Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Winky another update is good you are almost there :) gotta keep positive
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-10 17:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

What type of paper work did they ask him for?? Supposevely they only wanted to c proof of our relationship, like phone calls, text messages, pictures, stuff like.

He lived in the u.s before and had work permit they wanted that paperwork

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-10 17:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hey guys happy to hear some of you or ur Visas. When my wife went to her interview, the council gave her a paper(221g) and check 2 boxes on it. 1 was 2 send more evidence of our marriage, pics ect. Te second box he mark off was to send her passport with the evidence. I anyone fimiliar with this???

My husband was asked for more documents too and 221g said to send the documents along with his passport which he send it took 4 months to issue visa after he sent them.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-10 16:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Glad to know that yours was issued. :)

Thank you winky ... yours will be issued soon im gonna keep praying for all of you :)

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-10 15:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi i just checked ceac visa has been issued :) im so happy hubby just needs to pick it up tuesday
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-10 11:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I noticed that my case was updated to today's date. Still ap but that got me a bit hyped.

Thats great your case has been getting a lot if udates lately soon you will be issued

That's great news, congratulations!

Thank you i won't feel relieved until he has his passport and package in hands.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-09 18:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
My husband went to embassy today CO told him he was approved all they needed was his solvencia to issue his visa and told him he was going to prepare his package to pick it up today he went back but they told him his package is ready just his passport needs to be stamp they didnt get to do it its done with a machine. So they gave him a paper to pick it up on tuesday in person.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-09 17:12:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I got a response from the embassy and ustraveldocs. The one from the embassy say the the same thing like the other one, it didn't mention ap. On ustraveldocs it says ap, meaning it's under review. Well, sounds to me like he is no longer in ap. I guess I gotta be more patient.

Thats good hes not ap things are moving along they are reviewing we gotta be patient out time will come

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-08 18:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Myxxxx did you call dos about yesterday's update? Winky keep your head up. Don't let down...look at me five years in this process and god finally pushed through our turn. So please have faith. It will all be worked out when you least expect it

Yes i did they told me its because of the solvencia they asked for and the call he received it got updated to fridays date when they called i dont know maybe sundays was electronic like you had said maybe it hadnt gone thru the system about the requested document.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-08 01:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Yeah, the last email didn't mentioned ap but on ustraveldocs said ap as in reviewing not just ap so I thought we getting the visa soon. I emailed both the embassy and ustraveldocs now. Let's see what's going on.

Thats good they are reviewing the documents they requested a couple weeks ago ok lets see what they respond back soon our husbands visas will be issued :) let me know what they tell you

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-07 19:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Keep contacting every 2 weeks the one thing i saw you posted they gave you the same email response as me the last time they didnt say he was in ap like they had told you
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-07 13:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

It still weird but at least your case is moving. As for me, I'm getting to the point where I'm losing hope. I am desperate. :'(

Hopefully they keep moving our case after they receive the solvencia on Wednesday we have to.wait and see. Don't lose hope i know its easier said than done but thats all we have we can't give up we are almost there. Your case has been getting updates too so they are working on it. Have you emailed them back?

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-07 12:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
I called Dos and they say the update is because of the solvencia they requested friday we had an update to fridays date thats why it was weird to me another update date yesterday. My husband is getting his solvencia today.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-07 10:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Nope. Mine's shows Sep 30, still AP. It's really odd but I guess someone decided to look at your case on off day.

Yes its weird im gonna call Dos tomorrow maybe they can explain it. To my understanding sunday they dont work

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-06 22:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hey have any of you guys ever gotten a status update on a sunday my husband had a status update to todays date the 6 still ap but the date changed i didnt think they work sundays.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-06 21:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Yeah looks like they will issue very soon.

I really do hope so... keeping positive that hubby will be back home soon

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-05 21:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi my husband got a call from the embassy today they need a new solvencia his expired he has to take to the embassy Wednesday the girl told him they need it asap cuz his medical exams are gonna expire soon and the CO doesnt want him to get a new medical this is good news.

