Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow are Ladies from Kazakstan compared to Ukraine Ladies

You should directly ask her if she's Russian or Kazakh. This isn't politically incorrect for them.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-10-12 21:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow are Ladies from Kazakstan compared to Ukraine Ladies

Central Asians =/= Eastern Europeans. I would completely break away from the premise that they're even similar.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-10-12 13:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSecurity clearances for work

It's a problem. Could be a big one or just a little delay depending on the agency and clearance level. For me, it just delayed things a bit, and there was some more investigating, but I still got it in the end. 


IMO, the problem is worse if you have close friends/relatives in Russia, or if any of your wife's family members work for the Russian government.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-12-18 16:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man


Now explain "squat toilets" :wacko: Alla is not a complainer about toilet seats, but if she were I would simply point out that she undoubtedly used her share of those contraptions and she should be happy for a "white friend" with a seat at all!

The first time I ran across one of those, which was all too shortly after arriving, it was one of those memorable where you were when you learned Kennedy had been killed. The man on the moon kind of thing. :o It was in a government building in Odessa and there were four hot girls smoking right outside the stall. It turned out the bathroom was also the smoking area for the employees

I remember clearly that I thought if my mother were faced with that choice...she would pull out a rattail comb from her purse and drive it into her brain ending it all right then and there.

My thoughts were "Ok, so kind of like doing it in the woods but with a porcelian target and four girls watching. No problem"

Your insight scares me sometimes TBone.

For women, they're much easier to pee on. Um... sometimes when you squat over a normal toilet, if you don't get the perfect angle, the piss will run down your leg. On a squat toilet, since you're squatting much lower, this will not happen ever.

I've never used them for other types of business tho....
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-08 08:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

My wife tells me every day I'm luckier than most Americans.

You are, she's gorgeous :P
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-08 08:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man

You have a garden in Moscow and your husband doesn't have to work? :wow:

I'm sorry, not a garden... what I call a "garden" is actually like 15 potted plants in our balcony. :( I'm still dreaming of having a garden...

My SO is the type that doesn't spend a penny on anything unless he really, really, REALLY has to... and he's had really good jobs since he graduated. He certainly is luckier than most Russians.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-02 19:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBbette Wives & Housework, si man
My RUB man does a lot of housework, mainly because I am a grad student and I have a job too. In his parent's marriage, it's pretty 50/50. When I had no job, it would be about 60/40... him getting the 40, but he quit his job (lucky person has enough savings to live in Moscow for years without working), and apparently is so bored the flat looks amazing and he's done some remodeling here and there. He's a neat freak though.

I take care of our garden, and I cook. The only thing he'll cook sometimes is breakfast, if you consider making an ommelette cooking. But I like elaborate cooking so I do it all. I handle our investments, since that's my area, and he pays the bills and when needed helps me deal with Russian bureaucracy :rofl:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-12-01 17:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushow have your RUB wifes changed if any since coming here

Hmm, yeah, most of the Russian females I know are under 30. My mother in law though is materialistic as hell. God knows why.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-12-08 21:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushow have your RUB wifes changed if any since coming here

I can't help but chuckle that people think Russian women are not materialistic. Maybe it's because I lived far too long in wealthy-as-heck Moscow, studying at a university which caters to the best-connected in Moscow, and Moscow is very different from Russia, but women commonly want to marry/be a mistress just for money, and prefer to live with their parents or in a bad flat if it means being able to afford designer clothes, bags, and shoes, and generally they harshly judge others who do not have the same expensive things they do. The obsession with beauty makes for a very vain and materialistic group of females who will spend a lot of money on appearance; something you'll enjoy while looking at the girls in Russia but marrying into it is a different story. It's why I recommend any of my male friends looking to marry an Eastern European girl to look into Belarus, Ukraine, or Russian cities that are NOT Moscow or St. Pete.

