Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Sounds like they will issue his visa sooner than soon. :)

I really do hope so my birthday and 4yr anniversary is coming up in a couple days it would be great to at least get good news by then. I pray every night for all of our cases even though i dont know all of you i have conected with all :)

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-22 14:13:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi girls i finally got a response from the embassy they emailed me today this is their response" The applicant's case is in the process of being revised by a consular officer. As soon as the review is done we will contact him" they also acknowledged they have the documents he submitted. I hope soon they issue visa by this response i dont know how much longer.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-22 13:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Ok, one more question...
I just checked the CEAC... and we actually have 2 statuses... is that normal? The one that said READY (saying we were ready for an appointment) was updated on August 13th, and then a new status was places above it that says ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING (updated on August 19th). That is the status that automatically pops up. However, this morning, I clicked on the other one, just to see what it says... and that status of READY was updated on August 20th... ufff, this confuses me, because it still says ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING with the date of August 19th... I am thinking this is just a glitch, because I can't imagine we would be done with AP yet, but has anyone ever seen this? is it normal? thanks!!!

You should call the DOS i only have one status call they can explain that to you or maybe the other girls might know how to answer your question.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-22 10:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Is it most likely that we will be approved, or is there a possibility of denial? We have everything in order, have done everything asked of us, and he has had NO previous involvement in anything that I believe would cause a red flag... Trying to prepare myself for the good and the bad... (and thinking of solutions for either situation).
ALSO- when I checked on CEAC, our status was updated August 19th to Administrative Processing- not sure if that was the most recent update after his interview, or if it has been looked at since... I will keep checking every day :)

If the co didn't think your relationship was real he would have told him at the interview i think you will get approved they are most likely doing background checks.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-21 17:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I know, right? It's been almost a year since I left El Salvador. It sucked leaving my husband behind and sucked more that he wasn't here when our son was born. Our son is turning 5 months soon. Damn, we need him so much.

I know it sucks waiting being separated i got back 4 months ago i went to spend 5 months with my husband i spent our sons 2nd bday and christmas, new yrs with him. Praying that this will all come to an end for us all soon.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-21 17:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

In the email I received today. I was told that the pending cases go to the consular section as they have an overload in the immigrant visa that's why we since we were required additional documentation have to wait more.. Bummer. Hopefully the consular section picks up the pace.

Whats the consular section?

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-21 01:27:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hey guyss I forgot to ask in my earlier post but do any of you track the passport on US travel docs? I have been tracking it since last week since that was the interview and since he was told he was approved however whenever I check the status it says no information has found for the passport number entered.  I wanted to know if any of yours says that the embassy has the passport?  And are all of you in the IR1 category? Thankss :) 

Yes i track passport too and it says no info found for passport # no it doesn't say if embassy has it im sure they have it we sent it with the additional docume they asked if they have the documents they have to have the passport. We are IR1 category

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-20 21:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

J&f and mxy. When you guys call the dos what exactly do you ask? Sorry for the question. I ask about status updates on my husband's visa and all I'm told is being reviewed but nothing else. I want to know a way to get more info out of them.

Hi im glad you got a response back i will probably get a response by the end of the week. When i call i ask for status update and they tell me its in AP i ask if its because of the documents i sent they say yes they are reviewing then i ask so its not the long AP they say no.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-20 19:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador


I don't have a Co sponsor its just me who signed. So it will be easier. I'll get on it tomorrow. Thanks for that myxxx

Your welcome i just want you to be prepared in case an not be running around later cuz it takes a couple daya for them to receive mail over there ... it will be much easier since you dont have a co sponsor.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-19 23:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

No he doesn''s the one that has to be signed by the notary public stating that my hubby will not be a charge to the welfare system right? I'll get on it just in case

Yes that one its the I-864 you fill one out and if you have a co sponser he fills one out and sign it an mail it to him just in case its better to be prepared. I dont know if a notary signs it i know its who ever is sponsering him. I signed one and since my income was not enough i have a co sponser he signed one too.