Edited by Mxy22, 04 October 2013 - 03:37 PM.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-04 15:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Congratulations finally some good news so happy for you :)
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-02 16:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
That is wonderful news samber it should change to issue in 1 or 2 days finally we are hearing good news praying we all get our spouses back this year. Keep us posted
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-10-02 01:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Samber that is great news I've heard that too most likely before the end of this week it will say issue
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-30 14:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
any update without inquiring is good


They replied the same thing they replied to me thats good cuz they didnt say he was in ap like last time

Hopefully soon we will all get good news im starting to worry cuz holidays are coming im planning to go to el salvador again if i.dont hear back soon

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-26 17:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Yeah it sucks. His medical came out great so I don't know why a retake. He took it on May 3, so that's 4 months ago. I'm going to call DOS again. Also, I emailed so I'm going to wait for an answer from the embassy.

Yes its barely gonna be 5 months in a couple of days yes you should call again and wait to see what embassy says before. They are responding quick by tomorrow you should get a reply back
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-25 23:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
I emailed yesterday they responded this morning thats what i understood too i guess they are still reviewing his case.

a new medical i thought they were good for 6 months good that you emailed them bu tomorrow they should reply
back. Im sorry you can't call him i have international calling on my plan just in case of emergency i can call but i know its hard i have been unemployed barely making ends meet but i just got a job i start in a week

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-25 15:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi i emailed the embassy again this is what they responded don't know what to think of it

We acknowledge receipt of your letter.

Your letter has been forwarded to the Immigrant Visa Unit for review.

As soon as the case is reviewed by a consular officer, we will contact you.

Thank you for the information.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-25 12:15:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I will do the form I-601 but was I not supposed to get this on the day I had my interview? I wonder why it took them almost 3 months to ask for this...I am telling you what the CO gave me was just a gree sheet and he even said the sooner you sent this the sooner we resolve this.
Does any one have any idea how long this might take, I have a terrible feeling that this will take more than 6 months just to get approved if it gest approved and then they send this to the Embassy where this guys will just take their time and I will have to start all over again with getting recent documents and of course spend more money on medical test.....what a waste of time and money!!....Why didn't this CO ask for me to fill this form after he interviewed me...Why??

Email them back but if they say you need this form get a lawyer cuz its not just about submitting it you have to write a letter depending on what the problem is i think yours was on fraud or misrepresentation not sure about this but its better to find out so you don't waste your time and have it be denied the i-601 is for different things you need to know exactly why so you can better address the waiver. I don't know why CO didnt tell you at the interview i know they always tell you on that day cuz they should already know if you need a waiver. I think you should keep emailing until they respond back and get a lawyer to better assist you on preparing the waiver.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-24 23:50:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
@ loroko01
Did you email them back to confirm that what you needed was a waiver?
I email embassy to know status of our case i know the update doesnt mean they are working on just that the emailed back.

2 updates in a row thats good you should call or email to inquire hopefully its good news.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-24 16:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hello all,
I called DOS spoke to a guy named Bryan ( very nice guy ) all he said is that my case is still on AP and the embassy will contact me ...not know when ...he said that the embassy recieved my documents on July and no other document is pending.
Now people remember I posted that I was asked to fill out a I-601 on that email they stated that I was being ineligible under 221 (a) (6) © (i) I sent a new email on the 11th of Sept saying that at the enterview all they gave me was a green sheet 221g and there they checked what I needed to sent all they asked for was a USA police certificate and proof of my return to El Salvador in the 90's...
I have not recieved any reply back from them..(El Salvador Embassy) it is been a week already and all it took for them to aswer the first e-mail was just like 4 hrs...Can anyone please enlighten me..?
Should I just keep on waiting or should I take a step ahead and sent them the I-601 ( fee of $585.00) ...thank you guys.

I think you should email them again to make sure you need to make sure before you fill out I-601 exactly what they found.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-23 12:20:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
let is know when you call dos lets see what they tell you.

90 more days i hope you dont have to wait that i nearing 90 days in about 3 weeks cuz they only count weekdays

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-22 19:49:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hi there all. Ceac updated my hubby's case to today's date. That's a good sign for a change. We didn't contact them or anything. I tried signing in to ustraveldocs but it's
not allowing me. Is anyone else having the same issue. I'll call dos and ask them about the status update.