Back to topic. My husband has changed in a way he didn't expect; he has higher expectations about everything. Like, he gets annoyed at bad infrastructure. He believes he can "climb up the ladder" and doesn't have to be stuck in the same ####### position forever like in Russia.  He complains if he gets a bad waiter or if a product he buys is broken, he'll return it. American dream indeed, he finally feels  like things can progress.

Edited by AmyWrites, 07 December 2013 - 06:29 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-12-07 18:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian Smile

I liked that about Russians. Felt that when the smiles did come, they were more sincere and from a place of more trust. 

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2014-02-19 12:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Is it so shocking that men, who are visual creatures, prefer women who keep in good shape, dress nicely, can walk in heels, and know how accentuate their features to maximize their prettiness quotient? It's a no-brainer to me. I'm a feminist, but I'm also a realist. In Russia, I'm practically chubby. When I go home, everyone asks me what my secret is for staying so thin and I'm nearly always the thinnest woman in a store/restaurant/whatever. Young American women do tend to be very lax with their appearance, and I say that as a young American women.

Chubby? Yeah, I'm almost chubby too in Russia, supposedly, but had a lot of men hit on me because of the cleavage/butt aspect of me is better than your average Russian girl's. :lol:

I don't get how jealousy is being attributed as an "American" thing when in another thread (or a few posts back, can't remember), I said Ukranian women shouldn't be jealous as they're attractive or get angry if their man notices someone else, and was told "You're not an ukranian woman".
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-16 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Maybe some of this girlfriend, slumber party, chit chat could be conducted via PM. I'm having flashbacks to when I was married to my ex wife.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-13 20:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Well, yes, but my Spanish is a lot worse than my English. It's also harder for me to talk to people from Latin America, than to people from Spain, cause I've been learning Castillian Spanish... I know it's easy to overcome that kind of difficulties - all I need is time... after all, I've been taught British English in the university, but I'm totally fine with American English now (even though it was hard to adjust to it at first).
It's good to know though that there is some demand for the Russian-Spanish-English language combo. That encourages me to improve both English and Spanish. I wonder if this uni is anywhere close to DC :blush:

Oh, Latin American spanish, especially Caribbean Spanish, is really a mess to understand at first. I've met people who have studied Spanish for ten years and don't understand Dominicans or Puerto Ricans.

The uni's not in DC, but it's an Hispanic-serving institution whose only Russian prof (who speaks barely any Spanish or English) is about to move back to Russia, so the language program is going to suffer greatly if they can't find a replacement soon.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-13 17:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Gary, I don't know where you are from, but where I grew up, you don't leave your fiancee or wife in abject poverty, living in a hostel. Thats not what a responsible husband does. Maybe that is just an American custom.

It's not. I found it odd too. But oh well, to each their own.

ONA, you speak Spanish?! And Russian (of course)? Well if you decide to stick to teaching I know of a uni who's in desperate need of a Russian professor who speaks Spanish and English.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-13 11:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

It is a well known fact that most American students in the FSU are in fact spies. :rofl:

I have a friend that was an exchange student in a linguistics program while he was in the Navy during the Cold War. He was almost never without at least one shadow everywhere he went.

I'm studying in Moscow and people ask me all that time whether I am/want to be a spy.

I do walk around with a bit of paranoia in case someone's following me. :rofl:

Edited by AmyWrites, 13 April 2011 - 04:15 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-13 04:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

That's insane. They should've had somebody Russian with them.

^^ Best way to avoid being stopped. Also, be a female... I've never gotten any ####### from police in Moscow but most if not all of my male friends studied/worked in Russia have.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-12 17:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Just to clarify before the flamewar begins, the part about getting stopped by the police only happened in the more rural areas I visited, not in the cities.(edited for spelling)

Out of curiosity, what year were you in Russia?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-12 10:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

I was lied to. btw thanks for killing any fantasy I might have had with that vid. :angry:

Not killing your fantasy. There are a few hot, many average, and a few ugly women everywhere, even in the FSU. You have a hot wife and therefore got luckier than most men on the planet. Be happy. :yes:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-09 20:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

It does help to ease ones conscious if the guy is a jerk to begin with. :whistle:

:lol: Also happens a lot.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-09 17:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

You don't have to wait that long. Get married. Come to America. (Order doesn't matter) Claim abuse. Get divorce. Force the guy to liquidate all his assets and take half. Get expedited green card. Buy a business. Wait five years. Get your own eye candy from the old country. Sounds like a plan to me.

