CanadaMontreal Medical Questions
I agree. Medysis was awesome in Montreal. They had an appt. for me the day after I called.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-24 14:07:00
CanadaDental Work
Thats pretty much the standard cost with no insurance. My mom used to work for a dentist for many years and everything there is so expensive.

I have to go next week for my 6 month cleaning and I KNOW i have 2 cavities so that right there is going to run me a little over 300$ just for that.

I also decided to go ahead and whiten my teeth before the wedding day and all that good stuff and that is going to run me about 300$ as well. But at least with the whitening I am having a mold done of my mouth so if i ever want to whiten them again I have the mold and just need to buy the special gel from my dentist.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-25 08:40:00
Canadavisa approved YAY!
No apparently now they make you leave the building for expresspost envelopes.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-28 16:42:00
Canadavisa approved YAY!
They said they can't take American coins because they can't use them rofl.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-28 11:13:00
Canadavisa approved YAY!
Hi everyone! Went for my interview today and this is the low down on what happened.

I live in Montreal so I left at 6:20am from my house and was at the Consulate waiting at the door by 6:45am. There was 1 other woman there at that time and then another woman showed up. The first doing a CR-1 and the second doing a K-1 as well. I told the first lady they would not let her in with her phone and bag but she decided to chance it and was told by the guard to take it back to her hotel. That sucks. I spoke to a couple of other peopl in line and none of them had heard of VJ and a lot of them seemed to be unsure that they had everything.

They took my passport and packet 4 letter that has the interview letter on the last page. I found it odd that they wanted the whole packet 4 and not just the last page but I gave it to them. They looked through my papers in my file folder. I then went through the metal detector and was told to go through a door and downstairs to a waiting room where the elevator is to take you up to the 19th floor. The guard only took 6 of us up the first time. After that the elevators were jam packed full of people but mostly going to the opposite side of where I was told to sit.

We were told to sit on the furthest side away from the cashier next to where the vending machines are. They called my name and I went to the window they told me to and the gir behind the window was a young black lady who was SUPER nice. She asked me for all kinds of things like passport pictures, the ds-156 and ds-156k, birth certificate and certified translated copy, the I-134 and all supporting documents, the medical,the expresspost envelope, the police certificate, i reminded her about the ds160 (she forgot) lol, and i'm sure i'm forgetting something else they asked me for. Then she says to me oh no!, the ds-156 has to be filed out by computer and i freaked in my head. Then I calmly said, well it says ON the ds156 that it can be typed or printed...i went with printed. She said no worries...there is a computer outside in the sitting area. Just redo it and press print 2 times and it will print at her printer. I did it and returned to her window and signed the new copy. She fingerprinted me and then said to pay the cashier and come back with the receipt.

I went to the cashier and paid and for the one dollar of the 131$ i had it in 4 quarters. Oh no. They don't take that. So I had to ask the people in the crowd for change. HAHA. Embarassing. Went back to the first lady again and she said all was in order and to wait for my interview.

They called my name and I walked into room 7 where a VERY nice young lady asked me to take the oath and then asked me how my fiance and i met, what we both do for a living, about my old schooling in the states and my time living there. She also my asked my future plans for employment, if I had ever been denied entry or had problems with immigration and when I planned on getting married.

It was probably a little more than 5 minutes and 10 questions and she made me sign the ds-156k and said I was approved. She handed me 2 pieces of paper and said I would get my visa most probably by Friday with my paperwork and passport. I thanked her profusely, walked out of the building, met my mom at the car, told her I was approved and got all excited. Drove home and called my man and we had a great talk on the phone.

All in all, go organized and you'll be fine. The CR-1 couple, they had a lawyer. Little did they know they needed the expresspost envelope and the husband had to leave and buy one at Pharmaprix. The K-1 lady was missing paperwork and had to fill out a lot at the computer in the waiting area. Lots of people were complaining they didn't know they had to have something. I was lucky enough to have pleasant people help me. I was really stressed before the interview until this morning where I suddenly relaxed a little and it really was painless.

Next step is deciding tonight what date we are getting married at the courthouse so our families can coordinate and his parents want to also throw a party of about 60 people so we need to get that straightened out and I'm looking at plane tickets and getting ready to really give my notice tomorrow. Very exciting!
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-28 11:05:00
CanadaStories of Finding Employment
Thanks for the support on that guys!