Edited by Mxy22, 19 August 2013 - 11:20 PM.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-19 23:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I really hope they do process our visas soon...i believe they put the visas after waiver approval on second table. The immigrant visas for those that have never been in the states most of the time get processed within 2-3 weeks. Sucks. My hubby has access to my paycheck stubs, w2 and taxes since my work has all my stuff online and my taxes were e filed. So him getting them and printing them out shouldn't be to hard. Let's hope they really don't ask for anything.

I hope so too its taking too long if they need more documents just let us know already. Thats good he has access to that but my husband was asked for a new affidavit of support filled out with 2012 income and had to have my original signature good thing i sent it to him he got it a week before his interview. Its the i864 does he have a new one filled just in case.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-19 22:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

No nothing yet. I submitted it on tuesday of last week. The 13. :( I wonder why it's taking a longer time this time around. They must be really backed up.
I did call the dos and asked about the visa status. I was told the same thing I was told it's under review. The guy even told me when they received all docs. I asked if I should send the 2012 1040 docs for the taxes but the guy said no. That I shouldn't send anything unless they ask for it.

Ok yeah i still havent gotten a response they are taking longer. Ok you just have to wait and see if they request it does your husband have all the tax info ready remember they want an updated AOS with original signature. Hope they respond to our email lets keep eachother other updated on our cases :). Im glad we can relate to eachother other dont feel so alone in this lets keep praying girls :)

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-19 20:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hi there group. Praying for our visas get issued soon. For all of us...I also emailed congensansal on Tuesday aug13. I haven't received anything's so frustrating but we have to hang in there. I'll keep you updated as's wonky, j&f, myx, and me... Lets keep each other in our prayers. Along with everyone else.

Hi did the embassy respond to your email yet i emailed them the 15th im still waiting

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-19 17:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Oh, so what you're saying is that the normal AP is at consular level and the bad AP is at Washington level.

Yes thats how it is we are at consular level for document review

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-18 20:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

No. They told him if there's anything they need, they will call him.

Hopefully they don't ask for anything else and issue his visa. Do you know where was he able to obtain the document they asked for its good to know just in case.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-17 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Good morning group...i can't sleep. I've been up since 4 Pacific time. It's 5:38 already. All this has my sleeping system all screwed up. Any who one quick question? Were your husbands told that they were gonna be put in AP or did it just show up? I've read on some pages that there is a really bad ap and a "processing" ap. I'm all paranoid.

No he wasn't told his ap is processing they are reviewing the documents they asked for.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-17 12:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

We are all going crazyyy now! I just hope we all hear back soon because we all have been waiting forever!! I keep praying that all of us will be out of this and finally be able to be with our husbands. Mxy22 when you wrote about your 2.5 year old son it makes me feel soo sad because families have to be separated! We have a son who just turned 4 on August 12th also and its soo hard!! I know how frustrating this is and it makes us just go crazy but we have to keep praying and hopefully we will all have everything work out for all of us :) 

I guess we are all going crazy with all this process its not easy on families being separated and its hard on the children. Even though its been tough this process has strengthen our relationship more. This will all work out for all of us lots of prayer and faith in God has kept me going on i keep you all in prayers soon we will all be reunited with our husbands and it will all be worth it.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-17 02:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador


Maybe that will help somewhat. Have you checked ceac to see if they've updated that the paper was received?

 I didn't hear anything today. Still shows last update on my hubby's case July 18, 2013... I'm getting so frustrated. My husband is telling me he doesn't know what "patience" is anymore. I'm going crazy.

You will most likely hear from them on monday it takes them 3 about working days. My last update was july 15 only because they responded to my email. I know its hard to be patient i have to constantly give my husband hope because and keep his hopes up its hard for them being away from their family we have a 2 1/2 yr old and my husband left when he was 1 we gave gone 2 times to see him.but he has missed alot of our sons milestones and he asks about his dad everyday it breaks my heart but we can't give up with God all things are possible if you just believe :)

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-17 01:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hey guys, my husband went to the embassy today. Nothing happened, no interview. He just went there to personally give the requested document. Hopefully we get to hear something soon.

