Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Success
Congrats! Hopefully it'll also be easy for the rest of us. Already booked her flights to the States? :-) Be prepared to never wear shoes inside the house again. :dance:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 15:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDual citizenship
Anyone here knows if it's possible for the RUB spouse to keep his/her citizenship and also have the US citizenship? Are the children able to get dual citizenship?

We're very far from even applying for citizenship but just curious.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-19 12:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHELP need to change interview date but can't!
Update: managed to get my doc to get me some medicines to hold off my condition for a day or two, AND also, somehow, managed to get all of our docs today! So wish us luck tomorrow
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-17 13:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHELP need to change interview date but can't!
Okay we've got everything together except certifying the translations.... worse comes to worse they don't need to be certified though, I hope?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-16 23:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHELP need to change interview date but can't!
I just couldn't even get all my docs together, been extremely ill this week :-(
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-16 16:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHELP need to change interview date but can't!
You mean go there anyway, tell them I can't have my interview since I've been ill this week so couldn't gather my docs, and tell them I need to reschedule? Won't that look kinda bad? I don't want them to think I don't care.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-16 15:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHELP need to change interview date but can't!
My SO and I scheduled the CR1 interview appointment for this Monday, but I've had a medical situation and need to visit the doctor on Monday. The "great" ustraveldocs site won't let us change the appointment date! I'm worried about this, given the embassy doesn't work on Sunday so I can't call them in... and the appointment is for 8 am, exact same time the embassy opens so I can't wait till Monday to fix it either! Any ideas on what to do, how to change the appointment date? I'd feel very stupid calling the Embassy emergency hotline over this, but at the same time I don't want to be unable to cancel it and then have them think we've abandoned the process.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-16 15:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother interview experience

Also, word of caution... the Pony Express folks seem to screw up a lot... got our address wrong, then our method of delivery... but after much arguing we finally got it today
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-21 09:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother interview experience
Thanks all,

I had asked others how long they were in line, answers varied from an hour to two hours. We just kind of jumped the line.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-19 07:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother interview experience
So we got there at 7:45 am, huge line, the officer told us that even if we're applying for an immigrant visa we had to stay in the giant line. Well, between the line and going through security, we actually paid the $230 and gave our documents to the first lady (not an interview, I guess she was just making sure we had everything?) at about 9:10 am. She was real nice, but, be warned, they work SLOW! Then he got his fingerprints done, then we waited.... and waited.... and waited... until our interview, which was scheduled for 8 am but we got at 11:20 am.

It was an extremely easy interview. She asked how we met, she asked me about my previous I-129F petition (this was what she seemed to care most about), only evidence asked for was pics of our visit to the States, why did we get married in Russia, if anyone from my side came (no), where do I live (with my husband, have since we were dating). She then said "okay, your visa's been approved, you'll get your passport in about a week".

That was it. Very easy. I almost can't believe it. I expected to be grilled again like I was at our horrid I-130 interview.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-18 04:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Moscow rules?

In the light of recent changes, can anyone please advise me what exactly is the process of getting RU visa? LOL I never thought I would be interested in doing it, but oh well.. that's the reality. I tried to google what and how, but there is not whole ton of information I was able to dig out so far. (( So, please, how long is the process of obtaining Russian visa for US citizens? and what should be done in order to get it? If that matters, my fiancé is in Atlanta, Georgia area .. thanks for help . 

Just use one of the many Russian visa agencies. A bit more expensive but much easier. They basically want your money, it's not like coming to the US where they want your money and to interview you and all that. In Russia, if you pay, you get a visa, unless you have some very odd circumstances (you scammed their easy visa system, and somehow their bureaucracy worked well enough to catch you, or you're a criminal)
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-07 02:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Moscow rules?
I'd agree that it's better to go for the sake of your fiance. This is a terribly stressful process, if you really can do it, go there just for the moral support.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-06 17:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Moscow rules?

Hello all,

Just looking forward to NOA2 sometime in the next two months :) I was getting things ready for the interview, and it looks like they finally updated the Moscow embassy website. The website now encourages that the petitioner attend the interview..Has anyone recently interviewed or heard about whether it is necessary for the petitioner to attend the interview? I'd love to see my fiancee again, but it is expensive as you all know.

Thanks alot!

