Russia, Ukraine and Belarussending money to russia (moscow) bitcoin?
I've always used Moneygram, reliable and not as expensive as Western Union.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-02-01 18:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusEnd of the Journey
Congrats :thumbs:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-02-01 18:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusB-2 Visa documentation
My SO got one, but from the Moscow embassy... I've heard Kiev is a bit more difficult.
1. Bank statements. Obviously if you're broke do not include this.
2. Letter from my fam stating he was going to stay with us.
3. Letter from his employer, stating when he began to work, his salary, and how much vacation time he would use.
4. Visas from when he went to countries in the EU.
5. Letter from myself stating that he will not stay in the US since I live in Moscow as well.

They didn't even look at the docs. I think the only thing that mattered is that he had travelled around the EU before.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-02-20 14:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's Gone? Really? Already?
I'd say away from tours or online agencies or anything in which a a company is trying to find you a girl. Just visit Kiev/Minsk/a city in Russia that is not Moscow and well find a girl... many of them are single anyway.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-04 15:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's Gone? Really? Already?

Bullshit. Who loves anyone after meeting once and chatting extensively?

I'm not a romantic type, but my SO and I knew we'd get married before even meeting; Skype sufficed. Of course I live in Russia now so we live together, and I was always going to come here, and I don't know if it can work out with only a week of seeing each other... but hey, people can fall in love even before meeting at times.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-02 10:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusShe's Gone? Really? Already?
Give her space. Frankly I'd just break it off and find someone else. You don't want to bring someone over who is hesitant. Be happy at least she was honest with you rather than dragging you along and suddenly, while in the States, deciding she hates it.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-02 09:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruscutting a baby's hair
Eh, her hair is thin because Russian girls always seem to have thin hair. It's better I think, all nice and straight, but's just genetics...

My SO thinks that any danm thing that touched the floor must be thrown in the trash.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-07 14:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGetting married in Russia
Anyone gotten married in Russia? I don't understand WHAT documents I need, besides passport, letter that I'm free to marry thing, visa. Read on the embassy site that some documents need to be apostilled, but don't say WHICH ones. Anyone know?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-02 00:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBiggest surprises

So almost as good as an American but less romantic. :thumbs: :P

maybe he should read the Russian Fairy Tale book I have which I think is the basis for Freddie Krueger movies.

I'm sure it's just my luck or my "wimp" generation, but the I'd never in my life dated an American guy who possessed a backbone or wasn't a "mamma's boy". Only one of them knew how to fix a few things around the house. They feared guns. Never touched a gym. I gave up after a while. I think I'm with the most un-Russian Russian around.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-11 07:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBiggest surprises
I didn't expect my Russian man to be so... manly. I mean he knows how to do, fix, everything, and that's being lost in the USA. Can even cook a bit. I didn't expect him to not drink often, or to be loyal, but he is. The bad? He's not as overtly romantic as other guys I've dated, but he takes care of me and that's what matters.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-11 00:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSergey goes for Rice University!
Wow, you know that as a Russian speaking STEM major his opportunities will be pretty much endless? If he's interested in study abroad or working for the fed, let me know, I know of many scholarships he's pretty much guaranteed. Congrats on both you and Alla for raising such a successful son!

Edited by AmyWrites, 16 March 2012 - 09:02 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-16 09:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Interview Experience
I know it's out of topic, but what medical stuff do they ask for? I called the embassy and no luck. I want to get my documents as ready as possible before I start this.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-11 07:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Interview Experience

One month.

Yeah, I saw, read wrong first :D
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-05 15:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy Interview Experience
#######, this is kinda scaring me, I hope to start the DCF process soon! But hey you got the visa and that's all that matters in the end so congrats, and thanks for the very very informative post. How long did this process take for you? 4 months?

Edited by AmyWrites, 05 March 2012 - 02:52 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-05 14:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChanging my name
So I get married soon, and after that want to apply for DCF. I want to, in the traditional Russian fashion, take his last name, adding the "a" at the end. I read elsewhere online that the US authorities would change my name to his, for example, "Ivanov", but NOT "Ivanova". Is this true? Wouldn't that be a problem given my passport and so on?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-25 06:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSlavic, Russia /Ukraine area cultural differences.
What Gary said. I also find FSU men to be exceptional lovers, but, back to non-sex stuff :D I'll try to keep it related to culture and not gender.