Good he got to turn it in person this time they might review it quicker. They didnt tell him how long it might take?

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-17 00:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

My husband will have another interview tomorrow at the embassy. He already obtained the requested document and man, this is too frustrating. I don't know why another interview when CO said his visa was approved?

Winky let us know how it goes for your husband today at his interview hoping all comes out well :)

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-16 14:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hi there group. Praying for our visas get issued soon. For all of us...I also emailed congensansal on Tuesday aug13. I haven't received anything's so frustrating but we have to hang in there. I'll keep you updated as's wonky, j&f, myx, and me... Lets keep each other in our prayers. Along with everyone else.

Hi you should get a response by monday i emailed them yesterday lets keep each other updated. We must keep strong and continue to pray i keep you all in my prayers .

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-16 12:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

My husband will have another interview tomorrow at the embassy. He already obtained the requested document and man, this is too frustrating. I don't know why another interview when CO said his visa was approved?

Another interview did they call him to set it up. It might be good that way he can give them the document personally. Let us know how it goes

Update on the case: interview on August 12th visa approved, CEAC says AP! My husband received a call today from the embassy and they told him that the case is approved and there is necessary processing which can take 2-3 weeks maybe sooner to process husband asked her if it can be denied and she said NO! it has been approved and will be approved but the passport will be ready within 2-3 weeks or sooner!! this is a hugeeeee relief! I couldn't even sleep and I was sooo stressed out that this journey would never end!! I just have to keep praying and have faith in God and be positive!! I am praying for all of us to have our visas issued for our husbands :) 

That is great news you just have to wait im happy for you soon our husbands will be home :).

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-15 18:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I hope we all get the visas issued soon too and I'm praying as well for all of us to be out of this big mess with our AP. I contacted US travel docs and they told me that AP is usually resolved within 60 days however it can take longer so if you don't hear back after 8 months contact us again! I was soo surprised when she said this to me and my heart just sank! I am in soo much stress and soo sad I just want everything to work out for everyone.  By the way, which email do you email to?  I emailed the congensansal email and still no response and wanted to know how often they respond to you.  What worries me the most is the fact that the update date doesn't ever change and its like they are just letting the case sit for whatever time they want and then they will look at it. I think its just something for us to "wait" which I don't understand why. We just have to keep praying for the best and hopefully everything works out. Please let me know what the embassy responds to you and I will do the same. 

So you called the DOS I've called them and they tell me it should take 30-90a days to review the documents thats working days not counting weekends they also told me to call once a week that the consular officer is reviewing the documents thats what embassy told me too in an email. I emailed congensansal it takes them about 3 days to respond back. I know they just have us waiting we just have keep calling so that they know we want answers. We gotta keep strong and have faith which at times its hard but God doesn't give us more than we can handle he will see is through this and soon our families will be reunited. Keep strong because we need our husbands not to give up too specially since they are the ones back in.their country. When did you email the embassy?

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-15 14:23:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Yeah. Hopefully yours will get it soon.

I believe soon we will all get the visas issued im praying for you and your husband too. I emailed the embassy today lets see what they respond. I'll keep you updated and let me know what happens with your husband.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-15 13:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hopefully he can get it soon and sent it to them. We are still waiting
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-13 20:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I assume it's a type of a criminal record. He did brought his police certificate at the time of the interview. I wonder why they asking for this thing. He is no criminal. :/

I assume it's a type of a criminal record. He did brought his police certificate at the time of the interview. I wonder why they asking for this thing. He is no criminal. :/

Hi was your husband able to get the paper he needs to send to the embassy?

