Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlying into JFK tomorrow on a K 1 Visa!
Expect her to drain your credit card via shopping.

I'm kidding.

Expect her to be questioned a bit at the airport. I've heard it's pretty normal, so if she's late... just wait it out.

No idea on the work permit tho.


AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-02 05:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCampaign Russian Style

Check out FOX news. Palin vs. Clinton ???? C'mon, conservative women are far hotter in general. Though a Republican will always marry a Republican, they date Democrats first...for fun!

Palin's not hot, she's just... more attractive than the rest, at least, when she's quiet. Which is quite an easy task given how politicians look.

I meant the voters themselves, not the politicians.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-04 08:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCampaign Russian Style
Aren't red states typically fatter? Therefore, I'll stick with Dem girls if I were you.

And they're not real attractive or anything, just passable. Putin's girls are hotter.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-02 05:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Okay, so he received the visa and his passport again.

So it's official :D
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-14 09:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
So they might keep the passport even if he didn't get it? That's just strange Ah well.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-12 14:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
False alarm. Turns out they kept his passport but didn't tell him if he got it or not, so we're no longer sure :-(
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-12 13:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Well they kept his passport and so on....

I guess that means he got it! YES YES YES!

So he's at work now, when he gets home, I'll ask him about the details of the interview, post them here to help anyone else trying to get their RUB SO's to visit.

In our documents, we included:
- A letter from my mom saying he'll be staying home with us, and ONLY for two weeks. It also had the address and so on.
- A letter from me saying that he's going to visit my family with myself and we're both coming back since we have our lives here in Moscow.
- Letter from his boss saying how long he's been working for them, his salary, and that he's authorized Max to go to the US with me for two weeks.
- His past visas from the EU/Schengen zone.
- Bank statements, including the account activity for the last six months, to prove I didn't just give him money or anything (he makes way more than I do regardless!). I guess it affected the interview that he makes a lot more money than the average Muscovite, and has the savings/investments to prove it. He's not oligarchy rich by any means, but on what he has now, he could easily live on this same flat, still go out and enjoy life and so on even if he doesn't work for the next three years.
- Ticket receipts. I know we weren't supposed to buy them, but I was scared he'd get the interview by november and Christmas tickets are always insanely high.
- Printed out application forms and the receipts of payments.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-12 07:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
We put in resident assuming it meant Russian residents.. since US residents wouldn't need a tourist visa.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-06 07:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Made the appointment for September 12, at 10 am. Wish us luck!
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-06 05:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Having a problem here. He's trying to make the appointment, and it gives him two choices: 1. resident, or 2. non resident. We have no idea which to chose; I don't know whether they mean US resident/non-resident, or Russian residents/non-resident, or if the visa itself you're applying for is an immigrant or non immigrant visa. Any ideas?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-03 04:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
I don't know if to write that also given he's got enough money to cover for himself. Maybe I could add that, in the case of an emergency, me and my family would cover his expenses?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-08-30 12:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Got the documents ready, we're sending them to an agent who can hopefully arrange this entire thing more easily for us.

So I've worded my letter as:

To whom it concerns:

(His name) will be accompanying me, Amy M, on a holiday to visit my family in the US. As we both live in Moscow, the trip will be for only two weeks. I have enclosed/attached a copy of my passport to prove my US citizenship.

Amy M

Meh, I don't want it to sound too "I'm a USC I DESERVE this" blah blah blah, does it come off that way?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-08-30 03:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit

They need it to prove that the person, who writes the letter is (or is going to be) in the US legally.

Ah ok thanks
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-19 09:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Wait you mean a copy of my passport with the letter I'm writing for him?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-19 05:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
So I'm going to write a letter saying we're just visiting my fam and will come back since I live in Moscow, his boss is writing a letter, he's going to show them his passport with visas for previous trips to other Schengen Area countries.... don't know what else to give them. A letter from his parents? A letter from the landlord? Bank statements?

He basically has double or triple the budget he needs for the trip, but I don't know how to "prove" that other than a bank statement.

Edited by AmyWrites, 19 July 2011 - 02:02 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-19 02:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
I'll definitely keep you all updated. We're getting the docs/proof ready to send this all out within a week or two. It might seem early since the trip is for December but the early bird gets the... visa, I hope.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-18 10:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
That gives me a lot of hope. He's travelled extensively through Europe.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-14 10:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Soo... we're gonna apply now to (hopefully) visit my folks in December.

I was just wondering, would a letter I write saying he'll stay with me, I live in Moscow, it's just to visit my folks for two weeks, etc, help at all?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-07-14 03:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
I've thought of going through the K-1 visa route, but the problem is I'll be living in Moscow for the next three or four years, so we thought it'd be easier to get married over there and then get the CR1 visa.