1. They're loyal and selfless..... to those they care for. Strangers can rot, but if you've got an FSU friend, partner, etc, I've never seen any people be as selfless and loyal as people in the FSU.
2. No political correctness.
3. A kind of, pessimistic, or how I like to say, "informed optimist" type of point of view. Like Gary said, they won't get shocked at things that cause scandals in the US. It's like they expect little out of the things beyond their control; other people, the government, etc. I don't know if this is good or bad, in my case, with my SO, it's been both.
4. They care about fitness much more than Americans in general do.
5. I find families here are closer than your typical US family.
6. Very resilient people, but that's just obvious given the history of these places.

What Gary said. I also find FSU men to be exceptional lovers, but, back to non-sex stuff :D I'll try to keep it related to culture and not gender.

1. They're loyal and selfless..... to those they care for. Strangers can rot, but if you've got an FSU friend, partner, etc, I've never seen any people be as selfless and loyal as people in the FSU.
2. No political correctness.
3. A kind of, pessimistic, or how I like to say, "informed optimist" type of point of view. Like Gary said, they won't get shocked at things that cause scandals in the US. It's like they expect little out of the things beyond their control; other people, the government, etc. I don't know if this is good or bad, in my case, with my SO, it's been both.
4. They care about fitness much more than Americans in general do.
5. I find families here are closer than your typical US family.
6. Very resilient people, but that's just obvious given the history of these places.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-03-31 17:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTraveling to Russia with new FSU bride??
I was just told by some people here in Moscow that if you're married to a Russian citizen you can apply for a visitor visa without invitation, I don't know how true this is, but if I were you I'd apply for a normal tourist/business visa and go from there, since all other visas seem to change every three weeks.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-05 12:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTraveling to Russia with new FSU bride??
From my understanding, you need a visa, she won't.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-02 18:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB cultural customs to be aware of
Flowers, in an uneven number, are always good.
Keep the affection to middle school levels. Some light kissing and hand holding.
Try any food they present you.
You can be the leader even if you don't know where to go. You can, for example, say "Let's go eat", but let her tell you where, etc.
And always let the woman initiate sex. This way you shall never be deemed a creep. You can always make out and hope for the best, and a well timed butt-grab works wonders.

Edited by AmyWrites, 02 April 2012 - 07:00 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-02 18:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinally married
So we finally married, coincidentally in the first truly sunny and warm day in Moscow since... October! April 14th :-) Getting my documents ready in order to DFC. We're happy to begin our visa journey.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-17 10:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to deal with separation anxiety?
I agree, sadly, you'll have to make sacrifices, or your husband will. Always like that with these types of relationships.

I'm going out on a limb here, but is your family supportive of the move? When I first came to Russia, my parents spent the first months begging and pleading me to come back, and it just made a hard time worse. If they aren't, maybe you could talk to them, to get them to not focus on the negatives (missing each other) and talk about other things.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-27 11:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow to deal with separation anxiety?
I moved to Russia, and well I talk to my fam on Skype every day... even if it's just for some minutes. I visit them about once a year. Other than that, staying home doing nothing is bad. Go out. Make a garden, craft, do something. Meet new people.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-25 10:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'
You did the right thing. You would've married her... and not had the passion and love a marriage needs to grow. It sounds like she liked you, but really not enough to work towards your relationship.

Don't lose hope. You'll find someone who will make your life feel amazing every day, and who will feel the same about you.

And about giving up on a RUB wife... they might be good, but they're not all the same. Like everywhere, you'll have girls who are more spoiled, nicer, sweeter, not so sweet, etc. If you do want to try dating a RUB woman again I suggest you don't send money (therefore, no resentment when she refuses to find a job and so on), and take your time, but move on if you feel maintaining a relationship with her is like a second job.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-23 04:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

Why do you people even care if he provides for his fiancee or not? It is their business. And why are you so ready to pass judgement? You know nothing about their relationship and already make conclusions. Also a woman is not a dog, you can't practice a "treat" technique. You do what I want and you get a treat. What is it about Russian women that makes you think we can be classified as such?
In response to scams, I can assure you there are plenty of stories about Americans who get a girl to the U.S., use her (in a worst case abuse a person) and then kick her out of the country. THIS IS TWO WAY STREET MY FRIENDS.

Doesn't matter where your partner is from, if it's a long distance relationship or a "normal" one, it's never a good sign that very early in a relationship, they are already leeching off your money.

(Unpopular opinion time) About Russian women being "scammed" by Americans; it's easy... don't sign up on a dating website that specifically promotes RUB women in a negative (as in, submissive, skanky, etc) light. Or do what should be done in all relationships; don't rush into it, get to know the person, visit each other (if possible) more than just once or twice before tying the knot.