I know that happens more often than we'd all like to admit, but it takes a really evil and effed up person to do that.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-09 17:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Some women prefer "papa". Papa knows how to make everything better. :devil:

Aren't those "suggar daddies"? Marry him, wait till he dies (or even earlier if you're lucky), then profit.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-09 15:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)

Like others posted on here...screw the church thing. The last thing any guy needs is some ignorant stupid ####### chick who believes in voodoo, vampires, and god. It's 2011.

As far as bringing my wifes divorced mother over to live here... I pray for that day!!! If there's a god, she will move in with us. :devil: Hot doesn't even begin to explain her. Hot and sexy with "screw me eyes". ...not that I would ever do my mother in law...unless it was my wifes idea and she firmly insisted on it.

I know of a few guys that married Russian chicks when they were working at Sakhalin that got skewered, yet for the most part those marriages have a better track record than friends that married chicks from the states. And if your going to get screwed over...let it be by something half your age, dresses sexy, looks hot, and has a sexy accent. I mean if your going to go down, go down in style right ?

Worst case scenario for me... my wife gets her citizenship and divorces me. So what alternatives does that leave me? I fly back and find me a hot little sexy blonde blue eyed 18 year old gymnast who weighs in at 95lbs wet out of the that doesn't speak a lick of English. :)

So ya, there's always a back up plan eh.

Frmo what you wrote you're better off with the mother if that happens..
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-08 22:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBest way to meet a Ukrainian/Russian (and cheapest)
I met my RUB man on a language exchange site (send me a message if you want the info I don't wish to post it here) because I had just moved to Moscow and wanted to meet Russian speakers... he needed someone to practice his English and Spanish and I needed someone to help me get to know Moscow as a local and practice my Russian.

I'm of the opinion the best relationships start by accident... if someone actively pursues a mate on a site I don't think it'll work (well, that's my experience, so I have a bias), but well some do. Especially since there's a lot of interest in finding Russian women, scams are more common and if he just focuses on "she's so HOT" he's an easy target.

But really, it doesn't matter WHERE she's from, there is no such thing as a cheap long distance relationship. And I mean "long distance", not "He goes to college in a different state".

Edited by AmyWrites, 08 April 2011 - 11:35 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2011-04-08 11:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1

Found it Thank you. I sent an email to Marc Ellis but reading his site he seems to to more in the China.

Any recomeditons on a good lawyer?

Marc Ellis is THE guy for denied petitions. Doesn't matter if he's in China.

Check out They might have some other recommendations for you.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-27 15:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1
Yep, denied.

Get a very good lawyer. Everyone here always talks about Marc Ellis.

Good luck.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2013-03-19 21:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYour experience in E. Europe or Russia

I lived in Moscow for a few years. It was an amazing experience and I had a blast, but not a place I'd raise a family in. Other cities in Russia? Maybe. But Moscow is too "big city" for this rural South girl.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2014-09-03 14:09:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Uzbekistan
Eh, I don't want to sound evil but I'm having a very, very, very difficult time, after living in Russia for long enough, believing that a Russian/Ukrainian woman would go to Uzbekistan for a husband. People here generally don't view them in a good light. IMO you should research this woman a bit more... nothing's impossible but it is rather strange... In my experience they're good people but folks here are pretty racist against certain groups (Uzbeks being one of those groups) and quite open about it. And "she looks Russian/Ukranian"... doesn't mean much, people here come in a variety of appearances. Hopefully you're Skyping and not just chatting with her, it's easier to get to know someone that way.