I've love my parents to visit us instead, but my mother has a fear of flying so badly she can't even see an airplane on TV.

I think we'll give the tourist visa a shot. We're thinking of applying for it by next december/january, so hopefully we'll have enough "proof" by then.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-02-23 15:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
Oh he's not gonna lie, we know it's a dumb idea, especially since we do want to apply for a marriage visa later.

He does own a car and a good amount of savings in his bank account. I didn't think of that.

Does having a return ticket also constitute of proof that he'd be coming back?

And is there any type of petition based non-immigrant visa he can apply for?

Edited by AmyWrites, 20 February 2011 - 07:00 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-02-20 18:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHaving my Russian boyfriend visit
I didn't know if to post this thread in the tourist visa or regional forums (newbie!) so I apologize in advance if posting it here was wrong.

I'm a USC and I'd like my Russian boyfriend to visit me here as I want my family to meet him and for him to see my country, etc. By the time he'd apply I'd have lived in Moscow for some months so he'd come with me back home, ideally, to visit. We don't want to get married any time soon (and if so, it'd be there, and not here, since I don't want to go through the K1 visa process) so that's not the intention. He has a good job, his own flat (well, rented, granted, but still), family over there in Moscow.

I've heard it's difficult (or nearly impossible) for young single people to get tourist visas to the US so I'm just wondering whether it's there's a good chance at least or if it's not even worth trying. I'm worried that if he says "I'm visiting my girlfriend's family" in the interview, he'd be denied immediately.

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-02-20 02:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTsar Putin to run for Russian presidency in 2012
Russians like Putin, and freedom in their mentality is more of a burden than a wonderful right. It's not logical to view Russians (or any other culture by that manner) as if they are Americans or aspire to be.

Medvedev and Putin even studied under the same law profs. I'm sure they know each other as more than just politicians.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-26 22:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTranferring money from Russia to USA
Moneygram. Western Union is more expensive.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-09-30 11:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA Breath of Fresh Air

Russia has ####### districts?

####### cities too, I've heard. I'll take my affordable ####### district in awesome Moscow rather than a good district in a ####### city.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-10-21 07:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusA Breath of Fresh Air
I've lived here for nearly three years, have never dealt with any sort of corruption/having to bribe someone deal. Mostly just the xenophobic Russians who live in my ####### district.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-10-20 06:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlights from Russia to the US
I've only flown to Moscow but if it's any help I've found British Airways was the cheapest airline to fly to Russia.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-11-10 07:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Interview in 3 days

It was DHL until Sept. 1 2011. Now it's Pony Express. The instructions are valid.
I don't know what else to say here, cause I didn't have an experience with the new system.

My SO got his DHL... but his was a tourist visa.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-11-10 07:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDon't know how to start
Problem is, I HAVE to leave Russia by August to finish my dual degree thing in the States (did the part needed in Russia already). I do plan to come back to Russia after graduation, but that might be in one-three years, and I'd like to have my SO with me by then.

I'm going to look into all of these options and let ya'll know.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-10-31 05:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDon't know how to start
So the SO and I get married in February, but I have to move back to the US in August. Obviously I'd like to bring him with me.

I checked the Moscow embassy page, and all they're talking about is the K-3 visa, which to my understanding, is all but dead.

I don't want to apply for a CR1 since I'd like to come back to the States with him, but I see nothing about being able to apply for DCF in Moscow.

Another issue is that I'm a student, which means, I'm broke, and not a resident of Russia, so I don't even know if I am able to apply for DCF here. I am able to get a co-sponsor back in the States however.

Any recommendations?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-10-28 13:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFSU women and Sexual Harassement
The Muscovite RUB women I know would NEVER be okay with that.

They dress very scantily, to be nice about it, but they're not prostitutes. Just golddiggers :rofl:

I don't think "normal" men would expect a ####### in return for a job. Just either: 1. idiots who forget the asking/begging/trading favors for BJ's starts during a relationship, or 2. guys who don't know how to hit on a woman well enough to figure out you have to motivate her to give you one (plus this approach results in a better one for you so it's much more convenient in the long run) 3. men who think that power alone will get every woman to do whatever they want. I wouldn't vote for any man who does this type of ####### as, in the least and best scenarios, it shows a very bad sense of timing.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-11-10 07:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWear Your Lead Underwear On Your Next Trip to Russia

What do we gain by going to war with North Korea?