I cannot see myself selling myself short by taking a pay cut of more than 10-15 thousand dollars for the EXACT same job I do now. I would feel crappy about that. And that comment about employers taking advantage now is 100% true. Once the economy picks up again people will be quitting in droves. I just figure that I have an education and many years experience in what I do and people are really screwing others over because of the economy.

Now don't get me wrong, if things were super tough I'd do whatever I had to to make money, work at Wendy's if I had to. It`s nothing to be ashamed of even though some people I know would rather die than take a minimum wage job which really bothers me. My grandparents came to Canada with less than 5$ in their pocket and a 1 year old (my mom), busted their butts their whole lives and worked like dogs at low paying jobs to have what they have now. They learned the languages and skills they needed to survive and excel in a new country. Some days they didn`t even have the money to eat and my grandparents would not eat to be able to feed my mom and aunt instead. I find so many people in this day and age lazy and I include myself in that group sometimes. A hard days work today is definitely not what it used to be. To this day my grandmother will tear up and say to me: `Most people nowadays don`t know what work really is, to not have food, they take everything for granted. I`m so happy you don`t know what it is to go hungry.` And you know what, that fuels me even more to bust my butt and work hard and be proud of the work I do.

I've had the idea of my own business for a few years now. I work in administration and as a personal assistant to my 2 bosses. I do everything for them. Even the things I should not be doing like their grocery shopping and buying wine for them. Technically something their wives should be doing considering they are at home all day and don't work but I guess they are too busy at the spa. whistling.gif Lets just say I didn't sign up for the job initially thinking that I'd also be doing the paperwork to get their kids into school and buying school supplies but after 6 years its kind of become the norm.

So now I am thinking to myself: Why the heck am I doing all this personal stuff and errands for my bosses at my office when I could have my own business running personal errands for people and businesses charging 20-30$ and hour for all kinds of services? And from there I've been obsessed with how to start the errand business. I'm moving to Florida and there are alot of businesses, young professionals and elderly that could really use my services.

If someone like my uncle who is an engineer and makes over 100$ an hour needs 5 errands done for them and it'll cost them 2 hours of their time why not pay me 40-60$ to do it instead of losing over 200$ of their salary. Makes sense, no?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-23 15:18:00
CanadaStories of Finding Employment
I'm not moving for awhile as I am still waiting on my NOA2 which keeps getting pushed back time-wise. But I already have my plan for employment once I am down there. I plan on starting my own business. It doesn't have a huge start up cost, just a couple thousand dollars and I am already doing all the research, business plan and looking into taxes, registration, incorp in the U.S. while here in Canada.

I was looking at the job posting in Florida where I will be living and unless things get better by x-mas when I'm expecting to move if all goes well, starting my own business is the only way to go for me. The jobs that are even close to my administrative work here in Canada are paying something like 9$ an hour. I make more than that at my present job and can't see myself doing the same work for way less. And I'd be making 20-25$ an hour with my own business so it seems like the right way to go.

If that doesn't pan out I'll take what I can get in the job market because I refuse to be without work but I think going out on my own and trying my own thing will work out well. I have the will and motivation to succeed and its now or never. I don't want to regret not trying at least. Hopefully it'll work out well for me.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-05-22 14:04:00
CanadaAnother good reason not to get a lawyer
When I went to my interview on Monday there was a couple there and they told me they went through a lawyer. We got to chatting and they KNEW NOTHING. Their lawyer never told them the Consulate rules about no big bags or cell phones and they had to run back to the hotel TWICE. I warned them before the doors even opened and they did not believe me.

Next thing I know they are looking at all my stuff in my hands and said what's with the Expresspost envelope? To which I replied to them that you need one to have your visa sent back to you. The husband told me I was nuts and the lawyer never mentioned that and that they would get their visa immediately right then and there. I said Good Luck with that, they mail it to you. Guess what happened? Ya, they got told by the girl taking the documents to leave and find a post office or pharmacy to buy the envelope because there was NO WAY they were getting their visa in hand that day.

The wife proceeded to tell me as I was leaving that they wished they had known about VJ before, how useless their lawyer was, how much they didn't know and how sorry they were for not listening to me.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-01 14:26:00
CanadaCo-Sponsor Income Tax question
I just realized that I am in the exact same boat here. My future father in law is my co-sponsor and he files jointly with his wife. I only have his tax papers and didn't even think to get hers.