But to answer your question, apparently it's not very safe, but enough that common sense and trying to not be an obvious tourist should make it safe enough. Have a close friend there who got very ill there and the lack of medical care made it a lot worse, and this was because he drank some water or something. He says people tried to scam him pretty much always. So, don't drink the water, and don't eat food sold on streets. But he said that he never felt unsafe in the sense that he thought he'd get mugged or attacked.

Edited by AmyWrites, 09 May 2012 - 06:35 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-09 18:32:00
Asia: Southi had a dream
It's not about religion, it's about your geopolitical situation and current US security interests. If these were still Cold War times (I will not insert a joke about Romney, I will not!), then this process would be much more difficult for Russians, etc.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia4/5/2012 11:29
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

I made a wonderful decision after meaning a fantastic woman online. I'm not ashamed we not only talked about marriage before meeting in person but actually made our decision to marry prior to meeting. We were married the day after I arrived in China to meet her because I arrived too late in the day to marry the first day. I was NOT 20 and already had lots of life experiences including two divorces. Looking back, I'm proud of how we did things.

All that said, these are personal decisions nobody can make but the couple. If it were my 20 year old daughter, I would think about this differently than for myself. I hope she's seeking the counsel of her parents and listening to them as well as to the wise counsel she's getting here.

I'm not attacking meeting online, heck I think given that you're forced to only talk in online relationships, they might have a better foundation. It's the young factor I was referring to.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 11:38:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

I just find it weird that you would be having such conversations with someone you have never met.

I made a mistake with a guy I met online and filed a I-129F for him (thankfully broke up soon after the NOA2); he wasn't scamming me but I was sure I was "in love" with this guy I spent with in totality of our relationship no more than two months. I was also 20. Granted it wasn't from a high fraud consulate, but I'm saying, being young makes you not see things how you should. I was also talking about marrying this guy before I ever met him. Quite ashamed of it now that I look back.

Edited by AmyWrites, 16 May 2012 - 09:40 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 09:36:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

I did question him a lot, weighed his answers. I'd stare at his pictures to glean some more information from the background. I didn't let my heart make my decisions. He's posted about me on other people's or page's walls, and I was not guaranteed to see them. His friends compliment him all the time. "Is she the one? " yes "lucky guy ".

The thing is that, even with one visit, your chances of getting a K1 approved, especially considering how you met, are very low. If you really think this guy has feelings for you, tell him you have to (because you haven't met yet and you should ideally see each other more than twice for Lagos) wait until you have more evidence and a longer relationship.

And when he pulls a vanishing act on you because of that, then you'll see what everyone here has been trying to warn you about.

Edited by AmyWrites, 16 May 2012 - 09:36 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-16 09:33:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process
He can gain entry to the US with a K-1, marry, AOS, then leave her. Or he can just stay out of status and vanish so the OP can't report his whereabouts. Or he can remain out of status, maybe marry someone else...

Edited by AmyWrites, 15 May 2012 - 01:25 PM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 13:24:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

How do you know they are different people if you have not met them?

They hired a private investigator... :whistle:
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 10:56:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

A friend added me to the group

The "stranger" was an american

Jesus christ, do you honestly believe everything people say on the internet? Let me tell you how to pretend you're American on Facebook. On city/country, you select a city in the US. That's all. Copy/paste a picture of an American looking person and upload that in your profile pic. Done.

Please read this: It's very informative

Edited by AmyWrites, 15 May 2012 - 10:04 AM.

AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 10:04:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

How I met Mike... I'd gotten a "hey I like your profile, can we talk and see what happens? " facebook message from some guy. Well that wasn't ever going to work out. He asked me if I'd consider one of his facebook friends--Mike. I friended Mike,, asked questions, and decided to give him a chance.

He never asked me for money. Ever.