For my I-130, they REQUIRED I go to the interview... granted this is DCF, but even for DCF they didn't require it before. I'd start saving up some money for flying there again starting now. Also, they really really grilled me and my husband at the interview, and we've been together a long time... I almost cried by the end of it, and now it looks like I can expect either an RFE or a NOID in the mail. It seems like they're becoming a more difficult consulate now for some reason. I'd just prepare.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-06 08:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNew Moscow rules?

Hello all,

Just looking forward to NOA2 sometime in the next two months :) I was getting things ready for the interview, and it looks like they finally updated the Moscow embassy website. The website now encourages that the petitioner attend the interview..Has anyone recently interviewed or heard about whether it is necessary for the petitioner to attend the interview? I'd love to see my fiancee again, but it is expensive as you all know.

Thanks alot!

For my I-130, they REQUIRED I go to the interview... granted this is DCF, but even for DCF they didn't require it before. I'd start saving up some money for flying there again starting now. Also, they really really grilled me and my husband at the interview, and we've been together a long time... I almost cried by the end of it, and now it looks like I can expect either an RFE or a NOID in the mail. It seems like they're becoming a more difficult consulate now for some reason. I'd just prepare.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-06 08:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian transit visa
I would get it, because being Russia, the "rules" will be whatever the customs guy/woman feels they are that day.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-24 05:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusReally hope this isn't a problem
Eek, I think a small difference, one or two letters, is okay, but Yuliya to Uliia... I'd try to get it done differently.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-25 07:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushow much wedding
We had a beautiful wedding a great Mexican restaurant, with an excellent photographer, and lots of food and alcohol, for about $2500USD. I'd think in Ukraine it can be even cheaper.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-27 06:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDebt prevents travel outside Russia?
As I understand it's for the individual with debt, so I don't think it'll affect your friend.

My Russian hubby just said that basically no (he thinks, not sure), if the bank hasn't sued you, then it's okay since the government won't be aware of the debt.

Edited by AmyWrites, 24 June 2012 - 01:06 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-24 13:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussoooo
You visit Kiev or Minsk or whatever and go to a cafe and pick a girl to talk to and start from there.

How do you know she's right? Eh, like every other woman.... she makes you happy and she's honest and whatnot...
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-06 18:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSpecialist degree
He has a lot of experience, so he doesn't want to go back to uni, we just want to know just to know what to put in his resume. He did take liberal arts classes along with the ones in his programs. Graduated from ????, top of his class.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-10 05:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSpecialist degree
Anyone know what a "specialist" degree from Russia translates to in the US? Bachellor's or master's? If it's relevant, my SO's degree is in Mathematics and Information Systems. He studied five years.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-09 06:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus(not) Smiling in pictures
RUB women want to be models and so yeah I've noticed this too... especially among younger women. Also maybe I'm crazy but a lot of them seem to hate their teeth for some reason.

Edited by AmyWrites, 13 July 2012 - 03:27 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-13 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnything besides Tourist Visa to RUS?
A multi entry business visa. And no, you actually don't need to be doing any real business and no one will ask about it.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-23 03:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLooking for advice from the Veteran VJ RUB Couples
You've already been given excellent advice, I guess I can only add that you need to allow yourselves to, how do I say this, grow together.... since you have different backgrounds there are many experiences you've had as an American and she has had as a Russian that you can't compare, so you need to start relating to each other based on your present lives. I don't know if I was clear enough but I don't know how else to explain it. Also even if you have different backgrounds, human experiences are all quite similar; heartbreak, love, laughter, sex, goals, etc, we all have those, don't forget them.

Also depends where she's from. Big cities in Russia are real different from Russian smaller villages or countrysides, if she's from the former, she'll likely feel bored in small town America, the latter, overwhelmed by big cities and craving the peace and quiet of home.

You seem to have a real desire to make her happy so I think you're good. It'll have its hard moments like all relationships do but as long as you love each other and are willing to work through problems (always remember most problems are quite small... if it doesn't matter tomorrow or in a week just let it go) you'll be fine.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-22 10:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuick K1 Interview @ Moscow Embassy ???
Yeah, get the medical done as soon as possible. Also she can start getting any translations needed now.

When my husband had his interview, it was possible to do an interview on nearly any day you wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd be able to schedule it very very soon. When we went there the majority of people were interviewing for K1's.