I think I will just take the chance of going without her paperwork and see if they ask me for it.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-21 14:02:00
CanadaMy visa has not arrived and has not even been sent out yet...what to do??
I received my visa yesterday at about 4pm. My grandmother signed for it. Thank God! smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-07 13:30:00
CanadaMy visa has not arrived and has not even been sent out yet...what to do??
YAY! Well I hope they did actually send the visa out. I have some things to get done these next few weeks and worrying about the visa arriving shouldn't be one of them. smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-06 07:43:00
CanadaMy visa has not arrived and has not even been sent out yet...what to do??
I'll wait til Wednesday and then email the Consulate. frustrating.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-05 10:17:00
CanadaMy visa has not arrived and has not even been sent out yet...what to do??
My interview was last Monday. They said I would have the visa by Friday or today at the latest. Nothing from my mail-man and again, my tracking number does not exist apparently because they haven't used it.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-05 10:08:00
CanadaMy visa has not arrived and has not even been sent out yet...what to do??
Hi guys! I spoke to Canada Post today and gave them the tracking number for my visa and passport. They show NOTHING in their system at all. I asked the girl on the phone what that meant and she said that the Consulate has not used my envelope yet. That means that they have not even sent it out yet.

How long should I wait before emailing the Consulate and asking them what's up?

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-05 09:55:00
Canadax-ray cd
AHAHAHAHAH.....that is hilarious....BOOM, and my lungs pop up
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-08 14:10:00
CanadaCDN/US exchange rate looking good
I converted 8000$ CDN today and it turned into a little over 7500$ USD.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-10 09:09:00
I must say I am NOT looking forward to Thanksgiving in Florida this year. The American Thanksgiving that is. My fiance's family has about 50 people over for that day and I am so NOT looking forward to that at all. Call me a baby-la-la but I can't stand huge gatherings like that and considering I can't eat more than half the things they'll serve it should make for an interesting evening.

For Christmas my future mother in law has 70 people over....can you say: me in a corner with a bottle of red wine rocking back and forth trying to keep my sanity wacko.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-07 14:06:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
LMFAO, Treble, you are HILARIOUS. biggrin.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-15 15:19:00
Canadahow DO people get by doing the A.O.S
I personally know quite a few people that have just gone to the U.S. and gotten married and done AOS.

My cousin was living in the U.S. on a work visa and he fell in love with his now wife. His work papers ended up expiring before they got married but he just never left. Stayed, got married and it ended up being that he did not get another set of work papers for 9 months. The interview was also really long and they busted his chops for him to prove it was the real deal. (HAHA! What they should have done was called all his family and friends....long time bachelor finally settles down, believe me, its the real deal...haha!)

My fiance also works with 3 people who just got married and did AOS and our neighbor in Florida is the same story. All of their stories ended up ok though. Seems like the neighbor and all the co-workers received their work papers and green card within 2 months of being married and adjusting status.

My fiance asked me to just go over and stay. I refused. I was not about to sit on my #### for months and months without working and also leaving behind everything I have here in Canada. Yes, eventually everything would have been fixed and things shipped to me but I was not willing to do that. Also, I had all my debts to pay and I wasn't leaving that behind to deal with.

Honestly, I think it all has to do with what immigration officer you get when you do AOS the "illegal" way. When speaking to my cousin's brother in law (he's an immigration lawyer), he said to me that LOADS of people just enter and adjust and MOST people get away with it no problem.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-15 10:34:00
CanadaAnyone watch Hells Kitchen on Tv this season?
Of course he will. Gordon Ramsey's lawyers already have that paperwork ready to go and this guy will be in Vancouver in that restaurant within 2 months I say.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-14 12:51:00
CanadaVisiting fiance while waiting for interview
What I did was get a letter from my job stating that I was leaving for so long and coming back on such and such a day.
I also got bank statements showing I still had open accounts here, a letter from my cell phone company saying I had a contract until 2010 with them.

Also, a return ticket is important I think. It shows you have plans to return to Canada.
I only went to Florida for a 10 day visit.