I do sincerely hope OP's genuinely in a good relationship and that all ends up perfectly for them both.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-06-24 10:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'
Again, I apologize for my pessimism about this, BUT:
- She speaks English excellently and can't find a job? BS.
- If she can't/won't find work there, don't expect her to find work in the US... her experience/education will be worth little
- You met on Elena's Models... isn't that one of the scammer filled sites? I didn't meet my SO there so maybe I'm wrong.
- RUB girls are proud and independent. Most won't want to be maintained like that. Of course, given the choice, very few women from any country would reject such a comfy life.
- You say you want to trust her; usually when people are saying that, it's because they feel somewhat forced into trusting because their gut is telling them something's wrong.

IMO, you've seen each other for very little time, and it's easy as heck to lie even through Skype. I'd arrange some more time together before jumping into the marriage.

Again this is all your choice, and you know the situation best. We're not trying to scare you off (especially from having a RUB partner!) but while the majority might be good, there are always bad apples and it's good to be well informed about them (and how they work, no pun intended) before making rash decisions.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-06-22 09:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'

#######! who cares why she's not working. Thats their business. The OP may be sitting on easy street and could care less if she ever has a job. My wife works, but I want her to have a little more. I don't have to get adjusted to her way of life, but she has to get adjusted to mine.

No one cares; I just wrote that because it's a question they need to discuss as a couple. Whether we want to admit it or not, finances and financial contributions are a huge part of a marriage and can make it or break it. It's better they have their financial plans as clear as possible before getting married, is all.

Hopefully there is no reason to be worried and we're just being cynical.

Edited by AmyWrites, 21 June 2011 - 01:01 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-06-21 13:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSupporting Fiancee'
Sorry to be the pessimist and the paranoid one, but I wouldn't send her money so often. Why is she not working? Has she been out of work for a long time? Is she able to work? If so, she should. A good fiance won't want to be a financial burden to their partners.

I apologize if I crossed any lines, but to me this has a larger effect on your future relationship rather than the approval process.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-06-21 08:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine - extended stay
I don't know if this works out in Ukraine, but lots of folks live in Russia by getting a new "business" visa every 90 days, they just go to Latvia or Ukraine for two days or so then go back to Russia.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-28 09:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFSU spouse politics
Mine is... strangely liberal in some cases. Okay with gay marriage, very much an atheist so he wants the church to have no influence on politics, wants to ease immigration for good folks but not criminals of course, doesn't think the government should be forbidding anyone from abortions or birth control, thinks men and women should earn the same amount of money for the same jobs and that women shouldn't be in a situation where they have to look good to get a job, universal health care (I have a chronic illness so he's witnessed how fun it is in America to get insurance or health care if you're sick!), universal education IF and only IF the student was good in HS (guess that would kill diploma mills altogether). On the other hand, he's anti-legalizing drugs, very for gun rights, for the death penalty, doesn't believe countries should interfere with other country's matters (such as the Libya thing).

If I had to classify him... I don't even know. I'd say Ron Paul would be his closest match in terms of politics.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-26 05:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB - FSU children compared to USC children & others

Unless we give detailed answers from experience and then we are ridiculed also. There is a lot less "talking #######" about American women in this forum than you, and many others, indicate. There is a LOT of talking good about RUB women which is not the same as "talking #######" about American women. I would expect the foreign men married to American women to be talking good about them somewhere on this site, I do not feel I am obligated to. Why would I? How is talking good about our wives talking bad about American women? How insecure does one need to be to think that?

I take it that the OP is trying to learn something and offer my experience which I actually have on this topic. If he is a troll, naive or whatever, perhaps someone else will benefit. Just maybe?

But I am disappointed that when people ask specific questions about children they get a lot of non-answers from people with no experience raising children and even challenged on their own validity, and then others come along and insult members that DO offer experience. Really weird.

I don't answer in the threads about "how to get a tourist visa for my Russian cousin" because I do not know and do not have experience with that. I suppose I could go there and ridicule people that do answer and get +1s for it, but I choose not to. Why so many non-answers on a pretty important subject? Are you really worried he will get scammed by an internet hottie? I'm not.

I've raised kids. No Russian kids (yet), and not my own since I'm nearly infertile, but I've had to be the parent before, too often.

The talking ####### about American women doesn't bother me, hey, I dated American guys who made sure I never dated American guys again, so I understand the feeling, and I don't remember you specifically talking ####### about American women, but I've seen it here; don't know if it's still happening since I'm not on as often... it's usually along the lines of talking about what controlling, crazy, jealous and possessive american women are, and also fatter and uglier and butches.