Edited by AmyWrites, 02 August 2012 - 08:16 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-02 08:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDHL or Pony Express// Fiancee Attendance@interview

Amy---Thanks for the info. Although the Moscow Embassy website indicates as follows: "Then enter the delivery information (mailing address or office for pick-up), print out the final confirmation page containing a barcode (press PDF in order to print), and bring it to the interview. "

I believe our course of action will be to have the Visa delivered to an address close by in Moscow, and wait for it. In this way I will not be "upsetting the applecart" by asking to hold on to it as I'll be right over. I feel this will make less risk of Pony Express fouling something up. In the alternative, If I could rely that there was a working policy that someone could pick-up I would do that. So far I have not found any infomation to support this option. Thank you Mike

That's what I did and they sent it to the wrong address. I strongly suggest you pick it up or something.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-03 04:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDHL or Pony Express// Fiancee Attendance@interview

Wrong address!! NOT good! This has to have been a major disaster trying to get that corrected. As I understand the Visa is generated and sent out in about 2 to 3 days. Your suggesting we call Pony Express every day until they see it and agree to hold on to it? That may work and we'd prefer that to simply wait and hope, and much better than "sorry..we couldn't find your building". Ouch!

Call every day, once in the morning, once in the afternoon.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-02 17:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDHL or Pony Express// Fiancee Attendance@interview

Mike. I asked Lara to call Moscow Pony Express about holding on to the Passport/Visa in Moscow, which she did. They told her no.. they will not do that and have a company policy not to do this. We're bummed out about this too because it is going to twist up the travel plans back to the States and that means more bux are going probably to leave our Bank account. At the minimum I'll have to take extra days off from my work to extend the time in Russia waiting for the Visa to arrive. More PIA "workarounds". The good side is I will get to have more Pelmini in the Old Country! :-) Timeline for us on our CR-1 Visa looks to be about March or April 2013.

They will hold it, if they screw up and deliver it to the wrong address first. Happened to me. Also, if you can "catch" your passport before they do... call them every day, if you get a hold of them when they still have your passport they might keep it.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-30 15:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusToo Quiet, zzz man

I changed jobs as well, so not as much time to kill surfing the Interwebs. I just pop in every once in a while to see if a new s#$%storm has's sadly been quite disappointing lately.

Oh, there's been plenty of threads about heartbroken people and a 19 year old who was going to move to South Africa with her Nigerian boyfriend. Good times.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-07 17:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
Update: we arrived on August 5. Took some time as they made us both go through the non-US citizen line (god knows why), and the officers were a bit slow... I'd say we were there an hour and 10 minutes or so. So if I had to recommend anything for US citizens travelling with CR1 visa holders I'd say have at least 3 hours since the POE now wants the USC's going with the beneficiary in the non-citizen line which is usually longer and slower.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-13 15:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
We are sending a bunch of stuff by mail. Still like six-seven bags.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-30 14:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
I just arrive pretty late so I'm worried they'll be closed or something :(
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-30 10:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
Final question before we leave on August 4th... we're bringing A LOT of luggage, since we've been living in Russia so long and have accumulated a lot of stuff. Are there any luggage carts after the POE/getting your bags in JFK? I've seen people use them, but have never seen a place where you can rent one or something.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-30 07:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
Great! And do folks with non-tourist visas go to a different line?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-23 07:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone with a RUB spouse been through JFK here?
So that seems to be our POE, and as of now we have a three hour connection, just wondering if it's enough time. I've read some reviews here but they're a bit dated and I'd like to see specifically for RUB folks how it went.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-06-22 14:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice Certificates in Russia
Hmm, my husband got his before the embassy sent anything, but he didn't tell them it's for visa purposes. I would do the same in your situation.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-14 16:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusJust got this E-mail from USCIS
I didn't do the K-1 so maybe I'm wrong but that looks to me like an error on their part...I think they don't send documents to YOU? Just, if approved, NVC then the embassy?

Edited by AmyWrites, 14 August 2012 - 04:46 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-14 16:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisiting in her home city....
I got really lucky and was able to move to Russia. I think many visits should work or maybe one or two longer visits though.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-13 16:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWestern Union or Moneygram?
I always used Moneygram and got my money in the same day. Always. Problem is not as many locations have it so if you're outside of Moscow I guess it'd be even more difficult to use, but beyond that, same and cheaper then WU
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-08-22 12:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus##### Riot on trial in Moscow
I hope they're never allowed to sing again. They're TERRIBLE. It's like hearing cats getting castrated.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-07-21 04:19:00