I remember George Carlin saying war is an issue of who has the bigger #######. I believe he is right. Invading a weak country = easy way to feel like you have a large #######.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-20 13:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Elections
My SO voted for the Commie Party (altho he is not), only to not vote for United Russia. BUT he also prefers Putin as President... since he thinks anyone else will be worse and hey at least the country prospered under Putin (true). We've had the same arguments about countries with dictators and he says staying with the dictator is better because the next one will be worse.

He says most protesters are just pissed off young people, yet he will go to the protests.

Sometimes (okay, many times) I don't understand Russians.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-08 08:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady
Any updates on this? This can possibly help some men in the future...
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-20 13:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNeed some advice. Friend of mine met a Russian Lady
She's (or maybe he) is a scammer. No other way around it.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-14 16:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChild support for a Ukrainian baby?????
I think first and foremost you need to know if this kid is yours. Sounds like she was pregnant... and not by you, or she's using you.

If this kid is yours, please try to be in said child's life, as it's not the kid's fault Mom is a manipulative witch.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-01-18 13:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFound an old girlfriend on

That one still has her head fckd up. It comes up only when she's mad and lost her cool. My screw ups in Belarus at the strip clubs, night clubs.. my bachelor party...her mom, her friend/class mate, etc.. are always the first to come up, and if she's really on a roll then the cannery chicks come up. It all depends on how long she's b*tching seeing how there's a pecking order in what comes up first.

But naw, she calls to make sure I can't sleep. If she's calling me every two hours, no real chance for me to jump back in bed and nod off. And she has someone ratting me out because the few times Iv'e walked over the bar to have a few she knows about it the next day and that one sets her off. This town is so small you can't fart without everyone knowing about it. She's wearing thin with the tude. Now she's freaked out that I'm going back to work on the slope because she knows that requires one to two day layovers in Anchorage depending on the weather and she thinks I'm going to screw up there. She's got no faith.

I don't think it's possible to ever trust someone after they've screwed up... but... just turn off the phone, or put it so that when she calls you it won't ring.

OP, no, Russian women don't give up. When my Russian friends take pictures of themselves, it's usually what seems like a thousand photos, and only two or three are deemed perfect enough to be on the internet. The bad plastic surgeries in Moscow give me a daily dose of laughter on the metro, but I would certainly do a "####### job fund" in this city. They make me look like Pamela Anderson, these Russian girls, but that's good.

Edited by AmyWrites, 18 January 2012 - 01:41 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-01-18 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussians not welcome in Copenhagen?
This happens sometimes, but in many/most cases, if they have a ticket that shows they're in transit, they can go through.

This is why it's always good to check up on a country's visa policies, even if you're only transiting. Some countries are much more strict in their policies.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-01-23 05:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIs being 'hard headed' a RUB chick trait ?
It's everyone from RUB. It's hard not to b*tch slap my man sometimes because hey, I'm right sometimes. And the cold scary pouty look... men do it too.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-01-18 13:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusnat geo
Saw that episode like a year or two back, boy it was just sad. The guy who was engaged to his Russian woman... he didn't seem to trust her, was all worried and freaking out when she took a long time to meet him at the airport; I kept thinking, "Why did this guy file for her if he obviously thinks she still might be scamming him?". They seemed to care about each other though, so that's good.

The second guy, having no game whatsoever, was a humiliation to American men, and the woman he met... were they serious? There's so many more beautiful and hot Russian women around (yes, I am shallow, shoot me, but it takes more than blue eyes to be hot.) And he seemed to go there because there was just no way he could've scored in the US. Not to mention the general awkwardness of that entire date; it was painful to watch.

I also found it weird they only presented couples in which the woman spoke little to no English. How is it possible to have a relationship with someone you can barely speak to? If they wanted to portray this "mail order bride" thing as about love, and not about an easy way of getting a woman, that made it fail... because people who want relationships want to be able to communicate with their partners, at the very basic level, for practicality's sake.

I expected them to show a normal, happy relationship, in which both people had chemistry and so on. But those couples, it all seemed force and somewhat paranoid in some ways. I thought it would make this seem less as "ugly fat guy buys hot(er), younger female in exchange for the 'American Dream'", and more "Yeah, you can meet love online, and it's okay, and no one's buying anything, and so on and so forth", especially coming from National Geographic, but I was mostly disappointed.

I saw another show on one of the women channels... think it was called The Secret Lives of Women, and they had this episode on mail order brides, and I found that one much more accurate, honest in the hardships and benefits of marrying a foreigner, and it showed both women who had just met their future husbands or had just arrived in the US, and Russian women who'd been in the US for years. If they still air that I think you'd all enjoy it too.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-02-01 18:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarussending money to russia (moscow) bitcoin?
I've always used Moneygram, reliable and not as expensive as Western Union.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-02-01 18:11:00