He had to be a Christian, an independent Baptist, and called to be a missionary, else I wouldn't even consider him. He checked out.

From the beginning, he wanted my parents to be involved. A few days ago he asked to talk to my mother about our meeting and the possibility of is getting married. It was completely his idea to talk to her

He never rushed me to make decisions. I'd tried several times to plan a trip for me to meet him, him to meet me, him to work here, him to attend college here. Whenever those plans failed, he never got angry with me.

He is the same person now as he was in July. No inconsistencies in what he tells me about himself.

Why would he leave everything--family, occupation --behind for me? First, he had no occupation. He had jobs before, but had lately been unable to get an honest job. It is very difficult to get a job in Nigeria, especially if you want to hold to your morals. This is why he moved to South Africa, so he could at least have a chance of getting an honest job. He could have stayed in Nigeria and let his mom support him, and just wait for me to make things all better. But no. He had to get out of there and do something. And family is not enough to keep him there. And he's not "giving up" his family for me. I let him know that I wanted him to keep in contact with him, I wanted us to visit his side of the family as often as possible.

My parents don't want me to travel alone. They def didn't want me to fly to Nigeria alone, or even with my mother. But I'm not flying to Nigeria, I'm flying to south Africa. And my mother will be coming with me. Then Mike and I will fly up to Nigeria to meet his mom. She really wants to meet me.

I have kept my parents in the loop from the first day. I talked about everything, positive and negative. At first they just figured they'd let this relationship run its course. Then they understood how serious it is. But they like what they I've told them, mom's talked to him some. A few weeks ago they hired a private investigator.

I know visiting him multiple times during the visa process will help, and I will do so. I want to do so.

And about me not knowing exactly which visa Mike used to get to SA, I didn't figure I absolutely needed to know. And I'm not sure he'd know how to tell me which visa he used; his English skills are not excellent. All I know is, he's allowed to stay there for the time being, but he's not allowed to work yet.

I don't know what one person's experience was with a certain facebook group. The one I'm a member of is American Women Married or Dating Nigerian Men. None of them has tried to get unsuspecting American girls to marry their Nigerian friends. It's a closed group. There are no nigerians or men in it, hence the name. They have been a great help by helping me understand my fiance better. I know a little more what to expect.

I noticed someone had wondered why my parents would let me make a poor decision. I ask you, how do you know this is a poor decision? How can you judge my situation when you know next to nothing about it?

This sounds like a classic scam. I hope this guy is simply someone who will use you for a visa (Do you honestly believe he will randomly contact some American girl otherwise?) and not a violent person who wants to hurt you or your mom once you get there. A private investigator for some guy online halfway around the world is pointless; unless this guy is a CIA agent, you virtually have little information other than what he posts online, which can be anywhere from 1-100% BS.

And also, there's MANY people in the world who are willing to "leave everything behind" for their US's partners... including their US partners once they get to the US. The reason why consular officers give people such a hard time is because many people will in fact do lots of things just to get a US visa. Filing for a K-1 visa for him is just perfect, you have 90 days to marry, which means 90 days for him to suddenly decide to leave you. Although frankly I don't see how any CO would approve this, the red flags here are great and you're dealing with a potentially the most difficult consulate.

PLEASE read the threads here on this regional forum because they'll have a better idea of what to tell you, and on "Effects of Major Family Changes on Immigration Benefits", where you'll often see letters along the line of "He/she came to the US and is now cheating on me/leaving me/not interested in me/etc". And use Google. Inform yourself. In the best scenarios, you're still dealing with Lagos and that means you will have to mentally brace yourself for it.

Good luck
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 02:29:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

How I met Mike... I'd gotten a "hey I like your profile, can we talk and see what happens? " facebook message from some guy. Well that wasn't ever going to work out. He asked me if I'd consider one of his facebook friends--Mike. I friended Mike,, asked questions, and decided to give him a chance.

He never asked me for money. Ever.