I just find these OP's posts very strange, and yeah, I don't like seeing people being taken advantage of, even internet strangers. I dislike reading some of the threads here on VJ of people who married who they thought was the love of their life and then everything turned sour. In your case, you've been very fortunate that you and Alla had an in-person relationship and everything was and still is great for you and your story I think is one everyone in VJ admires, hell, I don't know Alla or your kids but I think I speak for everyone here that they deserve great respect. But sometimes, long distance relationships, by their own nature, hide a lot of things and people realize too late that there were some problems.

Edited by AmyWrites, 05 April 2012 - 02:40 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-05 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB - FSU children compared to USC children & others

Child rearing is child rearing. Children are children. There are no differences.
This is something you NEED to discuss with your fiance so that you both can be on the same wavelength in ragards to eduction, parenting, discipline, and how you will attempt to assimilate the two kids together. That may be your biggest issue.

You seem, based on all these generalized questions, have this thought that FSU people are so magically and mysteriously different than anyone else. If you really are serious on making this work...this time...then get talking with your fiance.

How is her English?

I've asked you many specific questions and you have rarely answered them. We need specifics if you really want some of our insight.

Yep, in RUB most people dedicate themselves to talking ####### about American women and about how RUB women are better, but this guy just takes it to levels that indicate incredible naivety or just trolling. If he's actually serious, he's going to be very easy to disappoint after he sees his RUB hottie still goes #2 and being human, is not perfect. Since she doesn't speak much English and he not a lot of Russian I imagine their talks are composed of her flashing cute smiles; OP, if you're not trolling, be careful, you demonstrate that you'd be as easy to scam as an old man who thinks those webcam women want him.

Edited by AmyWrites, 05 April 2012 - 11:38 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-05 11:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB - FSU children compared to USC children & others
What I see in Moscow kids: more gangs, more smoking, more skipping school, etc. And yeah, that thing where women wear real short skirts and heels all the the time? It starts when the girls' about 11-12, and personally I will not let my daughter leave my house dressed in such a way that Vladimir Nabokov would find it vulgar. Yeah, maybe Soviet education was good, but these days it truly depends on where you live, and the majority of it is varying degrees of mediocre to #######. Not to mention diploma mills here are common as cigar butts are in the streets, so you technically don't need to do well in school. Now that $$$$ is doing very well in Moscow, kids are quite spoiled and entitled. They're not much different than their American counterparts, maybe expect in the excessive smoking bit.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-04-05 08:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusukraine customs declaration
I don't declare anything. IMO it's just an excuse to steal from your bags.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-04 07:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTime between NOA2, Consulate receiving the petition, and Interview
That depends, but what you can do is start getting the documents she needs for her interview now.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-13 09:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusadvice on travel

If you fly Aeroflot, you'll be able to stay in one terminal and therefore won't need a transit visa. MUCH prefer Shermetyevo to Domodedevo. I couldn't even find a power outlet in Domodedovo and the only food was Sbarro. One of the longest layovers of my life. On that note, AVOID SWISSAIR/ZURICH LIKE THE PLAGUE. The only thing in THAT airport is a gift shop of Swiss ####### and all the reading materials around are in Swiss German only.

Shermetyevo is now better than DME? Really? I avoided it like the plague after hearing it was hell on earth.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 08:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusadvice on travel

I agree, this seems to be the most sensible plan. Though it'd be quite an adventure - when else would you get to Tashkent? Lol.

Well he'll probably go there, if the relationship goes well, to meet her folks probably.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 07:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusadvice on travel
I'd fly her to Moscow or Kiev and meet her there.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 06:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Police Cert
My SO says 3 months but he's not sure :-( He says he saw on the US embassy website...
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 12:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUzbekistan
My SO went for free, but he got the best math scores that year in the state. His sister, who is also successful but not that much, also goes, but to a different uni, for free. As I understand, if you do badly in your exams then you have to either go to a diploma mill or nothing.

I don't expect it to be the same in Uzbekistan, given the country's poor. I've had many professors here from Central Asia and all of them studied in Moscow.

The idea of grants and scholarships is, from what I've seen, very much exclusive to the English speaking world. Even when I lived in Australia, scholarships weren't common, they had another system for it.

I really like that system. I don't think that the government should pay for everyone to get higher education because to be frank, not everyone will really get something out of it, but it's in the country's self-interest to have the top students well-educated and not encumbered with student debt.

I wish the US had that system too. Great students go to uni free, okay students maybe get some aid, and if you completely failed, don't expect taxpayers to pay for you to party for another four years.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-17 11:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Success
Congrats! Hopefully it'll also be easy for the rest of us. Already booked her flights to the States? :-) Be prepared to never wear shoes inside the house again. :dance:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 15:08:00