from in the states?

I'm living in Arlington, VA. Not that many Russians but there's sooo many in DC. Looks like we'll move to Houston soon.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-07-17 06:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussia Bride, K-1 vs K-3


Once again, don't take me wrong, but just yesterday you were saying you might be better off just staying pen-pals. Please think about it seriously before taking any further steps. It's not obvious to me that you want to spend your life with this woman.


I'd say he's getting something out of it. Most people here are literally desperate to be with their loved ones.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-09-28 13:59:00