Oh and I brought all the papers I had from the Consulate showing we are in the process of waiting for an interview on a K-1 visa.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-09-21 17:12:00
CanadaAnything I need to know for my POE this weekend in Montreal?
Thanks Jill! I didn't know it cost 6$USD. I'll be prepared. And yes, i am totally excited to be going yet sad to leave my family and friends.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-29 14:16:00
CanadaAnything I need to know for my POE this weekend in Montreal?
Hi everyone!

Is there anything specific I need to know when I go through POE at the Trudeau airport in Montreal this weekend?
I am bringing 2 luggages, a backpack and the sealed envelope I got with my visa. Also i will have all the paperwork I originally did for the interview itself (just in case) whistling.gif

I guess my main question is what do they give me after they look at all my paperwork in secondary? The I-194?
Do I have to make sure anything is stamped or given to me?

Thanks so much guys. I will totally write a review of the POE once I get to Florida.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-10-29 11:33:00
CanadaBridezilla Update...(I think I'm OK posting this here...)
WOW....WOW....and more WOW is all i can say. Your poor bro-in law.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-08-03 13:41:00
Thanks to all of you for your kind words and well wishes. I will do what I can to write that letter and send it out to through the proper channels to try and get this guy in trouble. I'll let you all know how the wedding goes on Friday and our little party for our families on Saturday. smile.gif
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-11-15 01:51:00
No thats the thing. He wasn`t a younger guy. He was probably about 40. And ********* is the right way to describe him.

I called the airport and told them i wanted to make a complaint against one of their customs agents but who knows if they even did anything.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-11-13 13:18:00
Hi everyone! I've been missing in action for the past few weeks and wanted to give you all the info from my POE from Montreal.
I got to the airport and immediately realized that there was a problem as soon as I got to the customs area. I had arrived at the airport 3 hours before my flight and I was stuck in the customs line for over 2 hours. The Montreal airport really needs to hire more people. It was absolutely friggin' ridiculous. 45 minutes before my flight I started freaking out and told a guard that I needed to get into secondary immediately so that I would not miss my flight. The guard ended up taking me back to secondary and thats where the fun began. (I'm being SUPER SARCASTIC).

The customs guy I got was a MASSIVE JERK. And I'm being nice when I say JERK. He asked me to hand over my sealed envelope and passport and he went into a room and looked everything over. He called me in about 10 minutes later and began to grill the ####### out of me. At one point I said to him, sir I don't understand why I am being interrogated as if i am a criminal. The Consulate gave me my visa so obviously everything I had paperwork wise had to have been in order or else they wouldn't have issued me a visa.

He did not like that at all and proceeded to grill me even further and then told me that he wasn't buying my story (what that meant I have no idea because I wasn't telling him anything but the truth and what I had told people at the Consulate. He then proceeded to tell me that if he wanted to he could rip my visa out of my passport and send me home. I FREAKED. I remained calm though and asked him what information seemed to being missing. He could not answer that. Basically this guy was on a sick power trip and wasted my time by being an absolute d*ck.

He finally put the i-94 in my passport and said: you HAD BETTER get married in the next 90 days or YOU WILL BE DEPORTED. I said don't worry about it, I'll be married in 3 weeks. He then said: Well you'd better hope you have your story straight for when you get to your AOS. I decided to be a b*itch at this point since I had what I needed and was booting it to my gate so I said: There is no story to get straight SIR, everything I have said is the truth and every paper I have filled out has been truthful as well. There was no need to be so rude to me and I plan on making a complaint against you.

There were some very nice people in the customs area but I got the jerk. Everything else went smoothly and I made my flight.
We are getting married next Friday on Nov. 20th and going on our honeymoon on Dec. 12th for 10 days.
We`ve decided not to file for AOS until after the honeymoon so that we have all kinds of pictures from the wedding and the honeymoon.
Also I have to go get my license and we are opening our joint bank account right after the wedding so we have that for AOS as well.

I hope for any of you that go through Montreal that you get the nice people and not this idiot. I think if he had ripped my visa out of my passport it may have been like a Jerry Springer epsiode where I reached over his desk and ripped out his hair. LOL....bast*ard made me cry like a baby and there was no need for all that rudeness.