That is good news did you call dos what did they tell you
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-20 18:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi al3jandro89

Did your wife send them the additional evidence already? You can try to email the embassy at put your case# and ask whats going on in your case. My husband sent additional documents to them in june and they are still reviewing they say but evey case is different

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-19 21:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
They have been replying back quick these days withi n a couple hours. They gave the same reply as always too. At least they are replying back
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-19 14:58:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I do have a copy of my 221g and what the CO checked is policy certificate from USA and proof of me being here in El Salvador in the 90's, I sent them all 15 days after my interview. Today I called and all they said is that my case is on AP....I guess al I have to do is wait and pray to God.( I entered the USA back on 1984 when El Salvador was in war and stayed for 9 years it is been more than 10 yeras already)

You called embassy or DOS ?ok so they didnt check waiver try emailing the embassy back see what they say the 9 yrs you were here to my understanding during that time no one was accruing unlawful presence until 97 but samberb0408 said its for misrepresentation. Hopefully its just a mistake

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-18 19:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

But I thouht that 221g was my waiver it is all that the CO asked for and he even said to sent documents and wait stating that most cases are resolved with in 2 months..And yes I have emailed them back on the 11th and no replay yet.

Like samber0408 said 221g is a form explaning if you need additional documents or if you need a waiver do you have a copy of the 221g check to see what it says if it doesnt say waiver then keep emailing them till you get a response back.

My husband got 221g but it only says what additional documents they wanted nothing about a waiver.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-18 18:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

I email congresal a couple of days ago and got a very fast replay with the following info:(I hope you know Spanish)

 Por este medio acusamos recibo de su carta referente a su petición de visa de inmigrante.   Hemos revisado su caso y notamos que usted fué encontrado ineligible bajo las Seccion 212(a)(6)(C)(i) del Acta de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA) de los Estados Unidos.   Debido a ello usted necesita llenar una solicitud de perdón "Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility" (Form I-601) en la oficina de USCIS.
I sent another e-mail  stating that what the CO gave me was a 221g and all of what they asked for I already sent...this email I sent on the 11th of Sept and have not recieved any replay...
I am telling you some people do not know what they are  talking about!.

So they are telling you that you need a waiver had you emailed them before this what was their response? You should email them back again

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-18 12:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Hi myxxx I emailed congensansal today. They answered within 6 hours. Very fast huh. Which gives me a good feeling. They answered the same as previous email. But ceac dud update today. I'm feeling good. Fast response and ceac update is better than days without knowing anything and no ceac update. I thank God for any little bit if light.

Hi i emailed on thursday and got a response 4 hrs later i was amazed too im glad they are responding quick i.also got the same response back and they updated ceac too. Hopefully they keep responding this quick all the time we dont have to wait days like usually something is better than nothing.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-18 10:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
Hi everyone any updates?
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-17 14:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

Just want to check... so, If my fiancé's interview was on August 14th and the last update to Administrative Processing was on August 19th... does this mean that they have not gotten to our case yet? that most likely we are just in a pile waiting for them to start processing our case? OR- are they probably working on it, even though we haven't gotten any updates? ... I guess basically I'm just trying to figure out if they update the date every time they make an inquiry or continue the 'investigation'? thanks guys!

My case has gotten updates only when i have inquired but every time i email them they say that they are working on our case so i dont really know i guess you never know with the embassy.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-13 12:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador

ustraveldocs is like a third party agency so don't believe what they tell you. My status still shows AP with the latest update showing Sept 3. Be patient guys. Soon, this shall pass.

I know they dont seem to know anything. Thats good your case got update did you make an inquiry or they update themselves that means they are working on it.

Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-12 10:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
I told her that my case still showing AP she told to wait for embassy to call me for instructions how to pick up passport. I don't think they know much either that or our husbands will get their passport soon
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-12 01:46:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Administrative Processing in El Salvador
I chatted with someone from ustraveldocs and they told me the same thing that his passport was at the embassy waiting to be delivered to cargo express with in 3-10 days.
Mxy22FemaleEl Salvador2013-09-11 19:45:00