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-12 20:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I assume it's a type of a criminal record. He did brought his police certificate at the time of the interview. I wonder why they asking for this thing. He is no criminal. :/

Thats what i thought it might be hopefully he can get get it soon and send it to them.thats weird they ask for it maybe someone else with the same name does have one but once he sends it they can see he doesn't.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-09 11:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Oh great. After 2 months in AP, my husband recieved a call from the embassy and they told him they need 'proceso judicial simple' from the year 2003 to '06. Well, he's going to find out and get what the embassy need because seriously, I don't get this. It made so sad and I'm scared the process might take longer after he send what the freaking embassy wants. :'(

Whats a proceso judicial simple. Oh wow this embassy they could have told him at the interview. They dont know all we have to go through it's so hard. I still havent heard back about my husband. Dont lose faith

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-09 00:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador


Sucks to be waiting. We are still waiting so I decided to call today and when I called, a machine answered saying this voicemail hasn't been created or something. It's useless so I send another email. Let's hope for something good.

Oh what # did you call i've tried calling embassy but you can never get a real person to answer. I called the dos this week and nothing yet was told to call once a week. I emailed last month on the 10 they said they are reviewing all the documents that they will contact him soon. All this waiting is horrible hope they respond back to you with good news let me know

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-02 14:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Any update to your case we are still waiting
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-02 13:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Be patience and it will be alright. I had someone who didn't believed they will issue the visa to my husband but I have faith. We got to learn to be patient. This week I'm reaching month 2. Good luck everyone.

All we can do is wait and be positive that it will happen people will always say negative things to bring us down but it not up to them its up to God if we have faith in him nothing can stop us he will do it for us. For what God has united no man can separate ;) keep positive and believe that our time will come.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-22 15:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I had my interview for an F4 visa and got 221g they wanted a police certificate from the USA since I lived there when I was 16, I sent all they asked for 2 weeks ago and nothing yet.....lot of money spent and at the end not sure if they will issue a visa. I believe we must wait and pray GOD to have it issued he is the only one we can trust!!!

I have been waiting 6 weeks and nothing yet. All we can do is wait and like you said leave it all in Gods hands and have faith that he will do it for us.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-20 21:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I had my interview for an F4 visa and got 221g they wanted a police certificate from the USA since I lived there when I was 16, I sent all they asked for 2 weeks ago and nothing yet.....lot of money spent and at the end not sure if they will issue a visa. I believe we must wait and pray GOD to have it issued he is the only one we can trust!!!

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-20 21:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Thank you :)
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-10 16:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
[quote name="Winky" post="6357934" timestamp="1373403389"]

I send an email to the embassy 2 weeks ago (June 17) and 3 days later I got a reply saying the consular is currently reviewing our case and that once the process is complete, they will contact my husband. No visa status change, just the update date was changed.[/quote

Hopefully they issue your husbands visa soon. Can you please give me the embassy email? i'm gonna email them

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-09 16:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Have you heard anything back from your case? My husband had interview may 31 was asked to submit more documents and his passport by cargo express he sent them on june 5 embassy received it june 6 we are still waiting the ceac site says administrative processing.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-07-09 14:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaQuestion About Psychology Result (El Salvador Embassy)
Hi winky
Sorry to hear that you are still waiting i hope it ends soon you should have your hubby call the doctors office to keep on top of them they have taken too long. Keep us updated

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2014-01-21 20:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy in El Salvador.

So even if they didn't ask him I should send them in??? Ok I am going to call tomorrow and will ask them. They didn't even call him in for an interview. All they asked for were just the police report, passport, nd medical. But whose to say that later on they will or won't ask him. Thanks for that.

Ask and have them ready just in case they ask for them

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-18 23:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy in El Salvador.

I'm gonna start calling them as well...put a little steam up on them!

Call them one of their reps told me to call every week and thats what i do even if they tell me the same thing every week

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-18 20:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy in El Salvador.

You guys think I should have my husband send in the 2012 taxes even though they haven't asked for them yet? He had his interview in November which they had the tax paperwork from 2011...they didn't ask for anything else but the passport, renew medical, and police report. I'm just hoping that they don't havedelay this even more with not having my 2012 taxes. I should just have him take them to the cargo express agency and turn them in.

You should does he have a new i864 cuz your gonna need a new affidavit and the taxes my husband had interview in may and they asked for 2012 taxes with an updated AOS

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-08-18 20:01:00