And I hope you are all doing well and everything is going smoothly for you all. I`ll be back in 10 days with AOS questions.....hahahaha.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-11-13 13:02:00
CanadaUS to Canada calling . . . Cell Phone Providers?
My fiance also has the VERIZON plan. It's approximately what other people are paying, something like 100$ a month which isn't cheap but also factor in that he sends me approximately 1200 texts a month....YES, 1200. I know its ridiculous but true. Our friends make fun of us constantly.

I'd say thats not a bad price considering here in Montreal with BELL i pay 78$ a month which includes no long distance talk time whatsoever. The one good thing I have is free incoming calls so that when my SO calls me with his VERIZON plan during the day Monday- Friday its free for me or else it would cost me a fortune.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-08-14 14:00:00
CanadaGot married last Friday! About time.
Hi guys! So I got married here in Florida at the Delray Courthouse. The whole ceremony took all of 10 minutes. We had a really great lunch after that and our party was on Saturday. Apparently it takes about 2-3 weeks to get your official marriage certifcate in the mail here in Palm Beach County and I was informed that if I want extra copies (of course I'm going to get 5 or, I'm still ####### about that stuff), they are 3$ each and I can just go to the courthouse and pick them up.

I am going to get my Florida license and open a joint bank account with the hubby this coming Monday. I'll let you all know how that goes next week.
Right now I'm trying to get organized to go to his family's Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. In my head I'm thinking: UM, I already did Thanksgiving in'm happy that my mom and grandparents are here though so I'll have some company from my family and it won't be just his.

I'm so happy to finally be with him but I have to say....I miss Montreal ALOT.
domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-11-25 11:00:00
CanadaGot my Florida license and bank account open a few days ago
HI everyone! So on Monday my hubby and I went to the DMV in Delray beach which is in Palm Beach County. I went with my birth certificate, passport, my Quebec license, my ssn (i already had one from years ago from when i went to college here), my marriage certificate and 2 utility bills with my name on them.

They asked me what I was there for and informed them I was there to change my license from a Canadian one to the Florida one. I got a number and was told to wait. When I was called the girl informed me that she needed my Canadian license, passport and utility bill to prove I had an address here.
I informed her that I used to have a Florida license and she found me in the computer. She told me that because I had had a license from FL in the past that I did not have to give up my Quebec license. However, for people who are getting their FL license for the first time, they would have to either give up the Canadian license or retake the driving test. They never asked for my ssn or marriage certificate. They NEVER looked at my I-94 in the passport.

She took my picture and printed out a temporary license and told me I would receive my real license within 30 days in the mail. The fee was 48$. All in all it took an hour. I got there at 7:45am and they open at 8am where I live. I was out by 9am.

We then went to Bank of America to open an account. They asked me for my passport, my Canadian drivers license, some Canadian credit cards, I also let them see my Medicare card just as another form of picture i.d. She also asked me for my ssn number and marriage certificate. The whole process at Bank of America took about an hour. I don't think they would have let me open the bank account without my ssn number but I can't be sure. She wanted my marriage certificate because I opened my own account but also attached myself to my husbands savings account.

I may be forgetting something but if anyone has any questions please ask away. Maybe a question from one of you will jog my memory as to something I forgot to mention.

We are going on our honeymoon on Dec. 12th to Disney and I'll be back on the 21st of December and that will be when I start all the AOS paperwork. I'm sure I'll have ALOT of questions for everyone once again. LOL.

domegirl1978FemaleCanada2009-12-01 14:35:00
CanadaHey guys?
lonieFemaleCanada2009-11-24 16:12:00
Congrats! Now go enjoy your life with D and baby! biggrin.gif
lonieFemaleCanada2009-11-30 16:39:00
CanadaSo we got the NOA1....realistically how long till NOA2
So my husband and I received our NOA1 last week, a little over a week after we sent it. I am wondering if anyone knows approximately how long we will now wait until the NOA2. I am asking in case anyone else is around our time frame. I realize this is always changing. I am pretty anxious.
Angie'nMarkFemaleCanada2009-11-22 17:26:00
CanadaGot married last Friday! About time.
Congrats!! How exciting...I am a Montreal person too. I know I will also miss it when I move. We are waiting for our CR-1 (fun). I am moving to LA though. We got married last month, it took 15 minutes at the LA county courthouse. Lunched after too! It is nice to know others are going through the same process. Enjoy every moment of your new marriage...It is a great feeling.
Angie'nMarkFemaleCanada2009-11-25 17:05:00
Canadacivil cermony wedding
QUOTE (nkkst2 @ Nov 30 2009, 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Angie'nMark @ Nov 30 2009, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just had our courthouse wedding last month. We will also be exchanging rings when we have a family wedding. You don't have to exchange rings at the court, but if want to you can too. Like someone mentioned, it gives you something to look forward to later. It is totally your personal preference. biggrin.gif