He had to be a Christian, an independent Baptist, and called to be a missionary, else I wouldn't even consider him. He checked out.

From the beginning, he wanted my parents to be involved. A few days ago he asked to talk to my mother about our meeting and the possibility of is getting married. It was completely his idea to talk to her

He never rushed me to make decisions. I'd tried several times to plan a trip for me to meet him, him to meet me, him to work here, him to attend college here. Whenever those plans failed, he never got angry with me.

He is the same person now as he was in July. No inconsistencies in what he tells me about himself.

Why would he leave everything--family, occupation --behind for me? First, he had no occupation. He had jobs before, but had lately been unable to get an honest job. It is very difficult to get a job in Nigeria, especially if you want to hold to your morals. This is why he moved to South Africa, so he could at least have a chance of getting an honest job. He could have stayed in Nigeria and let his mom support him, and just wait for me to make things all better. But no. He had to get out of there and do something. And family is not enough to keep him there. And he's not "giving up" his family for me. I let him know that I wanted him to keep in contact with him, I wanted us to visit his side of the family as often as possible.

My parents don't want me to travel alone. They def didn't want me to fly to Nigeria alone, or even with my mother. But I'm not flying to Nigeria, I'm flying to south Africa. And my mother will be coming with me. Then Mike and I will fly up to Nigeria to meet his mom. She really wants to meet me.

I have kept my parents in the loop from the first day. I talked about everything, positive and negative. At first they just figured they'd let this relationship run its course. Then they understood how serious it is. But they like what they I've told them, mom's talked to him some. A few weeks ago they hired a private investigator.

I know visiting him multiple times during the visa process will help, and I will do so. I want to do so.

And about me not knowing exactly which visa Mike used to get to SA, I didn't figure I absolutely needed to know. And I'm not sure he'd know how to tell me which visa he used; his English skills are not excellent. All I know is, he's allowed to stay there for the time being, but he's not allowed to work yet.

I don't know what one person's experience was with a certain facebook group. The one I'm a member of is American Women Married or Dating Nigerian Men. None of them has tried to get unsuspecting American girls to marry their Nigerian friends. It's a closed group. There are no nigerians or men in it, hence the name. They have been a great help by helping me understand my fiance better. I know a little more what to expect.

I noticed someone had wondered why my parents would let me make a poor decision. I ask you, how do you know this is a poor decision? How can you judge my situation when you know next to nothing about it?

You've just fallen for a classic scam. I hope this guy is simply a scammer and not a violent person who wants to hurt you or your mom once you get there.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-15 02:09:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

People said I was too young and naive. And we're fine now.

She can do it if they really are determined to be together. They just have work harder than usual in the relationship.

But you lived together for some months before getting married, didn't you? Would you have done the same had you never met before? (Married I mean)?
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 15:46:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process
Yes, OP, almost everyone here has viewed this in a not very positive light, a CO will deny it outright.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 15:31:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

That's a pretty big blanket statement. How about the thousands that travel there (myself included) who safely return, only happier to have seen some of the most beautiful scenery available on the Earth?

A quote from your own source (BBC article):
"In blunt terms, areas with problems have murder levels that can be wildly above the national average. "

While yes, the rate of crime is high, the rules one follows to maintain personal safety in Africa are the same rules one would follow in any part of the world.

Rule Number 1 = Stay out of high crime areas.

Of course it's a beautiful country. But a young single 20 year old woman, alone, is easy pickings for crime just about anywhere. Even in safer areas.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 10:36:00
Africa: Sub-Saharangoing to pursue CR-1, live with him abroad (not in his home country). how will this affect the visa process

Thanks, I'm not familiar with visas for that country. I just hope that she's not being scamed. I have heard that it happens alot from Africa.

The fact that they're already talking US visas makes it look not very well intentioned, but hey maybe I'm wrong. Best thing she can do is visit him first, hopefully not alone.
AmyWritesFemaleRussia2012-05-14 10:14:00