Congrats and have fun. If I can give you my advice, don't sweat the courthouse one. Just have fun and enjoy it. Part of the process is in a place that seems like the DMV, and I don't know about where you live, but where we went in LA...the walls were sponge painted blue, and there were old multicolored "silk" flowers in a trellis. Not the kind of place you need to worry about all the silly details!! The beauty of the experience is that it is a lot less stressful than a traditional wedding.

Oh thank you... ya it looks as we will wait to exchange rings at our family wedding too. Just wanted to see what others were doing. I know I am glad the first wedding won't be to stressful. What did you guys wear and did anyone attend your courthouse wedding?

No prob...I would have stressed less myself if I had known. We had a week to get the process done. I ran around for 4 days like an idiot getting a license and trying to find a cute cocktail dress, as well as the hubbies ring. Well I found neither! Just a lot of frustration. He wore a pinstripe black blazer, shirt and jeans and I wore the only dress I already had, a black sundress! OOps. (Other people we saw getting married were wearing stained jean shorts and cutoff jean shorts, so we figured we dressed up somewhat adequately)We did not exchange rings but might have, only we never found one for him that we liked. We were alone (my parents in Toronto, and his in CT) We had two witnesses. Just another couple, friends of ours. It was a gorgeous day, and we had lunch on the patio at the Chateau Marmont after. It was sweet.
Angie'nMarkFemaleCanada2009-11-30 20:21:00
Canadacivil cermony wedding
Just had our courthouse wedding last month. We will also be exchanging rings when we have a family wedding. You don't have to exchange rings at the court, but if want to you can too. Like someone mentioned, it gives you something to look forward to later. It is totally your personal preference. biggrin.gif

Congrats and have fun. If I can give you my advice, don't sweat the courthouse one. Just have fun and enjoy it. Part of the process is in a place that seems like the DMV, and I don't know about where you live, but where we went in LA...the walls were sponge painted blue, and there were old multicolored "silk" flowers in a trellis. Not the kind of place you need to worry about all the silly details!! The beauty of the experience is that it is a lot less stressful than a traditional wedding.

Angie'nMarkFemaleCanada2009-11-30 17:59:00
CanadaTaxes - the year you moved to the U.S.
I did them myself using Turbo Tax. I have to add that I did a lot of reading and asked a lot of questions first. Zyggy was good help and I was also lucky enough to be able to validate some questions with a Tax guy here at the office.

Turbo tax is good but you still need to have some idea of what to expect. I was trying to save myself money and also felt that some of the so called tax pros were not that knowledgable in cross border taxes. I did run through a number of Turbo Tax scenarios before I finally got it right wink.gif

In the end ... it took a lot of my time but I learned a lot during the process.

sly_wolfMaleCanada2009-06-09 14:58:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 19 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow - 3 others (so far) who have lived in the same area in which I grew up, and who are also on this forum. Now, I wonder what the odds are of that happening?

What about going to the same school? St Thomas High and Vanier for me.


sly_wolfMaleCanada2009-05-19 18:35:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 19 2009, 03:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wow - 3 others (so far) who have lived in the same area in which I grew up, and who are also on this forum. Now, I wonder what the odds are of that happening?

Yep, small world ehh. I still go to Montreal once every week .... telecommute for work.


sly_wolfMaleCanada2009-05-19 17:30:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
Not born in Canada but raised in Montreal, Quebec. Lived in the west island most of that time.

Really got fed up with Quebec taxes and politics. mad.gif


QUOTE (Kathryn41 @ May 19 2009, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Kimbear - I grew up in Pierrefonds! Hillcrest Gardens off of Guien Blvd (spelling - I can't recall!). Dad used to take the train from Beaconsfield into Downtown Montreal every day. It was a great neighbourhood although the forest behind us and the fields down the road from us have all been built on now.

Just around the corner from where I was wink.gif

sly_wolfMaleCanada2009-05-19 14:40:00